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Having grown up in a family environment of business in India, being a consultant to companies in the
emerging markets has been my dream. I opted for a Bachelors in Business management with majors
in Finance and Strategic Management with a specialized track in Entrepreneurship at Singapore
Management University (SMU). Looking for opportunities to help a business grow and expand has
always interested me. That is the prime reason why I studied courses like International Business,
Enterprise Consulting and Strategy at SMU.
After my four years of undergraduate university life at SMU, I have realized that there is a lot more
to learn and I would like to do it from the professionals who have a great amount of experience in
their respective fields. This is why I want to pursue a Masters degree in the field of my choice. In my
opinion, one cannot, however, succeed in life without proper education in whatever field of life one
chooses for oneself. Hence, I feel the necessity to join an institution of learning that educates, and at
the same time inspires one to explore beyond the laid down regimen of studies and develop ones
individuality. The courses that I have opted for would empower me with the basic tools of business
consulting and management and prepare me to embark upon my journey.
Additionally, my involvement in extra-curricular activities throughout high school and college has
sharpened my understanding of team dynamics and my willingness to learn from others. I have had
the opportunity to be the President of the Literature Appreciation Society at SMU. During my tenure
as the President of the club, I had the brilliant chance to plan and organize a poetry performance at
the national level for the National Arts Council of Singapore. I believe my experience as a student
leader will provide me with the confidence that a student at your university is expected to display. At
the high school level, I spent time learning Indian Folk dances and represented my school in a
number of competitions, most of which we were placed first in. I chose Folk dance as my extra co
curricular activity in school as these dances made me feel a part of the great Indian heritage and
culture. Right from my high school days, I have discharged some social responsibilities by
volunteering at institutions for dyslexic children and an orphanage run by Missionaries of Charity. I
was also awarded the Principals award for Outstanding Contribution to the Community at the high
school level.
After a grounding in International Business, I would prefer to hone this understanding by acquiring
practical experience at a good consultancy. This will enable me to enhance my understanding of the
real business environment. Subsequently, as an entrepreneur I can return to the society what I have
drawn from it, by generating employment opportunities and contributing to national development
in my own small way. Open-minded support of my close-knit and supportive family has given me the
confidence to think freely and strike out on my own.
Endowed with logical thinking abilities as well as fundamental knowledge of subjects in the related
field, I consider myself highly deserving to take the course opted for, which would enable me to
pursue my dreams and realize my aspirations.

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