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Liberty Church Project Video Update

Needed: The Third Continential Congress

By Chuck Baldwin
February 26, 2015
As much as we liberty-loving, Constitution-loving, America-loving patriots hate
to admit it, the government in Washington, D.C., is NOT fixable. The elitist pow
er structure in D.C. is too ensconced and too powerful. They will never cede pow
er to folks, such as Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, etc., who truly believe in lim
ited government. Nor will they permit the states to reclaim ANY of their constit
utionally recognized powers. And neither party in D.C. has enough Ron Paul-types
to thwart the evil machinations of the power-drunk leviathan that is Washington
, D.C.
Furthermore, the same forces of darkness that control the political establishmen
t in Washington, D.C., also control the media and financial establishments in Ne
w York City. The voters of America have too often rejected the presidential and
congressional candidates who had the potential to help lead our ship of state to
safer waters (if we even have untainted elections). The warnings of the prophet
s and porters have fallen on deaf ears. For the most part, Americans refuse to d
islodge themselves from their addiction to government handouts. In addition, Ame
ricas pastors have largely abandoned their calling to be watchmen on the wall, wh
ich has left our ship of state without a moral compass or a spiritual rudder.
As much as I hate to say it, it is becoming more and more clear that Washington,
D.C., may not be fixable. If thats the case, it is only a matter of time before
freedomists will be forced to do what freedomists have always been forced to do
when facing a tyrannical juggernaut: declare independence.
The closest thing America has had in modern times to Patrick Henry or Thomas Jef
ferson is former Congressman Ron Paul. In late January, Dr. Paul brought a speec
h before the Mises Institute. The theme of the event was Breaking Away: The Case
For Secession.
In his address, Ron said, And its [secession] not gonna be because there will be en
ough people in the U.S. Congress to legislate it. It wont happen. It will be de f
acto. You know, youll have a gold standard when the paper standard fails, and were
getting awfully close to that. And people will have to resort to taking care of
themselves. So when conditions break down, you know, theres gonna be an alternat
ive. And I think thats what were witnessing.
Later, Paul said the Federal Reserve would end and the states would stop listenin
g to federal laws they didnt agree with.
The Fed is gonna end. There is going to be a de facto secession movement going on.
The states are going to refuse to listen to some of the laws. Weve seen tremendo
us success already with states saying to the federal government, Were not gonna li
sten to you anymore about the drug laws. And theyre getting out of it, and I think
the American people are waking up to that, and as far as Im concerned, the more
the merrier.
See the report here:
Ron Paul: Good News That Secession Is Happening
I believe Dr. Paul is right. Secession (de facto or otherwise) is inevitable. How
it will come and when it will come is debatable. That it will come is not. The o
nly question is, do we wait for a national or international crisis of apocalypti
cal proportions or do we begin the debate now in the relative tranquility of pea
ce and order? I say we should begin the debate NOW.

