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Ttulo original: El sueo que soaba ser soado

Primera edicin: Septiembre 2014
2014 Teresa L. Velayos
Diseo de cubierta: Mara Teresa Velayos Velayos
Direccin y produccin: Marta Prieto Asirn
Maquetacin: Carolina Hernndez A.

2014 Editorial Kolima - Madrid

ISBN: 978-84-942756-5-4

Reservados todos los derechos. Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorizacin escrita de los titulares
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de ejemplares mediante alquiler o prstamo pblico.

En el Pas de los Sueos haba llegado a ser insignificante. Por eso, cuando aquel da aprovech la confusin del Gran Viaje para fugarse, nadie not su ausencia.
"Quin iba a echar de menos a un Pequeo Sueo?", se pregunt, y con su diminuto fsico se col por una rendija por la que no habra entrado ninguno de sus orgullosos
colegas. Era una suerte ahora no haber crecido demasiado, ser un Sueo olvidado, un
Sueo poco soado. El Gran Viaje era casi desconocido para l. Haba pasado tanto
tiempo desde que lo hiciera por ltima vez
Un Pequeo Sueo se col por


diminuta rendija y realiz el

Gran Viaje escondido detrs del enorme aspecto de una Oscura Pesadilla.
La primera escala les llevaba directos a la presencia de El Principal. l atenda
todas las solicitudes de Sueos y reparta los destinos. Era una complicada tarea que
requera gran destreza y enormes reflejos ya que se trabajaba contrarreloj. Los Sueos
siempre se quejaban porque cada vez tenan que actuar con mayor rapidez.
"Ellos son los culpables. Los humanos se aplican cada vez menos en la Ensoacin; apenas nos dedican tiempo y luego exigen la conversin inmediata. Se han
vuelto locos!"
Cuando alguien de este lado invoca su presencia, en el mundo de los Sueos la actividad se acelera, pero nadie se mueve si El Principal no le llama para el Gran Viaje a la
mente humana.
No s por qu esas Horribles Pesadillas tienen tanto xito ltimamente le coment un Gran Sueo a otro mientras esperaban a ser llamados.

Algn tipo de fenmeno debe haber afectado a la Realidad. Ahora, cada vez que
soy soado, noto como perturbaciones y enormes sacudidas, como si una Pesadilla hubiera estado antes all y hubiera dejado su pestilente sello.
La Corte de El Principal trabajaba con rapidez distribuyendo a unos y otros y enviando imgenes de aviso de llegada a aquel subconsciente que se haba adentrado ya
en el terreno de la Fantasa.
El Pequeo Sueo estaba nervioso, no saba qu hacer all, escondido detrs de
aquella Oscura Pesadilla. Sin duda tena que decidirse y hablar con El Principal, contarle
su problema. A fin de cuentas no pretenda convertirse en un Orgulloso Gran Sueo,
ni mucho menos en el Sueo Dorado, que supona la distincin y el prestigio que otorgaba ser el mayor deseo de un humano.
Su extrema pequeez no le permita disponer en esos momentos de un puado importante de anhelos, pero tena que intentar ser la pequea e insignificante Aspiracin de alguien.
En esos pensamientos se hallaba y as no se dio cuenta de que la Oscura Pesadilla
se haba desplazado dejndole al descubierto. Un Guardin de la Corte se acerc hasta l.
Tambin t has sido llamado a realizar el Gran Viaje? le pregunt.
S minti.
No te he visto en la lista. Ser mejor que me acompaes.
El Pequeo Sueo sigui al Guardin que iba abrindose paso entre la multitud.
Luego le vio hablando con el que pareca su jefe. No pudo escuchar lo que decan pero
ambos le miraron con una falsa sonrisa.
El jefe del Guardin le hizo una seal para que le siguiera, as que de nuevo se puso
en marcha. Estaba dispuesto a no dejarse asombrar por nada y a mantener la calma.
Puedo preguntar adnde vamos?

S, claro que puedes hacerlo.

