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In The Beginning Part 4

When we come back if you will, to the point of Let There Be, then
we have seen all that exist did come by, and for and through The Faith
of Jesus Christ, or as we have termed it, The Christ State Of Being.
It is through this eternal state of being, that all things were made that
were made and are made and forever shall be made. The Faith is The
Eternal Invisible Substance, that is the Hope, and it is the Evidence
of things seen and not seen.
Should we go back, if there was a way too go back, before the State of
Being of Christ then we would be in the Spirit, of the unknown,
unrecognized, unmanifested, without form and seemingly void, Spirit of
the Almighty God.
God without defining is unknown and virtually non-existent. As we have
seen it takes darkness to define light and light in turn defines darkness.
God is light. God is Spirit. However when we look at what we call,
Before The beginning, we find an Unknown, unmanifested, virtually
non-existent God. In this sense, because He is non-existent, and
without form and void, yet the substance of all things to come, the
essence of all that will be, we find Him to be Darkness itself.
From the side of the unknown nothingness or emptiness, or the Great
Invisible Spirit, we find Light coming forth from His Side, as he said,
Let There Be Light, and as we already know the sole purpose of this
is so the Light can form the darkness and produce what appears to be
a Negative.
In this negative, we find a fallen creation, a fallen Lucifer, deception,
concupiscence, and the dark side of God. We find wrath and
incredible laws and extreme measures and outstanding events. We find
a curse of a Law that is over mankind that they absolutely cannot live
up to. We find Moses beholding this Hinder part, of God or the Dark
side of God. We find Light has come forth and haloed an image of
Darkness. This Image of Darkness has been flashed upon by the
sudden bursting forth of the Light on to the Serpent that is hanging on
a Tree and thus this Serpent has become a recorder of the Darkness
or the negative side of Creation.
So we find a Light has come forth and has haloed a darkness and
caused an image of darkness to become existent. As in heaven so in
the Earth. As in the Natural, so in the Spiritual. We find the flash of light
snapping an image of an invisible God and has cast this shadowy

negative image onto a creature and this creature being made from the
dust is become, the first of creation as to mankind. A negative Adam.
Inside this negative Adam we find an Image or mind of Darkness,
haloed by Light, or Light outlines the image and the image is darkness.
So we say an inner man of darkness and an outer man of Light. A Light
that demands of the inner darkness to conform and obey, yet the
darkness is empty and void and without form. We find Spirit or Light
hovering over the Water or Humanity as to this Adam, whose inner
darkness is a Soul, void and formless. When we find this outer light
has virtually imprisoned a inner darkness, we see that this has caused
an inner form of unbelief to be made existent. This dark unbelief
feels and knows of the light and strives to be one with it as does the
light with the inner darkness, one as to a Satan to enter back into
heaven, but also a Christ desiring to destroy the darkness. We see
each of them are in a place of existence, but each are in a misplaced
state of existence.
Remember Peter had faith, but it was misplaced faith, and also that
even though we have unbelief, that unbelief itself is a form of
believing, yet a misplaced believing, a believing unto perversion and
not what we would call the norm or the standard. This is speaking of
what we as humanity call the norm. We will try to see later what truly
is normal vs what we have been taught is normal, that is actually
All that the negative has made as to the defining by carnal finite man,
is but darkness and shadows and illusions. We say a dark light
shining through the haloed light and the light is invisible, as to the
darkness. The same as we see a sunlight shining through a cloud, lets
reverse it and see a dark light shining or if it were possible a shadow
shining. We do not usually think of a shadow shining as a light does,
but how many times have you seen the sun shining through or piercing
a cloud and also the clouds shadow being cast forth as well? We just
say a casting of a shadow, but we say a shining of a light. So the
negative has cast a shadow into existence.
Now to show via a physical level what has happened we find in Adam is
darkness haloed by light, so God causes Adam to go to sleep, a hiding
of the light and separates from Himself the darkness and the darkness
he called Eve. From Evening unto Morning was time reckoned and it
was night or darkness. Now we have a purpose for the Light and
darkness, because we have separated the First Man Adam.
Now that they are separated, we can use the physical realm of life and
use a serpent and cause it to enter the woman and now via what we

