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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Externally mandated testing and assessment programs are often appealing to policy makers
because they
A) indicate high or low teacher quality.
B) are written by teachers in the child's given school or school system.
C) are popular with teachers.
D) indicate whether a given school or school district is effective.


2) Which of the following best summarizes the findings in the report "A Nation at Risk"?
A) Tests should be administered beginning in the upper elementary or middle school grades.
B) Children in the USA scored better than students in most European countries but lower than
most students in Asian countries.
C) The quality of American education was mediocre compared with other countries.
D) Children tended to be tested too much, especially in later grades.


3) Which of the following would likely be a possible danger of the accountability movement on the
local school program?
A) a narrowing of objectives
B) an overemphasis on performance objectives
C) a neglect for basic skills
D) an expansion of the curriculum


4) Which of the following events followed shortly after the publication of "A Nation at Risk"?
A) Many teachers and administrators were fired and/or transferred to other positions.
B) No Child Left Behind was enacted.
C) All 50 states introduced some form of educational reform.
D) One standardized test was adopted for use by all 50 states.


5) Computerized testing can increase the efficiency of testing by incorporating

A) adaptive testing procedures.
B) conventional test layout and formats.
C) more essay questions.
D) informal teacher-made tests.


6) Test critics have focused much of their attention on which of the following?
A) the use of multiple-choice items
B) printing tests in other languages for nonnative English speaking students
C) how essay tests are administered
D) how math and science tests are scored


7) Misuse of published tests probably can best be prevented by more careful

A) interpretation.
B) administration.
C) scoring.

D) collation.

8) Which of the following would serve as a particularly well founded criticism of standardized tests?
A) They require excessive time to administer.
B) They measure only limited characteristics of an individual.
C) They are used to evaluate teachers rather than children's achievement levels.
D) They result in an overemphasis on complex reasoning skills.



9) Critics of externally mandated tests argue that these tests cause anxiety for children. Which of the
following arguments might a proponent of externally mandated test likely counter with?
A) Giving students positive rewards for doing well on tests negates most test anxiety.
B) Students with test anxiety tend score well on these tests because they are awarded extra time.
C) Moderate test anxiety can lead to student motivation to learn and do well on tests.
D) Test anxiety may be present for older students but is virtually nonexistent for younger


10) Ms. Smith is using an assessment to gauge how well James is learning day-to-day class material as
well as devising educational programs designed to help students learn the classroom material
better. Which of the following types of assessment would be most beneficial to Ms. Smith?
A) arbitrary
B) formative
C) summative
D) externally mandated


11) Classroom assessment of students should primarily focus on which of the following?
A) learning
B) behavior
C) grading
D) feedback


12) Which of the following forms of assessment is the most effective way to determine whether
students are making satisfactory progress?
A) norm-referenced
B) summative
C) diagnostic
D) formative


13) Measurement always involves which of the following?

A) value judgments
B) testing
C) performance
D) numbers


14) When teachers use tests and assessments in the classroom, the highest priority should be given to
which of the following factors?
A) improving instruction
B) maintaining adequate school records
C) assigning course grades
D) reporting student progress to parents


15) Formative assessment is used primarily for which of the following purposes?
A) placing students in groups
B) grading students
C) selecting students for awards
D) monitoring student progress


16) Summative assessments are most appropriate for which of the following?
A) diagnosing student strengths and weaknesses
B) measuring progress during learning
C) measuring entry learning skills in students from various backgrounds
D) determining the extent to which instructional goals have been achieved


17) Which of the following types of assessments would most likely be norm-referenced?
A) mastery goal attainment
B) readiness
C) diagnostic
D) college entrance exam


18) Which of the following is most likely to be used in a criterion-referenced interpretation?

A) percentile score of 80
B) average score in a group
C) highest score in a group
D) percentage correct score out of 20


19) A test is referred to as objective when it meets which of the following criteria?
A) It measures a clearly defined set of standards.
B) There is a standard procedure for interpreting the results.
C) It is constructed using a variety of question types.
D) Different scorers obtain the same results.


20) Mr. Rich is a new teacher and is concerned about his class understanding the material being taught.
Which of the following types of assessment would best monitor his instruction?
A) aptitude tests
B) frequent class quizzes
C) standardized achievement tests
D) a pretest at the beginning of the class


21) Recent research on learning and cognitive development has led to an increased emphasis on which
of the following?
A) basic skills instruction
B) learning hierarchies of sequential skills of increasing complexity
C) students constructing meaning from problem solving
D) use of drill-and-practice learning activities


22) When specifying learning outcomes to be used in the development of classroom tests and
assessments, teachers need to guard against an overemphasis on
A) problem solving skills.
B) higher level thinking skills.
C) application of principles.
D) easy to measure factual knowledge.


