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Angel Wiesco Terrero Ditcrionario de abreviaturas hispanas de los siglos xm al xv Jon yee pfoellai DICCIONARIO DE ABREVIATURAS HISPANAS DE LOS SIGLOS XIII al XVIII Con un apéndice de expresiones y formulas juridico-diplomaticas de uso corriente Angel Riesco Terrero Catedratico de Paleografia y Diplomatica 1983 PROLOGO Mi experiencia docente e investigadora en una de las Universidades espaitolas de mayor densidad estudiantil me hizo ver con claridad la poca eficacia de la ensenanza, mdxime cuando la disciplina que se imparte en- trafa en si cierta dificultad y, al lado de las clases tedricas, se hacen indis- pensables y complementarias las précticas. El profesorado de disciplinas calificadas por la mayoria como “‘difi- ciles”” —bien por su cardcter, naturaleza, método, novedad, falta de pre- paracién del alumnado, extensibn de las mismas, etc.— dispone de un re- ducido mimero de horas lectivas y clases practicas a todas luces insuficien- tes, especialmente si los grupos a quienes se imparten rebasan no ya la ci- fra ideal sino la aceptable y racional desde el punto de vista pedagdgico. Pienso que la Paleografia y Diplomdtica, ya se estudien como disci- plinas independientes y separadamente, ya en conjunto y formando una unidad, suponen seria dificultad para profesores y alumnos, no tanto por lo que se refiere a la temdtica doctrinal cuanto por el marcado cardcter cientifico, proyeccién investigadora y necesidad de practicas adecuadas para conseguir, como finalidad primaria, la lectura correcta de los textos me- dievales y modernos y, como consecuencia, la fijacidn e interpretacién exac- ta de los mismos y, tras el andllisis genético (interno y externo) y estructu- ral, tanto de las grafias como del documento en si, precisar —en segundo término— la valoracién histérica, juridico-diplomdtica, lingiitstica, cultu- ral, etc, del contenido textual. Pero tales conocimientos tedricos: y practicos, resultan forzosamente incompletos de forma que cuantos se acercan por primera vez a la lectura e interpretacién de textos con grafias antiguas experimentan cierta incerti- dumbre e impresionados por el inevitable desaliento facilmente abando- nan el estudio directo de las fuentes manuscritas. Con el fin de facilitar la lectura y desciframiento de nuestros textos hispanos de los siglos XIII-X VIII, escritos en distintos romances y con va- riadisimas grafias —modificadas éstas por el uso frecuente de nexos, liga- dos, abreviaturas y rasgueos envolventes— confeccioné, a modo de ensa- yo, un pequefio diccionario de nexos, abreviaturas y alfabetos que sirviese de ayuda a nuestro alumnado. La buena acogida dada a la primera tirada (a. 1978) me obligé a re- producirla de nuevo y para uso privado en 1980. Enriquecida con nuevas palabras y expresiones técnicas ofrecemos a los alumnos de Paleografia y Diplomdtica y a cuantos se interesan por la investigacion histdrica y lingiitstica esta modesta aportacion e instrumen- to de trabajo, indispensable para los primeros pasos en el estudio directo de las fuentes manuscritas. Va dispuesto en forma de diccionario alfabético y en él se incluyen, con las grafias originales —en primer término— los formatos mds carac- terizados de cada una de las letras a lo largo de seis siglos. Siguen, des- pués, las abreviaturas de nuevas palabras y los principales términos del lenguaje juridico y coloquial y, finalmente, en apéndice las expresiones de uso mds frecuente en el campo documental y codicologico. La elaboracién y sistematizacion de este “DICCIONARIO DE ABRE- VIATURAS HISPANAS” no ha sido tarea facil y, algo parecido, cabe decir de su reproduccion grdfica que, por supuesto, no es perfecta ni la mejor. Pero ante la disyuntiva de la obra perfecta, de elevados costos e imposible de realizar a corto plazo, y el seguir como hasta aqui, sin instru- mento inicial de trabajo nuestro alumnado de Historia y Filologia romd- nica, he preferido la via y sistema que estaban mds a mi alcance. Con esta pequefa aportacién he tratado de conseguir tres cosas: 1°) que este “Diccionario” Ilene, de alguna manera, nuestra deficiencia bi- bliogrdfica en el campo paleografico y diplomdtico; 2°) que se convierta en util de trabajo en manos de alumnos, noveles historiadores y futuros archiveros y bibliotecarios y 3.) que sirva de punto de partida y base para que en aftos sucesivos se complete y perfeccione. Termino, haciendo piiblico mi agradecimiento a cuantas personas e _ instituciones —de modo directo e indirecto— contribuyeron a la realiza- cién y publicacién de este trabajo. Madrid, 1983 a , > & a bad, atad » sbhbud Atty abdefa eladaa aba GQ Rgmyger® , abos de Ses Ges fMbonyn ay tet a Moores | abasdyininn, abuliioiae php wel pinain: ea! alg abniguain,adrigasons Aber » Bag algae E\epte i. a7 begs apt one be lpr Cys wf abot y poubliewe Abomnrh lish, abso aid abaydad . «lprdad- abe sje arab Aca Mtetamy’ —» Reareey, alarm’ . Teh acatagag” aarbenpg ssehau , spede For) Si. — => BMG E tite, Ata entt acee ablonided., auboridhd abuctle abzike, aumto cabo. spe, pai Jeol infact NS Mawla. + Ded ake acordace a a andlde Qeotab erie AcSLawoe, acondamet DS Lamoe coms sabmed fag mm accshmionts me . : Oo * ; eT | acoadenmiwires co Nap cafwemat 5 onpemar, aceedinnal aww awadimtiade Ddaqtsgrtmgea acracontarmeendo Sires aw , am , ae > ake, Bee, amet, ales actor Newsy Sladh , antl , Slope, Anh, af Dodo» + afureds a aondago ~ RnErsee a AL , ah? , oSclantado, Aelia , adtarmd, adfetaoe , Zlamde eatin. aovsindé eon nates cae, oh soot acdkel” pi adelternionte ake, , Se Sef ree» font a rer ye Pea adn , capi? adn , Am, V Buf}. adirshag ee a ae Qant, M AID, adi, Ges eae offre ff’2 sede fore, Minebr fee 05 offs, at ae 7 ena 1h a aie ile afemae slime + saliie Arca agora, ahora oe ra De Go c ra Crates IO: at’ er AGabiv, aagulles ohm a) Alempne 20 |e ae spre ageone te ahanteagnde de maygecr Mamagnar, Adrmania: sate Relbale. , bala , olbeloes , alvafa > ahoatey + allbacans: MaGzC ofa al bereg Ao» AU borer alebilc, tat eal oY, ole ge @ ons lied. fst, af Meta ..oheKa ofa set, palace me allale., albale abrard, abharams, abrarony alr © OO dy Di Aleage , Moace » alles? > Mam bate, olde ated, Dead ala, att , aleatt, wa) AR = wus, @R Aewyc > altide 2 stode, abyade. alrade, adeadis, aleosile. aeatte, alealde abbenide ateagee, ateaide alti , alhde etd b rt alle (MY cht wy 1 aes opis 2003 wayex wtdis , Hite, Mla, MD, LE told, SESS , aide, ailde Tad , alldee doe, tel, oli, Atte)» elkihe, , Atpey date Meatle, albealde, alealdes aeaides, atragde 23 af neff «otf fe fs ofr akacauy a Se cayetas lana, alenart; plane sage bes ia —_ alge alate» alas nbeZe » dtr ee a alearapa a ve oe A so foe a: foe, algae ff : yt loko - ea a fo ae a oe ae alte pes ls atlidame?, aledriet v — | vs ath Gh Oe zv e, vale aes ae 8 aoa es Font , ZS obyuag le, alga es Mfr » Negalos + | apg anit Site ees en tpn, alpine a ca od oy of te oT ser ah apres ‘ alhaoier thermos afudyor, SU Gosia] albom’ ra. atin dy 5a» athendigae Hefor3ga . ado yen eps st ad) AO AUS | Myer yg ham» aly anes» Pye Ahn, Dade abindan abn? almatachp Mnf F eek ahercade shaw, aj ee ete |e te |r mer ae Alonwia adpnahachs, colchen, cdma , colehen, al ] olmwircanbe eh parte » ala abn) + abio® « alog? — almond abmerearife + slenvespft ——almencift bmg abanare®> » cb mececpifeO aloe rlnajanpe | boinente almox? , aling: alone? Of. Derg! afd» | prey dusé » obmat? » Seamed geet Kt pele. _ atte Hlonac, Hlosee wm, kk, "i Alin? , abeuuk led midis ds ibe Bltiuche nti . aesleee alna bra oie de logit ibhe abdio- firma bao De ald, abu Ls 5 lite algvena » alin bee See ~ eer fee alle, al’, whol? spat alglece algunas sap al ¢ &P ; Ge af guile yuma , alguctra , re Jone algaibat : Mr , alt. alle atern@r nib alioagionst, alfoessiones lad carbo alhoccamde alta, aluda akin ahemp Nie . abe 30 abhi, albas, cha, rhe abun, alummt, alambre alum, abumpres abvala. alse, Dopo alae > abicepee allp ally amerlep ,—abmendees Sho agftance aine)yonary] emia cLampage > mpd aAmpar, amye te polly enmpeaas Pott soepeomrips ome Shes anscidades omese , omyie eee ae Toe one ongpilla Be, ae ayifrpee amiucrp” vs irene, at ee Sin, Se smewelo anansle, sagusle ee |e Cre oo Qe ano artlecedte e, Mt, ant ant ; 1 ANE aufelacionn Za a dhwe conbity aniisudmdbia Of y epee apso , spect am of , om, Spe. aporlacion. » Mpocllagion. 