Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4


"Language" "English"
"US - East"
"US - West"
"South America"
"Middle East"
"< 50"
"< 100"
"< 150"
"< 250"
"< 350"
"< 600"
"Change filters"
"Has users playing"
"Server not full"
"Is not password protected"
"This server requires a password
to join."
"Join Game"
"Alert me when a player slot is
available on the server."
"Join the server as soon as a pl
ayer slot is available."
"IP Address:"
"Enter the IP address of the ser
ver you wish to add."
"Add Server - Servers"
"Add Server - Error"
"The server IP address you enter
ed is invalid."
"Server Requires Password"

"This server requires a password
to join."
"Remove server from favorites"
"Add server by IP address"
"Updating Favorites"
"Transferring your Favorites. Th
is may take a minute..."
"Unable to load favorites"
"Error loading file."
"Error loading. File may be corr
"Unable to open datafile."
"Getting new server list..."
"Game Info"
"Add To Favorites"
"Game Info - %game%"
"Press 'Join Game' to connect to
the server."
"You will join the server as soo
n as a player slot is free."
"You will be alerted when a play
er slot is free on the server."
"Could not connect - server is f
"Server is not responding."
"Refreshing server list... %s1 %
"Game servers responding from %s
"ServerBrowser_ServersRespondingLocal" "Game servers responding from local mach
"Refreshing server list..."
"is not full"
"is not empty"
"has no password"
"There are no servers running on
your local network."
"You currently have no favorite
servers selected."
"None of your friends are curren
tly playing a game."
"There are no internet games vis
ible that pass your filter settings."
"No internet games responded to
the query."
"Could not contact master game s
erver to retrieve server list."
"ServerBrowser_MasterServerHasNoServersListed" "There are no internet games lis
ted on the master server that pass your filter settings."
"Refresh all"
"Quick refresh"
"Stop refresh"


"Add a server"
"Add current server"
"Password required to join serve
"CPU players are present on this

"Servers (%s1)"
"Unable to determine Master Serv
er addresses. Server Browser will not function correctly."
y Change During Online Play"
Cheat technology"

"ESRB Notice: Game Experience Ma

"IP Address"
"Server protected by Valve Anti"Anti-cheat"
"Not secure"
"not secure"
"No servers have been played rec
"Remove server from history"
"Last played"

"Steam is currently in Offline M
ode. Internet games will not be available until you restart\nsteam while connect
ed to the Internet."
.\nPlease restart the game."

"Connect to server"
"View server info"
"Refresh server"
"Add server to favorites"
"< not responding >"
"Filters active"
"Server is out of date.."
"Your version does not match the servers


"Valve Anti-Cheat:"
"Not secure"
"No users currently playing on this serv

"Player Name"

"VAC_BanNotification" "Valve Anti-Cheat Notification"

"Steam account banned"
"VAC_YourAccountBanned" "Your Steam account '%account%' has been banned from sec
ure game servers due to a cheating infraction."
"The following games are affected:"
"Click here for details"
"Connection Refused - VAC"
"VAC_ConnectionRefusedDetail" "You cannot connect to the selected server, beca

use it is running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam account h

as been banned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
"VAC_ConnectionRefusedByServer" "The server denied your connection because it is
running in VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) secure mode.\n\nThis Steam account has been b
anned from secure servers due to a cheating infraction."
"Valve Anti-Cheat - Secure"
"VAC_BannedFromServerToolTip" "You cannot connect to this secure server"
"VAC_ConnectingToSecureServer" "Note: This server is VAC-secured.\n\nCheating w
ill result in a permanent ban."
"VAC_BannedFromServers" "Banned from some secure servers because of a cheating i
"In good standing"
"VAC Status:"
"Steam_ValidLoginRequiredTitle" "Valid Steam Login Required"
// need to remove the VAC line from this when we have our authentication system
going via the Steam servers (when it should change to a login failure)
"A connection to the Steam VAC servers could not
be made. For troubleshooting network issues, please click the link below."
"Secure Connection Failed"
"Click here to visit Steam support"
"Account Used Elsewhere"
"This Steam account has been used to log
in from another computer. To continue using Steam, you need to log in again."
"ServerBrowser_FriendNotInGameServer" "%friend% is not currently playing on an
y game server."
"[ none ]"
"Game status is unavailable."
"ServerBrowser_AddSelectedToFavorites" "Add selected game server to favorites"
"ServerBrowser_AddAddressToFavorites" "Add this address to favorites"
"Find games at this address..."

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