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Installation & Requrements:
ExifToolGUI (ETGUI) was tested to work on WindowsXP SP3 & Windows7 x64.
ETGUI was tested to work with exiftool v8.03, but it should work with any
newer ExifTool version -unless, Phil Harvey decides for some major changes.
Before ETGUI usage, make sure you have ExifTool (by Phil Harvey) in your Windows
folder (or in the same folder where ETGUI resides). If not already done, rename
"exiftool(-k).exe" to "exiftool.exe"!!
If you wish to use "Embed Preview into Canon CR2 files" and/or "JPG Rotate" opti
then "jhead.exe" and "jpegtran.exe" are needed -both should be copied into Windo
ETGUI doesn't require any installation -just copy it to any folder and make Desk
shortcut from it.
ETGUI doesn't write into registry. All settings are written into companion .ini
which is automatically generated after first ETGUI usage.
To remove ETGUI from PC, just delete ExifToolGUI.exe and ExifToolGUI.ini file.
About ExifToolGUI:
---------------------In my opinion, ExifTool by Phil Harvey, is THE Metadata tool. It is very
flexible, very secure and up to date. In short: ther's nothing you can't do with
it. The only downside is (for many potential users) that ExifTool is
Command-Prompt application -so it's quite hard to keep track of changes made
while using ExifTool.
Most users (me included) don't need/use full ExifTool's capability all the time.
So I've decided to write ExifTool GUI for my personal usage, where the main goal
-viewing all metadata ExifTool can deliver (and that's a lot of them),
-capability to edit some most used tags,
-capability to process files in batch,
-nothing fancy...just easy to use.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: ExifToolGUI doesn't work on (image) files directly, but "calls" ExifTool
to do the job. Because of that, ETGUI may respond slower than other exif tools
(which read/parse/write files directly).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------About Custom view
---------------------You can make your own Custom View, by defining tags you wish to see. If you open
ini file (with Notepad), you'll see there's allready one entry inside
[CustomViewTags] section:
There, you can add any tag you wish to see when you select View Custom,

for example:
If you delete all entries after [CustomViewTags] group, Custom button will be
disabled. If you delete [CustomViewTags] line too, then ETGUI will automatically
generate this section on next ETGUI usage.
About Edit forms
--------------------Doesn't matter if single file or multiple files are selected, Edit form is allwa
filled with tag values. If more than one file is selected, Edit form will contai
metadata from file, which is first selected in file list (on top of the selected
For some metadata tags, you may see '-' (minus) value, which can have two meanin
1.Tag isn't defined yet (image file doesn't contain that tag).
2.Tag is defined and contain '-' character as value (who would do that?)
If tag's value (description field) is empty, then tag is defined in metadata, bu
doesn't contain any value.
All above is also valid for Custom view tags.

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