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Schizophrenia: an integrated
sociodevelopmental-cognitive model
Oliver D Howes, Robin M Murray

Schizophrenia remains a major burden on patients and society. The dopamine hypothesis attempts to explain the
pathogenic mechanisms of the disorder, and the neurodevelopmental hypothesis the origins. In the past 10 years an
alternative, the cognitive model, has gained popularity. However, the rst two theories have not been satisfactorily
integrated, and the most inuential iteration of the cognitive model makes no mention of dopamine,
neurodevelopment, or indeed the brain. In this Review we show that developmental alterations secondary to variant
genes, early hazards to the brain, and childhood adversity sensitise the dopamine system, and result in excessive
presynaptic dopamine synthesis and release. Social adversity biases the cognitive schema that the individual uses to
interpret experiences towards paranoid interpretations. Subsequent stress results in dysregulated dopamine release,
causing the misattribution of salience to stimuli, which are then misinterpreted by the biased cognitive processes.
The resulting paranoia and hallucinations in turn cause further stress, and eventually repeated dopamine
dysregulation hardwires the psychotic beliefs. Finally, we consider the implications of this model for understanding
and treatment of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia aects about 1% of the population, and is
one of the leading causes of health burden in the world.1
The clinical presentation is characterised by psychotic
(positive) and negative symptoms, and cognitive impairments (panel). People who develop schizophrenia tend to
show subtle cognitive, social, and motor impairments in
childhood. These signs are followed, in adolescence and
early adulthood, by anxiety, low mood, and social
withdrawal, and then emergence of prodromal symptoms
of psychosis followed by the onset of the rst psychotic
episode (gure 1). Schizophrenia frequently follows a
uctuating course, with enduring residual positive and
negative symptoms interspersed by acute exacerbations
of positive symptoms. Antipsychotic drugs, the main
pharmacological treatment, eectively treat psychosis
and reduce the risk of relapse, but largely do not treat
other aspects of the disorder and have troubling sideeects.2 Progress in development of alternative drugs has
been slow, and, unfortunately, all present antipsychotics
essentially use the same mechanism as that for drugs
discovered in the 1950s.3 This lack of progress emphasises
the importance of understanding the pathogenesis of the
disorder. Fortunately, understanding of schizophrenia
has advanced from earlier data-free, stigmatising theories
such as the idea that bad parenting caused the disorder
(the so-called schizophrenogenic mother4). Dopaminergic
and neurodevelopmental alterations, and biases in
thinking and in appraising experiences, are now known
to underlie the disorder.58 We review how recent advances
help with understanding of the onset and course of

Dopamine dysfunction in schizophrenia

The dopamine hypothesis was built on the ndings that
antipsychotics work by blocking dopamine D2/3
receptors, and that drugs that activate the dopamine
system such as amphetamine can induce psychotic

symptoms (table 1).3,911 However, meta-analysis of more

than 50 molecular imaging studies of the dopamine
system in schizophrenia shows that the alterations in
D2/3 receptor availability are inconsistent and small,12
and that transporter availability does not dier.12,13 By
contrast, meta-analysis has shown robust evidence for
increased dopamine synthesis capacity, dopamine
release, and baseline synaptic dopamine concentrations
in schizophrenia, all with large eect sizes (Cohens
d>08).12 Molecular imaging thus suggests presynaptic
dysregulation as the major locus of dopamine dysfunction
in the disorder.3,12,14
The presynaptic dopamine abnormality is not simply a
non-specic mark of psychiatric illness; dopamine
synthesis capacity and release are not increased in people
with other common psychiatric disorders,15 and could
have potential as a diagnostic test for schizophrenia.16
However, people with psychosis linked to temporal lobe
epilepsy have increased dopamine synthesis capacity;17
furthermore, individuals with schizotypal personality
disorder, who have psychotic-like symptoms (and an
increased risk of developing schizophrenia18), show both
increased amphetamine-induced dopamine release

Published Online
December 6, 2013
MRC Clinical Sciences Centre,
Imperial College, London, UK
(O D Howes DM); and Institute
of Psychiatry, Kings College
London, London, UK
(O D Howes,
Prof R M Murray FRS)
Correspondence to:
Dr Oliver D Howes, Institute of
Psychiatry, Kings College
London, London SE5 8AF, UK

