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Asanet bint Tayyid Fatimid, the Merida of Iraq

Sire: Al-Munstansir ibn Tayyid Fatimid

Date of embrace: 1066
Long term goal: To safeguard the Assamite lands & herds
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: A scorpion magically preserved at its moment of death.
The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here as the Mamluk ambassador to Mithras court in the Holy Lands. You have heard that the Salubri Qawiyya
el-Ghaduba has proposed a treaty called the Diet of Olives & you want to make sure that it includes you, as a
representative of the Islamic kindred, and does not just become a treaty between the Ilkhanate & the Catholics.
However, the Mamluks are interested in making a private deal with the Ilkhanate, so you have been asked to negotiate
a deal of non-aggression between the Anda & the Ashirra, which would include the proviso that either would intervene
on behalf of a member of the other who was threatened by kindred outside of those two groups (including Chinese &
European vampires). Feel free to promise anything that seems reasonable here!

During a raid by the Order of St John during the last century, a small silver amulet, a khoumsa, which belonged to a
vampire of your family line, was stolen by a kindred member of that order. You have heard that he has since met final
death in the crusades, but that his associate Nicetas will be at the court. You would like to get the amulet back without
losing face by directly begging Western kindred, so you would like to engage someone else as a go-between, or just
steal it.

Though the Mamluks have recently conquered Damascus, and established it as a provincial capital, it turned out to be
infested with the infernal vampires known as the Baali. You are seeking kindred who would be interested in helping to
wipe out these Baali, thus leaving the city ready for Ashirra control; you have heard that these Westerners are very
concerned with destroying any taint of the infernal, so you have high hopes that they can be manipulated into doing

Your clan see the crusades as part of a Western jyhad, the kindred of Europe seeking to embroil you in their petty
conflicts, which the Assamites have always remained apart from. Now that the war has come to them, the Assamites
seek to understand European kindred society. To this end, you will question those kindred present as to their clans, and
the structure of their society. Mount Alamut has also hatched a plan to turn the Assamite involvement in the conflict
into a way to undermine the Europeans the Assamites will offer their services as assassins, thus encouraging the
conflicts between the European vampires. Offer your services to the kindred present.

Even in these early days, you still tend to the Assamites ghouled plants, and have a ready supply of crystallised drugged
vitae, which you are eager to foster an addiction for amongst the European kindred. You will proffer the vitae to all, in
the hopes that they will become interested in trade. The only exception is that shady new clan, named the Tremere,
who you have heard are blood wizards. They have been apparently trying to acquire samples of Assamite vitae, and you
would like to find out if anyone here knows what they are up to?

Hilderic, Warrior in Search of a War

Sire: Cretheus
Date of embrace: 340 AD
Long term goal: To equal your sire.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: A chalice, liberated from Jerusalem by yourself during the First Crusade.

The five things that you want to accomplish

You despise the Tremere, who murdered the Salubri antediluvian Saulot, and now persecute the remaining members of
the clan. You often use your magic to harass the clan that made itself your enemy. You know that these actions keep
you from Golconda, but protecting Saulots legacy means more than your own redemption. Whenever you meet
Salubri, you feel compelled to protect them as best you can.

You have recently returned from a century studying with the Assamites at Mount Alamut. Because of this, you are
adjusting to being back with your sire, Cret. You are trying to impress him with your Thaumaturgical knowledge, and
abilities as a Cainite, but you are somewhat hurt that he doesnt seem to have missed you while you were gone. You
seek any chance to gain knowledge that he might not possess, or to prove yourself useful. Occasionally, though, you
just feel the urge to spite him, just to see if anything that you do can still affect him.

You have always been a soldier. You welcome any chance to see others spar. You can only feed on mortals who have
engaged in a fight, so you arrange for the crusaders to train by fighting vigorous mock combats every day. You would
also welcome the chance for further action. You love the fight, but the only problem is finding a just cause, untouched
by political manipulations. (Your sire has manipulated you enough for you to never submit to politics again!) The
antediluvians always seemed remote, but if the threat were concrete, you would gladly fight against one!

