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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 03.01.


The Old has Gone, the New has Come1

The word of the Lord to the apostle who was one of two set aside by the Holy Spirit in Acts 13:2 for the
work He had for them was, “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.”2
This was given when the apostle was still having trouble convincing the Corinthian church with regards to
their failure in discerning between the real apostles and the super apostles. And John wrote: From the
fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another.3

Jesus came, as John tells us, full of grace and truth,4 and that, For the Law was given through Moses;
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.5 The first and greatest blessing that came by the grace that
is in Christ is salvation by faith in Jesus.6 By that salvation, all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ
come into the truth that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and receive the grace
through their faith so that they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 7 From those who received their
salvation were those who by the Lord’s choice, were baptised with fire and the Holy Spirit to become born
again by water and the Spirit so that they could enter the Kingdom of God, for Jesus said to Nicodemus,
“I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.”8

Through the fullness of grace, all who believed by faith entered the Kingdom of Heaven, and through the
fullness of truth, all who live by the truth enter from the Kingdom of Heaven to the Kingdom of God, that
is, those who live by the words of Jesus and the testimony of God. For Jesus said, “Sanctify them by the
truth; Your word is truth.”9 Every word spoken by Jesus is truth, for they are the words that the Father
has commanded Jesus to speak and they are also words that the Father has spoken to Jesus, for Jesus
said, “What I have heard from Him I tell the world.”10

Henceforth, those who live by truth are those who have heard the words of Jesus and put them into
practice. Those who have heard the words, but have not put them into practice, even though they have
believed them, have not lived by them. You have not lived by something, anything, until you have
practised it. So, the time is coming for those who are called for the Kingdom of Heaven will go to Heaven
and those chosen for the Kingdom of God will usher in the Kingdom of God, which is the Kingdom of
power, as well as joy, peace, righteousness and eating, drinking and talking.11

The power was given by the Lord to all disciples “to overcome all the power of the enemy.”12 There is
nothing to overcome in Heaven, so there is plenty of eating, drinking, talking, joy, peace and
righteousness for those who go there, but no power is given them for it is not needed. Power is needed
by those who seek to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, for all the enemies of God are now on
Earth, Satan and his angels, mankind and Death. The separation of those who are destined for Heaven
and those who are destined to remain will come through the days of distress,13 which Jesus warned us
will be like a pent up flood and driving wind that will wash away all who have heard the word yet do not
put it into practice.14

So, the days of distress that are coming will test each and everyone who has heard the words of Jesus, to
expose them to see if they have lived by the truth or have lived by what is not the truth. Since Jesus is
the Truth15 and His words are truth, then all who have lived by words of men have not lived by the
T/truth. As uncomfortable as it may sound, and people may accuse us of elitism, those who have lived
their faith by the traditions and doctrines based on the recommendations and judgements of men have
not lived by the T/truth. They have lived by what seems good, but not what is truth. The Holy Spirit is
the Spirit of Truth16 and He will only confirm the truth with His power through signs and wonders. Hence,
no amount of prayer for world peace and supplications to avert the earthquakes, famines or pestilences
will divert the Holy Spirit from His unflinching journey to confirm every word of Jesus Christ to be the
Truth. Thus, the Holy Spirit is bent purposefully to bring forth the days of distress unequalled since the

2 Corinthians 5:17
2 Corinthians 12:9
John 1:16
John 1:14
John 1:17
Ephesians 2:8
Romans 3:23
John 3:5
John 17:17
John 8:26
1 Corinthians 4:20; Romans 14:17
Luke 10:19
Mark 13:19
Matthew 7:26
John 14:6
John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 03.01.2007

beginning of the world to prove Jesus’ words to be truth. Anyone not equipped with His power to go
through those days will be swept away, and only those who have heard the words of Jesus and put them
into persistent, persevering, enthusiastic, diligent, unceasing practice will have sufficient power.

Into the Kingdom of God are born those who are birthed by the Spirit, born again to be a new creation,
for “You must be born again,”17 was spoken specifically about entry into the Kingdom of God. The
growth of those who are the new creation, progresses from elementary to immaturity and, God
permitting, onto maturity; 18 from babies to adolescents to the fullness of the stature of the Son; from
believers to disciples to overcomers. The fully fledged new creation is the overcomer who overcomes the
world as Jesus overcame the world as part of doing the things that Jesus has been doing and even a
greater thing, for the overcomers will live in a time more distressing than the days of Jesus before He
was crucified.

Paul was the surviving elect of the Holy Spirit who remained untouched by the teachings of men from
James, even though he succumbed to their persuasions in Acts 21:22-25. Paul was untouchable by the
authorities, no prison held him until he practised the words of men instead of the words of Jesus.
Likewise now, the apostle Paul is the apostolic foundation upon which we are to look to, aside from Jesus.
We will learn much from the particular revelations that Jesus gave Paul for our time.

Like Paul, we face a church that will be hostile by and large to our pleadings, a Corinthian church, the
church that Jesus did not write a letter to at all, even though in their day, they were the church
established in mighty Corinth, a major city and trading centre of its time. It is a church divided with
denominations,19 whose faith rests on men’s wisdom rather than God’s power,20 and a church that
tolerated an immorality that it is proud of! There is none of us or any church that still does not have a
form of immorality or sin here or there, but we are not proud of it as they were.21 A church that is
plagued by lawsuits amongst their own members against each other where much instruction still has to
be given about sexual immorality and about marriage; a church that still needs basic instructions about
the spiritual gifts and lacks an understanding of the Resurrection and the two resurrections that will take
place. And even if it listens to the admonishments of Paul, it will still put up with self appointed “super
apostles” who are really no apostles. Men who call themselves apostles because they have a ministry of
signs, wonders, miracles22 and have even seen the Lord,23 but men who are really prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers at best, for they have not been given their own gospel,24 nor will they remain the
last to leave25 and join the Lord in the air after the dead in Christ have risen. That is the denominational
church we face, and despite all the surpassing revelations we have been given, the secret by which we
can overcome and correct this church is by the grace of Jesus whose power is made perfect in our

That is why Paul wrote: for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in
persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.26 See Paul’s words: “I delight,”
not, “I endure, put up with and avoid,” no, “I delight.” If you have not trained yourself to overcome
trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword,27 then you will have no
delight when they come upon you. However, if you have trained yourself, prepared yourself, disciplined
yourself, then your weaknesses and the hardships, difficulties, persecutions and insults you receive are
times and occasions that allow you to rise and shine. Olympic athletes train many long hours alone to
prepare themselves for the main event when they have to put themselves against the best of the best,
which is what makes the victory sweet. So likewise, the days of distress, which are coming, are days of
darkness that permit the light of the Lord in you to shine so that “it may be seen plainly that what he has
done has been done through God.”28

You have believed and have been chosen for discipleship. Now, complete the course and prove your
election as you allow the discipline of your sonship through the Holy Spirit reveal the Christ in you, the
hope of glory—the overcomer. No discipline is pleasant, Paul wrote,29 but if discipline is not pleasant and

John 3:7 (5-8)
Hebrews 6:1-4
1 Corinthians 1:12
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
1 Corinthians 5:2
2 Corinthians 12:12
1 Corinthians 15:5-8
Galatians 1:11-12
1 Corinthians 4:9
2 Corinthians 12:10
Romans 8:35
John 3:21
Hebrews 12:11

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we should endure hardship as discipline,30 then the training needed to produce the overcomer is even
more gruelling.

The Corinthian church did not have the prerequisite qualities to produce overcomers; neither did many of
the other churches as such. However, seven churches during John’s last days had the qualities in them
to produce the overcomers. Thus, we should be delighted, yes, delighted right now that not only is the
church like the Corinthian church, but indeed, it is also a church that has lost its first love, that does not
know how to test for apostles, that not only tolerates the teachings and practices of the Nicotaitans,
Balaamites and Jezebelians, but embraces them as it indulges in the deep secrets of Satan, as it rejoices
in its acquired wealth, whilst it leaves those who are persecuted to their suffering - a church that believes
it is strong because of its political, intellectual, monetary and military power whilst bereaved of any
meaningful miraculous powers.31

So, if you thought the cost of discipleship was high, then the toll of becoming an overcomer is even
higher, unless you delight that His grace is sufficient for you and in your weaknesses, His power is made
perfect. Learning to delight in weaknesses so that God’s power can be made perfect in you is the first
step for all overcomers. However, the sufficiency of His grace is not found in faith alone. No, the grace
that is received by faith is sufficient for your salvation, which is for your entry into the Kingdom of
Heaven, like some drowning refugee being pulled out of the sea by a passing ship. The sufficiency of His
grace that perfects His power in our weaknesses comes from the work that is the practice of His words,
that which we have heard.

This is how Paul showed us to attain the sufficiency of His grace that makes perfect His power in our
weaknesses. Listen. "Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up
and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. (John 17:17) I have not coveted
anyone's silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own
needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work
we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: 'It is more blessed to give
than to receive.' "32 And you are not to use this beatitude that Paul received directly from the Lord as
others use it to exhort and even extort from others to give into your ministry. That is the church that
you must overcome. Rather, this is for you to practise in your ministry to give out of what you have
received from God.

If the disciples had been truthful with the Lord when He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?
Go and see,” after He commanded them, “You give them something to eat,”33 and said, “Lord, we have
none,” instead of using the little boy’s five loaves and two fish as if it was theirs; for Andrew said, “Here
is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”34
whilst others answered the Lord saying, “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,”35 as if the
little boy’s offering was their bread and fish; if they said the truth, “Lord, we have none,” what do you
suppose the Lord would have done? Remember the Lord took the five loaves and two fish to bless the
little boy, not the twelve, then what do you suppose the Lord would now do to feed those who are hungry
and thirsty? Would it not have been an opportune time to finally answer Satan’s challenge, “If You are
the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread,”36 and changed the stones to bread to then multiply
them whilst calling in quails as His Father did to give them meat?

So, for you, the sufficiency of grace that perfects God’s power in your weakness is to give from the truth
you have received without coveting even a little boy’s fish and bread. Now, isn’t that something new?
Truly, the Lord spoke the truth, “I am making everything new!”37 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is
a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come! And the new creation must do things that the
old cannot do and has never done, to show the surpassing glory of God’s grace to creation, which has
been groaning, waiting for the sons of God to be revealed in the overcomers who are coming out of the
church of Jesus Christ. AMEN

Hebrews 12:7
Revelation 2-3
Acts 20:32-35
Mark 6:38,37
John 6:8-9
Matthew 14:17
Matthew 4:3
Revelation 21:5

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 06.01.2007

Grace of Graces

When the Lord introduced Himself to Moses in the fullness of all His Persons, the Lord, the Lord and the
Lord, He said, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God…”1 The compassion of God,
commonly also thought of and called His loving kindness, kindness, mercy, caring and forgiveness, is also
but rarely considered the complete passion of God, that is, His consuming fire and zeal. That is
why the writer of Hebrews says, our God is a consuming fire,2 painting for us a picture of the passion, the
refining power and the destructive power of God. The destructive power of God in the consuming fire is
seen in the way He destroyed the power of sin over us once and for all through Jesus Christ. The graphic
display of the demolition of the body and Person of Jesus Christ through His trial, torture and execution
as He became our sin offering, was God’s way of destroying sin’s power, and so complete was that
destruction that Christ died and rose again by the power of the Holy Spirit Himself.

The refining power of God’s fire is displayed through our discipleship as the Holy Spirit takes those who
listen to Him on the W/way of the Lord and permits those who do not listen to Him to be buffeted again
and again until their obedience is complete and all the dross is removed. The practice of His word, which
is discipleship, allows the Lord to burn away all our imperfections until only that which is flawless is left.
And what is flawless? …The word of the Lord, of course. At the end when judgement comes, only that
which is of the word of the Lord will be rewarded. Thus, eternal damnation is determined by the absence
of the belief of the Lord’s word and eternal reward is determined by the presence of the practice of the
Lord’s word. That is why those who do not believe already stand condemned. The refining power of
God’s consuming fire is patient and persevering, and the destructive power of God’s consuming fire is
sudden and complete. However, the consuming fire of God also holds the passion of the Lord, passion
that consumes Him as zeal, passion that is completely focussed on perfection and mercy. In this area,
the consuming fire of God is displayed in the perfection of all His words and all His Being. God has a
complete passion for mercy and perfection, which are the high points of His own life and Being. Thus,
the graciousness of God likewise flows out from Him in a threefold way.

The common grace of God, which is the grace by which salvation is given to all through faith, is the
grace that is available for all unbelievers who, if only they repent and believe, would be saved. It is this
grace that first meets with us as we hear His word and believe it. It is the grace that allows God to dwell
amongst sinners, that allows Jesus to be the Friend of drunkards and prostitutes, and that allows the
Holy Spirit to be poured out on all flesh including flesh that is not yet washed by the blood of Jesus.

It is through this common grace that is given us the first and most important blessing from our
perspective, because we have only one soul to save or to lose. And though every soul belongs to God
and is precious to God, the salvation of our souls is not as personally important to Him as it is to us, even
though He desires that all be saved and none to perish. Thus, when we ignore the common grace of
God, we do injury to ourselves infinitely more than we do to God. If we end up in the Lake of Burning
Sulphur because of our stubborn refusal to accept His common grace, even when Heaven and Earth have
been destroyed and He has purified our lips that we may still call on the Name of the Lord one last time3,
it is our loss not God’s, for there is nothing more God can do or feel, but we are the ones who will forever
feel the loss.

For after Judgement Day, God will dwell in New Jerusalem with His people forever, and what happens
outside of New Jerusalem will no longer captivate His complete passion, only His passing observation,
just as common dogs do not captivate your complete passion as your children do. If the dogs outside of
New Jerusalem only get His passing observation, then those in the Lake of Fire will receive the benefit of
God’s total ignorance. Thus, all who refuse God’s common grace only harm themselves. Repent
therefore and believe so that at least you may live in the Kingdom of Heaven.

From those who have accepted God’s common grace, are chosen those destined for God’s refining
grace, the grace that He extended to all who, having believed in Jesus, will take up their cross and follow
Jesus on the path of discipleship. Discipleship that would cost the individual and reward the individual
with many times and many hundreds of times as they give up their lives, families, houses and fields for
Jesus, His Gospel and God’s Kingdom. The refining grace of God is found in the word of His grace:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who
built his house on the rock.”4 The practice of His word means that those who attempt it will both fail and
succeed as they put the word into practice. The grace is made available for us because Jesus said,

Exodus 34:6
Hebrews 12:29 (Deuteronomy 4:24)
Zephaniah 3:8-9
Matthew 7:24

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 06.01.2007

“practice,” not “succeed”. As such, both the failures and the successes involved in the practice of His
word refine us when we fail.

His grace supports us so that we do not fall back, and if we do, it is into the arms of His goodness, loving
kindness and His glory, for surely goodness, love and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my
life,5 and “the glory of the Lord will be your rearguard”6 as you put into practice what the Lord has called
for. When it came to fasting, He said, “Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen; to loose the chains
of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and break every yoke?”7 When
you practise the words of Jesus, you loose the chains of injustice, which have been placed on Jesus, for
the practice of His words proves His words to be true. Thus, the practice that ends in failure will subject
us to fire that seems to burn us and hurt us so that we can experience the goodness, loving kindness and
glory of the Lord, which changes failures to successes and practice to perfection, so we do not give up.
The success of practice lifts us up and inspires us to go further and further than we yet have, and it is the
hot and the cold that Jesus wished the Laodicean church had, not the lukewarmness that makes Him
vomit. Those who remain in the lukewarmness of God’s common grace remain in the danger of being
vomited out by Him when they fail to practise His words, for the Laodicean church satisfied itself on the
worldly wealth it had acquired only. There is nothing wrong with having worldly wealth except this;
worldly wealth can be acquired by not practising the words of Jesus. Indeed Satan said to Jesus, “All this
I will give You, if You will bow down and worship me.”8

However, eternal wealth can only come by the practice of the words of Jesus, and when you are eternally
wealthy; you will also have all the worldly wealth you desire because all the silver and gold, and all things
on this Earth belong to God. When you do not practise the words of Jesus, there is no refinement. God
is not refining you after you are saved through circumstances that come by your practise of words other
than Jesus', no; God is rebuking you and warning you. That is why if you are a believer whose business
is failing because of your practice of the wisdom of men in your life, then that is God’s sharp rebuke. If
your business is failing because of your practice of God’s wisdom in your life, that is just God setting you
up for a miracle, for the practise of Jesus’ words does not lead to mundane, commonly achievable results,
but always, always, miraculous results which are impossible with man but only possible with God. That is
why it is so dangerous to be saved by common grace, but yet to make no effort to move into God’s
refining grace by the whole-hearted complete passionate practice of Jesus’ words.

When we lost the command, “Listen to Him!” we floundered in the common grace of God, going nowhere
but yet kept safe enough until Jesus came for us, just like the twelve when they did not put into practice
the words of Jesus to “Go immediately to Bethsaida,”9 but instead waited, and then put into practice
someone else’s words to go to Capernaum.10 They got into the middle of the lake, buffeted by wind and
waves, going nowhere despite all their efforts11 and yet they did not drown. Even when Jesus came to
them, they were not rewarded with their desire to go to Capernaum nor did they see what was prepared
for them in Bethsaida, but instead went to Gennesaret.12

When a believer does not listen to Jesus, he is just like the twelve, kept safe enough from destruction,
but never able to see what God had prepared for them or to enjoy what they desired. Had they listened
and obeyed, that is, put into practice the words of Jesus, and went immediately to Bethsaida, they would
have experienced what God had prepared for them. Perhaps it was the healing of the blind man in
Bethsaida13 and the fame of them, the twelve, doing that miracle in the absence of Jesus would have
carried them to Capernaum, the city where Jesus Himself could not cause them to repent after many
miracles. Perhaps they might have succeeded where Jesus seemed to have failed or in the very least,
they would have been welcomed into Capernaum like heroes because of the miracle in Bethsaida. Who
knows? God knows what we miss out on when we do not take up His grace.

