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vel0's CS-Guide

1. Introduction
2. New features, console commands and launch options.
2.1 Mouse
2.1.1 Rawinput
2.1.2 Mousethread
2.1.3 Mouse acceleration
2.1.4 Sensitivity
2.2 Graphics, Gui's and Performance
2.2.1 Nofbo and nomsaa
2.2.2 Low video quality
2.2.3 D3D
2.2.4 Monitor refresh rate
2.2.4 Vsync
2.2.5 FPS
2.2.6 Minmodels
2.2.7 Performance
2.3 GUI's, allowing custom added content and HD models.
2.4 Netcode
2.5 Gameplay
2.5.1 Fastswitch
2.5.2 Filterstuffcmd
3. Most common issues
3.1 Content and installing issues
3.2 Beta issues
3.3 Most graphical issues
3.4 SDL2.DLL issue
3.5 White squares/odd sprites/green squares
3.6 Screen flickering
3.7 Sound
3.8 Snapshot and Screenshot with -nofbo
3.9 Movement, aiming and FPS
4. Summary of new recommended new cvars and launch options:
5. Thanks

1. Introduction
They call me vel0 ;)
Snapshots are in the guide!

I made this guide because the updates made by Valve caused a lot of problems. Most of the
problems that occured are fixable by the users themselves. This guide will cover all the new
features of the updated CS 1.6 (ncluding some stuff for HL and CZ as well), along with
explanations and fixes for the most common issues. Please not that the new destinations for CS files
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_addon
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_downloads
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike_hd

2. New features, console commands and launch options.

2.1 Mouse
2.1.1 Rawinput
Rawinput is the same thing as directinput. This feature takes mouseinput straight from the mouse,
not from Windows. This makes the computer use low latency - high quality mouse input, which is
VERY much better than the old-style input. The cvar to use this is m_rawinput 1. If you wish to
play with the old mouse input, use m_rawinput 0. The code for m_rawinput 1 has been confirmed to
be the exact same as RInput.exe (v 1.31). I highly recommend that everyone uses m_rawinput 1.
m_rawinput didn't work very at one point, but was fixed with the March 6th public release.
m_rawinput has default values 1 on OSX and Linux, 0 on Windows.

2.1.2 Mousethread
To access this feature, you must first add -mousethread as a launch option, which activates the
m_mousethread_sleep cvar. This cvar tells CS (in milliseconds) how many times per second the
pointer position should be updated from windows (please use m_rawinput 0 with this cvar).
m_mousethread_sleep 1 = 1ms sleep time (1000hz updaterate), 2 = 500hz, 10 = 125hz and 0 =
maximum hz. This cvar has NOTHING to do with the amount of signals your mouse sends to your
computer (mousehz). You do NOT have to have these values synced. It is still unclear if Valve is
going to keep the mousethread option, as it was just an attempt to fix m_rawinput 0. I would
suggest using a m_mousethread_sleep that feels good, or then maybe 0.

2.1.3 Mouse acceleration

This is a hard cvar to configure, since it doesn't work in the exact same way as the "enhance pointer
precision"-option in windows does.
If you used mouse acceleration before the updates you can try:
m_customaccel 1

m_customaccel_max 0
m_customaccel X (Here take you old windows sens and multiply it by 2. For example before the
update I was using 4/10 on windows, so i should set this value to 0.8)
m_customaccel_scale 0.02
sensitivity X (The exact half of your old sensitivity cvar)
If it doesn't feel right, try using different values for the m_customaccel_* commands, eventually
you're going to get it close enough ;)

2.1.4 Sensitivity
The sensitivity cvar didn't get an update itself, but "When you are in a map (i.e connected to a
server) you are limited to changing sensitivity at most once every 30 seconds, to prevent game
exploits. (alfred-valve)

2.2 Graphics, Gui's and Performance

2.2.1 Nofbo and nomsaa
Alfred also updated the way CS renders OpenGL. This came with many bugs, and which is why
they implemented a new launch options: -nofbo. This command forces CS (HL + CZ as well) to use
the old rendering method. This is (yet) the only option to get the "black bars" (aspect ratio) back if
you used to play with them. The new rendering method also includes multi-sample antialiasing. If
you want CS to use the new style of rendering, but you dont want the antialiasing, you can set
-nomsaa as a launch option. -nofbo includes -nomsaa. Alfred has also stated that "a checkbox in
video options to use black bars is a good idea". My personal guess is that he will soon start working
on that.

