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Powerful healing tools for a healthy,

happy and balanced life

The tremendously powerful healing process known as Heart

& Soul Healing was originated by Ken Page through more
than twenty years of active practice with thousands of
clients and millions of individuals around the world. Heart &
Soul Healing is a method of healing all aspects of ourselves
on a cellular and multidimensional level. Starting with the
premise that all of us are multidimensional, connected and
part of everything and everyone in creation, with aspects of
ourselves functioning in other times and spaces - both Ken
and Nancy offer the philosophy of Oneness - no separation
from Source.
Sharing their philosophy on healing: "We believe 'cellular'
refers to addressing issues on every level and dimension of
existence. Since all things are interconnected
holographically, everything is happening right now, on all
realities, simultaneously."
Emotional experiences we have had in our lives shape the
way we think, feel and relate to our world. All of our early
learning impacts our adult self. Whether we are aware of it or
not, the strong influence of our early learning impacts our
adult sense of self more than we understand.
Subconscious programs and patterns from the past can be
released; negative conditioning can be revealed to allow you
to discover the next best step along your own journey. You
really can make the changes you want.
Pieces to understanding our issues may lie in the first few
years of our life, in the womb, in past lives, or even on inner
dimensional levels of our being. By healing on a cellular
level, we are able to go wherever we need to gain the
wisdom necessary to free us to be who we truly are. Unless
issues are understood simultaneously on all four levels of our
being (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), our
subconscious mind continues to energize these patterns still
held in doubt or confusion. By understanding our truth on all
levels, we are set free from imprinted energy patterns,
inappropriate thought forms and the hold other people may
have on our lives.

As children, we were freely creative and intuitive: exploring,

playing, making believe. When our conscious mind or ego
kicked in around the age of seven to nine many of us began
to lose our connection to pure imagination and to our inner
voice. Where we live, our culture, family, friends, religion and
even the media, all play a very important role in influencing
our reality. Most of us end up, as adults, so full of other
people's ideas we lose touch with our own inner voice or
Higher Self. Hidden on our bodies, in these energetic
patterns caused by childhood traumas, are all the ideas we
may not have completely understood but still accepted as
truth. These patterns of confusion continue to attract energy
or feelings which eventually have no place to go but out,
expressed as hurt, anger or sickness.
This method of healing finds the old or distorted patterns our
subconscious mind is still giving energy. Often, no matter
how much work we may have done to clear our issues,
there's still a missing piece preventing our full
understanding. As a result, we create similar patterns, over
and over in our lives, lifetime after lifetime, to give ourselves
another chance to understand our lessons. Any fears or
emotional residue we hold about a particular issue further
distorts the problem, making it almost impossible to see 'the
bigger picture.' Heart & Soul Healing addresses these selfmade, limiting patterns, since its purpose is to assist us in
integrating our whole being with our Higher Self.
Heart & Soul Healing also finds all the lost pieces of
ourselves, bringing them back into balance so we can truly
understand becoming 'One.' These would be any pieces of
ourselves stuck in times or emotions of the past. What if
there is a part of us we have never forgiven? What if we a're
looping with that piece to attract people to us who have the
same issues, so we could understand that part of ourselves
Besides pieces of ourselves out of time, this work looks for
anything energetically attached to us. What if we loved
someone so much we gave a piece of ourselves to them?
Perhaps they are not with us today, but their thoughts may
still be energetically affecting us. What if, when our parents

created us, they actually gave a piece of themselves to us

and they have never taken it back? Is it possible they liked
being energetically connected to us more than they liked
being with themselves? Could this be affecting us today?
The last thing Heart & Soul Healing looks at are unresolved
issues from past lives or anything we are still karmically
working on. By karmically, we mean recurring interactions
with groups, individuals or sets of lessons or issues. The
most important thing we look for is any thought program
that may (although subconsciously) still be playing out in
your life today, however inappropriate. We find these
programs through energetic patterns your body is wearing.
These programs usually are: It is not safe to love, not safe to
take my power, or not safe to be who I am.
Why does this make this such a powerful healing technique?
Because Heart & Soul Healing works with energies both
inside and outside of a person. The energy outside of us is
the collective consciousnesses behind the energy patterns
we carry on our bodies. We believe we grow spiritually, both
as an individual soul and as a collective consciousness by
working out our issues. Any patterns we still carry, along
with the emotions they evoke, are keys to what our lessons
are in this lifetime. We believe we are here on Earth to
master all the conditions we, as families, cultures and
religions, have put on love.
Most of us are holding onto billion of ideas from our past,
each with energy around it. Deepak Chopra says we have
60,000 thoughts a day, 90% of them about our past. This
means about 54,000 thoughts, or sparks of energy from our
past, are being held energetically each day, building up until
we either implode or change.
What if we agreed to be here on Earth to assist a change in
the entire collective consciousness of sadness, hate, anger,
war or evil? What if every time we heal and love those
feelings inside of ourselves, we change and balance a piece
of our collective consciousness?
We change others by changing ourselves, through
understanding what we have created. The more we have
worked on our self understanding, the better healers we

become. Our job now is to concentrate on healing ourselves.

Being in balance with our health, how we eat, how we rest
and play is vital to being strong enough to balance the new
energy we will be asked to run through ourselves in this new
cycle of our planet. During the last 25 years, we have
assisted thousands of people in their work on balancing the
energies of war, hate, pain, disease, sadness, anger, abuse,
murder, hunger and distortion.
What we are now being trained for is so important we must
look at the bigger picture. How do we move into a space
where we can run the energy of billions of souls or the entire
planet through our own physical bodies? Each of us has the
potential to be the gate or door to assist the momentous
changes in consciousness. By understanding ourselves, we
create the ability to keep this gate open for those who are
ready. The collective consciousness could then reflect from
us, as we love ourselves and all creation unconditionally.
Ken and Nancy: 'Each day I practice being in the flow of all
energy and having unconditional love for myself. I believe I
am helping by being in this space and by being the space'.
We teach that we all must let go of 'holding' a space. In our
experiences and observations, we believe that holding the
same space or place is the energy that may now be literally
tearing apart longtime healers. We must BE the space and
allow the energies to flow through us. Remember, everything
is energy. How much energy can our body or nervous system
run without harm? Time and time again we see people
hurting or destroying themselves by holding onto this flow of
energy. All old thought forms, ideas and energies are
collapsing onto themselves and people are becoming
overwhelmed and beginning to 'go crazy' with sadness, rage,
anger, hate or pain. Perhaps they are saying, 'I no longer
want to be here'. This is happening even to the extent that
some of our old teachers and healers have died. In our
practice, we work with healers who say they can not do it
any longer. Why? Because we all have ideas. Every time we
have an idea or hold onto an idea, we keep ourselves from
creating miracles. Miracles only occur in the flow of creation
where anything and everything is allowed to happen.

At the Institute of Multidimensional Cellular Healing, where

we teach Heart Soul Healing, we will support you if you feel
you are one of the people who will make a difference in
these times of change. We will train you to be ONE with all
the energies of creation without fear. We can teach you
about past lives, future lives and how to release old
programs which keep playing out in the present life. We also
instruct on dealing with abuse, spells, ET's, multidimensional
grids, time travel and other realities. Students leave this
course with the knowledge that they can go anywhere and
do anything.
This is about finding a healthy, safe way of being with
anything and everything. At the Institute of Multidimensional
Cellular Healing, we are totally committed to sharing all our
knowledge with everyone ready to participate and find their
self truth.

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