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Submitted by:- SHIKHA GUPTA

MBA 1st. sem.

What are human values ? human values are
Mainly qualities of human beings which are inborn to him as a gift by
god. I.e. humanity, peace, truth, love, non violence, right conduct,
devotion, forgiveness, politeness etc. these values are losing its
importance in today’s world .I would describe first of all some of
The human values. The first one is humanity which means quality a of
being ‘humane’ i.e. kindness towards towards people to whom we
interact. It is also called as the head of all other qualities because it is the
one which make us a social & a rational animal. The next quality is
peace which is very well known to all of us. The soul of our’s is such
built that howmuch we can run after money , name , fame,etc. but after
becoming restless we all go for the search of peace. This can also be
explained with this e.g. That in the ancient India all the saints live a
peaceful life than those of kings who always run here &therein search of
peace when they were very old.the other quality I would like to describe
is truth which rarely exist in reality. it generally refers to loyalty
&faithfulness towards everyone. Regarding this point one of the pope
has also said that
“An honest man’s noblest work of god”.
And Franklin had also added that
“Honesty is the best policy”
In theoretical sense it seems very hard to practice truth but very hard to
follow in the practical life.
Then comes the value of love. The man has created all the creatures with
a equal interest so we should love all the human beings in same way. the
was very caring about his home when he was a jungle man but with the
advancement in science &technology he is destroying his own
environment by his own hand. So to conserve this value the should first
become a human being so that he should have conserved it for his future
generations. so it can be summarized as
“Life is a flower of which love is honey”
the next one is right conduct which means right behavior, right way to
live in a community etc. we should always have a positive thinking and
a good attitude towards all of the creatures.which makes one a good
person. In other sense it brings perfection in our life. An imp. Quotation
also says that
“Politeness is the flower of humanity”
It states that we should always be polite while taking decisions which
our imp. To our life.
The next thing is forgiveness , most of the people take injuries received
from others by taking a tooth for a tooth & eye for an eye but the spirit
of revenge is very dangerous. It destroys our sense & reason love & pity
it brings down a man to the level of a brute. But to forgive somebody for
the mistake done by him is the noblest form of revenge. Forgiveness is
one of the qualities of god. Forgiveness can convert our enemies into our
friend by making him ashamed of his actions & by winning his heart.
Next I would like to describe the quality of being non – violent.
the one of the most common e.g. Is a very well known personality i.e.
Mahatma Gandhi who is the father of our nation. His main tool for the
freedom of our country is non violence which is very helpful in getting
freedom from the britishers.
At last I would like to describe the the politness. It is a very well said
that your work can be done with politeness rather than if you become
harsh & cruel. The emperor Akbar was very well known for his justice
because he has good conduct & a polite behavior towards all of his
people. thus we can say that
“Sympathy is the golden key that unlocks the heart of others”


Humans are the only creature in the earth that can use his mind either for
destruction as well as construction i.e. creating new things. But we
should use our brain in a positive sense not in a negative sense so that all
the creatures could survive in this world. That is why we need to
understand the importance of human values to land or earth in this world
of globalization .Today children are losing their childhood in book &
becoming book worms they do not get time for playing & enjoying.
If they go for refreshment they will sit in front of computer. If these all
activities are going as such then what will be our future home? Where
would be go for the search of humanity because they have become
monsters in a real sense destroying his own environment.

To understand the human values easily for all of us I should organize

workshop for both adults as well as children participating together
To change their thought so that generation gap would have been
fulfilled. I would decrease the load of studies but instead of them I
should insert practical work, allow them to play in the natures lap & love
them as their own part. From that they will understand that -:
“trees do not eat their own fruits , rivers do not drink their water , the
sun shines for the others , so the good person always live for others not
for themselves”

As we all know that human values are loosing its existence so it is very
necessary to preserve it for our forth coming generations as it is received
by us from our ancestors. In my point of view if every parent spends
some of the time with their children it will not become very imp. to
teach every child the importance of human value to him , because
parents are very good teachers & friends of their children
In my opinion I should start teaching a child from its
childhood itself because he has a great learning & catching ability then
the grown one. He is new to the world so he did not aware of the hazards
created by men for it. His mind is like a wet mud to which we can give
whatever shape we want for the development of mankind. I should tell
them the moral stories like “the golden eggs”, “unity is strength”, and
“health is wealth” & the stories from “the Ramayana”, the “gita” & the
other religious books which make him devotee towards god as well as a
good person in the future
I will also organize a group activities in they will act as a role
which they have told earlier so that they can follow it in the real life also
such as the Sravan Kumar who sacrifice his life for the care of his blind
parents, lord ram who is known for his justice, swami dayanand who left
his home for the search of god etc. I will give them a green environment
for study & live so that they will be able to know about the meanings of
words like love, peace, respect, dignity, devotion, compassion, justice,
right conduct, forgiveness etc. &their importance in their life . This all
we create a new & imaginary environment which would be far better
then ours because “as you sow, so you reap”.
In regards to teenagers they are now grown up child, so if I want
them to apply the human values in their real life, first I have to change
myself. It can be best described by the following eg.that once Gurunanak
was asked to teach a child to improve his habit of eating jaggery all the
time then he took 15 days for this work because firstly he learn to
control upon himself. As he is also used of this habit. I should also tell
them how our great freedom fighters humane nature has changed our
life. I should also tell them that science make us strong but not better, so
education must focus in knowing & understanding the human problems
to be a guide &help someone who needs it. They should be refined in
taste, sweet in his speech & polite in his attitude. “Courtesy cost nothing
but it pays a lot”. So they should become volunteer to the social as well
as to the humanityalso.

Now I want to conclude my thoughts by saying that we have to conserve

human valuesfor our future generationsas it was receivedby us.i would
use my full strength& help them to shape a new worldwhere we all will
live as friends, respect & love each other , dovotee towards god who is
our creator & make human as a boon to earth not a curse.
I would be a child if asked to teach a child, I would
be a teen if asked to teach a teenager, & I would become a role model
for others or adults so that they would be inspired from me & take a
keen interest for teaching the imp. of human values to all if us. At last I
want to say only is

“A human is not, in a proper sense, a human being,

till he is educated”.

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