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sans frontires
Certification without


Matrise de lnergie :
tous concerns
Energy management: everyones

dun chef toil
Portrait of a
Michelin-starred chef

100 % Lean
100% Lean Management

clients en bref/ clients in brief/

Certification combine
ISO 9001 et ISO 22000
pour Linde Gas
La socit Linde Gas SA,
filiale franaise de Linde Group,
vient dobtenir la double certification
ISO 9001 et ISO 22000. Cette certification combine dun producteur
de gaz est une premire en France.
Linde Gas dispose dun rseau
tendu dusines et de centres de
distribution. Treize de ses sites sont
certifis pour la production et la
distribution de gaz et de mlanges
de gaz agro-alimentaires. Les gaz
alimentaires sont des additifs
ou des ingrdients qui permettent
daugmenter la date limite de
conservation et lapptence des
denres alimentaires prsentes sur
les linaires des grandes surfaces.
Cette certification reconnat le bon
fonctionnement de ses systmes
de management de la scurit
alimentaire et de la qualit.

Des ides
Saluons lengagement dune
socit, JCP Entreprise.
Doublement certifie ISO 9001
et ISO 14001 pour ses dmarches
qualit et environnementale,
la socit sest vu dcerner par le
Conseil gnral des Hauts-de-Seine,
le trophe Ides 92 pour la pertinence de ses actions en faveur du
dveloppement durable. Fortement
concerne par le respect de lenvironnement, cette entreprise gnrale
du btiment intgre dans ses
activits au quotidien lutilisation de
peintures sans solvant (les colabels),

Combined ISO 9001 &

ISO 22000 certification
for Linde Gas
Linde Gas SA, the French subsidiary
of Linde Group, has just obtained
dual ISO 9001 & ISO 22000 certification.
This combined certification for a gas
producer is a first in France. Linde Gas
has an extensive network of factories
and distribution centres. Thirteen of
its sites are certified for the production
and distribution of gas and food
industry gas mixtures. Food gases
are additives or ingredients that help to
lengthen the use-by date and increase
the appetence of food products on
supermarket shelves. This certification
recognises the proper functioning of
these food safety and quality
management systems.

loptimisation des dplacements,

la matrise de lnergie, la rduction
et le traitement des dchets.
La Qualit est aussi une exigence
pour Jean-Claude Pigeon, PDG de
JCP Entreprise, et ses 180 collaborateurs qui ralisent des projets
de transformation, de rnovation
ou de rhabilitation des btiments.
Aujourdhui la socit ralise
un chiffre daffaires de 25 millions
deuros, compte 10 000 m2 dchafaudages et 70 vhicules.

Ideas rewarded
We salute the commitment
of a company, JCP Entreprise.
Having obtained dual ISO 9001 and
ISO 14001 certification for its quality


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

en bref/
in brief/
Le 29 juin 2009, Crdit Agricole
Immobilier Gestion dActifs
a reu une nouvelle certification
AFAQ ISO 9001 pour son activit
acquisition, cession et gestion
dactifs immobiliers . Cette dmarche
confirme la volont et lengagement
de Crdit Agricole Immobilier dans
loptimisation de son organisation,
lamlioration continue de ses prestations ainsi que des relations avec
ses multiples clients et partenaires.
On 29 June 2009, Crdit Agricole
Immobilier Asset Management
was awarded new AFAQ ISO 9001
certification for its property acquisition,
sale and asset management activity.
The approach confirms Crdit
Agricole Immobiliers determination
and commitment in optimising its
organisation and continually improving
its services and its relations with its
many clients and partners.

and environmental approaches,

the company has been awarded
the Ides 92 trophy by the Hautsde-Seine departmental council for
the relevance of its action to support
sustainable development. The building
firm is very committed to caring for
the environment, incorporating the use
of solvent-free paints (ecolabels), travel
optimisation, energy management
and waste reduction and treatment
into its day-to-day activities. Quality
is also a requirement for Jean-Claude
Pigeon, CEO of JCP Entreprise,
and his 180 employees, who work
on projects to convert, renovate or
restore buildings. Today, the company
achieves sales of 25 million euros
and has 10,000 m2 of scaffolding and
70 vehicles.


rencontre/ a meeting

novembre/november 2009


Quand Qualit, Hygine,

Scurit et Environnement
nont pas de frontires
>>>>>> Le fabricant de cbles a dploy une certification QHSE sur son primtre
haute tension souterraine englobant ses units franaises et ses chantiers
ltranger. Charg de la responsabilit Qualit de ce primtre depuis une dizaine
dannes, Alain Planon a rcemment fix la barre plus haut.

When Quality, Health, Safety and Environment know

no boundaries
>>>> The cable manufacturer has deployed QHSE certification across its high underground
voltage activity, encompassing its French units and worksites abroad. Alain Planon has
been responsible for Quality in this area for ten years and recently decided to raise the bar.

Nous nous devons dtre

le plus irrprochable possible.
Alain Planon, Nexans.
We need to be as
irreproachable as possible.
Alain Planon, Nexans.

Compte tenu de la nature

de notre activit et des risques
quelle comporte, nous nous
devons dtre le plus irrprochable possible en matire
dhygine et de scurit et
de montrer lexemple dans le
domaine de lenvironnement ,
affirme-t-il. Cest donc tout
naturellement et avec dtermination quil a engag
les quipes sur le chemin de
la triple certification. Lactivit
haute tension comprend la
conception de liaisons haute
tension, ainsi que la fabrication
des cbles, des accessoires

et le montage chez les clients

prcise t-il. Nous avons
dabord t certifis ISO 9001
en 2001, puis ISO 14001 en
2008 et enfin OHSAS 18001
en juin dernier. Le schma
pourrait tre relativement
classique. Mais les affaires
nont pas de frontires et les
quipes de Nexans sont donc
trs rgulirement conduites
exercer leurs missions aux
quatre coins du monde.
Nos chantiers peuvent tre
situs sur tous les continents.
Ils durent de quelques jours
plusieurs annes , explique t-il.
Une particularit de taille
lorsquil sagit de dfinir un
primtre de certification.
Misant sur la clart, AFNOR
Certification, en partenariat
avec Nexans, a dfini les sites
auditer. Le primtre a port

Bearing in mind the nature

of our activity and the risks
involved, we need to be as
irreproachable as possible on
health and safety and to set
the example with regard to
the environment, he said.
He therefore quite naturally,
and with great determination,
set his teams on the road to
triple certification. The high
voltage activity includes high
voltage connection design,
the production of cables and
accessories and assembly on the
customers premises, he said.
We were first of all awarded
ISO 9001 certification in 2001,


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009



Quand Qualit, Hygine,

Scurit et Environnement nont pas de frontires
When Quality, Health, Safety and Environment know no boundaries

sur les bases fixes auxquelles
ont t ajoutes les chantiers
mtropole et export . Un
dernier casse-tte subsistait :
comment et avec qui conduire
les audits de certification
sur des sites aussi disperss,
dans des pays o la rglementation et les quipements
varient du tout au tout ?
Le dialogue avec AFNOR
Certification sest avr dcisif.
Nous aurions pu faire intervenir un auditeur diffrent sur
chacun des chantiers trangers
qui ont t retenus, mais nous


aurions certainement perdu

plus de temps avec des interlocuteurs diffrents. Nous
avons donc opt pour un
auditeur unique sur lensemble
du primtre , explique Alain
Planon. Outre les sites fixes,
cet audit QHSE a ainsi conduit
lauditeur sur deux chantiers
en France (celui du tramway
Bezons en rgion parisienne
et un autre le long de la
frontire belge) ainsi quau
Qatar et en Grande-Bretagne.
Nous avons lhabitude de
grer de tels dossiers linternational et chaque fois nous
nous assurons des desideratas
de nos clients avant de faire
intervenir soit des quipes
locales diffrentes, soit des
auditeurs ddis , prcise
Carole Payen, charge daffaires chez AFNOR Certification
et spcialise dans lorganisation des audits linternational.
Lan prochain, pour laudit de
suivi, de nouvelles destinations
seront proposes lauditeur.
Mais dici l, Alain Planon
compte bien mettre profit
lexprience internationale
de cette activit pour en finir
avec la seule remarque faite
par AFNOR Certification lors
de laudit. Dans des chantiers
qui changent de pays tout le
temps, il nous faut dmontrer
la conformit rglementaire
avec les rgles du pays,
mais parfois cest difficile,
par exemple retraiter des
dchets quand les infrastructures adquates nexistent
pas. Lauditeur nous a donc
demand dtudier la gravit
de limpact et de voir comment
il tait possible daller plus loin.
Je souhaite donc que dici
lan prochain, nous puissions
faire des progrs et amliorer
la dmonstration de ce point

Activits : installations
de liaisons haute tension,
cbles et accessoires.
Montages cl en main.
Sige : Clichy.
Effectif : 110 personnes.

Activities: installing
high voltage connections,
cables and accessories.
All-inclusive assemblies.
Head office: Clichy.
Workforce: 110 people.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Nous avons lhabitude

de grer de tels dossiers
Carole Payen, AFNOR
We are used to dealing
with international projects.
Carole Payen, AFNOR

then ISO 14001 in 2008 and,
finally, OHSAS 18001 last June.
The plan could have been a
relatively standard one, but
business knows no boundaries
and Nexans staff are regularly
required to work anywhere
across the four corners of the
earth. Our worksites may be
on any continent. They last for
anything from a few days to
several years, he explained.
A major issue when it comes to
defining the boundaries for
certification. Aiming for clarity,
AFNOR Certification worked with
Nexans to decide which sites
should be audited. The scope
was focused on the fixed bases,
to which were added domestic
and export worksites. One
further problem remained:
how and with whom were the
certification audits to be carried
out on such widespread sites,
in countries with such hugely
differing regulations and
infrastructures? Dialogue with
AFNOR Certification proved
decisive. We could have
brought in a different auditor
for each of the foreign sites
that were chosen, but all these
different contacts would have
meant wasting more time.
We therefore opted for a single
auditor to cover the whole entire
scope of the project, explained
Alain Planon. Apart from the
fixed sites, the QHSE audit

involved the auditor in travelling

to two sites in France (the
tramway site in Bezons in the
Paris region and another along
the Belgian border) and to Qatar
and Great Britain. We are used
to dealing with international
projects like this, and every time
we make sure we know exactly
what our clients want before
we send in different local teams
or dedicated auditors, said
Carole Payen, project manager
at AFNOR Certification
specialising in the organisation
of international audits. For
next years follow-up audit, the
auditor will be required to visit
some new destinations. But until
then, Alain Planon intends to
make use of the activitys
international experience to deal
with the only comment made
by AFNOR Certification during
the audit. With projects that are
constantly moving from country
to country, you need to show
us that you are complying
with the rules of the country,
but sometimes its difficult, for
example retreating waste when
there are no adequate facilities.
The auditor therefore asked us
to study the seriousness of
the impact and work out how it
might be possible to go further.
Im therefore hoping that, by
next year, well have made some
progress and improved our
performance in that particular

rencontre/ a meeting


Le parcours gagnant
du groupe toulousain
>>> En moins de deux ans, ST GROUP a dcroch une double certification ISO 9001
et EN 9100. Un cheminement qui doit beaucoup la mobilisation de toute lentreprise
et une collaboration rapproche avec le groupe AFNOR.

The winning process according to ST GROUP

>>>>>> In under 2 years, ST GROUP has achieved dual ISO 9001 and EN 9100 certification.
A successful process that owes a great deal to the involvement of the whole company and
close collaboration with the AFNOR Group.

