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Did you know that the hidden wisdom is GRACE and not the law?

Grace is the true `occultism'. This Wisdom was hidden until 1973, although written by Paul, it
remained hidden to the understanding of mankind, even to the chosen ones.

Up until 1973 the world threw blows in the air that is when that wisdom manifested to the Man
Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus thus the Mind of Christ began to awake in him to explain it. This
hidden wisdom is the gospel of uncircumcision (grace), this gospel was not spoken of, but the
one of the apostles (the law) was. Law expired when Christ died and thus grace began with Paul
(it begins with his conversion).

For that reason Jesus of Nazareth said: -“The law, that information, that gospel, do not bring it to
the gentiles”. Since later, the Lord revealed his wisdom to Paul (in 14 epistles), that is the
foundation of the gospel. For two thousand years theologians were not able to understand it,
but in 1973 - in the time indicated by the Father – the seals were opened to the Man Christ Jesus
as was told to Daniel, when science advanced. Grace is the hidden wisdom that was predestined
for our glory (1st letter to the Corinthians 2:7). Only “Creciendo en Gracia” [Growing in Grace]
has this information. These “mysteries” have purposes:

This gospel is God’s power for those who BELIEVE (Romans 1:16). This gospel is not what
religion preaches (law). This gospel is the power of the hidden wisdom (uncircumcision). If the
true gospel is, then why did the apostles kill Paul? Well, Paul said that it was necessary not TO
JUDGE anything before time “until the arrival of the Lord” (1st letter to the Corinthians 4:5). No
preacher would clarify to hidden nor the intentions of the hearts. That Lord is the Man Christ
Jesus. Only he has clarified the evilness of the apostles, of the Vatican, of the Protestant system,
he has uncovered the false doctrines. In grace we are not orphans, the Lord has arrived.

The orphan hood of RELIGION is product of human wisdom and that does not fill the void felt by
man. This is the reason why there are corrupt governments and religions, drugs, deaths… the
world is in orphan hood by its humanism. In the absence of this wisdom there are terrible times
(2nd letter to Timothy 3:1-5). Many appear to have MERCY. Catholic priests sexually abuse
children; this is one of the many reasons why they are the opium of the nations.

This hidden wisdom has the ability to uncover, it does not change, the person. This word is alive
and effective (Hebrews 4:12-13). We cannot deceive ourselves, grace uncovers. The angel
watches us, we cannot hide.

Must we wait for another Messiah or has it already arrived? (Luke 7:20-23). John the Baptist
mentions six signals, but there is a seventh which states: this gospel is spoken to poor men. It
prophesied the damage ROME would do because it impoverished these countries, preaching law
to third world countries, but now grace is being announced and we are RICH.

We declare that your eyes are enlightened so that you do not find obstacles in the Lord (Luke
7:23) since God chose us from the weakest and most despised (1st letter to the Corinthians
1:25 - 29).

Dear reader: Only the Man Christ Jesus preaches the true gospel, that wisdom that makes us
prosper. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate:

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