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rmies in L:ebanon


Colour plates by RON VOLSTAD

I)uhlishl in 1985 b~
O'pr("\ Pllhli~hin~ Lui
:\ktnlwr ("0111pal1\ 01 th,.. (;"Ufl.-:,' Philip Crull!,
12 II l."llt.: ,\en', 1.\1I1d"n "'(:21-: 1)1.1'
t' Cop~righl 1985 Q'prey PlIhli,hill.l;- Lid
This hook is copyri~hted under the Berne Com ,l1lioll.
.\11 ri~hti r("'('n'('d ..\p.tr1 from all~ fair deaJin~ for the
purpose ofpri\'atc qud~. r~arch. crilici~m or rC\ie\\.
as pemlilloo under Iht" Copyrie:ht .\C1. 195ti. no pan
of Ihi. puhlicalioll m"~ 1)(' reprOOuccd. slOrro in a
rctril"\'al sy'lcm. Clr tr.IINnittOO in all~ fonn or b~ all~
Illt"an . dOClfonic. d<'Ctrical. chemical. I1lIXhanica1.
optiral. phOlocop~in,:, rl"Cording or othcn\i'i(. \\ithout
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(.{/fo!og/i/1/,1! III Pllblim//QII /)11/(1

Kat..:. S:lIl1ud :\1. :lI1d RllSsdl. Lee E.

.\rm;{"<;n Lebanon. 1(jl!2-B...
:\Il'uatarm, ~riC'>: 16,j
I. l..c-h.'lIlon
,\rmed Forces !Iiston
!, I..('hanon
Hi,to'1. :\Iilila~
I. Title II. Seri<'\
l". \R5:~. L

Fihm.'l in Greal Britaill

PriUlt-d in IlonK KOIlt.:

Samuel :\1. Ka'z \\i,lws ll) t';>.,,,rt'>;!; hi, t.:"ra,illldt to ,he
follu\\ iug people for their help in till' pHpar.ltion of
this book: his fdlo\\ IDF \'C'l\T;1l1 :\11' Dall Rosenlx'I'g::
:-'Is Fa,ina Husscil1i, for her Iran~btiOll.'> ;lIld nOI1p:lrlisan a~iSI:IIlCC: ;\11' ,\III..1r('as C:onslantinoll, lor hi~
tcchllifal help: _\I;~. D\ora '!"clson of lIlt' I Dr
SpokC"man unit: and Kari E. Hannibal of Ill('
Lch:lllC'>(' Informalion alld Rreareh vnter, for Ill'r
in\'aluahk :lS.!'istanec, He \\ould also likl' 10 oni..r hi",
\'e~ ',>ecial and 100'jng thanks to :\I~ Sie:alil Ehakim.
wilhout \\ hose hard \\ork. 10\(". de\'otioll and
dedication, this boo" \\tluld nOI ha\'C 1)('('1\ possible,
1..("(" E. Ru"",c1J also \\ishl"S 10 Ihank :\11' Ril'hard
Si.k and :-'11' Peler Ahbotl fill' thcir hdp ill Ihe
prl'par;ltioll (If this book,

Armies ill Leballoll /982-84

I3fldgrollllf!to OlflOS
'/" tltt /H'lt . 0' lJhmll'Jf tholl.!!,ht our Jf,mgth /t'Ol ollr
h 'ft,k"nf. II', /alllird /0 hI' tnt mrrC"IIII/I. IIII' bUllk,rJ. and
JII, (Oll'-;J/ gllidrJ oj ,1/, .\1idd/I' /:alf. It'lwilll! th,Ji.s:hrillg /0
olluH. J I', thol/gll' till/I bU(//lsr It" had 110 mili/(If)' /JOu'",
lIobOl!1 It'ould allarA

/t'm/lto fight



lIo/)()(b' u'ould

{ol/llI~'l' lUll hl'('11 t/fJ/ro..J'/'(!

jrm'ign arm;"J:

1m/' Itl

r!1I0U,t:1t to

Till' f,.wllu'w ,hal (odt/)' oll{'thi,d r!f Ollr

mul ftl'Q-/hil'dJ of il



President-Ekct Bashir
(;emayd. in hi~ Jast inlcrvj('\\ hdorc hi~ aSSas."Ination. 1 I St:plcmbcr 1~}82.

On thl' 1.'\ cllill~ of Thursda} 3 JUlll' 1gSL four

Pall"!>lillian gunmell crilicall~ \\ouuc!ed :\11' Shlomo
Argm. J.;:rad's ambassador in London. as he lert a
diplomatic re("(,plion al thc Dorclw'Ill'r HOiCI.
,\hhOlu;h Ihi') incid(,1lI ""... 10 Ix- Ilw immedi'lle
Gilhe of I,rae!'s "ar in Lebanon, til(' rOOls of thc
connici "('Ill back man) )t"ars,
I..tbanon achit'\ed il:. indept'ndt'nce in '9-1-3.
.Inn) 1'01 1"'1 ofFrench rule under a Leal:;lIl' of:'\'alions
~I;lndat(' Ihal dalt'(l back 101h(' Fir"'l "'orld "ar.
TIl(.' CUUIIO'). IOfllwrly pan of S) ria. ('mbral,.l,.'(1 a
wide \'ariel) of rdigiolls 'Inc! clhnk ~Toupil1~s. all
ll11llually anta.!{onbtic. Tbt: 1Il0'1 important \\cn'
~1;lr()tIite and Greek Onhodox Christi:ll\). alld
Sunlli al1d Shia ~ Ill~[i illS, IfIK<,thcr wi Ib IIH:111 bel'S of
the '('cr('li\"e Drul.l' SI'CI. Th(' ~o\C'1"nmellt was
siructul"(:d b) all a~n't'lll('1H kllO\\'n a:. Iht' "alional
('.o\CI1;IIII. \\hieh \\a~ supp0'll'd to di\'idc 1>0\\('"1'
prol>Ortiollall) amon~ Ilw \ariOll'i faclioll~. 1'hi...
r('sult<'C! ill a "eak ccntral gon'rnml'nl ill-equipped
10 mcr,~e Ihe ri\'al ~oups illlo a 11'(11) nalional "laiC,
Ho\\e\cr. Ihl' :'\'ational Con'llalll ",-,ned th<,
coulllr) fairl) \\clI for nearl) 30 \ ('ars, d~pile thl"
problems of urbanisation and ri,inl.( ~lu~lim
demands for {{Teater repr~ntalion, In the end. il
"as nOI a LehaneM' iSiuc lhal dl'Slro~ ('(I it. bUI Ihe
problrm of the Pale-linian~,


Sou .h Bei....., AU~lI"t 19B:>:: this Golaa; machinr ~una...r

('MAGi".') "'nN '.hr I,.radi K",."la.r flak ...1 and h",lm",l. and
tarn",.. his ..... pon" ammuainon Mit in ils lihel! colle"'tor ba~,
:II common lOt practic"" The MAC'" bipod i" "'rapped in
h",,,si.n.. a!Tordinll;. hand~np ...hen finnll; the "'''''''pon rrom th",
hip. (ICPO)

The PLO in Lebanon

In 19,'8. follO\\ i n~ I he (Tea (inn of Iht' Stall' nf IsraC'l.
,nnw .'00.000 Palntiniall refllW'C's crnssl'd lhc
bordt'l' north illto I.ebanon, Tlwn. lill' morl' lhan
'.!o )(ar~. lhl.') liwd in squalid reftl~(,(, camps in
,olllhcrn I.dlalllJll, and in :I chain of ramshackle
suburhs nl'ar Beirut. In 1968 til(' I.d)al1('~l capilal
1}("('":ul1l' Ihc h(:adqtlart('r~ of th(' Pah"linian
LilX'ralioTl Or~anis;lIioll. Ihe umbrella or~ani
,aliOIl for more Ihan I I diffl..'l"cll( IXllilieal facliom
dedicatl'(! I() Ill<" 0\ crthrn\\ of Ihe Siall' of I ~ral'l.
1'1.0 Chairman Ya'''<'r. \rafal found Lehanon an
ex('ellcll! b."1$(,' for orx'ralions. both a~ain~t Israel
itself and I~r<ldi ,mel internalionallar~(,I" ahro."ld.
In "Outll('rn Lt:banon, the PLO "Ct lip IM~c and
effecti\ (" ha'<... from \\ hich 10 carl") nul operalion:.
acro" Iht, bordt:r inln Israel. TIl(' I~rat'li Dd<'me

IOF comb"t cngin""r'" .,r"", I.h.. ir w"".,on", for .. n omc"r'"

inSJ!"'Clion, prior.o ... palrol n ..... r AI"y,Jan"ar)", 1963. Th.. ",an
on Ih" l"fl w"arS Ih" IOF'", winl"r park" and a ca.,lur"d 'wooll}'
p"lIy' ",w""I.. r (Ih .. PLO us.. d oolh Brili",h and PlOki"'l .. ni Arm)'
pau"rn.. ). The Iwo soldi.."", in (h" cenlre wear .he [OF
'",nowsui!' "nn 'Hermoniol' winl .. r bools, (JOF Spok..",n,an)

Forces r('t~li~ted with land. sea and ail' attacks on

thesc 1'1.0 bases,
Th... PLO pre;, nce. and lhl' Israeli military
response il allract d. put a strain on lbe weak
Leballl'se gonTllnwllt and the fragile politicOlI
alliOll1cl's it rcprt~s"'l1\l'd. I II :\'o\'embcr 1969 Egypt's
I'n'5idellt :\'asscr IC)l"("('d till' Lehanese to sign the
Cairo and ~1{'lkart Accords. granting- the PLO
\'inual autonomy in the rcfug('(' camps and alollg
t h('" 'com ha 1 {i'OIll' wi th I sr;wl. FoIIowi ng till' e\"('llts
of 'Black Sept em her' 19io. \\'hell King H ussl'in 's
Bedouin army violently ejcned the entire PLO
in{i'aStrllCIUT'c li'om Jordan, Lebanon betaillc Ihe
ani)' Arab COt1Jll1'y bordeT'ing Israel where the
armed 5trugglc could b(' eominucd. A further
15,000 Palestinian refug('cs :urivcd. along \\,ilh
Ihousand;, of PLO guerrillas, further llp5clIing the
ddicale balanCt' of power in the country.
Tht' \\'('akl1e~ of Ihe l.ehal1('$(: t:entl'al gon'rnment alarmed both Chrisliall and .\Iuslim political

panics, who b('g,1I1 to fOrm pri\'att' militias to look

after their intl'reSts. For their p01I'1. the PL.O seizt'([
COlllfOl of \'il'lually all of 50111hcTn Lebanon. The
PI.O fight\'rs-bored. ;Ingry. heavily anned, ;lnd
anS\\'('I'i1bk (0 no one hUl I heir local comm;J.ndC'rsinstituted a virtual n:ign of terror against the
cj\ilian population under their control. Thollsamls
ofLcballt'se \\cre robbed, raped, tortured or killed.
\\"hilc man) of the victims were Christians, till'
PI.O did not spare their eo-rdigionisl5, and
.\Iuslims (especially Shia .\luslims) pro\'ided til('
majority of th ... victims. At the ilame time. in
ddianc(' of t1wir obligations under the Cairo
Accords, thl' PI.O began 10 stl'l'n,l;thl'n it5!ies with
leftist Lebanese ~Iuslim political filction5. hoping to
dcstabilisc the Lebanese govcl'l1ml'llt still further.
On 13 April 1975. in the mid" of this explosive
a tlllosphcn:, a bllslond of PLO gunmcn opened fire
on a church in the Christian Ain Rammannh
section of Beirul. Pierre Gemaycl, leader of the
Christian Phalangc Party and onc of the most
powerful men in .\laronil( Lebanon, was prC5cnt
for a family haptism, His bodyguard returned fire.
and the fighting escalated. Tilt: ncxt day all hdl
broke loose in LdxlIlon,

The Lebanese Civil War, 1975,6

The Lebalwse Civil War of 1975 7(i cau~d 80,000
dead. and lotally splil lilt' countr~ along: r:,ctional
line:.. The peace which had t'xi~tt'd fi1r ct'lIluri('1>
betwcen ~Itlslitll and Christian was dcstroy<.-d.
Christian fought ~111slim. Christian foughl Christian. and ~lmlilll fought :\Iuslim. An cstimated 50
dillcrent 'militias' came into exi:-.tcllce. and acts of
violence \\cn' l)(llh individu:al and collccti\"('. In
Beirul, \\ hl"rc the worst of the fi~hting look place.
roofwp snipc:n. shot l>lde:.tri.llh at nilldom.
Gunnll'n -.<.'t up chel'kpoillts to examine the papers
of passing motorists. and :anyonc of the ''''rong'
religion or political all'ili:uioll \\as killed Ollt
of hand. Battles \,ere fought \\ith unheard-of
sava~ef). Wilh prisoners sowcd onl~ for tOrlure.
mutilation and death.
In Januaf)' t976 PLO units allackcd the
Christian cit} of Damour on th(' main high\\a)
south ofBeirut. :\ quarterofits population of40.000
were kilkd in the b.,ulc or mas,s.1.cred afterwards.
and the remainder forccd to nl'e. In rc\"t~n~e. in

OClOhc:r 1976 the ChriHian militia:. laid siege 10 tho.::

Td Zaatar l'('fugel' camp nonh ofBeil'UI for ,jodays.
When thr camp fell. no quartrl' ,,'as gi\'cn to thl'
survi\ors. and thc slaughtcr rivalled thai of
Damour. By Ih("n the Christian~. initially confident.
were in Il'OublC': tilt: PalC'Sliniam had formed an
alliance with otl1('r ~lllslim factions, and obtaincd
the suPPOrt of tl1(' Druzt', the siubborn 1ll0Ulllain
peoplc who had givcn the Frellch repcalcd
problems ill the day~ of 111(' ~ landatl'.
The I)LO-Icfti'l ~lu,lilllDrll7.c alliance "a~ 100
Illuch for Ihe Chrislian forces 10 handle and. in
February 1976. Ih('y ~\'(' tacit suPPOrt to a Syrian
and LcbanCS(' plan to end Ihe fi~hlin~ by granting
concessions to Ihe ~llI~lillls. Tht' PLO refuscd 10 go
along with the plan. hO\\('\cr. hopin'r to achic\c
their own national stat('. or al the \'1"1') leasl 10 gain
tOlal control ofSOlith Lebanon .. \.'1 Ihe war entered
An '"no~li na ....J 0'..""'.....;", .. <';:11 .. " ,h.. ruin .. orT}-O'~,Jun ... ,&2. An
MAG m .. "hi.. ~ sun and an M 6/M2OJ r1fl~/l!..e..... d~ l:Iuncl.u
tie do_ a' hand as he !i"peaks o.eO' an Jsnoeli M1t.2'; field radio.
No,e sh..11 coU..CfoO' baS alonssid.. Ihe machi..e p .... (IGPO)



, f





- "'.. , -.


1"..."li paratrvops ........ i, 110"'0","" 10 .. d~.... ; "asl .. (Be;..,u,

July 19lb. H",lm"l ..",uing ;s b",ld in platt by band" or ian"r
'ubi,,!_ ....d 'he I~d man has ".pll .... maga"i ...." I<.geth.... ror




hi" GIiJ.. n SAR (Sbon " ....... ull Rifl ..). Al_ nol" 10;$ RPG bag.

its second year, thc desperatc Chri~tian Icadership

beg.m to consider appru.'lching the ani} po\\er in
the region cap..'1blc of ensuring their llunival: the
State of I~racl.

Lad"....;Ih lr;pp"nd !DF kilba! aad rolled 5tplll! bal, a

Onlo" ."';_1."" ! ......"r of Brill.en., Yaron'. paralroops
pr"pan 10 boo h,.li,tiflW 10 IbC' Ein ",.h baul".j....,. .g082,
His h,.lm"c is conred by ""l1ill~ .. ad Ih,. tDFiss..,. rubber
r .... i! ba..d. (IDF Spok,....m....)

The Phalangisls
The Christian community in Lebanon, diwr<'e in
denominalion as wr-l1 as in polili<"al beliefs, has
always had ilS power base in a series off(:udal-type
lamily flerdoms, much lik(' thoS{' of the ~Iafia in
Sicily. The lhree main families ,\en' the Frangichs.
the Chamolills, and the GClll;ly<'I,,: all of [he
~larolli1f' cit-nomination. Each had it~ 0\\11 tl'l'ritorics, banking and commercial iTH(:n:slll, and
polilic'l] orientation. By 19;6 each r.'1mil} also had
its 0\\'11 militia. The Frangieh.s. I('d b} Sidman
Frangich. had their po\\er in nonhcrn
Lebanon around the cit} of Tripoli, and \\rrc
knO\\ n to be pro-Syrian in polic}. The most corrupt
of all the Christian faction" their militia, the
,\Iorado named after legendary ~antsofLcbanoll's
pr("-histor} \\as commanded b} Slciman's son
Tony. Tlw Chamoun.s \\ere a pro-\\'cslcrn faction
\\ h~e leader Camille was a formtr Prim(' ~Iiniqcr.

Camille's SOil Danll} headed their militia. the

TigcN, Th(, thi,'d famil} wcr(' the Gcma}c::Is, :\ot
only \\tre they tltc best organis(d. but their family
patriarch Pierre had founded the II-ttrl'{/b litcl'ally
'Oflhl' book') or Phalange Party in 1936. following
f<.scist pattnlls apparent in Europe at the lime. The
Phalangist.5 were mort' than JUSt a pri\'ate army:
tlt('}' \\crt' a political force. of great potcntial.
Gt'tll:l}c:I'~ 1\\0 ~ons. Bashir and .\min, \\('rl' both
militia comJll:lll(lers al till' lime of tlw 1975 ;6
Civil War.
The firsl I)halang(:-I~radi contaCb occurred in
the sprin~ of 1976 aooMd Israeli mi~..ile boats
cruising off the Lebanese coast. Further conferences
wcrc held ashore, and includl-d \illits by Israeli
militar} rcprescntatin:s to Chrilltian-hcld positions,
Thc rel'llionship flourished. and during 19;6 Israeli
planners pro\ided large ~ants of military aid to the
Christian forces,

).!l'am\ hilt,. followin~ the PLO', rejection of

tht'ir truce propo,a!. the Syrians began to
rcron"ider tht" eOIlq-qucllc("<; of a PLO-)'luslim
..tate in Lebanon. and withdre\,' their con<;idcrablc
,>upport from th{" alliance. InJuly 19i6they went
further. and ill\'adcd the coullIry in ~upport of the
ChriSli:lIls. From th<.' Ixginning-. the Isratlis had
('olhlantly urg-ed Ihe riyal )'Iaronite fanions to
unite against the PLOleHist )'Iuslim-Druzc alliance. As lhe Civil War came to a close under
Syrian prCSSllr(', the Phalangists movcd to consolidate their position nOt by compromise. as the
Isr:H'li" had hOlxd. but by violcnce.
On '3Junc 19i8 Phaiangisl soldiers surrounded
the home olTon} Frarupeh and killed him. together
"itll his wife and d:lll~hlcr. their bodyguards and
seryanl$. and e\"Cn the r.'lrnily pets. On iJ lily 1980 it
was Ihe tum of Danny Chamoun...\ Phaiangisl
assault force SlOrmcd his hcadquartcrs. killin~ 80 or
his mcn: although Danny himsdftseaped and Aed
to EurolX'. tht' Ch.1I11Ouns were cftectivdy remO\'cd
as rivals to thc Gcmayds l , The Phalangists wcrc on
Iflp. and I!,rad was faccd with afilil accompli.
The dn'lioll of' :\!t'nachern Begin as Israel's
Prime :\Iinister in 19i7 \\'as greetcd with rdiefhy
til(' Phalange: his h:mlline against the PI.O meant
11101'(' ll1ilitar~ aid for lhcm, In f."lCI, mall} in Israel
began 10 dn'am of a united Chrislian-Jcwish front
;tKainst the :\Iuslim .\rab world around them. The
Phal:mgisl leldership look cn:ry 0pporlunit}' to
"I rt.Il~th(1I this irl('a. Phalal1g-isl officers wcre senl to
train in Israel. and conlaClS \\cre established with
th<. Imtdi IXlliticalleadership. Th( dt'Spt'ratt' plighl
of the :\Iaronite Christians. I)(":"ie~ed in their own
{nUllt r~ a lid fi~hli Ill{ fill" tl1l'ir \ t'r~ ('Xi,tt'IKt'. :-tru,k
a 1'\'~I>Ol1si\'c chOl'd in many Isradi kadt.'I'S. The
Isradi hard-liners admired the dyllamic Bashir.
who. lor his pan. cOlltinuaJly urged Israel to
inu'l'\'('l'l(' din'1:ll) in UhallOIl and rid his cnulllry of
the Pakslinialls and also. by this time. or lhe
s~ rian Arm~.

