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What is Intelligence?

All intelligence definitions and measurements are false

because they are based on the false assumption that the
abilities, size and shape of the brain determine whether
or not a person is intelligent. Though intelligence or
genius is an attribute of the mind, the nonphysical
counterpart of the brain, science does not even recognize
the mind for it cannot probe it by instruments. At the
present level of human evolution, the mind is barely
functional which explains why the brain is functioning at
less than 7% of its capacity. The intelligence and
efficiency of the brain, and in fact of the whole body, are
dependent on the mind because the body operates under
its auspices. If for any reason the mind is ill or not fully
functioning, the body, including the brain, malfunctions,
ages, deteriorates, fails and decays. You cannot separate
physical health from mental health.
When the mind is not functioning well, much less
recognized, the person is neither intelligent nor stupid.
He or she is insane. All the 330 or so mental illnesses
outlined in the APA Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V
are but manifestations of the absence of mind, for being
pushed to a subordinate position. This evolutionary glitch
is beyond not only psychology and psychiatry, but
beyond all of science, all of religion and all of philosophy.
It is true then that humanity has not as yet come out of
the dark ages that have been caused by major religions.
We are still living in the age of schizophrenia, in effect.
Humanity will seize to exist unless the savior resurrects
sooner than later. The savoir here is the mind,

represented in the mythologies by Noah. The Ark

represents the collective consciousness which is formed
by the sum of the consciousnesses of all the creatures
that roam the earth; hence: a couple of each species on
the Ark (over 10 million couples). So the mind will raise
the level of the collective consciousness above the flood
of problems and destruction caused by the absence of
the mind, or insanity, or dogma. The Noah story was
intended as a futuristic or prophetic myth at the time it
came out way before the birth of religions. It was not a
historical event that happened in the past as is falsely
presumed by dogma. It is happening now, symbolically of
course. We are witnessing firsthand the demise of religion
and the emergence of new civilizations that will be based
on the sciences and philosophies of the mind, as opposed
to the existing pseudoscience and superstitions of the
limited ego consciousness, or the prevailing ignorant,
simple, linear, literal and unthinking mentality.
In this age, at that level, evil, for example, is seen as
powerful and intelligent. Therefore, psychiatrists and
psychologists assign high intelligence quotients to
criminals and killers because the psychology specialists
themselves are the least mentally healthy. The whole
medical establishment is swarming with mad scientists
who are the least healthy, mentally and physically. If you
are aware of this ironic truth and still hold in high esteem
and trust medical doctors with your life, then you should
know that you have a serious problem. Your health is
increasingly failing you, at the least.
The following table shows the relatively high intelligence
quotients assigned by leading psychologists and
psychiatrists to the high-ranking Nazi officials of the Third

Reich, many of whom were convicted and hanged at

Nuremberg for committing hideous war crimes.
Doenitz, Karl
Frank, Hans
Frick, Wilhelm
Fritzsche, Hans
Funk, Walther
Gring, Hermann
Hess, Rudolf
Jodl, Alfred
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
Keitel, Wilhelm
Neurath, Konstantin von
Papen, Franz von
Raeder, Erich
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Rosenberg, Alfred
Sauckel, Fritz
Schacht, Hjalmar
Schirach, Baldur von
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur
Speer, Albert
Streicher, Julius



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