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Wood Science and Technology Vol. 8 (1974) p.

9 by Springer-Verlag 1974

A Review of Residual Stresses and Tensioning

in Circular Saws
B y RIC~A~]) SzYMA~I a n d C. D. Mo~E, J r . *
University of California, Forest Products Laboratory, Richmond, Cal.

The origin and measurement of residual stresses and their effect on the transverse stability
of circular saws are discussed, with emphasis placed on nondestructive stress analyses, their
limits of application, and their possible adaptation to the measurement of residual stressesin
circular saws. Saw stability variations can be computed once the stress distribution is known.
Evaluation of the X-ray diffraction technique and the ultrasonic and magnetic methods were
considered for this purpose.
Alternatively, saw stability can be related to resonance and bending stiffness measurements
in specific modes. However, the state of stress cannot be inferred from these tests. For saw
stability prediction, measurement of the state of stress is more essential than are direct stiffness measurements.

T h e s t a t e of stress in a s a w b l a d e is k n o w n to s i g n i f i c a n t l y influence its perf o r m a n c e as a c u t t i n g tool. These stresses arise f r o m t h e c u t t i n g process, t h e
r o t a t i o n a l b o d y force, t h e t e m p e r a t u r e d i s t r i b u t i o n , a n d t h e r e s i d u a l o r i n i t i a l
stresses. Of t h e s e stresses o n l y t h e r e s i d u a l stresses c a n n o t be c o m p u t e d b y
n u m e r i c a l m e t h o d s p r e s e n t l y a v a i l a b l e [Mote 1970b]. B e c a u s e t h e e n t i r e s t a t e of
stress m u s t b e k n o w n for m o s t a n a l y s e s , i t is n e c e s s a r y to focus a t t e n t i o n u p o n
m e a s u r e m e n t a n d p r e d i c t i o n of t h e r e s i d u a l stress s t a t e .
R e s i d u a l stresses p r e s e n t i n saw b l a d e s c a n be d i v i d e d i n t o two c a t e g o r i e s :
u n i n t e n t i o n a l a n d i n t e n t i o n a l stresses. U n i n t e n t i o n a l stresses a r e i n t r o d u c e d b y
t h e process of s a w m a n u f a c t u r i n g a n d usage. T h e p l a t e s t o c k is a n i s o t r o p i c as a
r e s u l t of rolling. Stresses a r c i n t r o d u c e d w h e n t h e saw b l a n k is r e m o v e d f r o m t h e
p l a t e , a n d b y s u b s e q u e n t manu:[acturing o p e r a t i o n s such as h a r d e n i n g , quenching,
t e m p e r i n g , a n d t o o t h f o r m a t i o n . T e n s i o n i n g stresses a r e i n t r o d u c e d i n t e n t i o n a l l y
* The authors would like to express their gratitude to Professor R. M. Bragg, Department
of Material Science and Engineering, U. C. Berkeley, and to Dr. R. L. Gause and Mr. W. lq.
Clotfelter, l~arshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, for valuable suggestions and
permissien to use X-ray and ultrasonic equipment. The authors are also grateful for the financial support of the project from the University of California l%rest Products Laboratory; the
California Cedar Products Company, Stockton; the California Saw, Knife and Grinding
Company, San Francisco; Sun Studs, Roseburg, Oregon; Weyerhaeuser Company, Tacoma,
Washington; and McIntire-Stennis Funds.

I~eview of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


through local plastic deformation of the saw resulting in " p e r m a n e n t " membrane
stresses. Recent research has shown t h a t the state of membrane stress in the saw
determines its relative stability [Dugdale 1963a, b, c, 1964, 1965, 1966a, b, 1968;
Mote 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1970a, b]. Accordingly, optimal tensioning can be
looked upon as a perturbation of the membrane stress state which maximizes saw
stability in the operating environment. The residual stress state is, of course,
not constant forever, and application of optimal tensioning procedures depends
upon knowing the residual stress state at any time.
Some theoretical work has been done on the tensioning process, but there is
still no accurate, nondestructive method for measuring residual stresses in saws.
The p r i m a r y objectives of this paper are to review existing methods of residual
stress measurement in metals, and to discuss better approaches to nondestructive
measurement of residual stresses and stability in saw blades.

