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It was a chilly night. Gusts of wind started to race through the entrance
of cave. Then, it began to rain. As the storm grew, thunder and lightening
began to rumble. Loud echos hopped up and down the length of the cave.
The inhabitants, cave dwellers, slept. They were not oblivious to the storm,
their senses always being alert to danger, but the din did not disturb them.
All was at rest, save for the rain and the wind, and everyone lay still; except
for one.
Gerg was unusually untranquil. He had experienced many storms
worse than the one that was currently raging. He had slept through noises
louder than the ones that coursed though the cave. However, he could not lie
still. Maybe a rock had evaded the daily sweep of the cave and he had
stupidly curled up un the spot were it resided. Or, it was his full bladder that
kept him conscious. Although he had slept on worse terrain, even though he
had slumbered with a stomach fuller than his was now, he could not find
peace. The combination of storm, harsh sleeping conditions, and a need to
abdicate eternal waste was probably the reason for Grogs insomnia.

He lay, pondering what he should do. He did not want to get up

because he knew that if he did he would get cold. But if he continued to lay
he might soil himself. If he did that, he would lose status in the tribe and
would not be as admired by the females. Finally, he made a basic decision to
going out into the storm and getting wet to relieve himself. He rose silently,
and snuck to the threshold of the cave and ventured out into the freezing
rain. He walked three stone-throw from the cave, found a rock, and
proceeded to dig a shallow hole next to a tree. The storm was at its peak and
lightening crashed about, immediately followed by deafening thunder. He
removed his lower coverings and crouched over the hole, resting his back

against the tree. Then as he was about to stand up, a bolt of lightening hit
the tree. A jet of energy coursed through Grog, entering his head and
coursed though his spine and exited out his feet. The as the energy triggered
his muscles, his legs extended and launched him into the air, breaking the
current of electricity.
Grog landed on his back, twenty feet away. He lay unconscious for the
rest of the night while his body, through some rare phenomena, used left
over energy to rapidly heal his torn body.

When he awoke he jumped up and looked around, He was in the cave.

He thought back to how he got here. He had gone to relieve himself. It had
been raining. There was lightening. Then he remembered the blinding white
pain that he had felt everywhere. He came to the conclusion that he had
been a hit by the lightening. Suddenly he realized that he was different. He
was more aware of something. He still sensed things the same. He still
remembered everything. But there was something more. It was connected to
his memories, but it was new. He decided that the lightening had changed
him. In the realization, he had another epiphany: he could think clearer. He
could relate things in a way that made sense. He could be logical to an
extent that he had never been.
As he tried to understand this new sensation, his mother Hay came
into the cave.

Grog awake, grog have sleep two suns. What happen make
grog sleep? said Hay.
Loud light thump Grog when Grog poop.

Grog feel pain? questioned his mother.

No, Grog feel different, more smart, think fast.

Good you no feel pain.

Yes good he concluded.

As he conversed with his mother Grog became aware that he did not
have the words for what he was thinking. He did not share a vocabulary with
his mother that would let him explain to her how he felt. He felt discouraged
because he wished he could tell his mother how he was able to make
conclusions that he had never been able to realize. He felt alone in his world
of heightened awareness.
He came back to his senses when Hay grabbed his arm and told food
was ready. He smelled the meat that was done roasting and decided that he
would dwell on his development later. Now it was time to eat.

He came to fire pit that had been created out side from the coal that
were stored in the cave. He grabbed his portion and bit into it. He
instantaneously forgot his worries as the nutritious meat found its way down

into his stomach. After the first few bites the meat lost its unique flavor and
became the usual sensation of fat and protein. In between bites he inhaled
deeply, smelling the sweet scents of nature. As he inhaled a whiff of pine just
as he bit a juicy chunk of meat. The timing was so precise that his brain
combined the flavors and Grog tasted an unbelievable complex flavor. He
looked down at his meal and realized that two flavors can be mixed to
create a unique flavor. He attempted to recreate the event, but the
occurrence had happened solely by an extremely rare coincident of chance.
He pondered how he could once more experience the taste that had just
graced his mouth. He thought remembered that because it was the smell
plus the flavor the were combined, he might make the same thing happen if
he were to grind pine leaves and put then on the meat when it was being
cooked. Unfortunately the next meal was not until the lunch so he would
have to wait. But it was time to go hunting with the other males to find that
nights meal, so he eagerly got his spear and meet with the hunting party.
They set off without delay at a easy lope. They jogged for two hours, during
which he conversed with his friend Urg.
Grog sleep long, what happen? inquired Urg.
Grog hit by loud light, but no feel pain now. Grog good Grog explained. Grog feel
different now, better think, more know, feel stupid before hit by loud light. Grog tried to say that
he felt more sophisticated since he woke up.
Urg know what Grog feel comforted Urg. Grog feel like Grog right, everyone wrong.
No Grog know everyone more wise Grog, Grog young. Grog just feel more smart, not