7° Qhctgm: gprllcié » spslsion appellasr : epelags + gpellagions appellagens » aplaGe © | geedatomes peat gprtandes apllar . apple 1 apeller apeutan, apeloe aplli epolloion, apalron or brcke » apy ) Ca sesby wei ne , aporgibides Shey: “oH eer G50 | peptic “ae fe oe , epee apayi gue te dlp dg, Keppra a pock james gpeedromes ayrellnve « axporeellads —aperild vaste Oye hi spocdilcaa e os a Hye aes e are aps apes a, cptolr, aha fa e prteete, pps a posse \— pa a ag ea Te wt aattes gundes OG Or atom stam, prone, olre atérn Baage » Shragon Slecgum, Dey 1 Sagem Base Piagey feagn yt vt Avice , eplic obthet acbces trdebes , ondalil Ornks- awa ag donde? ; HOP aindpernadey » SYeeSg>s | ndanadpe Day, opened: BA Dias we, cee CRG Bees ; Ae wy, We oe" vee Need P ape Seer yes aw, a Syed Shreprefiadye Apepsfe : Sypsrpore aapie + ope, AL, ape oS, Yer, apse. GYM a Apapteeor ia) ane apeitis + Sop sony neem Alf wpb, egehipel dhe +t ak , Aipecr agebipade ocoadiant, aepeabine engew pee ongeniipe aGbys 1 adebyr aaatye ae Gey? woe» : Segtyos | Frege? ADE» | polio, agehie mesipreladge Eb: BOWE cape t angsty : jinn 5 epee Sle ee a angebispets asgedishes Shgpdes db le Drspaie | orf ng® carfidige Sad Sor onchichguma. cochetons achilles, anguiilerier oa ve , yeh Duigle é we, | auhine, awhile, anchin: apg aachile onchibo event ‘ arouse, svemguee orcen al averady pe Qyr wate AG: ‘ahem equa) 5 Bagenhee oynin armada wrmade Dawdte remby scmador Dues, 2 Apna + Ameo , mw, E ones» a2 Pmadupe , OmeSrpcO inecane. as nila agit ae arpek, Sarat erhieule @ Kaloe , Arhentos | a ones sha at aglae Se 9 a ant, eurrdec avcindeale, anandadas ole arcontade, svcindadot oF ape Nex. ; arvenclaclor DhevdnSire. Bye apndedf™ af? age» atfendudy®> nrndadoue mer arrendachr® , Dera 7 arreadament petebnaeit: ayperderenes cvevindamenti “ age + r caveemdameniter af dar ‘ apn aan arredatan! . onsobid siemee ook bette. Ca © ome @&t, © Luter [Fs souk a xn mater aximalic , aciimitone Wad ; A ey me 1 207 GI], Jka). 6 ness agli Rory , dene? sendin HY COAX 7 =, eyo maven etm mae eee oon el “Sifme ffoms uirloli AERofe , siorafe aemlose fist phase ote hee ASHI esse» aster efullono eelele 5 mange? GSP a Phy, a6 ape 1B DB Dwg st eet fe ,O8, Scan, afitelae asuslre, abaurloc Neyer aw. ad ase asunto a a | prey re fate ete aud; andi, | 6 audémeiae cud mas Yor fatima pili Aa oe |e tt aed ook ang? , ae auanguce we, alieted , ofo owas ameansi” euas” ’ al awceonihe AY sen , det aan i ae auctor aasobagony abaobaibne Mbdennan , Ah | cu , eum , mvyY | ale Bie aw a MAK , awe. ae “we outs , Lr#tor Dre eH ae Yapeod— Aa @do valaq_ aed auerita Demaments 50 out o dibywaina jw avelanes evellamas avena , Avencs fvma, arenas te aver, averp aver, ave , hale, pabmes Aven i | avmipuacion aus ony, Oy ar’, abate eA, Aya aia, arya, habe. ela , Golo Revit. Avuelo avuclop auth, aval, abushrot a as , ws Le pail ggaite, anil, agaist aetis, agolee gen s.aget Oe Ce tuskstfnse Pace Burp, Baye Qt, Gale » Cask , Cathy . bayle » bacle , barlle ite, t, bette, t4 Gut Al , Babe Gl») sate gman, date pnts Bet gt «ale general Ja gd pan ae fs heals nat nnd, Batlle foamed. bala & Praps hha es dpe boxlond talon, salgan bale Aba ag Lali Aalleanlrolewice te eae Calttes , baldreses lle, Jal pie oh A ye ball , beMlese) , lalestes taste, nthudto 56 dalubee, ollie’ baitot pn Sag. Paplime, Laubime bearer borers — dagune,nagate $, ha tes Laronge > Lagenage Lectrlateet pepe bagues vracee dapat Batghons + Cangna + bein. Ange, bastime Beare e Taromas haronin, duronete Gpagan , Greasy tanagar, danagants Papaicce , Coppers Ceppinas bamance ame (a ant Gaal! fowely poe Conall gral» tpl OV, bebe , boee (alle Gays Cages lve Bae Bese r beortts ap, [eae - behetoas tls te be, bet, bert, baal, le Aas; rmssiabe Cevep! 5 benif*, compute de mamades bemepp : Paptantt, beacbewe , br talable eee, hatnst, waives bAGeo bow, tje) Bajo be Aebeder, Lebredese# Cofher® , bra, Chebias teGrvies able L306 Audition, handivion bo, iS Aonfigor, bonefision hogs, tiga Prue, Ley onames te Vaarehe Jen dadiias Aibedoty miseier »| dame fe tiffs tele tk fue) biieet » soeoaler Aint, shicpat be Lome Bloonh ° Alanth, awe Beerwgrete» angd eae Cleat Aigey enced Cayo bonis ON do hides, ads Wa bona, het be, Goch hoe, hath, omushe vabaic becovaan » Eoguararens Cagueetan Leman, eptie egrimee bofetee ’ Cohte befola, Aefabade- thang, Corones>, —) boli, detent, ati bdeonp » Codie peel wom tan Cbrumtede » Glan Lolli, nolintad bly, olen salen Sn te tach pide hut, Autre basmes ow, Ae bake apotbotia, C-9-CH ee Oe ae ee oe Die has reo cabases cabaers cabot goeger wale, LOR, GAA) colge alga, mg OBE, Org s, BA, | rabrgees sbbeod cab Abe eabT , aad; ath , TbL& , scbileo , cabillde, subtitle owt , othr, cobrllo , cabillo , calill, cabo , Cafe cobra, cabres a ots, =bor, olor mt ox, ot ew CENCE fee) “pe GR, COLO | x a IN eadeveae dye, aadipo Eg De | FG Me 66 sage, eager eeneieaer angie, eae Cuaned cadimat, condos, conadene cedar (Gitunal, dahiie) se ee abo, case ao, eho, wf aan ibbot 1 fy, ha, alps fs ty hese okt ingse larch is aati, » Guat, Glee mle eg stn , I ise ee atl , atdao™ hedahce, late hee de Cah canbs oly tn, liane eallad cafe, oon, Gt Uae wi, imate teeter , Cacia. s| ang or Ro Re |, cour J camare ema adn , « =h odo buch , aha embw =~ fambpe camtoc 7 ° catina, — andeley camaro! conmbinuler, comebiaubres wad rena cate oma, aay , (Loo eNG , emcggy 5 fae , can, Gad or, (Reng Conlepe oo weQS?, omney &) canelyare , Cami” omer Oy. of comin tse, coméige? ai | aie, cant cant” Cont cp de coule- conte, cbndane it ea Ge ma 6 capeals cote gel loka rpesseals eapicet a — Jer st pe ea PAO ayneD, oe, Gs , ep me a mpm cuphees , expbyen cappdow, entre (decabot) ep copii oxpllea apt, apelin, apie emg 5, copeet, pills agpitiley Cp, Copp’, capp”™ eyptols , eprke, pa" Gh FF ac ree wr Cop tin ag yy falefooms sep in eppileins : Copp : Jee conf espilalee cayellige ; lat), Cape Gefen, tne Cy rtee, pe Copp capeellomiet, caphanie? ene » capelly caput, els, combo Cy rbre : cop” me Ee cop? j caste ; eof tle , ait, Caplo , aye, ape pus’, de, es female > Uayitrte » dagrate a GP. Co capitis, expe Oe ‘ie Gan. ofr, cxpbon , bm , KOON sachin Be, act. age » mel STN idol , Mbeual, Yateoml soon n eprerg rte Jarypac, comeager flame G . sic de nseul m2 G. mite, Sree ieee cn de presents de Mun , ot? i oe en see (A tpt at Ga cfullgn, |e aime Bde apPenefony” sila: contamina Zhe ion ender ch eominib arbulade tov dubai s de oll @ Comp can compueonin Cretr de gf) sac ce yoitn Ge Fbrropa aoa debe saps te oh Oxi, a in teen flog & & Ani, Gey : a a @ ego, ir ae clot, EE rn 2 de donee; ee “P) © md SEs @ sande, pie oe ke flag FE yetonr carl palon ¢ pratie eee ge & oh pie pie Gat eC & yl, S Ap , here, “ Gm. ede apn Be nd a Gay | Rng podee i. a op pest aes ' Fle p®, ofr dew’, Cg: " aii CRICK carter oe poate ek KRM, OY as freee re Gey: Ge ok aol de pais tale @ h- , he pies cake dept = & a» Alpe nbc deprilgo Qty CYT Ee Se ypeGllyo Gan E A prercllge 2 Kew cerpinmacion, canbe te wPrmace |) GA yugtlefo C06 1) pie y ein re a @ ae yuGewe cal he proweacioa @ & yyOer carhe oe poration @ Aegeatroments cork, dh gutdeamnionte conde, de neemdiimimte Gabon 7" & bWrond mp) (Gome ke Pingo nlc he nmunsizir, me & ffoben carla, sb edna CO CP OF tv ena. G avenge), eavkae he neomobimiendo @ apm, Jenene AVC ; wei mney HE ANTRIn» |r (© aM, eaAN wa drowns catle, ob nlc maa EAS GPW Ge sah dts fees ae, ar, (0, , eee Ey Capar J ete ovtey Af , OP a ary he he Yobn sone ch ovate euls eae Srarw Jew om pe, Jaren ieee Gena, _ Aen. 1 E)ene— » ayer Dey ae , whe alo och operate, cm yprarkoe anwslahi, axelstictes cageuna, bade uma Saypenos Nia GAPE sone, nor? castha., cater egypen cobeided caste carnge , atenys canbage: case oxo , See) asad owchiad, espe Nawchy. ARPES at hia, cattle ai coi | hilary Cail Eee) CoN aa Zane, Of Ge 1 PS calhair, eiaet caf, ful , Seconds ents cusp fakin Cat FoR cule caule, eof enn. teh awa — Spa Cosne[S » : of sce ripe optaepe pease oat Site Cet Dy Pare abated, C eae , j caraleyro cavadayney ealballore om ba fase pai a See i SS il aed eo tie, ; comatt , coma , caval) , eaballe carat, a Ch eatthudhar 5 edifice = — wei = rauatler ‘ fall cavatler, catatlrw Cathed* catlledhilcc, atishitlie coudltes , auallezs sxe ably elle A 83 a okenng » alin , cmnelyg) Bills. county |e rcthes Balti etn, calalnize. iilleyse eavalinige, ealalleize Ce" Qa? aialle , > , malo UaStleres , Vane, valley, RETO» | epalter, alallncr Caudle , Gal’, (aie, Oo. , Cus! , Cad? cavalles + inte uhh — ve boi. Covallnr Comendant (ra ; col doegety catege cone go level, Biol. tad’ _ ee — Quirk. Quint. AND > MA TIL cae , career, sof cantoinile, sabimiale syanesy cagamet eye ve Daas Oe sag epi i, cals Glad, Rude, 