Ds le dpart, ST GROUP sest

rapproch du groupe AFNOR pour
organiser et conduire au mieux
ses dmarches.
ST GROUP contacted the
AFNOR group to help organise
and run approaches.

des entreprises varies avec

un systme qualit bien tabli ,
commente Xavier de la Parra,
responsable qualit de ST
GROUP. Ds le dpart, il sest
rapproch du groupe AFNOR
afin dorganiser et de conduire
au mieux ces dmarches.
Convaincu quune certifi Nous avons dabord dfini
cation qualit pouvait se
ensemble quelle pouvait tre
traduire par une optimisation
la meilleure stratgie de certifide lorganisation interne, et
surtout press par ses donneurs cation du groupe. Ensuite, jai
dordres des secteurs aronau- suivi une formation dauditeur
interne afin dtre en mesure
tique et spatial toujours plus
exigeants, le groupe toulousain dauditer le plus efficacement
possible les processus de lenST GROUP a dcid de
sengager dans une dmarche treprise. Je me suis galement
abonn aux publications et
de certification EN 9100 fin
services en ligne proposs par
2007. Dmarche conduite en
AFNOR ditions pour ne rien
parallle dans chacune des
trois entits du groupe : ST3D, laisser au hasard , nonce
le responsable qualit. De quoi
le bureau dtudes, ST-AERO,
mener de front la certification
spcialiste de la gestion daffaires et fournisseur de rang 1, de deux premires units du
et ST COMPOSITES, fabricant groupe, puisque ST-AERO
et ST3D ont dcroch leur
densembles composites.
certification ISO 9001 version
Ctait la premire fois que
je menais un projet de certifica- 2008 et EN 9100 en janvier
dernier. Le parcours que
tion. Jusqu prsent, javais
connu des expriences ding- jai suivi avec le groupe AFNOR
ma permis de lever les rares
nieur qualit produits dans

ST GROUP (Toulouse)
was convinced that quality
certification could lead to an
optimised internal organisation;
it was also being pressed by
its increasingly demanding
customers in the aeronautics
and space sectors, and therefore
decided in late 2007 to embark
on an EN 9100 certification
approach. This was run
simultaneously in each of the
groups three entities: ST3D,
the research unit, ST-AERO,
which specialises in project
management and is a level 1
supplier, and ST COMPOSITES,
which manufactures composite
units. This was the first time that
Id run a certification project.
Up to now, I had had experience
as a product quality engineer in
a variety of companies with a
well-established quality system,
said Xavier de la Parra,


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009



Le parcours gagnant
du groupe toulousain
The winning process according to ST GROUP

points de non conformit
soulevs par laudit de certification en moins dun mois ,
se rjouit Xavier de la Parra.

Un dbut vers
dautres dmarches
de progrs


La boucle devrait tre boucle

dici la fin de lanne 2009
avec la certification de
actuellement son cours :
la socit a emmnag dans
de nouveaux locaux en dbut
danne. Elle commence sa
production en srie aprs avoir
pass avec succs diverses
qualifications de procds
spciaux Airbus. Elle a dj
t audite par plusieurs
grands donneurs dordres
(Airbus, Thales Alenia Space)
et prochainement le groupe
Safran et Astrium, et nous
devrions achever la dmarche
de certification ISO 9001
et EN 9100 avant le dbut de
lanne prochaine , annonce
le responsable qualit, qui ne
compte pas sarrter en si bon
chemin et mise sur les certifications pour accrotre son
portefeuille de clients. En
partant de zro, jai dvelopp
notre propre systme qualit.
Ma direction et lensemble
des quipes se sont fortement
mobilises et ont vritablement
adhr instantanment
ces dmarches. Nous allons
poursuivre nos efforts. Dabord
pour faire vivre et amliorer
le systme en place, mais
aussi certainement en allant
vers dautres certifications ,
prvoit-il. Deux ans peine
aprs avoir dbut son
parcours, Xavier de la Parra
a dsormais une devise bien
ancre quil rsume dune
phrase : la qualit, ce nest
jamais termin.

Activits :
bureau dtudes, gestion
daffaires et production
densembles composites.
Sige et site de
production : Labge
Effectif : 60 personnes.
Chiffre daffaires 2008 :
3 millions deuros.

Activities: research unit,
project management and
production of composite
Production sites:
Labge (Haute-Garonne).
Workforce: 60 people.
Sales for 2008: 3 million


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11


En partant de zro, jai dvelopp notre propre

systme qualit. Xavier de la Parra, ST GROUP.
Having started from scratch, Ive developed our
own quality system. Xavier de la Parra, ST GROUP.

the company moved into new

premises at the start of the year.
Its now launching into mass
production, having successfully
gone through the various
qualification tests for special
Airbus processes. It has already
been audited by a number of
major customers (Airbus, Thales
Alenia Space) and will shortly be
audited by Safran and Astrium,
and we should complete the
ISO 9001 and EN 9100
certification approach before
the start of next year, said the
quality manager, who has no
intention of giving up now that
things are going so well and
is banking on certification to
add to his customer portfolio.
Having started from scratch,
Ive developed our own quality
system. My senior management
and all our departments are fully
supportive of these approaches
and have got right behind
them from the outset. We intend
to keep up our efforts. Firstly,
to give life to the system thats
in place and improve it, but also
to move towards other forms
of certification, he said. Just
A first step towards other
two years after he started out,
progress approaches
Xavier de la Parra now has
The wheel should come full
a well-established motto that
circle by the end of 2009 with
he summarises in a single
certification for ST COMPOSITES, phrase: Food safety is nonwhich is currently in progress:

ST GROUPs quality manager.

From the outset, he contacted
the AFNOR Group to help
him organise and run these
approaches as efficiently as
possible. We first of all worked
together to decide what would
be the best certification strategy
for the group. I then went on an
internal auditor training course
so that I could be in a position to
audit the companys processes
as effectively as possible. To
leave nothing to chance, I also
subscribed to the publications
and online services offered
by AFNOR Publications, said
the quality manager. This turned
out to be a good way to tackle
certification for the groups
first two units, as ST-AERO and
ST3D were both awarded ISO
9001 version 2008 and EN 9100
certification last January.
The process that I went through
with the AFNOR Group helped
me to deal with the few areas
of non-compliance raised by
the certification audit in under a
month, said Xavier de la Parra.



rencontre/ a meeting

Chez Rgis Marcon,

lcolabel simpose comme une vidence
Le chef a profit de son installation dans un tablissement HQE* pour engager une dmarche Eco-label
europen. Le couronnement defforts incessants au
service de la prservation de son terroir.
Triple toil Michelin depuis 2005, laurat du Bocuse dOr,
du prix Taittinger et de biens dautres Rgis Marcon est
un habitu des distinctions. Pourtant, cest sous le signe
de la simplicit et du bon sens quil place son ambition.
Spcialement lorsquil est question de son engagement
rsolu dans la dmarche Eco-label europen, qui la conduit
se voir dcerner le label en prsence de Chantal
Jouannot, secrtaire dtat lcologie, en juin dernier.
Nous avons dbut la dmarche en fin danne 2005.
Elle a t mrement rflchie et sinscrivait pleinement
dans le projet dun nouvel tablissement pens pour
sadapter le mieux possible notre environnement ,
retrace Rgis Marcon. Architecture respectueuse des
btiments traditionnels de la rgion, panneaux photovoltaques, rcuprations des eaux pluviales, climatisation
naturelle, tri slectif total, espace de baignade naturelle,
jardin bio aliment par le compost le nouveau restaurant
du chef altiligrien, construit dans le respect des principes
HQE, est en effet un vritable hymne au dveloppement
durable. Au-del du respect de lenvironnement, Rgis
Marcon a souhait que son nouveau site soit avant tout
un lieu de vie o les quipes puissent travailler dans
les meilleures conditions possibles . Ce faisant, la
dmarche Eco-label europen sest impose comme un
lment fdrateur : Nous vivons ensemble dans cette
maison et nous allons vers lexcellence tous ensemble,
chacun apportant sa pierre ldifice, avec ses ides.
Les meilleures dentre elles sont rcompenses lissue
dun concours. Chacun se responsabilise et tout le monde
trouve sa place. La dmarche nest absolument pas vcue
comme une contrainte. Au contraire, elle renforce les liens
entre les membres de lquipe. Par ailleurs, lcolabel
crait galement un climat propice lchange avec
nos clients qui eux aussi conduisent des expriences
similaires , senthousiasme Rgis Marcon.

Un retour aux sources et un contrat davenir

Mais surtout le label est porteur de rsultats bien tangibles.
Quelque 500 kilos par semaine de dchets en moins, des
conomies dnergie significatives , note-t-il, et la
satisfaction dinscrire son uvre dans le respect des
principes qui guident la famille Marcon depuis toujours.
Jai t constamment attentif la traabilit des produits
et leur bonne utilisation, je dois cela ma maman qui
nous a appris ne pas gaspiller , se souvient le triple
toil. Une motivation supplmentaire pour aller encore
plus loin. Dailleurs, sil a choisi de sengager dans une
dmarche Eco-label europen, cest avant tout pour ne
jamais laisser faiblir les efforts. travers cette initiative,
jai surtout voulu disposer dun cadre et dun outil de
rfrence pour nous permettre de nous situer et qui
constitue une base pour nous amliorer, car je considre
que rien nest dfinitivement acquis. Cet colabel est en
quelque sorte un contrat davenir , rsume Rgis Marcon.

The eco-label is an obvious move in

Rgis Marcons establishment
The chef has taken advantage of his arrival in an HEQ *
establishment to embark on a European Eco-label
approach. The reward for his unceasing efforts to
preserve his local environment.
Rgis Marcon is used to receiving distinctions: three
Michelin stars since 2005, winner of the Bocuse dOr,
the Taittinger prize and many others and yet his ambition
is based on simplicity and common sense. Particularly
when it comes to his strong commitment to the European
Eco-label approach, which has led him to being awarded
the label last June in the presence of Chantal Jouannot,
Secretary of State for Ecology. We embarked on the
approach in late 2005. We had thought long and hard
about it, and it formed part of our plans for a new
establishment designed to adapt as fully as possible to
our environment, said Rgis Marcon. With its architecture
in line with the style of traditional buildings in the region,
photovoltaic panels, rainwater recovery systems, natural
air-conditioning, total recycling, natural bathing area and
an organic, compost-fed garden, the new restaurant owned
by the chef from the Haute-Loire is built to HEQ standards
and is a real hymn to sustainable development. Apart from
its environmentally friendly aspects, Rgis Marcon wanted
his new premises to be, first and foremost, a living
environment in which staff can work in the best possible
conditions. With this in mind, the European Eco-label
approach turned into a unifying process: We live together
in this house and we all work together to achieve excellence,
with everyone making his own contribution and adding his
own ideas. The best of these are rewarded after a competition.
Everyone takes responsibility and everyone finds his place.
The approach is certainly not seen as a constraint. Quite
the opposite, it strengthens ties between the members of
the team. The eco-label also created a climate conducive
to discussions with our customers, who were also running
similar experiments, said Rgis Marcon with enthusiasm.

Back to the roots and a contract for the future

But, above all, the label has brought tangible results.
Some 500 kilos less waste per week, significant energy
savings, he notes, and the satisfaction of seeing his work
follow the principles that have guided the Marcon family
since time immemorial. I have always been keen on the
traceability of products and on using them correctly; I owe
that to my mother, who taught us not to waste anything,
remembers the three-star chef. An extra reason for going
even further. And the main reason for embarking on the
European Eco-label approach has been to make sure that
peoples efforts dont slacken. Through this initiative,
I wanted to be sure that we had a first-class environment
and resources to enable us to show where we stand and to
act as a springboard for improvement, because I believe
that you cant take anything for granted. This eco-label
is, in a way, a contract for the future, said Rgis Marcon.

Rgis Marcon ( gauche) est un habitu

des distinctions.
Rgis Marcon (on the left) is used to
receiving distinctions.

