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User Guide

Version 3.14.1

The content of this manual is provided for information only, is subject to change without
notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Actix. Actix assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that appear in this documentation.
Copyright Actix 2010. All rights reserved. All trademarks are hereby acknowledged.

1 WELCOME TO CELLOPT MDA ..........................................................................5
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 5
1.2 PROCESSES..................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Actix Switch Adapter ............................................................................................ 5
1.2.2 Cellopt MDA ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Interference Generation ....................................................................................... 6

FLOW ................................................................................................................. 6
1.5 ABOUT CONCENTRIC CELLS .................................................................................. 7

2 GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................8

2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 8
2.2 CELLOPT MDA IN THE CELLOPT AFP USER INTERFACE .................................................. 8

3 IMPORT MMR AND MMR COUNT MEASUREMENT FILES ......................................... 10

4 IMPORT DRIVE MEASUREMENT FILES ............................................................... 11
4.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 11
4.2 STEP 1 SELECT DATA TYPE .............................................................................. 12
4.2.1 Drive Measured Data Type .................................................................................. 12
4.2.2 Settings for Binning ........................................................................................... 13

4.3 STEP 2 RESOLVE SIGNAL SOURCES ..................................................................... 13

4.3.1 Filter................................................................................................................ 14
4.3.2 Find Signal Sources ........................................................................................... 14
4.3.3 Resolve Signal Sources ...................................................................................... 14

4.4 STEP 3 SELECT FILES TO IMPORT ....................................................................... 17

4.5 STEP 4 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 18
4.6 STEP 5 VIEW LOG ........................................................................................ 19

5 DRIVE MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................... 20

5.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 20
5.2 MEASUREMENTS OVERVIEW ............................................................................. 20
5.2.1 Filtering using the Radio tab ............................................................................... 21

5.3 MEASUREMENTS VALIDATION ........................................................................... 22

5.3.2 Editing Validation Criteria ................................................................................... 25

6 LIST GENERATION ..................................................................................... 26

6.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 26
6.2 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 1 SELECT SECTORS AND DATA TYPE ..................................... 27
6.3 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 2 SELECT MEASUREMENTS ................................................ 28
6.4 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 3 - VALIDATE MEASURED DATA ............................................. 29
6.5 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 4 OPTIONS ................................................................. 30
6.5.1 C/I Weights ...................................................................................................... 30
6.5.2 Auto-generate weights ....................................................................................... 31
6.5.3 Unresolved sectors (Dummy sectors) ................................................................... 31

6.6 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 5 READY TO GENERATE.................................................... 32

6.7 INTERFERENCE LIST STEP 6 VIEW EVENT LOG ....................................................... 33
6.7.1 MMR Count Data ............................................................................................... 33

6.7.2 Drive Test Data ................................................................................................. 33

6.8 LIST GENERATION CO-CHANNEL ........................................................................ 34


Destination ....................................................................................................... 34
Source ............................................................................................................. 34
Frequency Plan ................................................................................................. 35
Weighting method ............................................................................................. 35

6.9 LIST GENERATION MISSING SECTORS ................................................................. 36

6.10 LIST GENERATION IM EXTENDER ..................................................................... 39
6.11 LIST GENERATION LIST MERGE ....................................................................... 41
6.12 LIST GENERATION INTERSECTION .................................................................... 47
6.13 LIST GENERATION LIST NORMALIZATION ............................................................ 48

7 INTERFERENCE LIST ANALYSIS ...................................................................... 49

7.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 49
7.2 INTERFERENCE LIST - SUMMARY .......................................................................... 49
7.2.1 Relations per Sector .......................................................................................... 49
7.2.2 Co Distribution .................................................................................................. 50

7.3 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS - SECTOR ...................................................................... 51

7.4 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS - RELATION .................................................................... 53
7.4.1 C/I Histogram ................................................................................................... 54
7.4.2 Interference ..................................................................................................... 55
7.4.3 Statistics .......................................................................................................... 56

7.5 MANUAL INTERFERENCE EDIT (DISTANCE BASED ANALYSIS) ......................................... 56


Overview .......................................................................................................... 56
Creating the Report ........................................................................................... 58
Getting down to a short list ................................................................................ 60
Applying manual adjustments ............................................................................. 62
Color coding ..................................................................................................... 64

8 LIST COMPARISON .................................................................................... 65

8.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 65
8.2 LIST COMPARISON SUMMARY ........................................................................... 65
8.3 LIST COMPARISON SCATTER ............................................................................ 66
8.4 LIST COMPARISON CORRELATION ...................................................................... 67
8.4.1 Modifying correlation settings ............................................................................. 68

8.5 LIST COMPARISON SECTOR.............................................................................. 69

9 NEIGHBOR ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 70

9.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 70
9.2 NEIGHBOR ANALYSIS STATUS ........................................................................... 70
9.2.1 Modifying neighbor warning thresholds ................................................................ 72

9.3 NEIGHBOR ANALYSIS SUMMARY ........................................................................ 72

9.4 NEIGHBOR ANALYSIS RELATIONS ....................................................................... 73
9.5 NEIGHBOR ANALYSIS SECTOR .......................................................................... 74
9.5.1 About Crossfeeder analysis before version 2.4 ...................................................... 74

10 SUPPORTED FILE FORMATS ........................................................................ 75

10.1 DECODED OMC FORMATS FROM ACTIX SWITCH ADAPTER .......................................... 75
10.2 DRIVE FORMATS ........................................................................................... 75
10.3 GENERIC DRIVE FORMAT.................................................................................. 75

11 INDEX ................................................................................................. 79

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Welcome to Cellopt MDA 5

1 Welcome to Cellopt MDA

1.1 Introduction
Cellopt MDA is an application that allows you to use measured data within Cellopt AFP. The
main function of Cellopt MDA is to generate interference lists based on measured data such
as drive test data and data collected from OMCs. Cellopt MDA also includes features for
validating measured data, performing advanced analyses on interference and neighbor
lists, generating co-channel interference lists that have not been measured, list filtering,
and support for missing sectors that do not yet have any measurements.

1.2 Processes
Two separate processes can be used with Cellopt MDA. The first, Actix Switch Adapter,
helps in the collection of measured data from OMCs and in producing Cellopt AFP projects.
This is a standalone application and can be run independently of Cellopt AFP. The second,
Cellopt MDA, is an integrated application within Cellopt AFP that can produce interference
lists from existing measured data and various pre- and post-analysis tools. Both processes
are described below.

1.2.1 Actix Switch Adapter

Actix Switch Adapter is an application designed to allow measured data collection from
OMCs and to reuse this data to create Cellopt AFP projects. Measured data collection from
OMCs is often a complex process, where the right commands must be run on the OMC in
order to receive the measurements. Actix Switch Adapter creates a data collection
schedule that does this. In addition, the accurate network information from the OMC is
used to create an equally accurate Cellopt AFP project.
The Cellopt AFP project can be exported at any time, so you can use Actix Switch Adapter
for both data collection and project creation.
For more information, see the Actix Switch Adapter User Guide.
For OMC data, Actix Switch Adapter supports the following data types:
MMR (Mobile Measurement Report)
MMR Count (Histograms of different resolution from MMR data)
After the selection of the Measured Data Type, you need to define the settings for Signal
Source Resolution. During the import process, for all Measured Data Types the measured
data will be mapped to a sector (Signal Source Resolution). Actix Switch Adapter Signal
Source Resolution (SSR) uses the BCCH/BSIC combination and site location together with
sector pathloss.
All measured data imported into ASA can be combined into one Interference list in Cellopt

1.2.2 Cellopt MDA

Cellopt MDA is embedded in the Cellopt AFP process, to allow measured data to be used
easily in the frequency planning process. To be able to start the import process, you need
to have a Cellopt AFP project with site location data loaded. The best is to get this from

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Welcome to Cellopt MDA 6

Working with MMR and MMR Count data

This data is imported into Actix Switch Adapter and not MDA. Any data imported into ASA
is automatically available inside Cellopt MDA for Interference List creation.

Working with Drive test data

All Drive test data is imported into Cellopt MDA. The imported data can be
validated and used for Interference lists.