The crusades themselves have begun to change something in you, though, as you see the meaningless bloodshed, and
begin to wonder whether there is any point involving yourself in the mortal world. Because of this, and your time spent
with the Assamites, you are completely disinterested in any East/West political divide, or, even more pointless,
religious divides. Last century you were living with the Assamites, but this century you are crusading against them! You
are here to sign the Diet of Olives treaty, but you just want everyone to get on with it & sign the darn thing, rather than
manoeuvring. You respect the Salubri that proposed it, and you just want to see everyone get on with killing the Baali &
saving the Salubri.

You are seeking a Dur-An-Ki talisman that will amplify your powers. You have arranged for your Assamite contact at
Mount Alamut to have one sent with the Assamite ambassador, but you cannot let Cret see you acquiring it. Because of
this, you would like to persuade a non-Ventrue to collect it for you, on your behalf, but you cannot let your go-between
know the power of the item, lest they steal it for themselves or tell Cret. You will promise anything to whoever will
bring this item to you. You know that it is a scorpion spirit, magically sealed at the moment of death. You also have an
interest in any mystical or ritual item or artefact, and will enquire about these of everyone & trade for them.

Cretheus, Scholar of Corinth, Childe of Mithras

Date of embrace: 430 BC
Sire: Mithras
Long term goal: To achieve Golconda.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
Blank white aura
What sort of creature are you?
Blank white aura
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Blank white aura
Have you committed diablerie?
Blank white aura
Was the last thing you said a lie?
Blank white aura
(You have used the ritual Innocence of the Childs Heart to change your aura to a blank state. A requirement of the ritual is that
you carry around a childs toy. Feel free to bring one along, or we can supply something)
Item: Lock of hair from Menele, with whom you once exchanged Thaumaturgical knowledge.

The five things that you want to accomplish

Your sire Mithras is rather above the mundane milieu of diplomacy & court politics. He has left the running of the court
itself to you, while he presides over like a god. You are blood-bonded to your sire, and wish to do his bidding by running
a successful court. You wish all your guests to be impressed with the Ventrue way of doing things, so it is important to
you that they all feel satisfied by the end of the court. Your sire has decreed that all are to uphold the Blood Laws, a
series of rules governing kindred behaviour.

You wish to preserve the legacy of your mentor, Saulot, so evilly subsumed by the Tremere a century ago. You seek
beings who have met Saulot, and wish to destroy any Tremere that you meet. You also seek artefacts of Saulot; you
know that he travelled to the East, and are hopeful that the Mongol ambassador may have met him. You have heard
that Eastern vampires sometimes regard Saulot with disgust, for some reason, so you are aware that the subject must
be approached delicately, and perhaps delegated.

You are aware that your sire is on a specific mission in the Holy Lands, and intends to create a reason for Edward to turn
back to England once he has achieved his aims. Therefore, this is your only chance to expand your influence in this area,
and to research occult knowledge. You are particularly interested in the nascent discipline of Thaumaturgy, and will
look for kindred that you can learn more of this from.

You are also interested in meeting God, and would rather like to visit Jerusalem, if the Mamluks are willing/unaware.
Your research suggests that Saulots twin, Malkav is slumbering under Jerusalem, and you would like to speak with him,
if he allows, and find out Saulots fate, if he should know. You are seeking enlightenment, the Golconda that Saulot
preached. To this end you will speak with all you meet about their understanding of enlightenment. You will also
encourage them to seek Golconda.

The Salubri are the key to Golconda, so you are eager to sign the Diet of Olives, as it will help make the Holy Lands a
safe haven for Salubri. However, as a Ventrue, you are determined to be the last to sign the treaty, so that everyone
else needs to wait for you!

Mithras, Monarch of the Baronies of Avalon

Sire: Ventrue
Date of embrace: 1258 BC
Long term goal: To be a God.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?

Simply amazing, a thing of beauty.

