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Visualize and Achieve

By Remez Sasson
Part from the First Chapter

Published by Remez Sasson

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Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter

Copyright Remez Sasson
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Copyright Information
Visualize and Achieve
Copyright 2002 by Remez Sasson
Revised edition 2009 Remez Sasson
Revised edition 2011 Remez Sasson
Revised edition 2014 Remez Sasson
All rights reserved worldwide
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such as html files, PDF, Kindle, ePub, lit, exe, and all other eBook and book
This eBook includes a part of the first chapter from the book Visualize and
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Copyright Remez Sasson
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Chapter 1 - The Basics of Creative Visualization

Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life
The thoughts that occupy your mind most of the time tend to attract similar
conditions into your life. This might seem like a bold statement, but as you
continue to read the book, you will begin to accept it.
Bring to your memory the thoughts that occupied your mind, prior to any
success or failure you had in the past. You will discover that you repeated
certain thoughts over and again in your mind. These thoughts led you to
behave and act in a certain manner, and attracted certain corresponding
events and circumstances into your life.
Thoughts, though invisible and subtle, can create great changes, as in the
following real story.
John, an average guy, had a good and secure job for many years. However,
he was not satisfied with what he was doing. As time passed by, he
experienced a growing sense of discontent, and the conviction that he was
wasting his time and energy doing something he didn't like. He wished he
had enough money to quit his job, so he could devote all of his time to the
things he loved doing.
John, often visualized getting a large sum of money and quitting his job.
These thoughts became a sort of a pastime for him. He was convinced that
he could do better things than his present job, and wanted to be free to
pursue the subjects he loved.
When he had some free time during the day, he enjoyed imagining himself
telling his boss and colleagues that he was quitting his job. He repeatedly
visualized offered a good monetary compensation for his early retirement.
He also repetitively imagined the joy of being free at last, feeling confident
that this was going to turn into reality.
Though he wanted to quit his job, John didnt dare to do anything about it.
To think and dream was one thing, but to make this dream come true was
Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter
Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

another thing. It was a scary thought. He wanted very much to quit his job,
but it seemed quite insane to leave a secure job, especially since he had a
wife and children to support.
His common sense and intuition kept telling him that quitting his job was the
right thing to do. When he looked deeply into the matter, and thought about
all the possible scenarios that could come up if you quit his job, he always
arrived at the same conclusion. Yet, the fear was there.
At a certain point, John decided to share his thoughts with his wife.
Surprisingly, she welcomed the idea. She knew he did not enjoy his work,
and was aware of the tension it brought into his life. She also knew where
his heart was, and that he could do better things.
With her support, he gathered enough courage to call up the manager of the
personnel department, to discuss the retirement terms. Since the
management wanted to reduce the number of workers, a nice sum of money
was suggested as an early retirement compensation.
After some more negotiations regarding the retirement terms, a larger
amount was agreed upon.
John's thoughts about money and early retirement finally materialized. He
had now the freedom to devote his time and energy to the subjects he has
always loved doing, and to pursue his long-standing goals.
This is a true story, except that John is a fictitious name. I know very well
the characters involved, because this is my very own story.
My website, the book you are reading now, and my other books, have come
into being due to my early retirement. Now, I have the time to do things I
love and enjoy doing.
You too, can realize your dreams. This can be a more satisfying and
lucrative job, money, love, a house, traveling abroad, or turning a hobby into
a source of income.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

Everything starts in the mind, as you can see from this story. Your thoughts
can transform your life.
There are certain mental laws and techniques that can help you achieve your
dreams and goals. In the following chapters, you will learn about them. You
learn about creative visualization - the technique that turns your thoughts
and mental images into reality.
What is Creative Visualization?
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the powers of the mind
and the imagination to make changes in your life. With the help of this
technique, you can shape your character, habits and circumstances, and
attract opportunities, people, and the things you desire.
The main principles of creative visualization are:
1. Our most repeated thoughts tend to come true.
2. Repeated thoughts affect the subconscious mind. It is the mind that
controls our habits, desires, actions and reactions.
3. Thoughts attract corresponding circumstances.
4. The thinking process is a creative process.
Creative visualization is similar to another well-known activity,
daydreaming. In creative visualization and daydreaming, we use the
imagination to create imaginary mental scenarios, just like a movie.
Daydreaming is like a pleasant, passive pastime, while creative visualization
uses certain techniques to make these mental scenarios come true.
Creative visualization influences the subconscious mind and the creative
power of the universe, which in turn, create and attract what we visualize.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