The Syrians in Lebanon

Thc bizarre Ix'haviollrofSyria in Lebanon call anI)
be underst<XKI by reference to pasl hislory. Syria
lI('wr accepted the partition of tilt' country under
'1~"1 il I.., Ih""llh, ,h.. "a. 11 "",.,i<l,,<I, i., I "'>rUM' ".7" 1I",h;.
(;'I1\.1,d, ;ur."" ,1.'1I1l111<'r "." kilk,l ill ,," ,.,nl,.,.11 m",llll tur ha



An Is... ~li par:uroopu pau,,;ng 00 th", road to Ikin". Jun..

'glb. An MT<' LAW .'Ui-I.nk rock." is slrappnllo his pad<- H..
hal' .1_ ;mpro'';~ h.i.. 0""" ....a) or CIlrT'}';ng Ih", 40 rnrn
ro"nds ror hi" M 6(M'lOJ c:ornbiaatiolL (IMoD)

lhe :\I:llldatc, and always regarded Lebanon al>

pMt orGrcmer Syria. For \'arious reason". hO\\('\er.
the) wanted an indcpcndelll Lebanon. thou~h one
ohcdicllI to Syrian IXllicies. Toward this cnd. in
'9iS. al the hei~ht of the Civil \\'ar. they Sl'llt in
lllClllbe(;i of til(' Soiqa (the Syriallsponsorl'd PLO
faction) and units of the Syrian PLA (I)alestinian
Liberation Army auxiliary troops or the regular
Syrian Army 10 fig-ht 011 the sick' of tht' ~lllslilll
Howc\"Cr. as the 1)1..0 and its allies ~Illcrl aboUI
10 triumph. Syria's Pn:sidt'l1t Haftz ,\ssad sent a
lo,ooo-man inva;;ioll fore(' to hdp the Christians.
'I Ilt'ir I1li~iun \\ a, to pr('\ t'llt till' ("'lahli,hlll<"llt tlf;1
strung PLOstatc c'lpable orresistin~ S} rian plans in
the Ie~..i on. Ahhou~h late!'" sanctioned by the .\rab
Ll'ague as pari of an f\rnb Deterrent Force in
Lebanon (as wer<.' lInits fj'Q111 Saudi Arabia. Yelllen.
Lihya and tht' Sud,l11 . tht, Syrians rdllSt'd to lea\!'

till' COUnll'~ I. In:.tead Ih(")' r("maiued. consolidating

llwi l' p(m ('I' ba:'l"S in Ikinll and in Ihe Ikka'n \ 'alley
in castl'nl Lebanon, Following the ..igning of a
peace lJ"(.'aty b('lw('cn Egypt and 151';1(.'1 in Ig80
Syria's relalions with Ihe PLO improved: lhe
Syrians withdrew from thc coastal regioll, lurning
O\'cr colllrol to the PLO, By Ig81 the Syrians wcre
in conlrol of I\\Olhirds of Lebanon: ousling lhem
had bccome a major goal for till' Clll'i'Hians,
In 1~)8I, rC'Spondin~ to in("r('a't'd haras:.mcnt of
Ihcir troops by Christian forces, Ih(' S~ rian . \ml~
laid Sil'KC 10 thc Greek-Catholic Cil) ofZahle, In a
!>ho\\ of support for the Chrislians, II1\' hradi Air
Force ~hot dowlIl\\o Syrian hdicopters t.'1I~g('CI in
cOlllller-ltu('rrilla operations 1ll',Ir lhe cil~. The
'"11........,KI. ' ., '" .. ,ll! ..,...1.."'... .. '''''''~, ,{_ drl'-'''''''' .. ft..... ,......
nl<JllIl>_ I Ii.. 1..1 11I Ullil " .._ I~n:..h "".m<l,~1n! I" 11_ I:,,,rrlll'''"'llt.
",Ill inrli' id"..11n1l'1" n. h... ..r rn.o<k .1",, " .., h.."... ;>.. I"....
Ihr< ,,,10101

I...... ~li patrol in th~ Ik....... \'",II.y. No,".mMr ,g8'2. 111

...diom.. n carri.s, in .. ddition to his Mk,2S radio...n .. nusual
GliI<mfM203 SAR/II:n'n..dr laund"'r lrnbi..,..ion. Furth..r
b,,,,;k in ,h. col.. ".n, ano.h.r n ... n ;,. ",r", ..d ",llh .. n M'21
7'&:' rnrn "ni~r rill... nd ",c,,~, (1.\100)

Syrialls responded by placing 1.J ha tll'ri('S of Sovietsupplied SA-6 <lilli-aircraft mis~ill'~ in lhl' Beka'a
"alley, ,I-\ltholl~h Ihl' Israelis lhreatelled to I'CllIO\'l'
thcm b}' forcc,lb('y wcre lore-main in placl' Ulllillh('
1982 invasion. By this timC'. many I~r:l{'li kadel'S
bcgall to ~llSp<'ct Ihal thc emire Zahle aflair hild
bl.'cn a Ph:llall.'{ist 1'101 tobrin~ the I DF din'cll~ inlo
a war with Syria.
The Israelis
Ahhoulth Ihe Israeli::. ,,'cre collccrrH,-d wilh the
pli~l\l of the u-ban~ Cilri,tian", Iheir primary
intcrt t ill Lebanon \\'as to ~"'Curc Ih{'ir northern
borde altain::>l the PI-D. Evcr sillce lilt' first I>LO
raid.. into I"rael from Lebanon til(' I"racli
~O\'('rnl1l ... llt has follo\\'cd a firm polin ofrctalialiru!


against PLO targets throughout that country. In

1978. following: a paniC"lllarl) \'ieious tel'mrist
attack which Itn 33 dead. the IDF mouJllCd a
small~scale ill\'asion of SOli t!lnil Lebanon Operation 'Ulani' \. For Ibret' mOllths thl' IOF d{'~lroy{'d
bunkers a nd a rlll~ cnclll's; bu I o\'crall, I he opera lion
\\'a5 nOt a success. Tlw bulk of the PtO fightcrs
simply withdrew nonhward Ollt of reach of thc
IDF, A linitcd :'\atiollS IIItt:rim Force in Lebanon
(U~IFIL \\'<lS brought ill to polin' the area
following- the Israeli \\'ithdrawal, but proved llsdcss
at curbing PLO infiltration, The PtO fighlcrs
qllickl~ intimidaled the C;': soldiers imo lea\'ing
dll'1ll alonc. and soon l'l'occupied all their old basl's,
\,'ith till" financial resources of the Gulf oil states
behind thl'lll. their lost wcapons were quickly
rcplaced ane! new oncs added, including tanks and
artillery, (it should bc recalled that the PLO is
undoubtedly the best-financed guerrilla organisation in histOly I llstead of making do with odd lOIS
Is ..... e1i for..,.... slt;or"h for PLO l~rrQri..,.s;o1 .h", EI B.... ~ r",fus"",
un.p ne;or Tyr.., Jun.. 198~, Th", Iud soldier, p.... ring
e;oUliously ;oround ;0 ~r..ffi.i-e(", wall, e.. rr;.... a Glilon ;ond
wurs an American M69 flak '"Sl. Th" m"n;ol .he r ear"'''s
a folding slr"leh"r :Illaeh..d 10 a US Arn.y packoo;ord, (IGPO)


or homemadc OJ" c:lplul'ed hardwill'C. they ha\'c

always bCl'n able to anord tilt" \'cry best on th..
Bc!ore their departure, Ill(' leraeli.; had also
establi.;hed a small Chril>lian ;lnd Shi'ite militia
lllldl'r the command offormer Ll'bam.'se Army ).Iaj.
Semd Haddad, Complctely ilrmed lind financed by
Ihe I:.raelis. it reached a peak strength of' men.
Haddad, n Greek Catholic, wns despised and
reviled by the )'Iaronite leadlT~. both for his coopcration with Israel and for his usc of ).Iuslims in
his militia, This was sulTicimt to prall'ct J-faddad's
small cnclave alld part of th.. border. but could not
seriousl}' challenge tbe PLa. In IgBI thc PI..O
stepped up the pressur(' with massivc rockel and
anilkry attacks 011 the bordl'r towns of northern
C,t1ike, Thc situation ~11 became intolerable:
there were man) cl\'ilian Cllsunlties, and Israeli
citizl'ns were becoming hostages of th(ir bomb
shelLers, [\'en after CS Spl'cial Em'or Philip Habib
mallnged to mcdintC' a ccasefirl' be!\\'ecll Isr<lel and
the PLO. thl' Isrnclis beg-an to consider SC"cral
mililary contingencies to cvict Ihe PLO from
Lebanon oncc' and for all.

Three basic plans were proposed by the IOF,

First. a repeal of Operation 'Litani': second, a
larger-scale operation coc:lcnamed 'Little Pines",
which ealkd for Israeli forces 10 occup~ a zone 40
km deep north of the Israeli border to keep the PLQ
alit of artillery ran~t' ofnonhLTll I"rael: and third,
'Big Pines", which called lor Isradi forccs to go as far
as Beirut. lorting the PLO to either stand and fight
or withdraw Ii'om Lcb'lllon entirdy, The first
proposal was immediately discarded, and debate
centred 011 thc remainillg t\\'O, 'Little Pines' was the
[cast risky politically: but IIw larger plan had milch
to recommend it. especially since the Phailln.l.,risls
had promised their full mililar} co-op<:ratiol1 in
rooting the PLO OUl of Beirut itsdf. "hould the
Israelis advance that far, I~a.')hir Gema~ d's personal
assurallC('S convinced man} top I"raeli kadel'S,
including I)rimc .\linis(('r Bcn, Oefcl15e :\Iinister
Ariel "Arik' SharOIl. and IOf ChiefofStafrLt.Gen.
Rafael 'Raful' Eimll. Ho\\c\"Cr, many officials in
both the I<:.radi ~o\'Crnment and IOF mililary
intelli~encc oppos<'d 'uch collu"ion \,'ith the

braooJi p.. , .... l nrar 1)......o .. r,J.. n., '982, Thr officrr'l' CAR-.S is
611ed ....i,h c.. r~nl,p"lI.. rn n.. "h " .. ppr.,.".or, l"..,..,li.n,..d ..
plas"" ma!:,nineli, .. nd ...." ..b ..d .Ila"hn,rnl for firing anli_
lank !:renlldell, (IMoD)

Phalan'{e. Thc} found the111 unreliable and

ulltrusl\\'orth), and belic\'cd lhq ',cre dragging
Israd into a quagmire in I.ebanon. They wal'lled
that it would be dangl.'rOlll> ror hrnd to ignore the
OrtizI.' and Shin minorities \\'ithin Leb~tllon, who
were S\\ orn t'l\elllies of the :\ Iaronit<: Cllristia lIS .. Big
Pincs' also cOIHaincd a risk of conflict with Syria.
which could easily spn'ad to the Colan Hl.'i~hts and
l'$cnlatt' into a llu,jor \\;11'. Sharon and the hardliners thotl~ht it worth the rbk: but the debatc had
not been scttled when the atlcmptl'd assassination
of the I ~rat:li all1ba~S;ldor to Cn:at Britain occurred,
.\hhough thc aSl>al>Sill~ \\ere not members of tile
PI.O proper I , Bf'g:in immcdi:u('lv ordrrcd a
rct'lliator) air ~Iri"l' 'll{ailht t.lf\;{eh in '>Olllhrrn
"hn "n,', III 1.(( ,. mrmhrr- ,. '10" 'icl..l", .. n1;-,'r.. t.., R
I r<.>l1I ... h;(h 'Iln;.. h-...d III Ihr m"rdrr .of 1'/.O .~h".lI. "I
".I' .It.. ,.1

, .I.,,,d


""n"ltIllllIll,~,,.. r


!. 0 ....



Lt'banon and on PLO Headquarter", in Beirut.

PLO artillery units rcsponded with a two-day
rockel barra~t into nonhern brael. Late on Ihc
c\'cning of sJune the Israeli cabinel agreed tOlhe
irw:lt\ion of Lt'banon, up to til(' 40 km line. Thl'
operation was codellal1led 'Peace lor Galilee',
The Military Situation
Planning lor the invasion of Lebanon had been
llndcr way since ;'\o\cml.>cr Ig81. IOF units bcgan
to emphasise urban infantry combal in their
training. and practised rapid mobilisation and
dt'ploymetll along the frOlltitr.
PLO Chairman Arafat had also known since
1\O\'cmbcr 1981 that the Israelis were planning
somclhing against him in Lebanon, and had made
dispositions accordingly. He was able to organise
three con\'{'ntiorl;ll formations. each of2.000-2.5OO
men. made up of cOlllil1gt:llts Ii'om the various PLO
r.\ctiom. The Yarmouk Brigade was stationed along
tht' coastal strip: the Kastel Brigade was in Ihe
south: and the Karamch Brigade was stationed on
thc eastern slopes of \It Hermon. in the area the
Israelis called Falahland'. Arafat had about 1.5,000
fight('fs altogether. with 6.000 in thc Ikirllt.
Ba'abda and DamOllr area: 1..500 in Sidon: 1.000
between Sidon :'tnd Tyre: t.jOO in Tyre itself: 1.000
from Nabatiyeh to BeaLlfon Castle: '2,000 in
Fatabland. and l.OW in the U:'\IFIL Zone in
SOUthern Lebanon. Their heavy weapons included
T-34. T-54 and T-55 tanks (mostly dug in as
pillboses. 130 mm and IS.5 mill artillery. mulliple
13.\1-'21 Ilfll)'tlslw rocket laullchers and hea\'y
The Syrian Arm)' had ahout 30,000 soldiers in
Lebanon. deployed in two main zones. In the
Beka'a Valley was the 1st Armoured Division.
comprising the 9tSt and 76th Tank Brigades and
the S8th \Iechanised Brigade, Attached to it were
the IndcpendcllI Brigade. and tcn Commando Battalions, There were also now 19 SA,\I
missile batteri(s. In Beirut and the Shouf i\ IOlllHain
area the Syrians had nOI" deployed Ihe 8,jth
Inf.'1rnry Brigadc and 20 Commando Batlalions to
protect the Beirut-Damascus Highway. their main
route of supply and communicalions.
Against these forecs, the [OF planned to uS<.'wme
six and a half divisions, with a total of bctwcen
75.000 and 78.000 111('11. t.~!.10 tanks and 1,500

armoured pcrsonnel carriers. Further rescn'es wcre

kepi back on the Golan Heights. to delcr a SYlian
lllrikc at till' ba:.c of the hracli advance,

Day One
At t 100 hI'S 011 6 Jun(' 1982 the Israeli Defense
Forces laullched Operation 'Peace lor Galilee' by
invading Lebanon nlong a 63-milc strClch of lhe
frontier. There \,'{'re three main routes ofach-anee:
firs!. the coastal seClor from the Israeli border at
Rosh Hanikra north toward Tyrc. Sidon. Damour
and. e\enlually. Beirut: second, Ihe cell1ral st.ctor
from Beaufort Castle to :\Iabaliyeh, withJezzinc as
the ini lial objective. followed by a left turn 10 lin k up
with the co:'tstal force I1cnr Sidon: and lhird. Ihe
cnstern ~cctor. which ran frOIll RachaiYlI and
Hasbaiya IowaI'd the Syrian lines in the Bcka';)
\ 'alley around Lake Qaraoun. Tht'" overall strategy
was for a rapid a(h"ancc along the coasl. bypassing
lh<. major PLO centres, while simultaneously
CUlling orr the PLO's escape route through the
Bekn'a. Thereafler, the I DF would procel'd to
destroy the PLO bases, equipmenl and personnel in
the bypassed an:as.
The campaign in the coastal sector opened with
an a{l\'allcc by three brigades of the IOF's Division
91. under Brig.Gen. Yitzhak .\Iordechai, preceded
by ail' t\trikes and artillery. Speed was cssential; yet,
alier passing through the lilies of the startled Ui'
troops, progress slowed. The advance had 10 be
made along a single road, which wnt\soon a massive
traffic jam from beginning to end. 'rhe road was
also bordered by citrus grovcs. which pro\'idcd
good cover for PLO anti-tank teams, Their
resislance IVas determined, if ullco-or'tlinatcd,
Closer to Tyrc a series of ambushes imposed a
further delay. and there was some heavy fighting.
I-Iow('\,('r, the leading I OF unit. Brigade 211 under
Col. Eli G('\a. was able to isolate Tyre in only nine

Maj. Saad Haddad on his way 10 aCC~pl Beaufort Castl., from

lh., IDF, 7 Jun., '9S~. Haddad slill W",".r1I his Leban~s.. Army
fal.igue.., Wilb US Army 'baseball' faliguc cap, IOF .... nk
insignia, and the unil p,uch of his ",ilida hanging from his I"fl
epaulelle in IDF lil),le. The M 13displa)'" bOlh Israeli and Fr.,.,
Lcbanes., naSs. (IGPO)

I -:j

. ----_.-

::::..:.-... _... __ :- .no;"




Golani BI'iKnde. Agnin, trnnic cOIlKl'~lioll delayed

lhe attack unlil aftcr dark. allo\\;n~ Mlme PLO to
t"SC:ljX': hut the platoon-~izcd assault force reached
it~jllll1pOll'poilltundetccted. and launched a ni~ht
allack. Thc rC'maining: PLO rcsi...tcd stubbornly,
and \'iciou~ fi~htinl;" ra~ed amid the ca...t!cs
elaborate 5) ... t('m of hunkers. trencht"'- and pilllXlXes,
In lht, ('nd the position was cleared. panly wilh
\\eapons laken from the PLO de:ld. ,md Ihe Israeli
nag \\el1t up 0\'Cr Ikaufort. The COSI had been hi~h:
lhl' ~ll1all a~"alllt unit had la)..('n Iway) e'buahics.
includillg six dead and man) \\ounded. Its
commandt'r. LI. ;\Iordcchai Goldman. later receiH'd I\rad's highest award for valour. the Ot
Ham.. for his actions during theopt'ration. The next
d:l). wilh greal pomp and c(,l'('moll). the Israeli
PrinH" .\Iinislt'r. Ddrnse .\Iinisler and IDF Chief of
.. --,
SI,lff formally handed 0\'('1' th(' ChIle to :"Iaj.
! --:'
Haddad, who.. e people had sum.'fl'd under its
, GOL~~
b()mhardnH'll1~ for )"('<11'$.
With Iit-aufart sccure. t\\O I Dr didsions. the
" '." .' ..
16:.!nd and 361h the laltt'!" C'ommalld('d bv
l:hi~.C:cn. .\vi1;dor i':.ahalani. the IDF... lllOSt
houl'. The plan "as to b~pa,<; the cil~ and llll' ollblanding anlloul'cd commander pushed north
<;urrollndin~ n-flll;cc camps of EI 8aas and
011 hoth sidc'i of the east!e 100\ard ~ab,-lliyeh. Owr
Rachid}ch. Ho\\ ('\"('r. one ofCe\a"s b'IIWlioll:'> look tilt" cil) an l..r'll'li ..-\- I Sk) ha\\ k was ShOl down by a
a "Tone; turn and stumbled inlo a PLO al1lbll~h on handheld S.\7 mis.."il('. and it'> pilot captured.
the outskirts of the cit) ..\mid the \\ rcrkal;L' of tanks
In the ea~lcrn zone. \\ here I DF forces wcre
and .\PCs. tht' battalion commander and hi.. dri\('r controlled b) a corpsk\'e1 command under
,,'ere Iakcn prisoner b} the PLOt: and it took .\1'ti.GclI. thi1;dor Ben Gal. 1\\0 IDF units.
sen'ral hours to extricate the lInil. .\5 Golani! and Di\'i~iom 251 .lI1d go, push('d into Falahland. led
Par:llroop uniu ~calcd aif the cit} and the camps. :t1onl.; ...rcondar) roads by comhat enginC('rs, Bchind
G('\a's hl'iKadc halted half\\3} 10 ~idon and went t11('1l1 \\('1'(' dt'plo)('d 1\\0 spt.'Ciall) configured lask
into 1:1;\10::('1.. Wild \\"l'~t '>I}k. 1i)I' Ih... lliA"hL
forc('~: tlll' \'ardi Force. under Brig.Gell. Danni
.\long tl1(" Ct'lltraJ frol1l. hl'adi fOlT('" cro:.s(,d the \'arcli; and the Spt.-cial :"lallOl.'lI\TC Forct:. under
border at ~ktulb. An impOI'l'lrll initial ObjcCli\l' BriK.Gen. Y,,ssi P('led. O\'Crall.lkn Gal'sobjcclives
was the old crusader fortl'Cs~ of Ikaufon Ca:.t!f'. W('Te to push through the PLO 1()IW'S along dH'
Situated more than iii metres abo\'(, sea lcycl. it border and Ihreaten the Syri;llls' kn flank. and, if
ovcrlook{'d all of soulbLTII Lebanon and mudl of Ilc('c~a r). 10 ClIt off Ihei r ret reat 10 l)'lTnascus. The
lIonlwnl I,racl: the PLO had u.'>ed it ror )cars as an \'ardi Force \\as to take Jezzinc and then push
,miller) obsen'ation post. Its capture also had nonh along Lake Qaraoun . .\Ieanwhile Pdecl's
s) mbolic' importance; the castle had Ix'ell a majOl' Special :"Ianocu\ re Force 1\\0 brilf<ldt,,, of para') mho! of PLO domination of :>outhcnl Lebanon. troops and infantr) opcciall) confi~urcd for antiTIl{" task of takill~ Beaufon \\,IS gin'n 10, a) ('n't t<lnk operations \\erc to block an)
Colani, thC" rrcollllaiss..,nce commando ullit of tht, attempts;1\ n'inforcemclll \ia thc Ikinu-Damascus
HiKhwiI) .. \hhou~h their dcp10) mClllS \\('T(' primaril) <l~ainl>t tht- S~ rian for('t:", I Dr forc('~ in theca.'it
'II , ....,,- .."" ,urd "" .......1 tI..,. l.., ......,..I ,I, I....t"...
lh" n II""" .... rll.
\\('rc orderc"d not 10 initialc combat aClions against
=1 It.- 1 ,..lio-"" ,01 .tor (,,01,111; Ilrill.."IUt' 11... ,onh tin ;nl.. "I .. uni..
.. to.. II
1M Ill>. , \1l1~ ............ ..-1..." ,~ .. ,m""",,1 ~otm,l1;"".
them un!t""iS Ihc) \\tTt.' din'ClI) auacked .