1.2.3 Interference Generation

Once the measurements are imported into ASA for MMR or MMR Count, MDA for Drive they
can be used for interference matrix (IM) generation, which can be accessed from the Lists
Manipulation section. Interference generation is also divided into several steps. The first
step is to select which Measured Data Type the interference should be based on, then
which measurements should be used.
Drive data can also be pre-validated. This step helps you to analyze the quantity and
quality of the drive measurements. During the validation, you will be able to include or
ignore measurements from the Interference Generation step. Interference Generation will
be based on histograms and a probability of interference curve. You can define the curve
used for the probability of interference calculation, or use the default provided in Cellopt
MDA. All types of interference lists can be analyzed and compared in the Cellopt MDA
Interference Analysis section (see p49).

1.3 Import of MMR and MMR count Measured Data and

Interference Calculation Flow
All MMR and MMR count data must be imported into Actix Switch Adapter to do the Signal
source resolution. Multiple vendors can be imported at the same time.
When this is done, it is possible to create an Interference List with Cellopt MDA. The
decoded MMR data is available in Cellopt MDA seamlessly. There are two requirements for
1. The AFP project name is the same as in ASA. This is automatically the case when ASA
was used to create the AFP project.
2. Both Cellopt AFP/MDA and ASA are running on the same machine

Link Measurement to
a Site database

Preformed Signal
Source Resolution

files on disk

Figure 1.1 Importing MMR and MMR Count measurements into ASA

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

files on disk

Welcome to Cellopt MDA 7



Figure 1.2 Importing MMR and MMR Count measurements into ASA

1.4 Import of Drive Measured Data and Interference Calculation

The user interface guides you through all the main steps of importing measured data and
interference calculation using a predefined flow. There are two main processes. Figure 1.1
shows the basic overview for the import of measured data, and figure 1.2 shows the basic
overview for interference calculation. Some sections may include several options and views
not shown here, which are described elsewhere in this User Guide.

Link Measurement
to a Site database

Preformed Signal
Source Resolution

Cellopt MDA

Figure 1.3 Importing Drive measurements into Cellopt MDA database



Cellopt MDA




Figure 1.4 Generating an interference list based on Drive measured data

1.5 About Concentric Cells

You can use concentric cell structures in Cellopt MDA. However, these must be configured
from the Cellopt AFP Lists Manipulation page. See the Cellopt AFP User Guide for details.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Getting Started 8

2 Getting Started
2.1 Introduction
Cellopt MDA is divided into two user interfaces. The first is a standalone application that
helps with data collection and creates Cellopt AFP projects from measured data. The
second is embedded within Cellopt AFP. It uses a wizard-style user interface to guide you
through the necessary steps to import measurements and calculate an interference list.
This section gives an overview of the user interface structure and how you navigation
through it.

2.2 Cellopt MDA in the Cellopt AFP User Interface

Figure 2.1 Cellopt MDA in the Cellopt AFP interface

The options on the left panel in Cellopt MDA can be grouped into the following categories:
Import Measured Data (Drive data) To be able to import measured data in
Cellopt MDA, a Cellopt AFP project must be active. From the Cellopt AFP Import
Wizard section, you can select Import Measured Data. When you click Next, the
Cellopt MDA import mode starts. See Chapter 3 for more information.
Measurements - This section allows you to validate all imported measurement

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Getting Started 9

List Generation This section allows you to generate Interference, Co-channel,

Missing Sectors, Intersection lists, and additional list functionsIM Extender, List
Merge, and Normalize Interference List.
Interference Analysis, List Comparison and Neighbor Analysis. These
sections provide various methods for examining the data.
These sections are described more fully in later chapters of this User Guide.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import MMR and MMR Count Measurement Files 10

3 Import MMR and MMR Count Measurement Files

All switch based MMR and MMR count data is imported into ASA which makes this data
available in Cellopt MDA for Interference List creation. For more details, please refer to the
Actix Switch Adapter user guide.
Actix switch Adapter supported the following MMR or MMR Count data
Huawei BSC6000 (Contact Cellopt Support for information regarding this data
Nortel MMR
Motorola Call Trace
Nokia (CF & DAC)
Huawei BSC32
ZTE Count (Contact Cellopt Support for information regarding this data type)

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 11

4 Import Drive Measurement Files

4.1 Introduction
For drive data an active Cellopt AFP projects must include site location data for all sites, or
you will not be able to import measured data.
You can import measured data into Cellopt MDA from either the AFP or MDA tab.
If you use the AFP tab to import data:
Select the Import Data page.
Click the Import button to display the Import File Wizard page (see Figure 3.1).

Figure 4.1 The Cellopt AFP Import Data page

Check the Measured Data radio button. Note that the quick import option does
not support Cellopt MDA measured data files.
Click Next to open Step 1 of the Import Measurements Wizard described on page
If you use the MDA tab to import data, select the Import Measured Data page. This
opens Step 1 of the Import Measurements Wizard described in the next section.
During the measured data import process, Cellopt MDA links the measurements to the
radio database active in Cellopt AFP, and to a selected frequency plan, which must be part
of the active Cellopt AFP project.
Before Cellopt MDA stores the measurements in the database, Cellopt MDA will map the
measurement to a sector/cell (that is, signal source resolution).

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 12

4.2 Step 1 Select data type

4.2.1 Drive Measured Data Type
The first step of the import process, shown in Figure 3.2, is to select the measured data

Figure 4.2 Selecting different drive data types to import

Cellopt MDA supports the following data types:

Drive Test Tracker
Drive Test Scanner
Drive Test DTI ClariFy

Only one type can be imported at a time.

The Bin size has to be specified. Since drive test measurements have location
information, the measurements can be binned. All measurements with the same
frequency/color code (and within the same bin), will be averaged (in watts). The bin size
will always be defined in meters. See Table 4.1 for bin size recommendations based on cell

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 13

4.2.2 Settings for Binning

Bin Size - The size of a bin (in meters) where all measurements (with same
frequency/BSIC) will be averaged (in watts). This is only used for drive test data.

Table 4.1 Bin size recommendations based on cell radius

Cell radius R (m)








Bin size (m)








4.3 Step 2 Resolve signal sources

This step resolves signal sources to a specific sector, and allows you to set how you want
to resolve the signal sources. Note that the exact appearance of this page depends on the
previously selected Measurement Type. For claRiFy data, the measurements are already

Figure 4.3 Resolving signal sources

Defining how to resolve signal sources includes these main sections:

Find Signal Sources
Resolve Signal Sources

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 14

4.3.1 Filter
The purpose of this section is to remove measurements that are weaker or equal to the
user-defined Signal strength. Sectors that are too far away from the measurement point
(for Drive Test Data) based on the entered Distance value will also not be considered in
the Find signal source section (see below).

Figure 4.4 Filter settings

Signal Strength - Only measurements higher than the defined threshold will be imported.
Distance The Distance filter refers to the distance between sector candidate and the

4.3.2 Find Signal Sources

This section uses the Frequency and Color code combination as decoded in the
measurement. Cellopt MDA performs a lookup on all sectors using this combination that
are within the specified Distance.

Figure 4.5 Find Signal Sources settings

Frequency - All sectors that are using the measured frequency will be added as
Color Code - If the color code is already decoded in the measurement, check this box.
Cellopt MDA will delete all frequency candidates that are not using the decoded color code.

4.3.3 Resolve Signal Sources

In cases where more then one sector is using the combination, the last step of the process
is to select one sector. This is done by using different lists: select one or more lists to use.
Cellopt MDA uses the lists as lookup tables, and for lists with statistics, Cellopt MDA will
use the selection statistics.

Figure 4.6 Resolve Signal Sources settings

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 15

Cellopt MDA has a library of available methods (algorithms) that you can select. More than
one method can be selected at the same time.
Drive data comes with Location, channel, color code, signal strength (sometimes
also serving cell).
For Scanner Data, the strongest sector in each bin will be the serving sector for that bin.
When signals are processed by the algorithms, they are attached a list of possible signal
sources (candidates). This list is filtered by each algorithm as the signal is parsed through
until there is only one candidate left or the signal has been passed all algorithms. Some
algorithms also put a weighting on each candidate. The whole process is logged and can be
seen in detail after data has been imported in MDA.
Algorithms that perform weighting will take the candidate with the highest weight and then
exit. Algorithms that perform weighting are:
Pathloss (default)
Azimuth and Beamwidth (and distance)
Any lists chosen with penalties
Algorithms that do not perform weighting are:
Any lists chosen without penalties (excluding neighbor list)
Sector Fingerprint
Color code
Algorithms are run in the following order.