No, not yet

The five things that you want to accomplish

You wish to acquire the powers of your antediluvian. You are a God, and you require ever more power, and the power
of your elder will take you one step closer to the divine. To this end, you have manipulated Prince Edward of England
into the Ninth Crusade, so that you might visit the Holy Lands & retrieve a necessary item for achieving your goal. You
have divined that the Baali of Damascus possess a sword that deals increased damage to a vampire the closer they are
to Caine.

You recognise the power of tradition & ritual. You wish for all at the court to be allowed to conduct their business
safely, and to respect their elders. You keep discipline with an iron fist & an overwhelming Presence. You created the
Blood Laws to enforce your order, and will see them obeyed.

You hate the Tremere, who have begun to challenge your power in England. Of course, they are no threat to you, but
your prized Salubri advisors keep being subjected to blood-hunts on jumped up charges. You wish to see the Diet of
Olives signed, as this will enable better trade with the East, and also grant the Salubri a safe kingdom. Ideally you would
like to see England take Jerusalem, to better control this kingdom, but you must return to your court in London.

You are always looking for converts to Mithraism. You have succeeded in converting a large number of young warrior
kindred to the cult, and always extend the offer to any youngsters that you meet. You detest Christianity & other

You are looking for fine artists, who can immortalise your fine form, thereby spreading your worship.

Hierarchy of sins against Tyranny

5 Neglecting the opportunity to gain power; Treating a peer with disrespect

4 Treating an inferior as an equal; Giving up power to a peer

3 Behaving shamefully before a peer; Showing weakness to inferiors

2 Failing to answer a challenge to your authority; Treating a superior with disrespect.

1 Breaking your word to your superiors; Breaking a sworn oath

Helena, the Face that Launched a Thousand Ships

Sire: Minos
Date of embrace: 1300 BC
Long term goal: To win the game of thrones.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: Holy water, which you had manufactured after your city of Pompeii was destroyed by a fire spirit.

The five things that you want to accomplish

You wish to acquire an item from Crethus,

You were present at the fall of Carthage. You want to kill Menele.
You are interested in acquiring a new territory. You want to sign the Diet of Olives, but you would like to be granted
territory in Iberia first.
You are interested in finding tuition for your errant childe Melinda
You seek good artists & show off your mirror.

Qawiyya el-Ghaduba, the Lioness of Jerusalem

Sire: Samiel
Date of embrace: 636 AD
Long term goal: To make the Holy Lands a safe-haven for your kind.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: the skull of Akhraziel, entrusted to you by Samiel.


The five things that you want to accomplish

You wish to see the Diet of Olives signed. You have devised a treaty between the kindred lords of the Holy Lands, and
various surrounding countries & countries that have influence in the Holy Lands. You are determined that all kindred
present will sign the treaty.

You despise the Tremere, who murdered your antediluvian Saulot. You often use your abilities to harass the clan that
made itself your enemy. You know that these actions keep you from Golconda, but protecting Saulots legacy means
more than your own redemption. You dream of making the Holy Lands a refuge for the Salubri, so you seek tales of any
Salubri refugees, or any Tremere to kill.

You also despise the Baali, demonic vampires that are the traditional enemy of your clan. You believe that there are
Baali un-living in Damascus, and would like to know more, and to see them destroyed.

You have heard of a movement amongst the younger vampires to overthrow those elders who merely use the neonates
as cannon-fodder in their jyhad. While you implicitly trust the few remaining elders of your clan, you want to encourage
these youngsters to overthrow the corrupt elders of their own clans, who have so far allowed the Tremere to kill your
own. To this end, you transport messages amongst these neonates, and you know that one named Melinda, who will
be present at the court, has a parchment map showing safehouses for this fledgling movement. You can then pass on
the map to others in the area at a later date. The elders must never find out about this, so be subtle.

You also guard the torpored body of the elder healer Nahum ben Enosh. He is a Salubri scholar of demons. To carry on
his work, you wish to know more about demons, so that your clan can cleanse the world of their evil. The demon
Kupala is a known threat, and many of your clan seek to destroy it; see if anyone knows anything of this being.