Search strategy and selection criteria

We searched PubMed and Embase from January, 1966, to
June, 2013, and reviewed article bibliographies with the
following search terms: schizophrenia, psychosis, in
combination with dopamine, aetiology, risk factors,
cause, theory, neurodevelopmental, and cognitive. We
excluded papers that were not in English or peer-reviewed
journals. When possible we have cited meta-analyses and
systematic reviews. When these studies were not available,
we selected well controlled studies based on our subjective
assessment. The level of evidence supporting components of
the model is summarised in the accompanying tables. Published online December 6, 2013


Panel: Denition of terms

A xed implausible, preoccupying belief, such as that a microchip has been implanted
behind the ear and is controlling the patients thoughts.
A voice, vision, or other percept in the absence of a stimulus. In schizophrenia, these
hallucinations characteristically take the form of voices commenting on the patients
actions or making derogatory comments about the patient.
Passivity delusions
Delusions that an external agency is controlling thoughts, actions, or perceptions.
Positive symptoms
Psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
Prediction error
Used in computational models to describe the mismatch between what is expected and
what actually happens that drives learning.
A syndrome characterised by one or more of the following symptoms: delusions,
hallucinations, thought disorder, catatonia.
Psychotic disorders
Schizophrenia is the most common psychotic disorder, but psychosis also occurs in bipolar
and unipolar aective disorders.
Negative symptoms
Symptoms such as apathy, reduced social interactions, poor self-care.
A chronic mental illness characterised by persistent psychotic and negative symptoms and
relatively subtle cognitive impairment.


Social adversity
Prodromal symptoms
risk factors
Social withdrawal and subjective cognitive changes
Anxiety and depressive symptoms

Cognitive, motor, and social impairment



Early adulthood

Figure 1: The trajectory to schizophrenia showing the evolution of symptoms and the main risk factors

compared with controls19 and increased dopamine synthesis capacity.20

The onset of schizophrenia is frequently preceded by a
prodromal phase of subclinical psychotic symptoms.
People who present with these at-risk features have, on

average, increased dopamine synthesis capacity21,22 but,

of course, not all at-risk individuals are truly prodromal.
Increased dopamine synthesis capacity is specic to those
who later develop frank psychosis.20 Furthermore, higher
dopamine synthesis capacity is associated with greater
severity of subclinical symptoms, but again only in those
who develop clinical psychosisthere is no association
between dopamine synthesis capacity and symptoms in
those who do not develop a psychotic disorder.20 Many
who do not develop a psychotic disorder continue to have
subclinical psychotic symptoms. In this respect, they are
similar to people in the general population who have such
symptoms for many years without either developing a
psychotic disorder or showing dopamine elevation.23,24
Relatives of people with schizophrenia can also have
subclinical psychotic symptoms, but ndings on dopamine abnormalities in relatives are inconsistent.25,26
Studies using radiotracers selective for dopamine D2/3
receptors to index dopamine release after amphetamine
in patients with schizophrenia indicate that greater
release is associated with greater induction of psychotic
symptoms.27 Furthermore, increased depletion of dopamine concentrations after inhibition of dopamine synthesis is associated with greater reduction in psychotic
symptoms.28 Dopamine release is greater in patients who
are acutely psychotic than in stable, remitted patients.27
Furthermore, a longitudinal study in which patients were
scanned in the prodrome and then again after they
developed acute psychosis showed an increase in
dopamine synthesis capacity during progression from
the prodrome to the rst psychotic episode.29
These ndings indicate a link between increased
dopamine dysfunction and the development of more
severe psychotic symptoms, and suggest that this dysfunction is dynamic, increasing with worsening of the
disorder. However, although dopamine dysfunction
seems most marked in acute psychosis, it is not conned
to schizophrenia itself, and is also detected in people
with other psychotic disorders and those with subclinical
psychotic symptoms.