Frequency is always run first.

Color Code is run second if checked.

Then the list of Selected Methods is run. If a tiebreak (see below) is found, the
algorithm tries to exit and does not execute rule 4 below.

Last is always either Pathloss, Distance or Azimuth-Beamwidth. Pathloss is the

default algorithm, and takes precedence over Azimuth and beamwidth (which
takes precedence over Distance, if more than one algorithm is selected).

If the tiebreaker box for an algorithm is checked, then that algorithm tries to determine
the source and exit signal source resolution. If it cannot, then signal source resolution
continues with the next algorithm just as if the tiebreak was not checked. Those
algorithms that do not perform any weighting only exit when they have only one source
candidate left.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 16

Here is the complete list of algorithms:

Azimuth Beamwidth Distance - Same as Distance but also uses azimuth and
beam width to do the candidate weighting. In other words, one candidate that is
far away can still have a higher weight than one thats close but is aiming to the
wrong direction.
Color Code - Looks at the color code only.
Distance - Looks at the distance between the signal and the candidate. A distance
threshold can be set so that candidates outside the threshold are removed. The
remaining candidates are weighted on distance.
Frequency - Looks at the control channel only.
List Filter - Uses a list to filter out candidates.
List Filter with Penalty - Same as ListFilter, but candidates are weighted with
the penalties from the list. Typically an IM.
Sector Fingerprint - This function can only be used for networks where power
control and discontinue transmitting are not used. All frequencies in one
measurement point that are measured with the same signal strength will be
coupled. The combination of frequencies will then be matched against the
candidates. The different candidates will be scored based on the match. This is for
drive test data only.
Pathloss (default) - works much the same way as the azimuth-beam width
algorithm by looking at both distance and antenna direction. However one key
difference is that the algorithm uses more scientific rooted formulas.
As a result the new algorithm is more sensitive to distance than the azimuth
values. Unlike the old azimuth-beam width algorithm it does no longer pick very
distant sectors over a close by one.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 17

4.4 Step 3 Select files to import

Here you link a frequency plan to one or more measurement files. The frequency plan is
used by the signal source resolution. The correct frequency plan should be linked to
measurements that were collected when the frequency plan was used. Figure 4.7 shows a
created package that is about to be imported.

Figure 4.7 All measurements need to be linked to a frequency plan

Before selecting measurement files for import, you must select a Frequency plan and
define a Measurements name for reference. Once all measurement files have been
selected, the measurement will appear in the window showing measurements to import.
Several measurements can be imported at the same time, but the measurement files need
to be in the same type and format.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 18

4.5 Step 4 Summary

This page is a summary of all the settings and selections that have been made in step 1 to
5. Click Next to import all the measured data files selected, based on the various settings.

Figure 4.8 Summary of the import settings

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Import Drive Measurement Files 19

4.6 Step 5 View Log

Each package will get a window log showing errors, warnings and statistics from the
import. This is the last step in the import process. You can open each section for more
information, as shown below.

Figure 4.9 The Event log

You can now use the left hand panel to validate measurements, generate lists or examine
the interference, list comparison and neighbor analyses.
To go to the Measurements Overview page, click Next.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 20

5 Drive Measurements
5.1 Introduction
Select the Measurements option from the left hand pane. This section allows you to view
and validate all imported measurement lists.

5.2 Measurements Overview

This page displays an overview of the measurements that you have imported. Concurrent
users of Cellopt MDA can see this table, populated by the measurement lists that are
appropriate to their network (this is determined automatically by Cellopt MDA).

Figure 5.1 The Measurements Overview page

To the left of each measurement in the table are two buttons:

Validate the related measurement list.
Remove the related measurement list.
Alternatively, click the Next button or select Validation from under Measurements in
the left panel to select multiple measurement lists.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 21

5.2.1 Filtering using the Radio tab

Click on the Radio tab to view the radio parameters for the various sites and sectors in
your data.

Figure 5.2 Information from the Radio tab

You can use this tab throughout Cellopt MDA to filter out unwanted sectors.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 22

5.3 Measurements Validation

Here you can validate the measurements you have imported into Cellopt MDA. The results
are broken down by Sector, C/I and Relation.

Figure 5.3 The Select measurements page for Measured Data Validation

Select the Data type and Time window for the data that you are interested in validating.
This should populate the Available Measurements pane on the left. Use the arrow buttons
to shift the required measurements into the Selected Measurements pane on the right.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 23

When you are satisfied, click the Validate button to perform the validation. The results are
displayed on the Analysis page shown below:

Figure 5.4 The Analysis page for Measured Data Validation

Note that there is an extra analysis section for drive test data, Sector Data described
When a sector, relation and sector break a validation rule, Cellopt MDA will show a warning
and, by clicking Details, a report will be displayed where all the violations will be shown.
In this report, you can choose to Include, Ignore or Delete the measurement selected.
For all the sub-sections except Sector, you can edit the validation criteria, and remove bad
sectors and relations. Click on one of the Criteria buttons to view and edit the validation
criteria (described on page 25). The default settings will be unused, but once a threshold
has been defined, it will be set as default.


The Sector section validates the site database changes between the site database used in
the active Cellopt AFP project and the ones linked to the selected measurements. For this
section, you cannot define any threshold; instead, Cellopt MDA will always warn when
there is a change in the following:

Site location



Antenna type

Actix Radioplan MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 24

These validation indices can only be validated if they are defined in the Cellopt AFP project.

Sector Data

This section validates the coverage of the drive test data by analyzing:
Max Distance (Between sector and measurement point furthest away)
Min Distance (Between sector and closest measurement point)
Max Server Strength (the strongest measurement point for a serving sector)
Min Server Strength (the weakest measurement point for a serving sector)
Max Interfere Strength (the strongest measurement point for an interfering sector)
Min Interfere Strength (the weakest measurement point for an interfering sector)


The Relations section validates the number of measurements per sector and relation as
well as the distance between the sectors in the relation. It also analyzes the number of
packages (measurements) and the correlation between different measurements.
Measurement Counts (total number of measurements)
% Measurement Counts (percent of total number of measurement for a relation)
Distance (distance between sectors in a relation)
Number of Packages (number of measurements from the Cellopt MDA database
where a relation has been measured)
Peak (the peak of a histogram)
Mean (the mean of a histogram)
StDev (standard deviation of a histogram)


This section analyzes the histogram generated for each relation and measurement. You
can define criteria for max and min C/I values.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Drive Measurements 25

5.3.2 Editing Validation Criteria

From the Analysis page for Measured Data Validation, click on one of the Criteria buttons
to be able to edit the relevant validation criteria. The two validation criteria panels are:

Figure 5.5 Relation Validation Criteria for the Analysis page

Figure 5.6 C/I Validation Criteria for the Analysis page

For each criterion, three boxes may contain values, described below. Validation is only
performed for criteria that have values associated with them. When entering a value, note
the direction of the greater than or less than signs before the relevant box.
Any Entering a value here will result in a message being displayed on the Analysis page
if any of the selected measurement packages exceed this criterion.
All Entering a value here will result in a message being displayed on the Analysis page if
all of the selected measurement packages exceed this criterion.
Delta Entering a value here will result in a message being displayed on the Analysis
page if the difference between any of the selected measurement packages exceeds this
criterion. For example, if measurement package P1 has a Peak of 10 dB and package P2
has a Peak of -20 dB, the delta between these values is 30 dB. The box for Peak Delta has
a > before it, so any value up to 30 in this box would result in the Peak Delta message
being displayed.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

List Generation 26

6 List Generation
6.1 Introduction
Select List Generation. Figure 6.1 shows the page from where you can start the
interference calculation.

Figure 6.1 The List Generation selection page

Select the type of list that you want to generate, from the following:
Interference (Interference List)
Co-channel (Co-channel Identification)
Missing Sectors (Missing Sectors List)
IM Extender
List Merge
Intersection (List Intersection)
Normalization (Normalize Interference List)

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

List Generation 27

6.2 Interference List Step 1 Select sectors and data type

This wizard will guide you through the creation of an interference list. Other types of lists
are available in the List Generation section, but they all follow the same general approach
and only interference lists are covered in detail in this document.
From the List Generation heading on the left, select Interference.