But the believer who takes the opportunity afforded him by God’s common grace to all sinners, and
begins to practise the words of Jesus that He has learned, will do things that he has never found possible
before, just like the man who was driving out demons in Jesus’ Name.14 Even though he was not one of
the twelve, he was succeeding because he put into practice that which he heard and probably
experienced, for he may well be the man set free of the demons at Gerasenes whom Jesus told to go
home. It is interesting that the disciples who couldn’t drive out the demon at the foot of the Mount of

Psalm 32:6 [NIV, NAS]
Isaiah 58:8
Isaiah 58:6
Matthew 4:9
Mark 6:45
John 6:16-17
Matthew 14:24; Mark 6:48; John 6:18
Matthew 14:34; Mark 6:53
Mark 8:22-25
Mark 9:38

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Transfiguration in Mark 9:18 wanted to stop this man who was doing what they couldn’t. As an aside,
this is the behaviour of other disciples, or if you like, the church. They are not able to do what they are
supposed to and they will stop you doing what you can, which they can’t. Be warned!

Thus, the refining grace of God that is found in the path of discipleship permits us to repent of our
failures and be refreshed by our successes without fear of condemnation. That is why, as Paul said,
therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus
the law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death.15 There is no sin when we fail in
our practice of the words of Jesus for the very practice itself is righteous. The success or the failure is
irrelevant. However, those who have heard the word and do not put it into practice have already sinned
and are in danger of being swept away by the fury of God for all who disobey.

The continued practise of the Lord’s words generates the refining that leads to perfection when practice
ceases, and what remains is perfection in action, motion and word. At that point, the disciple has
become the overcomer, overcoming all the weaknesses that were revealed in his practice, and being
complete in all his overcoming, he is perfect as God is Perfect. In that perfection, the overcomer displays
the perfect grace of God just as Jesus displayed the perfect grace of God in all that He said and did,
exactly as the Father commanded Him, causing people to remark, “He does everything well. He even
makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”16 Jesus came and showed us all the manifestation of God’s
perfect grace, the grace of Someone who does whatever They do exceedingly well. The One who makes
things look so easy and so simple to all who watch so that they are overwhelmed with amazement. Jesus
commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more He did so, the more they kept talking about it.
People were overwhelmed with amazement.17 In the same way, we must achieve a level of perfection in
our practice of the words of Jesus that will also overwhelm people with amazement in fulfilment of John
14:12 so that we can come to enjoy God’s perfect grace.

As I said earlier, the practice of the Lord’s word that seems to cause a failure is to set you up for the
miracle. The miracle of miracles is that God can take any sinner who is prepared to obey and manifest
through that sinner the perfect grace of Jesus Christ, or as Paul said, Christ in you, the hope of glory.18
The overcomer is one who displays God’s perfect grace. Jesus, the Overcomer, displayed God’s perfect
grace, doing everything exactly as God commanded Him and doing it well, exceedingly well. And
whoever believes in Him and has faith in Him will do what He has been doing.19 However, the perfect
grace of God does not come through the practice of words, recommendations and judgements of men
who have not in mind the things of God. That is why all men who do not come through the Gate, that is,
Jesus, are thieves who come to steal, kill and destroy.20 For when men draw believers of Jesus after
themselves to practise their own words, as many have done and continue to do, they have stolen from
God His hope of glory, Christ in you, and have killed your life in Christ and destroyed your destiny to be a
son of God in the fullness of the stature of Christ.

For the life that Christ gave us is found only in His word, as He said, “The words I have spoken to you are
spirit and they are life.”21 So the life of Christ, the abundant life He came to give us is not lived unless
we practise His words, making the practice of men’s words death. That is why those who do not believe
in Jesus are already condemned22 and those believers, who have been misled into practising the words of
men, live a form of life that is really not much different from any other religious life. Only the words of
Jesus afford to those who put them into practice the miraculous life of the Son of God that can bring the
disciple into the Divine Life of God to experience God’s perfect grace to God and to God.

Jesus promised, “He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death,”23 and John testified and
saw that blessed and holy are those… who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and
because of the word of God… who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power
over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.24
The overcomers, both those who are waiting in Heaven to return and those waiting on Earth to be
revealed, will display for one thousand years before the sons of Adam, the perfect grace of God as they
reign until the final rebellion comes in through Satan, and the ingratiates of Gog and Magog march over
the Earth against them in Jerusalem, the camp of God’s people,25 then shall the end come.

Romans 8:1-2
Mark 7:37
Mark 7:36-37
Colossians 1:27
John 14:12
John 10:10
John 6:63
John 3:18
Revelation 2:11
Revelation 20:6, 4
Revelation 20:7-9

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Judgement comes when all of God’s grace has been made known to men, His common grace that saves
all who call upon the Name of the Lord, His refining grace that allows men to live the life God had
planned for Adam originally, and His perfect grace that allows men to share in the life of His Son forever.
When there are witnesses to testify to the goodness of God’s fullness of grace, then judgement is just
and righteous and final, and every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that He is the Lord
forever and ever.26


Philippians 2:10-12

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 10.01.2007

Fulfilling Grace
The Grace of Joseph

“Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be
enslaved and mistreated 400 years.”1 This was one of many of God’s promises to Abraham, which is not
exactly the most uplifting of all of His promises, compared to the others, such as: “I will make you into a
great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless
those who bless you…”2 “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I am your Shield, your very great Reward.”3 And, “All
the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.”4

Compared to the other three, Genesis 15:16 almost sounds like a curse and a portent of disaster, yet
without the fulfilment of Genesis 15:16 and the enslavement of the descendants of Jacob, there would
have been no Israelites numbering hundreds of thousands of men, not counting women or children, for
Moses to deliver out of Egypt. As recorded in Genesis, God spoke to Abraham at least 14 times during
his lifespan, and God gave 13 out of 50 chapters of the book of Genesis to him, yet except for the
fulfilment of the promise of Isaac, none of the other promises could have been fulfilled without the man
Joseph, son of Jacob, of whom it is not recorded God spoke to at all.

To Joseph is also devoted 13 chapters of Genesis, and except for the 2 dreams given to Joseph in Genesis
37, there is not recorded anywhere that God spoke verbally to Joseph as He did to Abraham, and not
even an angel has been recorded to have spoken to Joseph. Now compare the life of Abraham, the
father of our faith, to that of Joseph. Called by God, Abraham left on his own accord and went to
Canaan, and despite various hardships Abraham enjoyed freedom and prosperity with intermittent
incredible encounters and conversations with God. God even turned up to speak to Abimelech when
Sarah was taken.5 Now compare the life of Joseph, unjustly sold into Egypt by his 11 brothers, unjustly
put in jail by Potiphar, and then forgotten by the man he helped until years later, and through all of that,
not once is it recorded that God spoke to him or that an angel appeared to encourage him.

No matter what persecution any of the other men of God had, none were worse than Joseph’s, and none
of them could compare with Joseph’s lack of communication from God; not Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, Saul, David, Elijah or Elisha, nor any of all the other prophets. Thirteen
chapters on Joseph and there is not a word from the mouth of God recorded throughout. You can argue
that presumably God did speak to him, for Joseph was able to interpret dreams, yes, but why is this not
recorded as the conversations with Abraham, the only other patriarch in Genesis who has 13 chapters
accorded to him, were?

Indeed, if there was anyone who needed a word of the Lord, it was Joseph. The injustice suffered by
Joseph far outweighed the injustices suffered by any of the others, even David, Job and Moses. David at
least was roaming free with a band of raiders. Job was free, out of prison, being “counselled” by friends,
and Moses spent forty years in the desert but was free and had a job and a family. Joseph was alone,
betrayed by his brothers, and a slave in a nation going from one disaster to another.

Now here is the secret to Joseph’s success and his most unusual life: The Lord was with Joseph and he
prospered… When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in
everything he did, Joseph found favour in his eyes and became his attendant.6 And again when Joseph
was framed by Potiphar’s wife and was thrown into prison, it is written: But while Joseph was there in
the prison, the Lord was with him; He showed him kindness and granted him favour in the eyes of the
prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison and he was made
responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care,
because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. As the story goes, when
Joseph was brought in to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams in Genesis 41, listen to Pharaoh’s words about
Joseph and hear the secret of Joseph’s success and why God did not need to speak to him as He did to
Abraham and why no angels were needed to strengthen him. Pharaoh asked, “Can we find anyone like
this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God (of the gods)?” A man in whom is the Spirit of God - no other
Old Testament hero is credited with these words, “in whom is the Spirit of God,” - but at most, the word

Genesis 15:13
Genesis 12:2
Genesis 15:1
Genesis 13:15
Genesis 20:2-7
Genesis 39:2-3

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“on” rather than “in” such as on Samson - The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power; 7 on Saul – the
Spirit of God came upon him in power; 8 and on Elijah – the power of the Lord came upon Elijah.9

Joseph can be described as one of the first to be baptised with the Holy Spirit, that He was in Joseph.
So, what did Potiphar and the jailer see about Joseph that told them the Lord was with Joseph in all his
success? The success by itself is not the sign that the Lord was with Joseph although the Lord gave
Joseph success, for you do not need to have the Lord with you to appear successful and be successful as
Psalm 73 tells us so clearly:
For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong.
They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills.
Therefore pride is their necklace; they clothe themselves with violence.
They scoff, and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression.
Their mouths lay claim to Heaven, and their tongues take possession of the Earth.
This is what the wicked are like—always carefree, they increase in wealth.10

As such, success is not the criteria that the Lord was with Joseph, which his masters could see, but
rather, what they saw was a man condemned to serving them against his will yet serving them as if it
was his will to serve them. In all the struggles and torment that must have gone through Joseph’s mind
beyond anything we can imagine with our lives, unless we have been betrayed by our family and
physically sold into slavery in a foreign nation, yet without recourse or hope of redemption or freedom,
Joseph still served well, in fact, exceedingly well, even as his life went from bad to worse.

There is, throughout the entire 13 chapters, not a hint of bitterness in Joseph when he became prime
minister, not against Potiphar or his wife, or against the cup bearer, or above all else against his own
brothers. Neither did Joseph send out an expeditionary force to seek out his family when he was able,
but rather continued to serve Pharaoh through the 7 years of abundance and then the 7 years of famine.
There is no mention of power or revelation or prophecy with Joseph, no, the Spirit of the Lord, when He
was in Joseph, was the Spirit of Grace, the grace to do exceedingly well, the grace to remain humble and
the grace to forgive. Indeed, Proverbs 3:34 says: He (the Lord) gives grace to the humble. Nothing
tests a person’s humility more than success, for success gives voice to pride as in a boast, whilst pride
will voice itself in defiance and rebellion when the failure brings about a humbling situation. All the kings
of Israel and Judah strayed from the Lord after they were given success by the Lord, even David, and
needed to repent. Not Joseph, for all his success, Joseph never strayed from the Spirit of God, but
showed forgiveness in humility. Even his “vengeance” and “revenge” on his brothers, causing them to
fear for Benjamin’s life, was mild compared to what else he could have done to them.

Even when Joseph was collecting the grain for Pharaoh, he collected only one fifth during a time of
abundance, that is, a time when the farmers would not miss the grain, and stored it. In fact, he was
doing them a favour by disposing of the surplus for them instead of the farmers having to dispose of it
themselves.11 And when the famine came, Joseph waited for the people to come to him for the food to
trade, rather than going out to sell. He made the people pay for the storage of the food they would have
thrown away themselves, for if they also stored during the years of abundance, they would not have
needed to buy from Pharaoh. The preparation for the 7 years of famine must have been common
knowledge to all, yet no one stored up for themselves as Joseph stored up for them. Yet, for all his
success, Joseph remained humble and his love for his family was unchanged.

If Joseph did not have such graciousness about his life, then he would not have been able to position and
raise up Egypt, so that after the Pharaoh of Joseph’s time died, the subsequent Pharaohs or Pharaoh
would oppress Israel to fulfil God’s promise to Abraham, “and they will be enslaved and mistreated 400
years.” Had Joseph not forgiven his brothers, there would be no Israel in Egypt for Moses to deliver.
Joseph’s graciousness, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Grace in Joseph, allowed God’s promise to Abraham
to be fulfilled in part. What prevented the rest of God’s promises to Abraham to be fulfilled to this day
concerning the borders of Israel was the subsequent pride and rebellion of the leaders of Israel after

As He was in Joseph, so the Spirit of God is in us, but are we able to manifest the Lord in such a way that
the Potiphars and jailers of Egypt will see Him? The reason the world does not accept the Holy Spirit is

Judges 15:14
1 Samuel 10:10
1 Kings 18:46
Psalm 73:3-6, 8-9, 12
Genesis 41:34

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because as Jesus said, “it neither sees Him nor knows Him.”12 Yet, Potiphar and the jailer saw the Lord
was with Joseph although they did not know the Lord.

You see, the world does not see the Holy Spirit, but the world sees us and that is the problem. What has
the world seen of the church in living memory? An institution that upholds rules of morality with words
only, yet cannot do what it is supposed to do. The world, like the crowd at the bottom of the Mount of
Transfiguration, only sees a bunch of men and women who claim to be followers of Jesus arguing with
them when they fail to do what they are supposed to do. It does not see a group of men and women
doing what they are supposed to do exceedingly well, without any need of self recognition. As such, the
world does not see the Spirit of Grace13 and of Counsel, Power, Understanding, Knowledge, Wisdom, Fear
of the Lord,14 Truth,15 Life,16 Revelation,17 Holiness18 and of Glory19 in us, and if the world does not see
that in us, they will not see the Holy Spirit and will not come to know Him.

Men and kings saw Abraham, and when Melchizedek blessed Abraham, he said, “Blessed be Abram by
God Most High, Creator of Heaven and Earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your
enemies into your hand.”20 Yes, Melchizedek the priest of God saw that God was with Abraham, but the
king of Sodom did not, for he said, “Give me the people and keep the goods for yourself.”21 In
Abraham’s success from God, Sodom did not see God with Abraham. In Joseph’s exile and
imprisonment, Potiphar and the jailer saw that the Lord was with Joseph and was giving him the success.
Now, this is the lesson of Abraham and Joseph, in success the priest of God can see that God has blessed
you, yet Sodom can’t, but in failure, even the world can see the Lord is with you if you will continue to do
all things exceedingly well regardless of the situation.

Jesus has prayed: “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me.”22
And likewise, we can say, “to let the world know You sent the Holy Spirit,” but the world cannot and will
not see unless we learn to have not just the faith of Abraham, but the grace of Joseph. Through Joseph,
God raised up Pharaoh’s descendants so that the people of Israel could be oppressed and enslaved so
that Israel could be birthed.

The grace, the perfecting grace of the overcomer is one that continues to do exceedingly well in all
circumstances, not just in success or good times, even if it means raising up the very instruments that
will persecute the people of God. It is the humble graciousness of Joseph that allowed Potiphar to see
that the Lord was with him. If the world is to know the Lord is with us, then the graciousness of Joseph
is our example in trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword,23 even
when it is our own brothers who have sold us into slavery.

As much as the glory of the Lord has been given to us and we have used it by prayer and by faith to
change us, making us one as God is One, it has not happened yet, for the world does not yet know
through us that the Lord has been sent by God and that He loves us as He loves Jesus. The reason is
that we have only learned the faith of Abraham but have not yet learned the grace of Joseph. We have
not yet fully seen our Lord full of grace and truth, in the fullness of grace, saving grace, refining grace,
and perfecting grace. Without the fullness of grace, the truth of Jesus cannot be revealed.

So, Joseph the overcomer who overcame his times with amazing grace, is truly one we should
acknowledge and aspire to even as we seek the greater, yes, the greater, degree of overcoming our
times with even more amazing grace because we have Jesus Christ our Lord and our Righteousness.
Be gracious therefore to one another and be humble, or as Paul wrote: Be completely (perfectly) humble
and gentle,24 for the Lord said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble
in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”25

Consider Joseph, whose yoke was Egypt,

Consider Jesus, whose yoke was the cross—
Consider what greater thing you can do.

John 14:17
Hebrews 10:29
Isaiah 11:2
John 14:17
Romans 8:2
Ephesians 1:17
Romans 1:4
1 Peter 4:14
Genesis 14:19-20
Genesis 14:21
John 17:23
Romans 8:35
Ephesians 4:2
Matthew 11:29

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The Grace to Wait

If you cannot be gracious to the One who is gracious to you, then you cannot be gracious to those who
are ungracious to you. God who is the God of all grace has been gracious to us, more than we can begin
to appreciate. The journey of life in God is sustained by His power given through His love but maintained
only by His grace. As I have said before, it was God’s grace that began creation in the first place.
Creation did nothing to deserve His help, but was designed to display His power and showcase His eternal
love; however, it is a creation that is preserved for salvation and eventual resurrection by His grace.

For He could just as easily have destroyed creation, and then started all over again in the same way as
He thought of doing to Israel when Israel made the golden calf to worship whilst Moses was up the
mountain receiving the Law from God.1 We know this chapter to be the rebellion and unbelief of Israel,
however, ungraciousness is actually the true source of all rebellion and unbelief. The Israelites had
been delivered out of Egypt and were already witnesses to a multitude of miracles. Now they were
waiting at the foot of the mount for God to speak to Moses, and when the people saw that Moses was so
long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods
who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has
happened to him.”2 This is the statement that defines the Israelites attitude to God and to Moses—
ungraciousness, without the grace to wait or the grace to remain or even to ask Aaron, “If Moses is gone,
are you to lead us in the worship of God?” But no, their first words were to give God the sack and
appoint new gods for themselves to worship.

When you are ungracious, you are ungrateful; that is what the people of God are to God, just like those
Israelites, time and time again. What underlines this ungraciousness we have against God is our
propensity to be impatient. We do not like to be kept waiting but we do not mind keeping others waiting.
The ability to wait is the ability to be patient, and patience is the first quality of love.3 Waiting gives a
person time to fully reveal himself and develop his plans for you, whereas impatience does not. And the
product of all impatience is unbelief, which leads to rebellion.