Gracias. El Pequeo Sueo trag saliva y pregunt de nuevo: Adnde vamos?
El Principal quiere verte. Entre tanta Importante Ilusin alguien tan leve no
puede pasar desapercibido, no crees? Nadie, que yo sepa, ha solicitado un Sueo Insignificante como t. Perdona mi sinceridad pero es mejor que vayas hacindote a la idea
de volver al lugar que te corresponde en nuestro mundo.
Nada contest, a fin de cuentas su nica baza quera jugarla ante El Principal, de
modo que no se dejara amedrentar antes de tiempo. Sus posibilidades de ser soado y
crecer de tamao eran escasas, pero no imposibles.
Por el enorme pasillo acristalado que conduca a la Cmara se podan ver partir a
los ms variados Sueos, casi todos ellos importantes. Grandes Sueos, Pesadillas, Ilusiones y Fantasas de todo tipo.
Aquel jefe de la Guardia tena razn, por ms esfuerzo que hizo a travs de la cristalera, no pudo ver ningn Sueo Diminuto.
La enorme puerta se abri y, en medio

de una extraa bruma que

cubra el espacioso saln, all sentado en su trono, El Principal aguardaba.

Dnde estn todos? pregunt el Pequeo Sueo mientras caminaban hacia el
No dudes nunca de nuestra eficacia. Los humanos son gente muy especial, cada uno puede invocar de una sola vez a varios Sueos distintos. Aqu tenemos que estar
atentos a todas las posibilidades.
Dices que uno de ellos puede invocar a varios de nosotros?

La cercana presencia al trono sugiri al jefe de la Guardia abandonar la charla. El Principal les haba observado desde lejos e hizo un ademn para que ambos se
acercasen un poco ms.
Creo que ya conoces nuestras reglas
El Principal hizo una pausa que por momentos pareci eterna.
No entiendo qu haces aqu espet finalmente con voz firme. No podemos
obligar a ningn humano a soar con algo que no desea, con algo que ni siquiera se ha
detenido a pensar.
Al Pequeo Sueo le qued claro que se mova en territorio desconocido y que
deba andarse con tiento.
Hace mucho tiempo record El Principal con nostalgia, vosotros reinabais en nuestro mundo. Pequeas Ilusiones volaban cada da rumbo a la imaginacin
humana y alguno de vosotros traspasabais sin demasiada dificultad la frontera de la
Fantasa penetrando en la Realidad.
Por supuesto los Grandes Sueos siempre han tenido un lugar preferente, pero
vosotros erais lo Inmediato mientras se esperaba lo Importante. Hacais que el optimismo no se perdiera en la difcil realidad.
Dadme una oportunidad interrumpi con entusiasmo el Pequeo Sueo. En
algn lugar debe haber alguien que anhele algo diminuto y sencillo.
Un Sueo que suea ser soado. Sus propias palabras hicieron sonrer a El
Principal. Ms vale que esto no salga de aqu.
Dicen, dicen que una mente humana puede soar con varios de nosotros y quiz..., en fin, quiz pudiera hacer el Gran Viaje con uno de los importantes. Prometo no robarle protagonismo! Por favor. La espera por ser soado puede hacerse eterna.

La pertinaz insistencia de aquella Fantasa hizo recapacitar a su superior, aunque

segua sin ver la manera de introducirla en un pedacito de Imaginacin humana.
Tendrs que ganarte tu propio Sueo dijo finalmente. Viajars hasta la lnea
con la Realidad. Entre nuestro mundo y la Realidad existe un Estrecho Corredor en
el que habitan Sensaciones y Presentimientos. A ellos les es muy fcil penetrar en la
mente humana. Cuando llegues al Corredor intenta contactar con una Sensacin ptima.
Y, cmo la distinguir?
Tu propio instinto te servir; djate guiar por l. Pero ten cuidado, una Sensacin Negativa provocara un rechazo inmediato de la mente y t, mi pequeo amigo,
podras terminar convertido en una Oscura Pesadilla.
Permitidme correr ese riesgo Seor.
El Principal no quiso desanimar a quien tanto entusiasmo haba demostrado tener y le pidi al jefe de la Guardia que le acercara un pequeo cofre.
Gurdalo le dijo. Cuando uno de nosotros est tan cerca de la Realidad como
t vas a estarlo, desea penetrar en ella y abandonar para siempre nuestro mundo.
Yo no hara eso; sabis que
El Principal le hizo callar con un gesto.
Si ese momento llegara, si ocurriera que desearas convertir tu pequeo tamao
en algo real, abre este cofre y la barrera que separa los Sueos de la Realidad ceder.
El Pequeo Sueo guard el cofre cerca de su corazn, que ahora lata con
fuerza deseando salir de su pecho. La despedida fue breve pues el camino a recorrer
iba a ser angustiosamente largo.
Tan slo soaba ser soado y ahora se le brindaba la posibilidad de traspasar la
Frontera. Cmo sera aquel lugar? Haba odo hablar de los Sueos que lo haban conse-