Figure 6.2 Select a measurement type

Use the Radio Editor tab to select which sectors should be considered for inclusion in the
interference list.
You can select one of these Measured Data Types:
Drive Test

XML Histogram From Switch

Cellopt MDA uses the radio database, selected measurement type and a user-defined time
threshold as input for finding available measurements.
All types of drive test data can be used in the same interference calculation, if the same
bin size is used in all selected packages.
You can use Select Measurement Age to filter out unwanted older measurements.
Click Continue to proceed to Step 2.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

List Generation 28

6.3 Interference List Step 2 Select measurements

This page contains two panes: Available Measurements and Selected Measurements.

Figure 6.3 This project has one measurement package that can be used for interference calculation

All measurements that show up in Selected Measurements fulfill all three criteria defined in
the previous step.
Measurements in the Available Measurements pane do not fulfill the time/date criteria.
Only the measurements in the Selected Measurements pane will be used in the
interference calculation. You can use the arrow buttons to move the measurements
between the two panes as required.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

List Generation 29

6.4 Interference List Step 3 - Validate measured data

This step is only available for drive measured data.
In this step, you can set up different rules that warn if particular conditions have been
exceeded. These can be used for validating the selected measurements. The validation
includes four sub-sections:
Sector data
Validation is described in the section Measurements Validation on page 22. Figure 6.4
shows the Validation section with the four sub sections.

Figure 6.4 The four validation subsections

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

List Generation 30

6.5 Interference List Step 4 Options

This step covers the options and settings you have set for the interference calculation. The
generated interference list will be stored in the current Cellopt AFP project.
The Options step has three sub sections; Name, C/I weights and Auto-generated weights
as shown in figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 Interference calculation settings for drive test data

For all relations, Cellopt MDA will calculate an average C/I. The actual averaging will be
calculated in watts.
Then a probability of interference will be looked up by using the calculated C/I value and a
probability of interference curve, which is shown graphically on the right of the page. You
can edit this curve by specifying defining values or load a complete new table. The default
probability of interference table is based on the technology mode (e.g., GSM, TDMA and

6.5.1 C/I Weights

Auto-generate weights - selecting this option allows Cellopt MDA to use predefined
values that are technology-specific. The technology is set at the model level in Cellopt AFP,
although you can overwrite the default value.
Load from file - this allows you to load your probability of interference table. The format
of the file shall be tab delimited with three columns. The first column is the C/I value (as
an integer). The next column includes the co-probability of interference values (as a float)
and the last details the adjacent probability of interference values (as a float). The
probability values should range between 0.0 and 1.0.

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6.5.2 Auto-generate weights

If you have selected the Auto-generate weights option, you can enter values here that
define the shape of the C/I Weights table. The entered values represent the value in dB at
which the Co or Adj curves cross the 0.5 probability line. In the example in figure 8.4 you
can see that, as required by the entered values, the Co curve crosses p = 0.5 at 12 dB and
the Adj curve crosses p = 0.5 at -6 dB.

6.5.3 Unresolved sectors (Dummy sectors)

When the signal source resolution in ASA cannot determine the source for a signal it will
create a dummy sector. This dummy sector is created inside Cellopt AFP when creating an
This might happen for example when the frequency or colour code decoding went wrong
somewhere between the mobile station and the switch or when the network configuration
is too small inside ASA.
All dummy sectors is always stored under the site dummy and they have the naming
convention <Frequency>_<Colorcode> or BCCH_BSIC in GSM.
For example the dummy sector 533_24 would have BCCH=533 and BSIC=24.

Figure 6.6 - Showing dummy sectors in the network tree

Knowing this naming convention, all dummy sectors can be manually resolved with the
Manual edit feature where these are highlighted. They can also be ignored, in which case
the dummy site can easily be disabled in the Cellopt AFP network tree.

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6.6 Interference List Step 5 Ready to generate

This step is a summary of the settings made in the previous steps.

Figure 6.7 Pre-generation summary page

Click Next to start the Interference list generation.

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6.7 Interference List Step 6 View Event Log

When a new interference list has been generated, a calculation log will be created. There
will be different event logs for MMR Count Data and Drive Test Data.

Figure 6.8 The Event log page

6.7.1 MMR Count Data

The event log includes the start and stop time for the interference calculation generation
and the number of relations that were included in the calculation.
The Histogram view can be accessed via the Event log.

6.7.2 Drive Test Data

The event log includes the following information:
Histogram generator this shows the name of the list and stop/start time.
Database Measurement Reader this includes the total number (from all
packages that were included in the calculation) of bins that have been read.
Normal Distribution Algorithm this includes the number of relations that have
been created that have a value above zero. It also provides the curve parameters
that were used for the calculation as well as detailing the number of histograms
generated during the calculation and number of histograms that have zero co and
adjacent penalties.

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6.8 List Generation Co-channel

Here you can create a co-channel interference list. CellOpt MDA will calculate all possible
co-channels based on the frequency plans linked to the measurements. From the List
Generation heading on the left, select Co-channel.

Figure 6.9 Generating a Co-channel Identification list

For most types of measurements, it is not possible to measure co-channel relations. To

capture these missed relations, CellOpt MDA can generate an interference list that includes
co-channel relations that have not been measured.

6.8.1 Destination
This is where co channel relations will be stored.
The Co channel interference list is a complement to a measured list. These relations can be
stored either in a separate list or update the measured list itself. Use the radio buttons to
make your choice, if a separate list is created then the name need to be entered as well.

6.8.2 Source
This is the list that is missing co channel relations.
In order to continue this feature needs a measured interference list. This is the source list
which might or might not been created from CellOpt MDA. However each sector inside this
list will be processed by the co channel algorithm.

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6.8.3 Frequency Plan

This is the frequency plan used to find possible co channel relations.
The co channel algorithm needs a frequency plan to identify co channel relations. This
frequency plan needs to be selected here. Please make sure that the selected frequency
plan is the same as was used during the measurement collection for the Source measured
interference list.
The algorithm will check all possible control relations from the frequency plan. However it
often makes more sense to limit this to the interfered sectors site because of their co
location. In this case the algorithm will only return co channel relations for a sector (A)
where some interferer to a co located sector (sector B on the same site as A) has the same
control channel as (A). This is the default setting of the feature.
Additionally it is possible to specify a distance threshold. This threshold tells the algorithm
how far away from the interfered sector it should check for co channel relations. By default
this option is selected and set to 100 km.

6.8.4 Weighting method

This is where relations penalty are determined.
All the relations that are produced by the algorithm so far have no penalties attached to it.
The weighting method determines the magnitude of this penalty.
Predicted Interference list
Here a predicted list is used. Each relation is checked in the predicted one and if
found the same penalty will be used. No normalization is done here.
Use measured interference list above
The measured interference list is used. For each sector (A), the strongest interferer
(B) is checked. If (B) is interfered by the co channel relation (C), then that penalty
will be used (B <- C).
In the picture below, this is visualized. The algorithm seeks the penalty value for A
<- C. It checks As strongest interferer B for how much B is interfered by C. This
amount is assumed to be similar as A <- C because of the big overlap of A and B.

Figure 6.10 Weighting method using measured interference list

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If the algorithm does not find the co channel relation within the strongest
interferer, then it will check the next strongest and so on.
Ideally the algorithm should work with the strongest interferer in order to get a big
signal overlap. There is also an option to how weak interferers the algorithm
should consider in case it does not find a co channel relation within the strongest
interferer. This threshold is by default set to 75% of the strength of the strongest
At last the algorithm might still miss a few penalties for co channel relations.
Because of this, these relations will be missing from the co channel list that is
created. They can however be stored separately in an exception list. In this list the
relations will exist but no penalty will be attached to them. By default no exception
list is created.
Once all the settings have been adjusted:
Click Create to continue generating the list.
Click Next to go to the Missing Sectors page.

