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1. Bacteria that utilise both fermentative and respiratory pathways for substrate utilisation are
known as:
A. obligate anaerobes
B. obligate aerobes
C. microaerophiles
D. facultative
E. aerotolerant anaerobes

2. All of the following characteristics describe the organism that is responsible for
Legionnaire’s' disease EXCEPT
A. it is a gram-negative bacillus
B. it is unencapsulated
C. it becomes pleomorphic, including long filamentous forms.
D. it is acid-fast
E. it is not a spore former

3. Gram-negative intracellular dipplococci are found within a sample of urethral smear of a

urethral discharge. The most likely pathogen is
A: Mycoplasma genitalium
B: Chlamydia trachomatis
C: Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D: Neisseria meningitidis
E: Escherichia coli

4. Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae occurs most frequently in

A. infants under six months
B. children from six months to six years
C. adolescents
D. adults
E. immunosupressed patients

5. Salmonella differs from Shigella in which of the following properties?

A. Gram-stain reaction
B. Motility
C. Presence of capsule
D. Natural habitat
E. Shape of spore forms

6. All of the following statements describe plague EXCEPT

A. the etiological agent is Yersinia pestis
B. incidence is highest in Southeast Asia
C. there are predominantly three clinical types
D. the pneumonic form is not contagious
E. formalin-killed Y. pestis vaccine is effective for six months
7. The following are gram-positive bacteria EXCEPT
A. Bacillus subtilis
B. Staphylococcus
C. Streptomyces
D. Bacteroides
E. Clostridia

8. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT

A. M. tuberculosis grows inside macrophages
B. M. tuberculosis produces endotoxin
C. M. tuberculosis causes disease in AIDS
D. M. tuberculosis may cause disseminated infections
E. M. tuberculosis may cause meningitis

9. A gram-negative rod-shaped facultative anaerobic, oxidase negative bacterium that is non-

motile, lactose negative and does not utilise citrate as sole carbon source may be
A: Escherichia coli
B: Shigella dysenteriae
C: Salmonella typhi
D: Vibrio cholera
E: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

10. Acetobacter species are use to produce which one of the following?
A: Yoghurt
B: Tempeh
C: Miso
D: Soya sauce
E: Vinegar

11. Members of the genus Bdellovibrio are;

A: the only genus of 'predatory' bacteria.
B: only able to attack Gram-positive bacteria
C: only able to engulf bacteria less than 1µm long.
D: facultative anaerobes.
E: 'predatory' organism with a genome half that of Escherichia coli

12. Crown gall disease caused by Agrobacterium tumifaciens produces undifferentiated callus
(galls or tumours) on the host because;
A: the bacterium carries a plasmid, which includes information that codes for auxin
B: the bacterial chromosome has region on it coding for auxin synthesis.
C: the bacterial chromosome has a region on it coding for gibberellin synthesis.
D: damage to the epidermal cells during bacterial penetration triggers cell division as
part of the wound healing response.
E: the bacterium carries a virus that affects host DNA triggering rapid cell division.
13. Serotyping of the meningococcus is based on
A. flagella antigens
B. outer membrane proteins
C. capsular polysaccharide antigens
D. Lipopolysaccharide
E. plasmid analysis

14. The electron donor utilised in photosynthesis performed by the purple sulphur bacteria is
A. carbon dioxide
B. water
C. organic compounds
D. sulphur
E. hydrogen sulphide

15. Photophosphorylation is performed by members of which group of archaebacteria

A. The extreme thermophiles
B. The methanogens
C. the halophiles
D. the thermoacidophiles
E. all of the above

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