En trente ans, Rgis Marcon a hiss
le petit restaurant familial de Saint-Bonnet
le Froid, en Haute-Loire, au rang des plus
prestigieux restaurants gastronomiques
franais. Triple toil Michelin, le chef est
aujourdhui la tte dun tablissement
compos dun restaurant, dun htel de dix
chambres, de chambres dhtes. Lensemble
runit plus de cinquante personnes. Trs
engag dans son terroir, Rgis Marcon a
reu lEco-label europen le 29 juin dernier.
Over thirty years, Rgis Marcon has
raised the small family restaurant in
Saint-Bonnet le Froid, Haute-Loire, to the
ranks of one of Frances most prestigious
gourmet restaurants. The chef has three
Michelin stars and is now at the head
of an establishment that consists of
a restaurant, a ten-room hotel and guest
rooms. The establishment employs over
fifty people. Rgis Marcon is highly
committed to his local region and was
awarded the European Eco-label on
29 June.

* Haute qualit environnementale

High environmental quality

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009

ADC Propret

Une double certification

au service de linsertion
>>>>> La socit ADC Propret, spcialiste du nettoyage industriel, est certifie
ISO 9001 et ISO 14001. Un double dfi relev par les quipes de lentreprise dinsertion chez laquelle les dmarches qualit ont contribu renforcer les liens et valoriser
les efforts de chacun.

Double certification helping to serve job integration

>>>>>>>> Industrial cleaning specialist ADC Propret is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.
A dual challenge taken up by the job integration company, in which these quality approaches
have helped to strengthen ties and reward everyones efforts.

lorganisation interne, de construire des modes de fonctionnement normaliss et donc

chacun progresse grce
la certification , constate
Michel Plassart, PDG dADC

Grce la certification,
chacun progresse.
Everyone moves forward as
a result of certification.

Lorsquil y a deux ans les

dirigeants dADC Propret
ont souhait sengager dans
une dmarche de certification
environnementale, leur conseil
les a incit aller aussi
et dans le mme temps
vers une certification ISO 9001.
De quoi faire souffler un vent
dinquitude, avant de transformer les doutes en dfi, puis
en vritable succs. Nous
nous sommes vite aperus
que cette double dmarche
tait bien accepte. travers
lISO 14001, les quipes ont
trs vite adhr nos proccupations environnementales
qui finalement parlent tout
le monde. Quant lISO 9001,
elle aurait t difficile conduire
seule, mais combine la
dmarche environnementale,
elle a permis de structurer


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Reprendre pied dans

le monde du travail en
passant par la Qualit
Pourtant, la nature mme
de lentreprise na pas rendu
la tche facile. Spcialiste
du nettoyage industriel, ADC
est galement une entreprise
dinsertion. Malmenes par
la vie, 90 personnes reprennent
peu peu pied dans le monde
du travail et ont un objectif
assign : trouver le plus rapidement possible un emploi
stable. Une mission dautant
plus aise sils acquirent
une exprience professionnelle
au sein dune entreprise dinsertion rompue aux techniques
les plus pointues du mtier
et lorganisation trs structure. Do la volont de Michel
Plassart dinscrire le dvelop-


When, two years ago,

ADC Proprets directors
decided to launch into an
environmental certification
approach, their consultant also
encouraged them to go for
ISO 9001 certification at the
same time. Enough to make
people feel anxious, but the
doubts were soon turned
into a challenge, and then into
real success. We soon noticed
that the dual approach was
well accepted. With ISO 14001,
staff soon began to support
our environmental concerns,
which, in the end, affect
everyone. ISO 9001 would have
been difficult to run on its own,
but combined with the
environmental approach it
helped to structure our internal
organisation and construct
standardised operating methods,
so everyone moves forward
as a result of certification,


rencontre/ a meeting


pement de ADC Propret dans
un schma des plus exigeants
en passant, notamment par
une dmarche qualit.
Nous voluons dans un
champ concurrentiel, la certification reprsente donc un
moyen diffrenciant ainsi quun
outil de progrs et de valorisation pour nos collaborateurs ,
dfend-il. Lesquels semblent
stre rapidement appropris
le message. Lune de nos
principales craintes portait sur
lengagement des collaborateurs. Dune part, il fallait quils
adhrent au projet et dautre
part, ils devaient sengager
personnellement travers la
ralisation de leurs prestations.
Par exemple, nous leur
demandons dsormais de
signer un cahier attestant quils
ont bien rempli leur mission
en respectant les procdures.
Non seulement nous navons
eu aucune rticence, mais
surtout les salaris ont limpression que leur travail est mieux
valoris et reconnu , constate
Michel Plassart. Pour favoriser
lappropriation des outils,
ADC Propret a jou la carte
de la simplicit, avec des
tableaux de bord lisibles par
tous, des indicateurs faciles
daccs et prcis et un accompagnement renforc des
formateurs. Pour les quipes
dencadrement, cette formalisation permet de limiter
les drapages et cela nous
aide aussi dans le cadrage et
la matrise de nos activits ,
souligne le PDG, convaincu
que cette double dmarche
renforce ladhsion globale
au projet dentreprise .
Cest aussi un pas de plus
vers lexcellence et la reconnaissance de lancrage de
lentreprise dans le dveloppement durable, sur tous ses

Une erreur sest glisse

dans notre dernier numro
dans larticle consacr
la dmarche dengagements
de service du groupe La Poste.
Le rseau de La Poste est
compos de 17 000 points de
vente, et non de 1 700 comme

Dans un champ concurrentiel, la certification reprsente

un moyen diffrenciant. Michel Plassart, ADC Propret.
In a competitive, certification is a way of differentiating
ourselves. Michel Plassart, ADC Propret.

An error slipped into our last

issue in the article dedicated to
the La Poste Groups service
commitment approach. The
La Poste network is made up of
17,000 retail outlets, and not
1,700 as printed.

noted Michel Plassart, ADC
Proprets CEO.

Using Quality to regain

a footing in the world of work
And yet the very nature of
the company meant that the job
was not going to be easy.
An industrial cleaning specialist,
ADC is also a job integration
company. 90 people who have
had difficult lives are gradually
regaining a footing in the world
of work and have an assigned
aim: find a stable job as soon as
possible. This is made much
easier if they can acquire work
experience in a job integration
company experienced in the
most sophisticated techniques
in the trade and with a highly
structured organisation.
Hence Michel Plassarts
determination to create a
rigorous development plan
for ADC Propret, involving
a quality approach. Were
operating in a competitive
environment, and certification
is a way of differentiating
ourselves; its also a vehicle
for progress and for making
our employees feel more highly
valued, he said. And his
employees caught on to the
message very quickly. One of
our main concerns was whether
we could persuade our
employees to feel committed.
First of all, we needed them
to support the project and,

secondly, we needed them

to show personal commitment
in the way in which they did
their job. For example, we now
ask them to sign a book to
certify that they have carried
out their task and kept to
procedures. No one expressed
any reservations, but above all,
employees have the impression
that their work is more highly
valued and recognised, said
Michel Plassart. ADC Propret
took the simple approach to
help staff take on ownership of
the tools, using management
charts that everyone could
understand, indicators that were
precise and easily accessible,
and reinforced support from
trainers. For the supervisory
staff, this formalised approach
helps to limit slip-ups and
it also helps us to structure
and manage our activities,
emphasised the CEO, who is
convinced that this dual
approach reinforces global
support for the company
project. Its also another step
along the road to excellence and
a recognition of the companys
determination to support
sustainable development across
the board.

Activit : entreprise
dinsertion spcialise dans
le nettoyage industriel.
Sige : Nantes (Loire-Atlantique).
Effectif : 200 personnes,
dont 90 sur des emplois dinsertion.
Chiffre daffaires 2008 :
4,7 millions deuros.

Activity: a job integration company
specialising in industrial cleaning.
Head office: Nantes (Loire-Atlantique).
Workforce: 200 people, including
90 on the manufacturing sites.
Sales for 2008: 4.7 million euros.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009

Blocs bton NF FDES :

plus de 100 usines dans
la dmarche
Cre en 2006 par le Cerib en accord avec AFNOR Certification, la certification NF FDES porte sur lengagement environnemental et sanitaire
des usines de blocs bton.
Les fabricants se sont trs vite
mobiliss autour de cette dmarche :
aujourdhui 110 usines affichent la
marque NF FDES, reprsentant ainsi
prs de 50 % du tonnage de blocs
produits. 100 e obtenir la reconnaissance de son engagement, la socit
SPAP (Bonneuil-sur-Marne) produit
35 000 tonnes de blocs par an.

Lentreprise mne une politique

rigoureuse en matire denvironnement et de sant et scurit au travail :
rduction du bruit et des dchets,
approvisionnement en granulats
par voie fluviale, zone de chalandise
limite en Ile-de-France, rduction
des consommations deau, etc.

La marque NF Liants hydrauliques

routiers revisite

NF FDES certified concrete

blocks: over 100 factories
involved in the approach
Created by CERIB in 2006 in
agreement with AFNOR Certification,
NF FDES certification focuses on
the environmental and health
commitment of concrete block
Manufacturers very quickly became
involved in the approach and, today,
110 factories display the NF FDES
label, representing nearly 50% of the
tonnage of blocks produced. SPAP
(Bonneuil-sur-Marne) was the 100 th
factory to obtain recognition of its
commitment. The company produces
35,000 tonnes of blocks a year and
has a rigorous environment, health and
safety at work policy: noise and waste
reduction, aggregate supplies brought
in by river, customer catchment area
limited to Ile-de-France, reduced water
consumption, etc.

Les liants hydrauliques routiers sont produits en usine et distribus

prts lemploi , pour raliser chausses et terrassements.
La marque NF qui les vise vient
dvoluer et le nouveau rfrentiel
est applicable depuis septembre
dernier. Dlivre par AFNOR Certification avec le concours du LCPC,
la marque NF Liants hydrauliques
routiers compte aujourdhui quatre
fabricants (Holcim France, Holcim
Belgique, Ciments Calcia, Cementos
Rezola). La certification a pour objectif
de garantir la rgularit des fabrications dans le temps au travers
daudits, dessais raliss sur des
prlvements mensuels et de validations des autocontrles de lunit
de fabrication. Elle porte sur la
composition dclare, la rsistance
mcanique la compression
56 jours, la finesse, le temps
de dbut de prise, la stabilit
(expansion) et la teneur en sulfates.


The NF Hydraulic road binder

label revisited
Hydraulic road binders are
factory-produced and distributed
ready to use for making road
surfaces and earthworks.
The NF label relating to them has just
changed and the new framework of
reference has applied since September
this year. The NF Hydraulic road binder
label is issued by AFNOR Certification
with the support of the LCPC, and
now covers four manufacturers (Holcim
France, Holcim Belgium, Ciments
Calcia, Cementos Rezola). The aim of
certification is to guarantee production
consistency over time through audits,
tests carried out on monthly samples
and validations of self-inspections
in the production unit. It focuses on
the declared composition, mechanical
resistance to compression at 56 days,
fineness, setting start time, stability
(expansion) and sulphate content.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

la certification
du gnie
et araulique
Le 1er juillet dernier,
Certita a ouvert ses portes.
La filiale commune dAtita,
du Cetiat, du CSTB et du LNE,
devient la principale entreprise de
certification des produits et des
systmes de gnie climatique,
sous marque NF notamment
(radiateurs, conduits de fume,
pompe chaleur, chauffage au
bois, chauffe-eaux solaires,

Lactualit de la marque NF/ news from the

NF mark/

Certification des produits de

marquage routiers : dcryptage

50 000 tudes
certifies NF

Conformment la rglementation, la certification NF des produits

de marquage routiers sappuie sur des essais de performances
mesures selon des normes europennes, sur un site routier.

Depuis sa cration en 2007,

la marque NF Etudes thermiques est
appose sur plus de 50 000 tudes.

