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By Kosta Kourabis

A thesis submitted pertaining to the requirements for the degree of

Master of Metaphysics (M.M.)
From the university of metaphysical sciences

21 December 2014

University of Metaphysical Sciences




This is to certify that M.M. Thesis of

Kosta Kourabis

Has been approved by the examining committee for the thesis

requirements for the

Master of Metaphysics (M.M.)

From the university of metaphysical sciences

Thesis Committee: __________________________________

Thesis Supervisor







Consciousness Survives Death

Consciousness More Than Just the Physical Brain


Placebo And Nocebo Effect

Spontaneous Remissions

Further Medical Cases for Mind over Body




Double Slit Experiment


The Parallel of Mind and Nonlocal Quantum Mechanics




Random Number Generators


Collective Consciousness Research


The Sense of Being Stared At


Telepathy & Dogs That Know When There Owners Are Coming Home


Brain-To-Brain Connections




New Scientific Understanding on the Power Of The Heart




Remote Viewing


Consciousness Altering Molecular Structure of Water


Distant Healing










This paper will attempt to demonstrate that consciousness is more than just the brain-that it
is intertwined with the world around us, and can have a direct influence over it. Science has
to a big extent overlooked how consciousness manifests and is interlinked with the material
world. Many believe that consciousness springs forth from the brain at some point early on in
our development in what is called emergence. Evolutionary biologist claim consciousness
emerges out of the brain at some unknown time, through some completely unknown
process and with a complete lack of evidence. Others go as far as dismissing consciousness
altogether by viewing the brain as a sort of machine, that mind equals brain the identity
theory therefore bypassing the problem of emergence altogether.
This paper will show a different picture; one of the mind pushing beyond the constraints and
limitations of the physical brain and extending out into the world around us, entangled with
and influencing our physical reality.
The intention of this paper is to show that consciousness of the mind is a nonlocal
phenomenon. That it can exist outside of, and independent of, the physical brain. That
consciousness is part of a unifying field that interconnects not only all conscious beings
together but inexplicably connects us to the physical world around us. And so the main focus
of this paper will be to demonstrate that consciousness (thoughts, beliefs, intentions, pray
and other units of consciousness) can influence physical changes in people and in the
material world.
This paper will utilise case studies, peer-reviewed published studies compiling significant
research experiments in the area of consciousness and mind-body/matter relationship to
show what the mind can do in order to build a solid and compelling body of evidence from
which to support the claims.


A Near Death Experience (NDE) refers to a personal experience associated with death,
usually after an individual has been pronounced clinically dead or very near death. With
recent technological advances in cardiac resuscitation techniques the number of people
being brought back from clinical death and reporting a NDE has largely increased. Clinical
death is a medical term satisfied when two necessary life sustaining criteria of humans (and
most other organisms) cease, the two criteria being blood circulation and heart beat (cardiac
arrest) (1). The most common picture of person entering clinical death is a patient whose
electronic life support monitors are beeping alarmingly with the heart rate monitor indicating

a flat line. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or (CPR), defibrillation, epinephrine injection and

other medical techniques emerging out of the 20th century have largely been responsible for
bringing people back to life from clinical death. Historically, before the invent of resuscitation
techniques, this would not be possible- a cessation in blood circulation would mean almost
certainly death.
During clinical death consciousness in the body is lost in just a few seconds and all
measureable brain activity stops within 20 to 40 seconds (2). If the mind was contained
within the physical brain and just a function thereof, - than it would be impossible in any way
to have experiences, visions, and memories during the absence of activity in the brain. The
phenomenon of NDEs suggests exactly the opposite; that consciousness doesnt cease
when he brain is no longer active- it continues, and is even more heightened.
One of the most verified and documented NDE cases (featured on the BBC) occurred to
Pam Reynolds during a rare and daring surgical procedure to remove a giant aneurysm from
her brain (3).
The size and location of the aneurysm was such that required a special custom operation
just for Pam Reynolds nicknamed the standstill by doctors who perform it. The standstill
required Pams body temperature to be lowered to 60 degrees, her heartbeat and breathing
stopped and brain waves flattened and the blood drained from her head. In every sense she
would be put to death while they removed the brain aneurysm and then restored back to life
During the standstill portion of the surgery, Pam reported that she felt herself pop outside of
her body and hover above the operating theatre from which she could observe the entire
operation performed on her body(4). (The term for being consciously aware from a
standpoint outside of the body is referred to as an out-of-body experience or OBE for short)
Pam could later recount everything that went on in the room, in detail.
Researches asked her to describe the surgical procedures, draw the specialised instruments
that doctors had used in the operation and so forth.
Pam could remember people who came into the room, and conversations that had taken
place during the lapse of time during which she was clinically dead (5).
Pams NDE is quite a common experience, most NDEs report similar experiences of floating
outside of their body (OBEs), having heightened senses, not being bound by physical laws
or limitations and so forth . They report struggling to fully describe their experiences of the
afterlife in physical words and language. NDEs report conversing (through telepathic and
non physical means) with spiritual beings and deceased friends or relatives that assist their
journey and bring comfort and understanding. The popular association of dying with moving
through a tunnel and then moving towards the light is also attestable to NDEs and most
likely originated from the phenomena in the first place.
In March 1987 Dawn Gillott was admitted to Northampton General Hospital, seriously ill with
pneumonia. After being placed in intensive care, the physicians decided to perform a
tracheotomy because she could not breathe:

The next thing I was above myself near the ceiling looking down. One of
the nurses was saying in what seemed a frantic voice, Breathe, Dawn, breathe.' A doctor
was pressing my chest, drips were being disconnected, everyone was rushing round. I
couldn't understand the panic, I wasn't in pain. Then they pushed my body out of the room
to the theatre. I followed my body out of the ITU and then left on what I can only
describe as a journey of a lifetime. I went down what seemed like a
cylindrical tunnel with a bright warm inviting light at the end. I seemed to be traveling at
quite a speed, but I was happy, no pain, just peace. At the end was a beautiful open field, a
wonderful summery smell of flowers. There was a bench seat on the right where my
Grandfather sat (he had been dead seven years). I sat next to him. He asked me how I
was and the family. I said I was happy and content and all my family were fine.
He said he was worried about my son; my son needed his mother, he was too young to be
left. I told Grampi I didn't want to go back, I wanted to stay with him. But
Grampi insisted I go back for my children's sake. I then asked him if he would come for me
when my time came. He started to answer, Yes, I will be back in four' then my whole
body seemed to jump. I looked round and saw that I was back in the ITU.
I honestly believe in what happened, that there is life after death.
After my experience I am not afraid of death as I was before my illness. (5B)
(Excerpted from the book, Science and the Near Death Experience: How Consciousness
Survives Death (2010), Chris Carter)
People who have had a profound NDE often bring back a wealth of understanding and
insights that we can all learn something from. There are almost endless NDE bibliographies
written by people that are enriching as much as they are interesting. They universally teach
us that death is not something to be terrified of because what we call death is only a
transition to something else and that consciousness survives the death of our physical


Dr. Bruce Greyson is a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the
University of Virginia and is considered an authority in this field of NDEs. In a 2012
presentation, Dr Greyson (based on his nearly 1000 NDE case studies of research) explains
that consciousness is not strictly a local emergent of the physical brain:
"this evidence [NDE research] is not accepted or known by most American scientists
nevertheless it is there, and it is reliable and reproducible evidence we have cases of
people whose brains have been deteriorating for years suddenly think clearly on their
deathbeds, people who function normally sometimes with high intelligence who have
virtually no brain tissue, NDE experiencers who think more clearly than ever when their
brains are not functioning, and we have very young children who can barely speak, who talk

about their past lives with accurate details. These phenomena, all well investigated by
modern scientific methodologies, and building upon decades or centuries of prior research,
strongly suggest that under extreme circumstances, consciousness can be produced and
can function without the intercession of the physical brain." (6)
Dr. Greyson explains that mapping brain activity to brain scans is akin to dissecting a mobile
phone to study the origin of the sound coming through when we are speaking to someone.
We can discover what electronic components are functioning when the voice is coming
through but the voice itself is not originating from those processes in the same way that
consciousness is not originating from the brain. To say parts of the brain light up when a
thought is occurring establishes a correlation or marker to a thought not a causal factor- it is
unknown whether the brain creates the thought or the thought creates the activity.
Could it be that the human brain is like a radio set from which we metaphorically receive
consciousness that is originating and sourced from elsewhere? And that matter is not what
produces consciousness but merely what contains and limits it? NDE evidence certainly
suggests this is likely to be the case.
Currently the Horizon Research Foundation; Science at the Horizon of Life are working
towards solving the mystery of consciousness through NDE and other consciousness
research (7). They hope to gather evidence of consciousness through brain scans at the
time a person is actually undergoing cardiac arrest, in order to view the brain at exactly the
moment the brain is severely impaired or at worst completely ceased. This is believed to be
one of the best ways to shed new light on an accepted and traditional understanding of


One of the most commonly used terms in the medical language is the word placebo since
the placebo effect is used in almost all drug trials in testing and evaluating the effectiveness
of a new drug before it is approved for sale to the general public (8). A placebo is essentially
fake medicine in the sense that they contain no medically active ingredients. For example
common placebos may be sugar pills or injections containing distilled water and even fake
surgeries such as a incision made under anaesthetic made to look like a patient has
undergone a surgical procedure. Patients when given a placebo or fake treatment may
nonetheless experience very real improvements in their medical condition, both perceived
and actual changes can occur, this phenomenon is called the placebo effect (9).
The word placebo (meaning I shall please) was used in medieval prayer in the context of
the phrase Placebo Domino (I shall please the Lord) and originated from a biblical
translation of the fifth century AD and during the 18th century was the term adopted by
medicine to imply preparations of no therapeutic value treatments (10). Placebos are not
always beneficial and can have adverse effects to health too, fittingly termed the nocebo
effect in which patients experience deterioration in health as opposed to improvements.