So many disasters in history, that is Biblical history, could have been avoided by waiting, beginning with
Adam to the eleven apostles and now, us. Had Adam said to Eve, “Let us wait for God before we eat,”
how different the history of the world would be. If Saul waited for Samuel before making an
unauthorised sacrifice, how different it would have been for him and his family. If the eleven had waited
for the Holy Spirit to come before appointing Matthias as Judas’ replacement, how different it would have
been for the church now.

So, the root of all our errors, rebellion and unbelief, which created the disaster that this present world is,
lies in our inability to wait for God, and our inability to wait is our impatience, which is our lack of love,
and impatience is merely a manifestation of underlying ungraciousness. Since it is by grace we are
saved, by grace we were created, by grace we are preserved and maintained until perfection is
manifested, then ungraciousness will destroy everything brought about by grace. Ungraciousness will
destroy salvation, for an ungracious person is in fact a person who does not believe the testimony of the
One who has helped them. God, not Satan, made Adam, and as such, Adam owed it to God to wait for
Him. That is grace.

God used Moses and Aaron to deliver Israel out of Egypt, and at least they could have waited till Aaron
gave them an answer instead of telling Aaron what they wanted; that’s grace. So, when you begin to
understand what grace and un-grace is, you begin to realise where the root of all sin, all evil, lies. Satan
was created as “the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were blameless in
your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.”4 And yet this is his boast in
his heart: “I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of Assembly,
on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make
myself like the Most High.”5 His wickedness was his ungraciousness to God, which gave rise to his pride,
ingratitude and every sin we can think of.

So, it should be no surprise that it is through the fullness of God’s grace we receive one blessing after
another, and on the flipside, it is through the fullness of our ungraciousness that we receive one curse
after another. God is not ungraciousness, but when we choose to be ungracious to God, we deny the

Exodus 32
Exodus 32:1
1 Corinthians 13
Ezekiel 28:12,15
Isaiah 14:13-14

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blessings of His grace that can cover over our sins and so receive all the disasters that sin carries in its
inherent nature, and so the ungracious curse themselves but the gracious are blessed by God.

Had Adam learned to be gracious or was gracious to God, he would never have sinned though sin was
crouching at his door. Had he but waited for God to come in the cool of the day and asked of God why
could he not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or even a better question; “What must I
do just before I can eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?” Simply, the grace to wait on the
One whom you should wait for would have stopped sin from entering Adam’s life. Had Adam waited, it
would have meant Adam had at least listened when God said, “You are free to eat from any tree in the
garden; but you must not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for when you eat of it
you will surely die.”6

Thus, by grace, sin can be prevented and by that same grace, those who have had their sins forgiven
need never to sin again if they have learned what grace is, and to fully comprehend what grace is, we
need to understand what ungraciousness, un-grace, is. When you begin to realise that it is
ungraciousness that causes a person not to wait for the person they should wait for, not to listen to the
person they should listen to, and not to enquire of the person they should enquire of, then you will see
that un-grace is the secret power of lawlessness that Paul spoke of in this way: For the secret power of
lawlessness is already at work; but the One who now holds it back will continue to do so till He is taken
out of the way. Then the lawless one will be revealed.7

The One who holds back the power of lawlessness is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Power and the Spirit of
Grace. For lawlessness does not mean just breaking some laws, but the breaking of all laws, both the
natural and the spiritual laws of God and of men. In order to be able to break all the laws of God and
men and still appear to triumph, you must first be one who has been cut off from the Law of Moses and
its moral code. That is, you must be one who has drunk of the blood of Jesus and eaten His flesh and
received miraculous power to break also the natural laws of science so that you can defy all of men’s laws
as well, with impunity. However, all of this ability to be set free from the laws of Moses, the laws of
natural science and the laws of men came and comes only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus
Christ. For through Jesus, we are cut off from God according to the Law of Moses by eating His flesh and
drinking His blood, through Jesus we receive power to raise the dead, walk on water, heal the sick, cause
shrivelled arms to grow, and through Jesus, we receive the authority and the sceptre to smash like clay
jars the nations of the Earth as we reign with Him. Through Jesus, all these three laws are set aside and
overcome, making us as ones outside of the Law, but yet not lawless, for we are still subject to the one
law that makes us holy unto God: “Listen to Him!”8 And those who do listen to Him know that He said,
“I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am.”9

And if He is coming back for us, then we must wait for Him, and the ability to listen to and wait for the
One we should is grace, the same grace that keeps us free from sin, and being without sin we are sinless
as God is sinless. In asking us to wait for Him, the Lord has provided for us an indestructible life so that
we will live to see Him arrive. That is why He said, “Whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.”10
“If anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.”11 “Anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have
been doing. He will do even greater things than these…”12 “I have given you authority to trample on
snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”13 “I will ask
the Father, and He will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever—the Spirit of Truth.” “You will
receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”14 And He made it obvious that a time of waiting was
needed, for He said, “He who stands firm to the end will be saved,”15 because “No one knows about that
day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”16

The lawless one who will be revealed is the one who is under no law, not Moses’ law and its code of moral
behaviour, not the laws of science and its limitations on our behaviour, nor the laws of men and their
limitations on our legal behaviour, but worst of all, he is one who, having received the grace and the
power to cover all these laws, will rebel and stop listening to Jesus. Instead of waiting for Jesus to arrive
to take the throne in Jerusalem, like Satan he will not wait but seek to take the throne for the beast so as
to ensure for himself a place at the right hand of the cursed one. Ungraciousness will be in the false
prophet to inspire him to the final rebellion because his ambition is to either take the throne or at least,

Genesis 2:16-17
2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35
John 14:3
John 11:26
John 8:51
John 14:12
Luke 10:19
John 14:16; Acts 1:8
Matthew 10:22; 24:13; Mark 13:13
Matthew 24:36

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be to the right or the left of the throne. The thought that those places may be reserved for someone else
is too much for him. The ungraciousness in him will cause him to rebel, cause him not to wait, not to
listen, and just like the Israelites at the foot of that mountain, he will look to create for himself another
god to serve, a god that he can control and not be controlled by. For the attraction of the worship of an
idol is that you control the idol, you set the idol up in place, you decide when to worship it, you decide
when to walk away from it, and no matter what you do to it, it can neither speak nor act against you.
The attraction for the false prophet to breathe life into the image of the beast through the miraculous
powers he has received from the Holy Spirit is that the beast himself, although he has authority, has no
power. It would be the false prophet who performs great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to
come down from Heaven to Earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on
behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the Earth.17 Thus, though the authority is with
the first beast, it is the false prophet, the other beast coming out of the Earth who had two horns like a
lamb, but he spoke like a dragon,18 who has the power. Thus, the false prophet will create for himself a
god whom he can control, and take his own destiny into his own hands rather than wait for the One who
saved him, who raised him up and who empowered him to give him a place amongst his kings and lords
who are coming back with Him, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Just like Adam, he will take destiny into his
own hands and mouth without waiting for God. Just like king Saul, he will raise the sword and make the
sacrifice without waiting for Samuel, and just like Adam and Saul, he will lose everything he was given,
except there is no sacrifice left for the false prophet. For unlike Adam who was innocent and so was
deceived, and Saul who never knew Jesus or the power of the Holy Spirit, the false prophet is guilty of
the worst of all sins, ungraciousness to the Spirit of Grace who elected him as one of His own. So, even
though Adam and Saul will enjoy the restoration of all things made new by Jesus, the lawless one will be
cast into the Lake of Sulphur alive with his compatriot, the beast.

So, in our continuous repentance, we must add to it repentance of our ungraciousness to God, to the
Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, for we have not listened and we have not waited when we
should have waited, as we did not go immediately to Bethsaida when we should have. Our mouths were
ungracious to Mary when she anointed the Lord’s feet, making us worse than Simon the Pharisee whose
thoughts alone were ungracious to the woman who anointed the Lord.19 It is our ungraciousness not to
wait for the Holy Spirit before we sought to appoint someone to replace Judas that has set the whole
course of the last two thousand years on fire, and brought the Name of our Lord to disgrace. Our
ungraciousness is responsible for disgracing our Lord, not the ignorance of heathens and pagans who do
not know better. Indeed, those pagans who have obeyed the law that God has written in their hearts
have done far better than those who have used the Name of Jesus Christ but have not listened to Him.

That is why it is written: It is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us,
what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the Gospel of God?20 Make no mistakes here, you
can only obey the Gospel of God if you have had it preached and taught to you, so pagans have much
less to fear than those who have heard the Gospel of God and not obeyed it. Peter said, “obeyed it,” not
“believed it.” And what is the Gospel of God that we are to obey other than what God Himself testified to
on the Mount of Transfiguration, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to

You who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, have you obeyed the Gospel of God? If not, repent and
return to listening to the One you profess to have placed your faith in and so obey God while there is still
time. As for you who have had the command restored to you and have obeyed it and practised obeying
it, it is time to add to your practice and obedience, grace, the grace of one well practiced and has
expertise developed through hard work. For, it is the grace to wait, to listen, and to receive Him that will
keep you sinless in His eyes when He comes. It is grace that will allow you to stand before Him. It is
grace that will permit you to escape the distress of the days to come, and not only escape, but overcome
them so that men, that is, those who love the truth, will see your deeds and praise God, whilst those who
hate the truth will curse God.

So, as surely as salvation came by grace through faith; judgement will come by that same grace through
truth, for the truth is we can all be more gracious to one another, even to God, than we have been. So,
be gracious to God who has been gracious to you. Love one another as He has loved you with that same
grace. And you who are well practised being gracious to one another, then will your graciousness to
those who are ungracious to you exalt the Holy Spirit who elected you to prepare this Earth for the return
of Jesus Christ, the King. AMEN

Revelation 13:13-14
Revelation 13:11
Luke 7:36-47
1 Peter 4:17
Matthew 17:5

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Evidence of Grace

Just as there is the need of the 'proof of life',1 which is that the life of Christ is in you and you are living
the life of Christ, so too there must come a time and place where there is the evidence of God’s grace in
your life.

When he, Barnabas, arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them
all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.2 What prompted Luke to write this verse was that
there was as a result of the persecution of Stephen, the scattering of the disciples, some of them… went
to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord Jesus. The
Lord’s hand was with them, and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.3 As a result,
when Barnabas arrived there, he saw the evidence of God’s grace; saw and heard of Greeks giving their
lives to Jesus and being saved, and he saw the formation of a church. Unfortunately, there is not much
else that he saw recorded for us.

As the elect of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Grace, there must be an ‘evidence of grace’ for those who
come in to see, and as such, there must not only be the evidence of God’s saving grace, but of God’s
refining grace and His perfecting grace. When the Gospel of Jesus is preached, there is manifested the
saving grace of Grace as the Holy Spirit convicts sinners and draws them to repentance and faith in
Christ. And this faith is being made more certain as He works with those who preach the Gospel,
confirming them with signs, wonders and miracles.4 However, if there are no new people being saved
when the message has been preached, then where is the evidence of saving grace? As the basic and
most fundamental level of our functioning, regardless of what denomination, traditions or doctrines you
hold to, there is no value to the existence of any fellowship or church if the message we preach does not
cause people to repent and believe so that the saving grace of God is always manifested. It is a timely
place to look at the core reason for our testifying and witnessing of Jesus Christ: It is that men
everywhere might repent, believe and be saved for the glory of His Name. As such, even if we are
standing at the Mount of Olives before Jesus is in our view, we must still preach His Gospel so that those
who can hear might still repent and believe, for salvation comes first by grace through faith and faith is
destroyed once it is fulfilled. So, when Jesus arrives, there is no longer salvation by grace through faith,
but only by works through truth, for every eye will have seen Him and not only seen Him as the first
disciples did, but will have seen Him in the fullness of His glory and the glory of the Father and His holy

As such, lest we think too highly of ourselves, and we can and we will, for that is the temptation of
perfection, the same perfection that brought Satan down as his perfection caused pride to swell in him,
always remember that even when perfecting grace has made Grace perfect in your life and your words
and actions, the evidence of that Grace must always be seen in the accompanying manifestation of
saving grace in the lives of people who come to hear your message and see you, and that saving grace
does not manifest unless there is repentance first and then faith. As such, again to remind you, the
gospel of the false prophet is always, “Believe, believe and believe,” without the need for continuous,
unceasing repentance.

What then is the evidence of refining grace? It is the evidence of unceasing, excessive submission to
Him and His words, which also means a continuous, unceasing practice of His word that begins with
unceasing listening and unceasing attempts of doing what He told us to do, beginning with repentance
and faith always. In our practice, as you have and must now come to realise, you will make mistakes,
you will err and you will fail more often than you succeed. As such, the evidence of refining grace, just
like the evidence of saving grace, is the testimony. For testimony is always the first evidence of a life
witness. Just as those who have received and are manifesting the saving grace of Jesus will have
testimony of their salvation experiences, whether dramatic, or as some incorrectly call it, ordinary, so
those who have evidence of the refining grace of discipleship, have testimony, testimony of their arduous
practice of the word of God and the accompanying sister of Grace, Humility. The humility to readily
admit where they have been wrong and humility to admit how slow they were to understand, and of what
little faith they had, so that time and again, this rebuke could apply to them: “O, unbelieving generation,
how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?”5

Indeed, the first evidence of refining grace is not the testimony of success, but rather, the testimony of
failure, so great and so often that you test the patience of the Lord and join with Paul in saying, “What a

Acts 11:23
Acts 11:20-21
Mark 16:20
Mark 9:19

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wretched man (woman) I am!”6 For discipleship is firstly disciplined fellowship with the Lord as you listen
to His words and put them into practice, sometimes succeeding just like the twelve did when the Lord
first sent them out,7 but more often failing.8 But learn from the disciples; when we fail, do not argue but
repent and once more put your shoulder to the plough. Thus the evidence of refining grace is heard in
the testimony of those who have subjected themselves to paying the price of discipleship. However, the
evidence of Grace is heard in a truthful testimony of both success and failures without arguments, just
deep soul searching repentance that keeps you with Paul who is the apostle with the Gospel of Grace,
and you can humbly say, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because
through Christ Jesus the Law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the Law of Sin and Death.”9 For we no
longer sin as one who is overcome and mastered by sin, but if we do sin, it is because we failed to
overcome and master the sin that crouches at our door, and we repent to the truth that we have sinned
and not lie to God as Cain did when asked, “Where is your brother Abel?” It would have been better if
Cain had replied, “I have killed him,” instead of, “I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”10 For when
he asked that question of the Lord, he had actually challenged the Lord to an argument, a debate as to
whether he was his brother’s keeper.

So the evidence of refining grace in each of you must be manifested, even as perfecting grace gives you
ever increasing success, in a testimony filled with all the times you did not do things you should have
done, and the things you should have done you did not do, to paraphrase Paul.11 And exactly what is it
that we should or should not do as disciples? Just as all sinners should repent and believe the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, all disciples should do what Jesus said they are to do, which is to put His words that they
hear into practice and to do the things that He had been doing and even the greater things. I trust you
now know the things we ought to do have nothing to do with the partial upholding of the Mosaic Law as
recommended by James the Younger, which brings a curse to all who listen to him. The curse is of
course the curse of partial observance of the Law.12

For this reason, I boast about my weaknesses and your weaknesses, where we did not succeed in our
practice, where we did not recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit correctly, and when we did hear, we still
chose to disregard His voice, and the awful consequences of that failure, which is really no failure for we
practised if we repented. And in the midst of all the work and the trials, that is, the effort we made to
succeed, are the stories of triumph and success that encourage one another to try again.

Aside from your testimony, which is laced with stories of your major failures as well as gems of your
success; refining grace is also displayed in your attitude, for after awhile you will acquire the attitude of a
veteran’s campaign that has been fought hard and long. Gone are the youthful boasts of “bring it on,”
but in its place a quiet seriousness, yet a restful confidence that the task is impossible, but with God all
things are possible. So, like veterans of earthly wars, you develop a healthy respect of the enemy and a
quiet discipline in your life to know that it is not the past successes that count on the day of battle, but
the success of that day that matters. Even as your mind thinks of the success, your heart is keenly
aware of the price paid for the success, which places in you a behaviour and the stature of one who
knows to be prudent and keep silent, yet when the time is right, let out the God Almighty shout that
brings down the walls of Jericho. Forty years of discipline in the desert, which had told the second
generation of Israelites to obey God exactly, was more important than espousing their own judgements
and opinions on any matter as their forefathers had done. As such, in your speech, refining grace erases
all argumentativeness from your speech, leaving a holy silence that declares you know the Lord is God.
Even the way you move yourself, walk, or lay hands, begins to assume a stature of maturity so that even
the demons know that you have been discipled by the Holy One of Israel, and that failure generates
repentance from you and success produces humility.

However, refining grace does not only produce an evidence seen in your life, but it produces evidence
that is seen in the life of the fellowship, for the purpose of discipleship includes the production of one and
ones who love one another as Christ loved them. What should be evident to all who come in is the
presence of love for one another that is gracious, a graciousness that sets each and everyone free to
follow Jesus in the way Jesus wants them to follow Him, again without question and without arguments.
If you have the grace to befriend all, befriend all. If you have the grace to be alone in your solitude with
Christ to the apparent forsaking of one or all, then so be it, for God is merely testing each of us using
iron to sharpen iron as it were, or as He said to Jeremiah, making each of us a tester of metal and we are
the ores.13

Romans 7:24
Matthew 10
Matthew 17:17
Romans 8:1-2
Genesis 4:9
Romans 7:15
Galatians 3:10
Jeremiah 6:27

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It is the graciousness to permit one another to develop and manifest into the fullness of the stature that
Christ has in mind as we watch and pray for one another. If one corrects another, then it must be done
and received with the same refining grace, at times fiery and hard yet always having the cooling
presence of the River of Life so that both are strengthened in their fellowship with the Lord and then with
one another. Indeed, the Lord has said, “A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.”14
So, why should it surprise you that He will have someone appear to be like an enemy to you, your fellow
elect, if it is not to buffet you like a thorn in the flesh that allows the sufficiency of His grace to be
manifested, and His words, “My power is made perfect in weakness,”15 proved true.

