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1 Problems

5-1 Frldiun nd N.........1 l.awll

1. (I) If lhc cocflicicnt of kinetic frlcliou ~tween a ZZ-q erate
and the tloor ill 0.30, what horir.antalforce ia required to
mOYe the crate at a needy peed llm'OU the floor? What
horizmdal force ia required if 11-.. ia zero?
Z. (I) A fon:e of 35.0 N il required to start a 6~q bDJ: moW!,g
1120111 I horizontal OODI2'Cte 11oor. (11) What U the c:oefliQcltt
of Italic frictioll betwea lfle boz lllld the fioDI'/ (b) If the
3S~N farce CODtin~~et. lhc boll aaleleratu at Cl.60 m/;..
What ilthe ~t of kinetic frill1km?
3. (I) Suppoee you are ataDcliJ!c on a !laiD -=laalillg at D.20_1
What minimum coe:ftl.c:Wit ol Italic :friction muat emt
between yoar feet and the Ooor if you ~ not to llide?
4. (I) The coeflicient of atatic :friction ~tween hard rubber
and normal strut pnem.ent is aboul 0.90. On how lteep a
hill (muimmn angle) can you leave a car parbd?
S. (I) What il the muimum IICilCk:ration a 1111: can wuiergo if
the c:oefficiem of atalil: friction between the tires and the
grOUDd II 0.90?
6. (fi) (a) A boz sits at rest on a roup 33" IDcll.ned plan.e.
Draw the free-body diqnm.lhowiDg all the fon:ee aeting
on the bOL (b) How would the diqram c:llaD&e if the box
were a1idiDg down the plan.e. (c) How would it c:lwl&e if the
box wme slidin& up the plan.e after an ahove7
7. (D) A 25.0-q boz is releMed on a 'IT" incline and accelerates
downlhe indine at 0.30 m/r. the lric1iaa fmw impediDg
ita motion. What il the coe:ftkient oftinelil: friction?
L (fi) A car can decelerate at - 3.81.) m/r without atiddiD.&
when coming to reat on a ~ road. W1W would itl ~1eralioa be if 1he road il iDcliued at 9.3" and the car IIIOVell
uphill? Allume the ume atatic frlll1km coemaent.
9.. (fi) A d::ler movea down a 'IT" &lope at COJIItant ~peed. What
can you aay about the codllcieut of frlcliDD, 1J1i<1 Aaaume
the peed is low enOU&h that air remw- CUI. be isnored.
10. (fi) A wet bar of IOifl alldea freely down a ramp 9.0 m long
iDcliDcd 1118.00. How long does it 1:llb to Rid! the bo11om?
Aaume 1'1: ~ 0.000..
1L (D) A boJ: ill pm a pulllao that it liidel aero~~ the 11ooL
How far will it,., p~ that the ~ld of kineli<: fricti.on
is 0.15 and the puah impu1a 1D initial ~peed of 3.5 m/17
1Z. (II) () Show that the minimum doppioa diltan.ce for an
automobile tnvelln& at ~peed v equal to tr/2
il the coeflicieDt of datil: :friction between !be tire~ and the
road, IIDd g II the aa:deration of grarity. (b) Wbat iJ thll
diltance for a 1200-q car trave.Jm, 95 km/h if ,.._ = 0.65?
(c) What wmW1 it be if the car wue on the Moon (the aa:el
eralion of gnvlty on the Moon ia about 1/6) but all dae


atayed the aame?

13. (D) A 1280-kg car pullla 35().kg trailer. The car exerta a hori
zontal force of 3.6 X lo' N apilat 1he pound in order to
accelerate. What force doe& the car exert on the trailer?
Allume an effective friction codficiaat of 0.15 fm: the llailer.
1<&. (II) Police investigaton, eJ:IIIDlniD& the acene of an aa:i.dent
invol'fing two c:an, meuurc 7:2.-m-long U:id IIWb of one of
the cars. which nearly came to a stop before The
~t of kinetic friaion between rubber and the pavement ia about 0.80. Ealimate the illitial speed of that car
UIUlJiins a level road.


15. (II) Pilei of IIIOW on slippery room can become daageroul

projecdlea II lhey me!L Caulder I dmnk of IDOW at the
ridge of a roof with a lllopo of 34. (11) What il the minimum
value of the c:oefficlem of atatk: frlctlon that will keep the
llllOW tn.n slidiag down? (b) Aa the anow begin. to melt the
c:oefficiad: of ltatic friction deer~ and the II10W filially
lllpL Aauming that the diallllle from the chUDl to the edge
of the roof il 6.0 m IIDd 1he coellidm!t of kinetic frictica iJ
0.1D calculate the lpeed of t h e - chank when It al1du off
the~ (e) If the eclce of the roof il lO.Om a~ cround.
eatimate the speed of the IIIDW wben it hitl the lfOIIIId.
16. (D) A 11111111 boz il bcld in place apind a roup ver1ica1 wall by
aomeone p1llhina on it with a force direc:bld upward at 28"
alxwe the horizontal The coeB!denta of &talk: aad ldnetk:
friction between the box and wall life OM and D.30, f'DIPIICtively. The box lildea down unlea the applied fon:e baa
magnitude 23 N. What ia the IIWI of the boll?
1'1. (D) 'lWo crates, of IDISI6S q and 125 ks ,life in contad IIIJd at
reat on a borizon1a1 llllface (Fig. 5-32). A 650-N fm:a: il
exerted on the 65-kg crate. If the coefficieat af kinetic fril:tion
Is 0.18, calculate (a) the a.ccelention at the lyltem, IIDd (b) the
forte that IIIICb crate eum on the otbllr. (c) Repeat wilh the
crllles reveraed.