guido, pero tambin haba escuchado las historias que contaban la Ingratitud humana
tras haber logrado convertir en realidad su deseo.
No importaban ahora todas aquellas palabras escuchadas a otros, por encima
de todo quera volver a ser un Sueo vivo!
Ante sus ojos apareci pero no le sorprendi.
El Estrecho Corredor entre Fantasa y Realidad no result ser gran cosa aunque, incluso as, deba hallar el modo de hacerse notar.
Nunca antes haba visto una Sensacin y no tena ni idea del aspecto que tendra
un Presentimiento. Lo primero que not, nada ms entrar en el Corredor, fue el tremendo silencio que all reinaba. Casi poda escuchar sus propios pensamientos.
Aquello haba que remediarlo y no se le ocurri otra cosa que ponerse a silbar;
por lo menos espantara a la tremenda soledad que le haba acompaado durante
todo el camino.
De repente, crey escuchar una dbil voz.
Eh t, cmo te atreves a perturbar el silencio del Estrecho Corredor?
El Pequeo Sueo gir sobre s mismo. No crea que hubiera nadie que le estuviera
Quin eres que no conoces las reglas?
Perdonad, vengo del mundo de los Sueos y quera
Ssssssch. Por que hablas tan alto?Acaso crees que no puedo orte?
Perdonad de nuevo dijo el Sueo, esta vez en voz baja. Mi intencin
no era ofenderos. Soy forastero aqu y no s cmo es vuestro comportamiento.

Quiz te has perdido y no te atreves a reconocerlo, eh?

No, no, s donde estoy. Lo que no entiendo es por qu debemos hablar tan bajo.
Aquel cascarrabias se le acerc un poco ms hasta rozar su mejilla.
Estamos muy cerca de la Frontera. Mas all est la Realidad. En esta lnea que
separa Fantasa y Existencia hemos de procurar silencio. Al otro lado podran escuchar
nuestras voces.
Como los ojos del Pequeo Sueo exigan algo ms, el cascarrabias continu aclarando lo que pasaba:
A los humanos no les sienta nada bien escuchar voces sin saber de dnde proceden.
Nunca os han escuchado?
Oh s, s. Siempre hay alguien que mete la pata, sobre todo entre las Sensaciones, andan continuamente por ah, cotilleando entre ellas. No saben guardar silencio.
Y qu ocurre entonces?
Entre los humanos existe una palabra que clasifica al que anda oyendo extraas
voces y se atreve a contrselo a los dems, "loco", as le llaman y, para que no incordie demasiado, le encierran con otros locos que en su da escucharon tambin nuestras
Eso suena terrible.
Vosotros no tenis Sensaciones que se pasen el da parloteando como cotorras?
No, supongo que no.
Por lo que decs deduzco que vos no sois una de ellas. Aquel Ser cambio bruscamente de semblante.