Residual stresses in metals and their measurement

The t e r m internal or residual stresses is applied to a number of different
phenomena. A comprehensive review and classification of internal stresses ihas
been presented b y Orowan [1948], who defined internal stresses as those existing
in bodies upon which no external forces are acting. According to Orowan [1948],
these stresses fall into two categories: "First, an external (mechanical, thermal,
or chemical) factor m a y affect different parts of a body differently, even if the
material of the body is quite homogeneous ; second, textural inhomogeneities of the
material m a y give rise to internal stresses, even if the external influences acting
upon the body are uniform, e.g., a homogeneous stress."
Internal stresses of the first category are usually large and well defined in their
distribution, and for this reason they are often called macrostresses or residual
stresses of the first kind. The objective of tensioning is to introduce macrostresses,
and accordingly they are of principal concern here. The second category describes
residual stresses on a smaller scale which are usually randomly distributed. These
are called microstresses, or residual stresses of the second kind, because their
domain of influence is microscopic. Denton [1966] has suggested the idea of residual
stresses of the third kind which focused attention upon subgrannular stress
variations. The nature, origin, and effects of residual stresses have been discussed
in depth b y Treuting et al. [1952].
Methods of measuring residual stresses have been reviewed b y Sachs and
Espsey [1941], Hiendelholer [1951], Baldwin [1949], Denton [1966], and Frick
et al. [1967]. Residual stress measurement methods are classified as destructive
and nondestructive. The former group consists of material removal procedures,
and the latter group consists of combinations oi X - r a y diffraction, optical, ultrasonic, and magnetic methods. I n reviewing the most popular measurement
methods in this paper, the authors place particular emphasis on the application
and accuracy of nondestructive methods. A detailed review and evaluation of
methods for nondestructive measurement of residual stresses, and the potential
application of these methods to residual stress measurement in circular saws, can
be found in recent reports b y Szymani [1972a, b, 1973].


R. Szymani and C. D. Mote

Material removal procedures

Material removal is the most widely used technique of residual stress measurement. The characteristic feature of these techniques is the removal of test specimen
material by machining, grinding, etching, etc. Stresses in the removed material
are then determined by measurement of the dimensional changes or strain in the
parent material. Major contributors to the material removal methods include
Heyn [19141, Sachs [19401, Sachs and Espey [1941], and Rembowski [1958].
Dugdale [1963c] has used procedures of this type in tensioning stress analysis in
circular saws; discussion of his work will follow in the subsequent section.
The experimental techniques employed in all of these methods are fundamentally similar. Major variations in technique usually occur in the procedure
by which strain is measured or material is removed. The use of strain gages is
convenient and shortens analysis time substantially. Strain gages were used by
Dugdale [1963c], l%ichards [19451, Mack [19621, Hanslip [1952], Greaves et al.
[1945], Palermo [19631, and Riparbelli [19501. Tokareik and Polzin [19521 applied
stress coat or brittle lacquer for the strain measurements. The major advantages
of material removal techniques relative to nondestructive methods stem from the
fact that they are generally easier to apply, more economical, and give a relatively
complete picture of the residual stress state. Strain gages also give excellent strain
resolution and are not sensitive to microstresses. Metal removal techniques are,
however, destructive and often prohibit any normal service with the machine
element after the stresses have been evaluated. These methods can probably
serve only as reference methods in the analysis of residual stresses in circular