__ ...


", ,

Day Two
During thl' l1i~ht or U i JUJU' I.. raeli naval
commandos bc~an landinl; alone; thc coa,t to sct
ambushes fill' I'LO rOreM: amlllw I~racli .\Ir Ftll"c('
allacked tar~eh in Beirut ami Ihrou~hout the
south. In a dOl;li~ht on'r lkirut till" S~ rialh 1000t Ol1e

On thl" coast, I~ral'li llnib pr~'d nOrlh Im\ard

Sidon. "hill' tanks and inrant!") 1110\ed into the

Rachid~ch PLO calliI' Il(';lr T\1"('. ~lan~ hracli
cOlllmande~ had expres:.<>d r(''I(''l"\;lIion~ aboul
fil.;llIing in lh(' camps. "hit-h weI"<.' aClUall~ urhan
neighbourhood.. ,,'illl blocks ofholhe, ~('par;ltcd by
stret:tl. ami alleys. ~Iixed in amon~ tlwlll were PI.O
bunker,. {jrill~ positions and weapolh stores.
sometimes ill Iheir hundreds. Ikcaw.e of lhe larg'('
ci"ilian populatioll it \\',IS impo~~ihle to usc air
strikes and artillery. ,md takitl,!{ the call1ps in a
house-ill-hilUM' operation could pro\'(' co~tly. III
1976 the PtO had held olrthe Syrian .\rmy lor ,ix
days at Sidoti. innicting ht'a\ y ('asualtics ill 1l1l'n
and equipmellt. .\lthOlll(h rf"i..tance al Rachid~eh. and I:\ler at EI Baa!'. \\'<15 moderate. it "as to
continU{' for four days a harbim:::er of "OfS(" to

COIIW. III "pitt' (II' lhis the IDF kl'pt to a I)(llit~ of

mod(r:lliOiI. choosill~ to mow slo\\ I~. :\\'oiding- the
uS<' of he'l\ ~ \\ capons and rcgardilll; Ihl' civilian
populatloll a~ hnsta({(~ of their al"mcr! hrethrt'n.
~kall\dlil(". the co,btal force linked lip "illl
Kahalani's ~pcarheadssouth ol'Sidon. and look the
cit~ undt'l' lire \\Ilh arlilkr~ .. \nOll1l'r Israeli force
cr(k,S("(\ the horder Ileal' Iht Haddad enclan:' and
commC'llccd opC'ralions against lhC' cUl ..olf I'LO
forc~ '-Quth ofT~rc,
LaicT th.1I da~. the Israeli :'\a,~ mOlllllt'd its
lan;('<;t eHr :1111phihiml~ landinl;, puuinl; a,hore a
mixed bril::::ade from Di,ision 96 at the mouth of the
.\wali Ri\l'r ncar Sidon, The landinl\" beach had
bCf'll ~t'>cun'd h~ n,l\ al ('oml1lando~ the night lx-fore.
Huilt around lhe IDF's 50th Par,l1mop Battalion.
35th Parachule Brigade, ,mel undn colllmand of
Brit;.(:clI, :-\ruo~ Varon. ill(' Paratrnopand Infanlry
Branch Chid: lhe landing- forcC' arri\t'd \\itl1 0\'('1'
An t~rad' pa,rot n.,ar S'don, june '98'l: as 100n'(" comn,en"'e a
bund,ofl "'hcd., olh.,r" pr"par.. a ...oundm ",omMld., for
.,'."",ual'on, No'., ho... ,b., IDf ....,b fI.,ar mall.,,, prO'''''on for
carl')ins (hO' MII.:rS n.dio and ;(s iSsu.. pack(ra.m.,. n .. 'Iem
immedial,,-t)' be.tow ,h., ....d;o
an add;lio....1 .n,n,un'l;on
pou",h. (IOf




\'chidc-.. Quickl} QUI (If Iheir

beachhcad. Ihe~ linked up \\illl ,ht' rest of their
di\'ision and Kahnlnni's troops nonh and south or
Sidon, i~lating the dl~ .. \:; I..racli na\'al \C"""f'I~
~hutlled in rt,inforCt"mCll!". Col. Gna.. .! t Ith
Brigade pu~llt"d north 10\\ ard Damour.
Sidoll and the \\hok cO<lswl ,trip \\as dtfl'll(kd
h} the PLO\ Karamch Bril<;adt. \\ hich o(fen-d lillie
rt....i..lance 10 the landin~. It \\as laler discO\cred
Ihat il~ commander. Col. .\btl I-Iajcm. had iniliall}
hl'Iillkd rcporh ora landinl:". alld \\('111 to louk fm'
hillhclf. OIH. ~Ianc(' at the l~ra('li armada olr~horc
was enough. He n'wrned 10 his headquarter".
loadl'd Ihe commnll<r~ <;afe inlU an ambulance, and
drO\e illlo tht: S~rian linC"> in 11ll' Ikka'a \'allcy (0
!'i'pOrt Ill<' de'itrm'lioll of his unit by the l'S Sislh
Fle(t! .\hhough .\rafat order('d him ('"Oun
martialled. hi:; l)(.'h;l\ iour \\,1:; t~ pical of lllan~ PLO
omn'I"';. Oflhl' senior officcrs oflhe PI.Os militnr~
command. lor (xample. the South Lebanon
Illilitan COllllllaml('r. all thn'l' hrigtlde eOIllnl.lndlr" and l:l out of I ~ PLO ballalion
comman(k"" .lbanduned Iht'ir t1l1it~ and ned .llmOSI
ilnnll'diald~ . .\Ian> 100\er-rankin~ offirt,n, fol100\('d "uit. kil\'in~ Ihcir lllen almo..t It-aderk~:;.
mt of Ihe 1.0 cadres sta~~."d 10 fi2;llI \\(11 and
hnlwh: hUI their unco-ordinaH.-d t'flons a\ aill-d
lIwil '.III"! lilliI'.
. \l~" "II :iJ Ulle. II) F forCl'~ nl'l llltered lilt' Ein d
Chri.. ,i.. n Ph:olangi... Sj>H'ial.o...,n' confer wilh:on ID.' palrol
in Be;"", Augu~l '98". The)' wnr S)...;an ....pi"',. of P.. ki,. ... ni
CAnloufl.."", ..niforn.,;, .. nd bl ..."k ber"ts wi.h l'h.. l.. ng'"
",omm:ondo badgh ( "'O' Pb.r D.). nry :o...."arn.N wi.b Swi".
SIG,."a..saull rifl",.......d a ..........,ofpe...........l "idnrms. No.",
hull"" loop.. on pnM-II "fman a. rig'''. benea.h .. Syri.",PLO
AK'4i che... pouch. (IGPO)


I-lih\eh rl'fll~c(, camp ncar Sidon. initiall~ JUSt 10

dear a route for theinallk:.. II \\as -.o<>n e\idem Ihal
this could not be dOlll' except by c1('arin~ the \\holt:
camp. :-\ Golalli b:ntalion \\as ordered illln til('
camp. hut W3!> forcro to \\ilhdrd\\ al du~k. On
TuC"ida> mornin~ the allack was rCl1e\\('d b~ tanks
and illr;lntr~, supported h~ air strik('S and anilkr}.
Thl' Golanis fOll~llI t1wir \\ ay intn the ct'ntre of the
camp. hllt a~ain \\crc forced to wilhdra\\ at
ni~llIfall. The fi~hting was absorbing a major p.m
of Kaha lani's force. e\ en illdlldin~ his elite Sa> ('rel
Shakt'd . m d Sayerel Shalda~ rcconnai""allce unit!..
.\s Ihccamp blocked tht' main road. eithcr it had 10
Ix'laken or anOlhcr \\a> had to be found around Ill("
Cil~. On TucS(la~. \\ hile Ihe IOF \\t'(e ,till fi~htim;:
in Ihe camp. a secondary \\ as fimnd 10 l)t,
uS<lblc. and Ihe advancc 10 Iht north continued.
PLO n .... i'lann in Ihe camp did not slackln.
hO\\l'wr. hUI incrt."a::;(-d. The bulk of the civilian
population had already managed 10 net", but some
30 PLO figlm'rs \\ l'fe slill holdin~ OUI. Now Ihe~
took the remaindt."r of Ih(' dvili;tns as hostagl'S.
0pcIlI~ ~hooling the faillt-hean('(! .unolll.;: Ihern in
li'olll {If the Israeli troops \\110 Iried to ne~OIiah'
Iheir rd(a~e. Fi::lllill~ eOlltinued until IIl(' followil1.~
:\Iollda~. a.-. IOF tank infalltr~ teams, aided b>
engine(',.,. slo\\ Iy dearcd IhI' camp. strN't b~ Slrcel.
house h} hou~t'. room b} room. Thl' PI.O defcnders
liteJ'all} fflught to Ihl' ];1.~1 man. and fl'" prisoners
were taktl1.
In Ihl' cI"11Irai zone, IDF units al-loO clllered
:\:tb.tlj~lh on ~tonda~. The arca contained a
major PtO Iraining camp. and a strolll:~ derc'nce
\\ a.-. alllicipat(-d. Tht, PLO \\('re indet'd dug in. with
a regular baltalion and ..ix T3.J tank..: hut tht,
commander had ned. and the camp fcll in threc
hours with llO Israeli c'hualti('... AlolH~sidt, the
camp's defend('N Ihe IDF also colletted a large
number of forf"i1:;:nel""i. intl'rnational terrorists who
had 0Ct1t in traininl; in lhe camp. In lot.t1 the IOF
rOLlll(kd up some 1.800 of these in southern
Lebanon. frOIll :.16 cOUlllri(~ and fin' eOlllinenb.
In the casu'm Stor. Ben Cars 1rooilS continued
,heir cautiou~ advance. bringin1-;: S~Tian positions
and l11i~sile hatteries \\'ithin artilkr~ range.
,\llhouKh some i'iOlal('d clashes occurred. for the
mOSI part Ihe >rians avoid(-d a fis:;-hl. even
\\'ilhdrawing 10 pennil lilt' IDF an unhindered
pUr"uit of n('I'im~ PI.O force<;.

Day Three
On Tuesday 8June Varon's force. having secured
its communications by the secondary road around
Sidon, resumc'd ils advance toward Damollr, I nair
batllcs O\'CI' lkirut and ~ollthcrn Lcbanon six
Syrian :\liG, \\CI'C downcc!; and fi,l{llling continued
in tltt.o I'efugl'l' camps around Sidun and Tyre.
Although the battle for Ein d HilWl'h \\as 10 rage
for anOlher \\et:k. the hraelis \\erc able 10 <;C1:m'c
Sidon ibdf; and EI.\1. the: hraeli national airline.
th()l1!.;'hlhlll~ op{'m'd an unin' in til(' cit~,
In the Cl'IH ..,.1 ~ctor. lhe "ardi Force all"eked
lh~ to\\ n ofJt-ainc. tht, !>itl' of a vital road junction.
It was dt'fcnded h} a mi:\ed PI.O- ~ rian forcc,
rcc(~ntl} reinforced b} as} riall tank ballalion and a
commando unit, Both S}rian and Israeli units had
orders flot to fil;"ht ('arh uthcr; but the road junction
\\as too important. and till' 'ardi Force was finaJJ~
direcu:d to allack. Ei~ht IDF t:mb \\ere lost, but
the Syrians I~t all their T -6Js and the town was
fimll) in bradi hands b} ni~htfall. .\lthOll1{h the
I.\F new ~lIpport mi<;<;ions during the bailie. Ihe
nearb} S} riiln l1li~ik b;ltleriC"i did 110t engage
lhem. Ckad~, I)re..idcllt ,\~)ild \\as still hoping to
a\'oid a dirt."Ct cOllfrOl1lation,
The otlwr I<;raeli op(:ratioll on th(' celllral front
\\ as a diflerent ~IOI'}. It \\ as a direct Ihreat to the
whole S~rian I>o,ition in the: Bt'ka'a, ,\s the \'arcli
Forn' fOll~ht for Jczzinc. a second unit, Brig.Cen,
.\1{'llarh('Ol Einan's Di\'i,ion 16.?, pushed around it
and achanced llorth\\ard, Its first o~icctin' was
Ikil ell Din in the' Shounlountains. but ils uhim;lle
assignmt'nt \\as to cut t1w Bcirut-DamaSC:lIs
High\\a}. s(:alil1.~ on-the PLO and Syrian forces in
Beirut. This actioll \I'ould also cut off the SYlian
units in the Rcb'" Valk'y. As Einan's spearheads
advanced northward, hampered only by traffic
jams and g-a<;o!im' shorta1j'l's al onc point Ihe
cxaspt'rau:d I~illan orckrcd his tanks to pull inlo a
local fillin~ Statiml and Kas up. telling- the o\\ner to
bill the IDF later! , tht Syriam brou~ht a new
\\capon into thl' fidd . .JU~I aftcr 1530 hI'S, Syrian
Gazclk hdicoptcl"i attacked 011(' of Ein:ln's units
with French-made HOT anti-tank mi~ilcs. Toadd
tu Einan's trouhles, twO of hi.. h:HtaliOlh tran:llin!{
on adjacent roads ~ot into a battle wilh each other,
and il took ~\eral hour<; 10 ~tr"il;"IHen them Otlt and
('\'acuate c
In the' l' tan ,{'(tor. {hill~~ \\ lTl' rdati\('h quil1.

Chrislian P","lan~.. IroGP'!' U. lrainin~ in I.... Sh.urMo....>

198.}- n .. y .r" c:ompl"I..I) dOl ....... and ""'Iuippal by th .. IOF,
from .... Im .. ts to combat boota.. aod .r.. armf'd ,,';110 Ali ...., and
M_.6 rift...... The sb.ulder paid! is lhal of 110.. Phalan~..",

'lAban..",.. For,,"'. (IMoO)

Pdt.'d's Sp('cial ,\I,lI1ocunc Forc(' had. b} (,\l'nin~.

t;:lken up ib blockin~ IXl!'itions al the 'Oluhcrn end
of the Bek,,'a \alley. The Syrian position in
Lebanon ,,'as rapidly deterioratin~. and their units
were ddibcratdy bcin~ placcd in an imlXW;iblc
tactical <;ituation.

Day Four
Wedncsday 9JlIne "as a 1ll0l1lCIlIOlh day. In the'
cO'lstal st.'C1or. Yaron's forccs re-ached Damour.
Since th<.' expulsion of llle- Chri~tian~ thc city had
become til(' hcadquilr!<.Ts of the \Iarxist Popular
Front for the Liberation ofP"k<;tinc, founded by Dr
George Habash, The PFLP f.'lctIOll had tUrJ1td iL~
abandoned houses and nalural cavcs into a fortress.
:'\c\'Crlhdcss, it fdl after hea\'y fighting.
In the central ~cctor, Einan had cOlllinued hi~
drive for til{' Ik'inll-Dama~cll!; Hig:l1Wa} laiC into
the night of8 9JUll('. Al about 2300 hI'S his leading
clemelllS w{'re approaching the OnlZ(' ,'illagc ofEin
Zehalta, deep in the Sbouf:\ IOllntalns, A;; thc Wilks
began to descend a 5lt'CP rO;ld, borderrd by a c!t-ep
",adi. tbc leadin1{ cr<'\\~ caugllt <;il;"ht of thc
silhouc"ut's ofS} ..ian tanks on the oppo..itc ~i{k', The
leading platoon opened fire. <;corin\!; thl'('c hilS. just
as thc} thcm~eh~ \\cr(' ('nl{ulf,'d in a \\ithering
barra~e ofallli-tank 5hdl~ and R PC round;;;. :'\early
a full S~ rian hri~ade had Ix-en lurkillS:;- in amhush in
the ,,'adL The J<raeli tanks \\ere ~trllnl.; out alnng
th(" mountain road abo\c !Il('m, jlhl like t:lr~(:t5 in a


shooting galler:. :\5 Ihe sun.i\"ing \"('hielcs pulled

back to regroup. Syrian commandos crept among
thclIl with RIlGs. The wilhdrawal quickl) became
a rout. \\'ilh dawn. fighting rcsumed. bUI b) then il
was too latc. The brigade had boughl time I(w 01 her
Syrian units 10 deploy llnd. scant kilomctrcsshon or
his obj('("live, Einan had losl his chance to CUI the
BcirlltDall1a<;("u~ H i~h'\'a y. The )"rial1<;. howewr.
\\ould pa) a high pric(' for th{"il' ~uccf'~.
B) I1m\. I ~raeli forct'<; were" ell beyond I Ill' 4-0 kill
advance anlloullccd and agrecd upon hy the
Cabinet on Salurday 5 Junc. Defense i\liniSlcr
Sharon now insisted lilat the whole campaign
,,'ould be for nothill~ if Ihe PLO \\'Cl'(" 1101
completel) dC"troyed. If thai also invohcd fighting
S)ria. \\dl. better now than later. E\'ClIl.s al Ein
ZchallOl pl"Ovided him with an additional argumcm: Einall would lleed air stl'ikes to ('"tricalc his
ullit. and air <;up<Tiorily could not IX' guarantced
without first dt'!'ilroying Ihe Syrian Illissil(' balteril"S
!l.r,..,Ji p"'rl",roop.. or~h~ .;rbo..... ~ ~"'o
iss... "'~ ....i, '".,,,
\M{.id .. rin~ Ih~ r."hlinfl for I.h~ Ein ",I Hi, ~h ~r"fl~ camp,
Jun~ '98~. Th., n.:o .. on Ih., ,.,fl ~h.nd:ord IDf ...",b !~.r,
...ilh an :oddilionlll amm"ni!ion po..",h added :obo,'~ Ih.,
....,bbing's ;nl"'flul pou",h :01 Ihe r~:or. J-1i~ h~ln'~1 .. ,,"in! is
camou8ase.d ...ilh brown ~h
polish, lind Ib~ ~lr:lIPIl from hi"
1m",p3ds can also br ~ Th", 'MAGist' has an obsol"l~
h ... ~li_m.. de Brili"b '37 Patte..... Sm.l1 P..,:l< 10 hold ~"I""
7.62 mm Mils. (TGPO)




III Ihe Bekaa. The _\merican gO\ernmelll was

extremely an~r: about the .. 0 km pronouncement.
especially as it had been n-defined S('\eral times
",hile Ihe Americans "'crt working for a ceasefire.
\Ian)' Israeli Cabinet \linislel1; wondered openly
whal Ihe US govcrnment would think of a major
escalation oflhe war. Sharon. ho\\('\cr. insisted that
il was a maner of Israeli lin'S: and. after a brief
prcsclllatioll by Ihe IAF... Depul~ C.ommander. the
Cabinet authorised thc allack.
At '400 hrs on the 9th. the IDr c"ccutcd a wcllplanned. carefully co-ordinatcd atlack on the t9
S)Tian missile silt'S in Ih... Beka'a \alley. The
planning had been don(' mOlHhs before. and Ihe
olX'ration carefully rchearst-d. Firsl. Israeli-made
SeOUl and \laSlilfRP"s Rcmole Piloted \'chicles
simulated actual aircraft closing on the Syrian
positions. rorcing Ihe Syrians to tUI'll on Iheir fire
control radars. The signals rrom these \,'ere
analyzed and pinpointC'd. then j.lmm('(! \\'ith a
variely of techniqucs. Xc),,!. a... Israeli artillery
shelled the positions \\'ithin Iheir range. 96 IAF
aircraft F-+Es. F-IY;. F-I6s and Afir C-2Sattacked Ihe remaining Syri:ln positions. concentrating: 011 their racl:lrs and suPPOrt \'chicles.
$c,'cral of the SO\'iel-supplil"<i missile systems were
mobile; but. as Ihey 3uempled 10 rnO\e. a <;('Cond

waH of 92 J.\F aircraft Slruck. u~illg :\merican,upplicd 'sman bombs' and comenuonal explosi\"Cs. At least one SA~8 ballc') \\ as taken out by
an RP\- with an ammunition payload. \,'ithin an
hOllr. '7 of the 19 S:\:\I missile baw:ries were
dcstroyed. and the Dlher tWO damagl'd, without the
loss of a single Israeli aircrafl-a n:markable
:H'complishIllCllt illdced,
In a desperatc altcmpt to sa\'c their missilc
dcfcilces. the Syrian Air Force was commincd in
strength agninst the second IAF air strike. With
their operations co-ordinated by E-2C Ha\\ kt'ye
and Boeing 707 sur\'eillance aircrnft_ thl' I.\F pilots
wcre able 10 engagt' the S~ rian aircr.lft to
ad\'antage. ;\0 less than ., I Syrian aircrafl wcre shot
down in 1111'(:(' major air baltles. for a loss of no
bral'li plan('~ a tributc to IIlt'I.\1"\ tl'chllical skill
and superior pilot ability. 1\ltogether. the Syrian
Ail' Force would lose a total of 91 aircraft O\'cr
Lebnnoll. including the latest :\liG-23 and :\liG25
t} pe~. plus six helicopters. without ocing .able to
claim a single aerial victory in rcturn, Their aircraft
losses reprcscnled about a quaner of their .\ir Force
and many of their best pilots. From then on. the
Syrians made only sporadic atlempts to challengc
the Israelis in the air. and their ground forces were
left without nil' suppOrt for thc rest of the war.
On ,hc ground. Einan resumed at daybreak the
batik for I~in Zehaha hy nying in a battalion of
paratroops h~ CH453. The Syrians resisted
stubbornl~. and it took all da~ to dri\'C them out.
~Iore paratroops. of the special anti-tank unit
Sayeret Ore\'. \\'ere sent Ollt to ambush Syrian
amlOur illlheJebd Barouk mountains, using-jeeps
filled with TO\\' anti-tank missiles. :\Ieallwhile. on
tlw opposite side orthe moulltains, Ben Gal opened
a three-pronged oflcllsivc against the Syrian 1st
Armoured Di\'i~ion in tht, Ikka'a Valley,

Day Five
Thursday 10 J line brought the Israeli forces on lhe
eo.'lSI nearly to the outskirtS of Beirut and. for the
first lime. illlodireCl cant al'l Wilh Syrian unitsoflhe
85th Brigade at Kfar Sil.
In the cemra[ sector. Einan finally broke through
to Ain Oara o\'('rlooking the Beirut-Damascus
Highway, which the Syrians stubbornly defended
with their G2m! Brigade, \\'itll air superiority
assurl-d. hO\\{'\'cr, Einan called in I~raeli hrlicopter

'98". Th" 1\1-'11

a" Ih" standard I.oF "n;""r'"
w"apon during Ih.. ~banon
Thi" pan.icular wnpon has
bn modifiM by Ih .. addilion ofa bipod,appar"mly On.. from
2. sni...,..'. ,.,....ion of lh.. Gam. (IGPO)
1~ .... ,,1i Golan; sn;""r nnr fk;rul, A"gu.,;.