Ten cuidado con este tipo de bromas Pequeo Sueo, podras tropezarte por
aqu con alguien que no fuera tan comprensivo como yo. Mira bien mi aspecto. Soy ya
viejo, pero te puedo asegurar que an conservo toda mi fuerza. Los Presentimientos
como yo no podemos descuidamos, sabes?
El Principal me habl de las Sensaciones ptimas y de las que no lo son, pero no
me dijo mucho de vosotros.
En el mundo del que vienes no tenemos mucho que hacer, pero la cosa
cambia tratndose de humanos.
El Pequeo Sueo no pudo ahora evitar hablar ms alto, quiz aquel Ser poda
ayudarle a encontrar lo que tanto haba buscado. Pero de sus labios slo pudo
salir una deslavazada historia que result de lo ms extraa para el Viejo Presentimiento.
Como sigas hablando en ese tono, al otro lado de la Frontera van a acabar todos
locos de atar, aunque no me extraara que ya lo estuvieran. Vamos a ver, si no he entendido mal, tu deseo es ser soado y no encuentras la manera de que nadie te suee porque
eres un Sueo Insignificante, es as?
El Pequeo Sueo asinti.
Bueno, bueno reflexion el Presentimiento a la vez que se paseaba con la
mano acariciando su barbilla. Creo que tienes un problema amiguito, aunque, por
otro lado, creo que se me ocurre una idea. Acompame.
Una idea? susurr la Ilusin haciendo esfuerzos por seguir a su nuevo amigo.
Slo podis penetrar en la Imaginacin humana si un humano as lo desea. Una Sensacin ptima efectivamente podra ayudarte, pero s de alguien con quien
podrs introducirte en la mente de un humano sin que ste pueda hacer nada por evitarlo.

El Presentimiento condujo a su invitado por los interiores del Estrecho Corredor

hasta llegar al inicio de una especie de tnel donde se detuvieron a esperar. Delante de
ellos cruzaban Veloces Sensaciones de todo tipo.
Algunas de ellas eran tan hermosas que el Pequeo Sueo no pudo parpadear durante un rato. Nunca haba sido testigo de algo tan sensacional. Si al final su deseo no se
cumpla, al menos habra valido la pena llegar hasta all para contemplar lo que
sus ojos admiraban ahora.
Tan absorto se encontraba que no se haba percatado de que a su lado se hallaba
un nuevo Ser.
Mi buen amigo, te presento a quien puede hacerte traspasar la Imaginacin humana.
De nuevo los ojos de la Pequea Ilusin se hicieron grandes, inmensos. Hubiera podido ascender alto, muy alto, hasta desvanecerse en el aire, si aquello no le hubiera parecido una falta de respeto ante los que pretendan ayudarle.
Si te vas a quedar as creo que no iremos muy lejos. Yo tengo cosas que hacer, sabes?
Perdonad es que es tan es todo tan
No te canses en buscar la palabra adecuada. Deba haberte advertido del efecto
que produce una Visin cuando se la ve por primera vez. A los humanos les ocurre lo mismo.
El Presentimiento le explic de qu manera una Visin influa en los hombres. Introducido en la Visin correcta, sta poda provocar en el subconsciente del humano elegido el deseo de volver a ver en Sueos lo que, aparentemente, haba visto en
la Realidad.
Pero no servira cualquier humano.

Hay que saber elegir, ah esta la clave. Necesitamos a alguien de una sensibilidad
privilegiada, me atrevera a decir que excesiva. Alguien que viva en su mundo particular,
que se haya refugiado en s mismo.
S de quien hablas la voz de la Visin son limpia y amable. He estado varias veces con l.
Sin nimo de ofenderte, mi querida Visin se disculp el Viejo Presentimiento, entre los hombres existen cada vez ms los que han decidido romper con la Realidad y vivir en su propio mundo. Y t sabes cmo suelen ser esos mundos construidos
por la Soledad.
No temas. No sern los ojos de un hombre los que nos contemplen. He aprendido
a ser la clase de Visin que l quiere que sea. La ltima vez casi logro arrancarle una sonrisa, pero vive en un horrible lugar lleno de perturbaciones y enormes ruidos, lleno de
fuego y muerte. All hace tiempo que mataron todos los Sueos.
Las palabras de la Bella Visin dieron paso a un gran silencio. Era difcil imaginar
un lugar tan horrible donde ni los Sueos tenan cabida.
Es all prosigui la Visin donde debes ir mi pequeo amigo. El Sueo
ms insignificante ser el mayor de los Sueos para ese nio. Y ahora, no perdamos
ms tiempo y traspasemos la Frontera.
El Pequeo Sueo estaba mitad asustado y mitad feliz. Antes de seguir a la Visin
se fundi en un gran abrazo con aquel viejo cascarrabias al que ya siempre recordara.
Luego, respiro hondo y se puso en camino.
No sinti nada especial cuando cruz al otro lado

el asombroso silencio que reinaba haba desaparecido ahora. No

poda identificar todos aquellos sonidos porque la mayora le eran totalmente desconocidos.