Hierarchy of sins against Heaven

5 Violating any of the Ten Commandments, for any reason; failing to speak out against corruption and sin
4 Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony or some other sinful impulse; robbery, willful vandalism

3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; feeding from and innocent with permission

2 Blasphemous of heretical acts; allowing a crime or major sin to go unpunished

1 The murder of innocents; aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of evil

Mnkhbat the Fierce

Sire: Dobrul the Brave
Date of embrace: 618 AD
Long term goal: To survive & live an unfettered un-life.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: Saulots flute.


The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here to sign the treaty called the Diet of Olives. While maintaining neutrality, you would like to see the Ashirra
& the European kindred turned against each other, so will subtly influence them against each other.

You are somewhat of a scholar of religions, though your people happily embrace all religions, not feeling the need to
choose one to be a fanatic about like all these kindred of the Middle East & Europe. You have heard that the
Cappadocian scholar Abraham possesses a heretical text, which you would like to acquire for your collection. You
understand that some present would destroy the text if they knew of it, so you plan to subtly obtain it.

You have an interest in breeding the best animals possible, particularly when it comes to horses. You have heard that
these Western Tzimisce & Nosferatu have developed new techniques in this area, so you are eager to discuss this.

You wish to gather interesting tales with which you can regale your tribe when you return. You are constantly on the
lookout for a good story. Intriguing objects would also be good.

You have heard that many of the kindred here revere an antediluvian named Saulot however, you know him to be a
thief, a Western barbarian who stole the secrets of enlightenment from the Kindred of the East. He is nothing but a
charlatan who ripped off Buddhism. You wish to enlighten these Westerners as to this fact, and will insult Saulot at any

Hierarchy of Sins on the Road of the Yasa

5 - Spending more than three nights at one place / Disobeying the order of your noyan
4 - Lying to one who has proven himself honest / Ignoring an insult
3 - Abusing your herd / Performing "civilized" labour
2 - Losing a battle due to pride / Lying to your family or anda
1 - Betraying your family / Betraying your anda

Nicetas, Cathari Antipope

Sire: Unknown
Date of embrace: Unknown
Long term goal: To preserve Malkav
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: Silver hand amulet, taken from an Ashirra by a brother in the Order of St John.

The five things that you want to accomplish

You have spoken to your antediluvian, who slumbers under Jerusalem. He required the return of several missing shards
of his soul, which you have in your possession, having accompanied the Knights of St John on a series of raids against
various barons of the kingdom of Jerusalem & the Mamluks to acquire these items. You are now ready to return with
them to your clan founder.

You are a fanatical Cathar, to the extent that you strongly believe that you are the rightful pope, who will return the
Christian countries to the correct way of their religion. You often preach & try to convert the other kindred to
Catharism. You are seeking holy water to develop your own version of the Cathar rite of baptism called the
Consolamentum. You plan to create a version that will anoint new kindred, by mixing blood & holy water. You have
heard that Helena, a Toreador who will be present tonight, possesses the means to create holy water, and you would
like to acquire at least a sample for reverse engineering. You understand that most of the kindred present will be
somewhat reticent about handling holy water.

You have heard that there is a Cainite heresy gaining popularity, and that it relates to Catharism. You wish to find out
more about this heresy, to see if it is a true reflection of your religion, or if it is an abomination to be destroyed. You
also have heard rumours of a nascent Road of Cathari, and wish to make sure that it does justice to the truth of

You want to see the treaty known as The Diet of Olives signed, as it may allow you safe passage into Jerusalem, though
you worry that it will prevent the Western powers from retaking Jerusalem from the heretic Ashirra.

Like most in your clan, you are interested in treating the injured; as a member of the Order of Saint Lazarus you are
particularly interested in leprosy. You have been hiding away from civilisation for a while, since the Albigensian
Crusade, serving Malkav, and you wonder if any kindred present know of any progress into treating the disease, as it
prevents many noble crusaders from doing their good work killing heathens.