,.&:0 mm M- .,J

gunships, Bell 209 Cobras and HlIglws 500

Defenders. which lallnched a de\'astating :H1ack on
the Syrian armour. The helicopters took a hc."1\'Y
toll ofSyrian tanks. and the sur\,i\ors fell back from
the tOWI1.
In the eaSl, Ikn Gars troops. grcatly hampered
by the difficult terrain and limited road network.
finally broke through the lines of the Syrian 1St
Armoured Di\'isioll at a crucial road jUIl(tion III
about 1500 hrs, The Syrians. in turn, called on their
own helicopter gunships, and the Cazdles found the
st:llk'CI Israeli columns good targets for their
missill'S. To their horror. the Isracli tankers found
that the Syrian HOT missiles outrangcd their own
hea\'y machine guns. and then~ was liltle they could
do about the s.itu3tion. ~('\'enhcless, Ben Gal
pushed ahead. determined to exploit his breakllwough with a nighl ad\'ance,
At dusk ont: of his kadill'j banalions dro\'e
Ihrou~h the \'ilIage ufSII[tan Yakollb. ani) to ha\'e
its leading elements cut oW in a Syrian ambush.
L"nknown to the Israelis. the battalion had dri\'en
straight into the asscmbl~ area of the Syrian 581h
:\It.'chaniscd Brigade. which \\as coming lip to the
suppon oflhe 1st Divi.5ions battered tank brigades.
As darkness fdl. the trapped Israeli tank CH'WS
could sensc thOI t the hills were swarming ,,'i, h enemy
commando teams. I-Iea\'y machine gun fire kept
them 3wayduring the night. but Isrncli anempts to
break through to the traplX"'1:1 unit failed, .\t dawn .


A" Is..:uli M.II, tt"""'ofPrled's Sprci.1 i\1a",",u''''r For "",...

V...t.. s..k.'. V.Ury, July 198:z.. nry ... rar OR-60. I.n.krr's
hrhnrt", thr oldr I of Ihr tI'rrr p;>lIrna" of eve hrlmrts usrd
by the IOF. (IDF Spokestn)

the:: Syrian artillery fire intell~ifiL'(1. The battalion

commanckr radioed ror air ~upport: Ihis never
arrived, and lIu.' ullit also sullered the indignilY or a
Syrian air strike by n,'o .\liGs. With ammunition
running low, the Israeli battalion made a dash ror it,
suppoJ'\('d b~ <:millery, and escaped. The llnit bad
sullL'red bea\'y casualties, and a Humber or ils
vehicle;; had Iwen len behind, Then' had been no
time 10 destroy them, and Ihe Syrians were able to
lOW away the :\1605 with lllueh or the seerel
equipml'l\l aboard still inw('1.
,\Iso 011 Thursday 10 jUlle, Pelcd's Special
:\lall()('U\Te Force had pushed north againsl scanl
Opposilion. just short or the Beirut-Damascus
High\\'ay IJdcd was ordered 10 pull back, as it wa.-.
rt'h 10 1)(' tOO risky ror him to tr~ 10 mailllain his
advanced posilion. On the eXlreme righl flank or
the Israeli ad,-ance, an IDF brigade al"O reached
the Beirut-Damascus Hi~h,\ay al Yallla, although
it had !>crn considt'rahl~ hara...,ed bolh b,

commando lIllit . . and b~ Syrian helicopler gun"hip~. Isradi aircrart \\ ere called in ;u;ainsl the
gun~hips. and Ihey also rou~ht anOlher air D.'l.t1le
against Ihe Syrian :\liG~: 25 :\liG" and rour
helicopters \\ere "hot dO\\I1. \\iI1Ullll Israeli losses.

Day Six
On Frida~ 'I june thc hradi and Syrian
governments agreed to a ceasdirc, to ~tart at nooll.
It would IIOt apply to the PLO, During tlll'lIlorning
the trapped Israt'li bOllia lion al Stlh,lll Yakoub
made good ils escape. As lht unit I'egl'(lupcd. a
second armuurcd rOl't'C was ~('{,11 appl'oachillg. It
wa~ the S~'l'ia1l82nd .\rmoul'ed Ikigade, pal't oftlw
3rd Armoul'cd Di,ision. which had ju.. t come up
from Damascus with ils brand-Ile\\ T-r.! tal1k::.. In a
mirror-image orthe prcvious nighl'~ I.. racli ('ITex, it
casuall~ dron' iTllo Ihe midSI or Ihc Isradi
cOllcclllraiion. 10 lose nine oriu tanks in a matlcr or
minul(:S, .\s Ihc ceascfir(' cam(' into elli.,<,t OIl noon.
IDF commander'S had 10 pl{'ad ror pcrmission 10
eOUlllerallack the S~rian . . in Sultan Y.. kOllb, al
Ieasl 10 J'{'C'on'r Ihe abandoned ellem~ lallk~. The
dcci::.ioll \\l'lIt ,,111111' wa~ up to the Prinw :\lini"tcr:

but permission was rdLIM:d, and the ccastfire slCXxl.

Although mall)' of their IItlit~ had oc('n badly
battered. tht, bulk Drill(' S)ri:l.l1 I()r{'(>', ill the Beka'a
\'all('~ had made an OI'dedy wilhdrawal (0 the
vicillit~ or the l-lighwa~,
In the eaSI on til(' morning of til(' 11th, Israeli
aircrnli. artillery. and n:I\'al units bombarded
Ekinll. while Israeli forces closed a ring around the
Ldlal1t:se capiwl. TIl(' to\\11 orKhalde fell. the last
PI,O stronghold south or the cit~: and IDr troops
reached the out"kirls or Beinll InlnnatiOllaJ
Airport. t\ final air battle cost the S~ rian Air Force
a furtlwr 18:\ I iGs ju.'>t befort' til(' ceas:firt" \\ t'llI into
The False Truce
The ceasdin' \\ ilh the S~ ri:lI1.'> \\:1.'> eXl('ndcd to
include the PLO on Salllrda~ I I June, but then'
were fn.'ClucllI violatiom b~ all sides, On unday.
IDF units linh'Cl lip \\ith Phalan~st forces al
Ba'alxla. tht' sitt' of tht, Lchall("'C PrC"'idcntial
!)alac{', This came afla a major hallie \\;th Syrian

units of the 851h Brigade, who wen.' trying 10

prevcnt thc I OF from elltting their communications
wilil Damascus, B) then the PLO had largely fled
back to Beirut, where their position \\'as grim.
Although they had abOlIt 14,000 fighters in the city,
togethcr \\ith the Syrian lorce'i, the Christian
militias held theensterll halfofthecit~ nnd the IDF
the sollthern approaches, The only \\'ay out was the

:\Ieanwhile, hradi officials met \\"ilh Pha.':lllgist

Je:lders and l1wmbers of till' Gemayd famil~" Tht"
Israelis ('Xptttl'C! them 10 be jubilant, but round
Ihl'l11 sulxlued and e,';ui\e, Sharon inquired when
the Phalangist troops \\'ould he joinin~ in the battle:
Bashir Gel1la~e1 mutler('(1 that he'd do his 1x"S1. and
Ihen tried tochall~e thesllbjeci. Sharon \\ould han:
none of il: ('choin~ Ilashir'" 0\\ 11 \\ord~, hl" "homed
I, m~ha.. ,Sft'llroop~ ..... rSidon ..... il lu .... 10 board
th", landin! ship I.""S 11./ __ ,durin!. ndrploym"'''' .0 .."'..'
p<>!i;lion$ .Ion! .h", Ri.-.. r lio.., .. No\.. mbr!r '9112. So:... ral
.....riant,. or M"'3s ar'"
,.ibl.., i"d..d'n!! TOW miss,)",
ch"'r (e"''' .....). Th., ,;;10
" rack.. ora, IraSI ...0 ..,hid.....
lIud)' fillHi with inranlr)' paekboard.., (ICPO)

the I)halange and. for tht., illOllll'l1l. rC'Stricled their

operations to imprO\'ing th('ir positions <lIang the
Hi'{hway. In soulh Lebanon. the IOF cOl1linued a
methodical dcstruction of PtO baSC'S and arms
dumps. and the rooting out ofthc PLO infrastructun: in t1w area. The Israeli govcmmem was
determined to give the PtO no chancl' of escape.
hOWC\'(.'L and the banll' for the Beirut-Damascus
High\\'ay \\a~ resullled on ~2June. wilh the Israelis
:lllacking all S) rian and PLO positions soUlh of the
Highway al Bhamdoull, ).Iansouricy and .\Iey in
the houf )'lo11111ains. The fighting for Alcy \\'as
particularly bittcr. because the defcnders included a
cUlltingt.'lll of \olulllt.'Crs SCIll by thl' Ayatollah
Khomeini 10 fight the 'enemies of Islam'. BOth sides
look heavy t'asuallics in major fightin~: but by 25
JUllC the Syrians \\'ere forced 10 wilhdraw to
Cluaura. wdJ 10 lhe caSI of Ihe approaches to
Ikinn, The I~raclis now SUlTOlIlldcd the city 011
threc sides by land. and thl' Isradi ~i1\'Y controlled
lilt' ocean approaches. TIl(' second phase of the
Israeli ilw;"ion \\as about to begin .


him: '\\"cr(' he-,e with wnks! Do som,'hingf'

The da~ lht' 1DF Clllcn:1:1 Ha'alxla. PLO olliccrs
\\atchcd through binoculars from the roofsofBcirul
aparunclII buildings. thell reponed the news 10
Yasscr Amlin. L;llIilthcn Iill' PLO Chairman had
refuscd to IX'liew rCJXll"tS lhal the IOF was dosing
;n ;-trOllnd him. The link-up with the Pharall~(,
c;Iused panic among lilt' PLO leadership. While
sollle of his omccr~ (hanged ill to cj\'iliall rlnthf'S and
tried 10 ]C:l\'C tOWIl . \raf.1t called on the S)'rian
command('r in Ikirul 10 <15k what instruetrt5ns h("
Imd from Damascus. The S) dan gem'ral rcfus<-'Clto
tell him. E"pt:cling a full-scale IDF allack on his
disordered forces at an; moment. Arafat ordered
Ihe PtD archives 10 be burned. Only after the job
\\':lS ncar!) completcd did SOIlH"OIU' relTlcmber thaI
no ont' had bothcn'c!lo mi<T(.film lIwll1 firsl'.
I-Im\ \.\ ("'. tilt' I,radi, \\t'!'t' ,till Ii\'gnlialitl~ wilh

The Siege of Beirut

Tht., Israeli .\rl11)' was never mcal11 10 entcr. let
alone capture. Bcirut or all) olher :\rabcapital. Yel
therc wcrc some 1+000 PLO fightcrs in Ihe cilY~;
and unless the) \\cre forced 10 leave. the campaign
could not be cOllsiderl'Cl a success. In addilion.
certain f... ctions of the Israeli Cabinel. led by
Dcfen<;(' ).Iinister Sharon. saw the remov<ll of the
PLO as a necessary pR'Condition to the formation of
a Ile\\ Leb:lIlt,.'St' go\'crnmcnt, headed by Bashir
Ccmayel. \\ hich could effeclively control the
country. Nevcr before had the IDF been used to
achic\'c poli tica 1 cnds, especia It}, in ,mother
sovereign nation, and the situation crcated a moral
and political dilemma within Israel. There was also
the problem of IX'irut's ci\'ilian population, who
would certainly suffcr 1>Cvcrcly in a sicge or. far
worse. an all-out assault on the cit)'. The American
gO\'crnmcnt had alrC"ad; \\anll'd that it would not
tolerate tht, mas.,ivc slau~htcr ofinnocelll ci\;lialls:
and. aftcr a wcek ofdcspair alld confusion. the PLO
had madc a rcmarkahle recovcry and now began
lalking aboul a Lebanese Slalingrad, 1'1,0 posi
lions \\cr<.' placed \I hlTl' ci\'ilian dellsit)" was

'I h., hr..di, h,,,I, .'I)lll'....1a ""Illi... I"

Urban ...",rra~ in W ..;;I Bdrul, Augus' '98~. PLO and

Mourabiloun lIIuc:rrillas hid and fou5h1 ..... and
apP"eben"ion ;s "pparenl on 'he: fa.,~ of IhO'" .. '''-0 Golan;
"oldi"..". ThO' Iud ,""n ......;or.. an IDF K ..vlar flak jacJc"l. and
hi .. companion "n A", .. r;c,," M '95" ')'1"': b",h "r.. :...",.. <1 .... i,h

M.,6",. (tGPO)


"., ." 'Kk."...."lr\r"..,.. lh .h..

I'LO ".1' alII. I" 'K"1:"n.,lo l..r thnr n-.u",



e".~1 'j.''-'-' 1I .-o,I'I.() heh -",

I~IU'" i" llo.......lh.. ~J"'inl:

h.1(1 111:11\;'11:<"1:1

In II,~

II... b. " .......I...."d.

h' U...nOl In.,,,

ill ll~ ,,,.

greatest. such as in the ba mt" of apanmcnt

buildings; and the PLO announced mat. '" hate\er
the consequences for the L:-hant"S(' population. tItq
would fight to the last man .. \rter Ein d Hi)\\t"h.
there \\ as no doubt the~ would carT) out the threat.
The Israelis opted for a full-scale ~iet;e of Beirut.
\\'hith hegan officially on l.July.
There were more than 500.000 civilians lrapped
in \\'est Beirut, and the I DF's first lask was to get as
many of tht'lll as possible to leave. AJu'r a day of
le.anet drops and mock homhing runs using f1a
the IDF opened its lines to any ci"ilians who wished
10 leaw the cil}. Thereafter. twO checkpoillls \\ere
left open for this purpose. and c\'cllIuallr 100,000
I,ebanesc escaped in this fashion. The IDF .1150 tried
to ('ase out the Syrians. oflering thl' 8511\ Brigade a
safe-conducl OUI of lhe Cil)'; bUI President Assad
l'd"used and tilt" unil sutyed unlilthe end oflhe siege.
1II had. however. lost I\\o-lhirds of its men and all
but onc of its tanks in theJ line fighting south of the
cit}. and lOok 110 in the ~ict;'e it~Jr. To dcal
"ilh Ihe more Ih,m LJ.OOll PI.Oanri .!.oou ~Imlim
~Iourabitoun militiamen. \\ell dug in on familiar
territor}. the I DF began a full:.cale homb.trdlllellt
of lheir posilions hy land. sea and air. Although
occasionally inlcrruptcd by ccascfircs, this was to
continue throughoul the siege. Thc Israelis initially
shut off lOod, W;llLT, gas and electricity to \\"C'St
Beirut: but as the PLO had abundalll food stocks.
lhis onl) hurt the- ci,ilian population, and the
municipal 'if'niccs "en: rcslOred after a fe-w days.
\150, staninl;' 011 the 3H1, lhe IDF mo\'cd into East
Beirut and began a series ofJimited attacks on I)LO
positions across the 'Grccn Line', \\'hieh had
di\ided Christian frOIll ~Ioslem parts of Ihe city
sinCl'lhc 1976 Civil \\"011'. Following the pattern SCi
at Ein d Hilwdl, lhe alwck orders stressed a slow.
careful advance, with abundalll armour and
i1nillt'r} support.
For their pan, the PLO replied to Israeli
bombardmenL~ "ith their o\\"n anillel'). demOIl:>tratin~ tht'ir r~hc and their ammunition
rcscncs. The anillel') dud continued throughollt
the early part ofJ uly. rising to a peak on the 9th,
\,'hel1 the IDF lurned ':17 bal\{'riC'~ofcaplLll'ed PLO
lI'{/~"lIslw rocket launchers on PLO positions, and
bombardc'd them with their 0\\ n ammunition.
\\"cstern r{',lCtion~ 10 th~ operations wert' hecolllin~ incTl'a5in{{l} m'{{ati, e. and ('xten~i\'e I('k,;~ion

CO"C'r;:tge cauSt.-d mall} a onccfrit'ndl} KO' ('1"III11l'l1t

to conel('mn tht, Israeli actions n-hem('ml).
E\C1l in Israel itself. public opposition to thl'
2;oH'rnllll'Ilt'~ handling- of ,h(' ,illl,Hion in{'r{'a!>t"<'!.
IIII' lonln"I""} \\,., rin-thn ,t1,:gr,l\;w'd h} tI\I"
GC',I Al1itir. \\'hl'n nl'ither till" IXlInhardmCllts liar
the lll'gotialiolls l>cemcd 10 be having the desired the [DF pn'pared a major operation to
irwade Wesl Ikirut itsdr. ('.01. Eli Geva. who had
led the coaSlal advance at til(' head of his .!II
Brigade. "as pickt-d 10 lead on(' of the main attacks.
Gc\'a resigru:d his command ill protcst. howc\'cr.
insisting that Israd had no rit;'ht to inten('l"c \\ ith
u'banon's inlcmal aff.,ir:s or take Ihe lin'S of its
cilizens. His offer 10 sta} "ilh his unil as a private
soldier was rtfmed. and thi, bra\(' and capable
oOle('r was inslcad dismissed from til{' servicc.
~Ican\\'hile. operations l'oillinu('d as military
targets in othl'r parts oCthe cit} \\{Te hil, oftl'n with
~Ia,erick or naval Gabriel miSsilt'S. or with '~l1lan
hombs' used a~ain~t spcrific structure-...\rtillery
'snipers' fired a~ainst cl'rtain PLOoccupicri build
in~, or l"'en p.arts of building", ,\rafal. su~pcClil1H'
that lkg111 had (!t-tnlllint'(l 10 kill him 1X"JV)l1ally.
succumbed 10 a kind of paranoia and chang('d his
loe'llion ('\'cr~ few hours, The !sr:ll:-li~ ,ltU10\ltlClX!
their plans to Slay in Lebanon for Ihe lI'inlt'1", and
en~in('er<; CQl11plclCd a l1e\\ airl>ll"ip at :\'abali}('h.
landi",!: of hi!i' "rtiU"r) unit n..,.r Sidon. ,. fi .... 1
{", j commandinJil .n !\I"og SP JIlu" fiQ ..S "
roul .. or .d...... n:. II ............. ,h.. Nom... lanlocr'..
"nd "rri..!' a Glilon 0" a badly ...orn ,.Iin~. To
min;mi~ Ihei ...... nutio"" ,he '0 la! arowod his ..eelo has bC'n>
lilruaJll i..sid.. a "h.... I" ..... and th .. la! ir.,; ..o.....t:d ....ith bl"..k
laJH" (IGPO)

Afl"r Ih..