term as deception we can cause the weakness of this woman to

receive the Light within her self in Hope.
God has subjected the flesh to vanity in Hope! He has given Darkness
We see by this a progression of faith working by Love as it has begun
as a seed of Hope. Hope to the end and then you shall receive the
perfecting of your faith and thus receive the salvation of your soul.
Because this seed of light has entered the darkness via the female,
thus the female must carry it via the time of its growth and infancy till
the female will be full term and birth forth this inner Light at the
fullness of time. Fullness of time, because time is shadows and illusion
and darkness, and once light has filled the darkness then the time is
fulfilled and darkness and the illusion of time and darkness is no more,
so we say time is no more, it has been fulfilled. The womb of the
woman was finished, the tomb of darkness was done, the only thing to
happen now is the birth.
We see because the female types the darkness and the male the light,
that the only thing she can birth forth is a male because He is the
Light. So we find on this physical plane the same as before, all the way
back into the garden, where as we find a Man being both Light and
darkness, we find yet another man full of Light and darkness. Now bear
with me as we speak in many dimensions. In all reality this 2nd man
Adam we call Jesus is Light and in Him is no darkness. However we find
later He will become the darkness of sin for all humanity. But in this
sense we say he is Light and Darkness as to He is born from the Mother
of All Living who was the Darkness so he has a Body from His Flesh
Mother who descended from Eve the mother of us all. Darkness being
the mother of us all. This makes Light the father of us all. Now we can
change dimensions and see much more but for now lets stay on
Now we are back in the garden of this world. We have another Adam
and in this Adam we find once again a Light and a darkness. This
proves what we have said at the beginning of how Light came forth
from the darkness as from the side of God who was darkness we see
Light coming forth. From Mary or the darkness of female flesh we find
the Light of the World coming forth. We find from the darkness of the
Law at Calvary the Light of Grace coming forth. We see the inner seed
of light from the dark unknown hidden spirit of the male, via the
serpent and the stones promising life unto the woman and she takes
the seed of light from the darkness and thus she being the true
darkness is now Illuminated with light. We find light coming forth
from darkness once again, yet we find in another dimension the
woman is the darkness and she receives the light and she typing the

flesh we find her as a vesture dipped in blood as flesh is nothing but

blood and now we find her a reflector of light, illuminated by light, that
this illuminated light is covered in blood as a moon being turned to
As we have said before in previous writings and spoke of how the law
was what cast a shadow and that shadow was the creative power of
faith in reverse that it caused the flesh or the image to come to life as
to a beastly image via a false prophet or a lying sign and wonder which
we call the shadow of the law. Christ the truth and world of light said,
All that came before me were thieves and liars, making the Law or the
Law and Prophets as to the first birth or first man Adam the False
The Law as to it being veiled and casting a shadow was a false prophet
that brought the Image of the beast or this Flesh unto life and
empowered it with the Carnal Mind or the reflecting false light of the
moon. Causing illusions and lies and false images to appear. This inner
darkness haloed by light has drew strength from the light and
imprisoned the darkness and bound it in this dragon robe of flesh.
Causing a Leviathan to come forth from the Waters or Spirit World and
to enter the dust or Land and form itself into a Creature of Darkness by
faith in reverse. Invisible Spiritual Life held in perversion, hath created
the negative side of Life.
You have a conscience in you and that conscience is the Law and the
Law is authority and you violate that law by the overpowering of fleshly
beastly desires. This law of conscience in you has caused a shadow to
be cast upon the film of your own mind, which is everything opposite of
God and light and good. It is not subject to the law of God and neither
can it be. Your own carnal mind is but the Shadow of things to come.
You being a shadow, of things to come. You are the negative Creation
in your first birth. Having the full potentiality of becoming the positive.
Now we come to the Word of Faith being the predestinated
foreknowledge of God in you. We say as the Word has told us,
According to your conscience, so be it unto you. According to your
faith, so be it unto you. You are the Law, the Word, The Faith, held in
Unrighteousness; You are Truth turned into a Lie! You are a shadow of
You are the Fallen Lucifer. The Fallen and rejected Son of God covered
in Blood or Mercy and Grace for a time to see if you may be found
worthy of redemption.
Thus you are God, in His entirety, yet in the negative Form. So we
could say you are not God as to the pure essence of who God is as to
that image after Calvary, but we can say you are the full potential of
being or becoming that God! You are all the ingredients just not fired