The neurodevelopmental hypothesis

When the neurodevelopmental hypothesis was rst
articulated, it was based on three main lines of evidence
(table 2).6,7 First, there were the associations between
prenatal and perinatal hazards on the one hand, and later
schizophrenia on the other. Second, there was an excess
of neuromotor, minor physical, and other markers of
developmental deviance in children destined to develop
schizophrenia. Third, imaging studies showed that
structural brain defects were present at onset of schizophrenia, whereas ndings from post-mortem studies
showed no evidence of neurodegeneration.
Since then much more evidence has accrued to lend
support to these associations. Thus obstetric complications, such as low birthweight, caesarean section,
hypoxia, and other perinatal hazards, are linked to Published online December 6, 2013


Dopaminergic index

Link to schizophrenia

Strength of evidence

Drug studies

Eect of dopamine agonist drugs (eg, amphetamine)

Eect of dopamine receptor antagonists (eg, antipsychotics)
Eect of dopamine depleting drugs (eg, reserpine)

Induces or worsens psychotic symptoms

Reduces symptoms
Reduces symptoms


Peripheral markers

Dopamine metabolites in CSF and plasma

Increased in schizophrenia

Inconsistent ndings; might depend on phase of illness

and aected by peripheral catecholamine metabolism

Ex-vivo studies

Dopamine and dopamine metabolite concentrations in brain

Increased in striatum in schizophrenia

+, potentially confounded by previous antipsychotic


Brain imaging studies

Dopamine synthesis and dopamine release capacity,

and baseline dopamine concentrations

Increased in striatum in schizophrenia


++=found in meta-analysis. +=found in well controlled studies.

Table 1: Summary of evidence for the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia

increased risk of schizophrenia, as is prenatal exposure

to infection.3032 Children who develop schizophrenia not
only show an excess of markers of disordered neurodevelopment,33 but also of neurological, cognitive, and
social problems, all with at least moderate eect sizes
(odds ratios 234,35). The evidence for structural brain
alterations at onset of psychosis has continued to
amass,36,37 and evidence now suggests that it is present
before the onset of schizophrenia.38,39
Weinberger7 originally highlighted the role of the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Although this cortical
lesion was postulated to be present from early neurodevelopment, its eects were thought to become clinically apparent only as a result of normal adolescent
maturational changes combining to result in subcortical
disinhibition.6,7 The cognitive impairments and negative
symptoms detected in schizophrenia were accounted
for by the cortical decits, whereas the subcortical disinhibition, beginning in adolescence, caused the emergence of positive symptoms. Dopamine dysfunction
was regarded as a manifestation of the subcortical
hyperfunction and was considered as secondary to the
interaction between the primary cortical lesion and
normal maturational processes.6,7 However, evidence
has emerged that redenes the nature of the link
between neurodevelopmental damage and dopaminergic dysfunction.

The eect of developmental insults on the

dopaminergic system
Early developmental insults to rodents have eects that
mirror changes noted in schizophrenia. Thus animals
exposed to inammatory challenges in utero show
increased striatal concentrations of dopamine and its
metabolites, and increased concentrations of dopamine
synthetic enzymes in adulthood.40 They also show
increased behavioural responses to amphetamine41
another indicator of increased dopamine release. Perinatal
hypoxia models increase brain dopamine synthesis
capacity and concentrations,42,43 whereas caesarean section
is associated with increased dopamine concentrations,44
enhanced dopamine release,45 and increased dopamine
synthesis capacity in response to stress.42 Other studies

Link to

Strength of

Obstetric complications


Low birthweight


In-utero infection


Motor delay


Social alterations


Cognitive impairments


Ventricular enlargement


Grey matter reductions


White matter disruption

Prenatal or perinatal risk factors

Developmental trajectory

Brain structural alterations

++=found in meta-analysis. += found in well controlled studies.

Table 2: Summary of evidence for the neurodevelopmental hypothesis

of schizophrenia

have targeted the ventral hippocampus46 because neonatal

hypoxia has been frequently associated with damage to
the hippocampus in both healthy people and in those
with schizophrenia.47 These studies also show increased
striatal dopamine concentrations and release,46 increased
behavioural responses to amphetamine,48 and a greater
dopamine response to stress.49
The eects of developmental insults are evident despite
cross-fostering, indicating that they are not attributable
to postnatal eects.42,44 A key element is that these
dopaminergic changes persist into adulthood;40 in some
models the altered dopaminergic function becomes
evident only later in development.46