1.L (fi) The crate abmm In Ff&. 5- 33. llel on a.plane tilted Ill
an 111111e 8 = 25.0 to the horizomal. with 101: = 0.1!1.
() DetermiDe the acceleration ol the
crate u it l1idea down the plane.
(b) If the cralll 11tart1 from 11111
&.tSm up the pia. from ita bile,
what will ~ 1he cralie'l speed
when il: reacbea the bottam of
~m (
1he indine?
Crate on Inclined plan.e.
Problema 18 and 19.

D. (fi) A crate Ill gi- liD. Initial lpeed of 3.0 m/a up the
25.00 pl- ahown in fi&. 5-33. (a) How far up IIIII plaDe will
it go? (b) How much time eJar-1 1lefln it return~ to ill
at.artlDg point? Alaume Jt - 0.17.
2:0. (D) '1\vo blocb IIUide of difl'mmt materWI COIIIleded toselher
by a tbin eon!,~ down a plaDC ramp inclined at m~DP 8
to the holilontal shown in Pig. 5...,14 (blod; B il ~~~low
block A). 1be 1D811e1 at the blocb ~ "'" and "'a, IIIJd the
CXMIIJicieo1ll of friclion 10 ~A and I-'D. If m,.. = mu = 5.0 kg,
and iA - 0.20 and I-'D - 030, determille (11) the &aleieralion of 1he
blocks and (b) the tenaion in the
card, fDr an anp 8 = 32".


Problema 20 and 21.

QIAPTER 5 Using Newton's Laws: Fridion. Cira.dar Motion, Drag Forces


ZL (D) For two blocts. connected by a cord and lliclin,g down

the focllne shown In Fla. 5-34 (see Problem 20), desc:rlbe
the motioll. (11) i! P.A < p.11 , and (b) if II>A > II>B (c) Dotermine a formula. for tb.e acceleration of each block and the
tenlllon Jlr in the cord in terms of "'A m 8 , end 6; interpret
your rerultll in light of your anJWOII to (11) and (b).
22. (D) A flalbed tr111:k i& cany:ing a heavy crate. The coef&ient
of static friction between the crate and the bed of the truck
is 0.75. What ill the rate at which the driver can
decelerate and lltill. avoid ha~ the crate lllide agailut tho
cab of the truck?
:D. (D) In Hg. S-3S tbe QOefliQent of atali.e friction between
II1.UI mA and the table is 0.40, whereas the QOefficient of
kineli.e friction it 0.30 (11) What miDi11mm value of mA
will keep tb.o system from starting to move? (b) What
value(a) ai mA will kup tb.e syatem mo-ring Ill constant

7:1. (D) A package of IIWI m is dropped vonically onto a horizontal conveyor belt whose speed ill i1 = 1.5 m/r., and the
coefli.c:iont of kinolic friction botwoon tho package and tho
bell ill P.k - 0.70. (4) R>r bow much time does the pachge
allde on the belt (anti! it Ia at rest relative to the belt)?
(b) How far dnes the package move during this time?
28. (D) 'IWo manes
= 2.0 kg and ma = S.O kg ue on
iD.clines and are connected together by a string aa show:u in
Fla. 5-37. The QOeffic!ent of kinetic friction between
mau and iiB inclino iJ lilt 0.30. If "'A movea up, and ma
moves down, determine their acceleration.



RCURE 5-37 Problem 28.


111. (D) A child a1idee dnwu a Blide wilh a 34 incline, end at the
bottom her !peed ill prec:iJely half what it would have boon
If the allde bad been frlctionlea.. Calculate the coefficient of
.tinetic friction between the ll1ido and the child.
31. (D) (a) Suppose the QOefficient of kinetic friction between
and the plane in 1'13. S-38 iJ /HJr. 0.15, and that
mA - m11 - 2.7 ks AI mB mnves down, determine the
J11&811itude of the acce!J::ralion of mA and ma, given
8 ~ 34, (b) What anallest value of llok will keep tb.e syatem
from acceleraling?


FIGURE 5-35 Problems 23 and 24.

