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Where is Everybody?

Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the

Problem of Extraterrestrial Life
Stephen Webb
Stephen Webb is a physicist working at the Open University in England.

Fermis Paradox:
Enrico Fermi, in response to a lunch time discussion about extraterrestrials, asked the question
Where is Everybody? (i.e. where are extraterrestrials). This became known as the
Fermi Paradox (1950).
Given the vastness of the universe (around 1022 stars), the age of the universe (13 billion years),
and the universal laws of chemistry and physics, many assume that life must be present
elsewhere in the universe.
The Fermi Paradox. (1) According to the Copernican Principle, there is nothing special about
Earth or humanity, so whatever is true here should be true elsewhere in the galaxy. (2)
Following this reasoning, Frank Drake predicted the existence of tens of thousands of
advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) and Carl Sagan likewise predicted perhaps a
million ETC. Such estimates are typically based on the Drake Equation (1961). (3) At
least some of these ETCs must be millions or even billions of years more advanced than
us. (4) Given some very reasonable assumptions, even one such ETC could colonize the
entire galaxy in as short as 2-5 million years or more conservatively 10-60 million years.
(5) If ETCs can spread so rapidly, they should have already reached Earth (or at least we
should have detected their existence). Given that there is no definitive evidence (direct or
indirect) that we have been contacted by any of these civilizations, then something must
be wrong with this chain of reasoning.
If there are a billion ETCs, then the nearest one would be around 300 light years away. If there
are only a thousand ETCs, then the nearest one would be around 1,000 light years away.

They Are Here:

This class of solutions posits that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist and have visited or
are visiting. This is the most popular interpretation among the general populous.
They Are Here and They Call Themselves Hungarians
A tongue-in-cheek explanation for famous Hungarian scientists (e.g. von Neumann)
They Are Here and Meddling in Human Affairs
Flying saucers, UFOs, etc. are extraterrestrial spacecraft
They Were Here and Left Evidence of Their Presence
Face on Mars, backside of the Moon, etc.
They Exist and They Are Us We are the Aliens!
The Zoo Scenario
A no interference Prime Directive is in effect
The Interdict Scenario
The presence of many civilizations prevents spreading to Earth
The Planetarium Hypothesis


We are inside a giant computer simulation (e.g. like movies Matrix and Truman Show)
God Exists

They Exist But Have Not Communicated:

This class of solutions posits that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist but we have not
made contact. This is by far the most popular interpretation among research scientists
The Stars Are Far Away
Long travel times between stars because of speed of light limits travel
Possible solutions: generation ships, hibernation, worm holes, etc.
They Have Not Had Time to Reach Us
Diffusion model of galactic colonization
A Percolation Theory
Bracewell-von Neumann Probes
Self-replicating robots explore the universe on behalf of the extraterrestrials
We Are Solar Chauvinists
They might favor stars very different from our own sun
They Stay at Home
and Surf the Net
They prefer virtual reality simulations rather than actual exploration
They Are Signaling But We Do Not Know How To listen
ET signals might not use light waves, e.g. gravity waves, neutrinos, tachyons, etc.
They Are Signaling But We Do Not Know at Which Frequency to Listen
The electro-magnetic spectrum is broad: radio, infrared, visible, x-ray
The period where a civilization is radio-bright (i.e. detectable by signal leakage) might
be short
Different SETI strategies targeting different portions of the electro-magnetic spectrum
Our Search Strategy Is Wrong
The Signal Is Already There in the Data
We Have Not Listened Long Enough
If ETCs are be short lived, then detecting them would be difficult
Everyone is Listening, No One is Transmitting
Berserker probes would eradicate young civilizations to prevent later competition
They Have No Desire to Communicate
They Develop Different Mathematics
They Are Calling But We Do Not Recognize the Signal
They Are Somewhere But the Universe Is Stranger Than We Imagine
Aliens transcend physical matter or are exploring alternate universes
A Choice of Catastrophes
Perhaps advanced societies always destroy themselves: nuclear or biological warfare,
overpopulation, nanotechnology run amok, environmental catastrophes, particle physics
disasters, or nearby gamma ray bursts (GRB)
They Hit the Singularity
Given Moores law (computing power doubles every 2 years), aliens might achieve
transcendence prior to exploring the stars
Cloudy Skies Are Common
Delayed space exploration because of difficulties doing astronomy
Infinitely Many ETCs Exist But Only One Within Our Particle Horizon: Us
The particle horizon represents the farthest out it is possible for us to observe but the
universe might be infinite in extent

They Do Not Exist:

This class of solutions holds that we are alone in the universeno other ETCs.
The Universe Is Here for Us
If the number of difficult steps in the development of advanced life is too large,
advance life might not appear before the parent sun becomes too unstable. For
perspective, humanity appeared on early about halfway though through the suns lifespan
Anthropic principle
Life Can Have Emerged Only Recently
Life cannot appear anywhere in the galaxy until certain elements build up to certain
levels, so ETCs would not have started long before life started here.
Planetary Systems Are Rare
Some early models suggested the planetary formation required special circumstances and
so would be rare but these models have been overturned
We Are the First
Life could not appear anywhere until sufficient quantities of certain elements had built up
Rocky Planets Are Rare
Some models suggested that rocky planets like Earth may requite the action of a gamma
ray burster but there are more plausible models that do not require this event
Continuously Habitable Zones Are Narrow
The Habitable Zone refers to the distance a planet must be from the sun to maintain liquid
water. The Continuously Habitable Zone is the region where liquid water is maintained
for billions of years as the parent star changes in luminosity.
Jupiters Are Rare
Large gas giant planets may be common but they need to be in the right place and have a
circular orbit to allow for habitable planets
Earth Has an Optimal Pump for Evolution
Extinction events (e.g. asteroidal collisions) make room for new life
The Galaxy Is a Dangerous Place
Black holes, supernova, and gamma ray bursts
A Planetary System Is a Dangerous Place
Snowball earth, super-volcanoes, and mass extinction events
Earth System of Plate Tectonics is Unique
Active plate tectonics is needed to recycle critical elements
The Moon is Unique
Our moon is necessary for maintaining stability, however, its formation requires very
unusual circumstances
Lifes Genesis Is Rare
The Prokaryote-Eukaryote Transition is Rare
Prokaryotes are the simplest organisms. Eukaryote cells are the basis for multi-cellar life
Toolmaking Species Are Rare
Technological Progress Is Not Inevitable
Intelligence at the Human Level Is Rare
Language Is Unique to Humans
Science Is Not Inevitable
Ancient science was developed by the Greeks (c. 500 BC) but modern science appeared
late (17th-18th century)
Stephen Webbs Solution to the Fermi Paradox

It is likely that we are alone in the galaxy. Rather than a single solution (cause), it is
likely some combination of the above listed solutions. Simple life (i.e. bacteria) may be
common but we are likely the only advanced intelligent life.

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