23) Which of the following factors should be considered first by teachers when assigning weight to
each learning outcome in an assessment?
A) the number of times it will be assessed
B) the complexity of the objective
C) the instructional time devoted to the topic
D) the emphasis given on popular standardized tests


24) Which of the following questions would best satisfy the criteria for selecting instructional
A) Are they representative of all disciplines?
B) Can they be quickly and easily assessed?
C) Can they all be assessed on an essay exam?
D) Are they attainable by the students to be taught?


25) Which of the following would indicate the lowest level of learning for a student?
A) applies a principle to a specific situation
B) gives a textbook definition of a principle
C) states an example of a principle
D) explains a principle in his or her own words


26) Which of the following is an example of an application behavior?

A) reciting a poem
B) underlining a sentence
C) enjoying classical music
D) solving a math problem


27) Which of the following provides the best example of a student showing analysis of material?
A) recites multiplication tables
B) outlines a chapter
C) circles an answer
D) defines vocabulary terms


28) The term validity, as used in testing and assessment, refers to which of the following?
A) sets of scores
B) items or tasks in the test or assessment
C) interpretation of the results
D) setting learning standards


29) All the following relationships between validity and reliability are possible except which of the
A) high validity and high reliability
B) low validity and high reliability
C) low validity and low reliability
D) high validity and low reliability


30) If a test is valid for one group of individuals, it most likely means that it
A) is valid for all groups of individuals.
B) may not be valid for other groups of individuals.
C) holds strong construct validity.
D) by definition possesses strong content validity.


31) When evaluating a standardized achievement test, the most important validity consideration is the
A) construct claim made by the publisher.
B) predictive relationship with a criterion.
C) content covered by the test.
D) variety of questions offered on the test.


32) Interpreting a student's chances of success in college can be most effectively done through the use
of which of the following?
A) reliability
B) expectancy tables
C) construct validity
D) test blueprints


33) The term reliability is closest in meaning to which of the following terms?
A) validity
B) practicality
C) consistency


D) objectivity

34) The standard error of measurement refers to the error involved in which of the following?
A) computing the standard deviation
B) setting mastery standards
C) any assessment
D) standardized testing


35) The standard error of measurement tends to be smallest for which of the following scores?
A) extremely low
B) high and low
C) average
D) extremely high


36) An achievement test is most useful if it is

A) comprised of different question types.
C) easy to score.


B) reliable and valid.

D) given in essay form.

37) As reliability increases, what happens to the confidence band?

A) It stays the same.
B) It automatically goes to zero.
C) It narrows.
D) It widens.


38) Which of the following test characteristics would remain most constant over different groups?
A) standard error of measurement
B) standard deviation
C) validity coefficient
D) reliability coefficient


39) Which of the following would be the best procedure to use for improving the reliability of a
classroom test?
A) making items easier
B) using more extended-response tasks
C) increasing the number of items or tasks
D) making items more difficult


40) The standard error of measurement is especially useful for which of the following calculations?
A) estimating validity coefficients
B) interpreting individual test scores
C) converting raw scores to standard scores
D) comparing the reliability of different tests


41) The term reliability, as used in testing and assessment, refers to which of the following?
A) method of test interpretation
B) test or assessment results
C) accuracy of test construction
D) method of test construction


42) Reliability can be best determined by

A) comparing test scores to a criterion.
C) comparing the errors examiners make.


B) analyzing the overall assessment plan.

D) correlating assessment scores.

43) Which of the following is an example of criterion-referenced validity?

A) content
B) predictive
C) permanence

D) construct


44) Which of the following would likely be a validity consideration inferred from observable behavior?
A) construct
B) consequence
C) content
D) criterion


45) Criterion-related validity considerations typically include which of the following?

A) correlations
B) construct variables
C) psychological traits
D) cut-off scores


46) Which of the following is an example of concurrent validity?

A) known high science achievers scoring high on a biology achievement test
B) two sets of behaviors occurring at once
C) updating classroom behaviors
D) the setting of a standard of performance that is expected to be reached


47) Criterion-related evidence of validity can best be obtained by examining which of the following?
A) table of specifications
B) test sample
C) reliability coefficient
D) expectancy table


48) Which of the following is best stated as a general instructional objective?

A) Gains skill in reading
B) Possesses ability to use reference materials
C) Demonstrates how to use laboratory equipment
D) Applies learning, as needed


49) Which of the following is best stated as a specific learning outcome?

A) Can tell when conclusions lack validity
B) States valid conclusions
C) Develops ability to evaluate conclusions
D) Knows when conclusions are valid


50) Which of the following is an example of a performance term?

A) outlines
B) appreciates
C) thinks


D) realizes

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