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Name and describe Washingtons foreign policy.

Washingtons foreign policy was known as isolationism
Not get entangled in the affairs of foreign countries
Describe the Jay Treaty (who were the countries involved? What were the
two positive things the U.S. got out of it? What was the major shortcoming
of the treaty?)
The Jay Treaty was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain which

was signed during the British-French war in 1794.

Great Britain promised to remove its troops from the Ohio Valley (Northwest
Territory), allowed trade in the West Indies, and the United States was able to


avoid war with Great Britain.

The major shortcoming of the treaty was that it said nothing of the British

ceasing to impress American sailors.

When Adams sent an envoy to France to speak with the French Foreign
Minister, who were they met by?
The envoy was met by agents known as X, Y, and Z.
What did they want?
They wanted tribute to speak with the French Foreign Minister.
What was the rallying cry, or the slogan, used by Americans during the X, Y,
Z Affair?
Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute.
What did the Americans do in retaliation to the French for seizing its ships?
The Americans began seizing French ships and engaged in what is referred to
as a quasi-war (a sort-of-war).
When Adams sent a peace mission to France, who was it met by (which
man) and what did he want?
The peace mission was met by Napoleon Bonaparte and he wanted peace

with both the U.S. and Great Britain.

What happened to Adams popularity as a result of him pursuing peace with
France and why?
Adams lost all of his popularity by pursuing peace because he alienated his

own party. The Federalist wanted war with France.

What were the two dilemmas facing Jefferson as president?
Jefferson had to deal with pirates in the Mediterranean
Impressments of sailors and the seizing of ships.
10 Which problem did he solve and how?

Jefferson solved the problem of the pirates in the Mediterranean by

assembling a fleet and sending it to the Barbary Coast. Success was

accomplished through military action.

11 How did Jefferson make a bad situation worse regarding the seizing of ships
and impressments of sailors? Which country was affected the most?
Jefferson made the situation worse with the Embargo Act. All international
trade was stopped. The U.S. could not export nor receive imports from foreign

The act hurt the United States far worse than either France or Great Britain,
who could still trade with the majority of the world. The U.S. had cut itself off

entirely from all foreign trade.

12 While Britain and France were at war, why were they both seizing American
Both France and Great Britain were seizing U.S. ships because they wanted to
stop the U.S. from supplying the enemy.
13 Why did Britain claim that they had the right to impress sailors?
Britain stated they had the right to impress sailors because they claimed they
were only impressing deserters from the British navy.
14 What were the two dilemmas facing Madison as president and how did he
decide to solve them?
Madison had to deal with the seizing of U.S. ships and the impressments of
sailors, and Indian raids incited by the British on the western frontier.
He solved both of these problems by declaring war on Great Britain.
15 What did the War Hawks wish to accomplish in the War of 1812?
The War Hawks wanted to drive the British out of Canada.
16 Which 2 groups of people were strongly opposed to the War of 1812?
The Federalists and New Englanders
17 Why were these two groups so strongly opposed to war with Great Britain?

They were strongly opposed to the War of 1812 because they feared the
British naval blockade. New England depended on shipping for survival and
the blockade would have stopped it completely.
Federalists were simply in love with Britain.
18 Why were westerners so supportive of the war?
Westerners were so supportive of the war because they were aware that the
British were supplying the Native Americans with arms and inciting raids
(stirring up trouble) on the frontier.
19 Name the key points regarding the Battle of New Orleans.

The battle was the greatest U.S. victory of the war. Jackson defied the odds
with a mixed army made of militia, pirates, free African Americans, and Native

20 What

21 What

The British lost 2,000 soldiers and the Americans lost only 20.
The battle was fought two weeks after the peace terms had been agreed
The battle made a hero out of Andrew Jackson.
were the 3 major effects of the war?
Indian resistance weakened on the frontier.
U.S. national pride surged.
The Federalist Party died out.
was President Monroes major dilemma as president?
President Monroes dilemma was how the United States should support the

new nations in Latin America.

22 How did he respond to it?
He responded to it by issuing the Monroe Doctrine.
23 Describe in detail the Monroe Doctrine (What was it? What was its

purpose? What foreign policy did it seem to conflict with? What

were the major implications?).
The Monroe Doctrine was President Monroes solution to the problem in
Latin America concerning Spanish colonization. The doctrine states
that Latin America was closed to European colonization. If any foreign
country did try to colonize, the U.S. would consider it a threat to its

peace and safety.

Its real purpose was to keep Europe out of the Americas or the western

hemisphere. Leave the Americas to the Americans.

Its major implications were that the U.S. would not tolerate European
interference in the western hemisphere, and that the U.S. was a
strong, confident nation to be respected by the world.

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