O"a,iollal fi~llIin~ ,II'll rolllillllro in th(' Ikka'a

\':tll('~ betw('("n I:.racli and S~ rian forces. all :.!3
Israeli intelligence discO\'crcd that threc
haltcrics ofS.\-8 mi:>sik's hnd bc('n broll~hl in: thc
ncxt da~. tAF airrr.:lft dt'Stro~tt1thcm.
Thc <;i,..~c CUlllinuro illln .\ugus!. whill' negotiations stalled O\"('r\\ hen' th~~ pI-a mi~ht ~o ifthe~
wt'rf' withdrawn, A<; L'S Spedal Em'or Philip
Habibshllttled throtl~hout the .\Iiddlr Easl-trying
to Kct \"ariolll> ~o\ ('mIllCIl!.'> to arecpt the PLO. Ihe
Isradis strpJX-d up tilt" military pr~ure. On I
AllKu:;1 the Golani Bri~nde look Beirut 111tern:llional Airport aner somc of the heavie:;t
fiKhtim; of the \\ ilr. On I ,'\lIgmt Ill(' IDF lalillch("(1
it<; IOIl~ a\\ait~"(1 dri\'C into th(' cily. feillling first at
th,' Port Crossin~. and tben strikin~ south from the
cilY's :-'11!:;cum Crossing and Tlort!1\\'ard through
thc Ouzai di.c:lrin. 'fhe object of Ill(' dl'i\'c \\';\S to fut
off dlC PLO camps ofBourj d Barajnch, Sabra nnd
Shatila from PLO Ht'adeluart('f'<; ill thc city, B~
nigh,,:.I!. ancr hea\'~ fighting:. the camps \\t'rt.' cut
off on three side:;.
On I 1 ~\U~llSI IDF forr('S mowd north OUI of
Ea:;t Beirut townrd the port ofJllnieh. po:;ilifJllilll{
themsch"(">. for a possible mO\e lo\\ard the cit~ of
Tripoli a PI.O stronghold in northern Lebanon.
On 19 I\Ug'llSI. after a (innl ~lTi{'~ofaltncks on thl'ir
po~ilions in Beirut. PI.O officials agreed to a
wilhdra\\al unell-r international ~uper\'i~ioll, .\
:-'Illlti<\ational Forc(. made up or troop:; from
Fra nct', lIa ly and the L" ni t('(1 Slate~. \\ ould prO\'ide


S}'rian "omnlandol' al a d",''''n,ion faeili,) in"id",

b ....d. "u';r u ..
Syri... 'Iiurd' pa..... m
t:amouflalt"'. . .;,h US-i)-poe M-650 field
her"",; iadit:a,.. Sp';a.. pol;' i<::lll 'Spl:<';aJ T roop~ ' bu', .ecordi.. ~
10 n",u'rlIljoumalis, ... many S}'rian $Oldj",r,;; i.. ~irul adoplnl
Ih!'m 'appar!',,")' 10 impr!'ss .ho: l(>t:al !tirls'. ThO" lOt'
inlt'llig.."'. .. rr..... r atltlr.,';"Jo: lh .. m wr:or,. .h., ...;"Itr park..
a"tI .. Ii,.... brown G ..n!'r..1 S.. r,i".. MrN. (1:0.1,,0)



.Po"'' ' ' . n...

1111' PLO \\ ith prOIt.-c!ion as the~ dt'p.u'tl-d b~ -.ea

and air to other parts of the :-'liddlt' Ea:;l. On the
2[St the \I:'\r \,a" in place, and Iile fll':;t PLO
cOlllingellt dcpal'led, TIll' sie.l:r( was over. During
Ihe next 12 da~<: a tOlal of 1.1.398 Pale..tinian
fil{hters alld yrian $Oldiers left Beinu: thl' PI.O h~
sea, and till' 85th Brigade and ih 1)1..\ nuxiliariC';
under saft'-conduct along Iht' Beirut-Datllal>cLl~
Hil{h\\'ay. The \I~F d,'paned aflt'r 16 da),. ib
mission accoll1pli~hcd.


1//lI.IiOIl 0/1
. I(/O/")'

Bolh Ihe 1'1.0 and I~rad clailllcd \it'CIr~ tilt'

PLO IX'call<;(, it had Slln i\'ed. thl' "l'adis h('('albc
they had l"("lIl(l\'('d Ihr threal 10 theil' llonlwrn
bordeN, Sharon ('\"('11 (le\\ in :-'Iaj, Hadd,ld te)
witn~ lilt' PLO ('\,tcuil1ioll, (Jpc'ratillll '!',,,Itcfill
Galike' had ('"fbi the hradis ]6B (It-ad ,md .!,383
wounekd in six \\I'('ks of fighting. a hei!\ ~ price
rdativt' to tht, 1~I"H:li population. f\lthoLlg'h til('
I)LO firt-d off tells of Ihou:;ands of rOllnds 10
cdebnlle their '\ illor~ '. the~ had lost [..=,00 dead
and an\\ n numher \\ollllded and their
entire polilical ami militar~ infr:t~Lltl("lur(' in
Lcbanon. "hieh il had taken them 15 ~t'al'" 10
build. Some 8.HOII 1)1.0 and PLO SlhlX"Ch \\t'l"e
captured and detained h~ Israeli authoritit-:;. 011 tht
,\I1:',ar Dttt'lllion Facilit) at Ihe "rnOUll H('i~ht:;,
Syrian losst's \\('f"(' almost a<; hi~h: 1.!200 dead,
approximately 3.000 \\oundec!. and .!96pri:;OlleNi.
.\Iaterid I~ \\tTt also hig:h,
I..ebant~ ci\ ilian ca."uahics. althou~h hard to
('Slimah' exactl~, \\cn' thou~hl to 1>1'
tlt-,1I1 ,Inri ahoUI Iflul" linw, lh,ll mall\ \\(llImlt-d.
lUI-" dirccli\'l.':; to minimi..c harm to t'i\'iliall:; ,llld
tlwir propcrt~ tllldollbt('dl~ kepI tht.~ totah 10\\"cr
,,,It!an mil{ht be ('xpt"'CIt'c1, l{iH'n lilt' mllUI'l' of the
fighting. Tht' diJ'ecti\'e~ \\l'l'e ~(ricll) enforced. and
il i:; illlerl,l>ting 10 11011' Ihat not 011(' incid('nl of
crimill<ll Ixha\ iour was char~t'd a~ain't IDF
soldiers b} the !.chant.'SC.
The Lebanl'M' dt-Cliol1s \\rrc held on .!3 .\Ill{U<;I.
in the midst of lhe PLO ('\'acuation, .\S (xp<clcd.
B,hhir G('ma~d \1'3<: ..kned Pr~icl(,111 1)\ an
O\.f\\hclrllint.: maitll"il~. Hi, ~IIPI)(lI"tc'" \\(Tt'
('(".. l,llie \\ it h jCI~ and adc!t'd tlwir ch('('I"\. ,hOlit', 'lnd


1: Israeli paratrooper, 202nd Abn.Bde.; Beirut, 1982

2: Israeli paratroop 'MAGist'; ShoufMts., Feb.1983
3: Israeli infantryman, Golani Bde.; S.Lebanon, June 1982

1: Israeli Naval Commando; Sidon, June 1982

2: Israeli Navy missile boat officer, Beirut, Aug.1982
3: Israeli Air Force Kfir C-2 pilot, June 1982

1: Israeli tank officer; Damour, July 1982

2: Israeli MPj Ansarcamp, Oct. 1982
3: Israeli Border Guard; Tyre, July 1982


1: Officer. Phalangist 'Lebanese Forces'; Beirut, Sept.1982

2: Militiaman, 'Lebanese Forces'; Beirut, Dec.1983
3: Militiaman, Maj. Haddad's 'South Lebanese Army'; June 1982

1: Syrian commando, lstCdo.Gp.: Beka'a Valley, July 1982

2: S)Tian T-72 tank crewman; Beka'a Valley, June 1982
3: Syrian commando. 85th Bde.; Beirut, 1982

1: PFLP guerrilla; Damour, June 1982

2: PLO sniper; Beaufort Castle, June 1982
3: PLO officer; Beirut, Aug.1982


1: PFLP-GC guerrilla, Kastel Bde.; Sidon, June 1982

2: Mourabitoun militiaman; Beirut, Sept.1982
3: Druze militiaman; Aley, Feb.1984

1: French paratrooper, 3 e RPLl\ta; Beirut.. OcLI983

2: Italian Marine, 'San Marco' Bo.; Beirut, Aug.1983
3: US Marine, 24th l\UU; Beirut, OcLl983
4: Tpr.,lst The Queen', Dragoon Guards; Beirut, Oct.1983

,~u"rr"'l ~'1' U!'I"" U'''Pq UI'U , .......11" \lJfd I"'~'ll"''" U"U ' ... "11 ,..

""l"''>w .. ,n'l l.......ld", 'II" ..." ..:. ,,.,, ... 1U..:I .. ()'I,I r '''II .to" "",<,...".
"1""'1'.>1<"1'" lI'm .... '""" II ~.'ltol p..>I'.lCld"l ""1" ~'1lI:'l'I'''11 "II

llJ,"'\\loXl SUO!ICIJ.l ~HI!'!Il!UI.lOli pJC\\OI dJI~ I~U C 'e

pC.IS) Oll!'!.\ ')lCI~ II Jlj\!Ul 01 J!q~cfI pJji!!.lnoJuJ pllC
'peppCH 'flll'\ pue SI,)\CUlJ:) Jtll u.)J\\l.x1 lU.)UI

,)tp :OU!Jllp pJ.lll!lI! J.I,)\\ '.I"!PILr.> ,).3U~I~lld


.Jlp<uddc,1 JOJ p.J1lsnd 05lc U!.8JiI JJIS!U!I,\ JllI!.ld

\llIO 'p.U;}\():).).1 ,}.I,}\\ ~;)4::lll.J ~Ul.W :>.3.llll II~n0411\'

.~t1 C!I! '!,} t1C!lI!l"ICd 11l,):>OLHI!


.1;).\0 P.).IJCSS"CUI

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pUC sdUlcJ 1!1! I ~llS pu~ ~.lq ~S ,1111 pJ.I;)IUJ ~JJ.l0J IS!S

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'slIu!ldo ,1.)lPO

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ll,llic1 pllli Oll.\\ '.l;l.\,..,\\OlI '.ISUI!IClld

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~!lJe.l~I.)lp lllP\





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IJ rlllOH ,lll' till IXl.lltlJJ ,)Jlll:I"!SJ,1 ;,Hp pm' SI!UIl ~ICI I

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p')IJJfJJ .I!qscU


SJ!.I111110.) 0.\\1


"'!'" .......

op("ralioll. \\'orS(' ma,,,acrc~ had happened before

in Lebanon: hut lhi~ one had laken place under the
\{...~ n~ of IDF forces sent into Beirut to pren'llI
e"actly what had laken place, (,rad n.'((,i\Cd most
of the international blame for tht' massacre. The
I DF \\'ithdr("\\ from the cil~ .md allowed the
Lebanese ,\rm~ 10 r("'lIme control. .\ ~Ol1d :\Iulti:"ational Force also retunwd to Beirut to protect its
inhabitallls from one anOlher. Italian and Frelldl
lroops patrolled "'cst Beirut, including thl' refugee
camp~ when' thc Ill:lssacrcs OCl'Ul"rl'(1, and 1.:S
:\ Iari tlrs look o\'er Ueirlll I mcrna lion<ll Airport lind
;1 dislrict of Shi'itc slums adjoining it. Amin
Gl'Illaycl. Bashir's older hrOlher, was dl'ctcrl
Pr<'Sidcnl. and ,10\\ Iy tried 10 ("<;Iahli"h hi~ comral
o\er the CQulllry. :\ leam\ hile. ' \mcncan diplomats
sou~11l an aRru-d basis for the \\ ithdrawal of all
forl'ign troop" from Lehanon,

The Second Civil War and the War Against

the MNF
From Septcmher 1982 until February 1983
Lebanon \\:lS rC'lati\'c1y qUiet. IDF forces hnd
\\ithdr,l\\'n from lhc Ikinn area to pmitiolls in the
Slll)llf :\Iountains: but isolated allacks 011 IDF
fflre-es litill OCCUlTed. After ol1e of1heSl'. I DF units in
pursuit confrollled CS :\Iarinesoflile :\1~Fin what
almrnt becamc an armcrl dash, AI the bel,rillnin~of
1983 hallks look pl:lcc between Christian ;mel
DrllZ(' forct.'S in Ill(" , hour. and thc Israelis had 10
pl;l~ the dan~eroll~ role of illlertnroia~ between
tl1(" t\\o factions. In the Beka'a. occa'iional dashes
still occurl'l--d \\itlt S~rian forcc",
During thi" pericxl American diplomatic effons
continued in all enon 10 find a solulion acceptable
to all panics. Cl'ft"in rk'mcllls 5a\\' tlwse talk~ a~
('f)tIIrary 10 their illll'rests and, on IH April 1983, a
bomb c:-"plo(!l.'d 1lLllSide the Amc!"ican Embassy in
Beirut. killill~ 63 people, Jiha(J.;tllslami The
1"lamie Hol~ \\"ar' , a fanatical Shi'ite lerrorist
,'Croup with ties to lX>th Syria and Iran, claimed
rt.'Sponsibilit~. :\en'nhelcss, on '7 :\la~ accords
were "igncd bet\\('('n Israel. Leb.1llon and thc
C nited States,
S~ria rcfu"{-d to compl~ with till' withdrawal
pitaS(' of thi.. ngU'('lllcnt and inC'rC'asro ils pressure
on ,\rnin G('m:l~d'" weak governmellt through ib
Druzc and Shi'ite proxies, Prc,idelll Assad also
malla~ed to force the PLO out of it" 1:I"t enelan' in


nonhern Lebanon b~ hacking a re\'oll against

Ya.s.ser Arafat ltd b~ PI.O Col. Abu :\lu\Sa, "'ith
S~rian "uppon, :\Ill~a's radical PLO troops
surrounded Aral:,t and his suPPOrtcr<; in Iheir
,tron!{hold eit~ on'ripoli inJune 1q81. For a S<'Cond
time in a ~("ar he found hinndf linda "il"l!;e: :lnd a
second cvacuation, thi~ time under FrCllch auspices,
\\i1S arrangcrl in December. Arar.,t and his men
\\'CI'l' oncc again lit.'nt ofr into ('"ik. l'rofitil1,l! from
the Lebanese cxpcriclICl', most of his host countries
disarmed the PLD COllt ingellts 011 tl\tir arrival. and
shipped them ofr to variolts d('~late part~ of their
('oLllltrie~. :\ ILissa. his USCflllllCSS at :In ('nd, was thell
imprisoll-:d in Dalllilscll~,
:\ Icilll\dlik. ill :\ UI{USI 1983, Isracli forc('~
llllilatcr'llly \\ ilhdre\\ from thc Shouf:\ 101llllains to
pC)'iitiomon the .\wali Rin.'r. Their place was to be.taken b~ Ihe 11('\\ l~ rn"1taliscd Leban("S(' Ann},
f\mt.'ricancquipped and Amf"ncan-traincd, The
transition did nOi ~o as planned. and the Druze
force~ engaged in hiller fighting against the
!{O\'('mlllcllI"s tmnp~. Tht., L'nitcd $tat('" had now
l~rar1i paratl'QOl'S ",njo)' " capfur",d I'LO m"8""in"" n",:or
O"mour, JunO' 19.8~. One man ears th., old.slyl.. lot' faligu",
... p. Also no'., lh., tof'"
efhod of boot lacing, (loF

IWnllIl(' decply ill\'ohed in u-banon. and \Va$;

dcltTtllill(d that Ih\.. Leb:HlCS(' .\ml' should nOI IX'
dcfc-atN!. Slarlillg in Septetll ber. " hen Druze forces
mnn'(l a~ain!'l Ihe to\\ II of Souq c-I CIMrb. CS
war-.hip<:. including the batllcship. \ru ]frJ'..J'. firt.'d
in ,>uppOrl of Ihe governmelll troops. The C niled
Stale:. "a~ nO\\ per("(:i\C'(1 ill man} circles as jusl
allmher f(lrt'i~n arm} allemplil1~ 10 ilSSl:r1 it.'>
inllm'nn' in Lell.lIlt...... alf:lir.....
On Jj Octolxr a Iruck ladl'lI \\ ilh explosi\ lOS
c!rO\e ilHO Ihe h('adqllarter'$ of the L'S ~Iarine
ballalion at Ikirut airport. 11'1 \..xplosion killed Jot I
L:S ~T\ icenl('11 alld Ihc dri\ n. ~IOlnenls laler a
..imilal louicidc truck bomb <!c<:tro)l'd Ihe French
militar) Iwadquart('rs in \\"e'lt Beirut, resulting in
the dealhs of 58 French paralroopers. Jihadal.
Islami a,l.(ain claimed responsibility. and wamcd of
fun her altacks. The grOlI)) \\01$ halOcd ill lhl' tOWI1 of
Bn'allwk in til(' Syrian-controlkd Ikka'a \alky.
which st'el1ll'd 10 implicatt' Iht' S~ .-ian gO\ ('rnmeTlI
to some del{ree. French airrraft from tht: carrier
Fodl r('laliau:d \\ith all air strike a~ain'lt Baalbek.
bUI r.'1ilt'(llrt hit the (errori"l bast.... 111 til(' L"nit<:d
5Iillt..... pr\..~llre \\as brou~hl 011 Prt"\idclli Reagan
10 bl"ill~ lilt' :\lal"im"$ home. On 1 :\on'mlX'r Ill('
I<;radi IwadclUaner<i in T~ f(' \\ ~ a"'odC">lro~('(1b~ a
~uicidc Iruck homhin~ a~ain. thc \\ork of the
~anw ~roup. T\\cll(ythrtt I~raelis c!i('d in the
explosion all(1. although the I.\F fj'I,lliat<'(! with an
atlOId on Ha'allX'k. public opinion in Isnlel also
dClllanckd a \\ ilhdrawal.
In l'ar!} DeCl"mher S} rian forcl'S fired on CS
rcconnai!Qancc planes O\'cr the Beka'a \';Ilky. and
til(' US rt'~p' fll(k'd with an air Mrike from tl1(' carrier
bu/rprlldrllft. ,\s a demonslralion of American
r{'sol",'. it \\"a~ a failure: the Syrians ~hol dowl1 twO
of the j('IS, including Ihat of Ihe (\ir Group
Commander, and captured one of'tht pi lOb. Ther!'
\\('r(' no further L:S air strikes.
n~ .Janllar~ 198.1 the Ld)'Ill("<.(' t\rlll~ had IX'en
dt'featl'(l b~ the Drllze and Shi'jlc militia.... and had
'plit .dolll{ l;Kliollallill(..... \, Dnl/x .tIld ~hi'ih'liJl"c(,",>
pUlohcd do\\ II from the houf ::lIld tool.. control of
!xlllth and ,resl Beirut. Ihe Leballt-o;(' .\rllly fell
apart. Tht' :-'lu,lim troops descrted 10 th(' militias.
\\hilt, Iht' Christians. trapped south of th(' city.
"tre::tml'(! !!lOmh across the .\wali Rivcr, S('('kin{!
s::mctllar} Ix'hind the h"teli lillt,. .\min
GcmaHr.. . "I,tlll' had Ix"ell rt'dut"{'(1 ('{fnliH'I} III

M.mbe" orlh", ail'" lOF Drun rlr'CGon:o;s""nc", un.' 0""''''''.

S)-n:on po.. ;lio........h", Ikka'a \"all",,.. N"."'mbc-r .gB::. W",b
&",a.r i" "Orn o'",r w;nl.r p:orbs, wilh h.lm",... or n.,..,.... liofll
c:ops. n . onr~1 man is arm ........i.h .hl: Clilon SAR ..-ilh
.Il:och..... rorward pis.,,1 snp, :ond :01_ arri",.. an Am.ri.,.,n
Kabar comb:o. k.. if", on his ..",bb"'~. (IGI'O)

Ihal Ofln:t~nr oj Ea.<.1 &irul: and \\ith thf' \Iulli

:'\:l.lional Force dcpanill~ in :\lan'h, 11(' h::td no
choic(,IJUI to ~o 10 Damascus and "OlhUII Pr('sicknt
!\... ~ad on the futlln' of his coul1lr). Naturally. he
wa~ fll"'<;1 n'quirf'd to l"t'llOlIlKl' the All1ericall'
spons<fr('d Ii \1;1) agl'f'cllwlll \\ilh Isnu'l.
"'he \\ ar ill Ld>anon ruined the C:tI'('('I1> or I'rimc
.\Iini"ler I~('~in and DefcllSr \Iini~ljT Sharon. hoth
of \\hom r('si~ll('d our \:Iriull~ a"p('('t~ rtf thrir
hallcllin~ oflhe "ar and it.'> aftermalh. The! DF still
..emain" in 'iOllthern Leballlln, cOncIU(,lill~:t phased
\\ilhdr:t\\al Ii'om the COlltll~. ,\11 !"racli-Irainro
South Leb:tllOIl .\rm} still 1)"'1trol, Ihe Haddad
l'nd:l\(,l. a\\:titim; (he da} "hen til(' IDF \\ill be
l{Olle and Ihe~ mlllol fend for thelmc!H"S. Pcace hib
IX'rn hrou~hl 10 Galilee. OIl lea.. t for the monWllt.