Por un momento sinti miedo, pero luego record quin era, una simple Ilusin
en un mundo real. Ni siquiera estaba dentro de una mente, por lo que nadie podra hacerle dao, aunque, por otro lado, no saba en qu iba a convertirse la Visin dentro
de la Imaginacin de un nio sin Sueos.
Cuando de lejos le vio, cuando mir sus ojos inexpresivos llenos de lgrimas, supo
que ya nunca podra volver a ser una Fantasa de ida y vuelta...
Una cometa vol alta, arriba, en una visin perfecta de un lugar donde slo se escuchaba el murmullo del agua y algn que otro grillo travieso. All pareca haberse detenido el tiempo. El sol era un gran crculo imperfecto pintado de azul; las nubes, de extraas formas, eran de algodn amarillo y el cielo, el enorme cielo, permaneca blanco,
muy blanco, intensamente blanco
El Sueo de un Pequeo Sueo se haba cumplido, pero ahora necesitaba dejar de
ver llorar a aquellos ojos. El Principal tenia razn, estar tan cerca de la Realidad
era peligroso, pero ahora senta que no poda volver. Busc el cofre que haba guardado cerca de su corazn y sin pensarlo dos veces lo abri.
Una gran cometa azul, amarilla y blanca subi alta y, en medio de un intenso ruido,
los ojos de un nio se cerraron derramando su ltima lgrima.


In the Land of Dreams, he had become insignificant so, the day he took advantage of the
confusion of the Great Journey to run away, no one noticed his absence.
Who is going to miss a Little Dream? he asked himself and, because he was so
small, he slipped through a crack through which none of his proud colleagues could have
fit. His small size, and the fact that he was a forgotten Dream, a Dream seldom dreamed,
turned out to be all to the good. The Great Journey was practically unknown to him. It
had been such a long time since he last made it
A Small Dream squeezed through a tiny crack and went on the Great
Journey, hidden behind an enormous Dark Nightmare.
The first stop took them directly to The Principal. He was the one who listened to
all the Dreams requests, assigning destinations. This was a most complicated task, requiring great skill and quick reflexes, since everything had to be done against the clock.
The Dreams were always complaining because they had to work faster and faster all the
Its all their fault. Humans dream less and less, they hardly spend any time dreaming and then they expect to be converted immediately. Theyve all gone crazy!
When someone from this side invokes their presence, the world of Dreams gears up
for action. But no one moves unless called on by The Principal for the Great Journey
into the human mind.
I cant imagine why those Horrid Nightmares have been so successful lately, one
Big Dream said to another as they waited to be called.

Some sort of phenomenon must have affected Reality. Now, whenever Im being
dreamed, I notice turbulence and a tremendous banging, as if one of them had been
there before and left behind its disgusting mark.
The Principals Court worked quickly, sharing out tasks and sending images of imminent arrival to the sleeping subconscious entering the world of Fantasy.
The Little Dream was nervous. He had no idea what to do, hidden there behind
that Dark Being. Clearly, he would have to make up his mind to talk to The Principal,
confessing his problem. After all, it wasnt as if he was trying to become a proud Grand
Dream, nor even the Golden Dream, with all the distinction and prestige that went with
being a humans Greatest Desire.
Being so small, he didnt really have even a handful of important Desires, but he
had to try to be someones aspiration, no matter how small and insignificant.
He was so busy thinking these thoughts that he didnt realize at first that his
shield had moved, leaving him in plain sight. A Court Guardian came up to him.
Have you too been called upon to make the Great Journey?, he asked.
Yes, lied the Little Dream.
I didnt see you in the list. Youd better come with me.
The Little Dream followed as the Guardian pushed his way through the crowd. He
watched as the Guard consulted someone who seemed to be his superior. He couldnt
hear what they were saying but the two of them looked over at him with false smiles.
The Guardians boss signalled the Dream to follow him so, once again, the Little
Dream set off, determined to remain calm and not to let anything catch him unaware.
Might I ask where are we going?
Of course you can.