Cest hauteur de Boissy

Fresnois dans lOise, sur une
longueur de 1 km, que la RN2
est utilise alternativement chaque
anne et dans chaque sens de
circulation. Les mesures effectues
concernent la visibilit (de jour
comme de nuit, par temps sec,
humide ou sous pluie), la rsistance au glissement, la luminance.
La campagne de certification 2009
qui vient de sachever, concernait
286 produits appliqus en 19 jours
sous la vigilance de six contrleurs.
Pour amliorer la qualit des
mesures, lAsquer a financ lins- Certification of road-marking
products: an explanation
tallation dun systme de comptage innovant qui situe la RN2
comme le site routier de certifica- In compliance with the regulations,
NF certification of road-marking
tion le plus performant dEurope ! products is based on performance

Certita, climate
and air flow control
Certita opened on 1st July
this year. The joint subsidiary
of Atita, Cetiat, CSTB and LNE
is now the main certification firm
for climate control products and
systems, particularly under the
NF label (radiators, smoke flues,
heat pumps, wood-fired heating,
solar water heaters, ventilation,

tests measured according to

European standards on a road site.
A 1 km stretch of the RN2 at Boissy
Fresnois (Oise) is used alternately
every year in both directions.
Measurements carried out concern
visibility (day and night, dry, damp
and wet weather), skid resistance
and brightness. The 2009 certification
campaign, which has just ended,
concerned 286 products applied
over 19 days under the watchful
eye of six inspectors. To improve
the quality of the measurements,
ASQUER has financed the installation
of an innovative counting system
that makes the RN2 the most
efficient certification road site in

La certification porte sur la

ralisation dtudes thermiques
conformes la rglementation
en vigueur et adaptes aux
attentes du client ; sur la qualit
des services associs et
de lorganisation mise en place.
lheure o la performance
nergtique est au cur des
objectifs damlioration
des btiments, la certification
NF Etudes thermiques permet
de sappuyer sur des spcialistes
avrs, dont la qualit des
tudes est reconnue par un tiers.

50,000 thermal
studies NF certified
Since it was created in 2007,
the NF Thermal studies label has been
affixed to over 50,000 studies.
Certification is focused on the
completion of thermal studies
that comply with the regulations
in force and are adapted to client
expectations, and on the quality
of associated services and the
organisation that is put in place.
At a time when energy performance
is central to building improvement
targets, NF Thermal studies
certification means that you can
rely on experienced specialists
whose study quality is recognised
by an outside organisation.

NF Service btiment :
lancement dune opration
Pour mieux faire connatre
et mettre en application
la certification NF Service
btiment, la Fdration
franaise du btiment de
Picardie, en collaboration avec
le Conseil rgional de Picardie
et lAdeme, lancent une
opration de sensibilisation
et daccompagnement auprs
de six entreprises du btiment
de la rgion, pilotes et candidates la certification. Cet
accompagnement se traduira
par une formation au rfrentiel,
un coaching collectif pour
valider la mise en uvre des
plans daction de chaque
entreprise, un audit blanc
et laudit initial par AFNOR

NF Service building: the

launch of a group operation
To make NF Service building
certification better-known
and increase its application,
the French building federation
in Picardy is working with the
Picardy Regional Council and
ADEME to launch an awarenessraising and accompaniment
operation with six of the regions
building firms which are pilots
and candidates for certification.
Accompaniment will include
training in the framework of
reference, group coaching to
validate the implementation
of action plans in each firm,
a blank audit and the initial audit
by AFNOR Certification.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11 action&performance09


clients en bref/ clients in brief/

novembre/november 2009

La gestion immobilire
sous couvert de qualit et denvironnement
Avec en moyenne 200 000 m2
commercialiss, 1400 000 m2
en gestion immobilire, et
50 000 m2 construits ou rnovs
chaque anne, Silic, premier
propritaire de parcs tertiaires
locatifs en Ile-de-France est
un acteur majeur de limmobilier dentreprise. Un savoirfaire de 40 ans reconnu par la
double certification ISO 9001
et ISO 14001 de sa filiale
Socomie, pour son management environnemental et
la qualit des ses activits.
La gestion des risques fait
galement partie du quotidien
des 95 collaborateurs.
travers ses dmarches,

Silic cherche avant tout

dmontrer ses locataires
quelle matrise parfaitement
son organisation et son
environnement pour mieux
les servir. Un argument qui
peut faire la diffrence.

Property management
covered by the quality
and environment labels
With an average of 200,000 m2
commercialised, 1,400,000 m 2
under property management
and 50,000 m2 built or renovated
every year, Silic, the leading
owner of rented service sector
parks in Ile-de-France is a major

player in the company property

market. Its 40 years of expertise
has been recognised via its
Socomie subsidiary by
dual ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
certification for its environmental
management and the quality
of its management and project
management activities. Risk
management is also part of
daily life for its 95 employees.
Through its approaches, Silic
is seeking first and foremost
to show its tenants that it has
full control over its organisation
and its environment in order
to provide them with better
service. An argument that can
make all the difference.

une croissance deux chiffres

et nous avons eu le plaisir
dembaucher deux personnes
plein temps et de travailler
avec plus de 90 traducteurs
free-lance rpartis dans
le monde confie Vronique
Gentile, responsable qualit.

High-quality translation
When continuing
improvement wasnt just
an illusion is a theme that
you can read on the homepage
of the Studio Gentile website.
Proof that Quality is seen
as a mark of differentiation by
the Nice translation agency,
which has just obtained its


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Aprs Paris Montparnasse

et gare de Lyon, cest au tour
de Strasbourg de dcrocher
le certificat AFAQ ISO 14001.
Et de devenir la troisime gare
de France certifie ! Cette
distinction valorise lensemble
des actions menes par
ltablissement pour rduire
les impacts sur lenvironnement
des activits de la gare, de
ses produits et ses services.
Un aboutissement dune
dmarche dbute en janvier

Strasbourg station
goes green

Traduction sous haute qualit

Quand lamlioration
continue nest pas
seulement une illusion ,
un leitmotiv que lon peut
lire ds la page daccueil du
site web du Studio Gentile.
Cest dire si la Qualit est
une marque de diffrenciation
pour lagence de traduction
nioise qui vient dobtenir
sa certification ISO 9001:2008.
Lorsquils crent le Studio
Gentile en 2004, et avant
mme de compter leurs
premiers salaris, les deux
co-fondateurs dcident
de dvelopper un systme
de management de la qualit.
Aujourdhui la socit est en
plein essor : Nous affichons

La gare
de Strasbourg
se met au vert

ISO 9001:2008 certification.

When they founded Studio
Gentile in 2004, and even
before they had taken on their
first employees, the two cofounders decided to develop
a quality management system.
The company is now expanding
rapidly: Were enjoying
growth in double figures,
were delighted to have been
able to take on two full-time
staff and were working with
over 90 freelance translators
from all over the world,
said quality manager Vronique

After Paris Montparnasse and

Gare de Lyon, its Strasbourgs
turn to obtain the AFAQ ISO 14001
certificate and become Frances
third station to be certified!
This distinction is a reward for
all the initiatives taken to reduce
the impact on the environment of
the stations activities, products
and services. A successful
conclusion to an approach that
began in January 2007.


dossier/ special

novembre/november 2009

Certification EN 16001
EN 16001 certification

Matrisez et rduisez

vos impacts nergtiques !

Managing and reducing
your energy impact!

>>>>>>> La nouvelle norme EN 16001 se veut un outil defficacit nergtique

disposition des entreprises et collectivits. En ligne de mire, la diminution de la
facture nergtique et des missions de gaz effets de serre. Enjeux et perspectives
dune nouvelle certification promue un bel avenir
>>>>>>> The new EN 16001 standard is an aid to energy efficiency for companies and local
authorities. Its aim is to reduce energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. Challenges and
prospects for a new certification that looks to have a bright future ahead

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009

Certification EN 16001
EN 16001 certification

Matrisez et rduisez
vos impacts nergtiques !
Managing and reducing your energy impact!

que la pression rglementaire

sur les missions de CO2 se
renforce, la nouvelle norme
va permettre aux organismes
damliorer leur efficacit nergtique. Cest ce quexplique
Batrice Poirier, chef de projet
au dpartement innovation et
dveloppement chez AFNOR
Certification : Comment
sorganiser plus efficacement
pour tre moins vulnrable
face aux fluctuations des prix
de lnergie ? Par quelles voies
rduire sa facture nergtique
tout en diminuant ses rejets
de CO2 ? Voil lapport de la
nouvelle certification, qui doit
tre intgre dans un vritable
projet dentreprise.

La nouvelle norme
NF EN 16001 Systmes
de management de lnergie
a t publie en juillet dernier.
Objectif de cette norme
europenne ? Accompagner
les organismes dans leurs
dmarches de matrise de
lnergie. LEN 16001 est
le rsultat de la volont des
acteurs de la normalisation
de fournir aux agents conomiques et aux collectivits des
outils pour respecter les engagements collectifs en matire
dconomies dnergie et de
rduction des missions de gaz
effet de serre , commente
Marie-Hlne Notis, prsidente
de la commission de normalisation Enersys Matrise et
management de lnergie
exigences gnrales et procdures de qualification . Dans
un contexte conomique rendu
plus difficile par laugmentation
des prix de lnergie, alors


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

The new NF EN 16001 energy

management systems standard
was published in July this year.
What is the aim of this European
standard? To accompany
organisations in their energy
management approaches.
EN 16001 has been designed
by the standardisation bodies
to provide businesses and local
authorities with the tools to
help them comply with collective
commitments to save energy
and reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, said Marie-Hlne
Notis, chairman of the Enersys
Energy control and management
general requirements and
qualification procedures
standardisation committee.
Against an economic background
made more difficult by the
increase in energy prices, and
Dabord, rduire sa
with even further regulatory
facture et sa dpendance pressure on CO2 emissions,
the new standard will help
organisations to improve their
cette fin, la norme EN 16001 energy efficiency. Batrice Poirier,
dfinit les exigences du systme project leader in the innovation
de management de lnergie,
and development department
accompagnes de recomman- at AFNOR Certification explains:
How can we organise ourselves
dations de mise en uvre.
Pour tre conforme la norme, more efficiently to be less
lorganisme dfinira une politique vulnerable in the face of
adapte ses usages nerg- fluctuations in energy prices?
What can we do to reduce our
tiques. partir dun diagnostic
energy bills and our CO2
initial, il identifiera des cibles
emissions? This is where the
cohrentes avec ses engagenew certification comes in,
ments damlioration de leffiand it should form part of a real
cacit nergtique , explique
company project.

le groupe AFNOR. ces

exigences, lEN 16001 ajoute
quelques particularits qui la
distinguent de toutes les normes
parues jusquici : Ce qui fait
lattractivit immdiate de cette
dmarche, cest que, grce
une approche comptable de
lnergie exigence damlioration continue, surveillance,
mesurage toutes les dispositions proposes sont destines
faire gagner de largent.
Il ne sagit pas dabord dune
question dimage , explique
Marie-Hlne Notis. Un rapport
de lIEA* publi en 2008 estime


The first step: reduce your bill

and your energy dependency
To this end, the EN 16001 standard
sets out the requirements of the
energy management system,
along with recommendations for
implementing it. To comply with
the standard, the organisation


dossier/ special



que lintgration dun systme

de management de lnergie
dans une entreprise peut permettre une conomie dnergie
comprise entre 5 et 22 %, selon
sa typologie et la nature de
son activit , renchrit Batrice
Poirier. Afficher comme objectif
prioritaire une conomie
sonnante et trbuchante
parat une excellente porte
dentre pour convaincre des
organisations, qui ont vu pour
la plupart gonfler les cots lis
la consommation dnergie,
et donc leur dpendance.
La norme donne du crdit
aux responsables nergie dans
lentreprise, qui ne sont pas les
plus couts aujourdhui parce
quils se situent souvent loin du
cur de mtier. On ne pourra
plus les accuser de vouloir
faire geler les gens dans lobscurit ds quils mettent
lhypothse dconomiser
les ressources , estime MarieHlne Notis.