Stress measurement by X-ray

X-ray determination of stresses is based upon the measurement of lattice
strains of specially oriented sets of lattice planes in the region studied. Measurement of lattice strains is accomplished by using a collimated X-ray beam of
suitable wavelength 2 and recording the high-angle interference lines of specimens
by means of a back reflection film camera and diffractometer. Correlation of the
lattice strain Ad/d with the strain calculated from the theory of isotropic elasticity
is used to determine the elastic stress state.
The X-ray method is discussed in textbooks [Burrer and Massalski 1966;
Cullity 1967; Taylor 1961] and has been reviewed by Mareheraueh [1966],
Denton [1966], and Christenson [19601. This method is nondestructive, and also
permits the study of steep elastic stress gradients and highly localized stresses. The
X-ray beam strikes only a small area of a specimen (less than 1 to 2 mm in diameter), whereas strain gages measure weighted mean strain over a much larger
area and measure both elastic and plastic strains. Since a reference measurement
in the stress-free condition is not required, determination of residual stresses by
X-rays has a high potential of application.
The X-ray diffractometer method permits fast accumulation of test data.
Unfortunately, when using a diffraetometer the investigator is restricted to small,
easily moveable specimens having a favorable geometrical shape, and this excludes
most saws. However, the back-reflection film camera method is not limited by

l~eview of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


size and mobility of the specimen, although certain geometric requirements must
be satisfied. This method would be applicable to most saws ; also, equipment used
with this method can be made completely portable, which offers possibilities for
field application. The industrial application for this method is discussed by Schaal
[1955], B~lstadt et al. [1963, 1965], and Neff [1960].
The potential of X-ray methods in tensioning stress analysis problems hinges
mainly upon resolution of the stress state and the depth or penetration at which
stresses are determined. In general, errors in X-ray stress measurements are of
the order of ~: 3,000 psi, whether diffraction lines are sharp or dilfuse [Christenson
1960]. However, it is possible that with maximum resolution and large tensioning
stresses the technique may have some application. Appropriate surface preparation
could eliminate local surface stresses which are introduced during the saw manufacturing process. Additionally in thin saws, as in thin-plate theory, the variation
of stress with depth should be less significant.
l~esults from a preliminary stress analysis of the sawblade material [Szymani
1972b] have indicated that accuracy of the X-ray technique was of the order of
=~ 2,500 psi. This stress accuracy is not satisfactory for saw tensioning applications
where peak tensioning stresses are approximately 20 ksi, and where stresses in the
range 2 to 8 ksi are common. Furthermore, the small penetration of X-rays
(2 10 -3 ram) results in a measure of surface stresses that are function of surface
Because of the limited accuracy and the fact that the bulk and not the surface
stresses are of interest, it is apparent that application of this method to the saw
tensioning problem is questionable.

Optical and ultrasonic methods

In principal, any physical property of a material which is modified by stress
offers a potential means for investigation of residual stresses, l~iney [1957] was
able to apply photoelasticity to the determination of residual stresses in electron
tubes. Nisida et al. [19561 utilized the photoelastic properties of cellulose nitrate
to study residual stresses in plastically deformed beams and wedges. ~qye [1947]
used the birefringence properties of silver chloride crystals to investigate metallographic influences on residual stresses.
Firestone and Frederick [1946] have demonstrated t h a t residual stresses can
cause changes in the velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic waves. Velocity of the
shear wave is independent of the direction of particle motion in isotropie materials,
but if isotropy is destroyed by the applied stress, wave velocity varies with the
direction of particle motion. I t was found that a plane-polarized ultrasonic shear
wave would propagate only if particle motion was either parallel or perpendicular
to the applied stress. This technique has been used by Rollins [1959, 1961] and
Rollins et al. [1963].
Ultrasonic stress analysis of cold-rolled ainminium using shear wave birefringence was first proposed by Gause [1967]. Use of ultrasonic surface waves for
residual stress analysis in aluminium has been demonstrated by McKannan [1967],
who stated that it is possibl e to resolve the stresses in aluminium to an order of
200 to 400 psi.


