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David 6c Brenda Atkin

Church Planting in Taiwan

January, 2013
Field Address:

Forwarding Agent:

David & Brenda Atkin

Kathy Murrell
c/o Team Expansion

67WenHsin S. 1st Rd.

Nan Tun District

PO Box 51

Taichung 40876 Taiwan

Bement, (L 61813



with God's help, we are about 500 days from disen

gagement from the work here! We've set Sunday, July
Years ago, convinced of a calling to cross-cultural min 20, 2014 as our farewell to S. Taichung City and fullistry, we announced to friends, family and churches: time missionary work with the Come Christian Church.
"Lord willing, by 2000, we will be on a mission field!" At
the time, it was a 10-year plan, which included: a Mas What does all that mean? We're not really sure, but

500 Days to Disengagement

ters Degree in Missions and Church Growth, short- are certain that that is where true faith comes into ac
term missions trips, missionary training for the whole tion! For the Come Christian Church, it means con

family, partnership with a mission organization,

churches, a church planting team, etc. As it turned out,
by God's blessing (which included your partnership
with us), we arrived on Taiwan 1 1/2 years earlier than
the goal we had set! (Only 8 years of preparation to be

Then, ten years ago this July, we moved to Taichung, a

city of more than 2 million people and less than 2%
Christian, to begin a church planting movement in S.
Taichung City. We believed it would be a 10 year
commitment. You, as our partners in this ministry have
faithfully supported this work in every way, and by
God's grace, the Come Christian Church was born and
has begun a GO Church movement in S. Taichung
City! Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

tinuing to move forward, being led by the Holy Spirit

and Taiwanese leadership. It means the church is mul
tiplying, leaders are leading, disciples are discipling,
and every member is a missionary. For Brenda, Noah
and me; about all we're certain of is that it means

change! Change to what? Change to where? These

questions are completely in God's hands.
Why make such an announcement now? Well, for the
500 days to disengagement (Yes, we know the actual
number is a little more than 500.), as well as what is

beyond that for the Atkin family, we ask you to join with
us in prayer. For us, we believe that 500 days to dis
engagement provides a clarity in the urgency of com
pleting the task God has given us here. For you, we
also hope that it provides a sense of joy, that all those
years of partnership with us here in Taichung have not
So, as we start a New Year, and after much prayer and been in vain as we see the church moving forward.
planning, and given our history with you, it seems fit And, together with you, we will all see what Kingdom
ting to Brenda and I to announce the following: If the work God has planned for us next, Thank you for your
Lord tarries and continues to give us both good health; faithful partnership with us as we enter 2013! (DLA)


The begiriTifng of Glorltrel<f'

Teom E;i>an5^n's

L.A. is just 4 1/2 months away!"





And, great news: Two of our

Taiwanese riding buddies,

^ Luey Lu & Andy Sun, are

joining our Gloritrek team - from
coast-to-coast! Luey & Andy
are strong cyclists and great
guys that we've been working
on for years! You'll enjoy them!

^ Training has begun in earnest, as


has contacting churches along the

Gloritrek route.
Please pray for
Emily, our Gloritrek coordinator for
Team Expansion, as we still have
many dates to fill! Please check out:

Follow-up on Live Nativity out
reach attenders

David's Monday night English

Class - hearts to open to Gospel
David's dad, Marvin, receiving
treatments for prostate cancer
GO Church moving forward in
2013 & 500 Days to Disengage
Gloritrek, dates will be filled
across the US. Pray for Luey,
Andy, Noah and Dave.
Annie Zhang, a high school
junior (pictured below with her
parents just prior to her bap

tism), as she begins her new life

of faith in Jesus, and that she

will be a powerful witness in her


Christmas Scenes

my vomn
f denny Wu
a new family to our Thurs.
night (rO church, sw]

pcrry WsMdy and Penny Pi - a new

fawllyin a Sunday morning 00 church,
preparing for the live nativity.

December, 2012 - Geherai Fund
Opening Balance

Received (Individuals)

Received (Churches)
Ending Balance

SI 5.837.2



Detailed report sent to all supporters,

gifts to this ministry are tax deductibi

2012 General Received

^renda's MCA cafeteria team

visltthe live nativity.

mlly P- fabitha bothcame home for

Christmas! Emily surprised us
Christmas morning!

12 General Expenses


Georgia Sharpe

Reggie Hundley []

Monday, January 14, 2013 1:44 PM
Georgia Sharpe


Fwd: Time for Taiwan - Atkin Prayer Update (1/13)

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services
the missions network

Begin forwarded message:

Greetings from Taiwan:

"The men were sent off and went down to Antioch, where they gathered
the church together and delivered the letter." (Acts 15:30) "So in Christ we who are
many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." (Rom 12:5) You
may think these two verses have nothing in common. However, each shows that

the church is not something you join, like a club; or, attend like a ballgame. The church
is not something you go to; but, rather something you are! Through the Holy Spirit we
become part of the body of Christ his hands and his feet.