will define a policy adapted to

its energy use. Starting from an
initial assessment, it will identify
targets that are consistent with
its commitments to improve its
energy efficiency, explained the
AFNOR Group. EN 16001 adds
a few special features to these
requirements that set it apart from
all the other standards produced
to date: What makes this
approach immediately attractive
is that it takes an accounting
attitude to energy continuing
improvement requirement,
supervision, measurement
all the systems proposed are
intended to help the organisation
make money. Its not, first and
foremost, a question of image,
explained Marie-Hlne Notis.
An IEA* report published in 2008
suggests that incorporating an
energy management system into
a company may help to make
savings of between 5 and 22%,
depending on its type and
the nature of its business, added
Batrice Poirier. Setting a real
cash saving as a key objective
appears to be an excellent means
of convincing organisations, most
Des dmarches
of which have seen a significant
rise in costs linked to energy
consumption and thus their
Les promoteurs de la norme
dependency. The standard gives
soulignent tous galement
credibility to energy managers in
la compatibilit, voire la forte
the company, whose voices are
complmentarit de lEN 16001 not sufficiently heard at present
avec la norme ISO 14001 sur le because they are often at a
management environnemental. distance from the core business.
Une particularit qui facilite
They cannot be accused of
son intgration. La boucle de wanting to freeze people in
lamlioration continue (planifier darkness when they put
forward the suggestion of saving
faire vrifier agir) sur
laquelle est fonde lEN 16001 resources, said Marie-Hlne
la rend parfaitement compatible Notis.

avec les autres normes de

systmes de management ,
observe Christophe Raymond,
responsable qualit-environnement de Cofely Sud-Ouest
(lire lencadr). Pour autant,
une fois intgrs les principes
de lISO 14001, a t-on encore
besoin de lEN 16001 ? Aux
entreprises de se positionner
par rapport leurs enjeux envi-


makes it totally compatible with

the other management system
standards, observed Christophe
Raymond, quality-environment
manager for Cofely South-West
(see boxed article). And yet,
once the ISO 14001 guidelines
have been integrated, do we need
EN 16001? Its up to companies
to take up a stance regarding
their environmental and energy
issues, replied Batrice Poirier.
ISO 14001 already covers energy
along with other environmental
issues. If the company sees
energy as a major challenge,
then the EN 16001 approach is

Act, communicate
and improve

It is important not to see

EN 16001 as simply an aid to
reducing expenditure that was
thought to be impossible to cut.
Although the prospect of a
reduction in the energy bill is,
of course, a major lever to the
success of the new certification,
it should not be perceived as
being the only benefit. Apart
from the immediate financial
gains, the real raison dtre for
a certification, as opposed to
a one-off effort, is the perennial
nature of the energy efficiency
approach. It is brought into play
day after day in every sector and
is passed on to all new arrivals,
said Batrice Poirier.
EN 16001 goes further than any
other scheme put forward up to
now: it requires a book to be
kept of potential energy savings,
awareness-raising and training for
management, then all employees
and, finally, the cornerstone of
the system, the appointment of
Complementary approaches
an energy manager who
The standards instigators also all represents senior management.
emphasise just how compatible
All industries had made an
EN 16001 is with the ISO 14001 effort, with a certain success,
environmental management
to control their energy use after
standard, and even highly
the various oil crises of the 70s.
complementary to it, which
But they took their foot off the
makes it easier to incorporate it. pedal over the following years
The continuing improvement
and gradually lost skills in these
loop (plan do check act)
areas, even though, since energy
costs started to rise again,
on which EN 16001 is based

Pleins succs pour

la premire Rencontre
sur lEN 16001 !
Le 1er octobre dernier, une Rencontre
Management de lnergie tait
organise au Stade de France par le
groupe AFNOR (la Dlgation rgionale
dIle-de-France). La nouvelle norme
EN 16001 a t dcrypte par
Marie-Hlne Notis, prsidente de la
commission de normalisation Matrise
et management de lnergie , ainsi que
par lAdeme, AFNOR Certification et
des valuateurs spcialiss. Surtout,
les groupes Accor, Schneider Electric,
et Aroports de Paris, ont pu tmoigner,
lors dune table ronde, des apports
chiffrs gnrs par une telle dmarche.
Des clairages difiants sur les apports
dun systme de management de
lnergie !

The first Meeting

to discuss EN 16001
is a great success!
An Energy Management Meeting
was organised on 1st October at the
Stade de France by the AFNOR Groups
Ile-de-France regional branch. The new
EN 16001 standard was explained by
Marie-Hlne Notis, chairman of
the Energy control and management
standardisation committee, and by
Ademe, AFNOR Certification and
specialist assessors. The Accor,
Schneider Electric and Paris Airports
Groups also took part in a debate in
which they described, with figures,
the advantages of the approach: an
extremely enlightening explanation of
what an energy management system
can do for you!


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009


Matrisez et rduisez
vos impacts nergtiques !
Managing and reducing your energy impact!

ronnementaux et nergtiques ,
rpond Batrice Poirier.
LISO 14001 intgre dj la
question de lnergie parmi
dautres enjeux environnementaux. Si lentreprise considre
lnergie comme un enjeu fort,
dans ce cas, le dploiement
de la dmarche EN 16001 est
dans tous les secteurs et qui se
transmet tous les arrivants ,
Agir, transmettre,
poursuit Batrice Poirier.

Batrice Poirier
Chef de projet innovation et
dveloppement chez AFNOR Certification.
Project leader in the innovation and
development at AFNOR Certification.

lorganisme doit comparer ses
indicateurs de performance
nergtique avec ceux dorganismes similaires, elle fait aussi
jouer une certaine mulation.

companies started working on

the issue again before the
EN 16001 standard came out,
said Batrice Poirier. By forcing
et amliorer
Exigeant la tenue dun registre
certified organisations to consider
Attention ne pas faire de
des potentiels dconomie
the energy aspect when buying
lEN 16001 un outil uniquement dnergie, la sensibilisation et
new equipment, raw materials
destin rduire des postes
and services, requiring them to
la formation de lencadrement
norme internationale
de dpenses que lon croyait
assess energy consumption
puis de tous les salaris et
incompressibles. Si la perspec- enfin, cl de vote du systme Pour le groupe AFNOR, la balle when they change or renovate
tive dune baisse de la facture
properties, including buildings,
la nomination dun responest maintenant dans le camp
and introducing ongoing
nergtique est bien sr un levier sable nergie reprsentant
des entreprises et des collecassessment and counting,
important dans le succs de la la direction, la dmarche
tivits, qui devront sapproprier certification obliges companies
nouvelle certification, il ne faut
EN 16001 va plus loin que tout loutil. Avant une prochaine
pas pour autant la rduire cela. ce qui tait propos jusque-l. tape : la norme internationale to adopt restraint and becomes
part of long-term planning and
Au-del des gains financiers
Les industries avaient toutes
ISO 50001 systme de mana- continuing improvement. It also
immdiats, la vritable raison
fait un effort de matrise de
gement de lnergie , prvue
makes them play the emulation
dtre dune certification, par
lnergie suite aux diffrents
game by specifying that,
pour 2011 et dont lEN 16001
opposition un effort ponctuel, chocs ptroliers des annes 70, est une des inspiratrices.
wherever possible, organisations
est la prennit de la dmarche avec des succs certains. Mais Le travail se poursuit au niveau should compare their energy
defficacit nergtique. Cest
performance indicators with
elles ont relch la pression
international pour llaboration
un effort de tous les jours,
those of similar organisations.
dans la priode qui a suivi et ont dune norme qui reprend les

Marie-Hlne Notis
Prsidente de la commission
de normalisation Enersys.
Chairman of the Enersys
standardisation committee.

peu peu perdu des comptences dans ces domaines.

Mme si, depuis la remonte
des cots de lnergie, les
entreprises nont pas attendu
la sortie de la norme EN 16001
pour travailler sur ce sujet ,
constate encore Batrice Poirier.
En forant les organismes
certifis prendre en compte
laspect nergtique lors
de lacquisition de nouveaux
matriels, de matires premires
ou de services, en obligeant
valuer la consommation
dnergie lors de la modification
ou la rnovation des biens,
y compris de btiments, en
mettant en place lvaluation et
le comptage permanent, la
certification oblige la mesure,
intgre la dure et lamlioration
permanente. En spcifiant que,
chaque fois que cela est possible,


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

grands principes du systme

de management de lnergie
une approche mthodique en
vue de lamlioration continue
de la performance nergtique.
Nous souhaitons que lISO
50001 soit en fait la premire
rvision de lEN 16001, ce
qui permettrait de prendre en
compte ce que les entreprises
auront dj fait jusque-l ,
avance Marie-Hlne Notis.
Le groupe AFNOR va plus
loin en estimant que, dans ce
domaine, lEurope a une
longueur davance : En appliquant la norme EN 16001,
les organismes en France et
dans toute lEurope anticipent
les exigences de la norme
internationale que pourrait leur
imposer le march.
* International Energy Agency

Towards a future
international standard
As far as the AFNOR Group
is concerned, it is now up to
companies and local authorities
to start using the system before
the next stage arrives: the
ISO 50001 international energy
management system standard,
due to come out in 2011 and
for which EN 16001 is one of the
inspiring forces. Work is going
on at an international level to
draw up a standard that contains
the main guidelines of the
energy management system
a methodical approach leading
to a continuing improvement in
energy performance. We hope
that ISO 50001 will in fact be
the first revision of EN 16001,
which would allow us to take
into account what companies
have done up to now, said
Marie-Hlne Notis. The AFNOR


Group goes further by stating
that Europe is ahead of the field
in this area: By applying the
EN 16001 standard, organisations
in France and throughout Europe
are anticipating the requirements
of the international standard
that may be imposed on them
by the market.

Ces professionnels qui

choisissent la certification
de comptences
Romo Mencuccini, grant de RM Gaz, socit
spcialiste de linstallation dquipement GPL,
est aujourdhui en France le premier professionnel du secteur certifi pour ses comptences, selon la norme NF M 88-600 montage
et entretien des quipements GPL automobile .
Le Comit franais du butane-propane
(CFBP) nous a contact pour laborer des
normes destines favoriser le dveloppement
de la profession dinstallateur GPL , commente
Franck Pinguet, adjoint du dpartement certification de comptences chez AFNOR Certification.
Un moyen de rassurer le grand public sur la
comptence des installateurs , poursuit Franck

Professionals who choose

skills certification
Romo Mencuccini, director of RM Gaz,
a company specialising in the installation of LPG
equipment, is now the first professional in his
sector in France to be certified for his skills under
the NF M 88-600 LPG automobile equipment
assembly and maintenance standard.
The French butane-propane committee (CFBP)
contacted us to draw up standards aimed at
encouraging the development of the LPG installer
profession, said Franck Pinguet, assistant
manager AFNOR Certifications skills certification
department. Its a way of showing the public that
our installers are skilled, said Franck Pinguet.


dossier/ special

Toutes les entreprises

sont concernes
Auditeur pour AFNOR Certification et consultant
en dveloppement durable, Didier Claireaux
a particip la premire valuation selon
lEN 16001. Il livre ses premires observations
sur ce rfrentiel et ses avantages pour lentreprise.
Quelle est la typologie dentreprises vise
par la certification EN 16001 ?
Didier Claireaux (DC) : Toutes les entreprises consommant de lnergie sont potentiellement concernes.
Cest dire si la cible est grande Mais celles qui en
retireront les plus grands avantages sont les entreprises qui ont besoin dafficher leur bonne matrise de
la consommation dnergie, den faire un argument
commercial : clairement, les gestionnaires de systmes
de maintenance et les prestataires effectuant la
gestion de lefficacit nergtique pour le compte de
leurs clients. Cette norme semble intressante pour
les TPE-PME. Cest un outil destin galement
des entreprises dont limpact sur lenvironnement se
limite leurs missions de gaz effets de serre et la
consommation dnergie (dplacements). Mais cest
aussi une des limites de lEN 16001 : une entreprise
a t-elle besoin dun systme de management si son
ambition se limite matriser sa consommation
dnergie ?
Par rapport lISO 14001, quapporte une
approche spcifiquement centre sur lnergie ?
DC : Ce sont des approches complmentaires. Pour
tre certifi EN 16001, une bonne connaissance de
lISO 14001 est un atout. Il est mme possible dintgrer le management de lnergie dans une certification ISO 14001. Mais lanalyse de risque initiale
nest pas la mme : alors que le systme de management environnemental sappuie sur une valuation
lanalyse environnementale la porte dentre de
lEN 16001 est le diagnostic nergtique, une mesure
prcise du rellement consomm.
Quelles sont les erreurs ne pas commettre ?
DC : La certification EN 16001 permet de communiquer propos du systme de management de
lnergie. Il est important de souligner que si les
rsultats ntaient pas la hauteur des ambitions
affiches dans la politique, cela pourrait tre contre
productif en terme dimage.
Comment cette certification peut-elle sintgrer
dans une politique de dveloppement durable ?
DC : LEN 16001 vient confirmer le respect des engagements nergtiques et la mise en place dactions
sur le pilier environnemental du dveloppement
durable. Pour tre encore plus dans lactualit, la
certification permet de vrifier que lentreprise se situe
dans la droite ligne du Grenelle de lEnvironnement.
Les rsultats de lentreprise doivent tre lisibles,
mme pour le grand public.

