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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our feedback from our audience came in both written and spoken forms. We gathered various aged audience
members in the form of a focus group to collect impressions and thoughts on our music video and ancillary tasks. It
consisted of a panel style feedback session based loosely around some prepared questions, but with the greater
focus on their varied verbal constructive criticism. On the other hand the questionnaire was included both closed and
open questions that allowed for both controlled and more personal responded. The combination of these two types of
questions meant that we could easily gage which aspects were successful and which needed further attention to
address the more negative feedback.
From the audience feedback we learnt that all three pieces of our media had a high degree of professionalism and
that they wouldnt look out of place in a high street retailer like HMV. When asked to expand upon their comment
about our products looking professional, 61.5% of the candidates said that the ancillary tasks would definitely stand
out within their own genre. All of the feedback we collected agreed that the ancillary tasks showed a clear link to our
music video. These written and verbal responses were useful as they showed myself and my group that we had
created a successful piece of contemporary media. It also showed us the gamble into the niche market of a hybrid
genre such as The Traitor paid off and that we effectively achieved our target demographic of 16 - 26 year olds.

Overall the audience found the content engaging with the majority of 46.2% giving our
content 8/10 (10 being the best). Also that fact that there were no ratings lower than
6/10 suggests that our tasks are artistic and visually interesting, again reflecting the
success of our media products. This meant all the testing and experimenting with
different media forms and styles of work was a necessary process. With comments like
It's really well put together and it is completely different to what I have seen before
enforcing this point.

Our focus group feedback was also very positive, one example being The pace, feel of the piece felt like it was old
school due to it being black and white and was from a different era yet it would also appeal to a modern audience.
Another commented on the use of masks saying The mask works really well with the style of the music and the
lack of colour amplified its dark nature. All of the responses aimed at the overall styling of the products and the
correlation between them showed us that it was an area of strength. It is clear that our target audience has approved
of our efforts in the production of our three pieces and they liked the way in which we steered away from the norm
and did something more creative and expressionist whilst keeping it original.
When we asked how we could improve we got a main response of George
was used alot. Although George modeled in the Digipak and acted in the film,
we didnt feel as if he was over used. But in light of this feedback, something
to consider as a possible area for development would be using a different
model for the front cover of the Digipak or source a new actor and re-film a
section of the video. But with that aside, the majority of the group found it
otherwise hard to fault. However this could possibly be them being kind as
most of the group members were friends. Due to the lack of time it wasnt
possible for us to change much of our products. As the only improvement was
on a fundamental element of our film and Digipak, it was impractical for us to
act upon changing the model and completely re-shooting + editing within the
time constraint.

Overall, our chosen demographic (16-24 yrs) was positive in almost all the aspects after watching the music video
and viewing the ancillary tasks. When asked if there was a high overall standard of both the music video and the
ancillary, 61.5% of the audience members rated our products 9/10 or higher. This shows that myself and Ed have
successfully marketed our products and reached our target audience as they understood the concept and approved
of all the content.

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