In an experiment related to the nocebo effect, medical student volunteers were falsely told
by researchers that they would have a weak electrical current administered through their
head. Despite there being no actual electrical current used, 70 per cent of the volunteers
complained of a headache after the experiment (11).
In 2002, The Baylor School of medicine did a study on the effectiveness of knee surgery on
a trial group of arthritis sufferers, published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A total
of 180 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were randomly selected and split up into three
groups-all three groups would be given knee surgery.
The first group would have shaving performed on the damaged knee cartilage and the
second group would have the knee flushed out removing all material believed to be causing
inflammation- both of which are common, legitimate knee surgeries. The third group in the
trial, under anaesthetic in the operating theatre had an incision made and salt water
splashed on the knee as they would have done in a normal surgery. The incision was then
sewed up to appear like the real thing.
All three groups including the group receiving the fake surgery then underwent the same
rehabilitation process. The results that followed were amazing; the placebo group receiving
the fake surgery reported just as much improvements as the other two groups with the
genuine surgeries (12).
Medicine Professor Ted Kaptchuk of the Hardvard Medical School and director of the
Program in Placebo Studies and Therapeautic Encounter (PiPs) discovered something
amazing in a study called Placebos without Deception: A randomized Controlled Trial in
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 2002 (13).
Patients suffering irritable bowel syndrome were given honest placebo treatments in the
form of sugar pills, and told outright that they were receiving a placebo with no active
ingredients, that the study is on the placebo effect of mind over matter and they still got
better. More than half the patients (59%) who were in the study said they felt relief taking the
placebo fully aware and informed that the treatment was not real, more than twice those not
taking any pills at all. The trial was the first of its kind to trial the placebo effect with no
deception involved. Usually patients are left in the dark and not told as to whether or not they
have been genuine medication or a placebo, if they get better they think its because they
took the real thing.
It is believed that the placebo pill is only one small component of the placebo effect and that
The whole experience is full of active ingredients from sitting in the doctors waiting bay, to
the environmental stimuli, the interactions with a doctor, to the actual taking of the
medication are all active ingredients Ted Kaptchuk describes in a lecture given at Goldlab
Symposium, 2014 (14)
Researcher and public speaker Lissa Rankin, MD, at TedxAmericaRiviera, 2012 (author of
Mind over Medicine: Scientific Proof you can heal yourself) says that the doctor is the
actual placebo, or can be. Lissa explains that doctors can have a placebo or a nocebo effect
and that doctors who hold the same beliefs as their patients in alignment to getting better are
most effective in promoting self repair healing mechanisms in patients.

Lissa explains: according to Kaptchuk the most essential part is the nurturing care of a
health care provider, more so even than the minds positive belief. [...] it is because they felt
tended, nurtured, patients felt like they were doing something, they felt like somebody cared.
[....] The body has these innate natural repair mechanisms, but scientific data proves that
you need the tending nurturing care of a healthcare provider, of some sort of healer, to
facilitate that process. Its not an easy process to go through alone, so it makes a big
difference if somebody else is holding that positive belief with you. But the problem is while
the doctor can be the placebo; they can also be the nocebo. So, what patients need from us,
as healthcare providers, they need us to be forces of healing, not forces of fear or
Lissa goes on to explain that when doctors tell patients they have incurable illnesses,
diagnosiss or survival rates, what doctors consider, realistically telling patients what they
need to know, they could in fact be harming them (nocebo effect)(15).
The placebo (and nocebo) effect is the strongest evidence in medical science for the mind
and body relationship. The placebo effect has been documenting the minds ability to
influence real changes in the body for over 50 years. It demonstrates that the intentions,
beliefs and thoughts of the patient have clear correlations with medical outcomes.


The Spontaneous Remissions Project is a database compiled by the Institute of Noetic
sciences comprising of some 3500 case studies in the medical literature for spontaneous
remissions (16). The database includes case studies of spontaneous remissions from a wide
range of incurable, chronic, or terminal illnesses, including Stage 4 cancers, HIV, a
gunshot wound to the head, cardiac illnesses, and more common illnesses such as diabetes,
hypertension, and autoimmune diseases.
Some of the strongest evidence that our minds can affect our biology is in those patients
who have had spontaneous remissions of seemingly incurable deceases. Spontaneous
remission is a term used in the medical literature for people who have unexplained, sudden
reversal/reduction in the progression of a disease, i.e. Such as tumours shrinking or
suddenly disappearing, that cannot be attributed to Western medicine (also called
spontaneous healing or spontaneous regression)(17).
One such account of spontaneous remission is of Anita Moorjanis, who wrote a New York
Times best seller book on her story named Dying to Be Me (18), it is also one of the most
exceptional cases archived on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF)
In the book Anita relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body riddled by
malignant cells spreading throughout her body from end stage Hodgkins lymphoma-doctors
told her family she had only a few hours to live. At the brink of almost certain death with her
body shutting down and organs failing Anita recounts having a NDE-discovering the true
cause of her disease and within a few weeks- defying all medical explanation- is released
from hospital with no trace of cancer in her body. Anitas account is verified by her medical

files kept by her doctors including scans of her tumours- seconded by an investigating doctor
who wrote up a detailed report (18).
According to Kelly A. Turner PhD book Radical Remission, people who experience this are
not just lucky or inactive in this process but are active participants in their cure. She prefers
to call them radical remissions because they are not spontaneous but can be attributed to
common changes in thoughts and behaviours in peoples lives (such as, but not limited toincreasing positive emotion, deepening spiritual connection and releasing suppressed


The incredible case from Anthony Robbins book Unlimited Power describes a case of a
psychiatric patient with a split personality. One of her personalities was a diabetic, while the
other was not. Her blood sugar would be normal when she was in her non-diabetic
personality, but then when she shifted into the diabetic alter ego, her blood sugar rose, and
all medical evidence demonstrated that she was diabetic. Vice versa when her personality
reverted back to the non diabetic one, her blood sugars normalized (19).
Another similar case of multiple personality is of Timmy described by author Psychiatrist
Bennett Braun in the book; The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder (20). Timmy had
one personality that was allergic to orange juice, and when this personality drank orange
juice, he would break into hives. However, another personality would drink orange juice
without incident. If the allergic personality was in the midst of an allergy attack and he shifted
back to the non-allergic personality, the hives would instantly disappear.