24. (D) Determine a formula. for the acoeleration of the syatem
llhow:u in Hg. S-35 iD. term~ of mA,ma, and the man of the
cord,lflc. Define any other variables needed.
2$, (D) A amall bhd. of m.aa m it given an initial speed q, up
a ramp inclined at anglo 9 to tb.o horizontal. It travels a
dllltance ti ap the ramp and comes to rest. (a) Determine
a formula for the coe1licient of kinetic friction botwooD.
bl<d and ramp. (b) What can you say about the value of
the coe~nt of atalic fric1ion?
24i. (D) A 75kt snowboarder h.u an Initial velocity of SJJm/s
at the top of a :W iD.clilul (Hg. S-36). diding dow:u the
110-m lont incline (on which tho coefficient of kinetic
friction ill P.k ~ 0.18), the anowboerder h.u attained a
velocity v. Tho mowboarder then alidea aloag a flat surtiu:o
(on which P.k ~ 0.15) and comes to rest after a dl.stance x.
Uee Newton._ eecond law to find tbe snowboardeo
IUX)Oleration while on tho incline and while on tho flat
IIW'fal:e.'Then uae theee acoeleratiOD.A to determine ;x;.




FIGURE s-:sa Problem 30.

3L (In) A 3.0-kg block lila on top of a S~tg bloct: which ill on

a horizontal surface. The 5.~k,8 bloct is palled to the right
with a force i as Ahawn ln Fig. S-39. The coef1!.cient of static
friction between all surfaces is 0.60 and the kinetic coeffic!e:m ill 0 ..4a (a) What ill the miolmum value ofF n.eedt-rJ to
move tho two bloc:D? (b) If tho force ill 10% greater than
your .answer for (a), wbal iJ the aa::eleration of each bloclr.?



= 0.18


:1.. ::.

~k ; 0.15


FIGURE 5-36 Problem 26.

~ 5.0 kg

FIGURE s-:st Problem 31.

Problems Ill

3Z. (DI) A block is stacted on top of a 12.0-kg block,

which Is aoceleralhlg along a horizonW table 111 a = 5.2 mjr
~5--W).Let P.k p.,
p.. (a)Whatmillimumcoellicient
of fridion p. between the two blocks win p:revent the 4.().tg
blcx:l l'rom s1l.dlng ofJ? (b) If p. Is oDI.y half thill mlnlmum
value, what is tho -=l.eration of tho 4.0-q block wilh respect
to the table, end (c) with rapect to the 12.0-kg blcx:l?
(d) What ill tbe for:co
that lll.'lat be applied to
4.0 ..
tbe 12.0-kg block in (a)
and in (b), a.umio,g that
tbe table Is frictlonka&?
a =S.2mlal

= =



33. (DI) A wma1l bW of mue m -'-on the rou&fl, alopmg side

of a lrillll,gular block ofm.asa M which ille!f rests on a hori
zontal l'rie1ion1eM table &hown in F!g. S-41. If tho coeffi.
cient of static friction is p., dotermine tho minimum horizontal
forre F applied toM will the
anal! block m to
start moving up the

S-2 to S-4 Unifonn Cfrcua.r Motion
34. (I) What is tho lll.IIXimum spoed with which a 1200-k,g car
can rolllld e. turn of radlus80.0 m on e. flat road If the ooeffi
c:ieD.t of fri.cti.on between tirel and road ia 0.65?15 this Iellllt
independent of the m.asa of the car?
35. (I) A child lilting 1.20m from the center of a merry-go
around mavea with a speed of 1.3Dm/&. Calculate (a) the
centripoW acceleration of the child and (b) tho net bori
zonW force exerted on the child (ma&!ll = 22.5 kg).
36. (I) A jet plene traveling 1890 k:m/h (S2S m/a) pulls out of a
dive by mo'ring in an arc of radius 4.80km. What iJ the
plane's acceleration in (s?
37. (ll) II it pouible to 'IYbirl a buclcet of water fast enou,gh in a
vertical cln:l.e 10 that the water won't fall out? If so, what ill
the minimum speed? Define all quantities needed.
38. (ll) How fan (in rpm) must a centrifuge rotate if a particle
8.00cm from tbe uis of rotation ia to esperienoe an acceler
ation of t2S,(l()() t(s'l
39. (ll) Hi8hway curve~ a:te marked with a augge~~led apeed. If
this speed is based on what would be aafe in wet wealhcr,
estimate ru radha of curvature for a curve marll:ed SO hn/h.
U10 Table 5-1.
40. (ll) At what minimum speed must a roller couter be
traveling when upalde down
at the top of a ~
(F"tg. S-42.) 10 that the
p.uaengen do not fAll oat?
Alsume a radius of curva
ture of7.6m.