6.9 List Generation Missing Sectors

Here you can filter out relations including certain sectors from a selected interference list.
Normally you will have a predicted instance list that contains predictions for all your
sectors and all your relations. Once a measurement is performed over a certain area, the
sectors in that area will have new relations based on the measurement data. These
relations will be inside the measured area as the sectors outside the area were not
This feature creates a complement interference list to a newly created measured one by
keeping or removing missing relations from a predicted interference list that contains a
missing sector, listing the relations either as interfered or interfering. The result is placed
in a new reference list.
There are several possible reasons why a sector is missing in a measured interference list:
New sectors and sectors that were not turned on during the measurement
collection will obviously not have any data associated with them.
Active sectors outside the measurement area will be seen in the measured data as
interfering sectors but never as serving sectors.
After data validation, it is likely to have list of sectors that do not have enough
measurements in order to create interference relations.
By analysis of the measured interference list versus the predicted interference, it is
likely to extend the list of sectors that have inadequate data. In the analysis, each
sector should be analyzed both as a server as an interferer. Local knowledge of the
engineers and the result of the analysis will determine if an interferer should be
taken from the Measured or the Predicted IM.

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From the List Generation heading on the left, select Missing Sectors.

Figure 6.11 The Missing Sectors page

If creating a new list, type in the name of the new list in the top field.
Now select the source interference list from the drop-down menu.
You then specify whether the relations should be kept or removed.

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To define the Selection criteria, click the Auto-detect button, which displays the panel
shown in Figure 5.10.

Figure 6.12 Auto-detect and assign missing sectors to layers

This automatically detects the difference between the sectors in the reference list and
either a specified interference list or all the sectors in the network. The last section of this
panel allows you to define the category and layer in which you want to store the interfered
and interfering results. Click OK to return to the Missing Sectors page.
Alternatively, you can manually collect the missing sectors in layers, one layer for missing
interfered and one layer for missing interfering. You can do this from the Radio Editor.
Note that this can be a lengthy task to perform manually and the Auto-detect feature is
the recommended method.
Click Generate to produce the new reference list.
Click Next to go to the IM Extender page.

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6.10 List Generation IM Extender

A measured interference list is extremely expensive to produce. The IM Extender feature
allows you to extend the useful life of this list by estimating modifications due to network
changes. The new values are calculated by comparing predicted values before and after
the change, and extrapolating any differences to a change to the measured list value.
From the List Generation heading on the left, select IM Extender.

Figure 6.13 The IM Extender page

Click the Generate button to begin the process.

To be comparable in scale to the old measured list, the old and new predicted lists are
normalized using the same procedure as in List Normalization (see page 48 for details).
The new measured list values are calculated as follows:
Mnew = Mold + norm*(Pnew Pold)

If Pnew > Pold and Mold > Pold then use

If Pnew Pold and Mold norm*Pold , then Mnew = Mold * (Pnew/Pold)

Otherwise, if Pnew or Pold are not present, then Mnew = Mold

norm is the normalization value
Mnew is the value calculated for the new measured list
Mold is the value in the old measured list
Pold is the value in the old predicted list
Pnew is the value in the new predicted list

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The following table shows some examples with norm = 2.0

































Once the process is complete, a log is shown as in Figure 6.14.

Figure 6.14 The IM Extender event log

The log displays the correlations between the old pair and the new pair of lists:
Average correlation between the old measured and the old predicted lists,
regarding the Top 50, 100, 200, 400 and All interferers for sectors (co-strength).
Average correlation between the new measured (result) and the new predicted list
regarding the Top 50, 100, 200, 400 and All interferers for sectors (co-strength).
The number of relations in each list shown as horizontal bars. The overlap on the
bars indicates the actual overlap.
How many of each case in the table were executed.

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6.11 List Generation List Merge

Here you can merge relations from two interference lists, a base list and a candidate list.
For the base list, you would typically choose an old measured interference list, and a new
predicted interference list to be the candidate list. The candidate list would normally
contain network changes (for example, new sectors) made after the measured interference
list was produced.
This feature is useful in situations where for example, two measured interference lists are
subsets of each other, they have a different penalty average so that normalization is
needed, they do not correlate so sometimes relations should be used from one list and
sometimes from another, and so on.
From the List Generation heading on the left, select List Merge.

Figure 6.15 The Interference List Merge Wizard Step 1

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By default, all relations are taken from the base list. To specify which relations to take
from the candidate list, you can choose a category / layer combination from the bottom
section. If at least one radio is assigned to a layer, then all relations for the sector are
taken from the candidate list.
To fine-tune your selection, click the Continue button to proceed to Step 2.
The table in Step 2 shows a combined set of overviews from both lists: check boxes and
buttons are displayed for each sector, followed by columns dealing with relations (see
Figure 6.16), and another set dealing with correlations (see Figure 6.17).
The relations set of columns shows the number of relations for both interfered and
interfering sectors in both lists and their summed co channel analysis for both interfered
and interfering for both base and candidate.

Figure 6.16 The Interference List Merge Wizard: Step 2

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The final columns, shown in Figure 5.15, show correlation scores for both interfering and
interfered. The correlation shows the number of top ranked relations in common between
the base list and the candidate list, for the top 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 relations.
For example, suppose a sector A has an interfering correlation as follows:




This indicates that of the top 5 relations in each list where A is interfering, 3 are common
to both lists. Also, 6 of the top 10, 12 of the top 15, 17 of the top 20 and 18 of the top 25
are common.

Figure 6.17 The right hand side of the table in Step 2

Note that as you make various selections from the candidate list, the number of relations
from the base and candidate lists are displayed in the small table in the top left of the
Step 2 allows you to take relations from the candidate list for specific sectors using the
Use candidate? check boxes, which work as follows:
Left box

Right box


Take all relations where this sector

is interfered from the base list.

Take all relations where this sector

is interfering from the base list.


Take all relations where this sector

is interfered from the candidate list.

Take all relations where this sector

is interfering from the candidate list.


Individual candidate relations have been selected from the relation or

correlation tables described below and shown in Figures 5.16 and 5.17. If
cleared, the relations return to being controlled at the sector level only.

Only one of the two checkboxes needs to be set for the candidate to be used.

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Individual relations or correlations for a sector can be selected as well, using R and C:
R button click this to edit relations for this sector, as shown in Figure 5.16. You
can also do this by clicking inside any of the relation values in a row.
C button click this to edit correlations for this sector, as shown in Figure 5.17.
You can also do this by clicking inside any of the correlation values in a row.

Figure 6.18 Relation details for a selected sector

The page shown in Figure 6.18 displays relation details for interfered and interfering
sectors. You can select a sector from the candidate list by clicking in the left hand check
Some relations may be blank in some of the columns this is because that relation only
exists in one of the two lists. The checkbox still applies in this case it is possible to select
the blank version of a relation.
Click OK to return to the Step 2 page.

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Figure 6.19 Correlation details for a selected sector

This page shows correlation details for interfered and interfering sectors. You can select a
sector from the candidate list by clicking in the left hand check box.
For each selected sector, a correlation is made with a hard-coded value of a step size of 5.
This correlation will be shown on both interfered and interfering level.
The relations are shown in base order. Another column shows the candidate order, which
can be compared with the base order.
The correlation values appear on every 5th row in the last column. The nth value refers to
the first 5n rows in base order it shows the number of these relations that are also in the
top 5n in candidate order.
Click OK to return to the Step 2 page.
Once you are satisfied with your selections on the Step 2 page, click Next.

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The page for Step 3 is shown in Figure 6.20. This allows you to view the statistics for the
list merge and allows you to return to Step 2 (using the Back button) to make any final

Figure 6.20 Step 3: check the information before starting the merge

Click Next to proceed with the merge. Once the merge has occurred, the event log is
displayed showing information and any problems relating to the action, for example not
enough relations.

Figure 6.21 The event log for the merge

Click Next to go to List Intersection.

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6.12 List Generation Intersection

Here you can create a new interference list based on the measured interference list, where
only certain relations are included. From the List Generation heading on the left, select

Figure 6.22 Generating an Intersection List

You can filter out relations that are co-site, neighbors, as well as the relations in the
predicted or measured interference lists. As shown in the figure above, by selecting and or
or you can filter using a second list.
Click Create to continue generating the list.
Click Next to go to Interference List Normalization.

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6.13 List Generation List Normalization

Here you can normalize an interference list based on the measured interference list. Either
create a new list with the normalized values or overwrite values in the original list. From
the List Generation heading on the left, select Normalization.

