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Daftar Cheat Codes dan Taunts Game Rise

of Nation

Meskipun udah termasuk game lama tapi saya bakalan share dikit mengenai cheat
codes dan taunts dari game Rise Of Nation ini.

Ketika bermain Quick Battle atau Campaign, tekan ENTERuntuk membuka obrolan dan
ketik kata ini : ''cheat keys on'', kemudian tekan tombol di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan
efek yang diinginkan :
Alt+F5 : Menambahkan +1000 setiap sumber daya
Alt+F9 : Mempercepat pembangunan

Dan berikut ini daftar cheat lainnya, dan ketika sedang bermain game tekan ENTER untuk
memasukkan cheat dan pilih salah satu dari cheat dibawah ini :

1000 more resources: ''cheat resource all+1000''

War with nation: ''cheat war (nation name) ''
Adjust damage: "cheat damage (name or no entry)(+ or -)(number)"
AI state: "cheat ai (on, off or debug)"
Alliance with nation: "cheat ally (nation name)"
Change explore: "cheat explore (normal, explored, all)"

Defeat nation: "cheat defeat (nation name)"

Deploy units: "cheat deploy"
Drop nuke at pointer: "cheat nuke"
Drop Wild Bird at pointer: "cheat bird"
Encounter with nation: "cheat meet (nation name)"
Finish building or next item: "cheat finish"
Kill all selected objects: "cheat die"
Make all players human: "cheat sandbox"
Pack units: "cheat pack"
Peace with nation: "cheat peace (nation name)"
Put building at pointer: "cheat insert (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)"
Put unit or building at pointer: "cheat add (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)"
Put machine guns around human capitals: "cheat safe"
Set difficulty: "cheat diff (0-5)"
Show achievements: "cheat achieve"
Show/change commerce level for nation: "cheat commerce (number)(nation name)"
Show/change library tech levels for nation: "cheat library (number)(nation name)"
Show/change military level for nation: "cheat military (number)(nation name)"
Show/change nation age: "cheat age (number)(nation name)"
Show/change resource: "cheat resource (name)(goodtype or all)(+ or -)(number)"
Show/change science level for nation: "cheat science (number)(nation name)"
Show/change technology: ''cheat tech (name)(tech or all)(on or off)''
Show combat ranges: ''cheat ranges (0 or 1)''
Show full map: ''cheat reveal (on or off)''
Toggle computer control off: ''cheat human (name)''
Toggle computer control on: ''cheat computer (name)''
Toggle pause: ''cheat pause (0 or 1)''
Turn encounter off with nation: ''cheat unmeet (nation name)''
Victory for nation: ''cheat victory (nation name)''


Taunts ini sendiri bisa digunakan untuk mengejek ataupun meminta bantuan. untuk
menggunakan taunts klik ENTER kemudian tuliskan angka berdasarkan daftar dibawah ini
dan OK.

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - Maybe

4 - I need food

5 - I need timber

6 - I need metal

7 - I need wealth

8 - I need oil

9 - I need knowledge

10 - Do you need resources?

11 - Little help here

12 - This noobs rushing me

13 - Build more troops

14 - Build a wonder

15 - Work on your economy

16 - Work on your air force

17 - Work on your navy

18 - Wait for my signal to attack

19 - Attack!

20 - Lets get em

21 - Guard my artillery

22 - Move troops here

23 - Grab some territory

24 - Gonna boom

25 - Gonna rush

26 - Wanna ally?

27 - Wanna make peace?

28 - Of course you know this means war

29 - Pay up or die

30 - Prepare to be crushed

31 - Who should we attack?

32 - When shall we attack?

33 - Wheres the enemy?

34 - Theyve got air power

35 - Ships ahoy!

36 - I spy a spy

37 - Rare resources for the taking

38 - The city is going down

39 - Check out the timer

40 - Lets set up shop

41 - Wanna bet?

42 - Its on

43 - Was that supposed to hurt?

44 - Have you fixed your little problem?

45 - Good luck with that

46 - Let me know how that works out for you

47 - I may be slow, but Im ahead of you

48 - Classy

49 - Play the tutorials, noob

50 - Wake me up when your done

51 - Get outta my face

52 - Leave me alone

53 - Cause you need that

54 - Is it over yet?

55 - Do your parents know youre up this late?

56 - You okay over there?

57 - And stay out!

58 - Bwa ha ha ha ha!

59 - Have fun stormin the caslte

60 - Random! Random!

61 - RanDOM! RanDOM!

62 - Let the game begin

63 - Dude, we know who youre going to take Just pick em and get on with it

64 - Which part of click in didnt you understand

65 - Whats the holdup?

66 - Ahhh

67 - Unh Unh Unh

68 - Ohhh

69 - Ughhh

70 - Uhhh!

71 - Were doomed!

72 - Wanna give up?

73 - Victory is mine!

74 - Oww! My eye!

75 - Not in the face!

76 - Coming

77 - Be right there

78 - On my way

79 - Im trying to send some help

80 - Gotcha covered

81 - Check

82 - It shall be done

83 - Let me get right on that

84 - Sweet

85 - You da man

86 - Thats what Im talking about

87 - Consider it taken care of

88 - Sounds like a plan

89 - Groovy

90 - Red

91 - Blue

92 - Purple

93 - Green

94 - Yellow

95 - Light blue

96 - White

97 - Orange

98 - Aaaaaaagh! The humanity!

99 - Let me gat that for you

100 - They keep on rising

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