Unless there is a fellowship of disciples, there can be no evidence of refining grace, only saving grace.
But if the Gospel is not preached, then how can even saving grace be evident in any fellowship? In the
absence of Grace, the void is filled by rules upon rules, do upon do, and that is exactly what you see in
fellowships where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is no longer preached with all desperation and earnestness
for the salvation of souls. In those who are confident of their richness as measured by the yardstick of
the world, they are more than glad to live in peace with those who do not yet know the Gospel, willingly
withholding the soul-saving Gospel lest they offend. And they wonder why there is little grace evident in
their lives, just rules upon rules, do upon do, words upon words, until the whole thing falls on them like
some white-washed wall for not a single blind man sees, no lame walk, no deaf hear, no lepers are
cleansed, and the Good News is only given to the rich and not to the poor.

As such, if one of the apostles of old were to come as Barnabas went to Antioch, would he see the
evidence of grace in our midst? And for us, it is not only saving grace that is to be amongst the evidence
that we present, but refining grace. And if we have not refining grace to offer as evidence that we have
been journeying on the road of discipleship, each carrying our cross as we follow Jesus, then how can
there be evidence of perfecting grace for the Overcomer Himself to see when He comes once more
into our midst as His feet touch the soil on the Mount of Olives and splits it in two?

James said, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.”16 But, we
would rather say, “Examine for yourselves the evidence of Grace in our midst.” In all humility, I submit
that I am not yet able to teach you what is the evidence of perfecting grace, for you are not yet able to
bear up under its demands. AMEN

Matthew 10:36
2 Corinthians 12:9
James 2:18

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Pre-existent Grace
(For Pre-existent Sinners)

This Grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed
through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and
immortality to light through the Gospel.1

If the Gospel is not preached, then how can the Grace, the life and the immortality be revealed? As such,
we must continue to pray that those fellowships who have replaced the Gospel of Salvation by Grace with
the false gospel of salvation by good works, will be convicted and be restored to preaching of the glorious
Gospel of Jesus and of God so that once more saving grace is manifested in the churches of Jesus Christ
before He arrives. Amen.

How did the saving grace of our Lord disappear from so many churches so that we hear nothing of
sinners coming to repentance and faith through them? The apostle Jude wrote for us: For certain men
whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly stepped in among you. They are godless
men, who change the Grace of our God into a licence for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only
Sovereign and Lord.2 Jude did not write: for men outside of the church have opposed us; no, he wrote:
they have secretly stepped in like a snake and have used the Name of our Lord and His church to further
their own ambitions without heeding to the voice of the Holy Spirit, nor do they listen to Jesus. Even if
they do, they do not listen to Jesus Christ as their only Sovereign and Lord. In their divided loyalty, they
will drop the commands of Jesus that do not agree with those they admire, or they just drop them
entirely. When James the Younger recommended that we Gentiles should uphold the Mosaic Law in part
rather than listen to Jesus, at that moment whether he knew it or not, he gave grounds for these men to
step into the church, for through James, the words of Jesus were no longer supreme but were reduced to
a place where they were only equal to the Mosaic Law. The Lord was no longer the Only Sovereign Lord
but became like a modern king who relied on parliament’s consent before his commands could and would
be enacted. Through James, other men, whom Paul referred to as men from James, began to reinstate
the observance of the Mosaic Law. Although they claimed to be godly, they were and are in fact godless,
for they deny the Father’s final will and testament before witnesses, both of Heaven and of Earth, when
He said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”3

There is no Grace of God revealed before Jesus Christ came, for as Paul wrote: It has now been revealed
through the appearing of our Saviour. For all who sinned in the Old Testament paid for their sins one
way or another, but through Jesus Christ, no sinner pays for their sin, for Christ died once for all if they
repent and believe when they first hear the Gospel. Sinners who have heard the Gospel and refuse to
believe and repent are already condemned to pay for their sins. Thus, men who substitute the words of
others for the words of Jesus, while holding up the Name of Jesus and the Person of Jesus through whom
the Grace was revealed, have turned the Grace of God into a licence for immorality (NIV) lasciviousness
(OKJV, NASB) lawless and wantonness (AMP), in short, a licence to sin.

To understand the working of God’s Grace for those who have believed and still sin, you must understand
what sin is in the life of an unbeliever, and what it is in the life of a believer and of a disciple. For an
unbeliever, sin is the master; for the believer, sin is to be avoided; but for the disciple, sin is to be
mastered. As such, those who do not listen to Jesus but use His Name as their source of authority,
power and salvation, have turned that Grace into a licence to sin. However, for those who listen to Jesus
and are constantly practising the words of Jesus, then the Grace of God becomes the licence to master

I am teaching you to make a clear distinction between a believer and a disciple from here on because, by
Grace the believer is saved by his faith, but he does not yet know God, for the knowledge of God is found
only in the practice of the words of Jesus. Only through the words of Jesus that we listen to and practise,
and only through the commands of Jesus that we hold onto can the Holy Spirit reveal Jesus to us for us
to know. A disciple is one who has come to know something of the Lord, for it was to disciples that He
said, “Don’t you know Me, Philip, even after I have been with you such a long time.”4 But to the woman
at the well, He said, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have
asked Him…”5

2 Timothy 1:9-10
Jude 4
Matthew 17:5
John 14:9
John 4:10

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As such, the Gospel must be preached to unbelievers to reveal God’s Grace in Jesus Christ so that they
may believe and be saved. However, not all believers are prepared to listen to Jesus; they are saved by
the Grace of God through faith in the Name of the Lord, but they may not be suitable for discipleship.
Indeed, like the believers of John 8:31, they may well turn against Jesus. You see, not every believer
accepts Jesus’ teachings. They will believe in His Name to secure their salvation, especially those who
are born into the faith by the will of man, but so fiercely loyal are they to their forefather’s doctrines and
traditions that they will not and cannot accept Jesus’ teachings. They will even argue with Jesus if He
were present now as He was with the believers of John 8:31. If you read from John 8:31-59, you find
that Jesus was addressing the Jews who had believed Him, saying, “If you hold to My teaching, you are
really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” But they replied, “We
are Abraham’s descendants…”6 And shortly after, they picked up stones to stone Him.7

Only those who will listen and obey are disciples, and even then, remember not every disciple can bear
the hard teachings of Christ and will desert Him.8 It is only when you learn to see clearly the difference
between a believer and a disciple that you understand that there is also a difference in how each one is to
deal with sin. Believers should avoid sin, that is, to not steal, not kill and so on, but for disciples whose
work is to listen to Jesus, the definition of sin as it applies to the general population is vastly different.
Sin is disobedience of God’s command to listen to Jesus. Thus, any who claim to be disciples of Christ
and step into our midst, yet cause disciples to listen to anyone else other than Jesus, have sinned and
have brought sin into the fellowship. Their message, which flows from the spirit of James the Younger’s
judgement of Acts 15, is, “You will do well to avoid these things.”9 Thus, by diverting the church from
the practice of the words of Jesus to the practice of the words of the Mosaic Law as an equal to the words
of Jesus, such men have turned the Grace of God into a licence for sin, including immorality. The history
of the church is filled with such examples to our shame.

Jude is right in warning you about men who turn the Grace of our God into a licence for sin, but for those
of you who have not shied away from the hard teaching of Christ, which is: “For My flesh is real food and
My blood is real drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him,”10 should
realise that every time you eat the flesh of Jesus and drink His blood as He commanded, even by faith,
by that same faith you have sinned against the command of the Father to His people when He said, “You
must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eat it
must be cut off.”11 Thus, every disciple who listens to Jesus and eats and drinks His blood as He
commanded, sins against the Levitical Law of God and is cut off by that Law. As such, the words of Jesus
for His disciples are not for the avoidance of sin, but for the mastery of sin. For Jesus Christ, in
commanding us to eat His flesh and drink His blood, used the very breaking of the command to set us
free completely from the old code into the new code where nothing is forbidden, just that not everything
is beneficial. And by beneficial, I mean not beneficial to God.

For Jesus came to save all who had died, all who live, and those who will live, for God’s Grace was pre-
existent before the creation of the world. It means that same Grace was available to Cain and his
descendants as well as to Seth and his descendants who are the Jews and the Gentiles, for all Jews and
all Gentiles come from Seth as Cain’s line was wiped out by the flood, unless Noah’s daughter-in-laws
were of Cain’s line, for Abel’s line had been wiped out by Cain. Jesus came to fulfil the Law and obey
everything the Father had commanded Him. In order to be the Saviour of Cain’s extinct line, He had to
also fulfil the command that the Father gave Cain when the Father said to Cain, “If you do what is right,
will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to
have you, but you must master it.”12

Jesus, who is without sin, became sin that we might be the righteousness of God through His mastery of
sin, whereby His silence before His accusers broke the Levitical Law without sinning, for it says, “If a
person sins because he does not speak up when he hears a public charge to testify regarding something
he has seen or learned about, he will be held responsible.”13 So, by His silence before His accusers, He
became responsible for their sins once for all. The mastery of sin is to use sin, which is the disobedience
of God’s command, to break the power of sin by subduing and subjugating it. Thus, by listening to Jesus,
we break the old code, but we do so in obedience of a far higher, superior code. In so doing, what
others, who live under the old code, consider as sin is no longer sin for us but a display of our mastery of
sin. As such, the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ for His disciples is not a licence to sin, no, never, but
rather, it is a licence to master sin.

John 8:31-33
John 8:59
John 6:66
Acts 15:29
John 6:55-56
Leviticus 17:14
Genesis 4:7
Leviticus 5:1

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The apostle Paul understood the Grace of God as a licence to master sin so, so well that he would even
use the father of sin as an instrument to teach some believers who had blasphemed not to sin, as he
wrote to Timothy about Hymenaeus and Alexander, Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I
have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.14 If those murderous zealots, who tortured
and killed those they considered heretics in the shameful history of the church, had really believed and
practised the words of Jesus Christ, they would never have used swords or fire, or the rack or whatever
foul instrument, but like Paul, would have merely handed them over to Satan. But then, if Paul had lived
in their time, they would have killed Paul as a blasphemer as well, no, worse still, as a cohort of Satan,
for did not Paul hand people over to Satan?

So, to understand God’s Grace more, know that Grace did not come as an after thought from God
because sin came, no, God’s Grace is pre-existent, it was there already before the creation of the world.
As such, the purpose of God’s Grace is not just to allow a sinner to be cleansed from his sins by
repentance and faith, no, but by that same spirit of repentance and faith, it is God’s will that man should
master sin. That is why He said to the first son of Adam who was being tempted by sin, “You must
master it,” or as the KJV would have it, “and thou shalt rule over him.” He did not say, “Avoid it,” no, He
said, “master it.” How could Cain master his sins of jealousy and murderous intent? He would do it by
unleashing his blood lust not on Abel but on the flock by killing more sheep, goats and lambs to make a
bigger sacrifice to God than Abel, and be reconciled to Abel by joining with Abel in making those blood
sacrifices since that is what pleases God.

That is why Jesus preached in Matthew, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near,”15 for believers who
would repent, believe and go to Heaven to avoid sinning again. But in Mark, He preached, “The time has
come, the Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News!”16 for those who would repent
and believe to go into the Kingdom of God where sin is mastered as God commanded Cain. When Cain
gave into sin, he became a son of the devil for he became a murderer and a liar. When the believers of
John 8 were, as Jesus said, “unable to hear what I say,” He said to them, “you belong to your father, the
devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.” 17 Any believer who is unable to hear what Jesus is
saying—unable—meaning they can’t bear what Jesus is saying or refuse to hear what He is saying—can
become a son of the devil, for anyone who fails to master sin has disobeyed God. For God did not say,
“Avoid sin,” but commanded the first son of Adam, “You must master it.”

Sin came through Adam, and Cain inherited it. It was his birthright as the first born of Adam by the Law
of Inheritance. As such, for Cain, there was no hope of avoiding sin, but only the hope of mastery of sin.
We are all sinners even after we are saved, and are like Paul as he wrote “For what I want to do I do not
do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the Law is good. As it is, it is
no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.”18 Cain had no choice—sin was already living in
him, whereas Adam invited sin in. As such, Adam could have avoided the sin, but not Cain. Cain could
only hope to master it.

Thus, to us who have chosen to take up the road of discipleship, God’s Grace permits us to master sin.
As it is, we sin when we drink the blood of Jesus Christ, and find ourselves cut off from the Law, which
gives power to sin, and so we disarm sin and render it powerless in our lives. That is why listening to
Jesus and obeying Him is actually, by definition, a sin according to the Levitical Law, yet in God’s eyes,
we have done what is right, for He said, “Listen to Him!”

Thus, the refining grace of discipleship does not produce a life that successfully avoids sin—no, but it
produces a life that has mastered sin. A life, which to those who seek to avoid sin, will seem like a life of
gluttony that is lived amongst the drunkards and the sexually immoral, the prostitutes. For that is what
they called Jesus: “ ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners”.’ ”19

That is why continuous repentance is commanded, for until you master sin, you will fail and sin. So,
repent for the Kingdom of God is seeking those who can and have mastered sin by God’s pre-existent
Grace. AMEN

1 Timothy 1:20
Matthew 4:17
Mark 1:15
John 8:43-44
Romans 7:15-17
Luke 7:34

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Grace or Law

The evidence of God’s Grace in the midst of the church must be the presence of those who are prepared
to testify about their salvation of Christ through no works of their own. Or else there is no salvation by
Grace through faith, but rather it would give way to a salvation, which is really based not on Grace but by
works or worse still, by birth. When that happens, you will have a synagogue, not a church, for those
who are Hebrews are Hebrews by birth, and those who are children of Abraham are children by the flesh
rather than by faith, if their righteousness was based on their birthright through the flesh. A synagogue
is composed of those who observe the Law for their righteousness, for to them, faith in God alone is
insufficient for salvation.

So, the time has come to clearly delineate the line between salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus
alone and the salvation that comes because of the Law. Those who are saved by faith in Jesus are saved
for membership into the family of God, for John wrote: Yet to all who received Him, to those who
believed in His Name, He gave the right to be children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor
of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.1 And by what process are they born? It is by
repentance and faith first into the Kingdom of Heaven and then into the Kingdom of God as they became
born again by the Spirit. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he
is born of water and the Spirit.”2

For Jews were born by the flesh into the Kingdom of Israel. Before they were old enough to decide for
themselves, they were all circumcised in the flesh into the covenant with Abraham. But that covenant of
circumcision was only the superficial evidence, for Abraham in truth had already received a greater
covenant and a greater circumcision, for it is written: Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him
as righteousness3 before the covenant of circumcision of the flesh was given: “You are to undergo
circumcision and it will be a sign of the Covenant between Me and you.”4

The history of Israel proved that the Hebrews circumcised their flesh but did not circumcise themselves in
their hearts by faith. As such, the repentance that Jesus called them to, “Repent, for the Kingdom of
Heaven is near,”5 was Jesus speaking to those who were circumcised of the flesh in observance of the
covenant with Abraham that predated the Law of Moses, a covenant that followed a righteousness that
came by faith. As such, the repentance that Jesus called for was the repentance not from failure to
observe the conditions of the covenant with Abraham, but repentance for they had not believed as
Abraham did. As such, it is repent and believe as Abraham did, for Abraham, when he left his homeland,
was not looking for a city built by man, but as Paul wrote: he was looking forward to the city with
foundations, whose Architect and Builder is God.6 As such, he was looking for the city that would be
coming down out of Heaven from God,7 a city into which entry was possible only to those whose names
are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.8 And as such, the impurity, the shamefulness or the deceitfulness
that excludes entry is not judged by the book of Moses, but rather by the Book of the Lamb. For the
book of the Law of Moses contains the names of all who were born Hebrew circumcised at the eighth day
in obedience to the Law, but the Book of the Lamb contains the names of all who believed in the
Testimony of God and the Gospel of His Son. As such, both circumcised and uncircumcised are there.

Their purity comes from the pureness of their faith in Jesus. Their shamelessness comes from their lack
of shame for Jesus, and their truthfulness comes from the fervency with which they worked for the glory
of the One who sent them. For according to their faith in the words of Jesus, they are considered so
impure that they must be cut off from God by the Law, and thus, by the Law, they are ones who are
shameful and considered in the same boat as those who are deceitful. Indeed, many who have professed
and held onto the promise of Jesus in the last 2000 years have died as ones who were deceitful and were
themselves deceived, for the Jesus whom they professed is coming soon, did not come before they died.
As such, to those who are confident of their righteousness according to the Law and look forward to being
welcomed by God in Heaven as if Jesus is never coming back, these are shameful, impure and deceitful.
But to Jesus and His Father, they are the ones He is seeking for His city from Heaven.

But those Hebrews, who believed in Jesus in John 8:31-59, were still clinging onto their righteousness as
descendants of Abraham, saying, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of
anyone.” The moment they said that, they denied the very Law they professed to hold onto, for the Law

John 1:12-13
John 3:5
Genesis 15:6
Genesis 17:10
Matthew 4:17
Hebrews 11:10
Revelation 21:10
Revelation 21:27

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of Moses was given to the descendants of Abraham after they were set free from slavery from Egypt. As
such, they were not set free from Egypt because they obeyed the Law, but were given the Law because
they were set free from Egypt. Their denial of the slavery in Egypt excluded them from being Abraham’s
children by birth, for all of Abraham’s children through Isaac and Israel (Jacob) 9 were subject to slavery
in Egypt, but were as the children of Abraham through Ishmael and Keturah who were never subject to
slavery in Egypt. As such, they, the descendants of Hagar’s son and Keturah’s sons, would never have
need of a Saviour from God to deliver them from slavery.