8), Ca Frade, GMS ala, re Frade Gm foes eld. pea, ati GI vrs, dalle peabmer, cade gel ged 5 elec Gober : &, CFale, enka Ne , _ jen Gi » Gul utes, eeelas Gixlr Peak gedicle real, Lot Yeah or A ipo ez ceclale (de) panyerte bG@ Ge, & eee et tonnes gheminaty sale. gh. ws cilromines y medic lle ella. , s0llade ccllenge ; Aha - Alle qWloicejige, title omer See omer. reubt , cewhoy calle fy code condra, cova cmeden's Die, srg wal , talon ‘alll isaal Piteali&e conf’ an. come anual anal F, od gular Gent ayn J Gone per some pop eller eens ent, Ge cowl, ci & 6 psa Ge , . er, «, Comprar npr ae le Payee cocltiasion, cobifiusione, Pi "GV Yeond 5 “Papier pfs fine syhlla , gpa, Anp aba Gy Ppp wads ; oS pede coca wy, Crd , & enfants, cbf qemade, eneade ete cama , gemnae ees ie Gopi fe Gas . te rae. Gaye cerdes ol ences » eixeslot gud pees * Janse ci Gidea. oye, age, oxfar) A, us, che, wo seeps, aie, aefferr , . soil, ail conager Gana sepia, anit: casiort , Casions , coiontd qeillle , cosblle codyrr (nase) coreynt , crvad , colaile ede, Dade ewe, Ce ey ‘ Gy he Geo 7 cgrtea a aval » fancilter , gerbe, , chanillea-, cheral> allen . hanger é chevialle dow fa fer, ns i oGit, raid peal » hag tha > mio fae @ Capra nie sen eslin mg tle x 90 ¢ soba, erie, bade for sorgetlo hanya, snitlne gol, ool, intl shen : frm He Chattn , ahemahte aay se; FP hanks a = Seg Apparent, daganers hag hag GyrS» Syme hima hamaite., tameitioe Gtded , Gb , GES; ins, bow, GES, GLk, obs glad» clade , Gel, pa Gus, @?, Gad, Cee C2 Oa ile, wilihe ition wat cha» elain » taslomacin “pire llacde [8 pivdille dork, sill LN Ode : sinc eat sie, bir aPrfites , i) fbn) Gu py cite ; tani , etauaigo fish, abel dalerten . Dvepin caver , Ledvae dai , vero Hare chasms , daw, dsp cabbels , exdals elite lym cobranga, codvonga ob » ohare voy, J ches oe oles soles cobtot im in A > ee tk orion, wepina, eosin asd concn efads , fred, | oftades , apis , fad ofr2red eclradies fe» fe He Sle» fate fa —~ Ie ode — J te cogebres alsa. , (Chiae wtf. ef), wbhOL , whee, alley colle , oll’, Co", Cm, , OVE, all, af alyppda , ebrrada, wha B\__ aloes 96 Ces) “aa 10) saben, sobs call ®, “al colle, toblones ‘all coltide 5 imgouste combo {_ soeenedeed olen combate. ‘ataiy> comb oo amd’, of , conte; com, OWT2T anh > eoute , md | conmdu“+ (om com, ol) | commdadla- tom, at, ont aay : ani gd, conmdr— mays , comondadv2e ) comrades! awd come Ory mw , , sonata), Boh Qh Cr? oe, Conus qe» comisaiic , tomisediot Gry Cot 4p ° cms , wmmndgffs Grns? , Cami? s Gmnsarict , Crug sig ta a: PY AGE + Byer, Oe au “copetem) , comy , a gel Sees copldejn » By tdlyn |e compli, cumpledir. otf wpe ati compe apse op spi, ep omg» oflaS mp 9pides complider, eumplidhe epralee “t onde Sorpoebende oman GIO: OUP lp Oo credit, ae haf pay aye? oP compliminity de doako snple fe tales Sh he ecg wy, gpl» on cops compl eampl epee is cm a sag tor © roventt colt eect cum onypoars conprison-» eamplinen, eeera ye & ay, ~y compo y compre 5 comp | a ae, ome carton mop Couagact 1 Coal | pay pe a o— or Cope, ane } amp wpm ope, Sol “Pt fle : apo to epee wopuae ae apm. SEP ae enppaa apts! » Com comput 100 epident, Como Concellert Cnatffeid, comsgetror ~ aa oa eowpufigd roceio + COMERO coccye Dyuli@onw A: @&p - Gy oem , Cm GP > GP > bgp ane como A i)" Cron is Cues anes, Bebe. oH Refer, aE , congo soy, comet Gugin s Bh a Pe bb anect , aomgra + congerlade , coneertade Samigdenker Jom re esi anks , onde, DLE omits P eonaeees com inks, toads snail ‘abowpragns arrayed ¢_oa ‘imac, coil Iepra chor De Safa =) Settee a oP : Abele. “Eibibiahe , Lhddeas a ote condi, somuuioners say andufy> , edlupin— rm emdemnd conedase cmada , Gof conus coomgumnte corbdmg mek condimportl,tondemade Sods Cs ndengnay | a a ’ find» , “ONE ste ive oR, Gale Son flabh Se conde Lg gt Fiat » Brat, | amiaiatl Kod , conde snips gp orthe + conte conte. conlint > Atle Ae (Bella come @ conaesa ghia : oe eceiige omits 105 Grd Gilucjo , Subs anergivk chety , coupe , conch conyite, soni of rr rept Gofye oon eft “cof tovuwe Grane confiande ot» afoot iia spoon Pr mace > ez confi mecaotnes pone, afer ofrre F ree calcein dou fpour ows Aihae cop: tt cboaker , timdas colvsads ; toboedes ii ORars , ofraria hag , Concern Gro fry 5 conus : anozean * : age GplL empl onpk gyre afte enc, cope offerte Tey PRS 7 Conti, cond? 7°, J | Cnorge 00 + | ene oe ao Cialis sng é ama oe Comagio de Hasina. ee Copie Baul Geer comaontieion’s wOW HY pep consmbbe apa sonamnagion Bs adv eonsrwande 109 woytundh ORC angyntide , anf ia wyfwye 240 Le ot eet! aon Gafrey mx onpae Crfils , comgul , ofaleor awdabr , onde SG LBP Br Orta? nde contnby Cond no commmbus mayous » r Zor hae pS mayyy » comloueres omaso red aon pen ee oe i py =} Se Pe AL oer oo Seer pirntocnnts , otrenkisY coh , hts , ahs, Crom , Creme, hit nie contendansionde content, connie? re ge GO ie cores de Felyrace contts de fithive 7 — Sits een TR, GHG, /oclten Bato sence, cndiindas — cotiene , Pee “pees aot Ca , “odiagy eon nist Qer ioe corbin anygne » (gas » hak eonliiio, continue oe aay , BROS; us > SS p> ‘is QP ELF Ss entra dS seoheacheie eontprPrremure an jie a eee) - conburclecome’ x3, : che senlaehate contller , wcrallee conta thar oon Ella conbeatle:, conteario’ gen eat, Contes oye , Me » oe CS ee confi, alo , conte? , ower? us consenle, conventor avbus@y Ue spine pes convione: sabe mpl mip om copue “er ope te apie apie ra eee cnrny conagon , conde corabre. conambie, psf cuclies Oye » ig, Canga,| cary, sage ge Cocfega + gh» Cogs , Cubso sock, eothet covaloco fork) cotta, | covdalir, covalord: 5 cores Uirdona, aedoua , opbua , Rabb, aphoa, Jo fee? andor conclonone eoPupt oombon, op ome us ean pam, (Yo pre drat 1 dol Bal Crone Peal cponeege coxonatiie, (¢mprusele ) frost » ot Coon opr omic, woniata ope gene «Gye, J ope, Gms orn , worn eran moe copa ; appt ye pple ‘i opel syed , ow , apedorf condor, covcadert, com. womeges eee of’ ong? onl”, coun covsipidery commie aagpidee. i or opts off gts ae. eff e > os cat , are, oft . al es cerry to anzep somigic, comp ider ad pene, eye min Hage a Coa ieee mente, Cae. “ol fro, : aut, ure, oh , OR dx, ar ars cre, WME, Aft, wpe sant, ait, det tu. (ef , Se, ot Zed core « auclemia ao * we > COCO — constr, conti cous gnerals , Oe OP great» re Cay f “he 121 CRD , Pal, eofrabyey | centre. fbb otro, Jas APUG , aptene Gea. a cot, coli, colti, cots one ,oA8) , fag sade xs ot, abodbn, wks, llale cure, ayre cobre,, cone CX eae, EOS “AxGtiree |x re (Came execlomionte 123 cciady , Ted , opel » exiadr , Cesaaer gads , mals , G00, Ben » tfads, cake, cades iy ihr, ancy pte Fiynal , crimp » cmel)) a ehesiois , avcan 24s mynet + deimynal cxiominad , enerminal ctem pr cha erage 5 cnecide. cemy nk Ladh + endo, enid Grnkar , ea cds ge chile , RA cps. PUTIN cine 5 hens , iano, io, Guin Be) a ype, epee pepe Mae, Dora engi pratense» epee Mos gue , gal cone qecee. y auewe Gre aot flattened cu 3e0> cabo , what cubes Gugedo) i os ae Men Cusnee rc » gece Ce gh , gf on Pe & Pl. G Ips: PBplls cat, ar ae canter Gf Py Gee Faw ee |p CC eae Lipo ae Tey ay J, @eo eadyo nui “moe, Crnnd aninh aug oe Cuapepma, apn Euartuma: tye axtyaw eihay caljaae Pe Se Bree aenade el Sf vtiie ponte AMS an me re Ce act omy BM , aptae dO map, ent cerabegne crm E2y smb comin, camp linaly Unrs De Lr, van 2a Gory f ae 4 pare oe tnt an ances y cures plan it = cumplionicmles l ‘ , cup HQ oe i = “ a a auytes hegeltts conte a. o a ir. Oye, Jo amples ump ll by Or Homnak ove wre Y ane pea cthadle 128 129 131 dagic, deaie, desic at, bf, Je «diss dR BaD , Lud, ec pute SPS BR» (Dean , Joa reo chp, deni re kb , Abate a age: ik , Delete ]oseae Serbo en ieee bbe , Medic, Lodo, 2 oad Worley ABI BBQs leslie, ee sas Se rbveodnge hshcadas Ludo ; Sorbo | Mey De alevacls REE BbBo , Belo pee, a daly? , Sted vite chrome, dibiame Sytecysts cholaracke Leb hbeds Solavae calonen Dewy » Lbnles Als dae Vewty , Ded, ROR, — duh, dys 132 AfeoreiGias fof) GO, Yefnfised , # Allyas ae sg Sp difegpboe AAG res Oi Aphet ied | dfs Abe Youd ps Druom tes 4 is Mas dy Abe SYonges, dfmaes ayy, + DM ts Moin anion, da digs Ob J oe debgel 5 degs 5 CE, sbpmers lg dt Alias, dps Bebrsr , Ayo Aber hit, ibe mer , aeivne™ oes dase? fey dandy dante Sent. 5 Amada A a ao Jota Lyetiade BomanaP tense! oneal Absie's dsbome demrton’ Sein SBE dmamatile ABU, RIMES Apnanule, demand Bev dag- oe cbroaitis ae sts it A pisy ties dypyfrr Anouglec , dpe oe. dy osyteano, Fost 4 cbpecilaric, dposilaiod ot, Dep? oa We ce “be a ea Tests ye Ley nnd sper, dite a et Gp 1 | dschet, Beebe haphes daghs 1 | abrcanur , dewamad Lifond? oa aS Ly jaa dongs Afar gre» Bows le dew BE dep coviaid 3 bsfesoy > feemanii: cccenmnbe wire, aces clade a Leonlonl SEF YR 5 AFR shal once soins ae af cacunder dasgumte 139 Aetrbude— aabinde Syne crept apr Soot pace cpt nt “Wfpenfe + Aye, : Ah ae SePyenseer , oem eae Safyosope + Reysory7O — eprrns leper re ee Leg) mp pe deat gud» daft |e Goes, Ag?” Aocolls, dedpudet Aisle, dia» days dae coy q reek oS ae PHarg, - Ad ih each rs: Sane Sa fOacaekieayh fee 4 4 i 4 eae eae a (ee Kr aultt (ss ie Cx da MG ede , — T. Bm, By, fom, oe eet Alpine deumet, dssmot (AHS Gym Dinas, Haat 5 ae Yoriloa, diinile Bes Hondo, dnd of? , cols ap on ay Op. ape a cd Bug bb, Synphd Aiwided , dinidled hago , BUS, Slaw eee: bleit 5 dele ee Olax, Gib? , woe, Ot oe sg a re ae Oi ae Ue a aw, dy Syne» ae + Byat y Saae Op. BP, Ans 28, So Oe. hiee Spd» Bust, 98 5 By Aahsiatn 86 Age, bly dine, dhinnt, dinne? ineia, dintot ee Lane coded Aeyoner are Diner noes doth wort / Bape iposin Done Se) lt Sires dalecsney, di lisionet IGE . Kore, Lief » Seo stim Dustrbuce™ ccbcbuyion, dihiducon Sp dys, G08 a at, dhe Det, ws Jara 3 Mh, dibet Pty VT sects, TS Om Ba Ne £r, m— Bates hii, iin, ih, dices Bole S? Je an Me Dt BaF, hb a le lite Syma i Syntadio ule, dnutadet ave, Se, SIR» Mh, dil, disher Se huelias Pipe Lrmsat roe , eae) j Dug, Brauegum_— dite Sy] — Sp Ger tee Yet 148 og undo), dent he dove » Gone» Bor , Sme_: Avan + bra Anal Lok , wel Dousella, QW , Be, oe: DOG be Sec Se . dyjen. bs age . | Aenatl, dng» cancel dove! tl, dete coke , dofee dogimncot, decciondt tila, toler, Lijiao E AA e,c,ece.e. Uy ©, eb ck AG. Motloe, o/, 22. &, AG (Ge Ge eat! fC. 6.y,0;0,2.6, 499. Ce, €, é.¢ e Eycotealafive edie abdinoacle, cain ebdadano shdemadaric, smmanvie cebu egeble , exceste Cann L€ zee Laje, Gy Ci CK onli. ecchainalise,eossil ofan theo , caboes Geet + Cabra may mgm cubarspat odode Te TE tag » “boa EAE mage pn wiaqyen onbarpan~ aes apes snrbergacics ooo SPE ml tr ar Shep ote hb mes Cd Cis Cole ee ee eamanipeng . enseegeiaet emngingis manngangia emotiomendor envolamonle, smedemmnbt 157 encenp 5 ensenp (Cadi enone Gr wets Onze Qo mya Bont. G ample Da encom", encomi@da tile Bie eo ony 158 cercomnt onde Goryamte sesgente: ansogperades enohyardog- Gk. wD, oD. Gy Ce Bh . Gd] mt Ale. Quan ees endule gay senddmaitr, alpomies omy etal ot mdi ch, ob, eh, en, wd, oh, be J spe teihoas tani prea Pape Gp option» ian Gn Ey Ea nar” Bet eo ee ee - . GO ear rate, motos Ex \ ge ea \r pas Gwe ne | Bs Clute, .cune-| ¥ @rle » Greke occu Cola pontine, minal Spay itt enpatef’ spe mapa farand, open rept, pages engesing . eng spel epntinet, onpenan 5 “pone, enpein manor.» emp es plan eter ew , ane ee Grane By , Gy three prendre copa > phe eee ren 161 anponds, mpnade eprops J opts epomits yom eee aed eg by plagamy al “j dps 7 p s nf legomions Cy lack » Byler myploers ube enylmm opie, omjolaga. enplasye : le @ylar , Gyloom zo omppice mle. CMP Yeh EMBL rpm, 2, asl enpyer- tpn, mpc COD Gro RR rn cial ae . ot > enadl, on adelante dieu + eugyenan, a CGrk , Tao pee ompa afte eee Cys ie @ Hak» esas cxf font, Grilled, Gathdd, ‘sus, ~Aoyh ox Crm Son jes Btew , Che , ent? Glew hives suloser 163 ent? cou nto corimnivute ont lGod ; ghalliaen inna Oe-Ze soelonamionte Cpormtr (cite Ow. CY mee En Hebe” |. = Go podetes : Prontbe Aad om Dubimonie de rrted: Seg Sad 2 peget te road 2 tommy 22 ioe a fore: seb equa agua eee euEhap 5 on ihe ste rpeat, dhs , pep. se ff (Pnajilens fae Or onthe pba hice. eotedf antral, |e Thgeke decd des nti, sana, hide GS Pop, Ge cre are Aig “ 2 - Glugede tagace srgan epi 5 nga ower oe engl era ay np Ghegus tuhrageee» ahesge camer ervafan, babar pe bey Fr dnbe , fear dnds, Yocubler ereéonieedo eee , Merri, geolecs hea oe Tn myevis, » coy le geese efqfearga , reptagigk , cecy tania, eedbnogn » Piney pte wy 166 as “id ) G23) tg PRT 3 f t@'as 20 OEE bes Q.@& wth caps fe +S OG ye Be Some Ciclo Gp Sf a_oF mw) af? dno GG Tne , apd cay dl wens T* Dek , awe, OY. mF Te: ege , bard. , funy, reptile Yams “rh at ents © LYS dno op Pr anlone spoihlec | (oy IZ. ‘ ee x] Oe at — amine ob irae alae anys eo wut ee a Vibe sf guetta ° 1 erecity8| Ame y ey) me : S J ct ro YP, GY lhe, wr es s Cr: dann G7 5 wovivene « contades : peed PP re yr” | ee @ y*- ae ql hope oF. Kye He ypoest pal ee PR PhS 6 ID, | arts ample Sislno Ree. One nt a a Ope vom RY sete nt ep ler cope: foot @ ye canine 9 dali ley, caffe) Craowe , Gros , og ea. wows, coy oniplua, wnitire Lb tmmes , °e Af jen, mnie ? tui se net Hep spol M&S ~ dlgye% | efdos » mndw , nds by) + COLE —redplina i Le mLE, romdge + DR, | crude, Creche, tensor on som ape sooiley -ssoithy q Half O , Bnd 5 E28; 170 CED) ore lees ies epantnes op. cope, padi ope + fp fp apo) ota opt ope rtepebeihi efeblcgn) » cfublermie din able ag Ces fe, Cr j= Esfaahe | edranucds ecllanciae, Eg , on™ Ext? egetoon > FELGS ClGons eee” | Nery? ey, excomione CE Bo, OC”. > Cees ROTA + ge. Ker | an 1 a, oh, Exsedoiciny spredoncie eacecugion y stu erccutionses eeeculade eecculadh!, ccomulpadhe sosvilery gtuice eeeahis apuslt seesnlve, sjeulivo seule yauube uw cela . ote(ntr Jacseules gabe ee cmb + epeecut®, DE. eeempeins Cah Elma, 60 ai Geowpea - fe; CR peak cccecuboriay peeetonia. emecdoria. eeu! erenulonits , ofeeutoria ees a gem? - # iseloir, iitode OS : a Poe seemple, Yorade cenr yylo ape. epee Coen wonre4 BS icaibocn), exienrton evimpele, sxrmnpde! 178 Beg , exnG_: : sone, ymin eee wv 4 somal, fbuils Bepedieae : cxpedDos ceppucli, tajraites se a or, cad 6 - a tt soapamade fifo eaprtscanl ajuck$ sohajiudiiade Ce. Ce Z Pye 5 Bdge» ee calle | ot deo For jepede © faleonSs ’ flaito jrboneee aaa fatamer fe “ re - PLO? fatter regen fpmspnen | we : (jl? Joblusia , Jabluie fully foe da) in) : ‘a 5 a Poe pat Fo Php + PRO fo, fae Feet Posh, nee, minder fpsconies Prmerseseiegomint fremerne forte : Fomands., Foaninde fue pote, pike Par fave sh foe perf FE KETO, foe fers oer de Be. ‘ Bs « fox Ce frre) Piven, bitinen fio» Reap Pie, fits bige bier fer Fimo , hime Figp «Roper Fae fire, bie hige ft, lla fel ber he, Mj Pe fel he rnd dan st fe PL, ful fd dt, fil dc fos , fic fi Ee fe fia , fio 5 fin fiefs 8 Ps Fe tresle Fer pete wpe» Plo 188 | fn fs fy bo rine fined bine Psd, ison Lil, fire fled, fide Yipiher, kipnrt Pipe, Pager hie, big Pf Pine Ae fim tin Mp Hie, bijaa, pepe het Hide, table, Hirt ibe, bidelyre febesophin., jébaafte 7 - ft, bie fizehaads fd ep AMAR ie gat, Pat oe Se , forest fomees Prada. ‘ fast i BEV Pema | pt femade ab firmed finS » Parad bse ¢~ ibe Pesiaeats aisle Pim, dime mis air fit 4 ome mcobve fone foomae, Jaman fied, firme, Jima femcte foal fe oxtew fivele ‘eo fue fa Plagucese , Hlagaotee > fe, a a Plz. PR. | Moin, ew, Alri, fe x gm wines, , flerinis Poeina, Less Pigs» are fire hose forers yentgns fe Rpts Paaeege fate pey deel Be » fjn fo fej, befue Mrevdad , flef‘tdad Legale 4 maplgeusia SSS, Sh a eg Sh Sh Saat s Ss 74 b “F 1 | fot ae frredude, heradade porate porertne po poe Yount, fosint sheet) porqole, foryete frm Pope pope per Ud” frome & doahe . frm baie fromipa gree Bg: tcf Jetta a + free , frmen foo Dse , ; Pets Poke, pte x, frree fre da ffs bai, heres fone > PS front, fom far, DE BY Fee face jronce? for fea ee Res , amOyro Prag fnyoce Few fi ffrares fa» fans fraud fey > fy faye few Pert? . flap frnte pe i pron» fort Jom omg. Prongaszay, fuamguisias fone, drag, doeg Parts, Jails, barmanet Hoe hsb, bso faasily Pees og pophs poe Lum Pose {haya sie faite prewar, rowbeas po fs ripen fu, Jules, frche frat fue he Page ; fy fge y fucte fone fos fOGG | 1 Rage . fide fudce fonlé Ba» fle» op» 7 |, / foliar, baolarda fonts, bande fun fuels Aone, finn Fh Gg sabe poe pote, Zz Gly w 04 fats Gell mre 6 GY gate, pte Yoo GeO et et gro ae eg she ; arte he, Ota oN i Oe Gorvee Gree pone at a) Sof of ome fartvelet, ganivetes pe J Ore” , Deo | poe 198 I > geil fel pts Grol » fel» OF, get, a $7 pe (nh) \ porend renoul, pannel anaes FT ST aa pa gtr. Chuod » Gore Goone, firme phraline : orta fhalloe gta - Gere Ge oe , ee $2 peri on tla aot | Sai a lors fi , ; ees inet tele: cn 7a Glu 7 phe CoG dg plovads Gr oys Oy 1 Om), r gaagin, guasie. pvacie. mecha gray prapia, gnasine Prades grade Pronade, granada ITO IG" Grand lai, fase Cant Foalba]ara § pets fade Sule gesdamags facdamense, puadamsce’ foadie puailir, game rigic) 1 Yen ah ope oF ae » GBs Ga os ; ots: GPbe » Ges Saal opin » Fides wha Geet 4 phe » Hn) Pp Sn% foe anal ese oo ouere Bend Fn se Sees 5 ase regio + gamenege | 40, qummecicet SP Gueemto 5 guame econ, pum, abe ae