To a large extent, your life is the product of your habitual thoughts and
mental images. If you have been often thinking positive thoughts and
visualizing happiness, health and success, then it is most likely that your
present circumstances reflect these thoughts and mental images.
If your thoughts and imagination have been mostly focused on problems,
difficulties or failure, it is likely that your life reflects these conditions.
When you focus on the same thoughts repeatedly, they get stronger and
spread around you, just like waves from a radio or TV broadcasting station.
A weak broadcast signal does not travel far, and is hardly perceived. A weak
thought is the same. It hardly produces any visible results.
On the other hand, strong, clear and concentrated thoughts energized by
feelings, create definite, perceivable results, and can attract people, objects
and possessions to your life.
Thoughts are like waves that move toward the shore. Weak and small waves
hardly reach the shoreline, but strong and big waves come rushing, going far
beyond the shoreline, and in time, affect its shape in a dramatic way. In the
same way, like the waves, strong and repeated thoughts can make changes
and transform your life.
One of the most important and powerful tools of creative visualization is the
imagination. It is a useful tool that even the most practical, down to earth
people use frequently. Without it, nothing on earth would have been created
or invented.
The results of the imagination are all around us, in the shape of various
inventions, the car you drive, the radio, the TV set, electrical appliances, as
well as airplanes, computers and buildings. We use the imagination for
cooking a dinner, telling a story, painting a picture, decorating a house,
building a bridge, managing a hotel or running a company.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

Why Creative Visualization Works

Why does creative visualization work? Here a few reasons:
1. Repeating the same thought day after day, programs the subconscious
mind to seek ways to bring it into reality.
2. Thoughts and mental images, combined with emotions, lead to action,
and action leads to results, fulfillment and achievement.
3. Thoughts act like a magnet, attracting to the thinker similar thoughts and
corresponding events and circumstances.
4. A strong and definite thought or mental image tends to create its
counterpart in the physical world.
5. A strong and focused thought spreads out from the mind, and is often
unconsciously perceived by people, who might help in bringing it into
6. Our minds and thoughts exist within the creative Universal Mind, and are
an inseparable part of it. This is the power that has created, and is
recreating the Universe, and is present everywhere. This means that
thoughts are empowered by the Universal Mind.
7. Thoughts, actions and events are interconnected in one way or another,
and affect one another.
8. Everything that exists in the Universe is a form of energy, vibrating in
different wavelengths and in various densities. We live in an ocean of
energy. Thoughts are part of this body of energy, and can therefore, be
deliberately used to change circumstances and affect people and
9. When there is a strong need, thoughts can bring people together in a
surprising way, as in the story below.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

Sarah was a graphic designer, who was searching for a new job. One day,
when she walked to her car, she discovered that she had a flat tire.
Reluctantly, she took the spare tire out, and prepared herself for the
unpleasant ordeal of changing it.
As she was trying to loosen the screws, a car stopped by, and the driver
asked her if she needed any assistance. She gladly accepted his help, and
while changing the tire they started to talk.
It turned out that he owned a graphic designing company, and desperately
needed a qualified and experienced graphic designer. She was overwhelmed
by this coincidence, and told him that she was a graphic designer and was
looking for a job. To her surprise and joy, he requested her to come to his
office with her credentials and certificates, for an interview.
She did not have to wait for the interview, as she always carried her
certificates and letters of recommendation with her. When he saw and read
them, he was deeply impressed and hired her on the spot.
This was not a coincidence. One was looking for a job, and the other was in
need of a good graphic designer. They needed each other, and their thoughts
and strong desire brought them together in a rather surprising way.
The Three Worlds
We live at the same time in three worlds, the mental world, the astral world
and the physical world. They are not three separate worlds, since they
occupy the same space, interact with each other, and affect one another.
The mental world is the world of thoughts, ideas and mental images.
The astral world is the world of feelings, emotions and desires.
The physical world is the world of matter.
Everything existing in the physical world has been first created in the mental
world of thoughts.
Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter
Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

