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Ombudsman Investigation:

Complaint Handling in Acute Hospitals

Contributions to the enquiry
The purpose of this investigation is to assess the overall quality of complaint handling within Irish acute
Please note that the investigation will not involve an examination (or re-examination) of individual
complaints. If you have not already complained to the HSE you may now want to do so. If you have already
complained and are not satisfied with the outcome, you may want to complain to the Ombudsman.
We are interested in hearing both positive and negative experiences of making a complaint about an acute
hospital. The closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday 1st August 2014

Part A: Your Details

Please note we will not name you or identify you in our report. For further information on how we will
handle your data, you can read the Background information section at the end of this document.
1. Your full name

2. Your preferred contact details



3. Please tell us who you are

Patient (who was treated in an acute hospital)


4. Please provide the name of the acute hospital you dealt with here
A list of acute hospitals is available on our website

Focus groups
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We intend to meet with members of the public in small groups in July and August to hear further about
their experiences of making a complaint about an acute hospital.
If we decide that we need more information from you, can we contact you using your details provided
above about the possibility of attending one of these focus groups?
Yes, you may contact me
No, please do not contact me

Part B: Your experience

Our investigation is specifically looking at how acute hospitals have handled complaints over the past 3
We would like to hear about your experience of making a complaint whether as a patient, relative, carer or
friend. Or, if you did not make a formal complaint despite being unhappy with the service you received,
why you did not.
The questions are designed to assist you with your responses.
Some questions may not be relevant to your experience. If that is the case just leave the response box
blank and move on to the next question.
a) If you were happy with the service you received from a HSE Hospital please describe your experience.
You can then go to Part C to submit this information.

b) If you were unhappy with the service you received and you did not make a complaint, please explain
why. You can then go to Part C to submit this information.
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c) If you were unhappy with the service you received and you made a formal complaint, what was your
complaint about (please include the name of the hospital and relevant dates if possible)

Access to the complaints system

Were you able to complain to a staff member on the ward/ in the clinic?
Ombudsman Investigation: Complaint Handling in acute hospitals

Yes No
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If you made a formal complaint, did you know who or where to complain to?

Yes No

Were you provided with any assistance in making the complaint?

Yes No

Was it easy to make the complaint?

Yes No

The complaints process

How long did it take for your complaint to be dealt with?

What information was provided to you about how the hospital would deal with your complaint?

Were you kept informed of the progress of your complaint?

Yes No

Were you given an opportunity to meet with the Complaints Officer or staff from the hospital to discuss
your complaint?
Yes No
How were you informed of the outcome of your complaint?

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Response / Outcome
Did you receive a response to your complaint?

Yes No

If yes, did the response address all issues raised in your complaint?

Yes No

Were you satisfied with the outcome of your complaint?

Yes No

If you were not satisfied, please explain why

Outcome and signposting

If you were unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, were you offered the opportunity to have your
complaint reviewed within the hospital, by the HSE or externally? Please describe.

What information was provided to you about other avenues of redress, e.g.: Ombudsman, the Medical

Part C: Submit Form

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Thank you for giving us this information.

Please return your submission to:
Office of the Ombudsman, Freepost F5069,18 Lower Leeson St.
Dublin 2
You can also email the completed form to Email:

Additional Background Information

The Ombudsman greatly welcomes members of the public sharing their experience with him for the
purposes of this investigation.
The Office may use the information you include on this form to help inform us of the issues we need to
investigate and to help shape our findings and recommendations. We may quote some of the information
you give in our final report but we will not name you or include any information that might identify you.
We will not use the information for any reason other than for the purposes of this investigation.
Your information will be retained for no longer than necessary.
We greatly appreciate you using this form for your contribution.
For further information contact the Office of the Ombudsman at

Office of the Ombudsman

18 Lower Leeson Street
Dublin 2


1890 223030


01 639 5600


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