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Subject :

English Language Year 3

Date :

30th March 2015

Time :

9.30am - 10.30 am

Class :

3 Vivekananda

Number of Pupils :

30 students

Proficiency Level :

Intermediate to advance

Focus :

Listening and speaking

Theme :
Topic :
Content Standard :

World of knowledge
Unit 9: Go green!
By the end of 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able:
1.1 to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standards :
Lesson Objectives :

1.3 to understand and respond to oral texts in variety of context.

1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by
b) answering simple Wh-questions.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a) Listen to a recorded audio entitled Reuse, Reduce and Recycle and complete the worksheet by giving a tick

Emphases :
Teaching Aids :

to the appropriate pictures.

b) In group, prepare a discussion according to the pictures and present it in pairs in front of the classroom.
i. CCTS: Generate ideas, draw conclusion.
ii. Multiple Intelligences: Visual spatial, kinaesthetic, verbal-linguistic
iii. Values: Love and value the environment
iv. Olympic Values: Joy of effort
Video on save the environment, puzzles, recorded audio Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, worksheet

Set induction (5 minutes)
1. Before starting the lesson of the day, teacher
asks the pupils whether they are ready for

Teaching & Learning Strategy


Gasping pupils attention towards

the lesson by playing a video
about the invention of telephone.

the lesson.
2. Teacher makes them into group of three.
3. Teacher distributes an envelope which
contains puzzles.
4. Pupils complete the puzzles in a group.
5. Teacher introduces the topic of the day.
Stage 1 (15 minutes)
1. Teacher shows a power point presentation

Generating pupils ideas based

Power point presentation:

on the learning topic.

on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

2. Teacher explains the meaning of Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle
3. Teacher gives examples based on Reduce,
Reuse and recycle.

Stage 2 (20 minutes)

1. Teacher distributes worksheet to the pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the

Listen to a recorded audio and

choose the best and correct
answer by giving a tick on the


3. Teacher plays recorded audio on Reduce,

appropriate pictures.

Reuse and Recycle.

4. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the
5. Teacher replays again the audio to make
sure pupils are able to complete the
6. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils.
Stage 3 (15 minutes)

Describe about the pictures using

1. Teacher instructs the pupils to seat according

the knowledge they gain

to their previous group.

2. Teacher distributes an envelope to each


3. Teacher asks the pupils to look at the
pictures and discuss with their group.
4. Teacher asks each group to present in front
of the classroom as a pair.

1. Lastly, teacher recaps the lesson by asking
a) What have we learnt today?
b) What are the ways to save our

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