Figure 6.23 The Normalize List dialog

These options can be used stand-alone or together:

Per sector This option is used to normalize a list on a sector level so that the
sum of sum of all co interfering relations for each sector is equal to 1 after the
normalization. For each sector, each interfered relation is scaled with the sum of
the co interference from all interfering sectors for the target sector. This option can
be used to normalize a list with handover counts so that low traffic sectors will
have equal priority as high traffic sector with many counts.
Based on other list The option normalizes the selected list based on another
interference list. The result is that the normalized list will have the same average
co interference as the selected list. Each relation is scaled by the ratio average (co
interference of another list)/average (co interference of list to be normalized).
To max value This option normalizes the selected list so that it will have a new
maximum co value (that is selected by the user). Each relation is scaled by the
ratio value inserted/max (co interference of list to be normalized).
Select normalization options and what list to normalize. Click Normalize to perform the
operation. Click Next to go to the Interference List Analysis Summary.

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7 Interference List Analysis

7.1 Introduction
Interference Analysis is used for analyzing the interference relations and histograms
within a selected interference list. You can also generate a neighbor report and compare
two interference lists.
Analysis can be done on three different levels, Summary, Sector and Relation. Any type of
interference list can be analyzed, but the analysis can only be done at a histogram level for
Cellopt MDA-generated lists.

7.2 Interference List - Summary

7.2.1 Relations per Sector
Select a list from the Measured/Interference list drop-down menu to display the
Summary view. Note that you can toggle between showing serving and interfering views
by clicking the link under the drop-down list.

Figure 7.1 The Interference List Analysis Summary page, showing Relations per Sector

In the summary view for the selected Measured List (see Figure 7.1), Cellopt MDA adds all
interference for a sector and then displays the result. The summary has two graphs - the
top graph shows the number of relations per sector, for all sectors, and the bottom
histogram shows the number of relations per sector for the currently selected sectors
essentially a zoomed in view of the top graph.
The currently selected sectors are indicated in the top graph by a vertical dotted line
(initially at the left hand side of the graph), and in the lower histogram by the values for
Start pos(ition) and Count (the number of sectors shown in the histogram). You can use
the arrow buttons above the lower histogram to move the window of selected sectors left
and right in the top graph, or by simply clicking in the top graph at the appropriate point.

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An expected curve is shown in Figure 7.1, starting high and becoming near-zero towards
the end of the graph. Typically, one might investigate those sectors with abnormally high
or low counts, or where the number of relations goes to a near-zero value too soon. Note
that a sector with a high number of interferers is not necessarily the sector suffering the
most interference, as all the individual interference values could be low.
At the top left of each graph, the
Save icon button allows you to save the graph as a
.png or .gif graphics file, or as a tab-delimited text file.
The Show Table icon button allows you to view the data in table form, as shown in Figure

Figure 7.2 Relations per Sector in table form

7.2.2 Co Distribution
Clicking the Co Distribution button at the top of the page displays the Summary as shown
in Figure 7.3. The top graph shows Co Distribution for all relations on a logarithmic scale.

Figure 7.3 The Interference List Analysis Summary page, showing Co Distribution

Click Next to proceed to the Sector view.

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7.3 Interference Analysis - Sector

From the Interference Analysis heading on the left, select Sector to open the following
page: Select a Measured list and pick a Sector to display two graphs. The first graph
shows all sectors that are interfering with the selected sector, while the second graph
shows all the sectors affected by the selected interfering sector.

Figure 7.4 The Interference List Analysis Serving Sector histogram page

The arrow buttons below the Sector drop-down list allow you to move to the next or
previous sector in the list. You can select the sort order to be by name or by count.
At the top left of each histogram, the following icon buttons are displayed:
Save the histogram as a .png or .gif graphics file, or as a tab-delimited text file.
Show Absolute Values in both histograms.
Show Normalized Values in both histograms.
Show Adj Curve in both histograms.
Show Co Curve in both histograms.
The icon at the top right maximises a histogram.

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Figure 7.5 shows a histogram for the same sector, showing absolute values in the top
histogram, and values normalized to 100 in the lower histogram.

Figure 7.5 Absolute and normalized histograms

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7.4 Interference Analysis - Relation

From the Interference Analysis heading on the left, select Relation to open the
following page:

Figure 7.6 The Interference List Analysis Relation page

The relation view will display the histogram on which the selected relation interference was
based. Select a Measured list, a Serving sector and the Interfering Sector.
The arrow buttons below the Interfering sector drop-down list allow you to move to the
next or previous sector in the list.
You can also select the serving order to be by count or name, and the interfering order to
be by name or strength.
The resulting view can be switched between three different modes: C/I Histogram,
Interference and Statistics. See the next sections for details of each of these modes.

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7.4.1 C/I Histogram

This mode displays the histogram for a selected relation. The histogram shows the number
of measurement points per C/I.

Figure 7.7 The C/I Histogram mode

The icon at the top left of the histogram allows you to Save the histogram as a .png or .gif
graphics file, or as a tab-delimited text file.

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7.4.2 Interference
Interference is shown in three 3D graphs, where the first shows the Probability of
Interference (co values), the second is a histogram of the raw measurements (counts) and
the last is the product of the other two graphs (C/I co interference). Figure 7.8 shows the
3D graph.

Figure 7.8 The Interference mode

Use Shift + cursor keys to rotate the graph.

The icon at the top left of the histogram allows you to Save the histogram as a .png or .gif
graphics file, or as a tab-delimited text file.

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7.4.3 Statistics
The Statistics mode button shows information about the selected relation.

Figure 7.9 The Statistics mode

7.5 Manual Interference Edit (Distance Based Analysis)

After all the list generation and analysis, you can add manual adjustments to an
interference list. This not only applies to lists generated by Cellopt MDA, but any list with
This analysis allows you to bring local engineering knowledge into the IM and correct any
mistakes that might exist.

7.5.1 Overview

Verify and Correct Signal source Resolution

When the IM is created from measured data, there is a prediction part called signal
source resolution (SSR) that must match each FREQ-CC pair into a sector. This step can be
done in many ways; for instance, by looking at the distance and taking the closest, or by
looking at some artificial Pathloss or Distance and Azimuth-beamwidth weightings.
In this process, its not possible to be correct and pick the right interferer all the time.
The solution is to run an analysis of the IM. This analysis will show some key things about
the IM:
FREQ and CC of the interferer
C/I counts and total counts in the histogram (if the list was made with MDA)
Distance to interferer
Possible other interferers
Distance to possible other interferers
Co and Adj penalty values

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Unresolved FREQ-CC dummy sectors (if available)

Similar weights to the Possible other interferers
Missing close by sectors as interferers

The amount of data can be very large to look at, especially on the relation level. So to be
able to do this type of editing manually, the analysis is broken down into three steps:

Create the report with just a few options.

Show the report on sector level where it is easier to filter down to a workably short

Check the short list on the relation level, which allows manual editing.

The Next and Back buttons are used to navigate from

summary and detail level and back.

Dummy sectors

The dummy sectors are all stored on the same site, called dummy. This site has one
sector for each FREQ-CC pair.
When MDA creates an IM, it will need to store any unresolved interferers as dummy
sectors in this way by creating the needed dummy sector.

Lists not created with MDA

You can also import dummy sectors by using the site name dummy and sector name
FREQ_CC that these sectors will be created with. By importing an IM with iCONC messages
or with the TAB delimited format, and using this name convention, the dummy relation will
be inserted into the desired IM, and dummy sectors created as needed.

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7.5.2 Creating the Report

Creating the report gives several options as to how to proceed:

Figure 7.10 Creating the Manual Edit Report

First, select where to store the results. The interference list can be updated (select
Replace) or you can create a completely new list.
Then select the interference list to work with. You must select a neighbor list, as neighbors
are used in the analysis.

Figure 7.11 Select where to store the result and what lists to work with

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Next, you need to:

Set a small distance (Measured Distance) around each serving sector where you
expect almost all existing sectors to be interfering. The analysis will highlight any
sectors that are not interfering within this distance.