Thus, those who are confident of their righteousness by birthright and inheritance of the flesh, in denying
their slavery, are liars, which is why Jesus said, “You belong to your father, the devil.”10 They, the Jews,
had to repent so that they could also enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom that Abraham was
looking forward to by faith. Their repentance was to repent of their lack of faith in what Abraham
believed in as the source of their righteousness rather than Abraham’s circumcision as the source of their
righteousness. So, when Jesus said, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed,”11 He was
speaking to them of being set free from the obligations of the covenant that demands circumcision of the
flesh, for Jesus came and is the Kingdom of Heaven that Abraham was looking for by the faith he had
before circumcision came.

What do the believing Jews of John 8 teach us regarding to that which we face now? In the same way,
we now face many who believe in Jesus, but are confident that they have never been slaves because they
are descendants of the church by flesh, their baptism was done like the circumcision when they were
infants. No faith was called for and their righteousness comes from an observance of the Law handed
down by their forefather who proposed something easier for them, which is, we should not make it
difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain
from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from
blood.12 A law that delivered them into a cursed life in which even the Spirit of Grace could not move to
answer their prayers, for that would have the Holy Spirit Himself opposing Jesus’ words. Yet like the
Jews of John 8, these same believers will never believe you when you tell them they have been living
under a curse rather than the blessings of Jesus, for whether by deception or by their own laziness or
wickedness, they have not searched the Scriptures for the Jesus they profess, nor prayed in the secrecy
of their own torment to the One the Father appointed through whom all may approach, that is, through
whom they claim to believe in, Christ. They are just like the Jews who claimed to be descendants of
Abraham and that they had never been in slavery, therefore thought they were living in the blessings of
God; they do not listen to Jesus but love to listen to James who directs them to the Law for their
righteousness. Like the Jews of John 8, they will deny that they are living under a curse and so test God
to bless them when they have not listened to Jesus.

The command to “listen to Him (Jesus)” is not so hidden that one cannot find it, for we found it although
it took some searching. However, unless one is looking for the t/Truth, and testing out the teachings by
the Truth, the love of the falsehood that things have been made easier for us by the judgement of James,
will blind those who though they see, will not perceive, and though they hear, will not understand.

They will not understand, just as it was with Moses and Israel when Moses had gone to the Lord’s side,
the people called on Aaron to make them a god to worship. We have a much worse situation now. For
while Jesus was and is gone, even though He has promised to return, by Acts 15 He had not, and this
same spirit had arisen in them, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who
brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”13 Except, Aaron was coerced by
the people to make the calf but James needed no coercing to make his judgement, which in the eyes of
the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is more evil than the golden calf. As Aaron was to Moses,
so James is to Jesus. As the golden calf is to Israel, so the partial return to the Law is to the church. For
Egypt had many gods; with idols, Israel took only one, the calf. So, the Mosaic Law had many
requirements, but James took only four. The judgement of James is worse than the golden calf, for the
calf negated only the work of Moses who delivered them without a carved image to go before him, but
the recommendation not to drink blood negated the work of Jesus who shed His blood for us that we
might drink of it through faith in His words: “Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the (New)
Covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins,” after He took the cup, gave thanks
and offered it to them.14

Genesis 32:28; 35:10
John 8:44
John 8:36
Acts 15:19-20
Exodus 32:1
Matthew 26:27-28

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The cut is sharp and the line is clear. As the Israelites cannot have even one carved image, so, believers
must choose to either listen to Jesus or listen to James. Just as Jews cannot claim to be children of
Abraham and to never have been slaves, so those who put their faith in Jesus for their salvation cannot
listen to James to receive the blessings. There is no middle ground. So the Book of Grace delineates the
battle lines, not the peace treaty. That is why He who came full of Grace and Truth said, “Do not
suppose that I have come to bring peace to the Earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”15
That sword is the sword of the Spirit.16 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the
thoughts and attitudes of the heart.17 Just as the order was given to the Levites: “Each man strap a
sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his
brother and friend and neighbour.”18 So likewise, the strapping of the word of God to our hearts until it
overflows out of our mouths through persistent, persevering listening to retain and understand the words
of Jesus in ever increasing amounts, through unceasing practise of the word until we are able to expertly
handle it, will unleash the word as the sword that it is, and “from now on there will be five in one family
divided against each other…”19

The blessings can only come through Jesus Christ, for by Leviticus 26, those who “will not listen to Me
and carry out all these commands”20 are punished for disobedience by God and cursed by Moses.21 Your
firm adherence and obedience to the decree and command: “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am
well pleased. Listen to Him!”22 will unleash the blessings on all who listen to Jesus, all who repent and
believe; but on all who love to listen to James and will not repent but insist that James be preached and
practised in the churches, your obedience unsheathes the word of God to punish and even to curse so
that there will be a clear demarcation between those who listen to Jesus and those who listen to James.

It is a time of judgement. As James pronounced his judgement in Acts 15, so now we pronounce our
judgement in Acts 28:30 and turn verse 31 into the new chapters of Acts. Boldly and without hindrance
he preached the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Not for us the kingdom of Israel and the teaching about James. Choose you this day whom you will listen
to and whose words you will practise. Amen

Matthew 10:34
Ephesians 6:17
Hebrews 4:12
Exodus 32:27
Luke 12:52
Leviticus 26:14
Deuteronomy 28:15
Matthew 17:5; also Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35

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Grace Sufficient

“This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about Me in
the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”1 What did Jesus fulfil regarding the Law of Moses, the
Prophets and the Psalms when He came full of grace and truth, from the Father?2 The two key
ingredients that the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms highlight for men is the need, the promise and the
desire by God for men to have grace and truth.

The Law of Moses is impossible for any man to fulfil in its entirety and to keep fulfilled. Therefore as
such, the Law of Moses sets a standard that no man can hope to meet and maintain, even after they
have fulfilled it. It also sets out the truth of every man that we are liars, murderers, adulterers, coveters
of our neighbour’s goods, and forsakers of God at the first chance we have. Even as the Law was still
being given, Israel was only too keen to demonstrate how willing they were to worship an idol rather
than God, with even Aaron lying to Moses, saying, “Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the
fire, and out came this calf!”3 This was no more than a couple of weeks, in fact only seven days, after
the Lord had spoken to them and gave them the first of the commands.4 Within seven days of receiving
the Ten Commandments as we call them, Israel broke the second and third, and Aaron broke the ninth.
Since it is impossible for men to fulfil the commands and to keep them fulfilled, Grace from God is
needed. Thus, the Law points out our need for God’s Grace and the truth about us.

As Israel sank ever deeper into their quagmire of disobedience, rebellion and idolatry, the Lord began to
send the prophets who warned them of the dire consequences that they were reaping for themselves.
But beyond the prophesies of doom, God also spoke through them - Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel - of
Israel’s restoration and even the restoration of Israel’s enemies, the Ammonites, the Cushites and the
Egyptians. When you read as a person who does not know the word or the way of God, all the
prophecies of doom in the Old Testament appear to portray an angry, mean, and hurtful God. It is only
when you know and understand Him and His ways, that you can see that every time God threatened or
promised to destroy nations, He always said, “then they (and you) will know that I am the Lord.”5

Those who are ignorant of the way of God’s Grace and Truth will only see a boast from a vengeful God
when He says, “Then they will know that I am the Lord,” for that is what we mean when we humans say
it. However, now that we have the full counsel of the word of God through Jesus Christ, we know that
anyone who comes to know that He is the Lord, has eternal life, for Jesus said, “Now this is eternal life,
that they may come to know Him, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.”6 That is why
God would and can later say of these nations, “I will restore the fortunes of the Ammonites,7 of Moab,”8
and even of Sodom, for He says, “I will restore the fortunes of Sodom.”9

As such, the manifestation of the destruction was to ensure that the pre-existent Grace of God would
come into its full purpose. For Grace that is manifested without the proper correction and rebuke, even
discipline and a strike, is wasted like pouring fresh milk into a jug of sour milk. But Grace manifested
after the correction, the rebuke and even the strike is like pouring fresh milk into a jar that is cleansed
and made fit to receive it.

How will God restore the fortunes of Sodom? Notice, He says, “the fortunes of Sodom,” the very
prosperity that made Sodom proud together with her sister Gomorrah so that they were wiped out to a
blade of grass.10 It is not as if God is going to just restore the people, but He says its fortunes as well. If
God’s Grace was one that allowed for a temporary restoration and then would be spoiled by sin, then the
Grace has come as an afterthought of sin. But because God’s Grace is pre-existent, it existed before the
world was created, that means before sin came into the world through Satan’s temptation of Eve, God’s
Grace is not in anyway affected by the world’s sin so it can remove the sin of the world. No wonder that
John the Baptist testified, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”11 Because it is
pre-existent, it can bring the sinner back to a state before there was sin and keep the sinner from sinning
and from the effects of sin.

Luke 24:44
John 1:14
Exodus 32:24
Exodus 20:1-17, 22
Ezekiel 25:7 for Ammon; 25:11 for Moab; 25:17 for Philistia
John 17:3
Jeremiah 49:6
Jeremiah 48:47
Ezekiel 16:53
Genesis 19:25
John 1:29

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As such, God’s Grace is not given to allow a person to keep on sinning, but to provide a means by which
a person can stop sinning. It does so through Jesus Christ because through Jesus Christ, the old Law has
been fulfilled, and for all who listen to Him enough to eat His flesh and drink His blood to have
themselves cut off from the Law that pointed out to us we need Grace and Truth, have come to the place
where Grace alone is all they have to receive mercy from God. Thus, those who are listening to Jesus
have stopped sinning according to the standards of the old Law, and if they sin, it is the sin living in their
flesh that does it, for their minds are now captive to God’s Law: “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him
I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”12

So, for those who no longer place their confidence in the righteousness afforded by observance of the
Mosaic Law, but acknowledge that God’s testimony of Jesus Christ is the truth and are captive in their
minds to this command: “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!” are
like Abel. They have come into a covenant, an agreement, with God. They have agreed with God that
Jesus is His Son, and if they are well pleased with Jesus also, then they are standing with God. They
have identified themselves with God as Abel did when he shed blood to make his sacrifice in memory of
the blood shed by God to cover up the nakedness of Abel’s parents after they sinned.

When you stand in agreement with God concerning Jesus Christ, and you listen to Jesus, you are cut off
from God according to the Law, then all your confidence and the confidence of your faith must rest on
Jesus. That is what truly pleases God. Jesus Christ is able to take away the sin of the world because
God’s Grace existed before the creation of the world, a Grace that the world had never seen, for the word
of Grace dwelt in the Father and was not seen by men until He became flesh. But for Satan, no such
grace is available, for he lived before the world was created and his sin co-existed with the Grace of God,
not after the Grace of God. As such, Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world, but He does
not take away the sin of Satan. For when Satan said, “If You are the Son of God…”13 he insulted and
blasphemed the Holy Spirit, for it was clearly announced through the angel to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will
come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be
called (holy,) the Son of God.”14

Who did Satan really insult when he said, “If You are the Son of God…” but the Holy Spirit, and since
Satan knew the Lord God and had come into His presence,15 he blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Thus for him
there is no salvation; no redemption; and no restoration; but only judgement and eternal damnation in
the Lake of Burning Sulphur. At least the demons did not insult the Holy Spirit or slander the holy angel
Gabriel, but loudly declared, “I know who You are—the Holy One of God!”16 That is why although it is
written that Satan and his angels are thrown to Earth,17 it is not written that Satan and his angels are
thrown into the Lake of Fire, but only Satan, Death, the false prophet, the beast and anyone whose name
is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.18

So, the prophets reveal the Grace promised—and what a Grace—sufficient not only for the restoration
and deliverance of Zion, but even for the restoration of the fortunes of Sodom. No wonder Jesus so
confidently said to Paul, “My Grace is sufficient for you.”19 Sufficient enough to allow all men who listen
to Jesus to have themselves cut off from God according to the Law by eating His flesh and drinking His
blood and to boldly approach the throne of God and still find mercy in their times of need. However, if
we think that Jesus’ Grace is sufficient only for the forgiveness of sin, we are wrong and again have
underestimated the Grace of God, for it is sufficient for the mastering of sin as well as for the forgiveness
and the avoidance of sin. So sufficient that when Sodom has her fortunes restored to her, she will not
sin again but will master the sin that was brought by her fortunes. That is the Grace that the prophets
prophesied, which was promised through the word of God.

The psalmist David cried out in the depth of his sin, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a
steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore
to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”20 He captivated the need for
God’s Grace to one who had fallen after God had been gracious to him, Grace that is enduring and ever
present, undamageable, and undestroyable by sin, a need for Grace that is not negated by sin, but
overcomes sin. That is why, through faith in Jesus and the practice of His words to eat His flesh and
drink His blood, we have that Grace that sin cannot negate. The eating of the flesh of Jesus and the

Matthew 17:5; also Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35
Matthew 4:6
Luke 1:35
Job 1-2
Luke 4:34
Revelation 12:9
Revelation 20:15
2 Corinthians 12:9
Psalm 51:10-12

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drinking of His blood is the proof that defiance of Leviticus 17:10-12 cannot negate the Grace, but by the
mysterious paradoxes of God opens for us the fullness of God’s Grace, which dwells only in Jesus Christ.

So, when the psalmist said, “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He
who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is
false,”21 he voices the desire of men for God’s Grace. For if not even David, who was so blessed of God,
could keep his heart pure and his hands clean, who can? And when he again asked, “Lord, who may
dwell in Your sanctuary? Who may live on Your holy hill?” although he defined it, saying, “He whose walk
is blameless…”22 what man’s walk is blameless, for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory? So,
but for the Grace of God, no man, no one, not even Abraham, could ascend the hill of the Lord, much
less dwell in His sanctuary.

But yet, the desire of the psalmist was: “Turn to me and be gracious to me,”23 “be gracious to me
through Your Law… be gracious to me according to Your promise.”24 Clearly, the desire of the psalmist’s
heart is for God’s Grace. So desperate was he for God’s Grace that he even asked God to be gracious to
him through the Law, which holds no promise of Grace but sure punishment for the breaking of it. So, in
Jesus Christ, God fulfilled the psalmist’s desire through His promise to Satan, the originator of sin, when
God said, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He
will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.”25

Jesus Christ, full of Grace and Truth, in fulfilling the Law, allowed God to bring forth the new Law, “Listen
to Him!” which brought all men who listened to Jesus become fully dependant on Grace alone for their
righteousness before God, so that it would no longer be on the pureness of heart, nor cleanness of hands,
nor blamelessness of a walk by which men could ascend the hill of God to live in His sanctuary, but
through faith in Christ alone. That fullness of Grace in Jesus is evident for He commanded all from the
beginning to “Repent” and in the end to “Repent.” The fact that we must be in continuous repentance
states that our hearts, our hands and our walk are never continuously pure, clean or blameless. As such,
through God’s Grace, it is no longer the pure hearted, or the clean handed, or those whose walk is
blameless who ascend the hill, but those who are faithful and diligent in the believing of Jesus Christ and
the practice of His words, even if it is to “Repent” unceasingly.

Thus, those who have listened to James are deceived, for by reintroducing the Law of Moses into the lives
of those who are cut off by the Law through listening to Jesus, the teaching of James deceives those who
are cut off from God that they may ascend the hill of the Lord through a pure heart, cleansed hands and
a blameless walk, when God declared, “For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual
immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and
folly,”26 and the cleansing of hands is like cleaning the vessel on the outside only, and no man can walk
blameless before God for all have sinned.

Such is the sufficiency of God’s Grace through Jesus Christ, that Jesus said confidently, “Everything must
be fulfilled that is written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” And by that
‘everything’, He means even the need, the promise and the desire for Grace. Amen.

Psalm 24:3-4
Psalm 15:1-2
Psalm 25:16
Psalm 119:29,58
Genesis 3:15
Mark 7:21-22

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The Alpha and the Omega

(Grace began it and Grace will end it)

“This is what is written: ‘The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance
and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His Name to all nations.”1

The concept of the mastery of sin is so foreign to us that unless there is a complete and full
understanding of the Grace of God, it cannot be a subject that can be practised, much less taught, for the
avoidance of sin is what we are familiar with, and repentance for the failure of the avoidance of sin and
forgiveness for the failure to avoid the sin is what we know well. As such, the repentance and
forgiveness that is often sought and thought of is the repentance and forgiveness for sins that we failed
to avoid, which harks back to the words of the letter from the elders of Jerusalem who adopted James
the Younger’s judgement, “You do well to avoid these things.”2

But what would have been Jesus’ judgements concerning sin? Would Jesus say, “You do well to avoid
these things,” or does not the life of Christ fulfil these words of Samuel: “To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed [listen3] is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and
arrogance like the evil of idolatry”?4 For Christ heard what the Father said, then repeated it and obeyed
the Father exactly as He was commanded. By now you must surely realise that the teaching of Christ
that most of His disciples rejected in John 6:53-54 is not made up by Jesus, but was given to Him by the
Father, even though it brings about the judgement of Leviticus 17:10. “Any Israelite or any alien living
among you who eats any blood—I will set My face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off
from his people.” For Jesus said, “the world must learn that I love the Father, and that I do exactly what
My Father has commanded Me,”5 even if it meant teaching His disciples to do something that broke the
Law of Moses at Leviticus 17:10-15 to bring the judgement of having God’s face set against you and
being cut off from the people.

It is as if Jesus Himself forgot His own teaching when He said, “Anyone who breaks one of the least of
these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven,
but whoever practises and teaches these commands will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”6 As
such, you may say that Christ made Himself least in the Kingdom of Heaven, or rather, God did by giving
Him what He had to teach so that, as it is written: You made Him a little lower than the Heavenly beings
[the angels7],8 the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven before Earth was created. Yet, did Christ lose
anything, for this present Heaven is destined for destruction so the present Kingdom of Heaven is to be
destroyed, but the Kingdom of God lasts forever?