2.2.2 Low video quality

In the options (if you have updated cs) you will now find a "low video quality" checkbox. I don't
recommend checking this if you have a computer that has no problems running cs. If you check the
box the following will happen: If you check "low video quality" then the texturemode is set to
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST. If you do NOT have it checked, the default is
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (which looks much better). (alfred-valve)

2.2.3 D3D
D3D was (unfortunately) disabled. This was done for a few reasons: 1) It was REALLY easy to
create wallhacks by just configuring .wad files and using D3D. 2) The D3D rendering style was
very old and outdated 3) Valve wanted to focus on improving OpenGL so much, that it would be as
effective as the old D3D (if you have performance issues with OpenGL, please report to Valve's
GitHub, so they can adress these issues).

2.2.4 Monitor refresh rate

It should really be under the "issues heading, but whatever. Alfred disabled the -freq launch option
when he updated OpenGL. This caused major rage on their github. He hasn't officially stated
anything about adding an option to lock refresh rate, but my guess is that he definately will. At the
moment you have to use third-party software to lock you refresh rate on certain resolutions. A great
tool for doing that is Refresh Lock. When using it you just need to tick the yes box in the upper left
corner, and then tick the box on the right saying something like "automatic safe refresh rate
configuration". This will automatically use your best refresh rate / resolution.

2.2.4 Vsync
Valve (finally) implemented a new cvar to control vsync; gl_vsync. To activate vsync, use gl_vsync
1, to turn it off use 0. By using gl_vsync 0 you also solve some potential graphical bugs.

2.2.5 FPS
The fps_max also got an update. You can now override the maximum fps rate by using fps_override
1, and then setting fps_max to your desired frame rate. In the beginning, people hade HUGE
problems with movement when the fps was 100+. This problem got solved, but it is still far from
perfect. Valve is still working on fixing movement at 100+ fps. Some people complain about
fps_max not being locked to the correct fps, and that it, for example, spikes at 100.5 fps when
having fps_max at 100. My personal opinion about this is that I couldn't give a flying **** about it,
but if it is a problem just set fps_max 99.5 (or 99) in your USERCONFIG.

2.2.6 Minmodels
This cvar got a makeover as well. If you use cl_minmodels 1, you can now configure a specific
model that the client will show. The values for each model are:
cl_min_ct X:
2 = GIGN
4 = GSG-9
7 = SAS
9 = SEAL
cl_min_t X:
(Note that you MUST use cl_minmodels 1 to get these working.)

2.2.7 Performance

Set snd_noextraupdate to "1" by default, this value provides better performance for current PCs.
(alfred-valve). I definately suggest not changing this default value.

2.3 GUI's, allowing custom added content and HD models.

First of all, we can now find a new checkbox in the video options. It's called "allow custom
content", or something like that. By checking this, you allow CS to use, for example, custom
models, sprites, GUI's etc. Now, since most GUI's aren't made for the new Rawinput, low video
quality, etc, checkboxes, they might look odd. The easiest fix is to use my GUI, which I will
constantly update according to the new updates. (
Remember the old CZ models? Valve finally made a really easy-to-use fix. In the new video options
you get the option of using "HD models". These are just the ordinary CZ models. To use normal CS
models, just uncheck this box. If you want the CZ models, check the box.
For GUI makers, I think this will help you out:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike\resource\gameui_english.txt

"Toggle VSync"
"Enable HD models"
"Enable custom content"
"Low-quality video"
"Raw Input"
"Enable HQ - Low latency mouseinput"

2.4 Netcode
Valve upped the max rate to 100 000. They also upped default cmdrate and updaterate to 60. The
recommended network values are:
rate 100000
cl_updaterate 100
cl_cmdrate 105
ex_interp 0.01
cl_nosmooth 1 (this cvar takes away the smoothing effect, and shows the correct position of the
It is going to take a while before most servers have set their sv_maxrate to 100 000, but hopefully
most server admins will do it quickly. There is a hot discussion going on about setting a default
ex_interp value, but nothing has yet been stated by Valve.