FIGURE .5-42



4L (ll) A sporll car crones the bottom of a valley with a radius

of CUfVllture equal to 9S m. At the very bottom, the normal
force 011 the driver ill twio& hiJ wei,ghL At what speed was
the car traveling?
G. (ll) How large must the coc1ficient of atatic friclioD. be
between the tirea and the road if a car is to round a level
c:um: of radius8S m at a apeed of 9S k:m/h?
43. (ll) Suppoae the space ahuttle ia in orbit 400 km from the
and llirdea ru Barth about ODeC every
90 min. Find the centripetal aoceloration of the space ahuttle
In Ita arbiL Expreu your 11116wer In tetm.8 of g, the gra.vita aoc:elerati011at the Earth'e aurW:e.
44. (ll) A bucket of IIWII 2.00 kg ia whirled In a vertbl cln:le of
radiu& 1.10 m. At the loweet point of ill moti011. the tclllion
in the rope supportin,g the bucket is 25.0 N. (a) F'md the
speed of tho bucket. (b) How fast mWlt the bucket move Ill
the top of the circle 10 that the rope dooanot go alack?
45. (ll) How meny revolutiQilll per minlltc wOIIld a 22-mdiameter FenU wheel need to make for !he p1118eDge111 to
feel "welghtle811" at tho topmost point?
46. (ll) Use dimensional analysis (Section 1-7) to obtain the
form for the oentripetal acceleration, aa = tl-/r.
47. (ll) A jet pilot tokea hia airaaft in a ver1ic:al. loop
(Fig. S-43). (.a) If the jet is moving at e. speed of 1200km/h
at the lowest point of the loop, detezmiD.c the minimum
radius of the circle so that tho centripetal aoc:oleration at the
lowest polot does not exceed 6.0 g'&. (b) Calculate the 78-kg
pilot's effective weight (the
force with whk:h the aeat pushea
up 011 him) at the bottom of the
circle, and (c) at tbe top of the
circle (usume the aame apeed).



48. (ll) A propoaed rpa.oe atatlon conslsta of a drallar tube that
will rotate about ita center {like a tubular bieycle tire),
Pi,g. S-44. The cin:le formed by the tnbe has a diameter of

about 1.1 km. What muat be the rotation rpeed (revolutions

per day) if an effect equal to
gravity at the surface of the
Barth (1.0 g) ia to be felt?


49. (ll) On an ice rin1r. two ekatcra of equal man grab hands
and spin in a mutnal circle once every 2.S a. If we usume
their armJ are each 0.80 m long and their Individual ma&!llea
are 60.0 kg. how hard are they pulliDg on one another?
50. (ll) Redo Example S-11, predllely thil time, by not f&no:rlng
dae wei&ht of the baD. whichrevol.vca 011 a lltri!Jg0.600m lottg.
In particular, find the ll1.llj!!litude or lT, and the angle it makea
with dae horizontal. [Hii#: Set the borizoa.tal component of iT
equal to mt~a: allo, Iince there is no vertical motion, what can
you say about the vertical component of iir 1]

Using Newton's Laws: Friction, Cira.llar Motion, Drag Forces

51. (D) A coin is pLued 12.0 an from the uiJ of a rotating

turDtabJ& of variable apeed. Whe:D tho ~peed of tho tumtable
II dowly inacaed, \he coin remain~ med 011 the turntable
until a rate at 35.0 rpm (revolutiolll per minute) ia readied,
at whio:h poillt the coin slldel oft What is the coefficient of
static friction between the coin md the turntable?
n. (D) 'lbe delign of a new road include a atrai,Pt atretdl that
i.a horizollllli. and flat but that JUdd=ly dipa down a atcep
bill at 22". The tnmsition llhould be rounded with what
minimum radiDa 10 that ~:an traveliDg 9S .km/h will DOt leue
the road (Fig. S-45)?

Sfi.. (D) A pilot performs an e...allve tna.nUVet by diWII vertically at 310m/L If he can withltmd 1111. aa:eloraliml of
9.0 (' wilhcnat blacking out, at what altitude mt he begin
to pull out at tbe dive to awid c:ruhiD& Into 111e sea?
57. (ID) 'lbe poailion of a par1icle m~g In !be :cy plane
pvea by r = 2.0coa(3.0rad/at}1 + 2.01in(3.0rad/ at)j,
where r II Ill meten and t II Ill aeconda. (a) Show that thll
Rprwents cin:ulai moliDn of l"'llliia 2.0 m centetod at the
origin. (b) Determine the ..elocity and acceleraliDn ..ecton u
1'ullaiona of 1ima. (c) Detelllline the llpeed and magnitude of
the acceleration.(~ Show that a= tl-/r. (1!) Show that the
acceleration vector alwa}'l points towmd tbe ceo!er of the


511. (Ill) If a CIIIV~ with 1. radiua of 8S m ia properly baDkcd c. a
car travelloa ~ km/h, wbat lllllllt be the coefBclent of ltatic
fric1ion for a c:u not to llkid wbc:n traveliDg at 9S km/h1
59. (ID) A cane of radius 68 m ia banked for a design apecd of If the coctficimt of Itatic frlmiml i.a 6.30 (wet pave
ment), at what ranp of apeeds can a car lllfeJy lll.lke the
~? [Hiitt: Ccmlida the dim:tioo of~ rru:cion force
when the~ &Gel too llow or too fast.)

Problem 52.