ane am es er | fet + FR GPL pn a> = , era , gr OOF SUG + FORE ipeegeee ie spe! auie , quince paialge gritty, quite il ae at abies. « S Fedor Feed | OS boedec. | cbf ee + el feredal, baad, becdal Gedeec » Lope da 1 hee) hepsdar » Rdad , Bled Tpedabe » Adede «bpd harsdads Cb edaniges » Fedioner Fydeitns « pedende bevadomemtor Gedse , Lord. dhs Xurs, Fre. Sony “hes | herd | ve ’ Loar fran) , Grn be | fork ‘ Foerecti Linane + jroo Sex’ Gre Bevan, hevonaia- : Veta $ haakati, pacedad: OPO J 1S formginw henmilis, somilis & myc, or : Cans errmalir bi tee 4 Hodes at) sal abe ra | Cn a) ‘ ge on hive ) op + fam Lyme 5 lumen ee ovied + home + Gump cmartts branloe, hanndste to Drmba foe lee ae bondichr-, Jumidider Gomepae fenutad, benertidad. Gone, Lonesp boner. fomve + brio” Povey dem Tyono® 5 Bonwnellas Aeneeable, bomershlee foear boneral, howvade Hlonor oo Aanmffice’ Bont ony wand 005 Grkncke » hrknc gE, Jordon fer. Jae. Gas!» hophue Forde? fab aSmapa , opdnapo “Prd Brana mi : frmmmecbes ; aS ues } beens : | ° Noznanis Telavia , Zalawias idelolida, dilelubeiaa fle 5 Sil” thee 5 tn ‘ee “ee » thommo Kaerine, Dodrime GQ Ps be [oan ae fer Be bye baw Thaske, Husker, Luke, Lhahes Ltaahichmar, ituabariwne Lpashisivic, jaa fibsinc Lashisine Pater Musbdsine vier raedaasf pe nace fprmade, ioformade rhe ia ee Ge: on Jie fon pngeg yh dg. Dag? ; Cae yngeralagon. Soaealat’ Paftengd yma al acne, mig gyn vain Jose teaheweiion ci snchasle, snehuide unde! Ae vebelipmcia a shin pes i japon éobbapae: = 3 b ej 89 an SSS e Gietiny te \~ tone iy t i } Wy y it yy & Wi g 7 Ce SS ae ey fre: Re user? pla jaa’ Dann, Iuxam®, Gcserer® ; ae “a Ss atamenhe laazame Oy pee jo fe Ree » Jasott een Wear oe find in ap Jeno» [otrdG eins ji Jed Gr. ie oe Jusisdon » 1 ea , “Jandrgom » fmivision 5 xanindinien reD aor: we , feceedtine for poe ot. gee ne gi aaa on forcecQGons 1 penne ri janes ¥ jie od gaiter bageds puepet 77o ee Pipe faagee Buk RPRE haf. halendoporf? Bek kas Kales KE, wir, tele , Hl bk Bs kart. Kol» sais, Meo cage Kalodenisti, Jubadows Babardeg Aargeo, Hampet Aapibatuons coil, Meal Hal, harbite., conti» Buk EP Re haf. Mays cai Mio mgs halewdeparf? Kalmdenists, Jubadotee Bigs Ker, Kale KE, we, tele , te E,& honpe, hanger RB Apitabam epille, gaat kart. Harb, harlu, carta. labo? Labpedorep cobaadot, rlabuadote Jeregmefr «language — tyne, agate Atbraby, lade femy A adaess Lhe |e ‘ >) es ae lebyacag ; Aobrongat, dabrangad lac + lage obo, babe adutle , ta itlop —adete, Ladbcte (sco Ault , talon Cymer ledoucp — actoner daver , at Aor, Lavvetl dese ee faxt, We Ae Neal, af > Isgp aye, degee j lebea bbs beled Bi spmep gps, ont Gebr dab be. log. eet eee { lorhone obonst loge. bie Aange, tanga, densa fadesine 5 lesegivay bon Goe . Omg» tas Cc oe taste fete Laud® . Vyncdoe Aoki, ins asl leew LO. Cf dase, bebo Cpnotgee Peaje, Iygger Aagibona, taailiwt, byile- Fone » id , Tra, Wie, ) ite, mes eee Ee The Ea, boos | ee lies fa, tre, Bro, She, Ahiee, bra, begs, (Sie, tame cardi (lc & Cony Lakes de tomb lena Loa. (jwsefacien) e a cove, dood lve, Mord, kt eid F "| eck a yr G & loyde. Abide, legdx » lead Aisle, Aesadre [becale dad About: o Cee» Lb, Abe is at th. ble Whigs diais Lhe ue > _ ae Ga Hh, Haag the, ie ad shee fe (rlecdo pooper the | A papr, bho dh ects | eal ; sae, B62 an lad toe ad eb, aided iC bd Menkes Lbaamiule reir a Hlasaf Slant ° a ne bho, Tes fog Jue fon olf When de ation ) tyonge BE. tic, oi Se 259 ane, al. 4 ta Agus i 258 7 fe heegop , ye He) 46. luce, Amine, hima Aiomgine, Lomsias Amciade, lsmuiade ea? . bend? ae , eon, hse. ei 5 Ge hope but, eg Lhingpr’o Aa bain Ey eye |e Aijion » heerione Lemfp, dingo Aime, dave Lepage, Egargee Aimoina: Smet Ainpiadta Pe rs Umaye® 5 Gore Gudlan BPRS LinSesed bBep + iyo Le, Ce, te. te, hase, babe?» & L & , Lagu Z lef? Loui Ly, _ Niabittigs , Ber Supa bare Ineo tive, tbe oars owen locos. ogee, doves og toch, dager Leip, lachier 5 Aahbenuty Aehlinutt; lojemers- , lofrwE , Apaatenimb: cach de daag teh”, lang deg Ghenuil, dager de Zainal lag ste darn petal [selon gare dllons pe Jocks stake dg Opt j Leftn ft Ev a oes Longer tnf + bapa Lagais ayenies o Ye neo, ow ogartininte Aagenteriaate oganerdanowte Aigarse daniendes Indy lap Gul os » bd de Los op : hiner Ue, buns lew laden bveo , luxe Stop Iresnoa Wea Cow) dbs Ucameams? Aagerlrivd 9 Capitie bez Aabarcla., Letarer Aawhaiduet, dembardrct 265 reek, lle’ Baie, re one, Clarco , GD, Varn > lt, a, Lhbon sue Ul utatriaf Mlress siblorins y bhi pomp pedal Aleries dgridamutt. he Chae, Labas, tile, cake llecres , Clcrees leas closes Cele tat fio claw, Hereesr vmpiwce Mabie ciiddiows Clete “up ie ne ttived Ueto bate HMhrs obebia Coe pe, iba natin, ka pa outs, Cabs padertey er Pleven sie ts obinfes Clende Ande, dager blebandrto Maveindole 266, Mey Obl, LoL Chbe » Clbree Viuxa , Shuacy B- , has Giures Uoxtrvent . lochte Move oe Mba, Mle, dle, bet Maver, Aibaas Aochdinwmt, lochdivent, “detonate 267 wom, my om M 1» men , @, Nn GS .9.4, Thom rales Wa; manuf mancebo Ae. D& wie, oof Wak ink QW, 03 ofl. MAL eee cl Moallergua, Mallorca coe, manne, one oa! omemerte Bee Me, mb, rine mart , WiiSENR eg , nadie 1 Mares» MALTY » MASE) mys, microns massbe oy | cual, matilpertocusle make rational OOP Wh, qHacsmoy Dt. St: amie] t de at mae de \alla es magnus » MmngYPO, ‘mowhhe le edmana- omatthe de alana» Chalom dah » omattddal dtd mageetades analfferd 272 anti ale , mals wnat mea amallol mallsrda? » malrequo roe, mallers , mee onelges mona? vnanamals 5 MAPAWIEE, Wanderer, mancrwet , wana sniagbo mono Mets Om, mal heehores mallet, onajuele Matlacha, Pablorgua. A.atorsst, Aeaborguet, Jes en ‘reandlaminele- 9¢ ontsnanit! » manaominte, omanal, monedade mangehe 1 Anicciovna) — ramcoonein mands, omande 278 anecdGwiges * made ji C2 Brrengens 5 mantle” 5 AF 214 Tur Dango , map marcas h gtr?) | melon aon? , open, 1 al Pan | ae , ms, an i 5 ; fi nv » monde mands, ma barnvd 5 Aman, awe onandare. madre— mondo » ae mandaron ge ate eA ee Aidkpe ondndae Bde tal nlf Awake’, “ytd Sonne wala, miles manleuta , weullenca » wavllencos Weare, wel, mae aman, mie, GP, vaRR nS. mah, ise, naw tees eat \_ i aaah, wana) Gece: , mamees t amfecrt omanilashe “decliaactimse auasitlitefes? meget ama Ee , nog , are + male omn mat I pl ind, mic Gin mala mrss ape nasty = mW, Gt we, of, me omantint ontende. 217 wea » mary . mio» woos & Fo net &\cllo ) mela + ma eo + tape» mde amy”. ene» = wha > QD oh Mia 278 aca» Brg 279 ego € Me Gg Moby wh SEVEN oh me, md com + marepraony ABs «mer Hare mE | BY. @Y oye Arage «Cop + may, ame, ont A ps mM , | mye @- eee jae SY oe [7 bee a may? ae myapy - oayyert ie Sapclee naphagy munch mals ome endomatge tiyor dope. asjerdemdes Ose | ojos myo - mae.» an), atyrdyme . (rdme yruye7 emo ji Sa, Grd mo sha Ree | Wom fam mnayerderne, onaierdeme (aay Me; mayPuo ragenine ‘ratajae, onemude patie a a A, WE, mda, My | omecla an onedi, amate mM font, een ene, ankelve nedane médeonap melgy nd medbegynes, ce me, We, Hi vm? NP DP sat am? a? fF, le a yoyo JN a? af Wali aio oapand ek asd de, macbodia an? Se medio tad mee smo eS ¥ ye angler nem, memaff smensto 1 omengo , By » Sn MAH + eHGH 5 see Ply uectD > menage» meiiflee » 284 majoras , ameforas ammo, movin qe see sone fee peers edad ae aie, wi 5 5 net, tntssod witacty , wiecb J maar mony G5 an GO 1 meine menus omenugiat » onnuecis nde andecdey-, mcr » amerade mucadn, ] | | ma VE. me, | wea ale ones mssrcaderee wot mache me Feoderia. weaderce amd) oh dye meteadne Mol » mdabe anaes; weep ReaD nyre™ ondlenthoniee me mee 2 : med 1 feds @, GF» Whe » wid, mw), ay mad) mde» GG, heed, ee Git | snd et Gs mgd Mee, weds. amedh, . Armd, (hes mdeds . GY, ws. miss, arf Ang » nh) mats. + desler Ce Hoe nef w2aSB) s San nd) mee Ae ee. wyn ac, (indo) , Per, bd ecgder, omvcidet aurced vail, Baccedes Paates cmvcotdey agin: Gpedee « ypdad maples , GAS » apna 5 GpwOnhes pride, viqudladbyr meee TT 1 9" Co ‘no, “neynd , Tyna’ Cryo sign”, mo spe mayen 1 sibs 5 lms. Iya Ye , mines, rains, 288 ambtinet, oviveyoet i met, ombeite amp? ee ay ap aq mofope meee ‘waciomal magia SMefteranoned Aoatreracional mthetrollina nigh amie dese, oat tete mggh wm, mE, Ie, Sipe + yy mee, meds , wudd , Gyr , Come doo miedo, qmicedes Cee omest Gale, ayDoke mitt Sto. Da Jone a Qe ax, ote oth | ometl patie G, oD oman anion, mallee nttlonae-) orient oulepos otontaonas Sins $ blasts, Die tah Jue Ore ee ie nina amd Crore 1 NPR rene Gy Orengon. oraacnssion, pprodin. » rmparoed ay Sruaa(d¥ |} ay Sra amo, mi od cameo mfiva anor C= mpBrof 5 mee + mygmeey ano, m2 mismo Capron 5 apes, antades unite REX, Oe mee rs a arsed, emule main, sage mnefedod swogidad» mortal anceps, wnoftis , amone P°, ame, awe SS omege 4 ameye amowap—, amow? , mores Raye: nocache» omuhucke IG 5 mg 5 memes modrne moderne Crag? > rag iin, ais oe maj WAL 5 mone ffs + morsel mio ams)ow » Irene? 