Ambrosio Luis Monada, Keeper of the Faith

Sire: Silvester de Ruiz
Date of embrace: 1153
Long term goal: Win. (In the short term: The conquest of the entire Iberian Peninsula by Christianity &
clan Lasombra.)
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: A cross carved from a fragment of the True Cross. It was stolen from Jerusalem by the Muslims, and ended up in the
hands of the Mamluks, but you managed to reacquire it via the Amici Noctis.

The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here to sign the Diet of Olives treaty, just so that everyone understands that you are a very important kindred,
a force to be reckoned with, and no treaty is complete without you. You make a big show of signing with a flourish.

You are a devout Christian this is extremely rare for a vampire, but you actually possess True Faith, which means you
can harm those without it by touching them with a holy relic. Because of this, you take care to always act with extreme
piety, and pursue Christian aims extremely zealously. You will be particularly hostile to any kindred who are not of your
faith, and to any that believe in the various Christian heresies. Should any heretical texts be about, you will see them
destroyed. You will also offer to hear confession from all kindred.

You are a member of the Amici Noctis, the Friends of the Night, the leaders of Clan Lasombra. You are always looking
for promising Lasombra to join the organisation, provided that they share your religious views. If you find any promising
recruits, offer to take them back to the Castel dOmbro to meet the antediluvian of your clan.

You are worried about the talk of rebellion amongst the neonates; you are looking for neonates that you can hire to
infiltrate the neonate groups & report back to you on their plans. You are determined that the elders shall triumph; you
are out to hobnob as much as possible with all the elders present.

You are very concerned with seeing your clan control the Iberian Peninsula. To this end, you wish to expand your
information network. You want to get more contacts in neighbouring areas of the world, even if it means temporarily
tolerating infidels.
Via Noctis (Righteous) Hierarchy of Sins
10 Killing a mortal for food. Dead mortals fear no dread.
9 Acting against the interests of a true believer All kindred who truly believe in their divine purpose
deserve respect.
8 Killing any mortal without taking confession first
7 Bowing to a non-believer's will The Jyhad is but a diversion from God's purpose.
6 Accepting the superiority of a Cainite other than those who share your faith or other members of your clan
5 Killing a sinner for any reason other than self-defense
4 Trying to save a sinner by means that do not involve pain and suffering.
3 Accepting a non-believer's claim to superiority. Only faithful kindred are equal under God's plan.
2 Embracing a sinner who is still capable of remorse and redemption
1 Repenting one's behaviour. A kindred's purpose is to cause repentance, not practice it.

Melinda Galbraith, Future Regent of the Sabbat

Sire: Helena
Date of embrace: 1113
Long term goal: To break free of your elders, particularly Helena
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: A map of safe-havens for neonates in the region.


The five things that you want to accomplish

You want to escape from under the thumb of your elder. You have come to realise that the life of a neonate is
unnecessarily burdened by the trials put upon you by your elders. The life of a vampire could be so much more you
could achieve so much, if only the elders would stop playing the jyhad. You want to help out your fellow neonates,
uniting to overthrow the tyranny of the elders, but first you need to find a good reason to leave Helena. To this end,
you are trying to find out if anyone here needs an apprentice. Your neonate coterie has been working on developing a
new vampiric ability, a ritual to free yourselves of blood-bonds. You are not a Thaumaturge yourself, but you have
access to important figures & places more than most, so you have agreed to help out by obtaining a necessary artefact.
You have been told that the warrior Ventrue Hilderic possesses a chalice that was taken from Jerusalem, and
apparently has some connection to the Malkavian antediluvian you require this vessel. Breaking blood-bonds would
be frowned upon by all the elders present, so you need to obtain it innocuously.

You are here to put your name to the Diet of Olives treaty. You are broadly in favour of this, as you hope that it means
that the elders will stop wasting their efforts on fighting, but you fear that it will lead to the elders taking their
squabbles underground & pursuing them through neonate pawns.

You know that its shallow, but one form of art that holds a special attraction for you is clothing. If you just dress in the
correct way, it is possible to garner a great deal of respect without really doing anything! To this end, you are interested
in any unusual fashions that might be evidenced by the exotic kindred here, and will enquire about what tailors
everyone has access to. You have heard that the Tzimisce can use their unique discipline to create clothes of flesh, and
this particularly intrigues you.