Quantum mechanics is the study of the smallest observable particles that make up our
physical existence. On the quantum level classical laws such as Newtonian laws which
describe the direct observable world around us very well, seem to break down completely.
On the small tiny scale a whole new set of laws can be observed.
On the quantum level particles (which are very small pieces of matter) can be at more than
one place at the same time in superposition, acting as a wave smeared out in space, located
at several different points across this wave. Particles can be entangled with each other over
great distances; what you do to one particle instantaneously occurs to the twin particle no
matter that the distance between them may be- referred to as quantum-action-at-a-distance.
Quantum particles also act as a wave-function in the same way light behaves.


In the famous and widely replicated Double Slit Experiment (featured on What the Bleep
Do We Know documentary), electrons which are simply tiny marbles of matter, are shot
through two slits, recording a wavelike interference pattern (such as light would make) on
the other side. However when observed the electron would create a non wavelike two slit
pattern as would typically occur with marbles being shot through two slits. In other words the
very act of observation would influence whether or not the electron behaved as a particle or
as a wave function.
The experiment show that a quantum object exist as a non-local wave, until they are
observed directly in which case consciousness literally collapses the wave-function of the
particle to assume one definite position in time and space.
The electron as it is flying through the air and through the double slits in the experiment is
located as a wave function of potentiality and only assumes a definite position when we look
at it- this effect is known as the observer-effect (21). Without a conscious observer present
to collapse this wave, it would simply remain un-manifested in a state of potentiality.
Some scientists have even speculated that the universe would not even exist if it were not
for consciousness. That without consciousness, without subjectivity there would be no
physical matter, just a sea of quantum potentiality un-manifested (known as the Participatory
Anthropic Principle first proposed by physicist Dr.John Wheeler) (22)


Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The science of Premonitions: How knowing the Future Can
Help Us Avoid Danger, Maximise Opportunities and Create a Better Life, explains in his
book that consciousness is not a thing or a substance but is a nonlocal phenomenon,
nonlocal a fancy word for infinite. He goes on to explain that consciousness does not
behave like an electromagnetic signal (EM) that displays certain limiting characteristics.
For example EM signals become weaker the farther away they get from their source, and
can be blocked partially or completely with for instance at certain depths in sea water.
However experiments to do with long distance healing and remote viewing at sea depth
show no such limitations in consciousness.
EM signals also require travel time from source to receiver, yet thoughts can be perceived
simultaneously between people over distance. Dossey believes consciousness is not an
electrical signal, but a nonlocal phenomenon akin to what can be observed in the quantum
domain. (23)
If something is nonlocal, it is not localized to specific points in space, such as brains or
bodies, or to specific points in time, such as the present. Nonlocal events are immediate;
they require no travel time. They are unmediated; they require no energetic signal to carry
them. They are unmitigated; they do not become weaker with increasing distance. Nonlocal
phenomena are omnipresent, everywhere at once. This means there is no necessity for
them to go anywhere; they are already there. They are infinite in time as well, present at all
moments, past present and future, meaning they are eternal. (23) Larry Dossey in The
science of Preminition book

Senior Scientist Dean Radin from the institute of Noetic Sciences, whose experiments
provide profound evidence for future knowing, believes that the nonlocal events in the
subatomic, quantum domain underlie the nonlocal events we experience at the human level.
He invokes the concept of entanglement as a bridging hypothesis uniting the small- and
large-scale happenings.
As physicist Chris Clarke, of the University of Southampton, says, On one hand, Mind is
inherently non-local. On the other, the world is governed by a quantum physics that is
inherently non-local. This is no accident, but a precise correspondence ...[Mind and the
world are] aspects of the same thing...The way ahead, I believe, has to place mind first as
the key aspect of the universe...We have to start exploring how we can talk about mind in
terms of a quantum picture...Only then will we be able to make a genuine bridge between
physics and physiology. (24)


Random Number Generators or (RNGs) are devices that perform the task of electronically
flipping a coin for heads or tails but instead in binary code of 1s and 0s. The Princeton
Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program has been using such devices to study the
effect of human consciousness on physical reality (25).
What they have been demonstrating in experiments spanning almost three decades is that
consciousness is intertwined with and has an influence over physical reality. Experiments
included asking test subjects to focus their attention on making the Random Number
Generator devices produce more 1s than 0s (and vice versa) with nothing more than the
power of their own mind. Results produced and accumulated over long periods of time
demonstrated that the devices deviated from random chance in those circumstances where
human intention was involved. Holding the intention for more 1s to be produced from the
RNG produced more 1s to be produced as would have otherwise occurred with random
chance (26).
Therefore flipping a coin and holding the intention for more heads than tails to come out, will
statistically produce more heads to come out- given that you flip the coin enough times to
notice the deviation in randomness. RNG deviations in randomness cannot be attributed to
any other known physical phenomenon- it is a consequence of human consciousness.


The global consciousness project (GCP) is a pioneering new step into researching the mind
and matter relationship and ultimately answering the question of what the role of the
collective mind is in the physical world.