Social risk factors

Evidence for the eects of social factors on schizophrenia
has become well established. Thus, being an immigrant
is associated with a relative risk of schizophrenia of 29
and a risk of more than 4 if the migrant lives in an area
where he or she is readily identiable as being in the
minority.50 Similarly, having grown up in a city is associated with increased risk (pooled odds ratio of 19).51
Childhood adversity, such as loss of a parent or abuse, is Published online December 6, 2013


also associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia

(odds ratio 28).52 Whereas it is easy to see how the longterm eects of childhood adversity, or of being part of a
minority group exposed to discrimination, might alter an
individuals stress response, the eect of urban life is less
obvious. However, a study in healthy volunteers showed
that growing up in a city was associated with greater
brain responses to a stress task than was growing up
outside a city, suggesting (although not proving) that city
living could alter the brain response to stress.53 These
ndings have led to the original neurodevelopmental
hypothesis being extended to include social stressors.5456
Furthermore, new real-time sampling techniques have
shown that patients with schizophrenia have greater
sensitivity to everyday hassles (such as paying a bill or
getting to an appointment) than do controls, and have
linked even mild stress to increases in psychotic symptoms.57 Similarly, high cortisol concentrations have been
linked to a greater likelihood of going on to develop
psychosis in people at risk of schizophrenia,58 although
this nding should be regarded as preliminary in view of
the small sample sizes in studies to date.
Social isolation is well established as a chronic stressor
in social animals. Isolation rearing leads to increased
striatal synaptic dopamine concentrations in adult
animals, and increased striatal dopamine release to subsequent environmental and drug challenges, including
cocaine and amphetamine, as adults.59 Position in the
social hierarchy aects the recovery of the dopamine
system after isolated animals are returned to the social
group; dominant, but not subordinate, monkeys
show reversal of the striatal dopamine changes.60 Acute
stressors also activate dopaminergic transmission in the
striatum in rodent models, resulting in dopamine release
and increased synthesis.61,62 Although many of these
studies have used physical stressors such as tail-pinches
or electric shocks, which have less obvious parallels with
what patients experience, increased dopamine release is
also detected in response to social stressors.63,64 For
example, social instability, produced by repeatedly
switching cage partners, and social defeat, when an
animal loses an interaction with an aggressive animal,
are associated with increased sensitivity to amphetamine,
increased striatal dopamine release, and increased
dopamine neuron ring.65
Stress also increases striatal dopamine release in
human beings,66,67 although not in all studies.68 This
inconsistency could be related to the severity of the
stressorndings from animal studies suggest that
mild stressors do not always increase striatal dopamine concentrations. Furthermore, increased dopamine
release is associated with greater cortisol response to a
challenge.66 For obvious reasons, isolation of children to
establish whether this nding has lasting eects on the
dopamine system is not possible, but healthy adults who
report low maternal care as children show increased
dopamine release to a social stressor.69 This same

psychosocial stress test has been used in patients with

schizophrenia and individuals at very high risk of
psychosis.70 Both groups showed greater dopamine
release to social stress than did matched controls, suggesting that people with schizophrenia, and those at risk
of it, show an enhanced dopaminergic response to
psychosocial stress.

The sensitivity, and sensitisation, of the

dopamine system
The eects of neurodevelopmental insults on dierent neurotransmitter systems have been compared.
Caesarean section and mild hypoxia both aect the
dopaminergic but not the serotonergic system;42 although
caesarean section increases dopamine concentrations, it
decreases norepinephrine concentrations, at least in
male rats.44 Furthermore, although dexamethasone exposure in utero, a prenatal stress model, increases both
brain serotonin and dopamine concentrations, the eect
is more marked for the dopaminergic system than for
the serotonergic system.71 Similarly, isolation rearing is
associated with increased dopamine release but reduced
serotonin release to subsequent challenges.72
An additional factor is sensitisationie, the marked
amplication in a response after repeated stimulation
that persists over time. The dopaminergic system shows
sensitisation to several drugs and stressors.73,74 Furthermore previous exposure to one challenge leads to an
increased subsequent dopaminergic response to a
dierent challengeie, there is cross-sensitisation.7577
Thus animals exposed to an inammatory challenge in
utero show a greater sensitisation to repeated amphetamine administration than do control animals.41 Similarly,
adult rats subjected to transient perinatal anoxia show
greater sensitisation to the eects of subsequent stress
on dopamine release in the striatum, and greater
amphetamine-induced locomotor activity than rats not
exposed to perinatal anoxia.45 Cross-sensitisation has
also been recorded with adult rats who had been
previously subject to social isolation,78 and has been
noted in human beings.79
Overall, although environmental insults can aect
several neurotransmitter systems, the dopaminergic
system seems to be particularly sensitive to them, and
furthermore its capacity for cross-sensitisation means
that insults could have additive, or even multiplicative,
eects. Strikingly, dopamine sensitisation in healthy
controls reproduces the altered striatal and cortical
responses during a cognitive task that are seen in