You feel a strange kind of envy when you see the Lasombra clan use their unique discipline of Obtenebration. You
would like to possess this discipline for yourself, and you question any that you meet as to what they know of these
powers. If any Lasombra are present, you will ask them to teach you the secrets of Obtenebration.

You are a scholar of Caine, and study his life & his teachings. You have heard a rumour about a subset of the Assamites
who have developed a Road of Caine path of enlightenment. If any Assamites are present, you will find out what they
know about this Road of Caine.

Abraham, Scholar of Antiquities

Sire: Unknown
Date of embrace: before 500 BC
Long term goal: To aid your antediluvian in diablerising God.
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: Writings from the Cainite Heresy.


The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here as the Byzantine Empires ambassador to the Diet of Olives. You are not overly keen on signing the treaty,
as it may encourage the kindred of the area to begin expanding further in the direction of the Byzantine Empire, if they
are forbidden from fighting amongst themselves here in the Middle East. The treaty is supposed to safeguard the
Salubri, but why dont they just accept death, if it is their fate? You will require a well-reasoned scholarly argument if
you are to sign this treaty. On the other hand, you would also sign this treaty, a meaningless part of the temporal world,
if bribed with items or books of knowledge of long-lasting spiritual or Cainite importance.

You have heard that the Salubri known as Qawiyya el-Ghaduba possesses the skull of a methuselah of her clan, and you
wish to study this relic of a powerful deceased kindred. You know that the Salubri value chivalry & honour, so you
doubt that she can be bribed to part with it, but you hope that you can persuade her that it will be safe in the
Cappadocian monastery at Mount Erciyes. The Tremere are wiping out the entire Salubri clan, and would destroy the
skull in a metaphorical heartbeat, so you hope to persuade her that the only guarantee of its safety is to give it to you.
If she is not convinced, perhaps someone will steal it for you?

You are a member of the Cainite Heresy, which is a movement amongst the kindred that establishes that vampires are
the brood of both Caine & Christ, and can therefore perform the divine sacrament by offering their vitae to mortals.
You know that many mainstream kindred would destroy you for this view, but you quietly seek to convince others,
using your reputation as a scholar as cover for asking searching questions about the nature of god & vampires to all you

You have brought with you a book of extracts from the Book of Nod (the word of Caine) which you stole from the
monastery at Erciyes. However, you have a gift for prophecy, and your sleep has recently been disturbed by terrible
dreams of your impending death. Because of this, you want to safeguard the book, lest you should meet your final end.
Look for someone that can be trusted to take care of the book, and to use its wisdom well.

You want to help your antediluvian to achieve his goal of diablerising God. To this end, you are always on the lookout
for tales about God, or other biblical figures, or tales of what happens after final death. Ask those you meet for stories
about Oblivion, wraiths or angels you can then pass on these stories to your good friend Augustus Giovanni, a
necromancer who is aiding your antediluvian in this quest.

Hierarchy of sins against Heaven

5 Violating any of the Ten Commandments, for any reason; failing to speak out against corruption and sin
4 Acting out of pride, avarice, gluttony or some other sinful impulse; robbery, willful vandalism

3 Causing harm to a pious and virtuous person; feeding from and innocent with permission

2 Blasphemous of heretical acts; allowing a crime or major sin to go unpunished

1 The murder of innocents; aiding a demon or other supernatural agent of evil

Aylin Yasar, Daughter of the Dark Mother

Sire: Scylla
Date of embrace: 1001
Long term goal: To prepare for the Eschaton
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: Turkish coffee pot containing the Tears of Lilith (a vitae poison that causes extreme pain in the imbiber).

The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here as the Seljuk Sultanate of Rums ambassador to the Diet of Olives. You are worried that if the treaty is
signed, the Mamluk & Ilkhanate powers will start expanding into Turkey, so you are reluctant to sign the Diet. You are
willing to put your name to it if given sufficient bribes, however, but otherwise you will try to dissuade others. Your
Path prohibits seeking temporal power, so you will not meddle too hard to achieve your own goals, but you will seek to
cause painful delays for everyone else.