The Come Christian Church is striving to BE the church as we put aside the false
notion that church is something we come to! GO Church is about BEING the BODY of
Christ! Please pray as we move forward with GO Church!
We are praising the Lord with John & Cheryl Dunn, our old co-workers from
Kaohsiung for good news this past week! Bethany (formerly, Dunn) and Phil White, are
parents to twin daughters: Cheyenne and Savannah, born on Jan 8th! The twins are
a few weeks premature, and each weigh about 4 lbs. 12 oz. They will be in NICU for a
couple weeks. Please keep them in your prayers!

We are thankful to share that Emily made it back to the US safely, and has been
reunited with her husband, David. We rejoice that Emily was able to surprise us, and
spend a couple weeks with us during Christmas! Pray for Em & David, as Emily helps us
coordinate Gloritrek.

Speaking of Gloritrek, Chad Edwards, our co-worker here in N Taichung City, will be
assisting us In making a short promotional video for Gloritrek, we hope will be ready by
the end of January. The video is important for those who don't know about Gloritrek,
and/or have not met us. Please pray that it all goes well!

Thank you for prayers and your partnership as we begin 2013, and 500 more days to
disengagement! May you BE the church this week!
All for God's Glory Among the Nations,
David & Noah Atkin

Georgia Sharpe

Reggie Hundley []

Monday, January 21, 2013 10:47 AM
Georgia Sharpe
Fwd: Time for Taiwan - Atkin Prayer Update (1/20)

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services
the missions network

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Atkin <gloritrek(a),>

Subject: Time for Taiwan - Atkin Prayer Update (1/20)

Date: January 19, 2013 7:24:10 PM EST
To: David & Brenda Atkin <datkin@teamexpansion.orq>

For those who just need the bullet points:

1) Pray for Come Christian Church transition to simple church.
2) Pray for the individuals whom God has placed in our path this coming

3) Gloritrek dates and impact for unreached peoples.

4) My dad, Marvin, and cancer treatments.

Greetings from Taiwan:

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve
others, faithfuiiy administering God's grace In its various forms." (I Pet 4:10)
What gifts come to mind when you read this verse? One might say, "I can
drive the church bus?" Another might say, "I like babies. I can serve in the
nursery." Last night, during our student-led youth group we studied this
verse, and came up with a different kind of "gifts list."
First, was salvation, a gift from God that sets us free from sin and eternal
death. Second, was God's love in our hearts, filling us with joy and
compelling, even urging us to reach out to others. Third was God's Word,
God's love letter to us and a light to our path. Fourth, healthy bodies, young
and strong and fit for kingdom service. Fifth, we all have tongues that cannot

help but declare God's praises of what he has done for us to those who have
not heard about Jesus. Lastly, a team of believers, the church, to serve
together with and with whom to share both hardship and victory. Were any of
the above on your list? If so, what did Peter say to do with these gifts? That's
right, "Be an administrator of God's grace to others!"
This morning, we have our third-Sunday Come Church gathering, and we've
invited special guests, Chad & Alicia Edwards, to speak. Chad and Alicia are
our Team Expansion teammates, who for many years, more than 15, served in
Taipei, and have now relocated to N Taichung City. They have just recently
successfully led the Yung-ho church to transition from a traditional gathering
to what we would call simple church (no church building and no paid staff),
which is exactly where we are going! So, Chad and Alicia have agreed to
come and share about the transition. Please pray as our church makes this
difficult transition to what we believe is the ONLY viable answer for saving a
lost people -- Taiwan!

This week, I (David) will play golf with my monthly gathering, and I'd like to
ask you to pray directly for Roger and Henry, two men that I am praying will
one day make decisions to follow Jesus. Also, pray for Andy and Luey, on our
Gloritrek team, both of whom need the Lord. Please pray
for Kenny & Doreen, part of our Thursday night GO group, and Brenda's head
chef. Also, I will visit Dr. Zhang, my back doctor from seven years ago.
Though he testifies that he witnessed a miracle from God in my recovery from
experimental surgery, he has not made a decision to follow Jesus. What a
testimony, what an audience, he would have if he would give his life to Christ!
Of course, all the above mentioned have families, and their decisions would
impact three and four generations!
The start of Gloritrek is less than 4 months away! Yesterday, we shot video
for a 3 to 4 minute promotional video, that should be ready by the end of this
month, thanks to Chad Edwards. We have begun training almost daily, even
setting up a stationary bike for days when we can't get out. Please pray as
there are still many days to fill with Gloritrek events, and so much to do in
preparation. Mostly, though, pray that the Lord will use us as ambassadors for
His love to the 7,000! 7,000 what? The yet remaining unreached people

My dad, Marvin, has begun agressive treatment for prostate cancer that
has metastasized to his lower spine. On the Gleason Scale, which measures
the severity, from 1 being low risk to 10 being the most serious and
aggressive form of cancer: Dad was given a score of 9. So, please pray for
dad, and my step-mother, Janice.

Thank you for your prayers, your partnership with us! May you, too, be
Ambassadors of God's grace this week!
Aii for God's Glory Among the Nations,
David & Brenda Atkin /

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