Genes, neurodevelopment, and the

dopamine system
Much of the variance in schizophrenia is considered
genetic. Dopamine-related genes have been much
studied in schizophrenia, particularly the genes for
dopamine receptors and for catechol-O-methyltransferase Published online December 6, 2013


(COMT); the most notable nding from recent genomewide association studies is that the D2 receptor gene
is reliably associated with schizophrenia. However,
generally, eects in dopamine-related genes have been
small and inconsistent.81 This nding is not surprising in
view of results from imaging studies that showed little or
no abnormality in dopamine receptor or transporter
availability, and instead located the major abnormality in
presynaptic dopamine synthesis and release capacity.
Unfortunately research into genes involved in the
synthesis and regulation of presynaptic dopamine has
been scarce.82 However, because presynaptic dopamine
function shows relatively low heritability and a high
contribution from unique environmental factors, eects
are likely to be small.83 Of note, the high heritability of
schizophrenia includes geneenvironment interactions;
failure to account for these interactions could have
contributed to some of the inconsistencies in the genetic
studies of schizophrenia.
From the beginning, neurodevelopmental impairment
in schizophrenia was considered to reect not only
environmental but also genetic risk.84 Subsequently, this
notion has been shown to be true, although only partly.
Several susceptibility genes for the disorder for which the
best evidence exists are involved in neurodevelopmental
processes (eg, NRG1, DISC1, TCF4, MIR137, NRGN,
NRXN1).8590 Most convincingly, an excess of copy number
variants has been repeatedly shown in schizophrenia
and some have also been implicated in other neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, epilepsy, and
learning disability.88,9194 Owen and colleagues95 suggest
that all these disorders are also subject to early environmental hazards and that together they constitute a continuum of neurodevelopmental causality.
Preclinical evidence indicates that altered function in
several of these genes perturbs the dopamine system.
For example, disc1 knockdown mice showed an increased
behavioural response, and increased striatal dopamine
release, to methamphetamine.96 Alterations in NRG1 and
DTNBP1 also aect the dopamine system. For example,
neonatal administration of NRG1 resulted in increased
striatal tyrosine hydroxylase concentrations and activity
and increased dopamine concentrations,97 whereas
dtnmp1-mutant mice showed hyperactivity to dopamine
agonists.98 TCF4, a transcription factor, also aects the
dopamine system by activating tyrosine hydroxylase
transcription.99 Finally, further support for the idea that
disrupted neurodevelopment and dopaminergic dysfunction combine to underlie psychosis is provided by
the 22q11.2 deletion syndromea large copy number
variant that includes COMT and developmental genes
and is associated with neurodevelopmental abnormalities
and a roughly 25-fold increased risk of schizophrenia.91

Postsynaptic dopamine signalling

We have focused on presynaptic dopamine, but cannot
exclude a role for postsynaptic dopamine signalling.