by the flames of the stove of hell to be made meet for the masters
use. So in this sense, we find you are the Beginning of The Creation
of God. The potentiality of God, being made into the Image of God.
The ingredients being mixed together, to form the Image. Work out
your own salvation, with fear and trembling. You are God and the
ingredients of God and you by faith or by your conscience, by the law
of creation, you are the invisible substance, making yourself God in
one way or another. You are Satan, sitting in the Temple of God as an
Anti Christ, or you are Christ himself who is the True God. You are the
Unknown God without form and void and darkness dwells in the deep
of your soul and the Light, authority and law of God broods over you to
form you and to draw out leviathan from the deep to cause Him to
come upon Land to be clothed in dust and be formed as a Man. The
Serpent was destined to come forth from among the waters or to be
bound in the dust elements and climb up into the upper lintels. This
was simply darkness, haloed by light. You or God coming through the
worm stages of the negative side of creation, working your way, via the
veil or cocoon to rend it in a Calvary experience and be a resurrected
Butterfly. A Seed from a man, passing through the stones and the
serpent to enter the woman, to be covered by her blood cell till the
time of your birth back to the arms of your father.
So God said all that can be known of Him is within you, because He is
you. He is you in the negative side of creation; you are God in the
Negative. Being lifted up with the pride from the reflecting light that
halos you, you have deceived yourself that you was that light. That
light deceived you, but in all reality you deceived yourself, trying to
climb up to the realm of that light, to be that light, to subdue that light,
yet you fell, having nothing to stand on, you was cast head first into
the Earth. We say Head First because our head came first from our
mother, showing the headship of mankind came first at Calvary and he
was the first one that was cast out, Him being the first born of many
brethren, and as we have said before, him being the Father of all
spirits, then His Spirit came forth first in the garden as the First man
Adam and we followed Him. We are Spirits, having a Human
Experience. So we see our head as God, he was the first to come and
be a Man and we came forth after Him. We are His offspring! Him being
the Father and head of Spirits, the as His Spirit came forth from the
depths of the Water, to be cast upon the dust of the shore, in the form
of a beastly dragon, then we followed after Him. If the head falls then
the Bodily members fall too. When the head of the dragon was cast
forth from the heavens or God came forth from the Spirit World, then
His tail wrapped around all of the other spirits or bodily members and
was cast down with Him.

God has not asked anything of you more than he asked or put upon
Himself. God was the Darkness and God was the Light, He was the
negative, and you were the negative. He as a Spirit, fell to the earth
and was robed in flesh, you was a spirit that was cast into the earth
and robed in flesh. As in heaven, so in Earth. As the head, so the bodily
members. The Word was God and the Word was made Flesh. The Word
is The Law and the Law is Authority and Your Conscience is The Law.
So Conscience was made Flesh, Law was made Flesh, Faith was Made
Flesh, Word was made Flesh, God was made Flesh! God The Word was
made Flesh as the first born of all humanity! He was the first Spirit to
be made Flesh! Him being the father of all spirits, then all of the spirits
were made flesh! You are a spirit made into flesh. In your first birth you
are the negative side of creation, the darkness, the shadow. You just
like God did, are working out your own salvation. Spirit is God and God
is Spirit, so Spirit is Word and Word became Flesh. So are you, spirit
and spirit is word and you the word or Law or faith in reverse, you
became flesh. In your first birth you are a lie, a dark shadow of
deceiving, a truth made into a lie, a shadowy dark cursed side of Law!
Until you fulfil the Law and cause it to pass away, will you remain
under the dark shadow of wrath and fear and hate and torment and
suffering and time and illusion and shadows of death and hell and the
grave. Satan will eternally remain over you and by using the reflecting
light that gives Him power against you will you remain imprisoned in
this hellish negative side of creation. YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST BE BORN
Now back to the beginning to clear up a few things. You was darkness
and so when God spoke, all that you could see or hear was Light. You
we say upon viewing God and lets say you seen Him speak, so you
being the darkness, then Him being the opposite of you, we find
coming forth from Him, what you have perceived as Light.
In all reality he was and is always been light. So what came forth from
Him was darkness, not darkness as to evil or what we call void and
nothingness, but yea, very creation itself, we say God is the invisible
Light and hath clothed Himself in darkness or all Creation. So Moses
was the darkness and He seen or heard the Light. Moses was the
burning bush seeing God in His Midst. In a type we can say he was the
headship of darkness, as Christ said, there is one that accuses you,
even Moses in whom you trust. So many dimensions to see this in, if
we only had time.
So we have seen God was darkness in the beginning and from Him
came forth a revelation of Himself and thus He manifested Himself.
Light is what makes known what is hidden in the unknown or darkness.
God was not darkness as to Himself, for he said He is light and in Him
is no darkness. It is because he separated the darkness from Himself.

