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Bert, C. W. and Birman, V. (1988).

Parametric instability of thick, orthotropic,

circular cylindrical shells. Acta
Mech. 71, 67-76. Christoforou, A. P. and Swanson, S. R. (1990). Analysis of simp
ly-supported orthotropic cylindrical shells
subject to lateral impact loads. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-382. Dobyn
s, A. L. (1981). Analysis of simply-supported orthotropic plates subject to stat
ic and dynamic loads. A I A A J. 19, 642-650. Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (197
2). On a laminated orthotropic shell theory including transverse shear deformati
on. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-1096. Donneil, L. H. (1933). Stabilit
y of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A. Report. 479. Gong, S. W., Toh, S.
L. and Shim, V. P. W. 1994). The elastic response of orthotropic laminated cyl
indrical shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2), 247-266. reszczuk,
L. B. (1982). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York. Mindlin, R. D. (1951). Infl
uence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions of isotropic, elastic plat
e. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38. Moriwaki, T. (1978). Optimizing dyna
mic force in shock excitation testing. SME, Dearborn, MI, pp. 427-434. Ramkumar,
R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic response of curved laminated plates sub
jected to low velocity impact. A S M E Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109, 67-71.
Reddy, J. N. (1984). A simple higher-order theory for laminated composite plates
. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 51, 745-752.
Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F. (1985). A higher-order shear deformation theory of l
aminated elastic shells. Int. J. Engng Sci. 23(3), 319-330. Sun, C. T. and Chatt
opadhyay, S. (1975). Dynamic response of anisotropic laminated plates under init
ial stress
due to impact of a mass. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698. Sun, C. T. a
nd Liou, W. J. (1989). Investigation of laminated composite plates under impact
dynamic loading using a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite element method. C
omput. Struct. 33, 879-884. Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical in
dentation laws in the impact analysis of laminated composite plates. A S M E Tra
ns J. AppL Mech. 52, 6-12. Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and S
hells. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in heterogeneous anis
otropic plates. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026. Wu, H.-Y. T. and Cha
ng, F.-K. (1989). Transient dynamic analysis of laminated composite plates subje
cted to
transverse impact. Comput. Struct. 31, 453-466. Wu, P. J. et al. (1983). Investi
gation of characteristics of the hammer tip and the force impulse signal. J. Sho
ck and Vibration (China) 6, 58-6 Bert, C. W. and Birman, V. (1988). Parametric i
nstability of thick, orthotropic, circular cylindrical shells. Acta Mech. 71, 67
-76. Christoforou, A. P. and Swanson, S. R. (1990). Analysis of simply-supported
orthotropic cylindrical shells subject to lateral impact loads. A S M E Trans.
J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-382. Dobyns, A. L. (1981). Analysis of simply-supported or
thotropic plates subject to static and dynamic loads. A I A A J. 19, 642-650.
Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (1972). On a laminated orthotropic shell theory in
cluding transverse shear deformation. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-109
6. Donneil, L. H. (1933). Stability of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A.
Report. 479.
Gong, S. W., Toh, S. L. and Shim, V. P. W. (1994). The elastic response of ortho
tropic laminated cylindrical shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2),
247-266. Greszczuk, L. B. (1982). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York. Mindlin
, R. D. (1951). Influence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions of iso
tropic, elastic plate. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38.
Moriwaki, T. (1978). Optimizing dynamic force in shock excitation testing. SME,
Dearborn, MI, pp. 427-434. Ramkumar, R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic res
ponse of curved laminated plates subjected to low velocity impact. A S M E Trans
. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109, 67-71. Reddy, J. N. (1984). A simple higher-order t
heory for laminated composite plates. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 51, 745-752.
Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F. (1985). A higher-order shear deformation theory of
laminated elastic shells. Int. J.
Engng Sci. 23(3), 319-330. Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S. (1975). Dynamic resp