51. (D) A 975-q aportl car (incl.udiDa driver) CI'OIIIel the

rounded top of a hill (radiua = 88.0 m) at 12.0 m/1.
Determine (11) the normal furce eurted by the road on the
ear, (b) the DllllDIIi force exerted by the car on the 72,0-kg
driver, and (~) the ~ 11peed at which the DOI'IIllli. furce on
the driver equab zero.
54. (D) two blocts, with muse~ mA 1.114 IIIJI, are ooonected to
each other and to a centrlll poat by cord.t u &hown In
PiS- 5-46. They rotate about the polt at frequeru::y I
(revolution& per aecond) on a frictioulea borir.ontalll1ll'.fa.:e
at diltancel rA and 1'JI from the polL Derive an aiaebraic
c::aprcuion for the tenJian iD c:ad& ..:pam of the cord

(UIIU!Ied muale.a).



" ,,. -~
' '




FIGURE 5-46 Problem S4.

55. (D) 'Jarun plml to crou a gorge by rwiDging in an an: from
a hangiDg 'rille (Fig. 5-47). If hi.& um1 ue capable of
eserting a force at 13Sll N on the rope, wbat is the muimum
apccd be can 1olctate at the
lowest point of Ilia awing? IDs
111111 il 78 kg and the viDe il


s-s Nonuniform drallu Molion

*60.. (D) A part:ide atarting from rest revolvea with uniformly
lnc:reuing ~peed In a cloc:kwi..: c:i:rd& in the :cy plaDc. The
center of the circle is at the origin of an z:y mordinate
ayatem. At t = 0, tbe particle is at z = 0.0, y = 2.0 m. At
t - 2.0 ., it bu made one-quarter at a revolution and ia at
z = 2.0 m, y = 0.0. Determine (a} ita 11peed at t = 2.0 a,
(b) the average velocity vector, and <~>the
ation wc:tor during this intervaL
6L (ll) In Problem 60 asaume !be tangential 8CCieleratiolll. is
llOIJ&tmt and determillc the compaiK'oDI:I of the iaaiJadalleOua
IIICIZI.eratioa at (a) t - 0.0, (b) t - 1.0 a, and (c) t - 2.0 a.
62, (ll)An objectlllOvetln a ~ofradiua22m with itltpccd
given by t1 - 3.6 + 1.St2, with t1 in meten per aecond and t
In 8eiXlDdt. At t 3.0 1, find (11) the tangential ~OD
lllld (b) the radial~~Ceeleration.
63. (III) A partk.le rotates Ill a circle of radius 3.80 m. At a
particular illltant itl acc:eleration is 1.15 m/s2 in a direc:tion
that makel an angle at 38.0" to ita ditectlon at motion.
Determine ita lpeeci (a) at thi& 1110111e11t and (b) 2.00 I later,
-mg 0011.1tant tangential acceleration.
64. (Ill) An ob;ect oi.IIIUI m is <XIIIItnl.ined to move in a c:irc1e ol.
ndiul t. Ita tanp!tial accelemtion as a flmction crt time il &iYm
by " - b +
whln b md care v \II It
, = o, determine the
lllld radial c:ompaaenta of the
{Orce, F~a and Fa, acliDg on the objed at any time t > 0.




s-& velodty-Dependent Forces

65. (I) Uae anai.)'Bis (Section 1-7) In BDmple 5-17
to detcnnine If the time Wllltlnt de 'I = m/b ar 'I - b/m.
66. (ll) The terminal wlocity of a 3 x 10""' kg raindrop ia about
9 m/a. Allumfn& a drq fome 1D = -btl, determine () the
value of the oonatalll b and (b) the time required for IUr.h a
drop, tutiaa from rest, to reach 63% crt temlinal velocity.
(11. (D) An obj.e ct III<IYiDs vertically haa i = fo al t = 0.
Determine a formula tor ill velocity u a function of time


..umiDg a rcaialiv~ fotec F = -IN u wdl u gravitr for


ttro cuea: () f 0 iJ dowuward and (b) f 0 ia upwani.

Problems 1SJ

68. (Dl) 1b.~ dra,g ftm:o on largo objects rucb as can, planes, and
si:y divers movlns tbrough air Is more nearly Jb = -bll-.
(11) For thi5 quadratic dope!ldo1100 on v, dotm:mino a
formula for the tllnninal velocity Vf, of a vertically 1a1Jin.8
object. (b) A 7Skg ai:y diver hall 11. tel'lllhW. velocity of
about 60 m/s; determine the value of the constant b.
(c) Sketdl a curve like that of Fig. S-27b for this case of
PO ex For the sam~ velocity, would this curve lie
above or below that in Fig. S-27'? Bxpt.ln why.
*69. (Dl) A bicydist can c:out down a 7!1' hill at a steady
9.5 i:m/h. If tb.e draa force is proportional to the square of
the l!peed 11,110 that PO= -ctf, ~ (11) the value of
the COOII!Uil c and (b) the average force !hat m111t be applied.
in order to ~d the hill at 2$ km/h. The lll1IN of the
cyclist plus bicycle is 80.0 kg. Ignore other types of friction.
70. (Dl) 'IWo drag f<m:e3 act on a bic:yde lll.d rider: lb2 duo to
rolliD,g resistance, which is enentially velocity independent;



and Fo 2 due to air re&lnan<:e, which Is proportional to

For a apecific bike plus rider of total ll1.llll 78 kg.
P0 1 "'4.0N; and for a rpeed of 2.2m/a, P02 F:; l.ON.
(11) Show tbat the total drag force is
4.0 + o.zt.,Z,
where v is in m/a, and PO is in N and oppote& the motion.
(b) Determine at what llope angle 9 the bib and rider can
c:oaat dawnhlll at a constant rpeed of 8.0m/a.