He was darkness, but for the illusion of time, to transfer the negative
image over to the positive image. The sleep of God, is this negative
side of himself in the veil of this fleshly cocoon, to be awakened on the
3rd day and be born again.
God repented, the same as you are commanded to repent. God was
baptized in the Body of Jesus the same way you are commanded to be
baptized! God took up His Cross the same as he told you to take up
your Cross. God died in tasting death for every man, the same as he
said for you to die to self, to that negative that you are, to rend the
darkness and receive the haloed light. He was buried and he arose
again, the same as all humanity is. One day even the wicked will arise
from the graves.
Humanity is the dark side of God, the negative side of God. God within
the Veil.
All Humanity is God within the Veil, robed in the Blood of Jesus Christ
and Humanity has covered the world. Even the earth. However the
World He is speaking of is the World of reflecting Light as a moon and
he has covered the world or that moon, the soul of humanity in blood.
We are all of One Blood, One Faith, One Baptism, One God! One Way,
One Truth, One Life! One man Christ Jesus! He had a negative side of
God and he was the positive side of God. He was both in One Body the
1st man Adam and the 2nd Man Adam! You being His offspring are the 1st
man Adam and your blood is the negative side of this Fallen Jesus that
is made Sin, you in your first birth you are Sin. Born in Sin, shapen in
Iniquity. Conceived in Sin.
There you are, from the side of Jesus comes the flesh or all the spirits
being made flesh, from the side of the Word made Flesh. You must die
to that negative First Birth side of you which is the Fallen Adam or the
Jesus that was made Sin, made the darkness. Else you will die
eternally, as that negative side that darkness, the True God of Light,
separated from Himself for eternity will you be! You will be that fallen
Jesus made sin and remain in hell, or else you will be the risen Savior
that comes forth into the newness of life, or the resurrected Christ.
Same Body, Same Blood, just one has the darkness in its veins and the
risen one has the Christ in its veins.
Now see the Body you dwell in. It is at this point a darkness haloed by
light. This caused the body to be bound in darkness as to be bound in
the confines of all of creation. Though Spirit World or Invisible Light is
all around you, you cannot see it. Thus Light when it halos darkness
causes darkness to be formed and thus your eyes of darkness see but
what the light has caused you to see but the confines of a wall, or a
ground, or gravity or time or the illusion of distance. Confinement is
what it has caused. Darkness haloed by Light causes a perverted lie of

the illusion of confinement in all things. For instance you must have air
to breathe the lie tells you, you must eat or you will get weak, you are
locked in a room with four walls and thus you cannot escape, or you
are underneath a body of water and the lie tells you that your body
must be able to breathe else you will die. See again nothing but limited
confinement everywhere you look. Confinement and Definement in this
sense go hand in hand as the more the carnal mind defines the more it
becomes confined.
Now lets see the New Birth. Now we have come pass Calvary and we
have put on the risen new body of Jesus Christ. We are now the
positive. We are Light haloed in this sense by the darkness. Now we
have become Light that dwells within darkness, not a darkness
confined by light. Because light has power over darkness, this made as
to the Negative, a Light in a bad sense as it was what was imprisoning
the darkness. However this was the negative false image and not the
true, for Light is a revealer and is free! Light has no limit we say. Light
dispels darkness. So at Calvary Christ removed the Law by the rending
of the veil and caused the Light to enter Himself! By the separation of
darkness and Light we find that by rending and yielding up the
darkness that we automatically received the Light! The light was in the
Outer Man convincing it of Sin or the indwelling darkness. When the
darkness by our own sovereignty yielded up the darkness, then it rent
the veil, which was the opening of the matrix and what happens next,
but the Outer Light comes Inward as a seed into a womb and thus
seals in the inner soul of man and causes the outer man to become the
darkness and the inner man the Light. Now we are the positive!
Now our bodies are considered dead in His sight being it is darkness
and no matter where Light looks all it sees is Light, it can never see
darkness! Even the darkness is Light to Him! Now there is no schism in
the body! Your body that was the darkness is now full of light and is
light, being the eye of your understanding is single, as the Mind of
Christ! Not the double minded mind of a mixture of darkness and light.
Now you are Light! Now you are God! Now you are Unlimited! Say what
you will and it will be done! For you never doubt anymore! Your body
subjects all of what we call creation or darkness unto you! You are now
Light and have all Power over all darkness of Creation. What wall of
darkness can imprison you? So you walk right through it. What water
can drown you, so you walk on top of it! What gravity can hold you? So
you ascend into the air! What time can age you, so you just keep on
living, what death can hold you so you arise from it. Nothing is
Impossible! Say what you will, think what you will, do what you will, be
what you will, make what you will, create what you will. You are God!

You now have awakened from the sleep of illusion, and are back to
being reality itself. Reality is you and you are reality! You are the
defining point of all things! There is no confinement to you, except the
Creation or darkness will conform and be confined as to whatever the
thought and desire of your mind is to will it to be. You are the eternal
substance of all things hoped for you are the evidence of things not
seen and even those that are seen!
May God Bless You!
Patrick Henry Nichols I
April 13 2015
Hilton Head Island

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