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Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13th May 2015

Letter to Noam Chomsky

Disclosure: This letter may be published as an open letter, but not necesarilly
any answer to it, as per request.
Estimated Noam:
I beg you may pardon any gramatical and ortographical inconsistencies
within this letter. This can be attributed not only because English is my
second languaje, but also to the develomental patterns of high functioning
autism et al. Not only that, but the letter is written hastily, on behalf of the
circumstances. Our sincere apologies for that inconvenience, and those
possible to have been caused by it's physical delivery.
Now, quickly to the substance:
Me and my comrades have been following partly your theoretical footsteps in
the ways of social analysis. Particularly I have become somewhat specialized
on the subject; this, of course on relative terms, as I am very far from being
an specialist. Furthermore, we are interested not only on your works as
"Works of Noam Chomsky" (which to me would be losing the point and
dissolving it in a kind of all too common "celebrity fanboyism"), but rather in
the social and media dynamics, economical and ecological problematics, the
geopolitics... and more importantly, in the search and refinement of possible
You provide us, and your collaborators such as Zinn and Herman, with
powerful tools for social review and critique. These allow us to see more
clearly in a world tainted by lies, and to ascertain the mechanisms that lie
behind the "dollar curtain". But we must move forward from critiscism to
I know of your skeptiscism on theoretical solutions. This is common on
anarchists trought history, and as anarchists ourselves we are aware of these
arguments. Also the scientific method has proven more useful than any
psychobabble. So, may I be allowed to ascertain on this respect that our
proposal is not a high-minded abstraction... but keeps the form of an
experiment, with parameters based on experience and perfectible on the
We have also discussed on the group that you seem already invested in some
specific movements or forms of organization, such as Zcommunications/Znet.
There are critical errors, to our judgement, with them; for example, when I
first was registered on the site (you would find me by Nemo-Starem), I was
taken aback by the accuracy and wording of the noble goals, with clear and
correct libertarian socialist positioning on them. However I soon discovered
that commenting articles was a paid feature, and such dynamics were

reproduced on many aspects of the site, giving priority to users in proportion

to paypal contributions in US$. How is this possible? Such a huge blind spot
to exist? Sure there are other ways of financing as around the world it is
seen? We would be criticizing that money is speech, while doing the exact
same thing. Don't we need to here at once the coiceless, those that would
ever be unable to contribute such cruel fifteen dollars, whole salaries on the
thirld world? We cannot get out of the crisis by listening only to the ones
pertaining to the same classification that creates it: The moneyed ones.
I realize this paying policy is probably none of your input but unrelated
administrative decisions. Snd as my memories are of years it is rather
possible that much of that has already been abolished. However, we do
believe you can have positive influence by setting position on those policies.
In fact, it was this that set up the decision, years ago, of trying to contact
you. This is long overdue from our point of view, and of course we blame
nobody but the weakness of our own organization.
However, this Znet polemics is not our main theme of the letter.
So, to clarify, here is where I want to take a stand:
You were lucid on your conference on the "equality and emancipation" forum
here. Most of the others seemed like lesser minds. Notwithstanding the
corageous social fights of some of them, they came as adulators for power...
little more than propagandists for the presidents-in-place, with progressive
masquerading. However your own intervention was unblemished with such
shenanigans. You spoke of a doomsday clock, and it is evident to me (having
read your recent piece on the dangers we face as a species, et al.) that you
are very concerned, let's say, supremely concerned, about this issue. It is not
in vain. Many of those that were there, however, spoke of your warning as if
you were a crazy old man. There are those that would paint you as a sorts of
false profet of the Times. They want words of hope, not of apocalypse.
However hope is only possible when we face the truth, and not conforting
And the truth, in any measure that can be found scientifically and historically,
is that we are in the stage of human development where we face the
greatest challenges of all: The breaking of our own ecosystem. The limits
of "limitless growth". And so, while Emir Sader and Piedad Crdoba were
talking about how to incentivize regional growth, and how to extract national
resources, they are blind to the background problem; one, that the market
cannot be reformed; two, that the market forces that require growth are not
our allies, and cannot be molded, but constitue the greatest enemy of
mankind... and a threat to the existential survival of the practical totality of
the species. The increasing sophistication, lethality, and proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction (and, may I add, also of mass surveillance and
mass control) only worsen the issue at hand.
it is rare indeed to find such a mind that is genuinely preoccupied with such

seemingly high-winded considerations. Yet for countless millions the effects of

manmade climate change are a growing reality... as it is it's corporatesponsored denialism.
But we cannot stay there, at the analisys level. We must move forward, to:
How do we challenge this reality?
And we believe, we intensely believe, we can challenge it. Social dynamics
show consistently a sort of domino-chaos effect on cultural memes. And an
interlinked network of them, in the right circumstances, can be explosive;
such was at the time anarchism, and then later marxism.
I will not bore you here with any lenghty dissertation (if you wish to read
some of that, in my scribd page it is freely available ; and I will be thankful for
that if it ever comes to happen; You would find "Zizek, Magician of
Misdirection" to be based directly as an independent analysis of your short
polemics with him - On the other hand, the slightly outdated "Causes for
the Collapse of Capitalism and Tasks for Revolution" is probably the
best and shortest summary of our position)... we are interested, primarily, in
an input-output. Yet if you read only this letter, we will also take it as a step
forward. We know you are an important and occupied personality in world
events that cannot be bothered with any opportunity that arises.
I am nobody, as it comes (such is Nemo), a nobody in international standards
and a nobody in recognition, academic or otherwise, on the world stage. And I
would gladly remain so, if my contribution this way could be greater (as
Subcomandante Marcos did) - However, he was a philosophy teacher. I am
merely a student...
Notwithstanding, we ourselves are convinced in the importance, however, of
this contact. Why? Exactly because there are projects... and one such project,
the father, let's say, of all projects, is to forge a revolutionary scheme to tilt
the course of civilization. To move, however subtlely, the course of the ship of
humanity and industrial development... away from falling off the edge of the
world, so to speak.

For this purpose, we would love to be able to set up a brief online interview,
And/or to inagurate exchange in writing.
Of course, sadly, we cannot pay any sum you would find substantial for that.
Neither do we ask any type of contribution of your part, of course, although
we are raising a campaign for the saving of a forest village.
Actually, we hope that the prospect of coordination for the betterment of
mankind (and it's possible physical salvation), and the spark of social
revolution with world solidarity, is enough of a mutual retribution. Even if this
is just a building brick of a much larger and more complex edifice, of which
we are not even architects but merely stonemasons.

We are at your disposal,

And eagerly awaiting any response.
In any case, thank you for being a beacon of clarity in such troubled times. It
is no little thing that the most quoted and respecte academic of the world be
a militant libertarian socialist, an anti-capitalist, anti-statist. This and your
work wakes up more people than you think. And yet, it can be so much more
if the thesis and antithesis is joined with synthesis.

With affection and respect;

Nemo Starem
With the input of Bernardo Galker
On behalf of
Assembly for Total Liberation - Federal District (Asamblea por la
Liberacin Total - Regional Capital)
Social Liberation Network (Red Liberacin Social)
Inititative Free Mind Ideal (Iniciativa Ideal Mente Libre)

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