onse of anisotropic laminated plates under initial stress due to impact of a mas
s. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698. Sun, C. T. and Liou, W. J. (1989).
Investigation of laminated composite plates under impact dynamic loading using
a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite element method. Comput. Struct. 33, 879
-884. Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical indentation laws in the
impact analysis of laminated composite plates. A S M E Trans J. AppL Mech. 52, 6
-12. Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, Ne
w York. Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in heterogene
ous anisotropic plates. A S M E Trans.
J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026. Wu, H.-Y. T. and Chang, F.-K. (1989). Transient dyn
amic analysis of laminated composite plates subjected to transverse impact. Comp
ut. Struct. 31, 453-466. Wu, P. J. et al. (1983). Investigation of characteristi
cs of the hammer tip and the force impulse signal. J. Shock and Vibration (China
) 6, 58-6 Bert, C. W. and Birman, V. (1988). Parametric instability of thick, or
thotropic, circular cylindrical shells. Acta Mech. 71, 67-76. Christoforou, A. P
. and Swanson, S. R. (1990). Analysis of simply-supported orthotropic cylindrica
l shells subject to lateral impact loads. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-3
82. Dobyns, A. L. (1981). Analysis of simply-supported orthotropic plates subjec
t to static and dynamic loads. A I A A J. 19, 642-650.
Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (1972). On a laminated orthotropic shell theory in
cluding transverse shear deformation. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-109
6. Donneil, L. H. (1933). Stability of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A.
Report. 479. Gong, S. W., Toh, S. L. and Shim, V. P. W. (1994). The elastic res
ponse of orthotropic laminated cylindrical
shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2), 247-266. Greszczuk, L. B. (19
82). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York.
Mindlin, R. D. (1951). Influence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions
of isotropic, elastic plate. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38. Moriwaki,
T. (1978). Optimizing dynamic force in shock excitation testing. SME, Dearborn,
MI, pp. 427-434.
Ramkumar, R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic response of curved laminated p
lates subjected to low velocity impact. A S M E Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109
, 67-71. Reddy, J. N. (1984). A simple higher-order theory for laminated composi
te plates. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 51, 745-752. Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F
. (1985). A higher-order shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells. I
nt. J. Engng Sci. 23(3), 319-330. Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S. (1975). Dynam
ic response of anisotropic laminated plates under initial stress due to impact o
f a mass. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698. Sun, C. T. and Liou, W. J.
(1989). Investigation of laminated composite plates under impact dynamic loading
using a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite element method. Comput. Struct.
33, 879-884. Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical indentation laws
in the impact analysis of laminated composite plates. A S M E Trans J. AppL Mech
. 52, 6-12. Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and Shells. McGraw-H
ill, New York. Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in het
erogeneous anisotropic plates. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026. Wu, H
.-Y. T. and Chang, F.-K. (1989). Transient dynamic analysis of laminated composi
te plates subjected to transverse impact. Comput. Struct. 31, 453-466. Wu, P. J.
et al. (1983). Investigation of haracteristics of the hammer tip and the force
impulse signal. J. Shock and Vibration (China) 6, 58-6 Bert, C. W. and Birman,
V. 1988). Parametric instability of thick, orthotropic, circular cylindrical sh
ells. Acta Mech. 71, 67-76. Christoforou, A. P. and anson, S. R. (1990). Analys
is of simply-supported orthotropic cylindrical shells subject to lateral impact
loads. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-382. Dobyns, A. L. (1981). Analysis
of simply-supported orthotropic plates subject to static and dynamic loads.
A I A A J. 19, 642-60. Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (1972). On a laminated orth
otropic shell theory including transverse shear
deformation. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-1096. Donneil, L. H. (1933).
Stability of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A. Report. 479. Gong, S. W.
, Toh, S. L. and Shim, V. P. W. (1994). The elastic response of orthotropic lami
nated cylindrical shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2), 247-266. Gr

eszczuk, L. B. (1982). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York. Mindlin, R. D. (19
51). Influence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions of isotropic, ela
stic plate. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38. Moriwaki, T. (1978). Optimi
zing dynamic force in shock excitation testing. SME, Dearborn, MI, pp. 427-434.
Ramkumar, R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic response of curved laminated p
lates subjected to low
velocity impact. A S M E Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109, 67-71. Reddy, J. N. (
1984). A simple higher-order theory for laminated composite plates. A S M E Tran
s. J. Appl. Mech. 51, 745-752. Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F. (1985). A higher-orde
r shear deformation theory of laminated elastic shells. Int. J. Engng Sci. 23(3)
, 319-330. Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S. (1975). Dynamic response of anisotro
pic laminated plates under initial stress due to impact of a mass. A S M E Trans
. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698.
Sun, C. T. and Liou, W. J. (1989). Investigation of laminated composite plates u
nder impact dynamic loading using a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite eleme
nt method. Comput. Struct. 33, 879-884.
Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical indentation laws in the impact
analysis of laminated composite
plates. A S M E Trans J. AppL Mech. 52, 6-12.
Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, New Yor
Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in heterogeneous anis
otropic plates. A S M E Trans.
J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026.
Wu, H.-Y. T. and Chang, F.-K. (1989). Transient dynamic analysis of laminated co
mposite plates subjected to
transverse impact. Comput. Struct. 31, 453-466.
Wu, P. J. et al. (1983). Investigation of characteristics of the hammer tip and
the force impulse signal. J. Shock
and Vibration (China) 6, 58-6
Bert, C. W. and Birman, V. (1988). Parametric instability of thick, orthotropic,
circular cylindrical shells. Acta
Mech. 71, 67-76.
Christoforou, A. P. and Swanson, S. R. (1990). Analysis of simply-supported orth
otropic cylindrical shells
subject to lateral impact loads. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-382.
Dobyns, A. L. (1981). Analysis of simply-supported orthotropic plates subject to
static and dynamic loads.
A I A A J. 19, 642-650.
Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (1972). On a laminated orthotropic shell theory in
cluding transverse shear
deformation. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-1096.
Donneil, L. H. (1933). Stability of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A. Re
port. 479.
Gong, S. W., Toh, S. L. and Shim, V. P. W. (1994). The elastic response of ortho
tropic laminated cylindrical
shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2), 247-266.
Greszczuk, L. B. (1982). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York.
Mindlin, R. D. (1951). Influence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions
of isotropic, elastic plate.
A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38.
Moriwaki, T. (1978). Optimizing dynamic force in shock excitation testing. SME,
Dearborn, MI, pp. 427-434.
Ramkumar, R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic response of curved laminated p
lates subjected to low
velocity impact. A S M E Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109, 67-71.
Reddy, J. N. (1984). A simple higher-order theory for laminated composite plates
. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech.
51, 745-752.
Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F. (1985). A higher-order shear deformation theory of l

