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Ok before I start my rant, I just want to say that I really believe everyone should

research and question the world around them. Im a skeptical person and tend to do
this naturally anyway, but I think its even more important now because there is
such a wealth of information available. It can be overwhelming to decipher it all.
Controversial topics like immunization divide the population. The two opposing sides
create bias which hinders advancement. You talk about Matthew not being open and
imply that the healthy side of living clearly doesnt involve vaccination. Having
already formed your opinion, it is you who is not being open. Also, no one is
injecting themselves with vaccines which result in cancer. It is generalized false
statements like this that potentiate the problem.
Toan/Erika: the choice you made has little to nothing to do with how smart you are;
medical decisions are made every day by those with a serious lack of intellect-trust
me, I know. The difference is about making an informed decision which weighs the
risks and benefits with consideration to personal feelings. No matter what
arguments/facts are presented the deeply personal nature of what is best for the
children creates an impossible barrier for changing many formed opinions
pertaining to vaccine safety. This issue is deeply upsetting to me for many reasons,
but the most frustrating is the false information that is used to overgeneralize and
misinterpret data. Ok, here we go.
Whats my stance on vaccination? The general answer is I am pro-vaccination. I am
a nurse (emergency and pediatric) and have seen the adverse effects of
preventable disease first hand. I completely understand the argument for wanting
to protect your children from harm, and like everything else in life, there is a risk of
harm associated with vaccines. Fear of harm caused by vaccines has overshadowed
the fear of the diseases themselves. Toan/Erika your statement to Matthew about
not understanding because he doesnt have any children is completely ridiculous. To
counter, how would you feel if your child dies or is harmed by a vaccine preventable
disease? I also, pray that they dont, but continue doing your own research to
evaluate the risk. (Heres a link to the World Health Organization regarding reducing childhood
Before I get into each of the articles you posted, I want to address one issue that is
commonly overlooked by those opposed to vaccination. Many people argue that we
should not be vaccinating our kids for diseases that have been eradicated. The
problem with this is the perception of isolation and exposure risk. Yes measles has
been eradicated in the US. News flash, weve got these crazy machines people
can use to travel to different parts of the world. Some go way up in the air or float
across oceans. It must be magic! To think that your children would never be
exposed to an outside illness is both ignorant and dangerous. Are they never going
to leave the house? Are they never going to go to school, work, grocery store, movie
theater, or a sporting event? What if your child wants to go to college? Vaccination
is mandatory for some institutions (no waivers accepted). I know several kids who
were unvaccinated as young children who had to get vaccinated prior to college.
These kids were given all the childhood vaccinations that are usually spread out
over several years in a few weeks. People attend colleges in America from around

the world. Bottom line: your kids might have to get them anyway. Risk of exposure
is not about whether or not you take your family on many vacations. Worldwide
travelers will come to you. Enjoy history? Google the Columbus Exchange. The
diseases brought to the new world nearly wiped out the native population and is
referred to by some as the first American genocide.
Your first article:
A few thoughts:
1. Author has no scientific/medical background (just first thing I noticed). There
is actually a disclaimer at the bottom stating that this article is not meant to
be used for medical advice.
2. There have been no measles deaths in America in the last decade. Well we
knew that because it has been eradicated here. Refer to the previous
paragraph. There havent been any deaths, because everyone was
vaccinated and very few people had even contracted the illness! If the
number of cases of Measles increases, so will the mortality rate. Again, do
more research. Children are dying around the world every day from measles.
3. This was just too funny to pass up. This is a copy of the case presented in the
article showing death after vaccination. Provided by the Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System.