The Global Consciousness Project specifically is an international, multidisciplinary

collaboration of scientists and engineers. They collect data continuously from a global
network of RNGs located in up to 70 host sites around the world at any given time. The data
are transmitted to a central archive which now contains more than 15 years of random data
in parallel sequences of synchronized 200-bit trials generated every second.(27)
Rather than focusing only on the effect individual intentions they research the effect that
mass attention has. Events such as 9/11 and Princess Dianas death draw mass global
attention through media, with millions of peoples attention focused on the same thing
researchers can gather data to find correlations in the RNGs located around the world.
When many people are focused on the same thing human consciousness becomes more
coherent. When a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, the network of
RNGs becomes subtly structured.
Studies demonstrate that coherent consciousness creates order in the world and that subtle
interactions link us with each other and the Earth.
In an experiment at Burning Man in 2013 researches from the Institute of Noetic Sciences
(IONS), placed six RNGs to record random data before, during and after the highly
anticipated event approached- the burning of the man. Researches wanted to observe any
correlation between mental coherence from 65,000 minds moving into tight alignment as
attention focused on the burning of the man with a rise in physical coherence, as measured
by the output of data from the RNGs (28).
Researches expected that collective mental attention would reach peak when the man was
ignited as what was observed in the 2012 Burning Man Experiment. However in 2013 the
start of the burning ceremony was signalled by the mans arms rising up a few seconds after
9PM on August 31 (half an hour prior to the ignition of the man). During this time the
combined statistical data output from all 6 RNGs where observed to show the greatest peak
in deviation from randomness, becoming more orderly.(28)
We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests
an emerging noopshere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all
cultures(29) -IONS Senior Scientist Dean Radin, Global Consciousness Project.


The experience of the feeling of being stared at, only to turn around and discover somebody
looking directly at you is widespread phenomenon with most people reporting having
experienced it (between 68% and 94% of the population reporting having had such an
experience at least once (30).
In the book The Sense of Being Stared At and also published in Journal of Consciousness
Studies (31), Rupert Sheldrake explains that recent experiments with direct looking have
taken two approaches. The first involves direct looking whereby people work in pairs, with a
subject and a looker. In a randomized series of trials the subjects sit with their backs to the
lookers, who either stare at the back of the subjects necks, or look away and think of

something else. A mechanical signal of some sort marks the beginning of each trial and the
subjects guess quickly if they are being looked at or not and answers are recorded. A test
session usually consists of 20 trials and takes less than 10 minutes to perform.
The second type of experiment is the same except for the looker and subjects are in different
rooms connected through closed circuit television (CCTV).
Altogether, there have been tens of thousands of trials (Sheldrake, 2003a)(32). The results
are remarkably consistent. Typically, about 55% of the guesses are right, as opposed to 50%
expected by chance. Repeated over tens of thousands of trials this result becomes
astronomically significant statistically Sheldrake, The sense of Being Stared At (33).

Rupert Sheldrake has also done many other experiments to test human and animal
telepathic powers of sense. In a published paper called Telepathy in Connection with
Telephone Calls, Text Messages and emails Sheldrake describes telepathy in connection
with telephone calls as the most common form of telepathy in the modern world.
People who have strong bonds or emotional connection with each other, such as parents
and children, husbands and wives, good friends as having the strongest telepathic
connections (34)
In the experiments callers were chosen at random and made to call a test subject who had
to guess before answering who they thought the caller would be. Results indicate test
subjects accurately guessed who the caller was higher than statistical chance indicating a
degree of telepathic power. Similar experiments using text SMS and emails have further
validated the phenomenon by producing similar results (34).
Even dogs have been shown to have telepathic powers showing anticipation typically by
waiting at the door or window. To test this, more than a hundred time-coded video recordings
observed and detected a dogs behaviour when the owner headed for home. The owner
would travel at least seven kilometres away from the home (ruling out the detection of smell)
and return at randomly selected times. The video recordings detected that anticipatory
behaviour (typically, by waiting at the window) usually began shortly before the owner set off
for home. During the owners absence the dog spent only 4 per cent of the time waiting at
the window (35). The experiments and videos (as well as others) are widely available for all
to view and are easily accessible online (

Human beings are social beings often sharing very close bonds and relationships with each
other. Identical twins for example are commonly known to have a very close connection with
each other, often able to finish each others sentences, know what the other is feeling or
thinking and perhaps to a larger degree having a sense of what the other is going through for
instance when the other is in trouble.


The question here is of whether or not human brains can be linked together somehow, or
entangled together like quantum objects can be.
To test this scientists have conducted several experiments involving two partner subjects
spatially separated with one subject given stimuli and the others brain tested to see if they
too receive brain activation responding to the same stimuli despite having no physical
sensory input of it whatsoever. Modern devices such as functional magnetic resonance
imaging (FMRI) technology and also electroencephalogram (EEG) scans of the brain make it
possible to see inside the brain and detect such correlations.
In a paper published in Physics Essays, researches used EEG scanners to detect
correlations in brain patterns of a non stimulated subject to that of a stimulated subject at
distance (36).
Subjects were paired up and told to meditate with each other for 20 minutes before being
separated inside a Faraday chamber (a device which blocks electromagnetism) 14.5 metres
away from the other person.
Researchers emphasised the importance of the test subjects getting to know there partners
first and meditating for 20 minutes as a way of establishing a connection. Previous work in
the field suggests an experimental protocol to correlate brains.
In this study it was found that if two people meditate together, their brains EEG scans
display phase coherence with respect to each other. Phase coherence is a well-known
signature of quantum non-locality. Accordingly, subjects of this study were correlated by
meditating together... (37).
One subject of each pair was then stimulated by 100 flashes while the other subjects brain
was being scanned with an EEG scanner. Results from the scanner showed that the
moment the flashes occurred to the stimulated subject, the brain of the non-stimulated
subject also reacts and shows a transferred potential of a similar morphology.
The experiment indicates that close connections and being linked together with others is
possible, The transferred potentials demonstrate brain-to-brain nonlocal [EPR] correlation
between brains, supporting the brains quantum nature at the macro level (37).
In a similar experiment published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
pairs of friends were recruited, and asked to maintain a feeling of connectedness. To
encourage this focus, each person was also asked to exchange a personal item, like a ring
or watch to hold onto during the duration of the experiment.
Simultaneous record of EEGs were then recorded as one person was stimulated using a
live video game while the other was located in a double steel-walled, electromagnetically
and acoustically shielded, dimly lit room 20 metres away.
Multiple participants were independently shown to have significant correlations with
researcher Dean Radin commenting that the stronger their [participants] responses [to the
video games], the larger the corresponding responses in the non-stimulated subjects (38).