Figure 7.12 Select a small distance and layer filter

You can also limit the interferer display to a specified category-layer. This is useful,
for example to filter out irrelevant sectors. Examples of this situation are:

Only a certain band is interesting like GSM900. Selecting all GSM900

sectors in the layer will filter out any DCS1800 from the analysis.

Only looking at Macro sectors. Selecting only Macro sectors in the layer will
filter out any Micro and Pico sectors.
Dont forget that like anything else the report is working in
the selected sectors in the radio editor.

Now generate the report.

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7.5.3 Getting down to a short list

The Manual edit report is a sector level report. It shows the selected options on the top
which the report was generated with, and also some filter options. The filters help you to
reduce the sector list to a manageable size.

Figure 7.13 Getting down to a short list

The filters can work with the logical OR. This means that unlike most other filters, this will
display sectors that fulfill any of the selected single criteria.
The filter options are:
Show all sectors
Show all sectors without any filtering.
Show sectors with less than [X] interferers
Show sectors that have too few interferers. X is defined in the AFP list criteria.
Show sectors with less than [Y] neighbors
Show sectors that have too few neighbors. Y is defined in the AFP list criteria.
Show sectors with unidentified interferers (Dummy interferer)
Show sectors that are interfered by some signal which could not be resolved in the
SSR. These signals are instead linked to dummy sectors.

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Show sectors with neighbors that are missing from the IM

When a sector has neighbors that are not part of the IM. Logically, all neighbors
should show up in the IM.
Show sectors with more than [Z] missing interferers
Missing interferers are those sectors that are not interfering and are found within
the small distance specified in the first page when generating the report.

Select any of the filters and press Apply to modify the summary report.

Figure 7.14 Summary level report

The columns in this report can be sorted by clicking on any of the headers. The report
Sector The site and sector name
# Interferers Total number of interferers in the IM for this sector
Total Interference Total summed Co level interference from the interferers
# Neighbors Total number of neighbors for this sector
# Unidentified Interferers Dummy interferers. Signals that could not be
resolved to any sectors in the network in ASA (or in MDA for drive test)
# Neighbors not in IM Shows number of neighbors that are not part of the IM.
In real life all used (and meaningful) neighbors are interfering and should be part
of the IM.
# Missing Interferers Missing interferers within the short distance selected on
the setup page.

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7.5.4 Applying manual adjustments

On the summary report, click on any sector line to see the detailed relation level report for
that sector.
On the relation level report, you can filter even more. This filtering actually creates a post
signal source resolution, making it possible to change the actual interferer if needed.
The following filters are available:
Max distance to search for interferer candidates [X] km
This filter sets the maximum distance for where the interfering candidates will be
taken from. Anything outside will not be looked at.
Algorithm to determine best candidates
Select the algorithm to determine the best candidates. This can be set to a
different algorithm than was used when creating the list.
Only show the strongest interferer for a sector. Limit to top [Y]
Limits the display to the strongest interferers. Often there are a handful of
relations that are important and the rest having very small penalties. For example,
any dummy sector shown up in the top Y would need some manual attention.
Show interfering sectors with no alternative candidates
Sometimes the signal can come from more than one sector. For a manual edit, it is easiest
to only look at these. Selecting this option will show those with only one possible (used)
signal source.

Figure 7.15 Relation level report

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Interference List Analysis 63

The columns available are explained below:

Sector Name of the serving sector
Freq Of the interferer
BSIC/CC Color code of the interferer
Co, Adj Interference values of the interferer
Rel str Relative strength of this interferer against all other interferers.
2= 2nd strongest interferer.
#Interf How many interferers this sector has
Neighbor Shows if this is a neighbor or not.
Dist Distance to Interferer
C2 Candidate 2 where the signal could also come from
Dist2 Distance to Candidate 2
C3 Candidate 3 where the signal could also come from
Dist3 Distance to Candidate 3
-5 to 25 C/I values in the histogram
Total Total MMR reports for this histogram
Server Total MMR reports for the server
Ratio Total/Server in %


In order to edit, click on the relation in the detailed report. An edit dialog appears when
you can change the interfering sector or the Co and Adj values.

Figure 7.16 Edit relation dialog

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Interference List Analysis 64

7.5.5 Color coding

Color coding is a useful feature that highlights where engineers should pay attention.
Therefore, if possible the colors should be on cell (not row) level.
The coloring is performed both in the summary and the detailed analysis

Summary level

Is used if the sector has any dummy neighbors.
Is used when any neighbor is not in the IM.
Is used if the sector has any missing interferers within the short distance MD.
Is used if the number of neighbors and interferers are less than specified in the list
criteria in AFP.

Detailed level

Is used when a frequency or color code is not found in the network.
Is used when a negative value appears in the data.
Is used when the interferer maps to a Dummy sector.
Is used when a neighbor is not in the IM.
Is used for missing interferers within the short distance MD
Is used for the # Interf column when this is less than specified in the list criteria.
Is used when there are multiple candidates with similar distance. similar distance
is a 20% off calculation.

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List Comparison 65

8 List Comparison
8.1 Introduction
Measured and Predicted interference lists can be compared using summary graphs, a
scatter diagram, a correlation histogram and a sector comparison table.

8.2 List Comparison Summary

From the pane on the left, select List Comparison. Select interference lists from the
Measured/Interference list and the Predicted/Interference list to display two
summary graphs, as shown in Figure 8.1, for the number of relations per sector and a
logarithmic display of co distribution for relations. Underneath the list drop-down menus,
note that there is a link allowing you to show either serving or interfering sector
information in the graphs.

Figure 8.1 The Summary graphs

In the top right corner of each graph, the left-hand icon allows you to save the histogram
(in PNG or GIF graphics file formats, or in a tab-delimited TXT format file). The right-hand
icon maximizes the graph.

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List Comparison 66

8.3 List Comparison Scatter

This option plots sector-sector relations that are present in both the selected interference
lists, Measured and Predicted.
From the List Comparison heading on the left, select Scatter. Select interference lists
from the Measured list and the Predicted list to display a relation scatter plot, as shown

Figure 8.2 The Relation Scatter plot

The Information panel shows three values: the number of relations in the measured list,
the number of the relations in the predicted list, and the number present in both lists.
The plot shows a number of dots, each representing a sector-sector relation present in
both interference lists. The axes show normalized co-interference values for the selected
measured list (x-axis) and the selected predicted list (y-axis). Good interference
correlations will appear plotted along the diagonal line.

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List Comparison 67

8.4 List Comparison Correlation

From the List Comparison heading on the left, select Correlation. Select interference
lists from the Measured list and the Predicted list to display a sector correlation table,
as shown below:

Figure 8.3 The Sector Correlation results

You can click on a row to display the Sector analysis (see page 69).
Note that the table only shows the first 100 results. Click the green button at the bottom
right of the table to display the entire report. You can sort the table by clicking on the
column headings to rearrange the results as required.
The first two columns refer to the sectors being interfered with, and the second two refer
to the interfering sectors. The last column gives the percentage index of correlation
between the two. The values shown are the counts of interference.

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8.4.1 Modifying correlation settings

You can alter the correlation bands by clicking Modify correlation settings in the upper
right of the page:

Figure 8.4 The List Correlation Settings

Enter values for the Number of steps and the Step size to configure how results will be
reported in the Interfered Values and Interfering Values columns. Note that in the example
above, five steps are used, and so (where possible) five values are reported.
Click on a row to display the Sector analysis (see page 69).

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List Comparison 69

8.5 List Comparison Sector

From the List Comparison heading, select Sector. Select from the Measured list, the
Predicted list and the serving Sector to display the histogram as shown below:

Figure 8.5 The Serving Sector histograms page

These histograms are displayed showing normalized co-interference values, with 100 being
the highest value.
Maximize histogram

Save histogram

Absolute / normalized
values toggle

Adjacent / co-channel toggle

Figure 8.6 Histogram controls

As shown in figure 8.6, at the top right of each histogram there are several controls that
allow you to toggle the histogram between displaying absolute or normalized values, and
between adjacent or co-interference values. Click on the abbreviation for the new type of
information required (e.g. clicking abs selects the display of absolute values).
You can also save the histogram to file, or maximize the histogram display.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Neighbor Analysis 70

9 Neighbor Analysis
9.1 Introduction
An overview status report is available that summarizes and warns of the main differences
between the measured interference list and the selected neighbor list. Potential neighbors
and crossfeeders as well as questionable neighbors and other warnings are shown in this
report. Crossfeeders occur where one site has two sectors with several potential neighbors
on each, which can indicate that the sectors have been set up cross-wired. The strongest
interferers will probably already be in the neighbor list; questionable neighbors are those
that are in the neighbor list but are weak, and so should probably be deleted.
Also provided is a summary report showing numbers of potential neighbors, questionable
neighbors, crossfeeders, neighbors and interferers for each sector. You can also save the
summary report to file, showing each sector-to-sector relation. This can be used, for
example, in creating a new neighbor list.