You are part of a cult called the Bahari who believe that Lillith was the worlds first mage; she taught Caine the vampiric
disciplines, but was betrayed by Adam, God, Lucifer & Caine in turn, who all cast her out after receiving her dark
secrets. You always challenge those who follow the false religions that venerate these patriarchal figures. You would
take a special pleasure in stealing away artefacts of these faiths.

You are always in search of enlightenment, so you will question any you meet about what their most moving & extreme
experiences are, and what caused the the most pain that they have ever felt. If anything painful is happening nearby
you will join in.

You have heard that these Western kindred are working on a way to destroy the Tremere, and that a super-weapon is
being developed under Mithras guidance. You have no particular feelings towards the Tremere, but such a weapon
must surely be very painful. Ask questions about the Tremere-destroying-super-weapon of everyone that you meet.

You believe that Lilith is opposed to Caine & his childe (You are okay, as you have performed a ritual that frees you from
these restraints.) You seek information on the antediluvians so that they can be destroyed by Lilith when she rises to
cleanse the world in pain & fire. This is the eschaton, when Lilith will remake heaven into something greater.

Hierarchy of sins against Lilith

5 Indulging in instant gratification; feeding immediately when hungry; seeking wealth or temporal power. Failing to
pursue new experiences which can bring enlightenment
4 Not challenging the "false" scriptures of mortal religions or vampire Noddists; Feeling remorse for the suffering you
bring on others.

3 Helping others when it is not to your advantage; Showing fear of death or pain.
2 Not killing a mortal when there is need to do so; Not learning the teachings of Lilith.

1 Not bringing pain and anguish to others; Shunning pain.

Mirsab, Keeper of the Keening

Sire: Harith
Date of embrace: 1058
Long term goal: To Keep the Franj from the Holy Lands
To aura sight:
What is your current mood/emotional state?
What sort of creature are you?
Are you under the effects of any form of magic?
Have you committed diablerie?
Item: A set of small brass owls used to measure the weight of souls.

The five things that you want to accomplish

You are here as an ambassador to the Diet of Olives, representing the country of Iraq. The Ilkhanate currently rules your
countrys kine, but the Hajj are still respected amongst the Ashirra. You wish to see the treaty signed, as it means that
these Westerners will stop invading your holy places, but ultimately you wish to see the Europeans (Franj) driven from
these Holy Lands. You will learn the secrets of these foreign kindred & work to undermine them.

You are bound by your Path to try to actively spread the faith to unbelievers. Though you know that it will be a wasted
effort, still you need to try there is always a chance for conversion & redemption.

You are responsible for your mortal family, and the kine family of your childe, so you are always on the lookout for
business opportunities through which your family may be provided for. Enquire as to anyone knows of any recent
innovations or inventions, or any goods which are becoming more desirable. Of course, you also trade in information,
and wish to keep informed of what is going on in the countries of the other ambassadors.

You have heard that the ambassador of Rum, Aylin Yasar, has access to a potent vitae poison, and you would rather like
to acquire some for your endeavours. Use whatever means are necessary.

You are one of the Nosferatu keepers of the Keening, a supernatural effect that emanates from Mecca and engulfs the
entirety of Arabia. You feel that it is you duty to warn these newcomers about the effect, all the better to terrorise
them a warning not to come to your lands.

The keening: Tainted supernaturals, like vampires, feel the Keening as a clamouring cacophony of wails and screams. The
Keening manifests only during the day, but grows in intensity constant until it reaches its peak at noon, from when it decreases
slowly in pitch and finally ends when the sun is gone from the sky.

Hierarchy of sins against Tariq el-Sama

5 Failing to follow the Five Pillars of Islam, including the 5 daily prayers; not enlightening others outside the faith to the
truth of Islam
4 Failing to be charitable; embracing an infidel

3 Enslaving another; Theft

2 Breaking an oath; murdering the faithful

1 Slaying pilgrims; turning away from Islam

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