The assaults against our liberties are rooted and grounded inside The Beltway. T
he federal government in Washington, D.C., has been attacking our Natural rights
for decades, to the point that it is almost insufferable. It is fomenting war a
nd aggression all over the world; it is turning people around the globe into the
enemies of the American people; it is training its own officers to enslave the
American citizenry; it has set up a domestic military command that is nothing le
ss than an occupation force; it has passed laws and policies stripping the Ameri
can people of virtually every freedom protected in our Bill of Rights; it has se
t the worlds most sophisticated spy system against its own citizens; it has freel
y allowed violent criminals and gang members from foreign nations to have unfett
ered access to Americas heartland; it has dictated policies to the sovereign stat
es to the point that our states more resemble national provinces; it has taken l
iberty to the precipice of destruction.
The powers of darkness manipulating the politicians in Washington, D.C., are lea
ding us to financial collapse and global war. They are manipulating the east and
west against each other; they are facilitating the military build-up of China;
they are goading Russia into war; they are manipulating the collapse of the U.S.
dollar; and they are declaring patriotic, God-fearing Americans as homegrown ter
rorists, while creating real terrorists abroad.
I propose that the People of the several states begin calling for The Third Cont
inental Congress to the intent that this Congress proposes, debates, and eventua
lly votes on the decision to declare independence from the government in Washing
ton, D.C.
Delegates to such a Congress would by necessity be sent by the People of the sta
tes, not by the State legislatures. The focus of the Congress would be singular
in purpose: to debate and eventually vote on a resolution of independence. I thi
nk the resolution of The Third Continental Congress should mirror Richard Henry
Lees resolution during The Second Continental Congress in 1776:
Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and inde
pendent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown,
and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain i
s, and ought to be, totally dissolved.
I am fully aware that this is a bitter thought to contemplate. It is for me, too
. But, ladies and gentlemen, there may be no other way to preserve liberty in ou
r land.
Granted, if Ron Paul (or perhaps his son, Rand) could obtain the White House--an
d providing he could stay alive--substantial victories could probably be wrought
over the Beast. We should NOT stop fighting for the principles of liberty. No o
ne is more engaged in the liberty fight than I. And I will continue to be engage
Furthermore, I continue to believe if Americas pastors and churches would collect
ively awaken to the principles of liberty, see the man behind the curtain, and agg
ressively preach and teach the principles of Natural Law regarding government, a
certain amount of time might be able to be purchased. Thats what Im trying to acc
omplish with my Liberty Church Project. Its yet to be seen how quickly we will be
able to restore patriot pulpits to America.
Yet, many patriotic folks mistakenly believe that we must preserve the Union at
all costs. This is NOT the case. We must preserve LIBERTY at all costs. Our loya
lty to the Union should only be up and unto the point that it becomes destructive
to the security of our liberties. Our original Declaration says it plainly:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their
just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Gover
nment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter
or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most l
ikely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The mood for such a declaration is already growing. I believe if such a Congress
were convened, several of our sovereign states would vote in the affirmative. I
think states such as Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, Idaho, Montana, Wyomin
g, New Hampshire, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Virginia, Alaska, and even Hawaii, would ser
iously entertain such a resolution. The actual number of states who might be inc
lined to vote in the affirmative could potentially number at least half (or more
) of the total states in the Union.
The idea that we will be able to maintain the Union under the growing tentacles
of Washington, D.C., while maintaining liberty at the same time is now an utterl
y irreconcilable notion. As did our Founding Fathers before us, we have made--an
d continue to make--repeated redresses, we have convened conferences, we have re
peatedly petitioned, and we have voted the bums out over and over again. No matter
! The Beast in Washington, D.C., only gets more and more insatiable in its hunge
r to eat away our liberties. At some point, the American people must take their
principles of liberty to The Third Continental Congress and vote on a Twenty-Fir
st Century declaration of independence.
And, no, a modern declaration of independence does not have to be bloody. Had Sc
otland voted for independence a few months ago, would London have sent troops to
stop them? Absolutely not. World opinion would not tolerate it. Plus, the need
for peaceful trade, commerce, and mutual self-defense would demand cooperation b
etween neighboring governments. This would equally apply in North America.
What separation would likely accomplish is to take the teeth out of a ravenous B
east. It would accomplish what our separation from Great Britain accomplished tw
o hundred years ago. The Beast would not be able to subjugate the free people of
a new nation. No longer would it be able to play the worlds policeman. No longer
would it be able to freely foment hatred and war between nations. Plus, it woul
d give the new republic that would likely form the opportunity to export the ide
as of liberty, free enterprise, peaceful trade and diplomacy, etc., around the w
orld. You know, the ideas and principles that the United States USED to export.
Separation might actually save, not just the liberties of the American people, b
ut the lives of people around the world from a global catastrophe.
The worst scenario is that the American people wait until the powers of darkness
controlling Washington, D.C., bring about a global apocalypse before they reali
ze what they must inevitably do. That is the scenario that Dr. Paul alluded to i
n his remarks referenced above. The better scenario is that the American people
have the sagacity and foresight to see the storm clouds on the horizon and put i
n motion NOW the remedy for their--and their childrens--survival.
Unfortunately, the established track record of the American electorate seems to
favor Ron Pauls scenario. I much prefer that liberty-loving patriots begin broach
ing this subject NOW, before times are desperate.
Either way, sooner or later, in my lifetime or not, in a time of relative peace
or extreme chaos, separation is inevitable, because unless the patriot pulpit qu
ickly returns to America, or a Ron Paul-type leader be elected President, the go
vernment in Washington, D.C., is not fixable. And as such, we desperately need T
he Third Continental Congress. It just might be libertys last chance.

P.S. I am in touch with a group of patriot Christians near EVANSVILLE, INDIANA,

who very much desire to start a new non-501c3 fellowship. As soon as this group
can grow a little more, I will take my team and conduct a Liberty Church Project
conference for these folks. If you live in or near EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, and wou
ld like to join this group, here is an email that you can use to connect with th
em. Hopefully, there will soon be enough people that we can see a brand new non501c3 church established in EVANSVILLE, INDIANA.
The email address is:

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