7L (Dl) Determin~ a formula forth~ position and acceleration

of a flllliD& object as a fUnction of time lf the obJect starts
from :reat at t 0 and unclergoee a Ieai!tive for<:e
F- -btl, uinBDmpleS-17.

n.. (Dl) A

block of m.8llll m all.dea along a horizontal mrface

lubricated with a thick oil which provides a dra,g force
proportional to the square root of velocity:

Fo = -bv2.
If v


at t


determine v IID.d

aa funclioll!l of


'73.. (ID) Sbaw that the maxlnwm dlatam:e 1he blod: In Problem 72
can travel is 2m WJ'l/3b.

74. (Ill) You. dive a!Jai&ht down into a pool of warer. You bit the
Wlllerwith a rpeed of5.0m/a,and yourmua is 75kg.A&&umi:ag
a drag force of th~ form Jb = -(1.00 x 104 tg/s) v, how
loog does it take you to reach 2% of your original speed?
(Jp.ore any eiiecla of buoyancy.)
75.. (Dl) A motorboat traYeling at allpUd of 2.4 m/s llhulll off
il! e:ogines at t ~ 0. How far does it trawl before coming
to rert if it il noted that after 3.0a i:ls spe.ld. bas dropped. to
half ita ~ ~e? Assume that 1fu: dreg for<:e of the
water is proportional to i!.

I General Problems
'16.. A coffee cup on tb.e horizontal. dashboard. of a car slides
forward when the driver deceleratu from 4S kmfh to J:Qt
ill 3.5 or los.'lo but not if she docelerale! ill a longer tim~.
What is the coeffld.ent of static friction between the cup
and !he daah? Anume the road lll.d the dalhboard are
level (horizontal}.
'77. A 2.0-kg silverware drawer doe~~ not lllide readily. The
owner gradually pulls with more and more force, and when
the applied force mu:hes 9.0 N, the drawer l!llddellly
opem, throwing all the uten:lils to th~ floor. What is the
c:oefficlenl of static friction between the drawer and the
711.. A roller coaster reaches the top of the steepest hl11 with a
peed of 6.0 km/h. It then de~nds the hill, which is at an
average angle of 45 and is 45.0 m long. What will its
apeed be when it n:acbe8 the bottom? Asaume 1-'k ~ O.U.
79. An 18.D-tg bor. il released on a 37.0" incline and aa:eleratu
down the Incline at o.2:20 mfr. And the friction force
impeding its motion. How large is the coe1ficient of friction?
110. A flat puck (m.&.!IS M) ill revolved ln a clrd.e on a friC1ionleas
air hockey tab!~ top, and is h~ld ill thil orbit by a light cord
wbfdl is conn.ected to a dangling mass (mass m) tbrough a
c:enlral hole as shown in Fig. S-48. Show that the l!peed of
the puck is given by f/ ~ YmgR/M.

111. A motorqd!st Is coasting with the eoglne off at e. steady

rpeed of 20.0 m/a but ealen a 8andy stretdl whc:re the coef
fi.cient of kinetic friction is 0.70. Will th~ cyclist emerge from
the sandy metch without haYing to awt the engine lf the
sand !uta for 15m? If to, what will be tha apeod upon
liZ. In a "Rotor-ride at a cami.val, people rotale ill a vc:rtical.
cylindrically we.lled "room." (See Fig. S-49). If the room
radiu& was 5.5 m, and the rotalion freqiiC!Iey 0.50 revo
lutiom per second wh~n tb.~ floor drops out, what
minimum codflclem of l!tatic friC1ion keept the people from
&lipping down? People on thil ride &aid they were "p:reued
a, tb.e waiL" Ia there r:eally an outward force pressing
them .apiwlt the wall? If 110, what lA its aour<:e? If not, what
il the prop or deecription of their situation (besides nausea)?
[Hint: Draw a free.body dla,gram for e. person.]

FJGURE .5-41 Proble:m. 82.

fi8hter pilota is
designed to rotate the trainee in a horizontal cin:le of radius
11.0 m.lf the f=:e Wt by the trainee is 7.45 times hc:r own
weight, how fast iJ sh~ rotating? Express your answer in
botbm/und rev/&

83. A device for traiDiDg utronauta IID.d jet

FIGURE .5-48 Problem 80.



