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For the rest of Lent everyone is encourage to read the gospel according to Matthew. We have 28 days left in Lent and Matthew has 28
chapters. If we read a chapter a day, we can read through this gospel.
Here is some basic information about Matthew.
Originally people thought that the gospel was written by Matthew the tax collector, though many people later came to believe
that this was not true.
Matthew follows the outline of Mark and added the birth stories of Jesus at the start and the Great Commission at the end.
Jesus is seen as the authoritative interpreter of Moses in Matthew and also the promised messianic king of Israel
Other emphases in Matthew are arguments between Jesus and Jewish leaders, plus a focus on law and religious practices,
scriptural quotations and fulfillment
As you are reading Matthew keep these five questions in front of you:
What does this passage teach me about God?
What does this passage teach me about humanity?
What does this passage teach me about the church?
What does this passage teach me about myself?
How does this passage help me love more?
Enjoy! Comments about the devotion can be e-mailed to

Monday, March 9
Read Matthew 1
Matthew is the only gospel that has this genealogy of Jesus. People believe that it was placed at the start of the gospel to root Jesus
into the past history of Israel and Judah. Jesus was a descendant or son of David and of Abraham.
Matthew is also one of the two gospels (Luke is the other) that has information about the birth of Jesus. The story is much shorter
than in Luke. In verse 23 Matthew took a Scripture from Isaiah and made the case that the birth of Jesus took place to fulfill this
Scripture. Matthew does this often.
Is it important to you that Jesus was a descendant or son of Abraham and David? How can you acknowledge the long tradition of
Jesus ancestors? Jesus didnt just magically appear on the earth, but came from a long line of people with a history. This teaches us
a lot about God.

Tuesday, March 10
Read Matthew 2
Four times in this chapter we read of a fulfillment quotation. You can find these in verse six, verse 15, verse 18, and 23. Again
Matthew was placing the story of Jesus into the story of the history of Israel.

Unlike other gospels Matthew highlighted the escape by Marys husband, Joseph and Mary to Egypt. Some see this as an echo of the
story of the Old Testament story of Joseph and Moses. Just as Pharaoh killed children when Moses was born, Herod killed many
children in an attempt to kill baby Jesus. Just like Moses, Jesus was threatened at the start of his life.
As tragic as the actions of Herod were, they have happened many times in our history. We learn that humans are capable of terrible
evil. We need someone like Jesus to help release us from ourselves!

Wednesday, March 11
Read Matthew 3
Right away we read in Matthew the clash between the religious leaders and John the Baptist. John used exceptionally strong language
to describe them. He called them a brood of vipers (verse 7). John was calling them a group of poisonous snakes. In this story the
strong language used by John wasnt in Mark, but it was in Luke. This fact was odd to people studying Scripture.
Other examples of language used in Luke and Matthew and not Mark led people to believe that another source was used for Luke and
Matthew. People have named this source Q for Quelle. More information about Quelle can be found at:

Thursday, March 12
Read Matthew 4
Right after Jesus was baptized he was led into the wilderness where he experienced temptation by the devil. This story was an
initiation story for Jesus. Its as if he had to prove his capability to experience and overcome temptation before he was going to start
his ministry.
None of us should feel bad about ourselves if we experience temptation. If we are tempted, then we are just like Jesus.
Verse 23 describes the mission of Jesus. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news
of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people.
Look at the verbs in that verse. Jesus was teaching, proclaiming, and curing. These three verbs are a significant description of his
As you pray today give thanks to God for these three powerful expressions of faith that Jesus shared. Also pray that when you are
tempted that you can remember that Jesus was also tempted too. We neednt feel bad about ourselves because we experience

Friday, March 13
Read Matthew 5-6
Today were reading two chapters of Matthew. And they are powerful chapters to read. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most
important statements of the teachings of Jesus.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus took the law and placed it inside of peoples hearts. It was more than our actions that lead us away
from Godit was the attitude of our heart. This was an implicit criticism of the religious leaders of the day. Often these leaders did
the right acts, but their heart was far from God.
These words are challengingdont keep being angry with a brother or sister; dont lust in your heart; dont get divorced; dont swear;
do not resist an evildoer; love your enemies. People have debated since these statements were made by Jesus on how literally to take
them. For example its impossible not to be angry, and for some couples its impossible to stay married. It seems impossible to live
these out.
This is exactly the point Jesus was making. We need a Savior. We cannot reach this high level of living without grace. We are not
capable by ourselves to live these words out and act them out in our heart. We need help.

Saturday, March 14
Read Matthew 7
This chapter concludes Jesus most famous sermonthe Sermon on the Mount. The summary can be found in verse 12. We know it
as the Golden Rule.
In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12
The Sermon on the Mount can be read through this filter. Its as if the Golden Rule is a strainer through which we can understand
Jesus teaching. We receive a refined understanding of the Kingdom of God if we read Jesus teachings through the filter of the Golden
This past Sunday Pastor Paul shared in his sermon that we understand the words of Scripture when we read them through the filter of
the purpose of the Biblewhich is love. This love is love that God has for us and love that we share for God. If a teaching or
Scripture cant make it through this love, then it is not as authoritative for us. If it helps us love more, then it is very important for us.
Pray that you can grow always in this love and be an example of the Golden Rule to others.

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