' .. ~,III."I ..~.1 rl,,"<1.~

.~ ... ~r



Infanlr)' and Paralroop Bran<:h Chil'.f, BriJ!;,GI'.n, An10S Yaron,

suns Sidon on 8 .Iun~ '98", Addilions '0 his ....o:-b g~ar indud~
(lOp '0 bonoln, a' rear) a grenOlde f><'uch, an e"'ra Ollnn'uni!ion
pouch and a ",ap <:as~. The IDF .... ~b g<:ar is an ingenious and
'I'.rsalile S)'SI(~In, '0 lhe .... rious nl'.~d" of Inodern
<:olnbal .roops. E"I'.n .hl'. aSyln.InNrica.1 arr.. ngenanl of
...nlnuni.ion pou<:hes provide" .he soldi~r Wilh an elbow res.
.... hen firing. The dcvic~ worn on ,he gen"ral's shoulder is a
pilo"';; sur,'i.',,1 mini-nare proj<:c.or, (11\100)

but 1h(' co:'t h;J.~ hCI'il high. AI 1he time or this

writing, onT 600 Israeli soldiers h;we died ill

.-1 I: l,fI'(u!i Pam/roopeI'.


.Jil'hol'lll' IJngndl''' B"im/.


paralrOOlx'r Tzanhan', fighJing in the

approaches to thc Lebanese capital. is wcaring the
standard if\Slle oli\"(' fatigue $hin and trouscrs. The
Irousers ba\'(' a lar~(" podct 011 each side, c!osl,'(1
with a buttoncd flap. The lefi leg only hns a smalk-r
pockel. u$ed 10 carry mom'y and cigarettes. He also
\,'cars the Israeli-manufacturcd K('"lar 'Shahpats'
flak "'5t. first i..,sucd in Ig81 10 replace Ihe
American ~t t95'2 type. \\'hich also remains in usc.
'rhe 'Ephod' \\eh gear. in ..,eniee with fi'ontline
units since 19ii. hold~ tw('lw ~1-t6. 1\"--,17 or Calil
mag;tzint's. ;llong with 1\,'0 eantecns, grenades and

an elllr('nchin~ tool. Additional pouches for

medical equipmcnt. ;.62 mm F.\ ~t:\C machine
gun belts and .10 mm ~renade rounds can also be
added. The helmet is the Israeli-malluHIClllrcd
inlantry balli:'lic helmet. ~Iade by Odi\{' of onepiece. rcinrorced plastic composit{ structure. it is
sturdy, Jighl and comfortable. The helm('t netting.
cruddy camouflag-ed lI'ith spo\.'> of brOll'n shoe
polish. is held in place by a tan rubber retaining
bane!. an issue item. The Isracli-madc brown
leather paratroop 1>OOis arc both lighter ami
st!'Ongn than the black leather type issued to other
[DF units, TIl(' radio is also Israeli-made, a copy or
the .'\meri,an A.\ PRC-2:). It is carried in a tan
rucksack. Thl' weapon is the shortened \Trsioll or
th.~ Calil rifk. called the C[iloll by Ihe t DF, .\Otc its
shortened band: many soldiers add a second pistol
grip. The litandard Calil is aim uscd. wilh built-in
bipod or atlachment ror tht"" ~ [-16 hayon('l. There iii
al~();1 ~nipl'r \'c'l'~ion or the rill\'. \\ilh hipod
and scope,
:12: "mp!i Pnf(J/rM/Il'r' .IIA(;ist': A/~l" ShOll! .\/011/1-

Iui'b, r,bl"lluO' J!fJ.3

The winters in Lebanon are known ror their
harshllcss alld bitter cold, In thc mountains cast or
Beirut ralls or lip to '24 inches or SIlOW can be
cl1countncd. '1"0 prOtecl the soldiers \\ho had to li\"c
and conduct operations in this climate. Ihc t DF
issucd protect ive elm hing. slleh as the' Begcd Hore!'
winter suit worn by this paratrooper. Designed
('specially for the Lehanest> winter. it was i"slll'd to
almost nil personnel. ~Ia(k or insulated material
with a waterpl'oorcxterior, it resembled thc tankn's
cO\'('l""lis in many \,ays. The rur-Iincd hood has slits
ror radio hendphones and otlwr communications
equipmenl. Some. but not all suits had the I DF
namctape abo\'(' the ten brea.~1 pockct. The boots
arc Israeli-made 'I-Icrmonio,' snow IXlOtS. rur-lincd
ror cxtrn warmth. For further protcction this soldier
wcars a captured PLO krfi.rah as a scarr: when worn
imide Israel. til(' k1i.l'lIh unofficially idcntified a
Lebanon "ctcran. The glo\'es and goggles arc also
issue itcms. As a '~IACisl' lmaehinc gunn(.'r . this
man carries a spal'e belt lor his ;,62 mm Fi\ l\tAC
light machine gun, Altachcd to Ihc weapon is a
cam'as bag 10 collect expended shells. which can
also he used to hold the ;,62 mm helt berore action.
Cloth has bern wrapped around thl' bipod. a

Sl<lndard practice to make a comfortabk handgrip

rhr holdin~ the \\{'apon.
..13: Ismdi 'Golani" Infall/rYllon: BrnuJort (:QJII"
Sou/h,", 11ballon, J/III' '.(,oJ
This 'RPCist' of the elite Colani Infalllt"} Bri~ade
wears the standard r:'ti~lIC uniform, I\radi Kevlar
flak \'<-'lil and standard IDF webbilll;. His helmet
neuing is camouflaged wilh blalk Shlll' polish and
held in place wit h :t 5t rip of rubber innn tu be, cut to
fit the hclmcl. The black 'Elba' combat hoots are a
llJ)('Cial type. issued only 10 the 'Colani', to provide
~r('a,cr suppon and l'omfon durin~ Iht' unit's long
m:u"CIll'S. He is arnwd with thl' 5tillldard 5,56 mill
Calil rirIe, .'\Ion~ ,,jth o,h<T Calil \<lriaIHS. it has
l)('Come lhe mainstay of the IOF. with .\K.. 75 and
:\ K:\ I~ lX'ing issued to commando and s(X'Cial forces
lInits. the .\1-16 to rcscn:isLS and rear-\."'(hc1on
troops. and the 9 mill L:ZI S:\IC to Air Force.
~aval and femak I)(rsonnel. J n thc I OF all infantry
and mechanised soldiers han: dual and somctimes
triple) weapons. medical and communiC:'ltiolls

,ask.'!. Ik.. ick-s their pc:rsonal wcapons, l';u:h mall is

trained and l"L'<luirl'd to carry and usc: a second
pi('C(' of equipment: c.~, a field radio. 66 mm L\ \\"
rockCI. :\1203 10 mm grenade laullcher. Dr':lgon
..-\ T missilt'. A(r rifll'" grenades, FX ~I.\G light
machillt' gun. 5'! mm li~ht mortar, medical
equipmcnt or. as in thij Case.:'1 Soviet-mach' RPG-7.
This \\capon became standard in the IDF after
large numbers W<Tl' Captufl'd in Ihe cady 19705 and
during the 1973 Yom Kippur \\"011'. The IDF was so
irnpr(;~st'd br its dlCt:ti"l'Il(.'SS that they deci(kd to
product' it themselves. and it is now made by Israeli
:\Iilitary InduSlri(s. Its Clnununition ba~ i, locally
produced and can hold up to six rounds. This
soldicr al50 wears the knccpads i~ued to J DF
pertlonncl for this campaign. :\Iost troops found
t hC"111 nllnlxTsome. and I h('~ \\ ere lit tic u~-d ..\ unit
1",,.,.~li <'Ombo" .. n!:in_r" durins moppi..!: up Op"ralions i ..
Jrui ..r.Ju .... '982. Whilr lap" .... bac" .. rJ.~ln.rl is r.. r tilali "_pins On niSh. march ..!'. 'no.. C~I"r~ m ....... ~ .. "'
i ..
Iypical bra,,1i rashi..... AI_ n.. l~ ho... Ih.. Galil... bipod (otds .. u, ..rlh .......ay wh
nOI in uS", all
ing him I.. k~~p ..
rom(orlabl.. grip on ,h
ral... n al aU lim


r('mo\:.1 hiddcn from this angle in a black len

shoulder hol,tcr. and a di\"('r'~ knife slraPlx'd to his
ri~hl Ic~.

IV: IImeli .\liBile Boat lI'apons Offim.

.I'at.:mall(: off BetTuf.. Iu,e"t I!/L!

Srrian unils of Ih.. Pal....';ni..... Lib"r:uion Army (PLA)

""Ihd",,,'i"g from ikirul, 2J Augus,sOl. (n",s'" a", auxiliary
lroof"' ..flh", S)""an Arm)'. and nOI PLO fighlt'ni.) Th"",
So,i.., sleel b ..lrn.. IS and ,;ree.. faliguts. n .. """1.", _ldin- is
""Iuipf>"'d ...ilb on", 'HM' ..f .ndi!t'
s S)-ria" Armr ....b !;
i,,<:Iudi,,! 1"'0 Ali magaLin.. po...,h
a ..mallu f.. r Ih",
...upon'" ..i1",rand <:Inn'ng kil, and canl~" ""Ih earner. (lOF

affl'clation is till' Golani Brigade

the wri:>twatch cover band,


worn on


Thc I~racli :\'3\) 'Hc~1 Hayam' pia) ('(I 3 major

role in Israel'.. '-chanon ('ampai~n. nmducting
:unphibioU'i operations and ~upportill~ Ihe ~olllld
ad\'ance \\ith n:wal gunfir('. During thc ';lege of
Beirut they bombarcled Pakiitinian positiom ill the
cily with both COil Will ion a I gunfire and Gabriel
mi~,ik'S. This Semi 'Captain' in the Army senscIhe I OF does not have a separate rank ~y~tem for till'
:\'a\~. and all personnel hold Ann) ranks ser\'ing
alX>ard a Saar .jl1li...sile boal \\caN an IDF fati~ue
shirt \\ith L"Smade DG 106 :\'omex fire-I'csistanl
IrouSt'f<:. L'~uall) mi~sile 1x:>.'1 crew,; arc i~,ucd ont:piece :\'olllex cO\'l'ralls. but it is not unC'ommoll for
crew,> to han: iudi\ idual vari:lIiolh. The de\'ice
paillll.'C1 on thc :\":1\') blue fatiguc cap i~ the Satil'
missile IXl:t1 t'mblt:rn. The blue waiSI belt :tnd
blLll'/~dlow mnk in~igl1ia arc pt:culiar to the 1':3\'Y.
He weal'S a Fn:nehst) Ie life prcscrnr around his
waisl. His boots arc Ih(' siandard issue black combat
type. with zippers plaC('d alon~ide tilt' laces: this is
a common pr:lell("c ,11l10n~ l1a\':l1 .md nrmourc-d
personnel. who ha\c onl) "Ccond:. to I{o linin akn 10
ballic condiLiom.

H,: Ismeli Xtlt'lIl Comm(JIIdQ: 1/ra, Sidoll. ]1I"e ff/:J2

'rhe 'Koillmando Y:lmi' ,:\'l\\'al COIllIl1;1I1dos arc
(lilt' (lrthe IOF', Olo,t lli\(' force:.. goin,l.: thJ't)lJ~h a
dcmallding 18month training: programme, They
pl.rfonn it \'ariel) ofla~ks. ranging rroTllulldcr\\'alt:r
demoliLions to il'lldlig('nce gathcring. and are also
used as ~hock troops, Durin~ Operation 'Peace for
Galilec. thl.' fo\.olllmando Yami carri('(J out a large
Ilumber of assignmelllS. mostly c1a~ified in nature. B.1: !Jm,1i AJi' C:! Pilot. ]une l.rIh
During the first days of the \\ar they landed at The '''raeli Air Forn' has long been r('garckd as
strate~c points along Ihe coastal high\\'ay to among the besl in Ihe \\orld. and in Ill(" stimmel' of
ambush bOlh PLO reinlorcements he;tding south. 1982 Iheir high reputalion was fUrl her cnhanced.
and PLO units ni'ein~ north. These missions were In addition to de~tro) ing the Syrian air defrnce
('xtremely suecl.'s~flll, Thiii commando is wearing system in the Bcka ':I \'alley at one blo" , they shot
lhe black sumlll('" di\'illg suit of 11('opr('I1(' rubber. down 91 Syrian ~liCs and 1(ix helicoptns, and
His di\'ing boob are made of the same material. provided close air sUPIXJIt for Ihe IDF throughout
wit h sirengthened <;01('5. I-I (' is still wearing his black th(' campaign. All this \\as achiewd fill' the lo~ of
buoyancy \'l'5t and compens.'uor. which means he Oil(' Skyha\\k fightcr-bomber and a Bell lOS
\\'<lS lilhcr broughl ashor(' by rubber boal. or has mcde\'ac helicopter 10 ~'TOund fire. This Tayas'
Slashed his oXY~('1l (;Inks al a point \\'11('1'(' he \\'ould
pilot of all Isradi fo\.fir C-2 fit;htl'r-boml>cr is
ha\'e to swim to n'lriC\ e Ihem. His \\('1) ~e:tr is sh()("- wearing Israeli copit'S of thc .\merican fo\.-.!B flight
polished black: \\:II('I'proof sealer; inside Ihe sui I and HGL"~6P single-\isor pilot's helmet. Thc
pouches kt.'CP ammunilion and ('quipm('111 dry. rest of his equipment is of Israeli de~ign and
Swim fins art. c:'.I'ric:.'d 011 his back. allached to the manllr.,clUrc. His Type 817 IS cllta\\a) .\l1ti-G
wei suit by a GIIl\'as 'ilrap. He is armed with the Suit is made of:\'omcx fireresistant fabric. \\'ilh 011('
AK-.j j. the main \\ealXlll ofl OF elite lI11ilS, He also dear map pockcl al)(.)\'e each knee. The suit
carnes a silrnn'd .'.n Bc;rella pistol 'or selltry l'olllaim a rq)laceabk ll("oprCllc inflntahlc inner

bladder. He also wea,... an I<;radi-madc life

prcscn'cr and survival equipment. The sun'lval
pOllches, \\orn on a harrws.~ COllllCCI<.'Ci to the life
preservcr. cOl1lain sun'ival ~('ar. radio. oll'dit'al
suppli~. :lIld a holsler for the 9 mm Berella pistol
at til\' hark. I<;radi-maclt- f1~inJ.: hoot"
completc his eCluipmcllt,

.\!tYor. ISI'adi Arl/lOIll',d COIPS: Damour, Sal/III

l..that/on. JU!I' IgB2
This Hal' I'm major. ,he Sol'Cond-in-coOlmand of
an armoured battalion, wears Ihe IsraclimanufaclurL'Ci 'Sarbal' tanker's cO\'eralls of flame
rClardalll :\'omex. Although hot 10 wear in ",rum
dimalcs nOI to memion inside a tank, the} offer
maximum prot('clion against fire---the tank crew's
most dangerous cnemy, OlIiccr's slip-Oil rank
insignia are worn on the epauJellcs. The major also
has tht, n('w('St Israeli ballistic lanker's helmet: the
T}pe 602 helmet shdl is light. made primarily of
f\.evlar. and incorporalcs tl1{" :\IK I~)i communicalions Sy!>tCUl. The 10 lag 'Oiskecl' worn
around the neck is CO\wed in black cloth to
minimise reflt.'<:tioll, cspe<:iall~ at night. Two more
10 tags are worn in Ihc boOi laps, 10 provide morc
dlccti\'c and quicker idetll ifica tion in case ofdeath ,)
The black combat boots art' siandard IOF issue.
'fhe ollicer earrit,s a 9 mm Browning pistol a" a
pn'lll1al "i,kanl1: Ih(' Briti"h-'I~lt' cama:. hol,tl'r
(':lII :tlso accommodau' a \'ariel~ ofollwr heapons.
including tilt' 9 mm and .22 Bcrelta pistols
r.....\'otlred b~ man~ Isradi oniccrs, Thc Lebanon
campaign once again pro\'('(lthe Israelis maslcrs of
amloured \\arf.. . re. A5 a w('apon system the ne\\'
\It.,,'ka\a :\16'1' pm\'cd superior. not only 10 the T55 and 1'-62, bUI t'\'en lO 111(' I:I\('SI '1'.72. The
\'1 Cl'ka\'ll \\ as a l~o able 10 wi I h:>tand indi\'id lIal antitank \wapons !>t1ch as the R PC-7 and the 'Sagger'

C2: Isratli .\!ilita~l Poliuman: ,Insor tftlmlion ctlmp.

0(106" l,gB:.!
This 'Shoter Tz\'ai' milit:lf) policeman \\'cars
Slandard IOF r.. . tigucs with the ncw issue f\.cvlar
Oak \'cst. Although this is now the main issut. many
real' echelon lInits wore the older Amcrican :\ 11952
type in Lebanon. The white-paillled helnWI is the
Israeli \"Crsion of the CS ) II: IXlIh it and the
brassard Ix'ar tht, Hebrt'\\ k,ltcrs 'Ttli'm' and 'I:;,ndth'

Fighlf:r& of a Main For~ PLO (Fa,ah faClion) unit near

Nabati)'eh, a monlh befo..e Ihe I~ ....eli in''ll~ion. The,. .........
bolh gr_o aDd pal., khaJ.i falig .. cl!' wilh high-lOpped
commando bool~ and are armed ...ith A.K-of'" and (."n.r.,me
riJllhl) lin RPD U,1G. NOI., Chinese &Iick I..d.ed inlo",
,id., pock",. of Ihe- ntar....1 m",n'.. PLOfS)'ria.n eh....' po.. ch.
(CO.. n ....,. ratiAa Uu.....inij

for':\ I P'. His \\ cb gt'ar is an older 1~ pc USNI b~ Ihc

IOF from the latl' 19505 10 Ihe t'ar!} . 70s: oril(inall~
i11lcnded to hold Fi' magazim."S, lilt: poueht'S no\\
carry lhoSt' for till' ~1-16. Tll(' USt' orlhis patH.'1'l1 of
w('bbing is now limilC'd to n'scrvists :ll1d rear
echelon II"00PS, The :\ I p's .\ 1- I 6 rifle is no\\ Ihe mo~t
COllllllon ,,'capon among suPPOrt units \\ithin the
IOF. ahhough he might also be issued thC' 9 mm
L;ZI :\IC. In Lebanon. Israeli :\lililar~ Police
Wl'rt' assignt-d numerous lasks. ranging from Irallie
cOtllrol1O prevelHing anns smuggling b~ relllrning
10F personnel. I r\ r.'l\otlrilc souvenir 01' combal
troops was a captul'l'd Af\.-47 or Tokar('\' pistol.
However, Iheir most important lask was running
th(' <\nsar detention lucilily on tht' AmOlUl hl'ights,
Therc they were responsible for seeuril)' :l1ld
adminislration for Ihe Ihotlsands of PLO terrorists,
sympathisers and a.llil-d :\Iuslim militiamen caplured by Ihe Israelis in Lebanon. C nul Ihe~ could
be SOrted, and Ihen either transfcln-d 10 mort' sectlrl'"
facilitit.'S or rdeas(.'d, the :\lililary Police were
rl'Sponsiblc for all il\'erage 5,000 prisoners a day.
with a peak of neal'ly 8.000 at olle time,

C3: Irmrli (Druz., J Corporal, Borde, Guards: Tjort.