Thank you. The Little Dream tried again: Where are we going?
The Principal wishes to see you. In the midst of all these important Hopes, someone so trifling certainly doesnt go unnoticed, dont you agree? As far as I know, no one
has requested a Dream as insignificant as you. Excuse my honesty, but its best that you
get used to the fact that youll have to go back to your rightful place in our world.
The Little Dream didnt answer. He was saving his only trump card for The Principal so he refused to be intimidated. His chances of growing bigger and being dreamed
might be few, but they were certainly not impossible.
From the huge glass hallway leading to the Chamber, he could see all sorts of

Most of them seemed very important indeed:

Large Dreams, Nightmares,

Hopes, and Fantasies of all sorts. And the Head Guardian was right: try as he might, he
couldnt see a single Tiny Dream.
The enormous door opened and there, rising up out of a strange mist
that covered the spacious hall, The Principal waited, seated on his throne.
Where is everyone?, asked the Little Dream to the Head Guardian as they approached the throne.
Dont ever question our efficiency. The Principal has complete faith in us and we,
Little One, know exactly what is expected from us. Not everyone dreams at the same
time, nor is it true that one has to be asleep to dream. Some people spend the entire day
dreaming, while there are others who have never dreamed in their lives. Believe me, humans are very special beings. Each and every one of them can call on several different
dreams at one time. We have to be ready for anything.
Are you saying that any one of them can summon several of us at once?
They were approaching the throne, so the Head Guardian cut his explanation short.
The Principal had been watching them; now he gestured for them to come closer.
I knew Id see one of you around here sooner or later.

All of a sudden, The Principal didnt seem so frightening. In fact, he inspired confidence. All the same, the Little Dream was perfectly aware that he was an unknown territory; hed do well to watch his step.
Sir, please excuse my impertinence
You know the rules. We cannot force humans to dream things they dont want to.
Nor can we oblige them to dream things theyve never even stopped to think about. A
long, long time ago I remember it well you reigned in our world. Tiny hopes flew off
every day into the human Imagination. Some of you even managed to cross the line of
Fantasy and break into Reality.
Of course, Big Dreams have always had preference, but you represented the immediate while one waited for what was really important. Thanks to you, Optimism didnt
get lost in Reality, with all its problems.
Give me a chance, begged the Little Dream. There must be someone somewhere longing for something tiny and simple.
A Dream dreaming to be dreamed. The Principal smiled at his own words.
Wed better not let this get beyond these walls, dont you agree?
The question, with its ambiguous meaning, seemed meant for the Head Guardian,
who silently shook his head.
Your security chief here was just telling me that, well its possible for a human
mind to dream of several of us at the same time and maybe I mean, perhaps I could
make the Great Journey along with one of the important ones. I promise not to take
away the spotlight from anyone! Please, please, this waiting to be dreamed again could
go on forever.
The obstinate insistence of that Fantasy gave the Principal pause, although he just
couldnt figure out the way to let the Little Dream into a fragment of human Imagination.

Youll have to earn your Dream, he finally answered. You will travel up to the
line with Reality. There is a Narrow Corridor between our world and Reality where Feelings and Premonitions live. Although its true that there are some humans who never
dream, its much harder to find one who, in all his time on earth, has never been possessed of a Feeling or a Premonition. Its not hard for these to penetrate the human
mind. When you reach the corridor, try to contact a Favourable Feeling.
But how will I recognize it?
Believe me, trust your instinct, let it be your guide. But be careful. A Negative
Feeling will provoke immediate rejection and you, little friend, could turn into a Dark
Allow me to take that risk, Sir.
The Principal had no wish to discourage someone who showed so much enthusiasm, so he called for the Head Guardian to bring him a small coffer.
Keep this, he said to the Little Dream. Whenever one of us is as close to Reality
as you will be, we are tempted to jump in, giving up forever our world.
Id never do that, you know that
The Principal held up his hand for silence.
If such a moment arrives, if for any reason you wish to turn your small self into
something real, open this coffer and the barrier separating Dreams from Reality will dissolve.
The Little Dream took the coffer and hid it away near his heart, which was now beating so hard that he thought it would pop out of his chest. Their farewells were brief as the
road ahead was long and hard.
All he only wanted was to be dreamed and now he even had the chance to cross the
line, but what would it be like? Hed heard of Dreams that had done it before, but hed

