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6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

How to Play the Guitar and Sing at the

Same Time
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Six Methods:

Edited 16 days ago

Using a Metronome

Learning the Lyrics First

Playing Along with a Record

Associating Chords with Words

Training Your Brain to Multitask

Playing While Reading

Singing and playing guitar can be tricky for a beginner but it is not impossible. A
sense of good timing, rhythm and ability to combine two actions at once will
come with practice and dedication.

Method 1 of 6: Using a Metronome


Learn how to play guitar. You can start with basic chords, or find a song and look
up the tabs. Find something you think you can sing to

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High Notes!

Learn the words of the song. Practice your singing technique.

Learn how to play while tapping your pinky in 4/4 time. It would sound like 1 2 3
4 if you don't know how to count 4/4 time. A metronome can help you to keep time and

is available inexpensively at most music stores.(There are also many online metronomes
that are free)

Start counting out loud "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" while playing.(Make sure

Once you feel comfortable enough with the rhythm, no longer count aloud,

Start adding in words.

you say the AND every single time it'll keep tempo the best.)

just tap along.



6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

Its also very important to remember sometimes guitarists go months to years

without keeping a steady tempo; using a metronome will help a lot.

Method 2 of 6: Playing Along with a Record

Pick a cool song, learn how to play it, and also learn how to sing it.

Play the song with the record and try to at least hum the lyrics.

Keep practicing the song until you can play it without the record and with
your eyes closed.
Your brain uses alpha waves and beta waves (conscious/sub-conscious). You use
alpha waves when you concentrate and focus on something and use beta waves
when you can just "do it" without "thinking about it". Once you have the song down
to this point, you're ready for the final step.

Play the song, but DO NOT think about the chords, fingerings, or anything
else; just play. Now sing the song and let the playing fall to the background. Your

conscious will be concentrating on the singing, but your sub-conscious will be playing the
song. This can feel a little like an out of body experience where half your brain is actually
playing the guitar and the singer in you is using the other half. It's weird at first, but very
exciting and fun once you got it down.
Finally, you will be able, with practice, to change roles back and forth (did I hit that
chord right? yes, OK the next vocal line goes like...).
Note: it is quite rare for guitar solos and singing parts to occur at the same time
(that is by design) don't try and change that when you go to write a song(easier on
you anyway).

Well, practice this and have fun!

Method 3 of 6: Training Your Brain to Multitask

Once you have the basics of guitar playing, try to come up with a few runs or
chord progressions (or just use them from other songs if you're only going to

play covers.)



6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

Practice these until you can play them easily.

Now sit in front of the TV and watch it whilst playing them (It's important not

After a while, you should notice that you are playing fine but also managing to

Next, try reading something whilst playing (try reading off a computer screen

to stop playing)

follow whats going on on TV. This is the first step in developing independence.

if you can't hold a book open.) This will keep your mind more active than watching

TV and playing.

Try reading out loud in a droning voice (A common problem is only being

Keep doing this and eventually you should be able to sing and play almost

able to sing the notes you're playing)

completely different things.

Method 4 of 6: Learning the Lyrics First

Pick a song you want to play,and learn the lyrics

Now play the recording of the song back to you and sing along. If you want, you
may hum or sing in your head, just so that you can get the song in your head). Repeat

until you have mastered the song and you can play the song back in your head.

Now pick up the guitar and play along with the recording, but only guitar.

Once you master the song and you can play it without looking, start
humming, or singing out loud while playing.



6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

Method 5 of 6: Associating Chords with Words

Try to play chords that go with each other, (ex. E, D, G).

Next, think of a word to use as your "sample word". Use a sample word for each

Take for example, if my sample word for E were game, then I would play E but

of your chords.

say game at the same time. If D was free, than I would play D at the same time as

free was being said. Try to make your words rhyme, because it will train you to distinguish
word from word when playing.

Use this method with an actual song. This method is useful because it trains you
to give each word a note, and this eventually leads to word-guitar-sync.

Method 6 of 6: Playing While Reading

Once you are fine with playing the song just try playing while reading a book.

Practice until you are able to read the book. Once you are able to do this, read

Once you are able to do this, singing songs will be easy.


aloud in any particular rhythm of your choice.

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This will take some time, don't get frustrated if you can't do it at first just
keep trying.



6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

Try jamming, play a steady chord, a random chord, and start talking, you
will develop the singing/playing at the same time ability.
Many guitarists I've known couldn't even talk at the same time as they
were playing, much less sing. You'll discover that with only a little
practice, the brain cramps that you get trying to do both at the same time
go away rather quickly. Much of the work in developing independence (to
do two things at once) is realizing that it's possible and to just keep
Practice on acoustic songs, especially ones where you strum repetitive
Focus on ONE song that you already know the lyrics like you had written
them, start with a 3-chord song and play it without singing a few times
and if you already know the words you'll eventually find yourself
comfortable enough to sing certain words on clue (if all of them even
better!) best of luck! It's definitely worth it!
Keep practicing.
Having someone play a simple rock beat on drums, along with the song
will help you keep your rhythm and allow you to sing easier.

How To Sing High Notes

Watch this Amazing Video - See How To Sing

High Notes!

Some Song Ideas

There are many songs which can be extremely helpful in succeeding in your
The Black Keys
This 2-piece band's Guitarist is also the singer. He uses power chords and
pauses in order to help him sing. Use the song "Your Touch" to start with,
and move onto songs such as "Goodbye Babylon" and "I Got Mine".
The band's lead guitarist, Kurt Cobain, let some of his notes ring in his
songs, giving him chances to sing while keeping listeners entertained. Use
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" to test this method.
Foo Fighters
Dave Grohl, the band's guitarist, is a prime example of playing and singing
simultaneously. Songs such as "Everlong" will help you to play chords while
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Jimi Hendrix is possibly the most well-known guitarist ever. If you are an
experienced guitarist, "Purple Haze" and "Voodoo Chile" are good songs to



6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

learn as they use complicated riffs and licks which are good for guitar
veterans to learn.
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson is very good at this, being able to sing, and talk whilst playing.
His song "Rodeo Clowns" should be an easy on to learn once you begin to
get good. (Look for the version with G. Love and Special Sauce.)
Black Sabbath
Black has some great songs to help you attempt this, such as "Paranoid"
and "Iron Man". The riffs are relatively easy while singing.

Things You'll Need


How to

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Firework at the
Same Time on

How to

How to

How to

Combine Two

Accompany a

Buy Your First


How to

Compose Music
on Piano

How to

Compose Music

Article Info

Categories: Guitar
Recent edits by: Brendan, Emma, ELamson38
In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo tocar la guitarra y cantar a la vez, Italiano: Come Suonare la Chitarra e
Cantare Contemporaneamente, Portugus: Como Cantar e Tocar Guitarra ou Violo ao
Mesmo Tempo, :

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6 Ways to Play the Guitar and Sing at the Same Time

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