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Script to calculate your sites Google SERP position / rank.

The following script allows you to retrieve the google page position for your site for a given search
phrase. The script performs the search, and automatically pages through the results until it finds
your domain.
A few things to note about this script:
The URLs are extracted by searching for a specific font tag combination which Google currently
uses to display the URL name on the search results page. This tag may change in future.
The script current asks for the results in batches of 10 hits per page. You can easily modify it to ask
for more - ie 100, which will speed the whole process up. However, you will get different rankings.
The more hits you ask for per page, the more Google will "expand" internal domain results or
display similar results within the same site, thus dropping your site down the virtual rankings.
The script also counts two ranking types - the physical position of your site in the search results,
plus the "site" position. The "site" position is how your site is ranked once the internal domain
results / similar results are removed ( remember, a single site can postential occupy two result
spaces ).
// $searchquery is the value to search for.
// The script replaces the spaces and ampersands and
// converts them to values that google is expecting.
// $searchurl is the url to find - ie
// Do not pass http:// - you don't need it.
// $searchquery = "ontario inns";
// $searchurl = "";
if(!empty($searchquery) && !empty($searchurl))
$query = str_replace(" ","+",$searchquery);
$query = str_replace("%26","&",$query);
// How many results to search through.
$total_to_search = 100;
// The number of hits per page.

= 10;

// Obviously, the total pages / queries we will be doing is

// $total_to_search / $hits_per_page
// This will be our rank

= 0;

// This is the rank minus the duplicates

$real_position = 0;
$lastURL = NULL;
for($i=0;$i<$total_to_search && empty($found);$i+=$hits_per_page)

// Open the search page.
// We are filling in certain variables // $query,$hits_per_page and $start.
$filename = "$query".
$file = fopen($filename, "r");
if (!$file)
echo "<p>Unable to open remote file $filename.\n";
// Now load the file into a variable line at a time
while (!feof($file))
$var = fgets($file, 1024);
// Try and find the font tag google uses to show the site URL
if(eregi("<font color=#008000>(.*)</font><nobr>",$var,$out))
// If we find it take out any <B> </B> tags - google does
// highlight search terms within URLS
$out[1] = strtolower(strip_tags($out[1]));
// Get the domain name by looking for the first /
$x = strpos($out[1],"/");
// and get the URL
$url = substr($out[1],0,$x);
// If you want to see the hits, set $trace to something
// If the last result process is the same as this one, it
// is a nest or internal domain result, so don't count it
// on $real_position
$lastURL = $url;
// Else if the sites match we have found it!!!
$found = $position;

// We quit out, we don't need to go any further.



print("The URL $searchurl is at position $found ".
"( $real_position ) for the term $searchquery");

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