The word of an expert:

All companies are concerned
As an auditor for AFNOR Certification and a
sustainable development consultant, Didier
Claireaux took part in the first evaluation based
on EN 16001. Here, he offers his initial comments
on the frame of reference and its advantages for
What type of companies is EN 16001 certification
aimed at?
Didier Claireaux (DC): Any company that uses energy
is potentially concerned. In other words, its a big
target But the companies that will get the most
benefit are those that need to advertise their close
control of energy consumption and turn it into a sales
argument: for example, maintenance system managers
and service providers involved in managing energy
efficiency on behalf of their customers. The standard
appears to be of interest to small and very small firms.
Its also useful to companies whose impact on the
environment is restricted to their greenhouse gas
emissions and energy consumption (trips, etc.). But
its also one of the limitations of EN 16001: does a
company need a management system if its only aim
is to control its energy consumption?
What does a specifically energy-based approach
offer in comparison to ISO 14001?
DC: They are complementary approaches. A sound
knowledge of ISO 14001 is useful in achieving EN
16001 certification. You can even incorporate energy
management into ISO 14001 certification. But the initial
risk analysis isnt the same: while the environmental
management system is based on an evaluation
environmental analysis the gateway to EN 16001 is
an energy assessment, a precise measurement of
what is actually consumed.
What errors should not be made?
DC: EN 16001 certification allows companies to
communicate about their energy management system.
It is important to emphasise that, if the results are not
in line with the aims set out in the policy, this could be
counter-productive in image terms.
How can this certification be incorporated into
a sustainable development policy?
DC: EN 16001 confirms a companys compliance with
its energy commitments and the fact that it has taken
action on the environmental aspects of sustainable
development. To be even more topical, certification
shows that the company is in line with the French
Governments Grenelle de lEnvironnement (a major
environmental debate instigated by the Ministry of
the Environment). The companys results should be
clear, even for the general public.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009


Matrisez et rduisez
vos impacts nergtiques !
Managing and reducing your energy impact!


LEN 16001 garantit nos clients

que leurs progrs sont rels
La filiale du groupe GDF-Suez a fait valuer lun de ses contrats selon lEN 16001.
Focus sur cette dmarche, avec Christophe Raymond, responsable qualit & environnement
de la direction du Sud-Ouest Cofely.

Activit : Cofely conoit,
met en uvre et
exploite des solutions
qui permettent aux
entreprises et aux
collectivits de mieux
utiliser les nergies
et de rduire leur impact
Cette entit du groupe
GDF Suez, est issue
de la fusion dElyo et de
Cofathec en mars 2009.
Effectifs : 13 800
personnes en France,
35 000 en Europe.
Sige social : La Dfense
Chiffre daffaires :
3,4 milliards deuros
en France, 8 milliards
en Europe.

Activity: Cofely designs,
introduces and operates
solutions that help
companies and local
authorities to use energy
more efficiently and
reduce their impact on
the environment. This
GDF Suez Group entity
was born from the
merger of Elyo and
Cofathec in March 2009.
Workforce: 13,800
people in France, 35,000
in Europe.
Head office: La Dfense
Sales: 3.4 billion euros
in France, 8 billion in

EN 16001 guarantees to our clients that they are making real progress
The subsidiary of the GDF-Suez Group has had one of its contracts evaluated in line with EN 16001. Heres a focus on
the approach with Christophe Raymond, quality and environment manager of Cofelys South-West department.

Quel a t le contexte
de cette valuation ?
Christophe Raymond (CR) : Nous
tions en cours de certification
ISO 14001 sur un contrat concernant lexploitation de piscines
municipales. Cofely ayant t
impliqu depuis le dbut dans
llaboration de lEN 16001,
on nous a propos dtre valu
selon cette norme sur ce contrat
prcis. Notre objectif tait
alors dvaluer le complment
apporter, lorsque lon est dj
certifi ISO 14001, pour rpondre
aux exigences de lEN 16001.
De par la nature de notre activit,
nous sommes au cur du sujet :
lamlioration de lefficacit
What was the background
to the evaluation?
Christophe Raymond (CR):
We were in the midst of ISO 14001
certification for a contract
concerning the running of council
swimming pools. Cofely had
been involved from the outset
in drawing up EN 16001, and
we were asked if we would like to
be assessed under the standard
for this particular contract. Our
aim was to assess what more
needed to be added for a company
already ISO 14001 certified in
order to meet the requirements of
EN 16001. Our business means
that were at the heart of the
matter: improving energy

Comment sest passe
lvaluation ?
CR : Lvaluation EN 16001
a t mene en parallle de
la certification ISO 14001, mais
cette dernire tait bien sr notre
priorit. Nous navons pas fourni
defforts particuliers pour
laudit EN 16001, tout en voulant
rpondre une interrogation :
peut-on satisfaire aux exigences
de lEN 16001 en tant dj
certifi ISO 14001 ? La rponse
est non. Pour rsumer : il ne
suffit pas de remplacer le mot
environnement par nergie
pour passer de lune lautre.
Nous allons donc tre certifis
ISO 14001, mais nous sommes
encore mi-chemin pour
lEN 16001.
How did the assessment go?
CR: The EN 16001 assessment
was carried out alongside ISO
14001 certification, but the latter
was obviously our priority. We
didnt do anything special for
the EN 16001 audit, although our
aim was to answer one question:
can we meet the requirements
of EN 16001 by being already
ISO 14001 certified? The answer
was no. In short, its not enough to
replace the word environment
with energy to move from one
to the other. So were going to be
ISO 14001 certified, but were
still only half-way along the road
to EN 16001.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

quelles contraintes
avez-vous d faire face ?
CR : Il y a plusieurs points :
la partie diagnostic nergtique
ou point zro , nest pas
neutre puisquelle implique un
cot, alors quelle nest pas
obligatoire dans lISO 14001 par
exemple. Ensuite, la mise en
place dindicateurs defficacit
nergtique ncessite un travail
appropri, men conjointement
avec le client. Et puis, en terme
de veille nergtique et rglementaire, le spectre est aussi
trs large.
What constraints have you
had to face up to?
CR: There are a number of
issues: the energy diagnosis part
is not neutral because it involves
a cost. Appropriate work then
needs to be carried out with
the client to introduce energy
efficiency indicators. And theres
also a broad spectrum in terms
of energy and regulation

Quels avantages voyez-vous
cette nouvelle certification ?
CR : Pour nous, cest un outil qui
permettra daider nos clients dans
leur dmarche d'amlioration de leur
efficacit nergtique. Actuellement,
les collectivits et les grands groupes
ont tous des objectifs de rduction
de leur impact environnemental, ne
serait-ce que pour atteindre les cibles
dfinies par le Grenelle de lEnvironnement. Mais ils ont aussi des
difficults dfinir leurs priorits,
valuer leurs actions. En les aidant
dfinir des indicateurs prcis, en
valuant priodiquement les gains
raliss, la dmarche EN 16001
donne une garantie nos clients
que leurs progrs sont rels.
What advantages do you see
in the new certification?
CR: We see it as an aid to helping our
customers in their efforts to improve
their energy efficiency. At present,
local authorities and large groups
all have objectives for reducing their
impact on the environment with a
view to achieving the targets set by
the Grenelle de lEnvironnement.
But they are also having difficulties
in defining their priorities and
evaluating the action they have
taken. By helping them to work out
precise indicators and periodically
evaluating the gains that have
been achieved, EN 16001 gives our
customers a guarantee that they are
making real progress.

en pratique/ in practice/

Certification de comptences
Skills certification

AFNOR Certification lance

la certification tierce partie
100% Lean management
>>>>>>>> Seule certification de comptences tierce partie, cette dmarche est
principalement fonde sur la reconnaissance de savoir-faire et savoir-tre avrs en
matire de Lean management. Une innovation de taille, l o jusquici certificats et
autres labels sintressaient surtout aux connaissances.

AFNOR Certification launches

100% Lean Management third party certification
>>> This approach, which is the only certification of third-party competence, is based mainly
on the recognition of know-how and interpersonal skills in the field of Lean Management. This
is a major innovation, as, up to now, certificates and labels have been mainly interested in

Le Lean management
ou la lutte tous azimuts
contre les gaspillages.
Lean Management,
or the full-scale fight
against waste.

de comptences par rapport

aux besoins des entreprises
afin de rpondre au mieux
leurs attentes et exigences
et ce, quelle que soit leur taille,
leur secteur dactivit et leur
niveau de maturit sur le Lean
management , explique JeanDepuis le 15 octobre,
Marie Reilhac, chef de projet
AFNOR Certification propose
Lean 6 Sigma pour le groupe
aux entreprises et consultants
la certification de comptences AFNOR. Le plus haut niveau,
Black Belt, sadresse principatierce partie 100 % Lean
lement aux experts capables
management . Dlivr pour
trois ans, ce certificat est fond de conduire globalement et
durablement un projet de Lean
sur lvaluation des connaissances, des aptitudes mettre management au sein dune
en uvre et accompagner les organisation. Le deuxime,
Green Belt, vise les acteurs
changements. La dmarche
portant un projet Lean manaest base sur un processus
gement dans un primtre plus
qui sappuie sur la norme
restreint comme par exemple
ISO 17024, qui dfinit une
un processus. Et le dernier,
certification de comptences
suivant une approche indpen- Yellow Belt, concerne les
managers de terrain, chefs
dante, tierce partie. Nous
avons diffrenci trois niveaux
dquipes, datelier, ou contre-

Since 15 October, AFNOR

Certification has been offering
companies and consultants
100% Lean Management third
party competence certification.
This three-year certificate is
based on an evaluation of the
knowledge and ability required
to implement and accompany
change. The approach is based
on a process that uses the
ISO 17024 standard, which
defines a skills certification
through an independent,
third-party approach. We have
differentiated three levels of skills
related to company needs in
order to meet their expectations
and requirements, irrespective
of their size, business sector


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11




novembre/november 2009


AFNOR Certification lance la certification

tierce partie 100 % Lean management
AFNOR Certification launches 100% Lean Management third party certification