aminated elastic shells. Int. J.

Engng Sci. 23(3), 319-330.
Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S. (1975). Dynamic response of anisotropic laminat
ed plates under initial stress
due to impact of a mass. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698.
Sun, C. T. and Liou, W. J. (1989). Investigation of laminated composite plates u
nder impact dynamic loading
using a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite element method. Comput. Struct. 3
3, 879-884.
Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical indentation laws in the impact
analysis of laminated composite
plates. A S M E Trans J. AppL Mech. 52, 6-12.
Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, New Yor
Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in heterogeneous anis
otropic plates. A S M E Trans.
J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026.
Wu, H.-Y. T. and Chang, F.-K. (1989). Transient dynamic analysis of laminated co
mposite plates subjected to
transverse impact. Comput. Struct. 31, 453-466.
Wu, P. J. et al. (1983). Investigation of characteristics of the hammer tip and
the force impulse signal. J. Shock
and Vibration (China) 6, 58-6
Bert, C. W. and Birman, V. (1988). Parametric instability of thick, orthotropic,
circular cylindrical shells. Acta
Mech. 71, 67-76.
Christoforou, A. P. and Swanson, S. R. (1990). Analysis of simply-supported orth
otropic cylindrical shells
subject to lateral impact loads. A S M E Trans. J. AppL Mech. 57, 376-382.
Dobyns, A. L. (1981). Analysis of simply-supported orthotropic plates subject to
static and dynamic loads.
A I A A J. 19, 642-650.
Dong, S. B. and Tso, F. K. W. (1972). On a laminated orthotropic shell theory in
cluding transverse shear
deformation. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 39, 1091-1096.
Donneil, L. H. (1933). Stability of thin walled tubes under torsion. N.A.C.A. Re
port. 479.
Gong, S. W., Toh, S. L. and Shim, V. P. W. (1994). The elastic response of ortho
tropic laminated cylindrical
shells to low velocity impact. Compos. Engng 4(2), 247-266.
Greszczuk, L. B. (1982). Impact Dynamics. John Wiley, New York.
Mindlin, R. D. (1951). Influence of rotary inertia and shear on flexural motions
of isotropic, elastic plate.
A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 18, 31-38.
Moriwaki, T. (1978). Optimizing dynamic force in shock excitation testing. SME,
Dearborn, MI, pp. 427-434.
Ramkumar, R. L. and Thakar, Y. R. (1987). Dynamic response of curved laminated p
lates subjected to low
velocity impact. A S M E Trans. J. Engng Mater. Tech. 109, 67-71.
Reddy, J. N. (1984). A simple higher-order theory for laminated composite plates
. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech.
51, 745-752.
Reddy, J. N. and Liu, C. F. (1985). A higher-order shear deformation theory of l
aminated elastic shells. Int. J.
Engng Sci. 23(3), 319-330.
Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S. (1975). Dynamic response of anisotropic laminat
ed plates under initial stress
due to impact of a mass. A S M E Trans. J. Appl. Mech. 42, 693-698.
Sun, C. T. and Liou, W. J. (1989). Investigation of laminated composite plates u
nder impact dynamic loading

using a three-dimensional hybrid stress finite element method. Comput. Struct. 3

3, 879-884.
Tan, T. M. and Sun, C. T. (1985). Use of statical indentation laws in the impact
analysis of laminated composite
plates. A S M E Trans J. AppL Mech. 52, 6-12.
Timoshenko, S. et al. (1959). Theory o f Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, New Yor
Whitney, J. M. and Pagano, N. J. (1970). Shear deformation in heterogeneous anis
otropic plates. A S M E Trans.
J. AppL Mech. 37, 1031-1026.
Wu, H.-Y. T. and Chang, F.-K. (1989). Transient dynamic analysis of laminated co
mposite plates subjected to
transverse impact. Comput. Struct. 31, 453-466.
Wu, P. J. et al. (1983). Investigation of characteristics of the hammer tip and
the force impulse signal. J. Shock
and Vibration (China) 6, 58-6

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