Using Newton's Laws: Friction, Cira.llar Motion, Drag Forces

84. A 1250-kg car rounda a wrve of radius nm bllllked at an

angl~ of 14.If the car is travoling at 8S km/h, will a friction
force be required? If so, how much and In what direction?
as. Dete:rmin~ the tangential and centripetal COIIIpOIIeDtl of th~
net force netted on a car (by the ground) when its speed is
Z1 mls. aDd il bu a~leralcd to thiJ speed from reet in 9.0 s
on a c:une ofiadius 4SOm. The car's mau is llSO kg.
86. The c:limber in :fi3. 5-SO is supported in ~
drimney" by tbe friction forces e:e:rted on his ~ and
bade. The alali4: ~Is of friolion between his shoes and the wall,
end between Ilk back and tbe


111e 0.80 and 0.60, r~vely. What

is the minimum normal force he

DWSt exert? Aaume the wall! are
vertical and that th~ static friction
forces are both at tbelt maximum.

Jguore his grip on the :rope.


87. A amalliiiUII m ia set on ~ IJIIrface of a sphere, Fig. S-51.

If the coefficient of static
friction ia p., 0.70, at
what angle ~ would the

mass !tart alldlng?



I ,



'L An airpllllle traveliDg &1480 km/h need! 1o reveno itl c:ourao.

The pilot decides 1o a.ooomplisb tbis by banking the wing! at
anllll8le of 3s. (a) FlDd the lime needed to reveoe c:ourse.
(b) Desaibe any additional force the passenger~ es:perience
during tbe tum. [Kw: Asallme an
aerodynamic "lift" force that ac111
perpendicularly 1o the flat winga; see
Fig. S-53.J

92. A banked ~:UtYe ofrlldlu.s R in a new hlghway Ia dealgned 10
that a car travelillg at ~ 'II) c:an negotiate the tnm aafoly
on glare U:e (zero friction). If a car travels too &lowly then It
win slip toward the ceD.ter of the circle. If it trave!J too fail,
it will slip away from the center of the citde. If the
coefficient of static friction in~:reuea. it ~possible for
a car 1o ltay on th~ road wbile tmveling a1 a speed within
a range from tt,m, to t.Omu: Derive formu1u for 11mm and
11mu as fim.c1ionJ of p., .'17Q, aDd R.
93. A small bead of mass m Is C:OIISil'alned to sllde without
friction inside a circular vertkal. hoop of radius r which
rotatu about a vertical u:is
(Fig. 5-54) at e. frequency f.
(a) Determine the e.ng1o 6
where the bee.d will be in
equilibrium-that ia, whoro
it will have no tendency 1o
move ap or down along the
hoop. (b) If f = 2.00rev/
and r = 22.0cm, whatls6?
(c) Can the bead ride 81
hiP as the uruer of the
circle {6 = 90"}? Bxpl.aln..



FIGUil 5-54


88. A 2.8.0-kg blodl: is ClODDCelcd 1o an empty blleket l1y

a ClOtd IUIIlliD.g over a frictionless pull~y (H,g. S-52). 1h~
coefficient of llllltlc frll:tlon between tbe table and the block
ia 0.45 aDd ~ ClOefli.c:ieD.t of tinetic friction between ~
table and the block is 0.32.
Sand ia gradually added
28.0 kg
1o th~ bucket until the
SJBtem just begins to move.
(a) Olli:U!.ate the III8B8 of
sand added 1o the bucket.
(b) Calculate the ~lere.
tion of the syrtem.

19. A car is headlng down a a!lppety road at a llpeed of 95 km,lh.

The millimum. diltanc:e within which il can stop without
skiddlllg Is 66m. What Is the sharpest carve the car can
u.egoliate on the icy su:rface at the same speed without
Sit. What iJ the ai:Qekration e1perienl:ed by the tip of the
1.5-cm-long sweep second hand on your wrist watch?

94. &:rth i8 'IWt ~ 111'1 inerti4l frame. We often make meumemenl:s in a reference frame fiud on the Barth, assuming
Earth i& an iner1ia1 reference frame. But tbe Btmh rotates, 10
thiJ 8!11umptioll. iJ not quite valid. Show ~t thiJ anumption
is off by 3 pam in 1000 by calculating the acceleration o1 an
objeu Ill B!uth'a equator due to Earth' dail.y rotalion, and
compare to 8 = 9.80 mfal. the acceleration due to gravity.
" While fi.shi:ag. you g:et bored and start to swing a ainker
weight e.round in a circle below you on a 0.45-m pi~ of
&b!ng line. The weight makes a QOmpl.ete circle every O.SO f.
What is the angl~ that the fishing lin~ lll.8kes with th~
vertical? [Rlnt. See Fig. S-20.]
!16. Coll!lider a train ~t roUD.dJ a curve with a radius of S70 m
at upeed oft60 km/h (approximately 100mi/h). (a) Calcu
late 1he friction force nl:eded on a train passeDger of !lla!ll
7S tg if th~ il not bank~ and the ttain d~ not tilt.
(b) Cakulate the friction fotee on the pa.aenger If the train
tiltl at an an,gle of s.o toward ~ center of tho curve.
9'1. A car starts rollillg down a 1-ln-4 bill (1-in-4 means that for
~ 4 m ll'llveled alODg tho road, tho elevation dlango is
1m). How fast II it going when It the bottom after
traveling SSm? (a) Ignore fricliml. (b) Anume an eff~e
coefficient o1 friction equal to 0.10.