1% Szymani and C. D. Mote

Benson [1968] describes methods of measuring stresses in various alloys of

alumininm using bothshear and surface waves. Techniques developed by him were
applied to measurement of residual stresses in aluminium plates containing welds.
According to Benson the accuracy of stress measurements obtained ultrasonically
compares favorably with conventional destructive test methods.
Of the various ultrasonic methods available for measurement of residual stresses
in saw blades where bulk stresses are of interest, the shear wave method seems
to have the greatest potential. This approach, however, cannot be applied to
relatively thin saws because of the short duration of wave travel time and associated instrument limitations. Using surface waves acoustic analysis of stresses
in circular saws [Clotfelter 1972 ; Szymani 1973], two major limitations have been
encountered which preclude application of this technique in its present form. One
of the limiting factors is a low value for a so-called stress-acoustic coefficient
(delay time for 1-inch path length of wave travel at 1 ksi) which relates the change
in velocity to stress. This factor directly controls the accuracy of this method
and in the case of saw-blade material was found to be of the order of 0.1 ns/ksi
whereas in the case of alumininm alloys it is much higher and averaging 1.5ns/ksi
[Benson 1968]. Thus, the low stress-acoustic coefficient in conjunction with the
variation in measurement of time delay, which averaged 1 nsec, results in a
:J: 10 ksi error in stress. I t was also found t h a t the ultrasonic method is highly
sensitive to the directional properties due to initial rollig.

Magnetic method
This method is based on certain magnetic phenomena occurring in ferromagnetic materials such as steel, cast iron, nickel, and some nickel alloys (the
magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials change significantly with application of stress). Bagchi and Cullity [1967] described the effect of applied and
residual stress on the magaetoresistance of nickel. They studied the distribution
of residual microstresses by applied stresses after plastic elongation. The magnetoresistance was found to decrease with increasing plastic deformation. Using
nickel and steel, Abuku and Cullity [1971] developed a magnetic method for the
measurement of residual longitudinal stress in the outer portion of cylindrical
bars. Their method involves measurement of the reversible effective permeability
over the range of frequency of the applied alternating field. They found t h a t the
reversible effective permeability of nickel and steel in a large biased field increases
almost linearly with tensile stress. They also demonstrated t h a t a combination of
magnetic and X-ray diffraction measurements can provide information about the
magnitude of the stress gradient near the surface because of their large differences
in penetration depth. This gradient cannot be determined nondestructively by
either method alone.
Rolwitz [1969] described the measurement of residual and applied stresses in
short-peened compressor blades, and applied stresses in cylindrical rods and
rectangular bars by means of magneto-absorption techniques. Using some recent
information provided by l~olwitz [1972], a portable instrument has been developed
which has potential for using field-type measurements; this method employs the
Barkhausen noise concept which is attributed to the abrupt and discontinuous

l~eview of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


motion of magnetic domain walls when test material is subjected to a stress field.
Investigation of the applicability of this method to residual stress analysis in saw
blades is presently underway at the University of California Forest Products
F r o m the foregoing review it is apparent t h a t a major drawback of nondestructive methods is their failure to provide acceptable accuracy for stress
analysis in saw blades. Since residual stress measurement is saw blades must be
practical and nondestructive, such a technique with sufficient accuracy would be
used as a reference method in conjunction with other less precise but meaningful
methods (such as vibration or bending tests) which allow estimation of tensioning
stress influence upon saw stability.

Residual stresses in circular saws

Residual stresses and their eHect on the saw blade stability

Accurate tensioning stress analysis is particularly i m p o r t a n t when highest
possible cutting efficiency is desired. This would require reduction of saw thickness
to reduce kerr losses and maintenance or increase of saw dynamic stability.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of tensioning stresses and their effect
on saw stiffness and stability have been studied b y Barz et al. [Barz 1953, 1957,
1960; Barz, Berger 1960; Barz 1962, 1963, 1965; Barz, Miinz 1968]; Berolzheimer
and Best [1959]; Dugdale [1963a, b, e, 1964, 1965, 1966a, b, 1968]; Fricbe [1970];
K h a s d a n [1956]; Mote et al. [Mote 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1970a, b; Mote, Nieh
1971]; Pahlitzseh and Rowinski [1966a, b]; Sugihara [1952]; and Yakunin and
K h a s d a n [1957] among others.
Similar theoretical explanations of the effect of the internal stresses on sawdisc stiffness were presented independently b y Dugdale [1963a] and Mote [1964,
1965]. Dugdale [1963a] presented a theoretical discussion of the inclusion of
initial stresses in the strain energy of deformation. Saw stiffness variation is
predictable b y evaluation of the strain energy of deformation associated with
m e m b r a n e stresses.