5 mona?» jometdin , omajén rvjyons ame rmmege) anapre , Seed mad, moves , mot) pn 7 % 3s *s (mojons® > mene . movi, monefho , onensalrict, menu hate’ ayes onefomene ywne fs , nelle ole ai mig. -maizdler de Mos» sl aces sone, an ays wi | ama rolls, wales , mollis, amuses Coop ag, him 292 293 wore Anonedage- monsdige moh, ame womace Amando, WIE, APO onomedorer ea | awn morileria marcOG> , maradona, ommlgnt Tr VO, more meni Frog, rie, OIE), grails nigel 298 Faye + ages map nig 2 aaa bese il ot, smocalog, » wide mdboe , mori 1 ag} vioredbje » maf € wmf mropadye> myc , wmoreewdy, eff > onefin + Amep CPR mp moniter, tnethar nos , omodttit! meet daniot, pemesiae ) 295 amefialla » raftla ath a Midlis mally , amuallp, 2 ; a alesath cook ano? onethd Jncless , omiclyo aiotbo , Anois» emutive, molbret mA I-A, morqre, HDR aOUE WN mere pre hehe 5 muepcep j rrewymenter , wdvrmpn>, | mersnand, meri imap onl 1 Fag, maby mie Ls orokymimeled Wa + ong?» irae te Pane. - ie Arigs dys 5 AMOSES —— mezey onaser mae nag, auf | omaagec, onan and. ado». Ant e.) 3 neha» amass» eee I An oaw eo orucheaga, ouadoiya mall muda, rage amucble . micble , | eel esl, omucdeee ih yuna Gre, Muse, Matra COB + Gage WG | Mag, ei mus orff cmudiesaf mas hezaff, ona tesa Ar typo orndilagion, onulilecione S Hy AL Dad on Aetidad + vayyotot » rar’ Maruplat ae matt! , nak , nat! , SA, Ses aeety ails, mat! | hos wht, wat, me» JE, Met Vans mnasgioioata, onacimuioate Coubmtne ) adivided, Nadia malt. natinal , madunatec “aa\ayfa ave ? y & a! + s) ns : ] 5 AOR, cad, Vase, | ek cb mene | fink cnavene, Nonawe (are, mare snipe, ope ath a Teg? ppd ot for’ manger telaren Hog] os, nefp Chen nee, , neces? , needs, > MEBs? , repel, NewsaZ> 5 -neeest aelaric, neferic 305 aratarib dal le awk maud, ott? m™ Yer dhe Yfucmers 306 wor AL WY, Ap AL em gen’ PY pbtee Rye pi o “eek wegs pe tis tee And YP? ae co rojas pp ps nue ¥e) Bat 7 "ey MOQ , no GE mnetario cf avimne nobanic patie edocs apeshiliet snefeer sich het odin, moh. With ae, Wet. 163 9 WME , mE wm , J eg ae +| median, mebgincions etebigus, metefigas wife » ne , awh nS, mot, nord, SS, notre 1 eS, WE » meh , puprio ro Le SP , nO » nopew fou, ous ares thos» net Lt”, NE. + Ys, Sta , er, ee bes We , ia ‘ abet, mire | medorie-, onedoricrg Mememboce Neathe Lise. Niascha Sire. mech, onsehed Ca a3 ayo ANB, Cpa ioe pe cm : a do “re atyackre . dhede re age pes, em obadapie , olsdaone odedsegian , ofedeainn obedleinsie» hj, ea obiar , obrian le eiguades | oan i a Siam odligamee arr oe ofits» obfjaler Ouep oe j at olbpe , vtlge eb’. eb", ode, bube CB. Yobo éé che, hale othpesile era te Bie olds ihe imi dp ye we ob) + Whe , Cage ; oLligacions sh nos - lang otvad Preeon . pe peepee obP uae peas wea me Oca. aap. af, ache winkeye 316 plas alte ofise piiblio y de bom if fe Cf Te Wr ce Cae se fo ofere Thee ( a) (#@* ; fg wfigiot office, opisior ROU J tes See ot 2S, B ; widow, ogden ov0s adel) fet “fe Co oh”, olh wlio, cleo, aevile> olks: ollag OEE: vies i amyayo y vmmyae) enision:, emngion Cyse Fes oe free CQrreena Dnigewe. , enotuae Cmure envcove ona » aha fa own , ema opimon si opoiniine: Crm "Ga on Cus cxacieney onde: onde. len. cir ; al, om Fy, 2 oe onclm , Onsen 82 akin & yoy onclim de bay nap ain des b chbige whe , dene, obs... OS rd, enlix/*) Jon oD, 058 , oxy. , 5 Jae oD an? ctdonades a oiostnt “liga cudonad a ohige? operates? ophragap cedmanget, redomangate C2benanwe of obec, onic, cebade ardinaconp etm ohne it odhudfe » ode, aes Jp adpwccpo + oD? , adn’, ab So's, dy, sade od? , Orch, 0” ae , oplse . i” oda, oh styrene: <8 at CPL: loom a fe ong nf cs me oferta Crigntes, Crhanbe eprom , Guan Ouirbiin 323 tv 408 O2nA” , 02 , ornes ke: £ wg Se > cigat PRU Cor ; i) > CMe 43 ee 0 vegnvijece Coy: fades cstgaie, obtawie ppthlendegteds Crederithss, Sankesilder \- SiGe |p Aporasrs dagament, edergomonte 1 abou, oie ap, rhea! Saw .Gs " Gar DES ict a ike Sha fi Fad | mye ro» 7 ellgps jpetignes pole ee ag eS. j pellhcrrra. - | a LE ys fi , a , | ‘ao Zee, coor Oe 345 fuk. Teepe preotoic ple pre phe ponlit 5 pando p &gmos. Ba Wy poe te gas de bau 1 EOF BF» Pe Bs ms greet se tin re a ppt, papas | "te ee pay BS ae ve Tere Poco y formulas (ee at ap Fee | 7 isthe dope po rr ear id so pe poe 3yoe mys pepedan.» pope re tie Ct Pepin, pope fet eee ot) qlee. qortibe 346 PRIS > preee Boyey en en Pepi. te a penne) ge ee messiah eas Jw vate yeP ye yo oe | pin» pin Tor yan pete » profes . ight, pri, fe , yfac, fe : ps [tes bien pote hee oe pte ylinct peer BR yew Malice » plate waa a yla », pyro + yl : We oll |p ne PS yl’ Ys » dats pee pes ply pn» pome 1 a> m3 ddr, a "OS ter —_ © "2 Sy 2 eke: 4 = i Fit ay Thee . poregedaule » por vidata, pee . PL , pe bor danke, pe stanke 7 ” pyre : ae porgions & + - 34 +r fror tagdos por Bl» poole Page, pomp Rae povlader fpetlantrvet, pertorecsy ob c J povtine poe > We (ry pana Gack : zen, fmm 5 Zamahew, ax , poate fssregtets poral, oy, jeg jracchac in z —. , cine pt pomp ehh Stiga. primal, Sans Qance Crore prsmallins aaelonse ve en. pregmidica, gamnad fee pushande Gre poses press pes Propel, foe, BB Be pie Apia mint fi ee fre é : : eg > pwc, pateia 8 : : > pho» Yoo pooper poictlio ae yee ois as Pagones , Ya i I GIRS [pom for" wow (fs nar, Yor Pe Me a 2of" PPT Jo Ke i : te pogo Ser ye ey fe gor & madi vo, a. ; 1 Yacko , ytoo py aol i eS as pata pee ps itake , pees Emme UU 5 aah 4 ee Soe TY mation Pam (ad prggenlide (pagenads ) Pitpinchillr, prsunbertes gti» pga pct numa lng, ad jpregoud ica ad et} go ~e= romania. re forennt » teomande fetes frre: pr pp Jyvoas , PP a prepasi™, Pre ot, | prypenitine Beg! , prolife Gee ent Pentt ls Pubic Yesucteves Frutifnes BE pron fre POT Gey penis, papa Ye Qa ' if ao : yf on presenge y prcemeia- Ff sponge. Fors [Precengit-, Jraasmets. prcrnbics rm mbia precanbaciorn Fr» peed? ve ye Put? , pe itt , ?, put? Poa i red Penta fA | fe @ pe teh» AB Zep, Dedent , pe 6 say plnce ; Bor feet fen = selon preesontade , prrernbider prenbaderss, prindides prrecenlar Preenel yprrecwate prasidote. sem) » fries Yen So # — pp te D Gye" Jom tye ppres Phe pope feyes ¥ fpies propuatlar, ppropreetas 2 Syne gpa prewule, propundes ape ~~ XOX. posorratic Jee el, ets gree : 5 i gay brortogade REN jobcogoe + ont . ee a, Tree prctapaide aig ’ ee , oo Prey C8 fret pammi Yoo: Yor: Jer De yo? a io rbanos , a P bance, -_ ae: ay Une poral ie a ses ed ot Jens probedigion eee Ge ee pr nae Cea eee i probes ve fe , Ob) ae Si maeet ya ee ee oe 4 pore pict ical; Kankinedeti Gee 0 Spe i? ‘ at qe i] , 1 prot bomalre P, thon Pie , y wee), Pe ae uorade, probude pets Ge, yo ii i ll, brovedbe, » ppuovechet F = poor ‘a pueer } ore - bug a meee? Z oh Po ea Z SaupnXger + rag 35 Cet 3 ik Spots ie Lec! Fr pe a ; Qo, Qn . tore hina , provers , epuefine F a , a or ri Boge ye » Kap™. \ \yv Dro, yep ere ; We: re boo , f swore» : yey) SV gi } pep F ouIsS Wade oe eR pyyne , Ghia gt. 388 prerivitrr,s sores, pee 5 , ‘aids proriotées poeovisitn veal dpnoringen. metal peontesonss, pacrisiones a er oo) : gerne) haan ayia | patie elon pos pitlict BEY morn, pe or not’. bites 2 — Wd Bebrf pasts hf muimrce yeowe aad pil come eas yee + pede» ie aes pete ae Seer. pe one Fh T - PN ee eee ic wnibih tis 1 F quccheno » Gave, dye gunte» (pre, Fara Gps + @dplles Comat Cina. y Ba wena quad, gideens guodome, gussomet sees tabeiet quadee, wade guachibles, euadhille GCoGer » Glrger, eras pualuitey walpuioc puanites, euanlias quareiond, 5 skebrsima, x @ ae fra pee pee + gughie ee. qo hie gle x sik i ee 7 acd kes , Gehllo, Fadl wl puortille, oe ian manhi warditle a6 Or a ae . a 398 quake, ako Gfond Gbpe TL a TLen es : Gye i | Qrebere quebuanbar pebrartartin poeta (Gis uta, gut tade ] (Qnesde » Or gu tthe , gut whey Aa a @ JU gait, gy gacle Gee. aque i Gana gusta, dete de mbiades Gelre qcedont, gue tel Guna he omit pee ge pac, gut to, gut dey gu Mee e pe : ya, in hee i peedS i So : BPEATENS Gpmbroe genyy + any govelle guoelles quella: gi -— OBa + Orria, Pes “aja . oe \ fom Pe poe ab cf t Gt + a) Ps ch f om fe) Fe. Fes, a, Jus Ge js Oye Gee. Gi, rt: | qe ow. Fes 2 ee ealade , Saladan em: ve Tee Oe 1 rant cwne, pie es [rraone 5 ffacon » raz’ Roe. Pep poie £ Be Ca |e Repos Pe, sce ite ae nahiat eahoug oe 5 fofr ae - PrGe » 3 7 Ye mavaes, alee, mice