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Sisters reminder

My Noble sister o o o
o Strive hard for the hereafter, Allaah didnt create us for amusement,
or play, nor did he create us to simply work to attain the material gains of this life. He
didnt create us for games, chatter and certainly not for controversy or to
fight amongst one another. The one who sets out to fulfil his lofty goals knows that
this path is a path that does not cater to the relaxation of the body. Rather you should
train your soul and make it aware that this path is not an easy one, nor is it traversed
by anyone except that he will receive some form of trials along the way. However,
be attentive my dear sister that eventually this will lead to eternal relaxation and
security in the hereafter. Allaah said describing the state of the believers
in paradise:

o My sister, seek the aid of Allaah and call upon your Lord

Sisters reminder
o Wake up during the last third of the night, call on to Him using
His beautiful names and attributes.
o Beg Allaah and ask of Him

o My sister, Beg Allaah for steadfastness, and constantly ask Allaah

for success to remain consistent upon this blessed and noble path, for indeed this
path is a great honour and bounty from Allaah .
Allaah loves those who say:

o We must strive to remain steadfast upon the obedience of Allaah

without swerving. O sister understand we may encounter shortcomings whilst on this
journey, however we must remain firm until our very last breath.
Allaah is the irresistible one, we are in need of Allaah and the whole of mankind
cannot do without Him .

Sisters reminder
o Observe O sister, when you request from the creation, they display
anxiousness whilst Your Lord invites you to request from Him such that when you
loves this from His servants. He informs us in His book: do so Allaah

Our Lord is shy and the Most generous. He is shy when His Servants ask from Him.
[Ahmad, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee]].

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o O female servant Ask of Allaah from His Bounty

Sisters reminder
o Ensure, that you do not rely on none but Allaah when you ask, you ask Allaah,
when you seek aid, seek the aid of Allaah [At-Tirmidhi, ]. Do not have high expectations
of the people, nor should you depend on anyone lest you are left disappointed with
that which they are unable to present. For indeed, it is only Allaah who is
fully able one.
o My noble sister, benefit your souls. Take benefit my sister, before a time
comes where you will not be able to do that which you are capable of now. It may be
that the blessings of health and free time are taken away from you in the near
future, beware and do not come lazy from the sittings of remembrance for it is the
nourishment of the souls. Therefore do not become preoccupied with what is lesser
than that. Learn the Quraan and the authentic ahadeeth and take from the scholars
upon Salafiyyah. Remember my dear sister, this world is short and everything in it is
cursed. The world is darkness except for the sittings of knowledge. [Jami Bayaan-il'ilm 1/114,]The world is like that of a dark night without that which facilitates the
remembrance of Allaah .
o Time is short, we (The children of Adam) are made up of minutes and seconds.
We do not know when death will descend upon us, therefore we advise you to spend
your time wisely. Take heed from the statement of Hassan al-Basri, Son of Adam! You
are nothing but a number of days, whenever each day passes then part of you has
one. My sister, do not socialize excessively, nor eat excessively, nor sleep excessively.
Everything must be done in moderation, in accordance to the Sunnah.


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