Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Usamos el pasado continuo para hablar de acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado y que

luego continuaron.
Tambin, se puede utilizar el pasado continuo para relatar dos acciones que sucedieron en el pasado y que una de ellas
ya se ha completado. Para eso, utilizamos el pasado simple para mencionar lo que ya finaliz y el pasado continuo
para relatar lo que sigue ejecutndose.
Sujeto + VERB TO BE en Pasado (was, were) + Verbo con ING
- Yesterday, I was studying English
Ayer, yo estaba estudiando ingles

You were eating pasta

Vos estabas comiendo pastas

We were having a party

Nosotros estbamos teniendo una fiesta

They were playing football at 10 am

Ellos estaban jugando ftbol a las 10 am

He was sleeping

l estaba durmiendo

She was painting her room

Ella estaba pintando su cuarto

It was eating fish (refirindonos a un gato)

Esto estaba comiendo pescado

- Yesterday, I wasnt studying english

You werent eating pasta

We werent having a party

They werent playing football at 10 am

He wasnt sleeping

She wasnt painting her room

It wasnt eating fish

Con modo de respuesta corta (SI O NO, y las NO justificadas)

Were you studying English yesterday?

Yes, I was / No, I wasnt. I was studying French.

Was I eating pasta?

Yes, you were / No, you werent. You were eating pizza.

Were we having a party?

Yes, we were / No, we werent. We were sleeping.

Were they playing football?

Yes, they were / No, they werent. They were playing golf.

Was he sleeping?

Yes, he was / No, he wasnt. He was having dinner.

Was she painting her room?

Yes, she was / No, she wasnt. She was painting a drawing.

Was it eating fish?

Yes, it was / No, it wasnt. It was eating chicken.

Con modo de respuesta larga:


What were you studying?

I was studying English

What was I eating?

You were eating pasta

What were we doing?

We were having a party

What were they playing?

They were playing football (at 10 am)

What was he doing?

He was sleeping

What was she painting?

What was it eating?

She was painting her room

It was eating fish

Ejercicios COMBINADOS con pasado simple. Atencin.

1 pasado continuo + WHEN + pasado simple
2 pasado simple + WHEN + pasado continuo
3 WHILE + pasado continuo (,) pasado simple
4 pasado simple + WHILE + pasado continuo
5 WHILE + pasado continuo (,) pasado continuo

I ____________________ when the phone rang. (SLEEP) 1

You were having lunch when Lucas _________________. (COME) 1

While we were playing tennis, she ____________________ golf (PLAY) 3

They had dinner while their parents ____________ out to a restaurant (GO) 4

He came to my house when I _____________________ . (SLEEP) 2

She _____________________ when her father _______________ her. (STUDY) (CALL) 1

While he ___________________ in McDonalds, his friends ____________________ in Burger King. (EAT x2) 5

While my dog __________________________ with me, they ________________. (PLAY) (ARRIVE)

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