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This project is an Interactive Sound Installation that aims to give the experience of
‘the pleasure of breaking the toy’ to participants.


During the days when I was searching for an idea for this project I broke my mug and
this event gave me a moving point about the project. I decided to build my project on
‘break’ concept. I made a brainstorm and also asked other people what they think
when they hear the word ‘break’. After sometime I faced an article of Robert Stam
that mentions Brechtian cinema. The sentences that I quoted below gave me a
starting point.

“… as Metz points out, totally deconstructive films require a libidinal transfer

whereby traditional satisfactions are replaced by the pleasures of intellectual mastery,
by a ‘sadism of knowledge.’ The pleasure in the toy is transmuted into the pleasure of
breaking the toy…”

In this piece Stam cites film critic Chiristian Metz’s ideas about Brechtian approach to
cinema. Metz states that by deconstructing conventional cinema components such as
story or camera shots, Brechtian’s get a sadistic satisfaction as children get by
breaking their toy.

I have always had problems with Brechtian approach to art forms. In one side I
respect this approach; however I do not feel comfortable with it. I think Brechtian
artists do the same thing that they criticized in conventional art forms in some way
but I could not explain it. So when I read this piece from Stam’s article I got the
explanation of what was looking for. Depending on those reasons I thought it would
be good idea to challenge with this problem of myself.

Installation will take place in a room with deem light where there are loudspeakers a
microphone and a platform with a hammer like object. A simple drawing of
placement of objects can be seen below.

When participant enters room there will be censor that will recognize him or her
entering and will make this announce “Please say something that you relate with the
word ‘break’ and kick to platform with hammer.” Then voice record of participant will
be taken and it will be manipulated according to values that are taken from the
cencors which are in the platform that participant kicks. I will use Fourier transform
algorithms which changes wavelength of sound signals. Manipulated version of sound
records will be given back to participant with loudspeakers. This process will go on
until participant leaves from microphone. Length of the feedback depends on
participant’s input. Technical drawing of the project is below.

The devices that I will need in this project are listed below:

1)Max/Msp and Arduino installed Mac OS computer that will provide a good
environment in order to function properly those programs.

2) A microphone to get participants’ voice.

3) Four loudspeakers to give manipulated voice back to participants.

4) Arduino microcontroller board in order to get analog input.

5) A photocell censor to get participants’ kicks.

6) A hammer like object that participants can kick with.

All those devices are available at Interaction Lab at Sabanci University.

30 March Theoretical Reading (On Sonic Art by Trevor Wishart, The Imaginary Signifier:
5 April Psychoanalysis and the Cinema by Christian Metz) and contextual evaluation and
Learning Max/Msp
6 April Theoretical Reading and contextual evaluation and learning electronic device
12 April (sensors, loudspeakers) connection to project.
13 April Beginning simple tasks and technical drawing of the project.
20 April Collecting sounds
26 April
27 April Collecting sounds
3 May
4 May Deciding on which sounds and devices to use.
10 May
11 May Establishing connections between devices.
17 May
18 May Connecting sounds and electronic devices.
25 May Beginning testing and repairing according to test results.
1 June Testing and repairing and preparation of exibition
8 June Testing and preparation
14 June
15 June Exibition


Exibition will take place at FASS G037.

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