Under certain conditions, the EEG of a sensorially isolated human subject can become
correlated with event-related potentials in a distant persons EEG. This suggests the
presence of an unknown form of energetic or informational interaction (38). Dean Radin
Correlating brain signals have also been detected in experiments using FMRI technology in
separate experiments (39).

The following is derived from an overview of the research conducted at the Institute of
HeartMath (IHM) Research Centre. Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in
Human Performance (40).
Traditional research has focused on the brains communication to the heart and the hearts
response to the brains commands but modern research is changing this.
The heart sends more information to the brain, than the brain sends to the heart.
When we are experiencing positive emotions (as opposed to negative) the rhythm and
signals of our heart become more coherent which in turn influence all the other systems in
our body to become more coherent and synchronised. It is a type of automated balancing of
different systems in our body including the nervous system, immune system, brainwaves
and etc.
Increase in coherent rhythms due to altering ones emotional state changes information flow
from the heart to the brain and may be used to explain significant shifts in perception,
increased mental clarity and heightened intuitive awareness.
By shifting our emotions to more positive states we also alter our hearts electromagnetic
field. This field not only encompasses every cell in our own body but extends out from us
and is able to be received by others around us.
The heart has the strongest electromagnetic field out of every organ in the human body,
significantly greater than that of the brain. This field is suggested to be an important carrier
of information and can affect anothers brainwaves through heart-brain synchronization;
brain of one person by the heart of another.


Experiments published by the Stanford Research Institute have demonstrated peoples
ability to perceive places, persons and actions that are not within the range of the physical


senses (41). Experiments done by others have replicated and confirm the Remote Viewing
Phenomenon (42).
Work pioneered by Masaru Emoto (43), (popularised in the documentary movie; What the
Bleep do we know) and further replicated studies (44)(45), show that human intention alone
affects the physical structure of water. Experiments demonstrate that water, after having
positive intentions directed at them tend to produce more symmetric, well-formed,
aesthetically pleasing crystals in comparison to negative intentions-which produced more
asymmetrical, poorly formed crystals.
Experiments with distant healing have shown that sending intentions of healing towards a
distant person is associated with the activation of that persons autonomic nervous system,
using measurements of skin conductance (46).

Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of matter; we are beginning
to suspect that we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter
Asptrophysicist Sir James Jean (47)
Results of the experiments dismiss the idea and common assumption that the brain is
identical to consciousness or generates it. Instead, all of the evidence described in this
paper suggests that the mind operates under a nonlocal, quantum state, intertwined with the
world around us. There is a growing momentum in favour of quantum entanglement and
quantum nonlocality to explain nonlocal experiences and provide a foundation for
The evidence demonstrates the many ways in which the mind has extraordinary power to
influence real changes in the body. The placebo, nocebo and spontaneous remissions show
that what we think and believe has direct influence over our health, wellbeing and ability to
recover from medical conditions.
Positive thoughts, intentions and beliefs increase the likely hood of desired outcomes
occurring. Developing human ability to maintain and increase positive states (in frequency,
duration and intensity) we can help heal ourselves, each other and the world at large. Pray
and loving intentions can make a real and positive impact. However, just as the nocebo
effect shows, we can also be negative forces.
The research indicates an unknown unified field of consciousness that connects us all
(including some animals). The mind through focus and intention can receive and transfer
information or energy to people, places and objects anywhere and seemingly at any time
(past-present-future). The potential of these abilities in every human are there, and perhaps
in our evolutionary future mankind will be able to further develop and utilize these abilities.


Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken
down as a result of recent experiments in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not
exist. Erwin Schroedinger, Nobel Prize-winning physicist
Consciousness relating to the brain and world around us lacks an underlying theory. It is a
field still in its infancy, not very well understood with much more study needed. Despite a
lack of underlying theory the evidence is significant, credible and repeatable. Science needs
to reconcile the evidence and data with how they currently view and have traditionally
viewed the brain and mind.
The common division of the world into subject and object, inner world and outer world, body
and soul is no longer adequate. Werner Heisenberg, pioneering theoretical physicist
This would not be the first time in history that widely accepted theories have been changed
or even completely blown away in the light of new evidence and discoveries.

FURTHER RESOURCES A Comprehensive List Of Selected Peer-Reviewed
Journal Publications on Psi Research compiled by expert Dead Radin. All of Rupert Sheldrakes scientific papers, with abstracts
and links to full-text. Sheldrake also has given fantastic presentations; The Extended Mind,
and The Science Delusion on Ted Talks which can be viewed on Youtube. Princeton Engineering Anomalies
Research (PEAR). Resources and Research materials related to the study of
Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena End of life consciousness research centre. Pioneering scientific research on the heart.


Definitions of Death, Encyclopaedia of Death and Dying. Kastenbaum, Robert


2. A review of total brain ischemia models in dogs and original experiments on

clamping the aorta. Resuscitation (Elsevier) Lind B et al., B; Snyder, J;
Kampschulte, S; Safar, P (1975) 4 (1): 1931
3. Pam Reynold's NDE formed part of a BBC documentary The Day I Died directed
by Kate Broome, 2002.