A nding in patients with both schizophrenia and

substance dependence draws attention to the potential
role of postsynaptic dopamine signal transduction.100 By
contrast with previous ndings in schizophrenia, this
study showed reduced dopamine release to amphetamine;
however, dopamine release was still positively associated
with the induction of psychotic symptoms.101 This nding
suggests that postsynaptic hypersensitivity to dopamine
could contribute to psychosis. In support of a role for
postsynaptic factors, schizophrenia is associated with
gene variants and altered expression of proteins implicated in postsynaptic dopamine signal transduction,
such as AKT1, GSK3B, and PPP1R1B.102104 Findings from
preclinical studies suggest that alterations in these
pathways can substantially alter dopamine-related function. For example, an increased behavioural response to
amphetamine is detected with genetic or pharmacological
manipulations that increase GSK3B function or those
that reduce AKT1 function.105,106 Furthermore, ppp1r1b
knockout mice show altered behavioural responses to
amphetamine and increased sensitisation to cocaine.107,108
Of note, dopamine sensitisation involves both postsynaptic and presynaptic changes.109
Thus alterations in these postsynaptic factors could
result in a pathologically increased postsynaptic response
to dopamine that might underlie psychosis in dual
diagnosis patients, but could also contribute to psychosis in others by amplifying the eects of presynaptic
dopamine dysfunction due to interactions with environmental risk factors. There is already some evidence of
such geneenvironment interactionseg, SNPs in AKT1
interact with two of the environmental risk factors that
alter presynaptic dopamine function, obstetric complications and cannabis, to increase the risk of psychosis.110112

Cognitive theories and their link to

dopaminergic dysfunction
Together the dopamine and developmental hypotheses
explain much of what is known about the biology of
psychosis. However, they do little to help understanding
of the symptoms that patients have. The past decade has
seen the rise of cognitive models that attempt to elucidate
this knowledge gap.8,113 These models suggest that
exposure to social adversities (eg, child abuse, intrusive
life events) bias an individual towards development of
cognitive schemas that view the world as threatening,
and to attributing negative events and experiences to
external factors (such as other people).113 In such models,
stress results in anomalies of conscious experience that
trigger a search for an explanation. Biased cognitive
schema and appraisal processes then result in the
erroneous judgment that these puzzling experiences are
externally driven and uncontrollablein this way, paranoid delusions are postulated to develop.
Cognitive models have now begun to take note of
biological theories,8,114 for which research emphasising
the importance of dopamine signalling in the salience of Published online December 6, 2013


stimuli has been crucial. Dopamine dysregulation is

thought to result in aberrant assignment of salience to
stimuli, and it is the cognitive interpretation of these
excessively salient stimuli that results in psychotic
symptoms.5,115 Thus environmental adversity acts both to
dysregulate the dopamine system and to form biased
cognitive schema. The biased schema, in turn, result in
the excessively salient stimuli being interpreted as
threatening. The net result is additional stress, and
further dopamine dysregulationa vicious cycle that is
likely, in view of the central role of the striatum and
dopamine in habit formation, to result in paranoid ideas
becoming xed and eectively hardwired.116
In previous versions of the dopamine hypothesis, how
dopamine dysfunction accounted for hallucinations was
unclear.2 However, ndings from studies in primates
suggest that as well as coding the saliency of external
stimuli, midbrain dopamine activity also codes the
uncertainty around subjective perceptual decisions about
the detection of stimuli.117,118 Importantly, this process is
independent of actual stimulus detection.117 Thus dopamine dysregulation could impair the subjective discrimination of internal from external stimuli, leading to
the misattribution of internal stimuli as arising externally.
In support of this notion, patients with schizophrenia
show impairments in the ability to detect stimuli and in
the normal attenuation of cortical responses to self-made
percepts.119122 The failure to attenuate the salience of selfmade percepts could also result in the misattribution of
their agency, and so account for passivity delusions. The
signalling of salience by dopamine has an important role
in reward learning by encoding information about the
mismatch between what is expected after a stimulus and


dopamine system



Biased cognitive

Figure 2: The eect of neurodevelopmental and sociodevelopmental risk

factors for psychosis on the dopamine system and cognitive schema



processing of


Biased cognitive schema

Figure 3: Model of the onset of psychosis showing the interaction between acute stress, dopamine
dysfunction, and biased cognitive schema


what actually happensthe precision of prediction

errors in computational models (panel).123 By disrupting
reward learning in this way, dopamine dysregulation
could account for amotivation, apathy, and other negative
symptoms of schizophrenia. Even relatively modest
increases in dopaminergic neurotransmission in rodents
disrupt reward learning and decrease willingness to work
for reward.124