IAmlo", ]u()' 1982
Th(" ':\lishmar


or Border Guards are

responsible for guarding the frolltier" of the state of

IsraeL pons or elllry, and area~ occupied by the
military against infiltration by KuerrilJa<; and
terrorists, Personnel serye for tbrt'c years amI. e\'cn
Ihough the Border Guards arc part of Ihe Israeli
Kational Police rather than lhe IDF proper. the
sen'ice is considered as completion of thc national
military obligation. Those laken imo the ranks of
the '.\Iishmar HagHl!' arc usually Israelis whme
roots lie wilhin Ihe Arab diaspor:l, ::lI1d who speak
Arabic. Anothcr source ofpersotlnd are the Dru:ze
i\los!<'ms: cilizens of Israel. lhey also sen'e in tht
IOF and other securilY units. As part of the Police,
the Border Gllard's uniform has quile a different
appearance 10 that or the lDF soldier. For one
lhing:. lht,y :11'(' lhe only ullil in Isrnc! 10 wt;ar their
b('rcts in Ill<' fidd. On thcdark gret'n herel is \\'orn a
Young Ashbal ('Lion Cub') gu"rrilla fron, a pro-Syrian PLO
fa,,!.ion (nl1l" Syrian "ommando badge ....Om On uniforn,) al Ih"
UNRWA ""hool al ,he Ein el refugee un,p, Sidon, in
'982, prior '0 ,he I" .....eli in"a"ion,lIe;s ....earing ,h" indig"nou"
PLO 'lizard' p"n"m C'.. mouHage uuiform, wi.h ChiCom "hu,
pouch and Syrian pi"lol bd" Hi" ...."apon is " So,i". AKMS
assauh rin". (Cour.,sy Falina lIuss..ini)

sikcr-plated 'Star ufDa\id' badge with the I-Iebl'('\\'

le{lcr 'II1r"" for .\Iishlt'ra' Police, Their field
uniforms arc surplus Amcrican OG t07 faligues.
O\'er Ihe kft breast pockcl the '.\Iishmar Hag\'ul"
nilmctape is worn with light blue Hl'!Jre\\, lettering,
Bools and \\'tb gcar are standard IDF issue. The
Border Guards han' thcir own syslcm of rank
insignia. llsing BritislHtyJc (hewons. This is 10
differentiate Pulice Ii'om til{" /\rmy, and aLso rct'alls
the Jewish Police in Pal(,~tinc during the British

DI: Offiur, C!lr;JliO/l Plm!tmgi" 'Lrha!/rSf Forcrs';

Briml. Srpll'lIIbrr 1y82

The 'L('iJanese Forc{'~' 1I0tlO be confused wi III the

official Lcbatll':.e Army is Ihe nanl{' gin'n to the
military arm of lhe Knta 'cb or Christian Phalange
Pan)', Organised inlo a fighting force by their
leader Bashir Gemayd. the Lebanese Forces today
ha\T an estimated .).000 well-trained men, and can
count on a funher j.{)()Q figillers Ii'om ocher
Christian mililias in case of emergency, E\'er since
til{' Lebanese Ci\'il War of 1975 76 lhe Lebanese
Forces ha\'e recei\'cd hugc llmOUIHS of Israeli
military aid. everything- from wcapons to uniforms
and equipment. Consequently, these Christian
soldiers took 011 a rather distinuivc Israeli
appearanC(', This ;J'osJ.:ari (onlcer) is wcaring all
Israeli fatigue shin and Israeli-supplied exAmerican OC t07 Irousers. A Lebanese Forces
nall1etapc is worn on the shin, and the Kat:l'eb
pany insignia on the right pockt'!. The cloth patch
on the slec\'{' identifies this onlcer as belong-ing to a
Lebane$(' Forces command unit. His pistol belt and
black comba.t boots arc Israeli: the holstcr for his
9 mm Browning is locally made: and his rinc is a
5.56 mm Swiss SC 5_1.0, formerly Ihl' property of the
Lebanese Army, An M-16 or all Israeli-supplied
AK47 (from captured Arab stocksl might also be
carried, The black beret is nOI issue, and is probably
a personal preferencc. It i!; decorated Wilh a
Commando L'nit insignia.
02; Cltri~fiafl .IlitifiOIl/(/!/. Plw!ollgi.rl' Lrho1/r:J(' Form';

Ellsl Briml, Durmbrr 19B]

This militiaman, in the Christian hall' of Beiru!. is
wcaring the kind or <lssortmelH of clothing,
weaponry and equipment which has become
typical oflhe \a.riotls militias in Lebanon. Her', the

lau.'St .\meriC:1ll BDC camnuflage uniform is worn

wilh Israeli f:uigUl' cap, boob and \\l,b ~t"ar. It is
ver~ difficuh to track dO\nl Ihl' oriiPns of all the<;('
odds and cnd~. In addition to aid from the I~raelis,
the Christians purchase a lan;e part of their supplics
on the open markel. and also make uS{' ofeaplUred
l'lIl:my ~I(.)l"b, Thc bro\\'n Isradi paratroop l>oob
are also inllTl'sting: cvell Ihough many Lcbancse
Forces personnel were trained in Israel. f('w. ifany,
Ix'camc parachutc qualified, Howe\cr. as the boots
e\okc 'clite [(,rce' SlalUS, the~ haw become a
favourite amOlll{ the Phalanl;c forc("l, The ~1'16
rifle is thc main' \\ithin this Chri~liall army,
This particular example is fim-d \\'ith a small 3
IXlwer optical si~ht. He also has a Smilh & \\"csson
rcvolver ill a black leather holster. In Lebanon,
where ,,'{'apom are considered a sign of machismo.
Ihc more \\ C:l pons ('alTkd. the ~rcillcr thc
individual"s pn:stigc.
/)3: ,\Ij/itialt/rUl, .\lajo' Haddad'j 'Sotltht'm IAJarl('St'
.1,"!I"; \nha/~uh, ]unt' 1[112
This militia \\'i\S l'Slabli~hcrl in 19i6. under fornwr
Lc.'bancse .\rmy ~Iaj. aad Haddad. Its purpose
was to curtail PLO acti\'iIY directed against the
inhabitanlS of southern Lebanon. BOlh Christians
and ~Ioskms joined, although Ihc l'ommand
slruc\llr<; n:lll:linl-d pn.'(lominalllly Chrisli:lll, ~laj,
Haddad immediately allied himself with the
Isradis, and militar~ co-operation bet\\'een them
flourished: his forces were ~upplied b~ Israd and
man~ of his troops rttei\'ed traillill~ at Israeli
military baSC'>, In 1978. \\11("11 the IDF" \\'as obliged
by polilical prl'SSure to wilhdra\\' frolll southern
Lebanon. the area was left 10 C:\ IFI L the C niled
Nations IllIerim Force In Lebanon. "'Iwn the 1;:\
soldiers proved unwillill.L:" or unable to curtail PLO
infiltration, :\Iaj. Haddad'~ army provided a buffer
protectill~ I~raers nonhcrIl frOlllieN, During the
1982 campailpl Haddad's forces took an active role
in combat opl"r.tlioIlS :lI1d. in many cases, acted as
<;COlli ... for ad\allcin~ I~ratli units. This militiaman
\H~ars a basically Israeli uniform of hush hal.
r.lliguN and combat boots, His C3m'as \\eb ~ear is
locally made. and modelled 011 the ChiCom typl",
The fOllr main pockets accommodate a wide variety
ofriflc mal;azincs: smaller pouches:'lt each side hold
grenades. a nclthcre are also SP:'lCf'S for caIlH:ens. He
is annro \\ilh an ~1'16 :\1203 rifle ~renad("

Ph"l"n!!i"l l~der Ba"hir Gema,el ;n Chr;",!ian Ea.~1 Ikirul.

i\lloy 1982. Already, al Ihe age of 34. an ""-pf'riencll'dl"Otilitian
.. nd milil.i .. commander, he had by Ihili lim" rUlhll',,~I)"
liU"prelilied all oPl"Oliing Maronit., faClions 10 ",,,k,, him""tr
"01,, I"ad"r of L"banon'" Chris!ian com".un;I)". IIi" tal<:.r
a"".ss; ....a tion .....hil., Pr<:sid<:.n!.EI< 10 ha," bloocl~
c:onsrqu<:.nN"ll for .11 of Leb.non, In Ihis "hol('_ I.k.,n a. a
mit;lar)' cere".oa)", ht' "e.rlO IDF f'"igu"-li ....i.b 'L.ban",..,
ForO" D2mellilpr. his sboulder palch is thai of. command
unit of his milit;" (.."., Plat" DI)' (I It OIl

launcher eombination. and also carries an .\Kli

recemly taken from a dead PI ,0 guerrilla, Thl' unit
tag i1llachcd to the l"ft ep:tulcllC' is almost idC'llIical
in sl)"le 10 IDF tags, and i~ i~~ued 10 all militia
mcmocrs: thc motif combil1N the imat;C's of the
Cedar of Lebanon and a fi~t brandishinl; a s\\ord.




Comlt/al/do. lsi Commal/do Group:




The Syrian Commando Baltalions art" among the

most cffceli\'(' and expericnced units \\ilhin lhc
Syriilll milililr}, In the S~ riall Army camouflage
uniforms arc issued to cOlllmando unit.s. airborne
Iroops and cerlnin categoriN of political police
\\ilhin th(' Arnll'd Fore(.., e'tablislull("IlI, This
..,uldi('r~ unifornl i, a Syrian COp\ of a Paki,t;lI1i


suit, Pasl refcrences to it as a 8riti~h

OP~d variant arc incorrect. His SOl'iet hdOlct has
a doth co\'cr in til(' ~allle material. His lX'rsonal
i"(luiplllelll al-.o show..: a <;tron~
vict innucncc.
The RPG ba~. three-pocket .\I\.-.n l11alf<lzine
pouch and call1ei'n arc all of Russian patterns. In
hi.. tank-killer role, he carries an RPG-; and a
havcr<;ack filled wilh RKG43:\! antitnnk 1-,lTinade-:.
IIlI' l,lller rapahk of pt'llctralillll; lb5 mm 01
armour, He i-; also armed wilh a SO\'icl AI\.:\I
al'~allit rifle,



T-7:! 7 (llIk CrnC71lOn: lJ,ko'o ra/l,..I'. }ullr


S) nan armoured forces bore the brunt of the IOF's

thrll~t into the Ikka'a \'alley. and sufl(-ri'd ~vcrd)'
as a ri'Sult. Comp.'lrl'd with thcir previous
lX'rformanccs the S)rian tank crews did \\'e11.
tcnacioll.. l~ standin~ their ~rollnd and often
fi~htillg with ~real ..kill. Collecti\"d}. hm\ e\'er. thq
\\ere unable 10 deal efl('Cliw'ly with Israeli armour.
and finally had 10 rclinqui~h lhe anli-tank mission
LO commando unil~ and allli-lank hrlicoptt'r<;. This

Thr~ m~mbns oflh~ ori~;nal Mulli.Nal;onal Force poR for

Ihe obliplory handshake-: PorI ofBe;n:u, 26 Au~sl Ig.lI::t, From
lert 10 riSht, they are a French J' RPIMa pllral .......prr, II US
Marin., and an halian Carabini.,ri mililary policemaa. NOI.,
Iha, the American has neilh.,r a ma!!:a",; ..., in his ...._pon aor
I'~,.,n amm...ul;on pouch....-..., of Ihe ....).
Ihl' ~larin.."
empha... ised Ihe 'aon_nfron,:u.ional' nalure of Ih.,;r oriSinal
m;s"ion. N...ilh.,r of Ihe oth.,r .,..a senls 10 ha~e
follo ..ed. suil; 1hl' halian MP iii armed. ilh a Berelta p;slol" a
B~I.~ Mk ITAL rifl., and a ba)'onl'l! NOI., Ih... 'Army'
p"",",nlal;on orlhe Ilal;an .,001;11.11;.....1 pau,h, as compared. ..i,h
Ih.. ~brine' nrsion "ho...... in Plale "3. (IGPO)

ue\\man \\cars the I~pical unifOl'Ill of Syrian

armoured and mcehalli<;t..d Iroop~ in tht' Lebanon
campaign. Wilh Lhc black padded SO\,i{'1 tanker's
hdllllt. he Wl'ars thc tall khaki fatiglles issuro 10
armouJ"("(1 and Ilon-t-lilc, non-plJlilical units wilhin
the Syrian mililary, :\ slight!) diflCri'nt green
uniform is also issued. It i<; interestin~ 10 nOll that
the Syrian .\rmoured Corps dcx'S lIot issue fire4
r("<;istant clothing to an} of its unit... The tanker's \\'C'apon is a SOl'iet i.62 mOl Tokare\'



Commando. 8j/1t Brigad,: 8,i",/. IgB2

This commando soldier. a.tlaclwd 10 Illl~ Syria.n

fOI"(,~ in Beirut. Wl'al'S tht Syrian 'lizard-pattern'

camoLlflag"(' uniform with ~Iandard fillig-tlc cap and

an Atlwrka n-I YP(' ~ I-G5 fidd jackt1. Ht> also carries
a CS-m<tde .\:\ PRC:'-l':; radio. lI"l>d b~ Ihe S}rian
.\nny ~ince Ihe endy 197ft!>.

originall} pan ofAll1crican <II IIh .. lliPltlllll .. tQ

1'01 hi .. or.Jordall. \\ hi( h had 'o;ollll'ho\l"' Iwen
d;\'t"rted illio PI,O hamk

Sa lIdi .\

F":1: PI.O ltll/H'r: IJrm~lOlI (;mllr, SOli/lirtn J.rbmuill. J/IIII'

FI: PLO (PFI.PjiuliQf/) .!(lIrrrilla: Dall/ollr. ]/Il/r J.f)82

The Popular' Fronl fl,r the Librralion ol'PalNline is
a pan.\rabisi. pro-~Iarx:isl lerrOI' ~rOllp \\hich.
under tht it-adl'I''''hip 01'01' (;('Or~t Haba~h. Ix-camc
famo\!, in till" 19ioli fi,r a litril.... ofair1;llel hijackin~.
ILS slI'OJH~hold W;I'" tht f(mller Clu;sliall cil~ of
Damour. "hidl il d(rl~ndl'(l f."lll;lti('"all~ a~ainsl Ihe
10F ; II 19B:2. This .\ IUJftlmdin 'l'r('('(lom fi~IHcr'
gucrrilla \\(011.. . a mi"lure ofilldigenou~ PLO and
S~rianuniform,includin~ the PLO 'liLaI'd patl('rn' and a S~rian ,\nn~ undcr;;hirt ..\!though
this Oil(' i.. loos(. hi .. J.rfi.1f11t i~ l~ picall} \\orn in Ihis
rashion to conCl'al idemit}. H(' is arnwd \\ilh an
R re. i" round......turrl'd caSlI:a1h into a SPOrtS ba~.
and, oddl} enough, an .\Illl'ricalt ,\1-16 rifle. B} an
cxamin:llion of serial numbers on captur(-d
\\l'apolh. Ill(' b,r.uli, di~o\'en'd thai ll1am oflhf""("

The PLO mark 1I"C or a trrmcndou... \'arict} of
camouna,:,c unirorm... mal1\ tlluque to their
organisation. Thi.. nlan \\1',11"" olle (lr th(:~e
;ndi~(1101l.'l pat Inn... tU;~inall\ q'cn dUl"ill't" tht'
'Black St'ptellllx'r' eri~i... in Jordan during 19in.
Thi.. t}l>C is lI'iuall} \HIl"Il h} onicef":. in'itrUCION or
'commtllldo' ulli" \\ilhin tilt PI.O. and indicat("<;
some kiml nf;'lilc ~l<ll us. 11(" i'i a 1..0 \\ t':lrill~ Ihe PLO
F...,a.:h MNF IrGOlb o(lh~ .:nd. 'ilad Forei!.. Le,&io.. P......"'h.. c~
R~im".u ('ii' REP) p
p"r.. I.. mo~'" inco W.....c 8o:inu,
Seplember 198" Tlo~,. .. rSrff.. '"'~.. wilh 110" "ih.. rbad!"
or ..... Troup"li Airoport~ othe..... i~ th..,. aro:
dro:.'!<SC'd aad equippcod a i.. PI.....
Sc:anes i.. o:omp"'''''
c:olours .r~ wora 0 ....... ten -houJder: I.......! .. br pal",h.,.,.o(c"",
5Jlm~c:olo.. rs ........ Iso marked on 110", rear or..... helmet o:o'e.....
Th.. ,""uad lih,,~hoolrr i'li armnl "'ilh ch.. FR Fl 7,5 mm
saiprr riflr, Ihr o".~rs eo.....,. hullpup-<o.. r.!....n1 5-56 mm



copy of the ChiCom :-\,,"-_, i chest pouch. locally

made in PLO f.-l(torics and the main type in usc. His
I)lXII" arc copies ofth(' French I,Off/ugo can\'as hoot.
with rubher soles. His wlid red krJi.1'(I1J is :llsn
supposed to indicatl' elite SlatUs. although other
patterns might he worn, He is armed with a Sovict
i,62 nUll Dragll1l0\' S\'D sniper's rin(": very few of
the PLO received thi" much-con'ted weapon, and
many PLO had to resort 10 cruddy attaching
<;nipcr.,cope'i to A"""is. Others made lise of
\\'eslern "niper rines ohwined from fi'iendly Arab
states or purch<l~ed from arms dC<lkrs ill'Ound the
world. This mall has added a ~mall Paleslillian nag
to his web gear, also a common praClice,
Fj: OjJim. PI.O: 11'rJ/ B,il'/Il. :lugliJI 19/12

This Qflid commander I ofa PLO unit op('ratin~ in

Ihe approa("he~ to the Lehanese capital is wcaring
Iraqi combat fatigues, possibly indicating that he
lx-Iong<: to the Arah Liberation Front ALF, a
Baghdad-hased separatist PLO faction. Like many
PLO OffiClTS. he wears a red hcret with PLO badge.
an cagle wi th the Pa Icstinia n colours on its chest and
th(' ,\rabic word for' Pak'sti nc' below. His k1i..rah is
worll a~ a scarf. a cOlllmon prncticc among PLO
flghtc'r", He is armcd with a Czech CZ 5!:! i.62 rmll
pi~101 and till' Hungarian vcr..ion oftbl; AK-.Ji. the
.\ ~ I D-65. ('asily idcllli fled by its folding ~tock, flash
hider, forward pistol grip and shorlcl1('d b:ll'rel. The
Karl Zeiss field glasses show that the PtO can
afford to purchas(' till' nor)' best l'quipmClll offcf('d
for sale on the intcrnational .mns market.
(; I:

Thisjrr!,!mf/ is wcaring' a locallyproduccd Cl>py of

an Egyptian paratroop uniform with a PLO AK-+i
chtst pouch, He is arnlt'd ag-ainst all C"'Clltllalities
with a Polish P~I K-DG).I-60 assault rinc filled \\'ilh
a 1.0.\'-, gn'lladc launcher lor PG:\-Go antitank grl'nadC'$, and all S.\-i allliaircr<lli llliSl'ik
G':J: Jloumbifoufl .\lililimlllll/:


B/'iml, SrlJ/rmher


The .\Io/lmhifO/l1/ 'Guardian~' or 'Sa,'iours' in

Ambic <lrc a leftist :\ luslim mililia whose main base
of po\\cr li6 within the imlllediatc Beirut area,
H9ping" for a :\larxist Arab state in L.ebanon, they
ha,c I)('cn i11\olvcd in t:,ctiOll<l1 fiA'hting against
Christi<lll and gonTnmclIl forces lor more than tell
years, They arc \\,t'll armed by til(' 5yri;l,ns and
Liby<l, and, as militias ~o in Lebanon, they arc well
organisC'd and highly disciplined, During the
'9i5 i6 Civil \\'ar and Ih(" t!lfb Isradi irwasioll
thc~ fought alongside the PLO. Thi~ ,I/rlllqf/ti/l
fighter) W('ars a Syrian 'lizard paltern' uniform
and a rcdpail1ted 50\'1(,t helmct be<lring the i\r<lbic
wurd .l/oumbifou/I', He is armed with <l 7,62 mm
Tok<lre\' pistol. an RPG-7 <lnd a slung WCSI
German Heckler & Koch G3A3 rine, It is unclear
how much or Ihe militias' weaponry was aClUally
obt<lined, bllt it is s:& to aSsutllC' th<lt the West
German rinl~ was originally pan or <l weapons
shipmcTLt 10 '01111' i\lidcllc E<lSlern eOllntr~: or was
purchased 011 the international arms market using
funds prO\'ided h~ one of rhe oil-producing Arah

PI,a ( PFI.I' (;C) ,!!/idTil/a'.' h(1\11'1 /lriwull': ,\'it/rlll,



(,':;: Dru::.r

.\lililiallloll: _1I~)', Ff/Jrllf/~l' IgIJ.1

One of the 'regular' PtO formations established by The DrllZl' sect. li\'ing' in tlw Shour mountains or
YassCJ' Arafat in laiC 1981, Ihe K<lstd Brigadl..' was Lebanon o\Trlooking Beirut. arc long-term ,c\made up of persollllel from all the "ariOtls PtO crallS or tl1(' political in-fighting which COllStlllneS
factions. Among the contributurs was thl." Popular Leb;IIl('sl' politic<:, During the Israeli i,wasiOIl the
From for tht Liberation of Palestine/Gellcral Dnlze remained neLLlral: but whe11 Amin GCll1ayci
Command, a pro-:\lnrxist t('ITOI' group with about rcfuscd to grant them and their ll'ader. \\'alid
t,5 fighu.:rs. Thi;Y achic,'cd their status within thc JumblatL the expcCled political rl'l)rcscl1tation.thc
PLO by a series ofattacks inside Israel. of which the Druzc fought the Lebal'1('st: Army <lnd bter the
most important wcre those on a school bus in rgio, Amnican ~Iarines at Beil'ut Airport. which lay
and against a ll11rseryschool at :\Ia'alot in t9i4.1n directly below their positions in the mountains,
1982, al Sidon. they conducted a ,'i<:ioLls sixday This Druzc machine gunner wcars a Pakistani
defcnce of the Ein cI Hil,,'('h refugee camp againsl eamounag'C' uniform, alw used by Syrian forces <lmt,
lhe I DF, holding Iheir own cidlians as hostages ,l1ld strangely tllollgh, by certain units of the Christian
forcin,g: thc Israelis to "Ikt' the cam p hOllse by hOllse. 'Lebancse Forccs', It is illtl'l'esting to nOtc that the

Drll7.(' militia \\'orc n \'Olriel) of bailie drc~s,

\\ hom they wert allied 10 and what
Olher arllled Corn's Ilcre' (lcCLIpyill~ tlH'ir t(rritor~.
For ('xampk. it \l'a~ commnll III \tT tlwm II caring
Israeli \\iIHl'r parkas.. \nH.Ticall BOC .. and S~Tian
boots and helmets. Th(' \\'oollen c:tp. hCJ\\('wr. is
cornmOI] 10 Dru'l.(' throughoul the' .\Iiddlf' East.
The lllall i.. :trilled with a So\i('t R PI) L:\ 1(; ,1Ild ;til
\ In('ricall .18 ~nll h-no:.(' I"('\'oh cr lucked in hi~ belt.
d("p('ndin~ 011

1//: F,tf/(h '\/,m1/r P(lrt/II/lfl!"I. 'j NI"cw/iI//I'amdlll/il((

r/'!II!alllmt rtf .llaTlllf: .11. \ F. IJI/rllt. Ot/ob" HA1

Francr's cOlllrihUlion 10 the- .\Iuhi-Xational Forcewas dra\\11 from 'ilHe-n'rlHion' llnih of her 31~1
Bri~adc and Qlh .\Iarille' and Illh Parachull'
Di\i~itlll:-.. \1ll1)Jll{ Ilu'''1.' \\ .I~ tlu' l R PI .\1,1. 0111' of

A L",~ion .......... roo .. ~rrli<ln l"CO wilh Isnt"l; ~oldj.. rs

during lhr Pl.O """,,r""lion,
I"",b"r '9112. Th", Isra .. li ...ajor
~e"r" the new-slyle f,u is''''' hu .. nd " .. rr;"'s .... :\1_,6. Hili IDF
..a"'''lal'''' is war.. ,,!>o\'e Ihe l"fl I>o"kel, Th .. I"s;onnll; ..'" is
a ..",cod wilh II FAMAS FI and ",arr;u a TR_PP_. ,8 radio.