2.5 Gameplay

2.5.1 Fastswitch
They also updated the fastswitch option. It now looks like this:
hud_fastswitch 0 = No fastswitch
hud_fastswitch 1 = Fastswitches on BOTH mousewheel and number keys
hud_fastswitch 2 = The old hud_fastswitch 1. Fastswitches ONLY on number keys, NOT

2.5.2 Filterstuffcmd
There is a very (angry :D ) discussion going on about this new feature. Many plugins got broken
because of this new cvar, which restricts what commands the server is allowed to send to the client.
For example, if you use cl_filterstuffcmd 1 the server can no longer bind certain functions to keys.
Personally, I think that it provides a better security for the average cs player. On the other hand, I
really think Alfred should listen carefully to what the plugindevelopers have to say (which he is
doing). This command is probably going to see some changes as to what it restricts, but atm it
restricts the server from changing the values of the following cvars:


3. Most common issues

3.1 Content and installing issues
If you don't get the new content at all, just backup configs and whatever you need, then delete the
cstrike folder. After that right click counter-strike in steam and delete local content. Then reinstall.
Note that the new folder for counter strike is going to be: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike. Another great way to get rid of these issues are
to right-click on cs, selecting properties and verifying the local files. Remember to backup configs
and GUI's before doing this.

3.2 Beta issues

At the moment, the easiest way to join the latest CS beta without having both CS and HL
INSTALLED. To get access to the CS beta, you have to right-click both HL and CS, select
properties and join the beta-beta on BOTH games. Another options is to join the steampipe beta,
and then join whichever beta you want. If you aren't using steampipe, then please DON'T use only
CS beta, since you might get different .dll and executable issues by doing that.

3.3 Most graphical issues

Verify your install, use -nofbo, gl_vsync 0 and "low video quality". Update video card drivers and
delete custom GUI's.

3.4 SDL2.DLL issue

Exists because you are opted into only ONE beta, not both CS and HL. To get rid of the issue, join
both betas or then don't join beta at all. Then verify game files / reinstall.

3.5 White squares/odd sprites/green squares

These problems usually exist because people are opted into just the cs 1.6 beta. Please use both HL
and CS betas, or then use neither. Use -nofbo in launch options as well, along with gl_vsync 0 and
"low video quality" in video options. If nothing else work, update your video card drivers. Another
good way to get stuff working is by verifying local content (right-click cs and verify).

3.6 Screen flickering

Change your desktop resolution to the refresh rate you want, then problem fixed (alfred-valve). You
can also try fps_max 99.

3.7 Sound
While most of the sounds are OK, in-game voices are bugged atm. This is because they updated CS
to use the same audio codec as Steam itself. (Miles Sound System (and SpeeX) --> Silk)

3.8 Snapshot and Screenshot with -nofbo

Fixed in the latest public release.

3.9 Movement, aiming and FPS

Please read corresponding section.

4. Summary of new recommended new cvars and launch

fps_max 99 (in USERCONFIG)
gl_vsync 0
cl_filterstuffcmd 1
m_rawinput 1
rate 100000
snd_noextraupdate 1
-nofbo (if the new OpenGL makes cs feel odd)
-nomsaa (if gameplay feels OK, but you don't want antialiasing.)

5. Thanks

Thanks for updating CS and HL, Valve! Most of the

updates are AWESOME!

Thanks for reading, haters go elsewhere =D

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