also heard stories about the Ingratitude of humans once theyd managed to turn their
Dreams into Reality. But all the stories hed heard from others were no longer important. The only thing that mattered to him now was to turn into a Living Dream once
It appeared before his eyes but did not surprise him.
The Narrow Corridor between Fantasy and Reality turned out to be no big deal but,
even so, he had to find a way to get himself noticed.
Hed never seen before a Feeling and didnt have the slightest idea what a Premonition might look like. The first thing he noticed, as soon as he entered the Corridor, was
the tremendous silence; he could practically hear his own thoughts. Clearly, something
had to be done. The only thing he could think of was to start whistling. At least that
would scare away the awful loneliness hed felt during the whole journey. All of a sudden, he thought he heard a weak voice.
Hey you! Who do you think you are, disturbing the silence of the Narrow Corridor?
The Little Dream whirled around. Hed had no idea there was anyone watching
Who are you? Dont you know the rules?
Sorry, Im from the world of Dreams and I wanted to
Ssssssh. You dont have to speak so loud. I can hear you perfectly, you know.
Sorry again, the Dream whispered this time. I had no intention of offending anyone. Im a stranger here and I dont know your ways.
Maybe you got yourself lost and you dont want to admit it, eh?

No, its not that, believe me. I know where I am. I just dont understand why we
have to talk so softly.
The grouch came so close to the Dream that he brushed his cheek.
Were very close to the border. Out there is Reality. We have to be quiet here at
this point where Fantasy and Being separate. Otherwise, they might hear our voices on
the other side. The Little Dreams expression made it clear that he wanted to hear more,
so the grouch continued. Human beings are not at all happy about hearing voices and
not knowing where theyre coming from.
So they never hear you?
Oh, sure. Theres always someone who messes up, especially Feelings. Theyre always wandering around, whispering and gossiping. They havent got the slightest idea
how to keep quiet.
So what happens then?
Humans have a word for someone who walks around hearing voices and, on top of
it, dares to tell others about it. Crazy is the word. And to get this human to stop bothering everyone, they lock him up with other crazies who claimed to have heard our voices
That sounds awful!
Dont those kinds of things happen over there where you come from? No, I guess
not. You dont have Feelings that spend all day talking and chattering like parrots.
So I guess youre not one of them.
The strange beings expression changed abruptly.
You be careful, Little Dream, making jokes like that You just might run into
someone whos not as understanding as I am. Look at me. I may be old but I can assure

you that Im as strong as ever. Premonitions like me have to take care of ourselves, you
The Principal told me about Feelings that are favourable and others that arent,
but he didnt tell me much about you.
In the world you come from, we dont have much to do, but when it comes to humans, its a different story altogether.
Now the Little Dream couldnt help raising his voice; maybe this fellow could help
him find what hed been looking for so anxiously. He was so nervous that all he could
manage was a fainthearted telling of his tale. The old Premonition found it very strange
If you keep on talking in that tone of voice, everyone on the other side of the border is going to end up mad as hatters, although I wouldnt be surprised if they already
were. Let me see, if Ive understood you properly, what you want is to be dreamed, and
you cant find a way to get yourself dreamed because youre an insignificant Dream. Is
that right?
The Little Dream nodded silently.
Well, well, said the Premonition, rubbing his chin with his hand. You certainly
have a problem, my little friend. Although, on the other hand, and because Im so good
at thinking things over, I just might have an idea. Come with me.
An idea? whispered the dream, hurrying to keep up with his new friend.
You can only get into a humans Imagination if the human wants you there. A Favourable Feeling could indeed help you, but I know someone who will get you into a humans mind whether the human wants you there or not.
The Premonition took his guest along the Narrow Corridor to the mouth of a kind
of tunnel where they had to stop and wait. In front of them, all kinds of Feelings were
hurrying back and forth.

