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IB History HL/SL

Ms. Bartholdt 2014

IB History HL Syllabus
HL History requires that we complete the entire
Standard Level curriculum plus 3 in-depth
topics. Come examination time, you must do the SL
papers 1 and 2, plus an extra paper 3 exam. Your
final IB History grade will consist of:
Assessment Component


SL Paper 1 (1 hour). Prescribed 20%

Topic: Communism in Crisis
SL Paper 2 (90 minutes). Two
25 %
essays: C/P/E of Wars, and
Single Party States
Paper 3 ( 2 hrs, 30 minutes). 3
Extended Response Questions

35 %

Internal Assessment:
Historical Investigation

20 %

Topic 6: The Republic of China 1912 1949 and the

Rise of Communism

Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-kai); warlordism; the Northern

Expedition; the Jiangsi (Kiangsi) Soviet; the Long March (1934
Guomindang, GMD (Kuomintang, KMT); leadership, ideology,
Chinese Communist Party: leadership, ideology, policies
The First United Front (1924 -27); Second United Front (1936 -45)
The 15 year war (1931- 45) between China and Japan
Chinese Civil War and the Communist Victory

Topic 7: Imperial Japan: Empire and aftermath 1912


World War 1 and the post-war conferences in Paris, Washington,

and London

Taisho Democracy; the growth of liberal values and the two-party

Rise of militarism and the influence of the army in politics
Invasions of Manchuria (1931) and China (1937) and the impact
on relations with the West
Pearl Harbor and the Pacific War (1941-5)
Defeat and the US Occupation: political, economic, social and
cultural changes

Topic 10: China: the regional superpower from

mid 20th Century to 2000

Establishment of the Communist state (1949 -61); the role

of Mao
Transition to socialism; successes and failures in social and
economic developments (1949 -1961)
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: causes and effects,
political, social and cultural impact
Foreign affairs 1949 -1976; Sino-American relations;
establishment and breakdown of Sino-Soviet
relations/conflicts; China as a global power
China after Mao: the struggle for power, Gang of Four,
and leadership of Deng Xiaoping (1976 -97); political and
social developments
Chinas impact on the region; relations with other states;
Hong Kong

Important Dates 2014 (subject to change)

Internal Assessment RD #2 (FA)
August 22
EE Rough Draft /Conference with
September 19
Ms. B
IA Final Conference #3 (FA)
October 6
EE RD /Conference with Ms. B
October 21
If you wish to meet with me regarding your EE on a day other
than the one I have assigned please feel free to set-up a time.

Ongoing formative assessment on a daily/weekly basis includes reading
comprehension/vocab discussions, group projects or presentations,
monitoring of reading/reflections and rough drafts using conferences,
checklists and informal rubrics.

Summative assessments will include: formal essays and narratives, oral and
tech based presentations, and current event connections. Each summative
assessment will have a rubric.
Your semester grade will be computed as follows:
Formative assessment 20%
Summative assessments 60%
Semester Exam
Unexcused late work will be penalized 2% per day late, up to a maximum of
10%, as explained in the AISG Student Handbook .

Approaches to Learning
There are two main AtL standards that have been agreed upon in relation to
Social Studies:
1. Positive Participation and Collaboration
Uses class time effectively (uses computer for class)
Engaged in class discussions and activities
Active and constructive team member
2. Preparedness for Learning
Has all the materials needed for learning in class and
Completes out-of-class work with effort and accuracy
Completes out-of-class work on time
Demonstrates academic integrity

outside of

These behavior attributes will be assessed and reported on separately from

academic achievement. The rubric that will be used can be found on the
course Moodle page.

IB History HL/SL
Ms. Bartholdt 2014

IB History SL Syllabus
SL History requires that we do 1 Prescribed
Subject, and 2 Twentieth-Century History Topics.
Come examination time, you must complete the SL
papers 1 and 2. Your final IB History grade will consist
Assessment Component


SL Paper 1 (1 hour). Prescribed 30%

Topic: Communism in Crisis
SL Paper 2 (90 minutes). Two
45 %
essays: C/P/E of Wars, and
Single Party States. You will be
required to choose and answer
1 question from EACH of our
20th century topics (see below).
In each case there will be 5
essay questions to choose from.

Internal Assessment:
Historical Investigation

25 %

Prescribed Subject:
Communism in Crisis 1976 -89
China: The struggle for power after Maos death; Hua Guofeng,
Deng Xiaoping, and the defeat of the Gang of Four
Dengs China 1: Economic policies and the Four Modernizations
Dengs China II: The limits of political change; Tiananmen Square
USSR: Stagnation under Brezhnev, Afghanistan
USSR: Gorbachev; Glasnost and Perestroika
USSRs Collapse; Solidarity Movement, the Velvet Revolution, and
the fall of the Berlin Wall

20th Century History Topics

Topic 1: Causes, Practices, and Effects of 20th Century Wars
World War 1
World War II
Total War vs Limited War
Guerrilla Warfare (Chinese Civil War, Viet Nam, Cuban
Revolution, Nicaragua) In each case we will study the
conditions under which these wars are created, the role of
tactics and technology, economic and social impact, peace
settlements and attempts at collective security before and
after WW II.
Topic 3: Origins and Development of authoritarian and singleparty states
Hitlers Germany
Stalins Russia
Maos China
Castros Cuba
In each case we will study the origins, nature, ideology, structure,
media, and the impact of domestic policies.


Ongoing formative assessment on a daily/weekly basis includes reading

comprehension/vocab discussions, group projects or presentations,
monitoring of reading/reflections and rough drafts using conferences,
checklists and informal rubrics.
Summative assessments will include: formal essays and narratives, oral and
tech based presentations, and current event connections. Each summative
assessment will have a rubric.
Your semester grade will be computed as follows:
Formative assessment 20%
Summative assessments 60%
Semester Exam
Unexcused late work will be penalized 2% per day late, up to a maximum of
10%, as explained in the AISG Student Handbook .

Approaches to Learning
There are two main AtL standards that have been agreed upon in relation to
Social Studies:
1. Positive Participation and Collaboration
Uses class time effectively (uses computer for class)
Engaged in class discussions and activities
Active and constructive team member
2. Preparedness for Learning
Has all the materials needed for learning in class and outside of class
Completes out-of-class work with effort and accuracy
Completes out-of-class work on time
Demonstrates academic integrity
These behavior attributes will be assessed and reported on separately from
academic achievement. The rubric that will be used can be found on the
course Moodle page.

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