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Technological Institute of the Philippines

1338 Arlegui St., Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Can Crusher

Pasao, Renz Marion G.
Flores, Gian Carlo E.
Alba, Alexies Carlo
Cada, Joel
Alto, John Paulo

Submitted to:
Engineer Nelson D. Dela Pena Jr.



Nowadays, people have seen or at least used a can of Coke, Pepsi or any canned goods on the
market. These small cans are made of aluminium. Like plastic, accumulation of aluminium cans can cause
environmental hazards or problems. The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) notes that approximately half
of all aluminium cans end up in incinerators or landfills resulting in the need for additional cans. Recycling
aluminium cans can save about 95% of costs for producing new cans in the manufacturing business. So
these accumulated cans should be recycled, basically these cans would be crushed before taking them to
the recycling plant.
Aluminium, the most abundant mineral in the world, provides manufacturers with an ideal packing
material since it keeps food edible for long periods. Aluminium can manufacturers must strip-mine bauxite
ore to obtain enough alumina to manufacture the cans. Creating 1 ton of aluminium can leaves behind 5
tons of liquid waste material that can pollute soil and groundwater. One-third of all aluminium manufacturing
plants use coal when they produce aluminium cans. Another 10% rely on other fossil fuels, such as oil and
natural gas. Fossil fuels, a common energy source in the manufacturing industry are limited. Coal, oil and
natural gas form from decaying organic matter beneath the earths surface over millions of years. Once the
earth exhausts its supply of fossil fuels, creating more isn't an option.
Although aluminium cans are 100% recyclable it mainly goes to create new cans, the need for
mining and refining, as well as reducing the volume of waste in landfills will greatly be minimized.


This latest report from CRI shows that the sales of disposable beverage containers have increased
over the past years, while recycling rates have remained well below the sales rate.
According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) aluminium cans are the largest source of
aluminium in the waste stream. In 2008, the US generated about 2 million tons of aluminium packaging
products and discarded 2.7 million tons in the waste stream. The mining for Bauxite ore can cause
deforestation, erosion, pollute water sources and threaten animal life. Also, to lessen the environmental
impacts of refining new and accumulated aluminium cans as it can both pollute ground and water.



Our aim is to minimize the cost production for new aluminium cans for the recycling plant. Also,
promote recycling initiatives for small communities and for small to medium businesses.


To design a mechanical can crusher for small communities or businesses for their recycling
benefits. Also, to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of refining new aluminium cans

This project is beneficial to the household communities to exercise their recycling initiatives. Also,
for small to medium size businesses like small scrap yards to help ease their work on aluminium cans.
Lastly, the recycling plants to give them an ample supply of recycled cans for refining new ones.


The scope of this project is to design a mechanical can crusher using environmental constraints to
reduce the harmful effects to the environment by producing new aluminium cans by mining, economical
constraints to help reduce the cost for refining new cans and lastly, political constraints for everyone to
know and exercise their civilian duty of RA 9003 which is the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
A limitation for this project is that our group only recycles aluminium cans and exclude plastics and
other wastes that can be recycled using other methods of refining or producing new by-products of the
recycled material.

1. To minimize the cost production for new aluminium cans.
2. To lessen the environmental impacts of accumulated aluminium cans at small communities or

1. To make a design of a portable mechanical can crasher.
2. To make an alternative design to lessen the work in crashing cans.

1. To test and evaluate the projects output production.

Research Design
The research aims to design a mechanical can crusher that will minimize the cost production for
new aluminium cans for the recycling plant. Also, promote recycling initiatives for small communities and for
small to medium businesses. This study will use a descriptive research methodology, a survey was
administered to a selected sample from a specific quantity of material production and recycled of aluminium
cans consumed by a certain population of a small communities. A typical questionnaire or an interview to
the consumers and producers that consist of question about the benefits or advantage or disadvantage of
this project for us to enhance or provide a wider knowledge concerning to this study that can maybe see in
the project development.
The design of this project applies environmental constraints, economical constraints, and also
political constraints. The environmental constraints is to lessen the environmental impacts of this aluminium
cans in our surrounding, economical constraints is to lessen the cost production of this aluminium cans that
is 100% recyclable materials and political constraints for improvement of RA 9003 Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000.
Sample of the study
The main parts of the mechanical tin crusher are flywheel, shafts, belts, and gears. The
researchers will make a plan that will be affective in actual testing.
The study aims to build a prototype for testing its axial force and the efficiency of the full revolution
of the designed flywheel.

Locale of the study

The actual testing will be conducted in small scrap yards and also in small community located in
the province of Rizal. The assembly of the prototype shall be done near the province of Rizal.
Research Instrument:
The focus of this study is to build a prototype that satisfies the descriptive methodology given
through questionnaires/interview. Also to test the efficiency of the flywheel full revolution pounding the tin
Data Gathering Procedure
A. Preparation of the materials
The sample data needed for this experiment will vary in the descriptive methodology in order for
the researcher to understand the need of the said prototype. The prototype have its three alternatives;
mechanical power source (manual driven), motor operated power source and the engine type power
source. These materials to be used can be bought at scrap yards in the area of Montalban, Rizal
depending on availability.
B. Preparation of the solution
1. Collection of the machine parts
The main parts will be purchased at hardware shops in Montalban, Rizal depending on availability.
Also some parts that can be found in scrap yards.
2. Components of the machine:

The machine consist of Flywheel, shafts, belts and gears will be purchased in Montalban, Rizal depending
on availability.


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