Some of them were so beautiful that the Little Dream stared wide-eyed at them. He
had never seen anything so sensational. Even if his wish didnt come true, his journey
would have been worthwhile just for the chance to see these marvels. He was so absorbed in the scene that he didnt notice that someone had come up next to him.
My good friend, let me introduce you to someone who will help you cross into the
human Imagination.
The Little Hope grew even more wide-eyed. He would have floated high, high up
into the air, disappearing altogether, except that it would have been too rude.
If youre just going to stand there staring, were not going to get very far. I have
things to do, you know.
Sorry, its just that everything is so
Dont wear yourself out looking for the right word. I should have warned you of
the effect of seeing a Vision for the first time. The same thing happens to humans.
The Premonition explained how a Vision affected humans. Properly chosen, the
right Vision could make a humans subconscious long to dream things that he had already seen in Reality.
But not just any human would do so.
You have to know how to pick the right one, thats the key. We need someone with
a very special sensitivity; Id almost say someone over sensitive. Someone who lives in
his own little world
I know who youre talking about, the Visions voice came clear and pleasant.
Ive been with him several times.
I dont mean to offend you, my dear Vision, the old Premonition said apologetically, but there are more and more humans who have decided to break with Reality and

live in their own private world. And you know what these solitary worlds are usually
Dont worry. It will not be an adults eyes that will look upon us, but those of a
child. Ive learned to be the kind of Vision that he wants me to be. The last time I almost
managed to get him to smile, but he lives in a terrible place, full of turmoil and noise, fire
and death. Dreams were destroyed there a long, long time ago.
The words of the lovely Vision were followed by deep silence. It was difficult to
imagine a place so terrible that not even Dreams could live there.
Its there the Vision continued, that you must go, my little friend. Even the
most insignificant Dream will be this childs most important. Now, lets not waste any
more time. Off we go, across the border.
The Little Dream was caught between fear and excitement. Before following the Vision, he hugged the old grouch; he knew he would never forget the old fellow. Then he
took a deep breath and set off.
He didnt feel anything special when he crossed to the other side
but the astonishing silence that had reigned till then was now broken. He could
not identify each and every one of the sounds because most of them were unknown to
him. For a moment he was afraid, but then he remembered what he was: a simple hope
in a real world. He wasnt even inside a mind, so no one could hurt him, although it was
true that he had no idea what a Vision, once inside the imagination of a child without
dreams, would turn into.
When he saw it, when he looked at the childs vacant eyes, full of tears, he knew
that he would never go back.
A kite flew high over a perfect vision of a place where only the trickle of water and
an occasional playful cricket could be heard. Time seemed to have stopped. The sun was
a big imperfect circle, painted blue; the clouds, drawn in strange shapes, were yellow cotton and the sky, the enormous sky, was white, very white, intensely white.

The Dream of the Little Dream had been fulfilled, but now he needed to stop seeing
those tears. The Principal was right: it was dangerous to be so close to Reality. But now
he knew that he could not return. He reached the coffer hidden away close to his heart
and, without thinking twice, opened it.
A big blue, yellow and white kite flew high up and, with a loud bang, a childs eyes
closed, spilling their last tear.


Teresa L. Velayos
Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Diplomada
en Guin por el TAI.
Ms de veinte aos trabajando en Cadena COPE como redactora, locutora, guionista
y productora de diversos programas, en especial los dedicados al cine, Cinemascope y
Nominada a los Premios Goya en 2010 por el cortometraje documental En un lugar
del cine y en 2014 por el cortometraje de ficcin El Paraguas de Colores, ambos
dirigidos por Eduardo Cardoso, como coproductora y coguionista.
Libros publicados: George Lucas: El poder de la Fuerza (Editorial Royal Books); Kenneth Branagh. En el nombre de Shakespeare (Editorial Nuer) y Rodajes al borde de
un ataque de nervios. El cine espaol se confiesa (T&B Editores).
En la actualidad es subdirectora de COPE 3D, el primer programa de Tecnologa de
Cadena COPE.



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