a | , ne rattle, raide acho , 10s , ws sake, na0 nagcv — JPyee » taouge \eelitt, maieid, tyba) 0 tall, rollader 10 ‘raaomed , xasenes, meciomee Real Audieneia York oc J) aud’, 20. cud eat SUE Seep Cx PL. es DL! Con, Peak sz? Lt (et Son Aft. one Of ws Reual Audionia weal, abdnacie, Peel pudionise Pal Gong vated comell 5 fal Crag ee! Wfacionde rales, wale, seats SY, feale , yh QP 2. gs pathy ff, SO dale manos pote manok Vy | ele eo a fealench. , cealench saath, wal, aalrage Ristes monet Grok run, 224 i heel afebelad whhades, wniteile vu. Lfeb.b> S mien ieee x) ype, Rete Ake | , , wb ch NE | ro Weinal feabels , apicalle ts, | eee OPPS, | atte stile lacdore 5 YV3,)| dacs sresgele, reserr’, eesihe snecibiler, eezivide,, reife Ut Bae. bap pe Mien tee mae ols yes afoghe Ye. wu. , segilade, 0a goth, necibidr egitide, reramee, eupalie b, wwibie wecite, robledo weaphi, nesgitic’, wecibid , aeeihide rcegilied, wecied» miler, sow regio, mesic, todo safe, eeger vecogides Yiargido, recegite mnecombenie-, etcomretie- serbia, 0 tfermaacte, serine serie ceferonle eryfilenio, uleslorie eoomasion., wlormasién etrande, rand ua, eeformader doveg ges, gree Ragin Cont, Regine ave magica Regie segment, inane que Apres Yams Pitng, fp in ta meg ames, sided, “pined Begro » Pemwe » Pager magne man me, Esme afeye gna rae > foe Hondas evbastistiaus Anas Provinsiater Pints Fates oN, Rawr, i . Lesiesee Baers, Remit foTE,) entire, mete, nant ‘tot, uontheo, roid ned tank’, wine j pp ees oD te tyr Pr eee ui e Lh ache (GPE pave | ate op apodeme af do. ‘perl: hang” : Bhigecaria” joth Byer gop ins: pes sprmeyaeraniee Be |e ine aft ot Tt -e eepeclic, epi Yo epi yan pt Pepper hefp apd elias vy iets ye “pated yorconlade ae Bs ne eae VES Pp ee spt es Yejaues one prs Hy" ’ ape eryitlie-, Ppiblea Reve, GEO ait pad Sop a tet RY Oys0. Soo Chsile Be. a xp? pe pra m tevexonde ake ae oye Sige pa, Posande 2 os ULI 5 gaa — ak Poway revered, rerocaded De We teergese, ewecar 43 ae bpm | Be ip ae “B Ge | FOE Brgea . Papas spe seme ee eet aes rr a Goan < bo a KA + eae ‘i ins rity, nea > Pigiider, mull, oh tole, rasa, eps o Do eee Petar + fb weber, he yd Sy eee rise, ice pobos Re» pee note, note, rote, tobet Vo 722 LNT Rhea, miner peer rioba, noha es to ome, sid Ln LE ton neil, gia tres LB ae bes o> tindae, vimdeg Gay, GO ost, ode, opines root, aa ,s veo i) elgoree, ciyerse thd » eka » Veadag- ricde-tas, rode dea pee» Bdades vecaleds 5 rodadot Bdtea » odlloc — oie site # Be Mao yt i ape “7 Yaga _ Nee elt, Mosel, “ sucdriguet, isfetats read, Beare ee Rea ie, side tod Ot. Ob A pela city ee BE OL, Ga pre dor oe Soa |e SOK stage, aged sald, (Mee : sagan® : Sena , i 2 re, oe ya / festa” » fecal t Sodjom oath Oxtaw Solas Je OMS. OK RCH oe wal®, fel? , Chalet] ee ona : fréhes Sas SOKO , Melhor coe whe pea ac frome tacrline Vaboure ae fe pi apticogll Bone Oe) G¥ grade ’ | : o 4 felmes + [ah , o,f. salad OG tanigion , aamiitoe orted , OE Gt. ge? ; Oxhite x, - witud ego » ot € Gg) onthe, OM). cee wee a sale, talvade me wv fe nik [ote Brn fi, fF Lo ae, sails Ledleh ool fanatics, [eiamy? demtmmisute, tovena , edbona sn git ab Inf a : coettials oe oT paid aula |denommior il be bie sarse, vader _ ed bl of aga, Gwe sagen oe edhe oe Onde, eke i Toctew fol Seth, ceed sees + (or amine (frclaong pila cine tle Pipa Gt Yy xt frriphiva , Jag, sphaee) oe. he FP eee be Poctiio. G. Lub. , 55° pp’, fo. k cone IF dr — : Sony haw fp . ge 6 of fe Pe ) ae WIA seh OO..: ors ee oe , Rowers, Seaters ie $ a > peel Gage Jet (2? 4 (pros selae cade, cede? Org rer cate. tepals, alle cand 462 Joss eeveales, steward aie Apion al wens Soke eae an k eels, sale, seelbs bles, thet, gibles & pe (efagts i senhincia tenlinciag, eandencies pandancia oleppinitive Lan lciee chef nich senceacia Aylinillere | “Qe f= soe ee ye, Se fs Gg to Jeon : re + fei. Ge Flu fie tontncie , anlaniio’ 2 dh so. Gv hit sentinels pec L faye ae fy tings F Monger tonite, ee yt Oger frogeeF, Seas peepee + Rengeno + Jt snes, arn a Copy era Deas Ciena le® sored IE it ATA atch y Git? , wd, WHS) Semoz, » ond pa) Fhe co ate (us Pp, Sie, fe swivels Foe ime st #, &, | Oe no a ie wii ay Pe o eines sapeolanes ne ys, aoe ie Gate corns Baomondaaines Grr vend) vee te be Moced pe i 7 pp ues soions Lomsinahr Ae ona Nawbin 32 are sores egebons, care idea af, Me SC # Gagne omaha, anes Ge (oe “ee craton ta Gy vomore » toi Sas Prone» 1 earnla. Bin, A, Fo, See PG se) oa ba We : : Boisge mo, AN , a we f Zi gaye , se Tay A se Laaeyie: ashdsima g Foes Soria, eereren alicia ede) He Py Sag of ny eye poe foo» fre Oe - =a ee Oe > Re - ang a Vor Vw @| bor oe py » bw. Seewy, sorey » dawicie tor’, sornieio: vewill , denriciot Aevriidens y derviderts torvidemn bre, atnideombea versione, qevvimae Spgmatine., einatina Hip» tiny 2 gone Hare, signe POT ras inde, tymdite, sérdco Hnmbage, sinimbage dita, état, tet lade (oagthe de embi. Lo agli, sitive vghlo, wallet, sikio, aifiet ike, sift, silie, elie? Grae wre ak, mack , 2 &. igo #, sets, ye, Jif oe hey il, ait de sutug , stud, wt ; Ober iftre Cvte oo pee, so, AEs On, shee . Qviufa, where » whe ter: aos sodornader 482 LibredSt fatasan foleede 1 frbdche | ANB ete eobradoled sobudlle, sobrediter [fst 1 Pele SOS.| sehedtbe, ecucier 7 lacie folal obey aobee Quelle : [oll sobee all °. sobe t0le fey ies of SE Py tat wh Hb, whe bode folio , fe folns , feBe sobsine fre ober, suhrt, asiefue 483, Mhdoes Socbied ton tene, tombune 4 pry be me epee Sob to Row opr » sabjonioe ament 4 honia- pite pe » sft, fal solids, tales, sntde, foot » Sort, frre stort curate, ease ipa obs f° pe, FP J ee, anally str oS sorbet (te aw. sole iguanas is peseorntdady@® seer tah Orta colin soft? J won. , aa telly, sothes $eee P81 PDs BI sm Qa vecdiloiy amiidat ne 485 tocdibacion , enpbiticiem [olene debit; andl Hd shade, dear, sndaalet encdilagn, smebcliga ryt byl, whe Oa. ed abbgal tel Ovegyen aaayene wes, deat, antler tleshoot, |steee enlashiaie spurt, sports Ohibettncong- ane sprang, sapnonisa. GG borane subg liane» aaseiawni Rae Pe a oh) ae Suse. it Obs ro. ETH : spill alee hawebedA® . Qubromih cudemmleres ay : ee sitrew ; V7 tabi, sabnsley agus forest “ech |-4 ine tabpririe tality, sladebt, whic) 1 obpye Ciena 487 ole hast sabuegat , subrogade fas till, ae, fae heal fag? Pre Qebp ho, Qe ORI we sudsidoy subsites dM Pp, suahte, sult ‘a Orel eg 7 of Le thoes t, 2 ir, oats Dot BPR. & wid a a ne ont nt 2 oe Ge tahoe Ve fob Lille tablager tallagen: JArblero , fable tallao, teblowt tht , We Haigh ae Aeohaade, Hii, (ola) ee rfulla , rafter Lolulle, tabula atl? ralleSoep wa hie yeh fans or qlka , ott uv] Palade, lag laderay tang iuib quanto, dls cunt tanedo ‘eaeke, Syn tapi as ‘ee Aponcr Fara gornas, (alarurgawes ) harles Poucanga. » doers tap Sar — tari d7f— Panicle, tayicllt, smbrceacitoe aw nd AEG Uren MOG ago, tan Fafede. , pon, Maho , Wadd Jat te mul , Krle Aaah, tlhe ume “Gana / layne Animas , treves~ , taney hp fale he eng, lavtinna, tabr Bon, Amt Eas ym igo es faye, ta de, tt sae nie fate Gun atnyades Faniades fed BT tes Peart je Bagh eng eft iy dint , Zomper Ue ala tinente de abate Ampoontes Se rscecte Be. fp greek Ahan de cypdin gonna! Khemurouss, danmprote? a ma Fant onlls thenudec then» Gann Wilkes Lue euch, yn ||oaire. , Loe Ved * eet ye F Pew , a, ee, Pep, Pape , Ae pe: Pepos s crepe, Spe BE, ys ME, see NGO TH. ne, . Cer arges. Eo dear Pow aia Ngee ra ¥e “6 + Pyne 7° » AG» ME 498, Honky, dein oe + Toliginse GaP Ging Psa Arainor Aaj, lige, Hine, fore Taga, fins facies reales sh). tosh pee a Y Pentls , Push Pratl, Segue, faguole iy | techie Seley Lod» tn tl Bnd Juea , blk” tne, bmg Reg we » Qarynd— oorminar Tame » ys ‘ Wen? Seat, rane, Med? Poa , ami. DY, ape 4, C27 | tome Yen, tet? wre ferme Suse 5 hg? , Mons dae, thane : Cay” tomy, Army, tem Lromine Be wep PS, Lup PE ~e 7 Pee RED re » tmanes , Eyres, eee ne , Mes Abonine? Rayne 5 ajese , oe terna domd Conde tena Letondre , Lemetecin 500 PG Ge é 5 é s i >. Se SONS = : %, Be St a e. ‘$ sR ss tome. , Leudbed, ’ Arcane, trsmiet yt a u Hyta mentary? Hania , Want, ar, FHnmed » stank, bohm’ | tstan' teflam® > wry Soret, ZL Link, tan? fren? ; Mf 2awio + ARS, vToomehs?, yor , tefea— pe 502 ac } hy | ok FeaPde = uy ch. Baan? e pet Ae aw ge lets PES s ; Ar hime apr , ape Meot yale, mht, bf’, ati, we, he NC Freamisnle ante» Dolanbe Boranht porar , pa Aca | a Ade, Pas , Whe hada, Fodes Jodo , mb, Keb, oie Hy ane oe “ae prtea tlle, bibale dyide Lemade Tole, todo Dyes Themat, Eemds oe Fernat) Rrmtlo Aomille Ye, & ADs, Wt lee thy, fous, ee ee Jt adsl Re Oe ign