Every building, bridge, car, invention or business has started as a thought or

mental image, and then brought into being by a strong desire. This means
that the external, physical world mirrors the inner worlds of thoughts and
Thoughts and desires, build a subtle reality in the mental and astral worlds.
When repeated often, they gather enough strength to attract opportunities
and to create the required conditions to produce the subtle reality in the
physical world.
Thoughts supply the aim, purpose and direction, and desire adds the energy.
Their united action creates currents of energy in the astral and mental
worlds, which can create a new reality on the physical plane.
Creative visualization starts in the mental and astral worlds, but its results
are observable in the physical world.
The Mind
The mind is a wonderful and powerful tool, which governs almost every
aspect of our lives. It is the tool we use for creative visualization, and
therefore, it is useful to know a few things about it.
The mind is not the physical brain, but the power that operates through the
brain. It is a sort of energy activating the physical brain and making you
aware of the world around you.
The mind gives you the awareness of yourself as an individual, and is the
tool with which you think, make decisions and manage your life.
The mind functions on both the conscious and the subconscious levels.
Though there is just one mind, for the convenience of speech, and to point
out its two different phases, we speak about two minds, the conscious mind
and the subconscious mind.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

A brief summary about the functions of the conscious and subconscious

minds is useful for understanding how creative visualization works. Lets
first briefly examine the conscious mind, and then the subconscious mind.
The Conscious Mind
The conscious mind is the seat of the intellect, reason and common sense.
As its name implies, it is a mind we use in our conscious activities. We use it
when thinking, reading, talking, making plans or decisions, and when we
conduct the affairs of our daily life. We also use it for making judgments,
evaluations and comparisons.
We are aware of the world around us, and communicate and interact with it,
through our conscious mind and our five senses.
Sense impressions and thoughts that enter the conscious mind, pass on, and
impress the subconscious mind to a greater or lesser degree. Weak
impressions and fleeting thoughts, leave little effect, but strong impressions,
and often-repeated thoughts, leave a stronger impact on the subconscious
mind. In this manner, habits and attitudes are shaped.
Thoughts are vibrations within the mind. The thoughts that you most often
think have a great effect on your behavior, actions and life. This means that
you need to be aware of your thoughts, allowing positive thoughts to enter
your mind, and striving not to let negative thoughts enter.
If your predominant thoughts are negative, your subconscious mind will
become programmed to see and expect problems, failure and unhappiness,
and will also attract them into your life. If most of your thoughts are
positive, your subconscious mind will help you see the positive and would
attract success and happiness into your life.

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Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html

About the Author

Remez Sasson has been studying and practicing various techniques of selfimprovement and spiritual growth from an early age. After many years of
studying, practicing and gaining practical experience, he decided to share
the knowledge and experience he has gained, through his websites, articles
and books.
Remez Sasson is the author of the books Peace of Mind in Daily Life,
Emotional Detachment for a Better Life, Strengthen Your Willpower and
Self Discipline, Visualize and Achieve, How to Focus Your Mind and
Affirmations Words of Power.
Remez Sasson is the founder of the websites:
For more information about Remez Sasson, visit:
For information about Remez Sasson's books, visit:

Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter

Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html


Visualize and Achieve - The complete Version
By Remez Sasson
Learn how to visualize, and achieve dreams and goals.
Guidance and advice for using creative visualization for
improving your life and attracting success and prosperity.
Peace of Mind in Daily Life
Remez Sasson
Learn to quiet down the constant chatter of your mind, and
enjoy a state of inner peace, without anxieties and worries.
Information and guidance for people who wish to improve
the quality of their lives, and who aspire for inner peace. The book is also of
a great value for people, who aspire for deeper spiritual awareness.
Strengthen Your Willpower and Self Discipline
By Remez Sasson
Strengthen your willpower and self-discipline with simple,
effective exercises, which you can practice at any time or
Improve self-confidence, assertiveness, decisiveness and perseverance.
Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter
Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html


How to Focus Your Mind

By Remez Sasson
Learn how to control your mind.
Advice, tips and exercises, to help you strengthen your
concentration and focus your mind.
Emotional Detachment for a Better Life
By Remez Sasson
Discover the art of letting go and staying calm.
Learn how to avoid getting upset by what people say or do,
and how to stop taking everything too personally.
Affirmations - Words with Power
By Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson
Effective techniques, for using the power of affirmations to
improve your life and create success.
Advice, instructions, and affirmations for every purpose.

Visualize and Achieve One Free Chapter

Copyright Remez Sasson
Order the book from: -achieve.html


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