An integrated sociodevelopmental model

Our model combines aspects of the dopamine, neurodevelopmental, and sociodevelopmental hypotheses with
cognitive theories. First, developmental deviance secondary to variant genes, hazards to the brain, and social
adversity in childhood disrupt the development of and
sensitises the dopamine system (gure 2). At the same
time, social adversity also biases the cognitive schema
that the individual uses to interpret experiences towards
psychotic interpretations. Subsequent stress then results
in dysregulated dopamine release, leading to the aberrant
assignment of salience, which, when interpreted in the
context of biased cognitive schema, contributes to further
stress. A vicious cycle is established: stress increases
dopamine dysregulation, leading to more stress, and so
further dopamine release, which eventually hardwires
the psychotic interpretation (gure 3). There is a progressive dysregulation of dopamine seen from the
prodrome to the rst and subsequent psychotic episodes.
This is a dynamic model in that the degree of
dopaminergic dysfunction uctuates in response to the
psychological response to the abnormal dopamine
signalling. This process contrasts with previous static
versions of the dopamine hypothesis that could not
account for relapses and remissions of the illness. Thus,
the dopamine dysregulation reduces after the acute
stressor abates, although it does not normalise completely in most patients. This explains not only why about
10% of patients have no further episodes of psychosis
after the rst episode,125 but also why people who have
had a psychotic episode remain at risk of further episodes
even years later, and the role of social stress in relapse.125
Finally, in view of dopamines role in reward learning,
the enduring dopamine dysfunction could account for
the negative symptoms that many patients have between
acute episodes.
Key evidence for the original neurodevelopmental
hypothesis was that premorbid motor and intellectual
abnormalities were evident in pre-schizophrenic children.34 At the time the dopaminergic dysfunction was
thought to be mesolimbic rather nigrostriatal. However,
subsequent ndings suggest that the dopaminergic
dysfunction includes the motor and associative parts of
the striatum,12,21 and abnormalities in the associative parts
of the striatum have been linked to poorer cognitive
function in people with prodromal signs of schizophrenia.21 Thus motor and cognitive abnormalities could
be accounted for by the eect of altered dopaminergic Published online December 6, 2013


function in the motor and associative striatum,

respectively. In support of this hypothesis, transgenic
mouse models show that even a relatively subtle increase
in striatal dopaminergic neurotransmission impairs cognitive function.126 Of course, our model does not preclude
developmental disruption of other systems, which could
both contribute to cognitive dysfunction and underlie the
greater sensitivity of the dopaminergic system to subsequent stressors.46,127 Some, albeit tentative, support for
this notion comes from the nding that smaller grey
matter volumes are associated with a greater stressinduced increase in a peripheral marker of dopamine.128
Similarly, individuals with greater exposure to risk
factors, and particularly greater severity of developmental
insult, will probably show more marked dopaminergic
dysregulation and also dysfunction of other systems.
This eect explains why patients with more risk factors
tend to have a poorer prognosis,129 and accounts for
heterogeneity in the cognitive impairments noted in
patients with schizophrenia.130
The model explains the overlap both in risk factors and
brain abnormalities between schizophrenia and neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and epilepsy, because
they share neurodevelopmental origins.131133 However, it
proposes that the eect of these developmental factors
and subsequent social stressors on the dopamine system
determines whether the trajectory is towards progressive
dopamine dysregulation and psychosis, or, when the
dopamine system is not progressively dysregulated,
another diagnosis or no disorder. Finally the model is
primarily a theory about psychosis in schizophrenia and,
putatively, psychosis in other disorders. Thus, it would
account, for example, for the higher rates of psychosis in
conditions such as epilepsy, learning disability, and autism
that have similar neurodevelopmental origins.

Strengths and limitations

Findings from meta-analyses lend support to the
evidence linking neurodevelopmental and sociodevelopmental risk factors to schizophrenia, and for
presynaptic dopamine dysfunction in the disorder
(tables 1 and 2). Similarly, ndings from several
preclinical studies support the link between developmental risk factors and altered dopamine function. As
such, a substantial amount of new evidence would be
needed to refute these aspects of the model. However,
the link between the environmental risk factors and
dopamine dysfunction is less well established, particularly in human beings, as is the proposal that the
dopamine changes are dynamicboth these components
rely on results from only a few studies and thus warrant
further testing. Similarly, although at least two other
studies have replicated the nding that people with
schizophrenia show biased cognitive schemas, this eect
is far from established, and evidence to support our
proposal that these schemas are biased before the onset
of psychosis and a consequence of social adversity is