Le Lean management
Traquer les gaspillages,
amliorer les flux, rduire
les cycles de production,
organiser le juste temps
Le Lean management est
la fois une mthode de
gestion et un vritable tat
desprit qui prend racine
dans le Japon du dbut
du sicle et de limmdiat
aprs-guerre. Il est aujourdhui activement promu
dans le cadre du Plan
Qualit & Performance 2010 ,
initi en dcembre 2008
par le gouvernement,
et qui incite clairement
les entreprises solliciter
des experts du Lean
management afin de mettre
en uvre les outils et
mthodes doptimisation
au sein de leurs structures.
Lean Management
Tracking down waste,
improving flows, reducing
production cycles, organising
just-in-time deliveries
Lean Management is both
a management method and
a real state of mind that
developed in Japan at the
start of the century and
in the immediate post-war
period. It is now being
actively promoted as part
of the 2010 Quality &
Performance Plan initiated
by the government in
December 2008, which
clearly encourages
companies to seek the help
of Lean Management experts
in using the optimisation
tools and methods within
their organisations.

matres. Pour les deux

premiers niveaux, nous
accordons la certification
aprs une soutenance de
projets pour les Black Belts,
ou de mission pour les Green
Belts ainsi quau regard des
rponses un QCM. En
revanche, pour les Yellow Belts,
les rponses au QCM et une
attestation des candidats
mentionnant quils sont forms
aux outils terrain du Lean
management suffisent ,
dtaille Jean-Marie Reilhac.
Pour tre en ligne avec lISO
17024, AFNOR Certification
sentoure dun comit de certification compos dutilisateurs
de comptences en Lean
management (principalement
des entreprises) et dexperts
dont le rle est de veiller la
reprsentativit du certificat.
Et pour maintenir le niveau des
certifis, AFNOR Certification
demande chaque anne aux
Black Belts et aux Green Belts
un compte rendu des missions
quils ont ralises avec les
rsultats obtenus ainsi que les
coordonnes des entreprises
pour confirmation.

and level of maturity as regards
Lean Management, explained
Jean-Marie Reilhac, Lean
6 Sigma project leader for the
AFNOR Group. The highest
level, Black Belt, is aimed mainly
at experts able to lead a Lean
Management project within an
organisation globally and over
the long term. The second,
Green Belt, is aimed at those
who are running a Lean
Management project within a
much more restricted scope,
such as a process. The last one,
Yellow Belt, concerns managers
in the field, team leaders,
workshop supervisors and
foremen. For the first
two levels, we grant certification
after a presentation of the
projects for Black Belts, or of
the mission for Green Belts,
along with answers to a MCQ.
For Yellow Belts, the answers
to the MCQ and a candidate
attestation that they are trained
in the practical tools of Lean
Management are enough,
said Jean-Marie Reilhac.

Unique, cette certification tierce

partie 100 % Lean management est le fruit dune analyse
pousse des attentes des organisations, soucieuses didentifier les acteurs comptents
en matire de dmarche de
Lean management et dintgrer
de manire prenne les progrs
issus du Lean au sein de leur
systme Qualit ISO 9001.
Nous avons dcel un vritable
besoin et surtout, nous avons
mis en vidence les apports
mutuels des deux dmarches,
comme par exemple en terme
de matrise des cots de
non qualit ou dimplication
In order to be in line with
des collaborateurs , conclut
ISO 17024, AFNOR Certification
Jean-Marie Reilhac.
is supported by a certification


Une dmarche novatrice, fonde sur lanalyse

prcise des savoir-faire et des savoir-tre, l o
jusquici, les certificats et autres labels taient
plus attentifs aux savoirs.
An innovative approach, based on a precise
analysis of know-how and interpersonal skills in
an area where, up to now, certificates and labels
have mainly focused on knowledge.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

committee made up of Lean

Management skills users
(mainly companies) and experts
whose role is to ensure that
the certificate is representative.
And to keep up the level of
those who are certified, AFNOR
Certification asks the Black
Belts and Green Belts every year
for a report on the missions they
have carried out, along with the
results obtained and the contact
details of the companies for
This unique third party 100%
Lean Management certification
is the result of an in-depth
analysis of the expectations of
organisations keen to identify
people with Lean Management
skills and to sustainably
incorporate the progress arising
out of Lean Management into
their ISO 9001 Quality system.
Weve detected a real need
and highlighted the mutual
benefits of the two approaches,
such as non-quality cost
control and employee
commitment, concluded
Jean-Marie Reilhac.

duo/ duo/

Syndicat des eaux et de lassainissement du Bas-Rhin

Une dmarche exemplaire

de dveloppement durable
>>>> En obtenant 730 points sur les 1 000 possibles, le SDEA sest vu dcerner en
dcembre 2008 la premire attestation AFAQ 1000NR au niveau le plus haut, celui
de l exemplarit . Une exprience qui profite tout autant au SDEA quaux
auditeurs AFAQ 1000NR.

An exemplary sustainable development approach

>>>>> By obtaining 730 points out of a possible 1,000, the SDEA was awarded the first AFAQ
1000NR assessment at the highest level in December 2008, that of exemplary. This
experience has been of benefit to both the SDEA and the AFAQ 1000NR assessors.


Directeur gnral du SDEA.
Managing Director of the SDEA.

valuateur AFAQ 1000NR.
AFAQ 1000NR assessor.

* Aqua Publica Europea :

ce rseau lanc en mars 2008 fdre
les oprateurs publics europens de
leau et de lassainissement.
Launched in March 2008, the
network unites Europes major public
water and sewerage operators with
the aim of promoting their activities.

dveloppement durable. Toutes

ces dmarches refltent lengagement qui est le ntre travers
notre signature : ensemble
dans lexigence. lus et salaris
voluent en symbiose trs
forte au sein de lorganisation.
Lensemble se sent port par
Pour Joseph Hermal,
un projet commun , analyse
directeur gnral du Syndicat
des eaux et de lassainissement Joseph Hermal. La dmarche
du Bas-Rhin et responsable de du SDEA intgre ainsi des
la premire collectivit certifie changes construits et suivis
avec tous les partenaires, des
ISO 9001 en 2000, Qualit
et dveloppement durable sont collaborateurs aux associations
de pcheurs en passant par
indissociables : Ce sont des
axes de travail fdrateurs et qui les professions agricoles ou les
contribuent donner du sens reprsentants de consommateurs sans oublier les partece que fait chacun , insiste le
naires institutionnels (Conseil
responsable. Ainsi sont venus
la certification OHSAS en 2006, gnral et rgional, Agence de
leau, Chambres consulaires).
lISO 14001 en 2008 et le
modle AFAQ 1000NR. Avec Les valuateurs du rfrentiel
AFAQ 1000NR ont dailleurs
1000NR, nous souhaitions,
en recourant une vision ext- salu ce dialogue approfondi
avec toutes ces parties intrieure, nous situer par rapport
resses, au mme titre que
aux meilleures pratiques. De
la gouvernance ou le dialogue
plus, nous avons pens que
ce rfrentiel pourrait constituer social, limplication de
la direction ou encore lcoun levier de progrs pour
notre systme de management conception des projets.
Nous travaillons par exemple
intgr et notre stratgie de

Joseph Hermal, Managing

Director of the Bas-Rhin water
and sewerage authority and head
of the first authority to be ISO
9001 certified in 2000, Quality
and sustainable development are
inseparable: They are unifying
issues that help to give meaning
to what everyone does, he said.
And so came OHSAS certification
in 2006, ISO 14001 in 2008 and
the AFAQ 1000NR model. With
1000NR, we wanted an outside
view to help us situate ourselves
in relation to best practices.
We also thought that this
framework of reference could act
as a lever for progress for our
integrated management system
and sustainable development
strategy. All these approaches
reflect our commitment, which
can be seen in our motto: raising
the bar together. Elected
representatives and employees


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



novembre/november 2009

Syndicat des eaux et de lassainissement du Bas-Rhin

Une dmarche exemplaire
de dveloppement durable


An exemplary sustainable development approach

sur laccs social leau en
tentant de concilier la rigueur
de gestion de nos services
et laccs leau pour les plus
dmunis , explique le directeur
gnral. Mais plutt que de
se reposer sur ses succs,
Joseph Hermal prfre aujourdhui se projeter dans lavenir
et travailler sur quelques pistes
de progrs mises en avant
par le bilan responsable.
Dsormais, nous allons
renforcer le benchmarking,
dvelopper une dynamique de
rseau avec dautres acteurs
publics internationaux au sein
dAqua Publica Europea* et

Cr en 1939, le SDEA
regroupe 456 communes
du Bas-Rhin, soit
686 000 habitants.
9 700 kilomtres de
rseau de distribution
et dassainissement.
1 600 sites.
530 salaris.
Budget 2009 :
180 millions deuros.
Founded in 1939, the SDEA
covers 456 communes
in Bas-Rhin, i.e. 686,000
9,700 kilometres of
supply and sewerage
1,600 sites.
530 employees.
Budget 2009:
180 million euros.

mieux valoriser nos actions,

comme nous y encouragent les
valuateurs. Et pour progresser
encore sur la voie de la performance et du dveloppement
durable, nous prvoyons maintenant de nous lancer dans
une dmarche dexcellence
EFQM , termine-t-il.

work very closely together within
the organisation. Everyone feels
part of a common project,
said Joseph Hermal. The SDEA
approach incorporates
discussions constructed and
monitored with all partners,
including employees, fishing
clubs, members of the agricultural
professions, consumer
representatives and institutional
partners (The Departmental and
Regional Councils, the Water
Agency, Chambers of Commerce,
etc.). The assessors of the AFAQ
1000NR framework of reference
in fact praised this in-depth
dialogue with all the parties
concerned, along with governance
and social dialogue, management
commitment and the eco-design
of projects. For example, were
working on social access to water,
trying to reconcile management
rigour in the running of our
services with access to water
for the poorest members of
the community, explained the
Managing Director. But rather
that rest on his laurels, Joseph
Hermal would rather look into
the future and work on a few
areas for progress highlighted
by the assessment. From now
on, were going to reinforce
benchmarking, develop a network
dynamic with other international
players in Aqua Publica Europea
and promote our action more fully,
as our assessors have encouraged
us to do. And to make even
further progress along the road
to performance and sustainable
development, were now planning
to launch into an EFQM excellence
approach, he ended.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Se comparer aux meilleurs

Si lexemplarit est source de satisfaction et une porte ouverte vers
dautres dfis pour les organisations qui parviennent latteindre, elle
constitue galement un formidable outil pour les valuateurs du rfrentiel
AFAQ 1000NR. Cest en les confrontant aux meilleures pratiques que
nous pouvons dmontrer que nos modles comme AFAQ 1000NR sont solides
et prouvs. Par ailleurs, nous sommes sans cesse en veil sur les bonnes
pratiques et nous apprenons beaucoup au contact des organisations qui
se rapprochent de lexcellence , confie Stphanie Reinberger, valuateur
AFAQ 1000NR chez AFNOR Certification. Des retours dexprience sur
lesquels capitalisent les valuateurs sans pour autant les riger en modle
absolu. Lide dAFAQ 1000NR est de se situer par rapport un modle
reprenant des pratiques et indicateurs associs aux enjeux du dveloppement durable (conomique, social et environnemental) ; les actions et
les rsultats de lentreprise sont valus sur une chelle allant de la mise
en uvre la performance jusqu lexcellence, par le benchmark.
lissue de lvaluation AFAQ 1000NR, nous fixons un cap travers le
bilan responsable, nous mettons en avant des lments prenniser et
dautres amliorer, mais lentreprise reste matre de sa stratgie de
dveloppement durable. ce titre, le modle AFAQ 1000NR se distingue
dune certification qui consiste pour une organisation satisfaire des
niveaux dexigences , insiste Stphanie Reinberger. Elle analyse ainsi
le rle des valuateurs comme des catalyseurs dactions , lentreprise
apprenant ainsi progresser dans ses pratiques et piloter sa dmarche.
Cette philosophie a notamment t partage lors du Congrs de la fdration
nationale des Collectivits, qui se droulait du 22 au 25 septembre
dernier Annecy. Plus de 135 participants ont assist aux changes
auxquels participaient AFNOR Certification et le SDEA.