dongle Finale nd Andes, Handed he Lat co, Sade sale, doe Lagat pon? nd ude bole bh, teas An Deoy ctor Coondeailles, Eordestts ‘bt ag Ship cork oie drench me dren bcsd + as Aly Lampe, Todo Bampo. MpnP Roa Ria) ovallp , ovellonf Aoalln , oral, Lal ron domo, Bomatitnl q “Rvaao Lovage hee Pro i pw Ln, dome q auch, pryel Boole, tirtte wp, wpe, Rp Lepr ; oy rine, decid we, fw |i te any ede eine, lviande dai | wovyerte , wlyfsle hoyle don tse , Folch, Ute) ada, ttledy ‘ Felado , Yfebaladr |esne ual he , ne frag occ atime 4e Optks, Ll fal lab « APC, PN thes Vo. x Edn glade Ape » Thee 1b , hla » 4H20 Toa tomebie 4 yet , glut , lb Fedor , be Gott : lass wy? Joon ae apt frapese Be olf ae ol, hagnet lab , He lab, freagliced Pompe tad Glob, 9% EnotiGoy estate ye ee a 512 leno fon faye Hage Spee pmo tae hase hale Archpacbo stalls Ailiee, haute , wget uk Yay 7 ayy nia Joe ary tamapos Arasphoneeet, feirlemaiat Adtiament Feancomuely Mrnaminae 46 te fees, tpeccentey, sa resllat Aaullat , Fasbado 7m Aeuortiis, Aronian treudes Aemedet precky , yebhe Anereder, Leabede fae tise Wihade . Gior tga She ga e Se, Be HP , # , Ae Re HEB, Wee te eS |e repo or tp, bi, be GF , HZ 7 sn IC ME. # ry & Hage ¢ wha, toch Aart quer tom, ray wee ele . yogille my PT, ope epee pufgorr tatele. tubeleo? Veet . eller 88 me whic ample Net? , at a om Leche Mh Cw Ar wacacion vet vacante. ULV us wth Oe Gye", Vey ite RGR ND Odie VOR NY. lS ARS sare, hube Nala evenge sale « omge ype. gt Vetere valine pn Nate Qulil? , vedask? ae q a 1) AD a wale. aha taba Vali? : iinet She: Vibnd mee Uff , aut vay Ain Ain whe me if wt os Ap, bie odin oe Nolan abagers sae vat go bee er ulngpo velonsanto alld : Velld maleSa , maledé talib Nall , , ; Neti i eae Bean ; Valbadolict, Vallodedil Niles DADE. : VUE , Valyd Vilage , ATS , Noihina.| tingin, Valnain Colle oats taal ; Bl. brllyy~ » allen , Vat, ko vali atten? |oentte 520 sai Nant Nanw Ma ao NOES vi) bk vanced | ape mantic, eninbe. x nit, Ne va getle oat bet gk Lys a vag , Vas? : : UN WW) Tot ne? nd fee MN wh vente no vow 7, or v, Nie a KY Oo hee t Nn tp polis oe Aye , 0 We Vega, Vere Ne mec) rE, Dg. ow. Winall as Ve Ve Ww oF gee arty tees | reaina at, edie, aesinee vigine, reeine, oegne Degade, wegen, Ty NRE ae et ane Be A Wis Ge AP) wnat BoA esi wstll é oni y fs, online Arhouds snelade ela oiler: \k Ute = | Wee as a acces . Newdlle 5 P a : agi), Sige Si ge nt re ‘Bieat Ayear nc, Vena» GCerrter — slat; amd Jn at —— Nae vomis, vomig, bamsis, Wrote > Grote aepllimle, veedimtes anecercte, womacte, yee nestlagion , witbisios epoca, vigor weer, vetkimente dente, vies vey aneguil., sine Nis Wye eh een ve a VO ale vand lkeale We Dee Wicd « aS ay? ieee? pte NR Ae YON ~wnlone wolorge \wolengae volleys AP Us) Yk, Ve , Aue, CF, Xd Yom Sed , deat , Brod “eh wa 582 es sviolagin at, eioosin- ae coll, ads, jn, hap sige 1 Voge 1 | weeded , atedt™ wirdiote , vikioses vizagua , wivagaas £ Mf US |poeeae UN Hie WL tects ttt ». my No mak: NSC ate gt tn oe Um aan. Magaid Nr? Vonha hous Praatee Yu > wd ee = 1 & a Bm. Ymd , 6.9.) al ; ye nade’ Oda vackes ie Aig Yawk, omrged C1. ams, Lam BIRT sate ; om | a na WL Gyo, Vit! | x Gira Ze cee E ee xalonp feck 7. fe nt” Cees 2+ LF Lake, Chaberes a zo je reryee avast 5 faenioe arreep wade, Parkes ao we 2 ayers gametes (Cre Cours, dows Bat ot gesteye Poves (to, de das Frcobo CY» CR mm TeeQer | AE teh Raga on, eengemner gingein 539) e ts ae ; Aare, Mayet me tana etme, Fin aT d ae xvisliome , xniabiane Chidiane-, chrbsivne ee a enioinr y wristione! dpianas , xpianos oe. es BE Jaras lps om Crishner eed ngce) 2 jal xy co a. ie Lisl, Chaiohe, Coivhe 340 oy o wat My vel xX wtediccion jane ae seach jain Pe oe WA z *BNN ay Oh S AN 3 CeReres & a oh baad Ao Seki de pen: Mw es Be 26% SSR a at WP | ain, Ila Wy foomae? ae fm sy “yrevanaa soto, jean Qwixtee querentes, goevmn lie y be phuke, ilhe Pes CM Lhake fier dewsiade Vee Ta" Wleatiriwo, Pbarkieine OMe ees Sang lle bed arma,» Jlerdiaisaes, Lbuabiiviwe Lacor pe Ors ons onsen penile, domi x Depedig yrArpee GE srpadininde yay ded yoga? | panies preg “spine DDN OO ss ke Ymmde frominnett:, inominuate prabbente me po rye: Br ppg | yrpnidy ppt dnd, FZ fos dng Maguission Tugi” out Spain Lm Br a 4 ot Lug guise ng Po ka TEI OG . meg Sie _ gg? oe", Ings x? iia GYRE yO, pret, se Guat “poet Chow GGOrve Jn pounder, insnlee Logeraiderat, Lnguiaiperse Dr@hnges yr Ghee (ie ote panne yoke yore for? OP yr ow pest yyy o 7 |p aide |p yrds, rslesio, énaiecion. godgres indigo prdisidles sndaaide povbasimiviteyjrlcioviectts prpmticge indpnbide poponkn ee yar 2 yorfiteofs splenic, mfitioss Ofrrer yop” as etait ie ypc Or poebarnle, iohamm BF 7 npn fe pete Papon® 6 | TRS pow dnb apes yr Raloatpr fotrdednie- ype - depot panne, Wealocoped\ polalocleiat Anfrearyee VE i Os ta ferrule, rapruac. yf doyss ; poppe ewcits fre afoce*) Jee oti leg orp os, nlmegiones infprsiomes nt ; ye Oe hemi i : “ye GD yt pouilbegio imtthicion 3 Ce , podrownion yyy pode itegs Fite, a oie ire ete Pa an oe pine Cage Oe j : y* ento2e potatoe, rurmbaic 549 asi frrrtnic, inrmbuio Z yreot ya, jest ©3233.) Sal a PEC. ¥ 1 7 i ae KGL GE 3 7 ae Tee . Dye yorker, hjnaker. Re Sapaleo OF pee jos sysiba ohn) ee y wom G dwn = seal ee yer yobs tla 1226. J fElermmes Sere gobmine tei frye Yepeinas, guide FA ue gel ge : : yELpoaeE “ee posh eles eH am Sedo, ao omnes Ppp gpd, B90, Lub. Fr, 550 Gxts NUMERALES ROMANOS Y ARABES NUMERALES ROMANOS pear op ice gna fae ma ays ye te i NE ary We vy VE ne Vy sy wus wn + 4 M1 Pie Kr, ey, ef Feel eg DR Ce, He to cL 1 WK » Wee, tee XY , toee , eh eo w,le, hw aye, bee , be C.0,¢, C,co,& ce , ae, a CCM , coe, aT mm. 8 , 2% aT.e@,.9,U AT MMs oS Xx. oll, of ny, 0,9,Q 556 30 40 So bo fo 90 foo ; 200 tov0 4.000 40.000 a idle ; am ollie (oe ponte) f NUMERALES ARABES Orie ee f Tt,4,H,2,2.%,4 2 NC : as a oe } 4 CE DOLY WOH 6 COLO GET AiNN,A,4,7,7 a.e 8,9,3,3, eta occ te oe 6 | g o APENDICE DE EXPRESIONES Y FORMULAS JURIDICO-DIPLOMATICAS DE USO CORRIENTE vy OH ¥e cuso Castnd)) on sabdldia ol ocr a Jae Ul, elide F aie Sif a lee ; De A babies de Vth dane add ab pom AM las <3 Goe G \veclrpe wt pti a mane Op We ot ln ae al : olf al, guilic- any fables camyoneoe 26 — amisalle componadotes AHS fie Rego 2 oer 21 abe. cabrio Crys sioiome [44 onstrmed) 561 fee a mune : BS Ry | Hae Chas omg true (amine) Mo fake oe pasado tI fone: Aigner asinane, ty mie ogy ffictengs ay A ealage eit terse : OSI QW ahadenge come de aladnyge eas. eile nial swoibane Ne CHTgenGae euler « deligenios Np ewes he los preset dee Cor Wee” a Onrtey & Ve ake: oni al usta a GT ee « lake Knced pide Der bod conte tat Badger dymoe ogre de puso esniler ' B Die at calf a aio of satgimincs” be bag he RS 4a) nil FE Gtr Pry Gd | mde lade ae BG MVD. 2, Ba f goretdammm) oy | Chast { BA. & D8 tose eran et Se. 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PM pur nee illen y nol ely. pane oe } Foy cya, \~ sai are CRW : races ev Cae cumplic © guardas f a D Fuadic Apehao Soe )*- Ca_ Sow yu le Pome Or penne PO lc I oe © omnesd- ne Jona 2 mnged a Veg por pure de brsdacl. Ak pace poe he gracie, te Soe Rig, de foe Ae grugia, de Hae por Le prsemie er mando poe Ae prssulte por te present, pe detec 589 7 pe Coos Prewees Fane ot she pons has nie ore SY eGe Pome ff gal pra (pe \ PAL Pedi Qe, a raed SL hei SD, “i pal. p.BAsd. | Oe facase?? Bl teeny yp he ee moat ale ia ieee narfiooda. Ke mated Sets me pesca | prt angi wy ye por mandate Shige wel eee | yee — Star oe SS Grrr be fond pee gus wt min | Ym) CVn pyres for pio « mat pest sr | poe CHP — aes pail & mobore | et oo fh CVI) pn hb «wl vigexcage S Pepto? € comventaio | ere vor’ 590 | a | PE Ga ec Ge 9 SR Bet precesnadee dl. GY COK6Y ponlgaie 7 guaihagnie oabhCplrlabrrca eG Deoliclles 6 fpr ee mnonshine ryremdo Leta auer porns de ta are CPD fmt come cara. irmatta. yopfeme conned a v antag 9 es”) glace pometemee deh promubmet de aver. od” ope? wu cxdlmaahe a pager (6 Copper bed yor prme- i se ptm Geefget seine eer pleted oe pipes 7 pre prokalabe, < puelite Graben FOE gue wlabane preter PP G mabided—— rodile be mite: Goicta Yirw gue whale. pase Cm yffak pricine parade G Ornw 3 off gue while 2 ail ye % priblee ves prefs Shee ya | pate ee compl alae pridlio y oalevic apres ot gut whe ladigo m he Fr YEN OMe ihe» pragunter eabe 592 593 Ge Comey pee camplame Sgt |e GYR ye” oe OY Gp ml pa Ore, CVE gas dime. hucke Chge ers Gyr SET paw ees as Unsere ge ayonee conbenidrs ye ope wecibide a poche are Retentl HPD wefor ce Universidad. 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