Ihcorigillalllllil\s<'llt 10 Beirut in .\ll~USI 1982.lh(')

wcre ~cf\'illg thcrt' a~ain in Onohel' 1983. In
g(nnal. Iht' French hrought 11'.."\ nai,"el(" 10 their
:\ IX F dUlies Iha 11 some' or Ihe OIhel' contin,g-ellls. the
3 RPI:\la in particular:.15 year., 1>I.:fol'(' thc~ had
been ('.01. Bigeal'd\ Ie~l'ndill') :3' RPe Colonial
ParachutC" RC,~im(,llI of Ihe .\ll{erian \\'ar. and
lhr~ had had ~{,\'Crid lattr 1>O'Ilil1l..... IO. HriCil and lhl'
.\Iiddlc Ea~1. Alllon~ th(~ \\a~ a dililcull tOll I' \\ith
eXIFl1. in It)jR dllrin~ \\l1ich the\ 10\1. among
othcr;;. Ihcir ("olond hndh \\oullc!t-ci in a PI.O

colour<;cad":H Ihl' ,houldl'r: lill' n-':t'llll~ i,'merl '\111'

I<l7.J \\ ell l'(luipnll"nt: ,lIlcl ,I ri~ht 5Il'('\e hra,o;."lI'd for
in~it~"llia. Thi.. ,tl\\a" hore Ihe lricolour nalional
lIa,h .llld "4IOl('linll"" a 1i:II"mali(l1l ill,i~llia
lilt' palch urlhc' II OJ> .\ IJ.llioll:l1 ,hitld \\<1" al,o
\Iorn 011 llw I('h lIppc'r ,ltTH'" Rallkill!.:. nn lab:.
'lWei til Ih.. \'(,llI"O 1),IlIh on Iht' jark('l f1~, \la..
'(llllctilllr.. l'1'1ll11\l'd for Pdtl(II~, Thl' \\l',lpntl is 111l'
;).;')h mm !'.\,\ I.\S F J. [I' h.l) olll'l h.lll,!.:" Oil lilt' Idi
Ihic:h. ancl a Iriplnrn'nadl' pouch mpieclli'om tlw
old l'~ p.1l1l'llI i.. 1,11>1:'(\ clo\ll1 10 11ll" rit,:hl !hi~h,

II:!: Italian ,\IannI. Bauae/tll1lr

US M ....inn of thO' 3~nd MAU ~ .. r, r) .. Ph..langiM ro"d bl...,k

doralNl with po~I"''''' .. rB,,~hir G"''''''f",l; )ki .... l. s.:pl"'mbe..
'96", (IMoD)


.\101/0': .\1.\"1-".

B,imt, ,IU~II.t It/lJ

I hll~ cOlllribulcd til(' lan,:e't nllmb('l" of troops 10
,he .\1:'\1-" '1I!1le- nint' hall.lliorb rOl.t1ld lhrou,C;h
Ikinll at \.Idou" timl... Indudeel \If'r(' lhn'('
l).ltt.llil~lh fll"FI11l:"(ln"' p.II',llrofllil'. lhn'(' 01 B{,l":lt,:lieri. Oll(' of rC~lllar inlll11tr~ and all ,lI"l'l10ureel car
lIllil. till"' '('a\alleg~('ri di Locii'. Carahinit'Ji aCI('(1
.1' milital"\ police ,lIld Ih(' \".1\ ~ COlltriblll("(! ils "San
.\!arco' .\brinc batlalinn. ,ho\\l1 hel'(', Th('~ \\('1'('
.I"i~ned ICI t hl~. a bra and Shal il.1 di"ricI<;: alt houA"h
111l'~ !.Cellt'l"alh rC.I(:h('<I.l A"lXld rcl:lIion,hip \lilh lltt'
P.t1e<:tini:llh. the\ still 'lIlfer('d 11\0 f... talitil''i,
Italian .\l.trim, and par,,' \\01'(' the eharacteri,,
tie Italian (,illllouflage dothin((: the "I !leI' Lilli",
I!Jh e rlrah" l'l('arl~('ar \"ari('(! from unit to unit.
including Ih(' red Ix'rel of Ih(' paralroopl'!": lilt'
hllle-la~,cIlt-d r('eI fel' of till' lk.... a~li('ri
\\ hu al-.o
\\ore- \\hiu"pailllcd .\locl.:n helm('h \\ilh a plullll'
nfrlark t,:n'l'll n'lCbl('r f('athen. on thC" ri~ht "it!(' : anrl
hlaC'k ;1Ile! midnil.:"hl blur h('rN' \\ ilh \ari(IU" hranC'h

alllhu~h, The lour ill prou:n'" ill Oelt,h,'!' IqH'~"

('oclc'nallll'd "I)i..doll 1\", illHlhl'(I :{ RPI.\!..,
delachnwnls from Sl'\'('I";l1 tll/ll'r units. and .1 'Igill/nit
fir mar'h' lI'>Sl'mbled 51X'dlicall~ fi,....... 1"\ in' in
I..dlanoll in S<.'pte-Illh('r 1~)I{3. lornwd li"mll
COll"CriPh \\ hl) \olmHt{'l'(d for l;'lI(kd ~'l"\ in' ill
IkirUI, il dre-\\ ("omp.lllit.~ from ......\1..ral Olher hae!~('<;.
p<lrillrOOp unils and nc(i\cd Ihl' l(.'mrX:)l";lr~
Thi:. .\Iarilll" \lean. a black bC'n'! \lith a <:iher
harley. Ill' ha, laiel a~id(' hi,
ele:-iMlliltion '6' Rt',l{illll'lll eI'llIfalllcril' Pal';\dlll1iq\,', It \\';!S thi, unit \\ hith \\,h Ill(' I<lrt~('1 oflhe (,;lIn()Ufl.l~I' i.lckc'l fiJI' a p"I,' khaki ..bin. \Iorn \lilh
2] Orle,I",,, 'lliri(k bombillA". which t'(1'1 lh(' Ii \ es \,f thl' 1I11il \ Iwl ;lnd \ c110\\ eire" :.carC The shin bear..
"18 Frellch ~Idie~, mo,lI~ 1111'1111>(1.... I/f" Cit',. I
111(' Ilali,tll nation:tl ""ar of S;:\\o~' Oil till' collar
Rep R"l!illl('1l1 cit (:h;I ....'m' 1'.11.1( lun i,ll.... , .\ It-n point:.: a ~t"l10\\ and l"(.'<1 'LulllofSt .\1,lrk IIllil c!l(-<;I
of3 RJ>I.\I.I hdperl dilt tlllt their C1"ll,hcd hodi,-..;. palch: :1Ile! a 1I:tlional arm ..hidd Ix'culiar 10 Ihi...
Thi'i 1l.:'l.1'a \\ral'" Ihe I'm OCret. (mn' Ih(' lllark of unil. andllHI" 1>I:'I'haps tlf :'\a\~ oril{in lhe Olhcr
Iht, Colonial p,aralroop, ..illr(' n'nalllt"(! '.\Iarine unib \\OJ'(' .1 .. Il.lllo\\ tricolour n.lsh Ollt lin('(1 ~ dlo\\.
I Ie carri,,,> Ihe I) mm Ikretl:l ~Il.! S.\IG, ;1I1r1 his
l't'~m"lIl'> hUIIlO\\ \IOrnIH ,111 paraChllt" illf:lnln
1'X(Tpt 1111' ],''g"inll rq,,:irn"lll. 'lIlt' Clllt,ni,1I ,\I.lriut' \\('bbill~ is limitcd 10 an .\rnl'l'itan .\1 l!ljG piqol
lJ.lrll!l i, lIl1,h,lJlgyrl: ,I Koler "11,h(>I" \\illl ,I\l'r Iwlt 131 ili~h fir local palll'l'Il~ \lcrc .L1~u seell" The
\\ing'ed fj'l holdin~ a ~\\"ord ~upl'l'ill1pO~t'd" SI:IIl. Italialh 'l'I'm 10 haw b('(,ll shon of \\ iIlIt'r ('11 II hi Il~.
clarcl Freudl ,\rm~ ~ll(' Iq6.J 'SrHin '~oo' r;Hi~ll("s and phOllh .,110\\ <;lIme paratrOOpCl'" \\l'arill,~ IDF
arc \\orn \\ith hlad, 'l.lll!.:l'r' IXlO"'; nllnpall\- parka!',

fl3: CS ,\1(1rinf', 2/lh .IJ.Jt': .\1 \"I'" BfUIit, Odob""

The :\lal'illl"

,\Il1l'l'i.,;t ,.'nl 10 1.I'h;1I11111 \INf'

pnwirkd 11\ [1\1. :\l.lrilu' .\mphihinu.. . Lllit . .

a~~i!-{llt'd il\ rntatilJll 10 the ,\Iedih'r!";Itl('an ,\mphibiotl~ Rt'ad~ Croup :\IARG, Sixth L'S Fleet:
the uni15 Ilel"e lat('r, '.l",md :\I.\L" and '141h
:\I.\L', E;H~h in turn \\a, built around a Banalion
Landing Team of the thh :\Iarine Regimt'lIt, OUI of
the .!nd :\larine Dil'i~i(ln at Caml> Lejeune BLTs
'18 and I 8, n"p<'('tin'I~,.! ph :\I.\L" \\a~ on dll1~
on 23 Oetnb(''r I98J and it~ BI,T 1 8:.ufl(,(t-d mosl of
Ihe 241 L"S Ihta1itic:., ,\t Ihe lime of Ihe Beirut
dcplo~ ment, :\ (arillt, unifbrlll~ and t'quipllwllI \1 C(C
in a pt'riod of tral\~ilicm. This M'r~cant \\ca", til{'
older '\\"oodkllld' call1ourla~t' unifonll nO\I I)("itl~
phaS('d 0111: mack of loOo" ("olton, il \las in rhCI
('"001('1' and nllJl"(' ('"omforlahlt Ihall its su('"('(....-.or. the
'Baltkdn"'\-, L"niform' or BDL", Tht' ne\\ PASGT
Personal ,\1'0101' S~,lcm, Ground Troop:. prot("Clivt' \(....1 I\a, a(~jll~t rt'J>ladn~ Ilw nlckr :\1195.'>
typc. :\laclc of "t'\ lar, il om'l.., pmtl'("lion ag-ain't
bOlh ~hraplll'1 and hi~h ,r1OCil~ projt.'Clile-., TIlt"
ser!o:"eant's r:lllk in~i~nia, a lllt'wl pin-on dc, in', i,
worn 011 Iht n~, The P,\5GT ~~ . . tt'lll al~ illdudt'....
tht' G('nnank(ookin~ bnlli,lic hrlml'l dllhlx'd'th,'
Fritz": but. to<l;cq>t for "Omt' Emb:",,~ Guards at Iht"
\cry end. Ihe :\Iarin(" {'"(lIltilli;:CIlt \\ore Ihe r.'lmiliar
~11 ~t('d hc,II11('1. I\ith '\\'o,)(llancl" cnmouna~c
('O\'cr, ~hO\\11 ht'l't" \\"eb ~l'ar I:. Ihe ne\\ n~loll
ALICE 1)1)(' ',\ll-pul'lx"'t, Lil{hl\\cight. Individual Comb:1l Equipn1l'IlI', Either black
Icather combat IXJOI~ 01' the \'it'lnanH~ pl' junr.;:1e

bOOl!'could lJt' \\ Ol'll , Tht, Remill~1(l11870 riot g"lll1 I:.

i:.stwd for SOIlH" ,pl'cial purp0!>e, h~ lilt' :\Inrint'





J)rtll~/JI)lI (,'I/mt!l:

HRITFORI,EIJ, I:Jril'ul, Orlllb", 1983

A COmpan)4:-izt'd Bl'ili~h eontill~cnt s('!"\,cd with the
:\I:\F from Ft"bl'u(lf~ 1C)8:{ to Fehnlnr) tQ84' The
oril{illal ullit II,'" C Stln .. Q,tJC, l'l'pt\t"l'd li'OIn

ltali>uo 'r.lsor..' p"rlI,r_~rdi",,"rm;"5 ami ...... Ur Lb.. S.. brll

a ..dSh.. ,il.. p .. I..",;.. ia .. camp1'. H ......... ro; .. dar" rN lM-""
,10.. p".... 'r_~I"fi' ....in5N p" .... chu'.. a ..d ..'on! bad!:.., ....
,,:;ili.... pall.. rn CIImouOaJl:'" r.. ,iJ;UH (cr, PI.., .. H:z). Th~ h:o\ ..
p..ddrd ",;.. rOrffm .."'" a' ~h.uld..r and kn~ and_of
"pp"n'nl h",r_ish, .."i"g ,;, ....1''' ""'10 '10.. " .. ~~, Aga;.., nO'"
~rnatl r"Cla".~ular n....u....1 ft.. "h
b)' all unin ,,"'c..p' .10 ..
'Sa.. Marco' Mari"..,;.
,\Ul:\:U~1 10 Den'mbt... h~ ,\, Ill .. and fmlll 111('n mllil
final \\ithdra\\al b~ a ,quadron or 16111 5th TIll"
QUl'el1\ Ro~;tl I.anl'("r.. . , ,\11 IIC'!"t' ('{Iuippt"d \\ith
aillique Ft-rrt'l armnut'\'d C.lf"', QlI:ll"lcl"t'd in n
buildim:- in "'cltlth-ea'l lit'inll. thl" Briti ...h \\('IT the
onl~ :\I:\F t'utllitlqt'/It 110t to 'uffe" ca:-ualtil's in
Lcbal1on. Although in Sept em her 19H:~, tht'
nUlllht'r of '\\'ild l'oUI1(h' ,trikil1l{ tlll'ir (,xpOSt'd
billel"" led the BR ITFOR I,EB ctltll1l1:l11dt't". a
paratt'llo!>et', tn \'i~ol'oll,l) I'l'(IUhl ,I more alti\l'
~tal1C(' l()l' hi . . Ull"t"t', Thi.. . QDG troop,'r \I .. ar~ a
midnight blm' bert't \\ith ,i!u'l' dnublc'-lU'adt'd
('a~k had!!;t', ,1;llJ(),lrd Bl'ililh ll'Opi(,;II.\\\'ight DP:\I
catllOltna,ql' clOlhin~, IlatiollaJ ('(llllinl:\:('lli pntch,
and :\16!) n.1k \C.... t \\ilh Bl'iti.. h 'filth pattern' <:O\'cr.



sur les pLa.nchtii en couleur

A' I ...,


' ....,'




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...-:<:tlo"1hir..... J"
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.oft ...




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/fJ/ B2 I.... ,~h,,,,,, d. I.. ,,,.. m ... ,1'1-,.",1 ",,' I.... n,;'m", .~."I 'I".
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I<... d. \I",,,,,.~lr,,..,.. 10.1..., d... " I,,'" 1<. .. ,,0' .. ,,' on d.... \m"..., d,... It"" ;'1
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I' \

I"nc 1l'", l(t"I.
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Men-at-Arms Series Titles in Print

"'...Cll'oT ,,"'''D MEDlEVAL

\ntH'" AR;\llI~ or nn. :'IlII)I)I.E I:.\SI

1I1LSC\THI''\!i .....O lOOR(':
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o III I Ill: . \It:'lIY 01 ,\I.I.X":-IlI.R TIll. GRIXI

0,. 'It'IlL';; 01 nit: ('~\kTII'\{;IXIA;,\ "AIt" ~'b~ lib R.C

~h nu: tunl.\'\ MlM\' fRO"1 (~":'i,\R TO "I RAM;>, IU,\'lSt:1)

'll 1111. Itll;>",,:>' MI.:'II\ IIl.O:'llIMJ)RIA.'" nl CO:"l<i I ,\:\-1 l\f.
''''' RO.\II:S I.X':.\1II ... m.kM ':'OICS ,\XI) 1),\(:1,\'.,
",n kO:'\IL'S 1:;'\f..\111~'" 'l (.,\1.1.1(: ""m IIRITlMI cr.l.r~
I SI "It rlll'R .\.'In TIn. \;\,(;I.o.S,\XO:,\ W,\Il.S

I Ill, ,\Il.M1ES 01 1!'o1~\.\17Ih II,hCf..'Crt'ItII.'

,.,., Till. \(.I: Of CII.\RU.:'II.\G:'\I:

1101 1l,'L\:-;-11XI. ARMll .... AAb 111M

IIj S.\XO'l;. \"lli.I:-;G ,XI)




nn: K:-:IGllT~ 01' Ulk'';'

Till. \IOX(,()I.,
V' MU)U.\ \1. I.l-ROPL\..' \k.\I"_"
,~, 1111: "<:OTTbll A;"I} \\ u.sH W.\1t5 12lO 14W
'u TIn: :.\\ I........ n \\ 'olt IlOIl 15011
'ft> I "AUAX .\1I:OII.\\l\k.\"'...:> 1300 I;,(XI
'-40 \k.\III"':> Of' Till: unO.\1 \, n'RK:' 1100 1;71
\k\lII:50. (kl.{''I" \,oPOrnEIt:'II \11..\111:5 or Mt:U11,\.\l BL'RGnmY I~I IIi;
"l TIll; ,\R.\I11:5 or M;t;"OOL itT
Till; 'o\AltS 01 Till. Ittktt:l>
'iI'l MUltf.\,\I.III,It,\l.IlIl.Y



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'''' TIll. CO:'\Q.l'I:;1 M)()tll.~
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"" '<1:11" .\IOOt:1. \R.\IY h.I', toO
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p\ItII'l.'-' \\ARII\II.I: 1"'11 -15



Till: M.\I.AL\.'i (~\M"AI(;:'\ 1'4360
" 1111: 11111 nSII,\II..\1\ I'~MIIH
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'\I 11.\'1",1.1: fOR n II, tAI."!~\:'\[)S ! ,\,\\AI. "(JIt(;I.~
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lilt \It \11 AIt.\'II~" III rill. \1l11111.1. ".\SI \\,\11.' l'ltll ;1
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"4 .\k.\llI"':> 01 1'111. \ 1l.":,\,\M \\ ,'oil 1'''1>1 n
'n AIt~lll_~ or Till. \ II~' ;".\.\1 \1 \It 1
'Yl 1;11.1_' \1),\ l'Ill3


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...8 IlJln 1511 IXF",\XIR \ I.QllP.\II_"I"l 1<lOIII 110
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'I" IIII.W\XI\II t'(lltU(.' I.U.IO'


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