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Understanding The Benefits Of Reconnective Healing

Lu Martinez
“We all desire to have great relationships, fulfilling occupations, joy, health, security and inner-
peace. It is a constant challenge for us as human beings to keep every part within ourselves
(emotional, mental, physical and spiritual) in balance, flowing, and attuned in order to achieve this

The above quote is found on the Home page of my website. I have a deep commitment to help lead people towards
balancing their multi-dimensional body; to helping them experience a “flowing” through life with less struggle and
physical discomfort. Currently one of the most powerful methods to help achieve internal balance is an energy
type work called Reconnective Healing®, which has been brought to the public’s attention by Dr. Eric Pearl and
his book The Reconnection. It is difficult for many people to accept this type of work because it cannot be
seen. Radio waves cannot be seen yet we are aware that they exist. The electrical impulses which course through
our body and allow for an EKG, EEG, and lie detector test to track this energy can also not be seen, yet they are
real. And so universal/planetary electromagnetic fields with their various vibrational frequencies also exist yet can-
not be seen.

One of the most well known energy type works offered for decades is Reiki, originating from Japan. Reconnective
Healing is a recently discovered frequency (approximately 12 years ago) which seems to be working at a much
higher frequency. It can be accessed and directed to a person’s electromagnetic field to affect change at a molecu-
lar level.

How Do Higher Frequencies Work?

The higher a vibrational frequency is, the closer it is to the frequency of Light. Because human energy fields exist,
shifting energy to higher frequencies can be a very “healing” experience. I have come to understand that every-
thing holds energy and vibrates at different rates; each thought, emotion and experience that we have effects and
changes the frequency of our personal energy field. A pattern of thought that is repeated often enough takes on a
tremendous amount of “solidity” in one’s energy field, and these “solid” thoughts are called “thoughtforms”. All
of our thought/belief forms hold a vibrational frequency. A thought or belief which is “rooted” in fear/rejection
holds a lower level frequency or energy. Physical imbalances also hold a lower frequency. On the contrary, a
thought or belief form which is “rooted” in love/acceptance holds a higher level of frequency or energy.
Each person has a unique vibration, which is the product of all of the influences he/she has ever encountered. The
healing benefits of Reconnective Healing occur when a habitual lower level energy thoughtform, belief or physical
imbalance is raised in its vibrational frequency. In other words a higher frequency begins to replace the lower fre-
quency (block) and “frees” the person to continue moving forward from the stagnation of this lower frequency. It
becomes easier to inject “light” and cause a type of metamorphosis of the lower more “denser” frequency. For ex-
ample, confusion transforms into clarity, hate into love, fear into courage, and conflict into harmony.

Reconnective Healing®

Reconnective Healing reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings
and of who we are. Not only does it seem to have a new set of healing frequencies, but it possibly has an entirely
new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science labora-
tories. Reconnective Healing doesn’t specifically “treat” anything. If in its presence you have a specific intent, or
not, but allow yourself to come back into balance, as many people do, then you do. If you’re lucky, your healing
will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even
thought of, one that the universe has in mind specifically for you. Healing can come in all forms.

Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. In some instances the molecular integration of these
new and higher level Reconnective frequencies can have an instant effect on one aspect of your being while in
other areas of your being it can take a few weeks or months to unfold.

Who Benefits from Reconnective Healing®?

People who seek out this type of healing usually fall into three categories: 1) They have tried numerous things for a
chronic physical or emotional/mental imbalance and this is a new approach, 2) They have reached a point in their
life in which they want to feel more integrated/whole and attain higher consciousness and awareness of how to live
their life and how to continue journeying in their life, or 3) They seek out this type of healing for a family member
who is hospitalized or in a care facility.

The beauty about these frequencies is that they work in person or via distance (I’m in California and I performed
Reconnective Healing for a client in New York). Also, not more then three sessions are suggested so it does not
become a habitual “fix” or a “crutch”. After a session clients may feel tired for the next 24 to 72 hours as the fre-
quencies integrate into the body. Click the following to read about others experiences -- Testimonials.

Different Frequencies

Besides, my clients experiencing many types of sensations and changes in temperature, I have had many clients
observe colors while in their Reconnective Healing session. Color is light of different wavelengths, and each color
has its own specific wavelength and vibration. These wavelengths resonate with energies in different areas of the
body and can have restorative properties.

My desire for you is that you open yourself up to all choices which will propel you forward and open up a greater
path of understanding and power. Feel free to Contact me with any questions.

Lu Martinez of / 408-732-3288.

Either way it is ALL good!

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