Um : f

where a

f , ](rrr[~-r
, ew )\2 q- (Xoo[--;-~-)
[ ~ 8w ,2~I h r d r d O


= inner disc radius

= outer disc radius
= 89disc thickness
--~ transverse displacement
= initial hoop stress
= initial radial stress

The total strain energy of deformation includes a contribution due to bending,

UB, which is independent of the initial stress state, so t h a t the total strain energy is
U :

U , - t - Urn.


R. Szymani and C. D. Mote

If the state of stress is known, Eq. (1) can be approximately evaluated and the
corresponding stiffness variation predicted. When the state of stress in the sawdisc is such that strain U increases in a particular mode of deformation, then
stiffness in that mode also increases.
The transverse displacement, w, of the saw disc at any point can be expanded
in a Fourier series

w(r, O) -~ Vo(r ) -{- Vl (r) sin0 + V~(r) sin20 + V~(r) sin 30 + . . . .

= Vo -~ ~ V~sin nO.



This series representation reduces the saw-disc deflection into a sum of harmonic
modes of vibration. This decomposition is very useful in the analysis of the strainenergy variations. Combining Eqs. (1) and (3) strain energy Um becomes
Um ~--~h

l aVo/.

art 1 dr ] r d r +

t, 1
f tlliar1
dr ] - ~ - ~ aOOV~ r d r +

,,_ (rooV~ r d r



dv"l' "' V:}rdr


where each integral in Eq. (4) can be interpreted as stiffness in a particular mode
of deformation. In some modes it is common for stiffness to increase because of
weighting of the initial stress state, whereas in other flexural modes the stiffness
Dugdale also included stiffness variations caused by a large, normal edge load.
Reduction in stiffness for a compressive normal load P is approximately proportional to edge load magnitude


3 E'b h a p)


where K = numerical stiffness for displacement under transverse load with a

radial normal compressive force P
K ' = numerical stiffness coefficient for zero normal load
E ' = modified elastic modulus E/(1 -- v ~')
h = 89disc thickness
b ~ peripheral radius
This stiffness is approximate because the deformation modes are altered b y the
introduction of edge load. The result of Eq. (5) is exactly correct only in cases
where the deformation mode is unaltered by the load P. A simply-supported
beam under tension is such a case. In general the approximate stiffness K (5) is
bounded from above b y the exact value.
The influence of nearly arbitrary normal and tangential edge loading distributions on the disc membrane stress state and modal stiffness can also be investigated
using the finite element procedures outlined by Mote [1970b].

Review of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


~ o t e [1964] compared the distribution of tensioning stresses in a circular saw

blade to those in a composite disc, where radial stresses are everywhere compressive and hoop stresses are tensile at radii greater t h a n the tensioning radius
and compressive at radii less t h a n the tensioning radius. The location of the
tensioning radius is critical, as indicated b y Eq. (4). As an alternative to using
Eq. (4) for potential energy variations, one can consider using natural frequency
variations which have an equivalent interpretation, namely each natural frequency
is shifted b y in-plane stresses. However, residual stresses introduced in the
tensioning process and thermal stresses due to the cutting process have an opposing effect on the saw's natural frequencies. Thermal stresses from peripheral
heating reduce critical natural frequencies and proper tensioning increases them;
for this reason proper tensioning improves saw stability in the cutting environment.
More recent studies of Dugdale [1966 b, 1968] have shown t h a t the introduction
of internal stresses during tensioning leads to a substantial increase in the critical
speed of circular saw blades. The critical speed of a circular disc is the rotation
speed at which the saw executes resvnant oscillations when driven b y a moving
transverse force of a constant magnitude. I n the cutting process the force is
stationary in space and the disc is moving. The quantity to be maximized for
o p t i m u m stability is the critical speed at which the standing-wave resonance
occurs. There m a y be other significant instability mechanisms, but they have not
yet been identified. The stability criterion results from the observation t h a t the
resonant response of the saw disc is composed of two wave-form solutions traveling
in opposite angular directions on the disc [Mote 1970 a] ; the situation is analogous
to the Doppler effect in sound transmission. The frequency of a sound-pressure
source increases as the source moves toward the receiver and decreases as the
source moves away from the receiver. I n the rotating saw disc the resonant
frequency associated with the forward-traveling wave increases because of saw
rotation, and the resonant frequency associated with the backward-traveling wave
is reduced because of the rotation. Thus, the resonant frequencies fi for the two
solutions are determined from
(egmn + nK2) 2 -~ fi2

for n = 1, 2, 3...