4. Pam Reynolds Lowery, noted for near-death episode, The Atlanta JournalConstitution, (May 28, 2010), J.E. Geshwiler

5. Dr.Michael Sabom is a cardiologist whose book entitled Light and Death 1998,
includes a detailed medical and scientific analysis of Pams entire NDE

Also online article by Kevin Williams: People Have Near-Death Experience While
Brain Dead, Viewed on the 4th November, 2014.
6. Presentation; Is consciousness produced by the brain? at the Cosmology and
Consciousness Conference Mind and Matter(2011), Dr. Bruce Greyson. Hosted
by Upper TCV, Dharamsala.

7. Horizon Research Foundation, Science at the Horizon of Life, main home page >
Learning Zone > Can Science Discover What Happens When We Die?

8. The Placebo Effect; The Triumph of Mind Over Body by Peter Arguriou. Extracted
from Nexus Magazine Volume 14, Number 4 (June July 2007) from
NexusMagazine Website. Viewed on 6/11/14

9. We Bring Doctors Knowledge to You, > Home > Medterms

Medical Dictionary > Placebo Effect. Viewed on the 5th November, 2014

10. Past and present of 'what will please the lord': an updated history of the concept of
placebo", Minerva Med 2005 Apr; 96(2):121-4.

11. Nocebo: the psychologic induction of pain", Schweiger A, Parducci A, Pav J Biol
Sci 1981; 16:140-3.

12. A Controlled Trial of Arthroscopic Surgery for Osteoarthritis of the Knee, The New
England Journal of Medicine, July 11 2002, J. Bruce Moseley, MD et all. 347: 81-88
13. Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel
Syndrome, Dec 22, 2010, Ted J. Kaptchuk et all.
14. Pursuing the Placebo Effect, Ted Kaptchuk speaking at GoldLab Symposium, 2014
and view on Youtube on 9th November, 2014.
15. Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD, speaking at
TEDxAmericanRiviera, 2012. Viewed on youtube on 10th November, 2014.
16. Institute of Noetic Sciences Home Page > Library > Publications> Books
Spontaneous Remissions: An annotated bibliography by Caryle Hirschberg and
Brendan ORegan;

17. Spontaneous Regression of Cancer, (1968) Philadelphia, JB Saunder & Co

(Book), Everson T., Cole W.

18. Dying To Be Me: A Journey from Cancer to Near Death, to True Healing. Anita
Moorjani, Hay House publishing, Sep 2014, Amazon books: (Dr. Peter Kos studied
her case and wrote a report included in the book)

19. Unlimited Power: The new Science of Personal Achievement, 1997, Anthony

20. The Treatment of Mutliple Personality Disorder (clinical insights monograph), 1986,
Bennet G., M.D. Braun.

21. Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality, ScienceDaily, 27 Feb
1998, Viewed on the 13 November, 2014
22. Proof That Consciousness Creates Reality: Welcome to the Matrix. Online article
By Steve Bancarz Viewed on the 18th December, 2014
23. Why Consciousness is Not the Brain, Excerpted from The science of Premonition:
How knowing the Future Can Help Us Avoid Danger, Maximize Opportunities and
Create a Better Life Larry Dossey, 2010. Website viewed the 14 November, 2014
24. Why Consciousness is Not the Brain, Excerpted from The science of Premonition:
How knowing the Future Can Help Us Avoid Danger, Maximize Opportunities and
Create a Better Life Larry Dossey, 2010. Website viewed the 14 November, 2014
25. Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), Scientific Study of
Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena. Home Website, viewed Nov 2014
26. Correlations of Random Binary Sequences with Pre-Stated Operator Intention: A
Review of a 12-Year Program, Journal of Scientific Exploration, (1997), R. G Jahn
et all. Vol 11, no.3, pp. 345-367
27. The Global Consciousness Project: Meaningful Correlations in Random Data,
Home webpage, Viewed Nov 2014
28. Research into Collective Consciousness at Burning Man (2012 & 2013). Physical
effects of collective attention at Burning Man 2013, Dean Radin, Joseph Burnett,
Cassandra Vieten, Tam Hunt, Arnaud Delorme, Oct 3, 2013.
29. Dean Radin: The Global Consciousness Project, Talking to Global Oneness
Project, Feb 15 2008, Viewed on Youtube, Nov 2014,
30. The feeling of being stared at. American Journal of Psychology, (1913) Coover, J.
E, 24, 570-575 Also Reactions to an unseen gaze (remote attention): A review, with
new data on autonomic staring detection (1993), Journal of Parapsychology, 57,
391-409. Braud, W., Shafer, D., & Andrews, S


