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High-speed capability and methods of their development.

Under the high-speed capabilities understand the human capacity to ensure the
implementation of his motor action in the minimum conditions for the data interval. There
are elementary and complex forms of high-speed capabilities. By elementary forms
include quick response, the speed of a single movement, the frequency (rate) movements.

All motor reactions, committed person, divided into two groups: simple and complex. The
answer is known beforehand to the well-known traffic signal (visual, auditory, tactile) is a
simple reaction. Examples of this type of reaction is the beginning of motor actions (start)
in response to a pistol shot in athletics or swimming, the cessation of the assailant, or
protective action in combat or during a sports game with the referee whistle, etc. The
speed of simple reaction is determined by the so-called latent (hidden) period of reaction a time warp from the inception of the signal before the start of the movement. Latent
simple reaction time in adults, usually not more than 0,3 s.
Complex motor reactions occur in sports, characterized by constant and sudden change of
situation of action (sports, martial arts, downhill skiing, etc.). Most of the complex motor
responses in physical education and sport - is the reaction of "choice" (which of several
possible actions needed immediately to choose one that is adequate given the situation).
In some sports, such reactions are both responses to a moving object (ball, puck, etc.).
The time interval spent in the single movement (eg, a blow in boxing), also characterizes
the high-speed capabilities. The frequency or tempo movements - is the number of
movements per unit time (eg, the number of running steps per 10 s).
In various types of motor activity of the elementary forms of high-speed ability to act in
various combinations and in conjunction with other physical qualities and technical
operations. In this case there is a complex manifestation of high-speed capabilities. These
include: speed of implementation of integrated motor acts as the ability to quickly gain
maximum speed and the ability to maintain its long-term.
For the practice of physical education has the greatest value the speed of the motor action
of holistic man in running, swimming, travel skiing, cycling, rowing, etc., rather than
basic forms of its manifestation. However, this rate is only indirectly characterizes the
speed of man, since it is caused not only by the level of development speed, but also other
factors, in particular the influence of technology ownership, coordination abilities,
motivation, strong-willed character, etc.
Ability as quickly as possible to collect the maximum speed determined by the starting
phase of acceleration or start rate. On average, this time is 5-6 with. Ability as long as
possible to keep the maximum speed reached is called speed endurance and distance to
determine speed.
In the games and martial arts, there is another specific manifestation of the qualities of
speed - the speed brake when in connection with the change of the situation must

immediately stop and start moving in another direction.

Factors affecting the manifestation of quickness and speed athlete.

Manifestation forms quickness and speed depends on a number of factors: 1) state of the
central nervous system and neuro-muscular man, and 2) morphological features of muscle
tissue, its composition (ie, the ratio of fast and slow fibers), and 3) muscle strength, and 4)
the ability of muscles to move quickly from the stress state in relaxed, 5) energy reserves
in the muscle (adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP and creatine - KTF), 6) the amplitude
of movements, ie the degree of mobility in joints, 7) the ability to coordinate movements
with speed work, 8) the biological rhythm of life of the organism; 9) age and sex; 10)
express the natural abilities of man.
With physiological terms of speed of reaction depends on the rate at which the following
five phases: 1) the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.)
involved in the perception of the signal, 2) transfer of excitation in the central nervous
system, and 3) conversion of signal information along the nerve waterways, analysis and
formation of efferent signal, 4) of the efferent signal from the central nervous system to
the muscle, 5) excitation of the muscles and the appearance in it a mechanism of activity.
Maximum rate of movement depends on the transition rate of motor nerve centers of the
state of excitation in the state of inhibition and vice versa, ie it depends on the lability of
nervous processes.
At speed, manifested in the integral motor acts depends on: the frequency of neuromuscular impulses, the speed of the transition phase from muscle tension in the relaxation
phase, the rate of alternation of these phases, the degree of inclusion in the process of
moving rapidly dwindling of muscle fibers and their synchronous operation.
With Biochemical terms of speed of motion depends on the content of adenosine
triphosphate in the muscle, the rate of its cleavage and resynthesis. In high-speed exercise
resynthesis of ATP is due fosforokreatinovogo and glycolytic mechanisms (anaerobic without oxygen). The proportion of aerobic (oxygen) a source in the energy supply of
various high-speed activity is 0-10%.
Genetic research (method of twins, a comparison of high-speed capabilities of parents and
children, long-term variation in the speed performance of the same children) indicates
that motor ability significantly depends on the factors genotype. According to research,
simple reaction speed of approximately 60-88% determined by heredity. Srednesilnoe
genetic influence have the speed of a single movement and the frequency of movements,
and speed, shown in the complete motor acts, running, depends approximately equally on
the genotype and the environment (40-60%).
Most grace period for the development of high-speed abilities as in boys and girls is the
age of 7 to 11 years. Slightly slower growth of various indicators of the speed goes from