Thus, the Spirit of the Lord is not a spirit that says, “You do well to avoid these things,” but rather, He is
the One who whispers, “This is the way, walk in it.”9 For God is not a God who shows us what to avoid,
but rather the way to go, for again He said, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for
you, who directs you in the way you should go.”10 The Spirit of the Lord, the attitude of the Lord, is one
of being proactive rather than inactive. That is why even to Cain God did not say, “You should avoid the
sin,” but, “You must master it.”11 As such, the repentance and forgiveness that is in the Name of Jesus is
firstly repentance for sins committed and forgiveness of sins committed for unbelievers that they may
repent and be saved.

However, for believers, it is repentance and forgiveness of sins that they failed to avoid as they are
growing up in the Lord, so that the power of sin remains broken in those who are in Christ Jesus. And as
Paul wrote: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through
Christ Jesus the Law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the Law of Sin and Death.12 And how did we
receive the Spirit that we may be under His Law? Or, as Paul wrote to the Galatians: Did you receive
the Spirit by observing the Law or by believing what you heard?13 We received the Spirit of Life because
we believed that which we heard from Jesus: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on

Luke 24:46-47
Acts 15:29
1 Samuel 15:22-23
John 14:31
Matthew 5:19
Psalm 8:5
Isaiah 30:21
Isaiah 48:17
Genesis 4:6
Romans 8:1-2
Galatians 3:2

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you.”14 This was why the Holy Spirit was not ashamed of Cornelius and his household, even as Peter
stood there preaching reluctantly, causing Peter to say, “Can anyone keep these people from being
baptised with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.”15 For Cornelius’ household
received the Holy Spirit even though they were yet uncircumcised in the flesh! But like Peter, we forget
what God teaches us and are only too easily persuaded by men who seem to have a reputation, so that
later Paul would have to openly rebuke him of hypocrisy when Peter reverted to the partial observance of
the Law of Moses under the influence of men from James the Younger. You can read this in Galatians

So the Spirit whom we received under whose Law we are set free from the Law of Sin and Death was
received through repentance and forgiveness of sins. Should it surprise you that the continued practices
of repentance and forgiveness of sins will continue to keep us free from sin and its wages of death?

But as believers, we repent and forgive not because we have sinned in ignorance, no, but rather we
sinned because we did not believe the words of Jesus, words that we may be ignorant of for no one told
us these words, but rather gave us their words in their doctrines, traditions and catechisms. Even though
it was sin out of ignorance, it is still sin. For others, they heard the word but did not believe it, for the
command is “Repent and believe.”16 Thus, believers need to also repent above all else of unbelief, for
their unbelief makes a hypocrite of them when they call themselves “believers of Christ”. The
forgiveness they need is to repent of their lack of faith. That is why Jesus called the nine at the bottom
of the mountain an “unbelieving and perverse generation,”17 for they had not believed His words when He
gave them authority to drive out evil spirits18 and to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who
have leprosy, drive out demons;”19 and so He told them plainly, “because you have so little faith.”20
Thus, there is a repentance and forgiveness that must still be preached to believers that is in the Name of
Jesus. It is, “Lord, forgive us of our unbelief,” or better still to cry out, “help me overcome my
unbelief!”21 How sad that it was not the nine who cried out but rather the father of the boy. Thus
repentance of unbelief and forgiveness of the sin of unbelief must be preached in His Name also, for then
they may find themselves suitable for discipleship.

For the faith required for discipleship is the faith to believe in the words of Jesus and not just His Name.
For all who call upon the Name of the Lord will be saved, but only those who hear His words and put
them into practice are His disciples. Thus, the repentance and forgiveness of sin for disciples is
repentance from failing to practise the words of Jesus, not failing to believe, but failing to practise what
we have heard. Thus, the practice of the words of Jesus sets a disciple free from judgement that is
based on failure and success. Hence, even in the area of listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit, a
mistake made in the hearing is still not a lie, for the Lord said, “He who works for the honour and glory of
the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.”22 It is the Holy Spirit who
knows the attitude and it is He who will manifest the word as He wishes and wills.

What it requires from disciples is repentance and forgiveness of one another. For these teachings: - “For
if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do
not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”23 “When you stand praying, if you hold
anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in Heaven may forgive you your sins.”24 “This
is how My Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.”25
“Forgive, and you will be forgiven.”26 “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If
he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive
him.”27 “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive
them, they are not forgiven.”28 - are not given to unbelievers or believers, but to the disciples as they
progressed in their studies under the Lord’s teaching. They are repentance and forgiveness of each
other’s failures in the practice of the words of Jesus without condemnation, for the practice is the
obedience, not the success.

Acts 1:8
Acts 10:47
Matthew 21:32; Mark 1:15
Mark 9:19; Luke 9:41
Mark 5:7
Matthew 10:8
Matthew 17:20
Mark 9:24
John 7:18
Matthew 6:14-15
Mark 11:25
Matthew 18:35
Luke 6:37
Luke 17:3-4
John 20:22-23

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But for the overcomers, their repentance and forgiveness, which is in the Name of Jesus, is based on
their inability to master the sin as they are commanded. For though you may be even more seasoned an
apostle than Paul if that were possible, you can still fail to master the very gospel you preach, which is to
practise perfectly the gospel you preach yet fall short. For Paul himself, who serves as the inspiration for
those who are set aside by the Holy Spirit for His work, was deceived or persuaded by the elders of
Jerusalem to participate in partial observance of the Law,29 in contradiction to what he wrote and rebuked
Peter over in his letter to the Galatians.30 What was Paul’s sin then in Acts 21, a man who should have
died when he was stoned and left for dead in Lystra and yet lived, for Paul is the only living martyr
documented for us in the book of Acts by Luke?31 It was not a sin that brought him condemnation, but
rather, it was the sin of failing to master the sin, the sin of reverting back to justification by observance
of the Law, especially when his gospel is the Gospel of Salvation by Grace through Faith and not by
observance of the Law.

Was Paul condemned? No. Was he brought under correction and discipline? Yes. Did it make him more
effective as a worker and also as one who the Lord could use to teach? Yes. That is why of the 23 books
or letters written by disciples, Paul is directly credited with 13 of them, with the letter to the Hebrews
being anonymously penned, whilst the other 9 are penned by 5 other disciples. Even John had only 4
books, though he was given the honour of the last and greatest book, the Revelation, for love is greater
than faith and hope.

Thus, not only is repentance continuous, but to be complete, forgiveness of sins is also unceasing. That
is the confidence that you will have in the sufficiency of the Grace of God. For the Gospel of Jesus Christ
that gives us the forgiveness of sins through repentance came by the Grace of God poured out through
Jesus Christ. This Grace that came first like a shower from Heaven to cleanse us and collected into a
brook to sustain us, will continue to grow into a river that can sustain a nation until it becomes a sea that
can sustain the world. Grace will never stop being poured out as long as there is repentance and
forgiveness, because we believe that which we have heard from He who sent the Spirit of Life.

And the Law of the Spirit of Life, which comes into existence for all because the Lord spoke what the
Father commanded Him to say and the Father said, “Listen to Him,” is: “Whoever has will be given
more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from
him.”32 To those who receive God’s Grace to repent and believe, more Grace is given until they have an
abundance; such an abundance that it is like rain that washes away the filth in the brook, which carries it
to the river that carries it into the sea, to be covered over forever. That is the abundance of God’s Grace
and that is why it is sufficient; sufficient to wash all sinners of their sins as they come into the Kingdom
of Heaven because they repent; sufficient to sustain a believer as they develop more faith to follow Jesus
and become a disciple to enter the Kingdom of God; sufficient to sustain a nation of disciples as they
practise His words until they are elected to be overcomers. And God’s Grace is sufficient for those who
would aspire to the fullness of the stature of the Overcomer that even as they master sin, they will not be
condemned if they fail, because the second death has no power over the overcomer, for Jesus said, “He
who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.”33

To obey and listen is better than any sacrifice or burnt offering, so, what if you hear something that if
you were to obey it would cause you to be cut off from your people? Therefore, repent and forgive as
you desire and need to repent and forgive, for until the Lord comes and changes us in the twinkling of an
eye,34 we will continue in our wrestle against all sin, even as we are being perfected into His likeness.
For the fullness of the stature of Christ in us is the fullness of the stature of the Master of Sin, He whose
rule is so extensive that even sin is subject to His rule, thus fulfilling His Father’s command to Cain, son
of Adam: “You must master it. Thou shalt rule over him.”35

Did not our Lord and King say, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been
doing. He will do greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”36 He also asked,
“However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on Earth?”37 So, let us ensure He does find
faith, the faith of believers; the faith of disciples; and the faith of overcomers. And by His Grace we will
stand before Him as we continuously repent and unceasingly forgive. AMEN

Acts 21:22-26
Galatians 2:4,11-21
Acts 14:19-20
Matthew 13:12; 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18
Revelation 2:11
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
Genesis 4:7 [NIV, OKJV]
John 14:12
Luke 18:8

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 03.02.2007

The Spirit of Grace Insulted

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins
is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of
God. Anyone who rejected the Law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three
witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the
Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him,
and who has insulted the Spirit of Grace?1

When you first read this or are taught this as a baby Christian, you would think, as most still do, that
sinning has to do with disobeying the moral code of the Mosaic Law. This is true only for those who are
still under the Law of Moses and for those who have heard the Gospel preached to them but who have
not put their faith in Jesus Christ. Those who have neither heard the Gospel nor Moses preached are not
subject to judgement under the Law of Moses or condemnation for refusing to believe in the Gospel of
Jesus, but are judged under their own law, the law God has written on their hearts and according to the
faith they profess to have and the laws of that faith.

The writer of the Hebrew wrote: If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge
of the truth, then what is the knowledge of the truth other than: “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him
I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”2 That is the ultimate truth spoken by the Father of Truth about the
Truth Himself. Thus, the deliberate sin referred to in the letter of the Hebrews is the deliberate refusal to
listen to Jesus and the deliberate turning away from the words of Jesus to anybody else’s words, even to
the Father’s words in the Old Testament without first seeing it in the context of Jesus’ words.

It should be obvious to anyone who has spent time listening to Jesus properly, that the Lord has
systematically and methodically changed the Law of Moses in His teachings of Matthew 5, 6 and 7. For
example, Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder and anyone
who murders will be subject to judgement.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will
be subject to judgement.”3 And again, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I
tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his
heart.”4 I quote these two examples because these two laws are directly from the Ten Commandments,
which came from the mouth of God and not the mouth of Moses. Even with these holy commands of the
Father’s, Jesus said, “But I tell you…” as if to say, “You listen to Me even though the Father previously
said something else.” If the Father’s command was not, “Listen to Him,” then Jesus would be guilty of
sin and rebellion, but because the Father said, “Listen to Him,” then we have to do what Jesus tells us
even when it is different to what the Father told us, much less what Moses told us.

As such, the judgment that is coming first, for judgement begins in the house of God, is when, “the Son
of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out of His kingdom everything that causes sin and all
who do evil. They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of
teeth.”5 Note that the weeding begins in the Kingdom of the Son of Man, not in the kingdoms of the
world, so that it will be done first through the church to all who cause sin and all who do evil. What
causes sin is anything that causes a disciple not to listen to Jesus, and those who have heard the words
of Jesus and will not practise them, but practise someone else’s words are doing evil.

So, who is the man who has trampled the Son of Man underfoot? He is the one who seeks to substitute
the words of Jesus with his own words in the church. He is the one who attempts to pronounce a
judgement that is superior to Jesus’ judgement; men like James the Younger and his disciples. 6
Whenever you substitute the words of Jesus with the words of the Old Covenant, you have trampled on
the Son of Man and have treated as unholy the blood of the covenant that sanctifies us, that is, sets us
apart from the Law of Moses unto the Law of Jesus. For to such men, the drinking of blood remains
forbidden. And when you disregard the words of Jesus and His work, you have insulted the Spirit of
Grace, for Jesus came by the Holy Spirit and was empowered by the Holy Spirit and raised by the Holy
Spirit. Jesus is the entire work, pride and joy of the Holy Spirit. The Grace of God could not be
manifested if the Holy Spirit had not agreed to overshadow Mary and conceive in her the Christ. Nor
could Jesus perform His ministry with His power or be raised from the dead if it were not for the Holy
Spirit’s power.

Hebrews 10:26-29
Matthew 17:5
Matthew 5:21-22 (Exodus 20:13)
Matthew 5:27-28 (Exodus 20:14)
Matthew 13:41
Galatians 2:12-13

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Thus, when we are ignorant as to what constitutes sin for a disciple and what constitutes sin for a non-
disciple, we are grieving the Holy Spirit, and when we call what is under the Law of Moses as sin for those
who are under the Law of Jesus, we insult the Holy Spirit. For it is by faith in the words of Jesus that we
put into practice the eating of the bread and the drinking of the wine as if it were His flesh and blood
because He said it is. As such, the Holy Spirit will always treat us as ones who are cut off from our
people by the Law of Moses and have God’s face set against us. But what sort of face can God set
against us when what we have done has been done in obedience to His command, “Listen to Him,” and
Jesus commanded us to eat and drink the flesh and blood of a Man, His?

Thus, all who are listening to Jesus and are practising His words are no longer judged by the standard of
the Mosaic Law. We are no longer under that Law for we have been condemned by that Law already for
listening to Jesus. As such, we are judged according to how we listen to Jesus, which is why Jesus said,
“Consider carefully how you listen,”7 and that is, what is the attitude with which you listen, careless or
carefully, and whether you are listening for His glory or for your glory. We, who are condemned by the
Mosaic Law but set free by the Law of the Son, are sinning whenever we do not listen to Jesus carefully.
When we do not listen carefully, we are listening in a forsaking manner and wickedness is the forsaking
of God. When we do not put into practice diligently what we have heard from Jesus, we are guilty of the
sin of laziness. These are the two sins that get a servant expelled from the Kingdom of Heaven –
wickedness and laziness. As such, the deliberate sins that the writer of Hebrews 10:29 is writing about
are firstly the sin of wickedness in the forsaking of the words of Jesus and the sin of laziness in not
practising His words. Committing both sins deliberately will subject you to judgement. However, many
in the Kingdom are not wicked by choice but by ignorance, yet they are not lazy in putting into practice
what they have heard. They will not be subject to the full punishment but rather be given the grace to
see the error of the way they were led into and repent. They only need to remember to be merciful to
those who misled them. Some are not wicked, indeed they do listen carefully to the words of Jesus yet
they do not diligently put them to practice, but rather they practise them casually. As such, they are not
likely to be profitable in what they do although they do do something. Such servants face the possibility
of not being mentioned by the Lord for a reward, like the seven servants who also received a mina were
not mentioned.8

As such, insulting the Spirit of Grace, means for you and me, being ashamed and even causal about the
practice of the words of Jesus. Indeed, if we consider practising the words of Jesus as something that is
not befitting us, we insult the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is Himself carefully listening to the
conversations between the Son and the Father, as well as carrying out everything that Jesus has asked
Him to do continuously, unceasingly and joyfully. Thus, anyone who diligently, unceasingly and
continuously puts into practice the words of Jesus to do what He has told us to do and to do what He told
us to believe for, the Holy Spirit will be to him the Spirit of Grace so that when the disciple fails in his
practice of the word, the Holy Spirit will be there with all Grace to sustain that disciple. It is this Grace
that flows through us as we eat and drink the flesh and blood of Jesus so that we are not condemned by
the Law of Moses but set free by the Grace of God because the power of the Holy Spirit permits us to see
the face of God and live, as Jesus sees the face of God and lives.

It is the certainty that we have this Grace and the basis by which this Grace flows to us in an
unbreakable river that will permit us to master sin and have dominion over it. As such, the mastery of
sin is not the deliberate sinning as Hebrews 10:29 would have you think, indeed, those who seek to
master sin have already offered a righteous sacrifice of listening and obeying what God said to Cain. To
listen and to obey is better than sacrifice and burnt offerings, Samuel said.9 Sacrifice and burnt offerings
may look righteous to men, whereas walking around stripped and cooking bread over dung may look
sinful, but then those who had walked around stripped and cooked bread over dung had listened and
obeyed what they heard, but those who offered burnt offerings have not listened and obeyed.

In the same way, those who listened and obeyed Jesus will look as out of place as Isaiah and Ezekiel in a
church that prefers to listen to James the Younger and his teachings. But then, those who profess to
listen to James have not really listened, for when they practise and teach from his letter in the church to
the church, they have not listened carefully to James either, for James began the first line of his letter
with: To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: greetings.10 His letter was never addressed to
the twelve churches scattered amongst the nations. As such, stand firm in your efforts to listen to Jesus,
for those who claim to listen to James themselves do not listen carefully, and they have only judged
themselves and condemned themselves by their own words when they oppose you for listening to Jesus.

Luke 8:18
Luke 19:12-26
1 Samuel 15:22
James 1:1

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As such, it is vital for you who are being taught the Grace of God to know what truly grieving the Holy
Spirit and insulting the Spirit of Grace are. When we listen to Jesus but do not practise diligently the
words of Jesus, we ignore the Holy Spirit. For when Paul wrote to the Ephesians: And do not grieve the
Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption, he mentioned what would
grieve Him: bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. And he
showed us what comforts the Holy Spirit: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each
other, just as in Christ God forgave you.11 For it is the continuous diligent practice of the words of Jesus
that will help you to be rid of all bitterness, which comes from unforgiveness; rage, which comes from
anger fuelled by unforgiveness; and anger itself leading to brawling and slander, which is bearing false
witness against each other with malice - by the practice of continuous repentance.

Those who are in a habit of grieving the Holy Spirit will find it difficult to take offence at the insulting of
the Holy Spirit. Indeed, if you yourself do not care enough for a person not to grieve them, you will not
care if they are insulted. But those who carefully listen to and diligently practise Jesus’ words, and who
seek to comfort the Holy Spirit, will become most sensitive to the insulting of the Holy Spirit by those
men who have trampled Jesus underfoot, and considered the blood of the covenant as something unholy
and should not be drunk. When you feel the insults for the Holy Spirit, you will be ready to receive the
fullness of Grace that is needed for the mastery of sin. For the mastery of sin is not the act of
deliberately sinning as some do after we have received the truth, but rather, it is our continuing effort to
prove the Lord true in all His words, even in doing what He has been doing and doing even the greater
things as He said in John 14:12. The ability to master sin is what He did, so then we can do likewise.
But for that we must come to the place where the Spirit of God is the Spirit of PURE GRACE and that
place is found only in the company of those who have lost their head for their testimony of Jesus and the
word of God.12 They are subject to no judgement for the Lake of Fire has no power over them, thus they
are subject only to the Spirit of Grace and not the Spirit of Judgement.