Comparing yourself with the best

While exemplarity is a source of satisfaction and a gateway to other
challenges for organisations that manage to achieve it, it is also a
tremendous tool for the assessors of the AFAQ 1000NR framework of
reference. By confronting them with the best practices, we can show
that our models, such as AFAQ 1000NR, are solid, tried and tested. We are
also constantly on the lookout for good practices and we learn a great
deal by being in contact with organisations that are close to excellence,
said Stphanie Reinberger, an AFAQ 1000NR assessor with AFNOR
Certification. The assessors make good use of the feedback, but dont
necessarily set it up as an absolute model. The idea behind AFAQ 1000NR
is to situate ourselves in relation to a model containing practices and
indicators associated with the challenges of sustainable development
(economic, social and environmental); the companys actions and results
are assessed on a scale going from implementation to performance
and on to excellence, via the benchmark. At the end of the AFAQ 1000NR
assessment, we set a course through the management evaluation,
highlight those components we wish to keep and others that we wish to
improve, but the company remains master of its sustainable development
strategy. In this respect, the AFAQ 1000NR model is different from
certification, which, for an organisation, consists of meeting levels of
requirement, said Stphanie Reinberger. She sees the role of the
assessors as being that of catalysts for actions, with the company
learning to move forwards in its practices and coordinate its approach.
This philosophy was shared, for example, at the National Federation of
Local Authorities Conference, which took place from 22 to 25 September
in Annecy. Over 135 participants attended the discussions in which
AFNOR Certification and the SDEA took part.

AFNOR Certification actus/

valuation dveloppement durable :

AFAQ 1000NR pour le logement social
La filiale
tunisienne du
groupe AFNOR
devient un
La filiale tunisienne
a reu lt dernier
laccrditation du Tunac
(Tunisian Accreditation
Council) pour les certifications ISO 9001
et ISO 14001. Elle peut
dsormais prendre
directement en charge
les processus de certification ce qui lui permet
dtre dautant plus
ractive sur ses dlais
de prise de dcision de
certification, dentretenir
une relation de proximit
avec ses clients et
dlargir son offre en
certification et formation
sur le march tunisien.

Groups Tunisian
becomes a
certification body
Last summer, the
Tunisian subsidiary
received accreditation
from Tunac (Tunisian
Accreditation Council) for
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
certifications. It can now
take direct responsibility
for certification processes,
which means that it can
be even more reactive
concerning decisions on
certification, maintain close
relations with its clients
and widen its certification
and training offer on the
Tunisian market.

AFNOR Certification et lassociation Delphis ont dvelopp lvaluation

AFAQ 1000NR pour le logement social.
Destin aux entreprises sociales
pour lhabitat (ESH), aux offices
publics de lhabitat (OPH) ou aux
coopratives dHLM, lvaluation
AFAQ 1000NR dtermine le degr
dintgration des principes du
dveloppement durable, en prenant
en compte le rfrentiel Eurho-GR
(EURopean HOusing Global
Reporting) et ses 61 indicateurs
spcifiques au logement social.
Le bilan responsable labor suite
lvaluation fournit des rponses
sur lefficacit des actions mises en
place, constituant ainsi un vritable
outil de pilotage pour lentreprise.

Sustainable development
assessment: AFAQ 1000NR
for social housing
AFNOR Certification and
the Delphis association have
developed AFAQ 1000NR
evaluation for social housing.
Intended for social housing
companies, local authority housing
departments and social housing
cooperatives, AFAQ 1000NR
evaluation assesses the extent to
which the principles of sustainable
development have been incorporated,
taking into account the Eurho-GR

Certification ISO14001 par tapes :

le cap des 300 certifis est franchi
La toute rcente certification de Sperian, le leader mondial des quipements de protection individuelle, porte 300 le nombre de structures
qui ont adopt la solution progressive.
AFAQ Environnement par tapes
est la porte de toutes les entreprises pour quelles obtiennent,
leur rythme, la certification
ISO 14001. travers tudes et
tmoignages dentreprises,
dcouvrez les apports gnrs
par une telle dmarche. Retrouvez
notre dossier complet sur le web :, rubrique Mtiers,
puis Panorama certification.

ISO 14001 certification

in stages: 300 organisations
now certified
The recent certification of Sperian,
the world market leader for
individual protective equipment,
brings to 300 the number of
organisations that have adopted
the progressive solution.
AFAQ Environment step by step is
for all companies who are looking to
obtain ISO 14001 certification at their
own pace. Find out the benefits of
this type of approach through studies
and companies own accounts of
their experiences. Youll find our full
report on the Web:

(EURopean HOusing Global

Reporting) frame of reference and
its 61 indicators specific to social
housing. The results drawn up after
the evaluation provides answers
about the effectiveness of the actions
that have been put in place, and
thus offers the company a real
management tool.

Label diversit :
7 nouveaux labelliss
Le 14 mai dernier, lors dune
rencontre autour de la diversit
organise par le groupe AFNOR,
ric Besson, Ministre de limmigration, de lintgration, de lidentit
nationale et du dveloppement
solidaire, remettait le label Diversit
cinq entreprises : Groupe Casino,
Vinci SA, EMCC, GTM Btiment,
Cofiroute, Citeos, ASF, Eurovia,
lOral SA, Light Consultants et
Norsys. Depuis AXA France et la
Maison de lEmploi de Perpignan
ont rejoint le palmars. Ce qui
porte 22 le nombre dorganismes
titulaires du label. ce jour, lensemble des labelliss, quil sagisse
de grands groupes, de TPE ou
PME, issus du public et du priv,
reprsentent 490 000 salaris.

Diversity label:
7 new labels awarded
On 14 May this year, at a meeting on
the theme of diversity organised by the
AFNOR Group, ric Besson, Minister
for Immigration, Integration, National
Identity and Joint Development, handed
out the Diversity label to five companies:
Casino Group, Vinci SA, EMCC,
GTM Btiment, Cofiroute, Citeos, ASF,
Eurovia, LOral SA, Light Consultants
and Norsys. They have since been
joined by AXA France and the Maison
de lEmploi in Perpignan. This brings
the number of organisations that hold
the label to 22. To date, all these labelled
organisations large groups, small
and very small firms in the public and
private sectors represent 490,000

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11


Salon des services la personne / 19 au 21 novembre 2009 Paris /

Porte de Versailles /
Le groupe AFNOR vous donne rendez-vous sur son stand (F8) pour vous prsenter son
offre autour des services la personne. Chaque jour des micro-confrences dcryptent les avantages de la certification, et une confrence destine aux professionnels
rpondra la question : Quelle place pour la qualit dans la professionnalisation ?
+ dinfo :

Pollutec / 1 au 4 dcembre 2009 / Paris Nord Villepinte /

Le groupe AFNOR sera prsent sur son stand (hall 5, alle R, n 022) et travers de
nombreuses confrences pour dbattre sur les thmes comme le management de
lnergie, la responsabilit socitale des entreprises, lvaluation de dmarches dveloppement durable Sur Buy and Care (hall 5, alle G, n 10), salon annexe Pollutec
ddi aux achats professionnels responsables, retrouvez AFNOR Certification et son
Grand prix Ecolabel, destin aux titulaires des certifications NF Environnement ou
Ecolabel europen. + dinfo :



La qualit, facteur de performance

Il reste quelques dates avant la clture du tour de France Qualit qui prend fin avec
la session de Strasbourg, le 11 dcembre 2009 au Parlement Europen de Strasbourg.
Inscrivez-vous gratuitement ces 1/2 journes-dbat qui vous clairent sur les
nouveaux enjeux et les rels bnfices des dmarches qualit, en dressant un bilan
sur limpact conomique des normes ISO 9000. Lille le 24/11, Lyon le 30/11, Marseille
le 01/12, Nantes le 08/12, Strasbourg le 11/12. + dinfo :, rubrique
Agenda (en page daccueil)
Personal services show / 19 to 21 November 2009, Paris / Porte de Versailles /
The AFNOR Group invites you to its stand (F8) for a presentation on its personal
services offer. Every day, micro-talks will be explaining the advantages of certification,
and a talk aimed at the professionals will be answering the question: What place for
quality in professionalisation? Further information:
Pollutec / 1st to 4 December 2009 / Paris Nord Villepinte /
The AFNOR Group will be on its stand (hall 5, aisle R, no. 022) and attending a number
of conferences to discuss themes such as energy management, corporate responsibility,
the evaluation of sustainable development approaches, etc. At Buy and Care (hall 5,
aisle G, no. 10), a show adjoining Pollutec and dedicated to responsible professional
purchasing, youll find AFNOR Certification and its Ecolabel Grand prix, aimed at
holders of NF Environment or European Ecolabel certification. Further information:


Guide de lecture
de la norme EN 9100
Vritable cl dinterprtation
de la norme EN 9100,
cet ouvrage sadresse aux
entreprises de laronautique.
Publi par AFNOR Certification avec le concours
de Normandie AeroEspace,
il est disponible sur votre
espace client, et auprs de
votre charg daffaires.

Guide to the EN 9100 standard

This guide is a real key to interpreting the
EN 9100 standard and is aimed at aeronautics
companies. Published by AFNOR Certification
with the support of Normandie AeroEspace,
it is available on your client space or from your
client representative.

Initiative ISO 26000

en Rhne-Alpes :
bilan et perspectives
Pendant un an, collectivits territoriales,
associations, PME et grands groupes
de la rgion Rhne-Alpes se sont rassembls
au sein dune plate-forme dchanges, afin de se
prparer larrive de la future norme ISO 26000.
Ces retours dexprience sont aujourdhui publis
dans un ouvrage consultable sur
rubrique profils dveloppement durable.

Quality as a factor of performance

There are still a few dates remaining before the closure of the France Quality tour,
which ends with the Strasbourg session on 11 December 2009 at the European
Parliament in Strasbourg. Register free for these 1/2-day debates, which will help to
throw light on the new challenges and real benefits of quality approaches by drawing
up an evaluation of the financial impact of the ISO 9000 standards. Lille, 24/11;
Lyon, 30/11; Marseille, 1/12; Nantes, 8/12; Strasbourg, 11/12. Further information:, Diary heading (on the homepage)



Directrice de la publication / Publisher : Florence Maux

Directrice de la rdaction / Editorial director : Nathalie Lochet
Rdactrice en chef / Editor : Anne-Sophie Morinet
Rdaction / Staff : Lucile Imbert, Franoise Sigot, Elisabeth Ballery, Matthieu Massip
Graphisme / Graphic artist : Perrine Gretener
Imprim par / Printed by : DBA

11 rue Francis de Pressens 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex France

T. : +33 (0)1 41 62 80 11 F. : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00

The ISO 26000 Initiative in

Rhne-Alpes: results and
For a year, local authorities, associations,
small firms and large groups in the RhneAlpes region joined forces on a discussion
platform to prepare for the arrival of the future
ISO 26000 standard. This feedback has now
been published in a guide that you can read on, profiles sustainable
development page.

100411. 2009/11. Document imprim par une entreprise Imprimvert. PEFC/10-31-1190


Tous droits de reproduction, textes et illustrations mme partiels, restent soumis laccord pralable de la directrice de la publication. La rdaction nest pas responsable des documents qui lui sont adresss spontanment.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. The editor accepts no responsability for any unsolicited material submitted.
AFNOR Certification. SAS au capital de 18 187 000 . RCS Bobigny B 479 076 002. Photos : JUPITERIMAGES. Photo de couverture : PHOTOALTO.

Agenda/ Diary/

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