right. Grog was at a loss for how to manipulate the language in order to covey new ability.
Example, Grog know mix meat pine make better taste meat.
Hunh? grunted Urg.
Grog know why things happen now he said.
Urg know why things happen, everyone know why things happen: because God make
things happen countered Urg.
Argh! Grog gave up. He could not figure out how to express himself so he stopped
talking. Urg saw that he was frustrated and choose to keep the silence.
Suddenly, the leader of the group raised his hand and stopped. Everyone halted and
looked with more intensity to where they were headed. They saw a small group of Mammoths in
a meadow. There were three adults and two calves. The leader motioned that they would attack
the mother that was standing apart from the other two adults with her calf. The group split into
two groups of three. They stealthily made their way to their positions. Then at a whistle from the
leader they charged, not saying a word; the only noise to be heard in that first instant was the
sound of feet pounding the ground. Then the mammoths bellowed warnings to each other. The
group closed in on the mother, who was searching for her baby. When they were close enough to
throw their spears every one hurled his shaft with all his strength. But only five spears were
thrown. Grog had noticed the calf that would soon be motherless and felt a sudden desire to turn
a round and run from the cruelty that he was about to cause. But as the mother reared and turned
to face her attackers, and everyone looked to see what had happened to the sixth spear he gave in
to his desire for food and sent the stick with sharpened rocked point flying. His aim was wide,
but the mammoth turned into its path and it pierced its eye and instantly killed the beast as it
penetrated the brain.

As the mother sank to the ground, he follow hunters cheered his luck, but Grog didnt
hear them. He was watching the orphan calf run after the other mammoths in hope of surviving
motherless. As the hunters patted him on the back, Grog put on a feigned smile and began to help
carve the animal to be brought home. At each slice he though of how he would have a full
stomach while the defenseless calf had to forage for itself. It probably would even survive the
month. They loaded the carcase on to their spears and began the journey home. He realized that
he should be grateful that the only casualty was that of the mammoth, and that the battle was
quick, but he could not avoid the image of the baby lost in the world with noone to care for it.
When they arrived home Grog helped unload the mammoth before sulking back to the cave
where he dwelled on the days events.
He meditated over how this new state of mind would help him. He thought about
questions he had wondered about a what the answers were. How did plants grow? As he thought
about this, he noticed that there were no plants within the cave. He had already known this, but
now he made the connection that it was probably because they needed sun. So the sun is was
makes them grow he concluded. But the sun is not physical, plants are not made out of light.
Then he thought about fire. Fire is not real, but it is hot, like the sun. Maybe, he thought, plants
take the sun light and have reverse fires where the energy become nutrients that are real. He
thought about this new conclusion and saw how it would be useful in the future to be able to
think logically.
He then thought about the calf. He had never felt sympathy for an animal. He had never
been moved to not hurt a source of food. This sympathy, he decided, came with the ability to
think logically. Every good thing has something bad to go with it.
He was informed that it was time for lunch, so he went outside to eat. It was only then that he

remembered his morning discovery. The meat was already cooked and he would have to wait
until diner to test his theory. As he ate, he tried to remember all of the other types of scents he
had ever smelled. He made plans to try out of the different combinations of flavors in the future.
He would try sweet smelling flowers with meat. Lavender, sage, parsley, time they must all
mixed with meat and tested.
After lunch he took a bath in fire melted ice and then took a nap. In his sleep he dreamed
for the first time. He dreamed of waking up and going through the rest of the day normally. As he
went about there was this strange noise. There was a pattern to the noise, and the noise became
high and lower. When he woke up he had no recollection of the dream but got his spear and his
sharpening stone and went outside to prepare his weapon for the next day. As he banged on the
stone point of his spear he started to follow a rhythm. He stopped and slightly remembered the
musical part of his dream. He called Urg over and told him to hit two rocks together in time.
Then, as Urg kept the beat, Grog hit two sticks together creating a new sound over the beat. They
progressively got better and produced more complex patterns. Soon there was a crowd around
them and more people began to pick up rocks and join in.
This continued until it was time to prepare dinner which caused many people to leave.
Grog remembered his plans for his dinner and started his own fire over which he cooked his
meat with pine needles. The result was exactly as he imagined: the greasy flavor with a tangy
flavoring from the pine. He told his friends about it and soon everyone was enjoying pineflavored mammoth. During dinner, Grog came up with an extension of the rock-banging: he
would yell high and low, and move his feet to the beat of the rocks.
When everyone was finished eating, he made a big fire and instructed everyone to beat
their rocks. When they did this, he went into the circle and moved his feet in time to the

pounding of the rocks and whopped and hollered about. Soon only a few stayed beating on the
rocks as the rest sang and danced. The party lasted late into the night, but ended when it started
to rain and the fire went out. Before he went to be he had to relieve himself of all the mammoth
he had ingested. As he leaned against a tree, branch fell on his head and he died instantly.
For many generations, Grog had a celebration on the anniversary of his death when the
tribe partied and celebrated his bringing the music and dance.

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