9.2 Neighbor Analysis Status

From the pane on the left, select Neighbor Analysis. Select from the Measured list and
the Neighbor list to display the Status page:

Figure 9.1 The Neighbor Analysis Status page

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Click on a warning to view details. Here are details for a Potential Neighbors warning:

Figure 9.2 Potential Neighbor details

You can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to save the information to a file or send
it to a printer.

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Neighbor Analysis 72

9.2.1 Modifying neighbor warning thresholds

To modify the thresholds for particular warnings, click on the Modify neighbor warning
thresholds link in the top right of the page.

Figure 9.3 Modifying Neighbor Warning Thresholds

9.3 Neighbor Analysis Summary

This page allows you to compare an interference list with a neighbor list, to highlight the
number of existing, potential or questionable neighbors for a given sector. Crossfeeders
are also highlighted in the table.
From the panel on the left, under the Neighbor Analysis heading, select Summary.
Select lists from the Interference list and the Neighbor list drop-down menus to display
the summary table as shown below:

Figure 9.4 The Sector-level Summary results table

The icon buttons at the top left of the table allow you to Save the information to a tabdelimited text file, or Export to a Microsoft Excel file.

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Note that the table only shows the first 100 results. Click the green button at the bottom
right of the table to display the entire report. You can sort the table by clicking on the
column headings to rearrange the results as required.

9.4 Neighbor Analysis Relations

This page allows you to compare an interference list with a neighbor list, to highlight
existing, potential or questionable neighbors for a given sector relation. Crossfeeders are
also highlighted in the table.
From the panel on the left, under the Neighbor Analysis heading, select Relations.
Select appropriate lists from the Interference list and the Neighbor list drop-down
menus to display the summary table as shown below:

Figure 9.5 The Relation-level Summary results table

By default the table shows all relations, but you can filter the table using the drop-down
menu at the top right of the table.
The icon buttons at the top left of the table allow you to Save the information to a tabdelimited text file, or Export to a Microsoft Excel file.
Note that the table only shows the first 100 results. Click the green button at the bottom
right of the table to display the entire report. You can sort the table by clicking on the
column headings to rearrange the results as required.

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Neighbor Analysis 74

9.5 Neighbor Analysis Sector

From the panel on the left, under the Neighbor Analysis heading, select Sector. Select
from the Interference list, the Neighbor list and the Serving sector to display the
Sector histogram as shown below:

Figure 9.6 The Sector histogram

The arrow buttons allow you to go to the next or previous sector in the Serving sector
drop-down list.
Crossfeeders are indicated by an x above the histogram bar, and the color of the
histogram bar shows whether a sector is or is not a neighbor.
Note that you can change the histograms sort order in the top right of the page.
Clicking on Modify neighbor warning thresholds allows you to set the dotted line
thresholds for the Potential and Questionable neighbors.

9.5.1 About Crossfeeder analysis before version 2.4

Note that the logic for the crossfeeder warning has been changed since Cellopt MDA 2.3. A
crossfeeder warning is now presented if at least two sectors at a site are warned for
potential neighbors. The affected sectors are thus warned for potentially being
In Cellopt MDA 2.3, a crossfeeder warning was issued if the potential and questionable
neighbors exceeded the crossfeeder warning threshold. This threshold was removed in
version 2.4.

Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Supported File Formats 75

10 Supported File Formats

10.1 Decoded OMC Formats from Actix Switch Adapter
Please refer to Actix Switch Adapters user guide for the current support of Switch vendor
MMR Count and MMR data.

10.2 Drive Formats

Generic Drive format
DTI Scanner

10.3 Generic Drive format

This drive format is a flexible format that is both easy to convert into or easy to configure
so the reader understands a various formats.
This format reader acts as a link between Actix Analyzer and Cellopt MDA. Any drive test
data can be exported from Actix Analyzer and then easily imported into Cellopt MDA with
this new support.

General requirements

There are default column names that the reader looks for but there is also some
configuration freedom.
The general principle is that the files must be:
Text based, comma delimited
Starting with a header line
There is no requirement on the header line to contain the column names in any specific
Names in the header are not case sensitive
Each subsequent lines must be data lines
A data line may or may not be complete, it can contain empty values

Handset data requirements

Handset data files must contain the following data:

Server information. This can be one or all of the following:
Server name
Server frequency
Color code

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Supported File Formats 76

Signal strength
Measurement information. This can be one or many:
Color code
Signal strength

Scanner data requirements

Scanner data files must contain the following data:

Measurement information. This can be one or many:
Color code
Signal strength
When importing multiple files in the same import, the reader checks what type the file is
before reading it. The means that both handset and scanner data can be mixed.

Default Configuration

The reader searches for the following default header names (definition in bold, followed by
the names the reader looks for):


Look for









Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide


Look for



Supported File Formats 77










If more than one instance of the same data type is present (for example for server having
CI and Server) then the first one found by the reader will be used. All the rest will be
The reader detects header column names from left to right.

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Supported File Formats 78

Custom configuration

It is also possible to configure the reader to search for different header column names.
This can be done with a file GenericDriveTestReader.ini that is placed in the conf
directory under the AFP installation folder.
There is an ini file for this in the examples directory. This ini file can be modified and
copied to the conf directory in order to the customization to take affect.

Figure 10.1 Configuring Generic drive test reader

It should contain the data definition (case sensitive, same as in the table above) to the
left, tab, then the desired column names (coma separated) for this data.
For example:
My drive files contains the name BCCH or sBCCH for measured serving frequencies.
This can be defined as follows:


Actix Cellopt MDA Version 3.14.1 User Guide

Index 79

11 Index
validation, 29
Wizard, 27

Auto-detect missing sectors, 38
Auto-generate weights, 31

Bin Size, 13

C/I weights, 30
Color code, 14
concentric cells, 7
crossfeeder analysis, 74

Distance, 14
Distance Based Analysis, 56

editing validation criteria, 25
Event log, 33

Filter, 14
filtering using the Radio tab, 21
Find Signal Source, 14
Frequency, 14

Import Data
about, 11
event log, 19
file selection, 17
measured data type, 12
resolving signal sources, 14
Settings, 13
summary, 18
Interference Analysis
about, 49
Relation, 53
Relation - C/I Histogram, 54
Relation - Interference, 55
Relation - Statistics, 56
Sector, 51
Summary, 49
Interference List
calculations, 30
resolving signal sources, 13
select measurements, 28
select sectors and data type, 27

Keep missing sectors, 36

List Comparison
about, 65
Correlation, 67
Scatter, 66
Sector, 69
Summary, 65
List Generation, 26
Co-channel, 34
Interference, 27
Interference Reuse, 39
Intersection, 47
List Merge, 41
Missing Sectors, 37
Normalization, 48

Manual Interface Edit, 56
overview, 20
Validation, 22
Missing Sectors, 36
Modify correlation settings, 68
Modify neighbor warning thresholds, 72, 74

Neighbor Analysis
about, 70
Relations, 73
Sector, 74
Status, 70
Summary, 72
Nokia CF & DAC, 12

Radio tab
filtering, 21

signal sources, resolution, 14
Signal Strength, 14

Trim missing sectors, 36

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Index 80

validation criteria, editing, 25

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Index 81

T +1 703 707 4777
F +1 703 707 4778
T +61 3 9225 5042
F +61 2 9501 0770
T +86 10 6310 2386
F +86 10 6310 7286
T + 49 351 40429 0
F +49 351 40429-50
T +81 (3) 6860 8262
F +81 (3) 6860 8201
T +65 6333 7428
F +65 6333 5540
T +44 (0)20 8735 6300
F +44 (0)20 8735 6301

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