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As with any large syllabus undertaking, the grade books do contain some errors. We have tried to eradicate most of these prior to
publication but some do slip through. However, it is worth considering what constitutes an "error".
We always refer to the printed music as the "ur-text": the printed score is the starting point. The audio is a secondary text, an
idealised performance of what is on the written page. The audio should contain the right information to enable the player to
perform the piece in an exam (right length, correct backing etc) but we do not expect the audio always to be an exact note for note
recreation of the printed page (nor vice versa).
This is popular music after all, an idiom where performers very often make small changes to the same song in every performance.
Therefore if there are minor variations between the printed text and the audio we will correct them only if the candidate would
otherwise be confused or misled if the corrections were not made.
Therefore, as a general rule, we consider the following to be written errors that should be corrected:
Incorrect harmonic or notation information
Incorrect structures (i.e. repeat marks in the wrong place etc.)
TAB fingerings in guitar and bass showing the wrong strings/frets
Incorrect or misleading rubric
A number of general corrections will be made as the books are reprinted:
The address and phone numbers will be changed to reflect our change of address
New audio mixes of the backing tracks are available from December 2007. These include spoken count-ins on the full mixes. A
full selection of these is also available for download here.
Please note: The players on the recorded versions on the songs may vary the written lines a little on repeat - this is deliberate and
does not constitute an error. As a general rule, candidates are expected to play the written part note for note the first time a section
is played, but are free to play similarly styled variations during repeated sections in an examination. Such improvisation and ad
libitum playing is not expected in the earliest grades, but are recognised in the mid and upper grades if in keeping with the style of
the piece.
Click on one of the links below to view the respective syllabus' errata:

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2012 Syllabus Errata

2012 Technical Handbook

2012 Syllabus Errata

Guitar (2012 Syllabus)
Grade 1
Page 34: Ear Test 1: there should be no double bar line between bars 1 and 2.

Grade 3
Page 11: Bars 45-46 - improved slides
Page 22: Rasta Monkey: In bar 7 two notes are missing from the tab.

Grade 4
Page 31: The dominant 7 arpeggio starts on D on the 5th (A) string but should start on D on the 6th (E) string
Page 32: D7 chord voicing shows a C# when it should be a C Natural. The notes on the G string should be played at the 5th
Page 32: A major 7 chord should be B major 7.

Grade 5
Page 8: Geek Bar 38 Should include "Play 3 times"

Grade 6
Page 40: Grade 6 - Group C No.2. Bminor7 moved to Cminor7
Page 41: Group D: Chords > 2: "Diminished" chord should more precisely be termed a "Diminished 7" chord. While
"diminished 7" is frequently abbreviated to "diminished" by musicians, this could cause confusion elsewhere in the syllabus
where diminished triads are played as arpeggios.

Grade 7
Page 38: Group B No. 2 B minor 9 arpeggio moved to C

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Page 38: Group B No. 2 B minor 9 chord moved to C

Page 40: Stylistic Study is marked 'Blues' when it should be 'Jazz'.

Grade 8
Page 34: Bars 91-104 - Guitar solo This should read: "The G major scale will work throughout bars 91-98 and the C dorian
mode for bars 99-100. Many jazz players opt for the Lydian mode over the major scale because its #4 interval introduces
tension that the major scale does not provide. If you wish to try this approach use G Lydian in bars 91-92 and C Lydian in bars
Page 44: In the rock/metal stylistic study Bar 1. Slide from G to A on the same string should be G to B (frets 15-19.)
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Drums (2012 Syllabus)

Page 29: Track number should be 19 not 13.

Grade 2
Page 31: Fill copy refers to triplet fills which don't exist.
Page 31: The fill test tempo is incorrect: it should be 70BPM.

Grade 4
Page 30: Technical Exercises: The sticking of the double strokes is incorrect and should read "RRLL" throughout - ""RRRR"
should not occur within the exercise" Technical Exercises: Group B (second exercise) - Bar 2, beat three - the cymbal notes
should be ride cymbal and not HH.

Grade 5
Page 12: "Rollin'" - Bar 1 - does not have a dynamic marking - add MF to match guitar and bass.
Page 18: "Do Balanco" - Bar 1 - does not have a dynamic marking - add MF to match guitar and bass.
Page 23: Tiberius. Section E (Bar 33) should be marked "Double time feel".
Page 35: "patterns (A-D) shown in Group D" should read "patterns (A-D) shown in Group E".

Grade 6
Page 7: Mohair Mountain p7 bar 24 there is a To Coda which needs to be removed. The piece does not use a Coda.
Page 37: Group A: Single and Double Strokes: The sticking of the double strokes is incorrect and should read "RRLL"
throughout - ""RRRR" should not occur within the exercise".

Grade 7
Audio: Updated Razorhead audio file (7.4MB, 3m 14s .mp3)
Page 28: "Full English Breckerfest" - in bar 9 there is an un-necessary HH closure p "Full English Breckerfest" - in bar 9 there is

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an un-necessary HH closure.
Page 41: Nine stroke roll bar 2 sticking, 2nd roll should be LLRRLLRRL (not RRLLRRLLR which is a repeat of the first roll).
Page 43: Funk Stylistic Study, the hi-hats on beat 1 of bars 6 & 8 have had closed hi-hat symbols added.
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Bass (2012 Syllabus)

Grade 1
Page 34: Ear Test 1: there should be no double bar line between bars 1 and 2.

Grade 3
Page 31: The rubric for this test is incorrect, and should read as follows: In the exam you will be asked to play the following riff
to a backing track. The riff shown in bars 1 and 2 should be played in the same shape in bars 3-8. The root note of the pattern
to be played is shown in the music in bars 3, 5 and 7.

Grade 4
Page 23: Noisy Neighbour Bar 21 F#m chord should be Am.

Grade 8
Page 41: The whole tone scale in F# in the Grade 8 Bass book is incorrect when descending.

Grade 6
Pages 42-44: The following techniques are missing from the stylistic studies: Blues is Chords and Upper Register playing,
Funk is Slap and pop playing and percussive sixteenth note fingerstyle playing, Rock is Sixteenth Note Fingerstyle Grooves and
Legato Playing
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Technical Handbook
Guitar Technical Handbook
Page 74: Guitar Grade 6 Bbdim7 chord shows an A#dim7 chord - changed the notation to match the text.
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