needed. The evidence for dopamines role in encoding

subjective sensory discrimination and that patients show
disrupted sensory discrimination is also limited to
ndings from only a few studies.
More evidence is needed of the link of between the risk
factors and neurobiological alterations associated with
schizophrenia. Some, such as the progressive structural
brain loss seen in some patients, can be accounted for
within our model by the eects of stress or antipsychotic
treatment,134,135 or be non-specic correlates of neurodevelopmental disruption. Others might emerge as key
upstream regulators of the dopamine dysfunction. Of
these, glutamatergic abnormalities, although not always
consistent,136 have attracted much interest. Glutamatergic
hypofunction could contribute to dopaminergic dysfunction,137 although this hypothesis remains to be
directly tested in patients. The eect of another factor,
oestrogens, could explain the later peak age of onset in
women, but, although oestrogens are clearly involved in
regulation of dopamine function in preclinical models,138
this eect has yet to be established in human beings.
Similarly, although our model accounts for the link
between stimulant use and increased risk of schizophrenia because these drugs are known to induce
dopamine sensitisation,79 whether misuse of other
psychotogenic drugs, such as ketamine and cannabis,
operate via dopaminergic pathways is uncertain.139
Finally, whereas the dynamic nature of the proposed
dopamine dysfunction accounts for the uctuating
course of the acute psychotic phases of schizophrenia,
the evidence is less clear about how it accounts for the
persisting negative symptoms and decit state that
generally persist between acute episodes.

Implications and future directions

This model draws on several previous theories,7,55,101,140142
and is likely to be rened with further testing. There are
several areas in which more evidence might be particularly informative. One is the developmental trajectory of
dopamine function in experimental models of schizophrenia, beginning earlier than previously studied,143 and
examining the interactive eects of social risk factors.
Another is the interaction between genes aecting the
dopamine system and environmental risk factors. A third
is the hypothesised interaction between neurodevelopmental and later social eects on the dopamine system,




Psychological and social intervention

processing of


Biased cognitive schema

Figure 4: Sites at which psychosocial interventions could act to prevent psychosis Published online December 6, 2013


and particularly the hypothesised dynamic change and the

eect of stressors. A fourth is the role of cognitive schema
in the transition from experiencing aberrant salience to
development of psychosis. We have focused on dopamine
in the striatum because this is the region most studied, but
eects in other regions could occureg, ndings from
rodent studies show that stress also aects dopamine
release in other brain regions61and this area warrants
further investigation.
By contrast with early interpretations of the neurodevelopmental hypothesis suggesting that prenatal
factors were of prime importance, our model suggests
that life events, and the cognitions associated with them,
play a key part, and that by altering cognitive schema and
by reducing stress, psychological therapies and social
interventions can interrupt the vicious cycle that dysregulates dopamine to divert the sociodevelopmental
trajectory from the development of psychosis (gure 4).
Evidence from an animal developmental model of
schizophrenia suggests that treatments that reduce
stress responsivity prevent the emergence of dopamine
dysregulation.144 These interventions are likely to be
particularly crucial early in the illness, before there has
been progressive dopamine dysregulation, and patterns
of interpreting events become hardwired.
We have focused on presynaptic dopaminergic function but alterations in postsynaptic signal transduction
could contribute to further disrupt dopamine signalling.
Although further work is needed to establish whether
postsynaptic signalling is disrupted in schizophrenia,
targeting of these pathways might nevertheless be
therapeutically benecial to redress presynaptic dopamine dysfunction. Additionally, the model indicates new
upstream targets for drugs to reverse the dopamine
dysregulationsuch as the GABA-ergic and glutamatergic regulation of midbrain dopamine neuron
ring.145147 Finally, the model indicates that treatment of
schizophrenia needs to address psychological, sociodevelopmental, and biological factors.












ODH did the literature review and wrote the rst draft. RMM and ODH
selected and synthesised the literature.
Conicts of interest
ODH and RMM have received speaker bureau honoraria and charitable
research funding from pharmaceutical companies, including the following
manufacturers of antipsychotic drugs: AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Eli Lilly, Jansenn-Cilag, Roche, Leyden-Delta, and Servier.



This work was funded by Medical Research Council UK
(MC-A6565QD30) and Wellcome Trust (094849/Z/10/Z) grants to
ODH, and the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, South London &
Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.


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