General Problems 1:17

98. 'lb.o sides of a caoo mako an llllg!o ~ with the vertical. A

smalllll.UI m Is plac:ed on the ladde of the cone alld the IXIIl.e,
wilh ita point down, ia r:evolYed Ill a frequoDcy f (revolutionJ
per secon.d) about its a,mme!Jy alii&. U the ooetficient of static
fri.clion ill p..,, at what poaldo1111 on the cone can the m.8IIIJ be
placed without sliding 011 the conn? (Givo tho m.uimum and
mlnlm:um dl&, r, l'rom the u:ls).
99. A 72-kg water a1:ier ill being accelerated by a ati boat on a
flat ("glaasy") lake. The coefficient of kinetic l'rll:tion
betwocm the llkier'a akill and tho water surface ia P.l: 0.25
{Fis. S-55). (12) What ia the atier's accelerlllion if the rope
pulliJJg d&CI wer behind the boat appliee a horiz<mtal. tenaion
foiu of mapitudo Fr = 240N to tho mar (9 = o)?
(b) What Is the skier's horizontal acceleration If the rope
pulliDg the wer ae!U a forllC of Fr 2110 N on the akier
at an upward angle 9 - 12"? (c) EJplain why the stie:r's
aoc;elerlllion in part (b) ia gn:ater !han !hal in part (4).

1DL A car drivel at a c:omtant speed around a banked cireular

traci. with a diameter of 127m. The motion of the car can
be deiCribed in a cocn:dinato IJYlltom with ita origin at the
uruer ot the circle. At a particular instant the au's aoceleratlon In the horizontal plane i& glw:n by

= {-1S.7i -

23.2j) mtr.

(4) What ill !he car's speed? (b) Where (x andy) ia the car
at this Instant?

101. (DI) The force of air re4inance (drag fo!'Qe) on a rapidly
falling body sadl u a skydiftl' baa the fonn Fo = -kif, so
tlw Newton'II SCIXlDd. law applied to IIIICh an object ill


~~~~~lL .::l:;~~~;;r

where the downward direction Is taken to be pocltie.

(4) Use num.e.:riw imegrati011. (SeWOD l-9] to eslimllle
(within 2%) the position, speed, and accelerUon.. from t - 0
up to t ~ l.S.O 1, for a 7Skg akydlver who 11art11 from rest,
IIIIIIDliiig k
0.22 kg/m. (b) Show !hat tho diver ovcmtually
readies a study speed, the temaiNI1 ~and e;,plaln why
dliJ happen& (c) How long dora it take for the llkydiver to
r:eacb 99.5% of tho terminalllpOOd?
(ID) 'lb.e coefficient of kinetic friction Il-k between two
IJ1Il'faces ia not strictly independent of the vel()Qty of the
object. A possible a.xpressi.O!I for Il-k for wood on wood is

FIGURE !1-55 Problem 99.

100. A baD of lll.ll6t m = 1.0tg at !he end of a thin ami ofleusth
r ~ 0.80 m revolvea In a vertical circle about po!ot 0, aa
lhoWD in Fig. S-56. During tho time we ob:smvo it, the only
fon::es acting on the ball are gravity and the tension In the
c:ord.The motion ia cimllar but not UDiform ~ of 1he
fonlO of gra'rity.'Iho ball inl:nlase8 in speed u it dosc:eDds and
deulerates as ll risea on the other side of the drcle. At the
moment the cord IDIIkea an an,glo 9 30 below tho
horizontal, the ball's
11peed iJ 6.0m/a. At
thia point, dotmnine
the tangential acceleration. tho radial
acceleradon, and the
ta:llion in the cord,
llr 'Illke 9 iDcreuing

downward as .&own.

Problem 100.

P.k ~ {t


+ otmJW-'(

where 11 ia in m/a. A wooden block of maaa 8.0kg iJ Ill rm

on a wooden tloor, and a constant horizontal force of 41 N
aca on the block. Use numeriul integration [S~on l-9]
to ~rmino and graph (a) tho speed of the block, and (b) i!3
pocition, as a fandion oftime from 0 to S.O a. (c) DeteiDline
tho porteD.t difference for tho speed and poaition Ill 5.0 s
if Il-k is constant and equal to 0.20.
104. (DI) Aslume a net forte F ~ -mg - kVZ acta during the
upward vertical moti011. of a 250-q ~. startiDg Ill
the moment (t - 0) when the fuel baa burned out and the
rocket has an upward 'fiCCd of 120m/& Let k ~ o.6S kJm.
Eltimate v and y at 1.0.. intervals for the upward motion
only, and estimate the maximum heJ&ht readl.ed. Compare
to freefli8ht COD.ditionl without air re4inanoe (k 0).

AnlweiS to Exercises
A: (c).
B: Fn 1.1 inau11iclent to keep the box moving ftlr long.
C: No- d&CI aoc;eleration iJ not connant (in direcli011).
D: (4), it double&
& (d).

1': (4).

G: (c).
H: Ye&
I: {a) No change: (b) 4 times larger.

1H OiAPIER 5 Using Newton's Laws: Friction, Cira.llar Motion, Drag Forces

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