where C0mn~ natural frequency in the operating environment corresponding to

m-nodal circles and n-nodM diameters
K2 -= disc rotation frequency which is the angular velocity of the moving
concentrated load
~ load excitation frequency
~ number of nodal diameters of the resonance mode.
The critical speed is the lowest rotation speed at which resonance is excited in one
vibration mode b y a constant transverse force.
Y2 crit. = rain ( ~


for a l l n = 1, 2, 3...


Thus, the shift in critical speed is associated with natural frequency variations.


1% Szymani and C. D. Mote

Recent developments by Mote and Nieh [1971] confirmed experimentally that

the critical speed is a controlling parameter in saw stability. Furthermore, they
demonstrated t h a t tensioning induces positive variations in natural frequency
which result in a significantly higher critical speed (i. e., better saw stability).

Introduction o] tensioning stresses and methods o] their evaluation

There are three principal techniques used to introduce tensioning stresses in
circular saw blades. They are : hammering, rolling, or thermal tensioning. Hammering to control and introduce residual stresses has been used at various stages in the
manufacture of saws for a hundred years. Tensioning stresses during the hammering process are set up by applying rings of blows to a saw blade with the hammer
face oriented eireumferentially or radially, thus causing various nearly axisymmetric distributions of internal stress. Effects of distribution of these two
types of blows were assessed by Dugdale [1966a], whose experimental and
theoretical work shows that the circumferential rings of blows produced an increase in stiffness in the second and higher harmonic modes of flexure and, accordingly, the second and higher nodal diameter modes vibration. Radial blows may be
used for restoring stiffness in the axi-symmetric mode in case they should become
too reduced. In practice, some combinations of these two types of blows are used
in order to meet the operating requirements of the saw blade. Because the process
is mainly art, and because it is usually impossible to determine and control
tensioning stresses introduced b y hammering, this process will probably be used
to a lesser degree in the future.
The reliability, reproducibility, and consistency of initial tensioning were
substantially improved by introducing tensioning machines [Barz 1963; Berolzheimer and Best 1959]. Here, tensioning stresses are introduced by two rollers
opposing each other on saw-blade surfaces rolled circumferentially under constant
load at constant radius; compressive normal load is sufficiently high to induce
plastic deformation in the saw under the rollers. Detailed description of the rolling
machine has been given by Stakhiev [1965].
The third type of tensioning process as proposed by Mote [1965] is "thermal
tensioning". Here the objective is to heat the saw blade and purposely induce
appropriate thermal stresses. Thermal tensioning appears to be as effective as
tensioning by rolling, with the additional advantage that the state of stress can be
calculated and continuously adjusted. As this process is relatively new, problems
associated with it have not been widely investigated, but it should be noted that
a form of thermal tensioning is always present in the process. Mote and Nieh
[1971] have shown that the critical speed can increase 16 per cent because of thermal stresses induced from bearing heating alone. In more precision spindles and
high tolerance processes, bearing heating can be expected to increase with a
notable gain in terms of saw transverse stability. The "packing" technique used
by some saw filters today is also a form of thermal tensioning.
A rapid method for measuring internal stresses in thin disks is discussed by
Dugdale [1963 c] ; however, this method is destructive because a radial slit is made
in the disc and stresses are calculated from displacement of the slit edges. Dugdale
found good agreement between these results and those obtained from strain