31. The Sense of Being Stared At (Part 1: Is it Real or Illusory?) Rupert Sheldrake
Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12, No.6, 2005, pp.10-31
Book form: The Sense of Being Stared at: And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind
book, 2003, (London: Hutchinson).
32. The sense of being stared at does not depend on known sensory clues, Biology
Forum, pp. 209-24. (2000), Sheldrake, R.
33. The Sense of Being Stared At (Part 1: Is it Real or Illusory?) Journal of
Consciousness Studies, 12, No.6, 2005, pp.14-15 Rupert Sheldrake
34. Telepathy in Connection with Telephone Calls, Text Messages and Emails, Journal
of International Society of Life Information Science (2014), 32 No.1, 7-15, Rupert
Sheldrake. This and several other relating papers may be viewed on
35. A Dog That Seems To Know When His Owner is Coming Home, Videotaped
Experiments and Observations, Journal of Scientific Exploration (2000), 14, 233255 Rupert Sheldrake and Pamela Smart. This and several other relating papers
may be viewed on
36. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The Transferred Potential.
Physics Essay, 7, No.4, 1994, J. Grinberg-Zylberbaum, M. Delaflor, L. Attie, and A.
37. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox in the Brain: The Transferred Potential.
Physics Essay, 7, No.4, pp.422-423, 1994, J. Grinberg-Zylberbaum, M. Delaflor, L.
Attie, and A. Goswami.
38. Event-Related Electroencephalographic Correlations Between Isolated Human
Subjects, Dean I. Radin. The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine.
10, No.2, pp. 315-316
39. Evidence Of Correlated Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signals Between
Distant Human Brains. Leanna j. Standish, L. Clark Johnson, Leila Kozak, Todd
Richards. Journal of Alternative Therapies, 2003. 9, No.1, pp. 128.
40. Institute of HeartMath Research Centre. Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role
of the Heart in Human Performance. An Overview of Research Conducted by
(IHM). Institute of HeartMath. Home Page > Research > Science of the Heart:
Chapters 3 & 4. Entrainment, Coherence & Autonomic balance and Head-Heart
Interactions. Viewed on 19th November, 2014.


41. CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute, Journal of

Scientific Exploration (1996), 10, No.1, pp. 63-76, H.E. Puthoff.
42. Precognitive Remote Viewing In The Chicago Area: A Replication Of The Stanford
Experiment, Journal of Parapsychology (1979), 43, pp. 17-30 Brenda J. Dunne &
John P. Bisha.
43. New York Times Bestseller: The Hidden Messages in Water (2005), Masaru
Emoto, Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsoboro, OR.
44. Double-Blind Test of the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation,
Explore, Sep/Oct (2006), 2 No.5, pp. 408-411. Dean Radin, Gail Hayssen, Masaru
Emoto & Takashige Kizu.
45. Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation: A triple-Blind Replication,
Journal of Scientific Exploration (2008), Dean Radin, Nancy Lund, Masaru Emoto
& Takashige Kizu.
46. Compassionate Intention as a Therapeutic Intervention by Partners of Cancer
Patients: Effects of Distant Intention on the Patients Autonomic Nervous system,
Published in Explore, Jul-Aug (2008), 4, No.4, pp. 235-243. Radin D, Stone J,
Levine E, Eskandarnejad S, Schlitz M, Kozak L, Mandel D & Hayssen G.
47. The Mysterious Universe, (1930) by James Jean, published by Macmillan, New
York 1932, pp. 186
(Minimum of ten published books, as per thesis requirement)
Light and Death (1994) The Atlanta Study is the first comprehensive investigation of its kind
into near-death experiences (NDEs). The studys name hardly captures what lies behind it:
life-and-death dramas played out in operating rooms and hospital beds- and simultaneous
events unseen by medical personnel but reported with astonishing clarity and convictions by
nearly 50 individuals who returned from deaths door. Now the founder of the Atlanta study,
Dr. Michael Saborn reveals their impact on the people who have experienced them. From
both medical and personal perspectives, he shared the electrifying stories of men and
women from all walks of life. He explores the clinical effects of the NDE on survival and
healing and discloses surprising findings.
Dying To Be Me (2014) by Anita Moorjani is a truly inspirational memoir. Anita relates how
after fighting cancer for almost four years and on the brink of certain death she entered into
an extraordinary NDE where she realized her inherent worth...and the actual cause of her
disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found her condition spontaneously remitted
miraculously with no trace of cancer in your body within weeks. She describes her
understanding of the reason for the cancer in her body to begin with and the consequent

healing of her own body after the experience. She shares her spiritual insights derived from
her NDE experience on life, self love and oneness.
Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement (1997) by Anthony Robbins is
about what he calls (and the name suggests) The science of personal achievement. It is a
book about using the mind to achieve all levels of success in ones personal life. It shows
steps and techniques in attaining revolutionary fitness of the mind for remaking oneself and
the world around them.
The Sense of Being Stared At & Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003) by Rupert
Sheldrake is a book that shows that telepathy depends on social bonds. The book traces its
evolution from the connections between members of animal groups such as flocks, schools
and packs. It summarises experimental evidence for the reality of telephone telepathy, and
shows how readers can do tests for themselves.
The Hidden Messages in Water (2005) by Masaru Emoto. Using high-speed photography, Dr
Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when
specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them.
Mind over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself (2013) by Lissa Rankin is about
the bodys ability to heal itself and an appreciation for how we can control these self-healing
mechanisms with the power of the mind.
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds (2014) by Kella. Turner is about the
phenomenon of spontaneous remission. Kelly gives the reader the results of her research on
over a thousand cases of radical remissions- people who have defied a serious or even
terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. The results of this study,
which focused on seventy-five factors, include nine key factors that were found among
almost all survivors.
The Science of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future Can Help Us Avoid Danger,
Maximize Opportunities, and Create a Better Life (2010) is a book by Larry Dossey that uses
cutting-edge science to make a convincing case that premonitions are real, common and
helpful. Dossey explores research on mindfulness and meditation to show readers how they
can cultivate and take advantage of premonitions and investigates why patients surrounded
by prayer healed faster than those who were not.
Synchrodestiny: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence to Create Miracles (2008) is a
book by Deepak Chopra revealing how, through understanding the forces that shape
coincidences, you can learn to live at a deeper level and access the flow of synchronicity
that lies at the heart of existence.
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives (1994) by Michael Newton is a book
on the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on earth- proof that consciousness
survives. Using special hypnosis techniques to reach the hidden memories of subjects,
Newton discovered amazing insights into what happens between lives and recounts many
cases and their stories.



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