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To all the world, (on the record, just in case):

Prompted by the following news article and admonition -"Muslims in the U.S. and around the world have a responsibility to fight a misco
nception that terrorist groups like the Islamic State speak for them, President
Barack Obama said Wednesday in his most direct remarks yet about any link betwee
n Islam and terrorism."
-- I have decided to take the following proactive steps, in case the USA is ever
hauled into an international tribunal to stand trial for terrorism, war crimes,
and anti-humanitarian activities.
Terrorism is simply defined as the use or threat of violence to effect political
, economic, or social goals, rather than using non-violent means such as politic
s, persuasion, or publishing. By this definition, the USA is the greatest purvey
or of violence against the world, as M.L. King stated over a half century ago. I
t is thus the greatest threat to world peace and the greatest malefactor of terr
orism in the world (20-30 million killed by the USA globally since WWII).
<I>As an American, I want to fight the misconception that terrorist groups like
the US government and US military and the CIA speak for me. </I>
Extremist Christians and Jews who foment and maintain illegal and immoral invasi
ons and occupations of sovereign nations that have not attacked the USA, or even
threatened us, just to make some rich global elite transnational oligarchs and
banksters obscenely richer, <I>do not speak for me.</I>
"Obama said all have a duty to 'speak up very clearly' in opposition to violence
against innocent people."
Barack Obomber, the serial liar and serial killer, the drone president hypocrite
responsible for the illegal murder of thousands of innocent kids and women, inc
luding American citizens not convicted, tried, or even charged (yes, he "kills h
is own people"), <I>does not speak for me</I>.
<I>As a Jew (technically), I want to fight the misconception that terrorist grou
ps like the Israeli government and IDF and Mossad speak for me</I>.
Extremist Zionist Jews and Christians in Israel or the USA, who promote and comm
it genocide against Palestinians based on phony claims and Nazi-like attitudes a
nd actions, <I>do not speak for me</I>.
"We are not at war with Islam," Obama said. "We are at war with people who have
perverted Islam"
I am not at war with Judaism. I am at war with Jews and Christians who have perv
erted Judaism and the teachings of Christ.
I am not at war with the USA. I am at war with persons who have perverted the Am
erican ideals of the Founders:
"Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, be
cause it comprises and develops the germ of every other... No nation can preserv
e its freedom in the midst of continual warfare," James Madison said. "The loss
of Liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or im
agined, from abroad."
"The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual eff
ort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the

most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which
have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, t
hey at length become willing to run the risk of being less free." ~ Alexander Ha
milton (Federalist No. 8)
"Americans should not go abroad to slay dragons they do not understand in the na
me of spreading democracy." ~ John Quincy Adams
"Just as leaders like myself [Obama] reject the notion that terrorists like ISIL
genuinely represent Islam," so I reject the notion that terrorists like Obomber
genuinely represent the American ideals, Judeo-Christian ideals, or whatever id
eals "won" him a Nobel Peace Prize.
Obummer is a puppet lackey corporatist who does the bidding of the rich transnat
ional oligarchs, banksters, plutocrats, and hegemons who foment chaos and wars t
o weaken sovereign nations and any ability to resist their swooping in to exploi
t resources and labor at fire sale prices.
Obomber speaks of "violent extremists that threaten America." Since the "violent
extremism" practiced by the US government and US military-industrial complex ha
s made us LESS safe, LESS free, MORE poor, and MORE hated around the world, he a
nd his policies (and those of predecessors Bush/Cheney and Clinton) have threate
ned America more than any nation or ideology external to it.
Therefore, I wish to go on record as follows:
<I>I am against and reject American extremism, Jewish extremism, Christian extre
mism, or Muslim extremism done in MY name, with MY tax dollars.</I>
I joined millions on the streets of the USA and the world demanding the USA NOT
go into Iraq illegally and immorally based on what we knew to be lies. The gover
nment ignored us and the will of the people, then and since, with every escalati
on and "justification" for "humanitarian" actions only killing and maiming and i
mpoverishing more and more innocents.
When the next false flag event occurs, and the USA is swept up in emotional ferv
or of anger and hatred against a manufactured enemy to justify more killing and
dying, you will note that my refusal to go along with the madness, as before, is
NOT from lack of love for my country, but simple refusal to be manipulated into
it appearing that such war-mongering and bellicosity <I>speaks for me</I>.
Your honors of the international tribunal in the matter of <B>Humanity vs. The U
nited States of America</B>, I rest my case.

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