l~eview of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


gages. Strain gages have been successfully used for measuring initial tensioning
stresses also b y Mote [1964] and Pahlitzsch and Rowinski [1966a]. Strain gages are
limited to the measurement of the initial tensioning stresses, and this technique
cannot be used to determine residual stresses present in the saw blade at any
Dugdale [1963b] used the test apparatus in Fig. 1 to measure the stiffness of
tensioned and untensioned saw discs. A number of dial gages was used to record
displacements at the edge of the centrally clamped disc. Upward and downward
loading was applied b y means of cables passing over pulleys and attached to
weights. I n this method, readings of dial gages were taken at points of loading
and at points between the loads; various test disc stiffness coefficients were thus
determined experimentally. The four-point loading method in which four equal
transverse loads are applied at 90 ~ intervals determine the approximate stiffness
of the two-nodal-diameter mode. This vibration mode is often the critical
stability mode, or the resonance mode associated with critical speed. Dugdale
[1965] later modified the method by changing the loading arrangement, using a
relatively soft spring to apply a constant load with load adjusted to give an average
deflection of 0.050 in. for tests on discs of 0.125 in. thickness. Disc deflection Was
recorded on the dial gages as the disc was rotated.
Using the bending test approach employed b y saw tilers for examining saw
blade tensioning, Baiz [1953, 1957] developed a testing device which recorded disc
elevation contours in the form of a polar diagram. Tensioning was then evaluated
from the distances between individual curves obtained from static bending of
untensioned and tensioned saw blades. K h a s d a n [1950] and Meins [1963] evaluated
tensioning b y recording deflection of the blade subjected to load. Positioning of
the load and dial gages was similar in both cases; Fig. 2a shows the method of
Meins. Determination of tensioning by the deflection test has been also done by
Tverdynina [1966] and Pahlitzseh and Rowinski [1966a]. A review of various
methods used for evaluation of tensioning by deflection has been recently presented
graphically b y Barz and Miinz [1968] and is shown in Fig 2. Tensioning evaluation in the case of the polar diagram technique (Fig. 2e) is based on the differences between contours R and D. A more extensive review of various methods


Fig. 1. Diagram showing the apparatus for the measurement of deflections of a centrally
clamped disc. From Dugdale [1963 c]


R. Szymani and C. D. Mote



Fig. 2. Arrangements for applying 10ad ~nd positioning dial gauges during evaluation of
tensioning in saw blades by: a) ~eins [1963]; b) Dugdale [1965]; c) Tverdynina [1966];
d) Pahli~zsch and Rowinski [1966]; e) ]3arz and Mtinz [1968]

for the evaluation of tensioning stresses b y deflection can be found in a recent paper
published b y Proke~ [1972].
All these techniques refer to a static bending test in one f o r m or another.
Differences between the techniques lie in the methods of load application or
deflection measurement. The limitation of the techniques is t h a t t h e y can be
used for determination of stiffness of t h e saw blade only in a specific mode of
deformation or under a specific loading configuration. This becomes a p p a r e n t in
Eqs. (1)--(4) where stiffness or strain energy terms are seen to involve the state of
stress and deformation. Specifically, the stiffness in each mode is the integrated
p r o d u c t of the u n k n o w n stress state and t h e u n k n o w n deformation. Knowledge
of the stress state could permit c o m p u t a t i o n of the stiffness in a n y mode of deformation, b u t t h e converse is n o t true. The use of strain gages is limited to the
initial tensioning-stress measurement. Therefore, once the saw blade is tensioned,
it is impossible to measure stresses again with strain gages without destroying at
least p a r t of the saw.

Abuku, .S., Cullity, ]3. D. 1971. A magnetic method for the determination of residual stress.
Experimental Mechanics l l (5) : 217--223.
]3agehi, D. K., Cullity, ]3. D. 1967. Effects of applied and residual stress on the magnetoresistance of nickel. J. Appl. Physics 88 (3): 999--1000.
Baldwin, W. M. 1949. Residual stresses in metals. Proceedings, American Society for Testing
Materials 49: 539--583.
]3arret, C. S., Massalski, T. V. 1966. Structure of metals. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,

Review of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


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R. Szymani and C. D. Mote

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Review of residual stresses and tensioning in circular saws


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(Received March 5, 1973)
R. Szymani, Assistant Specialist
University of California
Forest Products Laboratory, Richmond, Cal., and
Dr. C. D. Mote Jr., Professor
Mechanical Engineering and Associate Research Engineer
Forest Products Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley;
on leave at the Norsk Treteknisk Institut, Oslo, Norway

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