11 to 14-15 years. By this age actually begins stabilization results in terms of speed of
simple responses and maximum frequency of movements. Targeted exposure or
practicing different sports have a positive impact on the development of high-speed
capabilities: specifically trainees have the advantage of 5-20% or more, and growth
results can last up to 25 years.
Sex differences in development of high-speed capabilities to the small 12-13-years of age.
Later, the boys begin to outstrip the girls, especially in terms of speed integrated motor
actions (running, swimming, etc.)
Challenges of high-speed capabilities.

First task is the need for multifaceted development of high-speed capabilities (quick
response, frequency, speed of a single movement, speed of action of holistic) in
conjunction with the acquisition of motor skills that children master during training in
educational institutions. For the teacher of physical culture and sport, it is important not to
miss the junior and middle school age - Sensitive (especially favorable) periods for
effective impact on this group abilities.
The second task - The maximum development of high-speed capabilities with
specialization of children, adolescents, boys and girls in sports, where speed of response
or speed of action plays a significant role (sprint, sports, martial arts, toboggan, etc.).
retya problem - Improvement of speed abilities, that determine the success of certain
types of work (for example, in a flight case, the performance of an operator in the
industry, power systems, communication systems, etc.).
High-speed ability is very difficult to develop. The possibility of increasing the rate of
locomotor cyclic acts very limited. In the process of sports training increase the speed of
movement is achieved not only impact on the actual speed capabilities, but also by other
means - through the education of power and speed-strength ability, speed endurance,
improve technique and movements, etc., ie through the improvement of those factors on
which depends essentially on the manifestation of certain qualities of speed.
Methods of education of high-speed capabilities.

The main methods of education of high-speed capabilities are:

1) how strictly regulated exercise;
2) competitive method;
3) game method.
Methods strictly regulated exercises include: a) methods of re-execute the action set to

maximum speed, and b) methods to vary the (AC) exercises with varying velocity and
acceleration for a given program in special circumstances.
When using the alternate method is to vary the exercise movement with high intensity
(within 4-5 s) and movement with less intensity - first building up speed, then support it
and slow down the speed. This is repeated several times in a row.
Competitive method applied in the form of various training contests (estimations, relay
races, handicaps - equalizing competition) and the final competition. The effectiveness of
this method is very high, because the athletes of varying readiness given the opportunity
to fight with each other on an equal footing with the emotional upsurge, showing maximal
volitional efforts.
Game method provides for the implementation of a variety of exercises as fast as possible
in the context of mobile and sports games. This exercises are performed very emotional,
without undue stress. In addition, this method provides a wide variation in actions that
impede the formation of "speed barrier".
Specific patterns of development of high-speed capabilities require special care to
combine the above methods in viable relationships. The fact that a relatively standard
repetition of movements with a maximum speed contributes to stabilize the rate at the
level attained, the emergence of "speed barrier". Therefore, the rapidity of the method of
education is central to the problem of optimal combination of methods, including
relatively standard and varied forms of exercise.
Methods of educating the speed of the motor reaction.

Raising the speed of simple motor reaction

Currently, physical education and sport enough situations that require high speed of
reaction, and its improvement by one-tenth or even hundredth of a second (and often it is
precisely these moments) is very important. The main method in the development of
quick response - a method to re-execute the exercise. He is again responding to suddenonset (pre-conditioned) stimulus set to reduce response time.
Exercises at the speed of reaction initially performed in the easier conditions (given that
the reaction time depends on the complexity of the subsequent steps, it work out
separately, by introducing lightweight assumptions, etc.). For example, in athletics (in
running for short distances) separately exercised in the reaction rate at the starting signal,
drawing his hands on any object in the position of high launch and separately without
starting signal in the speed of implementation of the first running steps.
Typically, the reaction is carried out not in isolation but as part of specifically directed
motor acts or component (start, attacking or defensive action, elements of action games,
etc.). Therefore, to improve the speed of simple motor reaction is used to exercise
responsiveness in conditions as close as possible to the competitive, changing the time

between the preliminary and executive teams (divergent situations).