Thus, when we talk now of sin, we speak of sinning against the Law of Jesus and not the Law of Moses.
The priorities are vastly different as you shall see. Paul wrote: forgiving each other, just as in Christ God
forgave you. Under the Law of Christ, unforgiveness is warned against and forgiveness is taught in
Matthew 6:12-14; 18:21-35; Mark 11:25; Luke 6:37; 11:4; 17:3-4 and John 20:23 (seven times
altogether). And when Jesus spoke about His authority, His authority to forgive sins is repeated three
times in Mathew 9:6; Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24, whereas His authority to take up His own life again is
mentioned only once in John 10:18. Yet not once in Exodus or Deuteronomy is the command to forgive
ever given, but rather the command to execute judgement was given.

In another comparison, only once did Jesus teach with regards to sexual immorality, and that was the
definition of what adultery is for a disciple when He said, “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has
already committed adultery with her in his heart.” The punishment for that is the loss of sight so one
could no longer look at a sight like that, but the Holy Spirit can just as easily restore with His power
through repentance. However, in the old Law, an entire chapter is devoted to sexual immorality and its

It is clear then what is sin under the Mosaic Law is not sin for those under the Law of Jesus, for sin under
the Law of Jesus carries a much higher standard, and since it is an attitude of the heart as well as an
action, it is a higher standard to fulfil. That is why there must be unceasing repentance and continuous
forgiveness. No wonder then that the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Grace to those who lift up Jesus and
rejoice at the sanctification that is available for those who drink His blood. For Jesus set for us a much
higher and more difficult standard of sin to master than the Mosaic Law with its external rituals. As such,
anyone who listens to Jesus and desires to do that which He has done is guaranteed the Spirit of Grace.

For he who seeks to master sin deliberately has listened and obeyed the Father where Cain failed, and
has begun to do what Jesus had done for us—mastered the sin to give us life. AMEN

Ephesians 4:30-32
Revelation 20:4

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 07.02.2007

Grace – God’s New Plumb

When one speaks of a plumbline, one thinks of an uncompromising standard by which all are judged in
the same way as a builder uses a plumbline to judge the quality of a wall that has been built, and against
that plumbline, that which may appear to be adequate and straight and even that which may appear to
meet the standard, is found to fall short.

To the prophet Amos, whose ministry was to Israel, that is the ten tribes that were separated from Judah
and placed under the house of Jeroboam I, the son of Nebat, God promised, “I am setting a plumbline
among My people Israel; I will spare them no longer.”1 To see the plumbline in context, we must first
look at Amos’ ministry. His was the ministry to Jeroboam II in Israel, the seventh last King of Israel after
which God waited about 55 years before bringing to pass all the destruction decreed by Amos. The
plumbline was revealed to Amos after Amos pleaded with God not to use locusts to strip the land or fire
to dry up the great deep and devour the land, as Amos interceded each time, saying, “Sovereign Lord,
forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!” “Sovereign Lord, I beg You, stop! How can Jacob
survive? He is so small!”2 So, at the third time, the Lord showed Amos: The Lord was standing by a
wall that had been built true to plumb, with a plumbline in His hand.3

Any builder knows that a wall not built true to the plumb must be demolished and cannot be made or
remain part of the house if the house is to be true to its design and not crack or fall down. The Lord
standing by the wall is Jesus—He is the only One who has the plumbline in His hand. As the Lord was
revealed by the Lord after Amos’ plea for mercy on Israel’s behalf, then the appearance of the Lord next
to the wall with the plumbline is the result of God’s Mercy and Grace. The plumbline has two parts, the
line and the plumb that weighs down the line, so in the same way, Jesus came full of Grace and Truth,
from the Father.4 The plumbline is not a plumbline without the line and plumb together, and as such, the
ministry of Jesus is not just grace or just truth, but Grace and Truth together.

God showed Amos the judgement, saying, “I will spare them no longer. The high places of Isaac will be
destroyed and the sanctuaries of Israel will be ruined; with My sword I will rise against the house of
Jeroboam.”5 There is no mention by God of repentance being available for the people of Israel. The
appearance of the plumbline set judgement in place once and for all.

What then is the plumbline of Grace and Truth that is in the hands of Jesus? When Jesus first preached,
He preached to Israel just as God said He would. Jesus was not sent to the Gentiles, but to Israel. Jesus
clearly stated this when He said to the Canaanite woman, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel,”6
when He began to preach, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near,”7 to Israel, and, “The time has
come. The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News!”8 Jesus did not say, “Repent,
for the time has come. The Kingdom of Israel will be restored,” or, “The Kingdom of Judah will be
restored,” but rather, He spoke to the Jews formally of the Kingdoms of Israel and of Judah, of two
Kingdoms that were coming that have nothing to do with Israel or Judah, the Kingdoms of Heaven and of
God. It is clear from the beginning that Jesus was there not to restore the Kingdom of Israel at all, for
He was indeed the restoration of Israel for He is its true King, the King of Israel and of Judah of the
household of David. And as the true King of the Jews, He was telling His people to prepare for two
Kingdoms that were coming, Kingdoms that would overtake and replace the Kingdom of Israel.

What we have failed to see, but perhaps the Jews saw it, was that the advent of the Kingdoms of Heaven
and of God would replace the Kingdoms of Israel and of Judah through Jesus Christ. For the Kingdom of
Heaven would be the Kingdom of Grace where repentance was sufficient for entry into its citizenship, for
concerning that Kingdom, Jesus said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” And the Kingdom of
God is the Kingdom of Truth, for God is Truth and His words are truth. Jesus said, “Sanctify them by the
truth; Your word is truth.”9 Jesus was introducing two new Kingdoms to the citizens of Israel and of
Judah, and entry into these two new Kingdoms of Heaven and of God required them to believe what He
was saying, for the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God are never mentioned in Leviticus and Deuteronomy,
when the Laws for the Kingdom of Israel and of Judah were given to the twelve tribes. Only the psalmist
spoke of an everlasting and eternal Kingdom, as did Daniel,10 but they were referring to God’s Kingdom.

Amos 7:8
Amos 7:2,5
Amos 7:7
John 1:14
Amos 7:8-9
Matthew 15:24
Matthew 4:17
Mark 1:15
John 17:17
Psalm 145:11-13; Daniel 4:3

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The appearance of the Lord standing next to the straight wall, that is, the work that meets the
requirement of the Law perfectly, meant certain destruction of Israel and all those who are of the house
of Jeroboam who are those who worship idols at the former house of God at Bethel. The straight wall is
what Jesus meant when He said, “Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the prophets; I have
not come to abolish them but to fulfil them,”11 so that He could say, “the world must learn that I love the
Father and that I do exactly what My Father has commanded Me.”12 And since He also said, “Anyone
who has faith in Me,”13 and He called that “the truth”, it then meant that anyone who obeyed the Father’s
command to listen to Jesus has come into the Grace of God through Christ and the Truth, by which they
would be judged by are the truths that Jesus announced every time He said, “I tell you the truth.” The
plumbline would consist only of the lines of Truth spoken by Jesus that are stretched out by the weight
of Grace. Though the words of the Father are Truth, as He spoke them in the Old Testament, yet for the
disciples of Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration, there would be a new measure, a new command, a
new judgement, in the hands of Jesus only, for Jesus alone stood beside the wall that was straight. Jesus
alone built a wall according to the Old Covenant that was true to the plumbline of the Old Testament, and
since He came full of Grace and Truth, the new plumbline in His hands is Grace, stretching out the Truth
of His words only, for the Father said, “Listen to Him!”14

Thus, those under the Law of Moses are subject to judgement by the Law of Moses still, and unless they
have fulfilled all of it, they remain under a curse, for as Paul reminded the church at Galatia: All who rely
on observing the Law are under a curse, for it is written: “Cursed is every one who does not continue to
do everything written in the Book of the Law.”15 Thus, if their works do not completely fulfil everything
as it is written in the Law, they are under a curse. You are either cursed or blessed, there is no such
thing as being a little bit cursed or a little bit blessed. In the same way, either you are completely under
the Law of Moses or you are outside of the Law of Moses. And all who listen to Jesus are cut off by the
Law of Moses.

Thus, those who listen to Jesus can only hold onto the lines of Truth as spoken by Jesus, for the Father
said, “Listen to Him!” Now, it is time to understand how Jesus judges. Very clearly Jesus said, “I judge
only as I hear.”16 “For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.”17
“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”18 “For where your treasure is, there your heart
will be also.”19 Indeed, it is by your confession that you will show which Kingdom you are loyal to. You
see, the Law of Moses was given to the Kingdom of Israel and of Judah, and those whose mouths speak
that Law declare what overflows out of their hearts, meaning to say, that is what they treasure. It is
obvious that James the Younger treasures the Kingdom of Israel, for his entire judgement consisted of
quoting from the laws of the Kingdom of Israel and of Judah and the promises of God to restore David’s
fallen tent when he quoted: In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent. I will repair its broken places.20

However, He who is the true Son of David, for David could not have fathered Solomon who is the father
of Joseph, the father of James the Younger, if it had not been for the Grace of God that suspended the
Law of Moses that demanded both David and Bathsheba be killed: David for murder and Bathsheba for
adultery. As such, through David and Solomon, the line of the royal kings of Judah was always the line
of Grace that suspended the Law of Moses, not the line that fulfilled the Law. Jesus is the true Heir of the
line of David because He came full of Grace—and the true King, the true Heir of David, had pronounced
that the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God would replace the Kingdoms of Israel and of Judah. The King of
Israel and of Judah Himself had declared that new Kingdoms, Heaven and God, would now replace the
old, and as such, new laws would come into existence. A new constitution would be set in place and
citizenship would be gained first by repentance into the Kingdom of Heaven and then by faith into the
Kingdom of God, faith in the words of Jesus, the King of the old, now also the King of the new. Loyalty
then would be tested; loyalty to the old or to the new, for the two cannot exist together. If the new has
come, then the old is gone!

Thus those who claim to be citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God, yet continuously pronounce
the old laws of the Kingdoms of Israel and of Judah, and force the citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven
and of God to observe them, are no different to rebels who seek to overthrow the new Government to
restore the old. It is not as if the Kingdoms of Israel and of Judah are to be destroyed. No, it is just that

Matthew 5:17
John 14:31
John 14:12
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35
Galatians 3:10 (Deuteronomy 27:26)
John 5:30
Matthew 12:37
Matthew 12:34
Matthew 6:21
Amos 9:11

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there will now come these two new Kingdoms, and the King of Israel and of Judah has Himself gone to
have Himself crowned the King of the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God. In the new Kingdoms, it is Grace
and Truth that are the hallmark of its citizenship, not works and Truth, and even Truth in the new
Kingdoms has a new manifestation. It is only the Truth as spoken by Jesus, for God said, “Listen to

Thus, there will be a weeding out of the citizens of the Kingdom of the Son of Man, which is the joint
Kingdoms of Heaven and of God. “Everything that causes sin and all who do evil” will be removed. All
betrayers will be removed. All who hold dual loyalties will be removed and they will be thrown into the
fiery furnace because their loyalty was to the Law of Moses, and in their partial observance of the Law,
they reaped for themselves the curse of the Law until God shows His final Grace on Judgement Day.
What is about to happen is what the Lord said, “at the end of the age,” that is, at the time of the end of
this age about which Jesus answered the question, “And what will be the sign of Your coming and of the
end of the age?”21 If you read Matthew 24 and 25 carefully, Jesus did not actually answer the question,
“What will be THE SIGN of Your coming and of the end of the age?” He spoke of the signs that point to
the end being near, but not THE SIGN that heralds His coming. He spoke of the signs before the end of
the age and what will happen when He arrives, but THE SIGN is buried.

The sign is buried in two parables of the Kingdom of Heaven, the parables of The Ten Virgins and of The
Talents, but it is in an earlier parable in Matthew 13 that He clearly said, “As the weeds are pulled up and
burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they
will weed out of His Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.”22 Anyone who causes
anyone else not to obey God causes sin, just like Satan did to Eve. Anyone who causes a believer of
Christ or a disciple of Christ not to listen to Jesus causes sin, and anyone who causes the Kingdom’s
loyalty to be divided does evil, for a kingdom divided will not stand. Thus, those who try to divide the
loyalty of the citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God by reintroducing the Law and its practice are
dividing the Kingdom of the Son of Man to cause its downfall. Thus, the judgement is simple and right.

The plumbline is Grace and Truth. It has no room for justification by works and Truth, for that old
plumbline belongs to Judah and Israel and it is to judge them. Anyone who holds to the old will be
expelled to the old and will receive the judgement the old receives, which is destruction by fire and
“weeping and gnashing of teeth.”23 Thus, it will be based on what they say, not what we say, for Jesus
said, “I judge only as I hear.” So likewise, we are not to judge for the Lord commanded us, “Do not
judge.”24 Rather, like the prophets of old, we proclaim that which we have heard and that which we
know, the declaration of the advent of the NEW, reminding all who are in the Kingdom of the Son of Man
that the Father said, “This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”25

To those who are zealous for the Law and who listen to James the Younger, we say, “Repent and live!”26
for we who are no longer under the Law will uphold the Law of Moses as that Law came from God and it
is good. So, for those who have put their faith in Jesus but have been deceived into returning to partial
observance of the Law by men from James, they must repent that they may live, for the harvesters will
come and they will be weeded out. It is the will of the Lord that His Kingdom will endure forever and for
that to happen, all dividers, all who cause division in the Kingdom by proclaiming a conflicting loyalty to
two incompatible systems of Law, the Law of Moses and the Law of the Spirit of Life, must be removed.

Grace then is the plumbline that stretches straight the Truth of God in Jesus’ hands, by which all the
works of the citizens of the Kingdoms of Heaven and of God will be judged. We have no business with
those who belong to the old, for they have their own plumbline, the fulfilment of the Law of Moses in full
or they are under a curse. It is the mercy and compassion of God that before the sign of the end of the
age manifests, we will have the opportunity to cry out to those who are confused in their loyalty:
“Repent and live!” because the angels of the Son of Man are coming to weed His Kingdom of all who
cause sin and who do evil.

With the raising up then of a group who listens only to Jesus and who shuns listening to James the
Younger, the availability of such a group is like the presence of that wall that is true to the plumb. Then
the plumbline can be set again among the people of God. The Grace of God can only be attached to the
lines of Truth given to Jesus; it cannot be attached to the lines of Truth given to Moses, for the two are
incompatible. One is of the old and the other is of the new. You do not sew on new cloth to patch up the

Matthew 24:3
Matthew 13:40-41
Matthew 13:50; 25:30
Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37
Matthew 17:5
Ezekiel 18:32

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old and neither do you pour new wine into old wineskins. In the same way, you do not put a patch of old
cloth on a new dress nor waste a new wine skin to store the dregs of old wine.

It is the narrow road, it is the plumbline, it is whether you listen to Jesus or James the Younger, or
anyone else who comes in His Name who speaks anything contrary to what Jesus said. God promised,
“All the sinners among My people will die by the sword, all those who say, ‘Disaster will not overtake or
meet us.’”27 If we are not ready, disaster will overtake us for the days of distress are here, but if we
have the power of the Lord, we will meet the disaster and overcome it before it overtakes us. AMEN

Amos 9:10

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True Grace

What is true graciousness? Is it a polite voice, a kindly smile, a well-dressed handsome man or beautiful
woman stooping down to help a poor person, a rich man donating part of his fortune to build a temple or
monument to a dead saint, a motivational speaker, a politician, or a motivator sprouting words of wisdom
that sound wonderful yet give no life? If that is how the world sees graciousness, then how does the
world see grace? To forgive and forget? To tolerate or to put up with for the sake of harmony and
peace? Now, how do you see grace and graciousness?

How did the One sinless Man who is full of Grace and Truth come? Was He dressed in fine clothes and
did He have a handsome attractive appearance? Was He a favourite of the elite and those of high
society? Did He pander to them for their donations? Did He give a motivational speech to the cripple
and the blind to help them make the most of their life and accept their lot in life? How does the Man who
is truly full of the real Grace of God speak? What are His mannerisms? And even as He speaks, what is
His tone of voice? What is the way He speaks?

Jesus Christ came full of Grace and Truth, the only Man who is the Holy One of God because He is the
only Man who obeyed God exactly, and this is how He appeared: He had no beauty or majesty to attract
us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men,
a Man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces He was
despised, and we esteemed Him not.1

Graciousness is not determined by appearance, for the Lord’s appearance would not satisfy the world’s
definition. Neither is it determined by manners, for the Lord was quite often what the world calls ‘rude’,
for to a desperate mother with a demon-possessed child, He said, “It is not right to take the children’s
bread and toss it to their dogs.”2 Certainly, with His outbursts in the temple when He took to the money
changers with a whip, He would have been jailed for disturbing the peace and charged with assault.
Instead of applauding the rich for throwing loads of money into the coffers, He focussed on the widow
who gave only a copper coin. Have you ever seen any charity thank a widow for her last ten cents with a
big gala dinner? Have you ever seen newspapers and magazines publish and praise the names of widows
who gave out their last rupee to help a neighbour? Never!

So we, who work for the Spirit of Grace to prepare this Earth for the return of the One who came full of
Grace and Truth, must learn what is true Grace and what is true graciousness. The Man of Grace is not a
Man of pleasant manners, fine clothes or soothing words, even if they have a degree of wisdom. He is a
Man of action, of personal action. He does not send someone else to do what He wouldn’t do Himself.
That is how you will know about a Man of Grace. Jesus Christ never sent anyone to die for mankind, to
die for the sins of the world, not even to die for Him, but He died for us. It is never the intention of Jesus
Christ that any of His disciples should be harmed or even see death. “I tell you the truth, if anyone
keeps My words, he will never see death.”3 He died for us so that we who believe might live and never
die. Now compare that with the so-called gracious men of the world, who’d kill and send their believers
to their death that they may live.