Look at the column for MMR. The MMR dose was not even given that day.
Other Medications: This baby took daily aspirin? First red flag. Babies and
children should not take aspirin!
Preexisting Conditions: So this baby has a severe heart defect. (Born with
this) Pulmonary atresia associated with the complete AV Septal defect
suggests that this child was probably moderately to severely compromised.
Diagnostic Lab Data: +blood culture means this baby was septic-which
means he had a blood stream infection. Sepsis in children alone has a 9-35%
mortality rate. Sepsis coupled with a severe heart defect made vaccinating
this child risky. I will concede that vaccination of this child probably did
potentiate his death. But the decision to vaccinate this child is what is more

-Besides these issues, I visited this site (VAERS) to examine some of this data
myself and here is the disclaimer every visitor must acknowledge before
accessing the database:
When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any
reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established.
Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events
(possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on
any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by
a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that
a vaccine caused the event. -
And thats just the first few sentences. The disclaimer is the entire page!
Next article: -this is a link to
PDFs of the package inserts of vaccines which lists ingredients.
A few thoughts:
1. The toxic ingredients are what many people are opposed to in vaccines.
Lets examine that a little further.
a. The first toxic ingredient that most people are referring to is aluminum.
Aluminum is added to vaccines as an adjuvant which aids in producing
an adequate immune response to a vaccination. Heres some things
you may not know. Aluminum is the 3rd most abundant element found
in the earths crust. Aluminum is in air, water, soil, plants, and yes our
bodies. Aluminum is present in ALL food. Aluminum is a common
ingredient used in antiperspirants, antacids, and many other
medications. Vaccines contain ~250mcg of Aluminum per dose
(average). This is the same amount contained in a single slice of white
bread. While Im not saying everyone feeds their children white bread,
there are many more high aluminum containing sources. Also, an
injection of aluminum has NEVER resulted in death in any studies to
b. Thimerisol/Mercury: The fact that people still talk about this is so crazy
to me. No proof has ever shown a causal relationship between this
ingredient from vaccination and adverse effects/death. Come on
people. They dont even use this stuff anymore! Move on.
c. Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is actually a natural byproduct of
metabolism. It is found in the environment and metabolized very
quickly by the body. Also, if you look into the process of vaccine
production (gets pretty into chemistry) most of the formaldehyde is
removed before the vaccination is given.
d. MSG: Yes it is a toxin. Its also pretty yummy. If youre a fan of Chinese
food, theres a good chance youve been exposed to this toxin
e. Aborted fetal lungs: I know this isnt a toxin, but its frequently listed
under bad ingredients in vaccines. One website (dont remember

which) stated that using vaccines with this ingredient means you
support the murder of babies. Where to start? Its not as if theres
some underground market with shady people convincing women to
abort their fetuses so they can have their lungs. Yep, you can just see
the add on Sales rep needed for busy sales position
working on corner near abortion clinic.
I could go on and on about ingredients, but I wont. Do the research. You may
be interested to know that Botulism (Botox) is considered the worlds most
acutely lethal toxin. So there you have it. People do inject themselves with
very dangerous substances to look pretty.
Last article I have time for:
1. By adding religion to your argument, you further corrupt this topic. Religious
beliefs are deeply personal for people and only further serves to divide
people based on belief. (How much more controversy do we need?)
2. Anyone can post excerpts from the Bible and make assumptions about their
meaning. However, vaccines were not available when the Bible was written,
so it was never addressed directly. With knowledge comes responsibility. Are
vaccines totally without risk? No. Have vaccines been beneficial to the world?
Yes, so there is definitely a case to be made for preventative medicine. The
apostle Paul tells Timothy to use a little wine because of your stomach and
your frequent illnesses (1 Timothy 5:23); this is clearly an exhortation to
take preventive medication. (See I can do it too).
Not really related to this post, but Ive seen a fair amount of arguments against the
profit motivated pharmaceutical companies who produce the vaccines. Yes, they
make a hefty profit. Are they supposed to do it for free? America is the land of
opportunity and our free market/capitalist system encourages competition and
Ok, Im way too tired to say much else and Im sure if anyone is still reading this
theyre probably sick of me by now. Do more research. Keep asking questions. Make
informed decisions based on ALL information. Protect your children!

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