Achieve a significant reduction in simple reaction time - a difficult task. The range of
possible reduction of the latent period for the multi-year training period of about 0,100,15 s
Simple reaction have the ability to transfer: if a person is quick to respond to signals in
the same situation, he will quickly respond to them in other situations.
Raising the speed of complex motor reactions
Complex motor reactions occur in activities characterized by constant and sudden change
of situation of action (moving and sports games, martial arts, etc.). Most of the complex
motor responses in physical education and sport - is the reaction of "choice" (which of
several possible actions needed immediately to choose one that is adequate given the
situation) and the reaction to a moving object. Raising the speed of complex motor
reactions associated with simulation exercises and training in integrated motor
management and systematic participation in competitions. However, to ensure the
expense of the fully selective directional effects on the improvement of the complex
reaction is impossible. To do this you must use a special preparatory exercises, which
simulate the different forms and manifestations of the conditions of the rapidity of
complex reactions in a motor activity. However, special conditions that reduce response
When raising the speed of reaction to a moving object (RDO), special attention is paid to
reducing the time of primary component of the reaction - finding and fixing an object (eg
a ball) in the field of view. This component, when an object suddenly appears and moves
with great speed, is a significant part of a complex motor reaction time - usually more
than half. In an effort to reduce it, are two main ways:
1) bring up the ability to advance include "hold" an object in the field of view (eg, when
dealing with a single moment does not let the ball out of sight, while RDO had reduced
itself to the entire initial phase), as well as the ability to provide in advance the possible
movement of the object ;
2) direction increases the demands on the speed of perception and other components of
the complex reaction on the basis of variation of external factors that stimulate its speed.
Response time selection depends largely on the possible options for response, one of
which must be chosen only one. With this in mind, in bringing up the speed of reaction of
choice tend to teach primarily engaged skilfully use "hidden intuition" about the likely
actions of the enemy. Such information can be learned from observing the enemy's
posture, facial expressions, preparatory acts, the general behavior.
Applying for improving choice reaction special preparatory exercises consistently

complicates the situation of choice (the number of alternatives), which gradually Uwe
lichivayut in a specific order as the number of options, permitted the partner, and the
number of responses.
At the reaction time influenced by such factors as age, qualifications, able to deal with,
alarm type, complexity and spent the response movement.
Methods of education of the rapidity of movement.

The external manifestation of the rapidity of movement expresses the speed of motor acts
and has always supported not only faster, but also other abilities (power, coordination,
endurance, etc.).
The main means of education of the rapidity of movement exercises are performed with
the utmost speed okolopredelnoy either: 1) the actual speed drills, and 2)
obschepodgotovitelnye exercises, and 3) special training exercises.
Actually speed exercises characterized by short duration (15-20 s) and anaerobic energy
supply alaktatnym. They are performed with a small quantity of external weights or
without them (as the external manifestations of the maxima of power and speed are
related inversely).
As obschepodgotovitelnyh exercises most widely in physical education and sport uses
sprinting drills, jumping exercises, games with marked moments of acceleration (eg,
basketball on the usual and simplified rules, mini-football, etc.).
When you special preparatory exercises Great care should observe the rules of structural
similarity. In most cases, they represent a "parts" or holistic form of competitive exercise,
transformed in a manner that could exceed the speed relative to the achieved competitive.
With a view to educating the velocity of the special preparatory exercises with weights
weight complication should be within the range of 15-20% of the maximum. Holistic
form of competitive exercises are used as a means of educating the speed mainly in sports
with pronounced signs of high-speed (sprinting types).
After achieving some success in the development of high-speed capabilities to further
improve the results may not occur, despite the systematic studies. This delay in growth
results defined as "speed barrier". The reason for this phenomenon lies in the formation of
sufficiently stable conditioned reflex connections between technique exercises and
manifest themselves in this effort.
To avoid this, you must include training exercises in which the speed is manifested in
variant conditions, and use the following methodological approaches and techniques.
1. Facilitation of external conditions and the use of additional forces that accelerate the

The most common way to facilitate an environment of speed in the exercises, burdened
by the weight of the projectile, or sports equipment - decrease in the complication that
allows movement at higher speeds and under normal conditions.
Difficult to implement a similar approach in the exercises, burdened only by its own
weight practitioner. In order to facilitate the achievement of high speed in such exercises,
use the following techniques performed under conditions that facilitate an increase in the
rate and frequency of movements: a) "reduced" body weight at the expense of dealing
with application of external forces (such as direct assistance to the teacher (coach) or
partner with application hanging lounge and without them (in gymnastic and other
exercises), b) limit the resistance of the natural environment (for example, running with
the wind, swimming with the stream, etc.), c) use external conditions to help make
dealing with the acceleration due to inertia of motion your body (running down the hill>
running on an inclined track, etc.) d) apply dosed external forces acting in the direction of
movement (eg, mechanical traction in the race).
2. Using the effect of "accelerating the aftereffect and varying weights.
Rate movements may temporarily increase under the influence of the preceding execution
of movements with weights (eg, vyprygivanie loaded before the high jump, push
weighted kernel to trigger normal, etc.). The mechanism of this effect is concluded in the
residual excitation of the nerve centers, maintaining the propulsion system and other trace
processes, intensifying the subsequent motor action. This can significantly reduce your
movements, increasing the degree of acceleration and power produced work.
However, this effect is not always observed. It largely depends on the weight of the
complication and its subsequent relief, the number of repetitions and alternations of the
usual order, and light-weighted versions of the exercises.
3. Lead the sensory activation of high-speed manifestations.
The concept of "leading for" covers the well-known techniques (running for leader of the
partner, etc.).
The volume of high-speed exercise in a separate class, as a rule, relatively small, even
specialize in the activities of high-speed nature. This is due, firstly, limiting the frequency
and intensity of mental exercises, and secondly, the fact that it was not appropriate to
perform in a state of fatigue associated with the fall velocity. Rest intervals in a series of
high-speed exercises should be such as to be able to perform regular exercise with at least
higher than the previous one.
Tests used to determine the level of development of high-speed capabilities.

Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of high-speed capabilities

Quiz exercises (tests) to assess high-speed capabilities are divided into four groups: 1) to
assess the speed of simple and complex reaction, and 2) to assess the speed of a single
movement, and 3) to assess the maximum speed of movements in different joints, and 4)
to estimate the rate exhibited by in the integral motor acts, most often in the running for
short distances.
Control exercises to assess the speed of simple and complex reactions. Simple reaction
time is measured in an environment where known in advance and the type of signal, and a
way to answer (for example, in fire lamp button is released, shot at the starter to start
jogging, etc.).
Under laboratory conditions, the reaction time to light, sound, determined with the help
hronoref-leksometrov determining the reaction time up to 0,01 or 0,001 pp. To assess the
time of simple reaction using at least 10 attempts and determine the average response
When measuring the simple reaction can be used line length of 40 cm
In competitive conditions, the time is measured with a simple reaction. by contact sensors
placed in the starting block (athletics), starting pedestal in the pool (swimming), etc.
The complex reaction is characterized by the fact that the type of signal, and therefore the
way the answer is unknown (such reactions are characterized primarily games and martial
arts). Register for this reaction time, in competitive conditions very difficult. In vitro
selection reaction time is measured as follows: the subject is placing the slides with game
or combat situations. Assessed the situation, the subject responds by pressing a button or a
verbal response, or special effects.
Control exercises to assess the rate of single movements . Time of impact, the ball, throw,
single step, etc. determined with the help of biomechanical instrumentation.
Control exercises to assess the maximum frequency of movements different joints. The
frequency of movements of the hands, feet, I estimate using teppingtestov. Record the
number of movements with his hands (or one rotation) or legs (or one rotation) for a 5-20.
Control exercises to estimate the rate exhibited by a coherent motor actions. Running at
30, 50, 60, 100 m at the speed of overcoming the distance (with low and high launch).
Measurement of time in two ways: manually (stopwatch) and automatically using
photoelectron and laser devices used to record key indicators: the dynamics of speed,
length and frequency of steps, time individual phases of motion.

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