Instead of condemning the man born blind for some sin of his or his father’s, as many preachers would
love to do, the Lord said, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened that the work of
God might be displayed in his life.”4 However, if He left the man still blind after He said that, then He has
only blamed God for the man’s blindness. However, Jesus went on to open the eyes of the blind man. A
truly gracious Man does not point out a problem nor just give you an answer to the problem for you to
solve it yourself. He gives you the answer to the problem personally. If you are blind, He opens your
eyes, not sends you to the Royal Blind Society. If you are deaf, He opens your ears, not gives you a
hearing aid. If you are a poor beggar, He gives you a pair of legs so that you don’t have to beg anymore,
not just a coin in your plate. You see now, a Man of Grace, a true Man of true Grace, is the Man for
whom nothing is impossible. That is the standard of true Grace and the fullness thereof.

Men, like James the Younger who has never been credited with doing a single miracle or healing, and
indeed, he himself admits that he has not done one by his teaching, have a graciousness that tickles the
ears of men, but leaves the blind in the care of the blind society because their denial and ignorance of the
words of Christ leaves them without true power to solve the problem. So they turn to political power
(note how James used the elders to persuade Paul in Acts 21), intellectual power and financial power,
and later men who love his teaching also added military power. So, instead of causing the lame to walk,

Isaiah 53:2-3
Matthew 15:26
John 8:51
John 9:3

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they created more lame people instead. You can just hear the graciousness of James dripping out of him
when he spoke up saying, “Brothers, listen to me…” Instead of being able to say that we should write to
them telling them to have faith in the Lord and His Holy Spirit and they will surely do what the Lord has
been doing. We should tell them to open the eyes of the blind, cause the lame to walk, cleanse the
lepers and raise the dead so as to make it easy for them. For, although Moses has been preached in
every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath,5 it is Jesus who has
truly helped the blind, the lame, the lepers and the dead.

But then, when you haven’t done a miracle yourself, how can you teach others how to do it? So, all
James could do was to give advice to us Gentiles that required no miraculous powers to perform. It
takes no miraculous power, you do not need the Holy Spirit to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from
sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood, but you cannot cause the blind to
see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the lepers cleansed and the dead raised without the power of the
Holy Spirit, especially if you are not Jesus Christ.

The Lord sent the Holy Spirit to give us power to be His witnesses precisely because we are not Jesus
Christ, the Holy One of God, but mere men who have been contaminated with sin, men who can do
nothing impossible without the Holy Spirit. The men who love the teachings of James love it for this
precise reason that they do not need the Holy Spirit for them to perform the things recommended by
James. Any religious person can do them and indeed, many do, and they are not Christians. Fulfilling
the requirements of the recommendations of James negates the need for the Proof of Life6 for a Christian
that Christ is indeed in them.

The patience, goodness, kindness, the so-called fruits of the Spirit,7 are only imitation fruits without the
power of the Holy Spirit. For the church loves to pursue such fruits, and for them, kindness and
gentleness are to give a cup of soup to a poor person to keep them alive in their poverty another day,
and joy is an evening spent singing songs of praise with a few heart-felt prayers in a fellowship where
everyone smiles at each other cordially but plots murder in their hearts. Such is the fruit of the spirit
without the power of the Spirit of Grace.

True patience is to be able to stay alive and wait for Jesus to arrive, even if it takes another millennium.
True love is to love your enemies enough to open their eyes, to heal their sick, to multiply their food, to
raise their dead, to cleanse their lepers and to die for them. True joy is to experience the joy of the
angels as you lead a sinner to repentance because you have preached the full Gospel. True kindness is
to multiply the oil of the widow so that she is delivered from poverty. True goodness is to know that no
one, not even you, is good except God alone. True faithfulness is to believe the unbelievably best of your
God. True gentleness is to be able to ask a legion of demons, “What is your name?” And true self-
control is to not call on the power of God to destroy your enemies even when they are killing you.

Such things are impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. As such, as elect of the Holy Spirit, the
Spirit of Grace, the test of your graciousness does not begin until you have the power of the Holy Spirit
flowing through you at full power. It is your unrelenting practise of the words of Jesus that are the true
actions of grace, not a polite smile and a politically correct word. It is your ability to respect those who
unrelenting practise the words of Jesus that shows you are truly manner-able, not your ability to befriend
one another.

So, it is no wonder why men love to listen to the recommendations of James and his teachings. For the
words of James have no power and the practice of his words does not need the presence of the Holy
Spirit. There is no acid test, as it were, in the words of James, which can reveal the true from the
counterfeit. However, because the words of Jesus need the Holy Spirit’s power, otherwise they cannot be
practised, no blind can see, no food can be multiplied, it not safe for those who love to lie to God, that is,
those who love to appear holy and righteous on the outside yet are full of sin on the inside, to be in the
presence of the Holy Spirit. It is too dangerous—just look at what happened to Ananias and Sapphira.

When they, that is Ananias and Sapphira, put the money at the feet of the apostles, I wonder how many
people applauded them. If the Holy Spirit was not there, they would have gotten away with it, but
because the Holy Spirit was there, they dropped dead. The best way to make sure the Holy Spirit is not
with you is to stop practising the words of Jesus. You can believe the words of Jesus, for to believe the
words of Jesus does not need power, only faith. But practising the words of Jesus to do what He has
been doing, to live and never die, to walk on water, to multiply food, to raise the dead and open the eyes
of the blind, you need power as well as faith. That is why men are so comfortable with the words of
James and love to practise them because that way they can have faith in Jesus and His words as they

Acts 14:13-21
Galatians 5:22

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enjoy practising the words of James. For surely, then they will be saved when they die and the Holy
Spirit won’t be confronting them as He did Ananias and Sapphira. You see, the Holy Spirit will only
remind you of what Jesus said and make known to you what belongs to Jesus.8 He is not to remind you
of what James said or make known to you what James did. If He did so, He would have disobeyed the

Jesus said, “Do not resist an evil person,”9 yet James said, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”10
The Holy Spirit will give you His power to not resist an evil person but He will never give you power to
resist Satan because Jesus never said that we were to. So, one who practises the words of James and
asks the Holy Spirit for power, miraculous power, to resist evil persons, even the devil, is inciting the
Holy Spirit to go against the word of Jesus. Now, how would the Holy Spirit feel about that?

Sometimes, a person is judged to be gracious by their speech, a speech that is polite, polished, eloquent,
educated and refined. However, our God who is Gracious can say things that can offend those sensitive
souls whose idea of graciousness is a preacher speaking eloquently with all politeness in well rehearsed
operatic tones, for did not God say, “Because you poured out your wealth (lust) and exposed your
nakedness in your promiscuity with your lovers, and because of all your detestable idols, and because
you gave them your children’s blood, therefore I am going to gather all your lovers… I will gather them
against you from all around and will strip you in front of them, and they will see all your nakedness,”11
and, “I will pull up your skirts over your face that your shame will be seen—”12? Imagine a man who
would do that to a woman—those who love the graciousness of a hypocritical, petty, shallow world would
turn away crying, “How shocking! How rude!” But those who know their God and the power of His Grace
would praise Him for His sternness.

So then, if the Man who came full of Grace and Truth was considered to be demon-possessed, a
drunkard, a glutton and a friend of sinners, what would they say about you who hold onto His word and
practise it relentlessly till it pleases the Holy Spirit to entrust you with full power to do what Jesus has
been doing and even greater things?13

How gracious do you think the two witnesses are as far as the world is concerned, who have power to
shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn
the waters into blood and to strike the Earth with every kind of plague as often as they want?14 You see,
the Grace of God, true Grace, always leads to repentance. Counterfeit grace negates the need for
repentance and puffs up self-righteousness. The days of distress that are here are the manifestation of
the true Grace of God so that men might repent, but they will not, and you will witness it as it is written:
Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores,
but they refused to repent of what they had done.15 Men would rather curse God than repent and live.

John 14:26; 16:14
Matthew 5:39
James 4:7
Ezekiel 16:36-37
Jeremiah 13:26
John 14:12
Revelation 11:6
Revelation 16:10-11

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Grace, the Purpose of Faith

The salvation that came by Grace through faith1 gives purpose to the faith of all men, for as I have said
before, faith is available and present in all men as God’s gift for all, however God’s Grace is not. That is
why it is written: I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated,2 for God has mercy on whom He will have
mercy, compassion on whom He will have compassion.3 All men should use the faith God has given
them, which is the ability to believe that which cannot be seen to seek God, and not to waste it on some
God-less pursuit, for by faith, men practise what they hear and believe.

I remind you, even an atheist has faith, for he believes that there is no God even though he has never
seen the evidence that there is no God, just a theory that has been made up to explain what he believes
he is seeing. Even sinners have faith. Indeed, it is precisely that all sinners, including gamblers, drug
addicts, idolaters, and even cowards, have faith that God purposed that salvation would be through faith
by His Grace and not by works. For men are not born equal. Some are born in circumstances better
than others, such as taller, stronger, richer and more intelligent, so that if salvation was by works, then
those heroes of old, the Nephilims, would have cornered the market for salvation, and as the song goes,
only the rich would live and the poor would die.

In setting in place His Chief Cornerstone, Jesus Christ, through whom salvation through faith in Him by
God’s Grace, God ensured that all who would call on the Name of the Lord whom they had not known,
much less seen, would be saved. Thus, all regardless of their birthright and their birth’s gifts by flesh
could equally have access to God’s salvation through Jesus Christ whom He presented, not as a King who
had come to reign, but as a Servant who had come to serve with no natural beauty or majesty about Him
that would attract us to Him. Thus, the desire to call on the Name of the Lord would be and would come
by pure Grace, just like the blind men called out to Him whom they only heard of. Thus, it is those who
hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ who are saved, not those who see Jesus who are saved, and
not even those who know Jesus who are saved. For demons know Jesus for who He truly is, yet God’s
salvation through Jesus Christ is not for them, but only God’s judgement through Jesus Christ is for
them. For those demons see Jesus and know who He is but have not repented, yet blind men who did
not see Jesus called out to Him for help as the One who would deliver them from darkness into light. In
the justice of God, even those who died without hearing the voice of Jesus would hear it, and those who
hear it will live. For Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead
will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear it will live.”4

Indeed, those who died without hearing the voice of the Son of God have heard it when He, being made
alive by the Spirit, went to prison to preach to those spirits who disobeyed long ago when God waited
patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.5 So then, even the spirits of those heroes of
old, the Nephilims, were permitted to hear the voice of the Son of God, and if they heard it, they were
allowed to live. And we know that on Judgement Day, all the dead, whether great or small, will hear the
voice of the Son of God, and those who hear it will live, for concerning that day, God said, “Then will I
purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the Name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder
to shoulder.”6 Those who refuse to accept the immensity of the mercy of God’s graciousness will
consider such a teaching blasphemy, but those who delight in the mercy and compassion of God’s
graciousness manifested in His supreme and sublime control of timing every act of His to perfection so
that His will is always done, will rejoice. For salvation knows no other time than a day called Today.
When that day becomes today, salvation has come for those destined for that day. That is the secret of
God’s impeccable timing.

In establishing Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone of the new creation, the new Temple of God, a
Cornerstone who not only fulfilled the Law of God, but turned the whole design of the Temple of God and
all its regulations upside down so that the Cornerstone became the Capstone, the crowning glory of the
finished work. God maintained Grace as its plumbline that straightened out the straight way for the Lord
as He set in place the Capstone and all who would rise from the Cornerstone to receive the Capstone in
its place. What does it mean, you ask?

It means that once anyone has received their salvation by Grace through faith, through abiding and
continuing, unceasing faith that grew from belief to obedience to trust until faith reached its fullness, God
gave them growth through continuing Grace as they practised and obeyed words, rules, decrees, laws

Ephesians 2:8
Malachi 1:2-3
Exodus 33:19; Romans 9:15
John 5:25
1 Peter 3:18-20
Zephaniah 3:9

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and commands that are impossible for men to do. Since the laws, commands and decrees of Jesus are in
truth impossible for any man to fulfil even in part, much less in full, and more impossible than for the
Law of Moses to be fulfilled, then Grace, continuous, abiding Grace is needed, Grace that would flow
continuously and abide unceasingly, only if the Spirit of Grace would be heeded.

To those who believed in Him, Jesus gave us words upon which to build as an unshakable foundation so
that anyone who practised His words of Matthew 5:3 to 7:23 would be like a wise man who built his
house upon the rock. These basic doctrines of Christ7 can be practised by all who have believed so that
they may discover no man or woman can practise them successfully without the power of God. From
these elementary words, the Lord then takes us to a place where no amount of practice can give success
without the power of the Holy Spirit, for no man can live and never die, no matter how much they
believe, if the Spirit of Life does not keep them invulnerable from death, and no one can do the greater
things than what Jesus has done if the Spirit of Revelation does not reveal to them what the greater
things are. For we only know a few of the things that Jesus has been doing as John told us that Jesus did
many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world
would not have room for the books that would be written.8 If we do not even know all the things that
Jesus has been doing, how will we know what are the truly greater things unless the Holy Spirit reveals it
to us? And who can walk on water, raise the dead, multiply the food, change water to good wine, cause
the blind to see, the lame to walk or calm a storm with a word without the power of the Holy Spirit of

Thus, the Spirit of Grace gives continuous Grace to those who seek to practise the words of Jesus, for
only the words of Jesus need the continuing presence of the Spirit of Power for them to be fulfilled. And
no one can grow towards the Capstone without the power of the Holy Spirit. Thus, the continued faith in
the words of Jesus manifesting in a continual obedience and trust to keep practising that which seems
impossible, ensures that the Holy Spirit will continue to avail to those who practise the words of Jesus His
power. And since no one can succeed in their practice of the words of Jesus without the Spirit of Power,
then He also gives us His continuing unlimited Grace to sustain us in our failures and our successes, so
that we do not ever cease practising His words. The Spirit of Knowledge and of Understanding knows
that we can never fulfil the words of Jesus and prove them true without His power, and though we try,
we will fail more than we succeed until Christ is fully formed in us by the Spirit of Sonship. So the same
Spirit gives us Grace in abundance to fulfil the purpose of our faith, which is Christ in us, the Hope of
Glory. The Spirit of Glory knows that without the Grace that flows from Him continuously, the hope of
Glory would never be possible. Thus, to all who practise only the words of God, which were given
through the only One who came full of Grace and Truth, the Spirit gives without limit of Himself, for how
much greater is the one who practises the words of God than the one who speaks the words of God.
Indeed, John the Baptist said, “For the One whom God has sent speaks the word of God, for God gives
the Spirit without limit.”9 Then what would and should be done for the one and ones God has drawn to
the One He has sent, who practise the words that God has given Him? For them, the Spirit gives without
limit, without limit of His power and of His Grace, that they may be perfected even as they practise. And
if Grace flows continuously, then there is no judgement, for the Spirit Himself remains the Spirit of Grace.
And where Grace prevails, judgement is stayed.

What then can be said of those who, having believed in Jesus and who having received their glorious
salvation by Grace, then turn back to practising words that do not need the Spirit of Grace to help them
to fulfil by His power? For all the laws of Moses can be fulfilled in part by all men, although it takes one
whose righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees to fulfil them in its entirety. For although no single
person of Israel by himself could fulfil the entire Law; as a nation it was possible for them to do so, and
that without the power of the Holy Spirit. For during the time of Moses and the time of king David, Israel
did all that was commanded of them by the Law as a nation, and God blessed them without having to
pour His Spirit on all flesh. But as individuals, it was impossible for any individual to fulfil the entire Law,
especially if there was no longer a tabernacle that was in the Holy of Holies to sprinkle the blood upon.
Jesus alone was and is the only Individual who could fulfil the entire Law, for He is not only the Lamb of
God, but the very Temple that housed the Holy of Holies as well, for in Him God dwells in fullness.
However, even He who fulfilled the Law and the Prophets relied on the Holy Spirit to declare Him with
power on the third day so that the Temple of God, which is the Body of the living Christ, would be and
could be raised. Then how much more we, who now form that Temple, must rely on the continuing
power of God?

However, it is possible for a man to practise part of the Law, especially parts he chooses and selects by
his own judgement, without the power of the Holy Spirit. It takes no power of the Holy Spirit for a man
to tithe even if he has to tithe a tenth of mint, cummin and dill. It takes no power of the Holy Spirit for a

Hebrews 6:1 [OKJV, AMP]
John 21:25
John 3:34

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man to abstain from certain foods or to dress in a certain way or to pray in a certain way. It takes no
power of the Holy Spirit to appear sexually moral externally. It takes no power of the Holy Spirit to wear
wide phylacteries and fiddle with a prayer chain reciting the same mantrous prayer again and again. And
since the purpose the Lord sent the Holy Spirit for is to give us power to be His witnesses, to remind us
of what He has said and to make known to us what belongs to Him, there is no reason at all for the Holy
Spirit to remain with those who do not need Him. And since they are only practising that which any man
can do without His power, then the Holy Spirit has no need to remain the Spirit of Grace to those who,
having believed in the One who is full of Grace and received their salvation by Grace, turn away and
return to that which is common to all men, practising words that need no divine power of God to fulfil.
To them then, the Spirit of God, when His patience is run out, will become the Spirit of Fire and
Judgement, just as He was to Israel when they so tested God that His patience ran out.

Thus, those who practise the recommendations of James the Younger of Acts 15, and so love it that they
add even more recommendations like it, such as tithing, an eye for an eye and exclusion from fellowship
on the basis of race, physical form or parental inheritance, have guaranteed themselves a life devoid of
assistance from the Spirit of Power in their practice and are reaping for themselves the sure judgement of
punishment for those who belong to God yet do not listen to Him. Their faith will save them, yes, but
their works will not endure for their works are based on words that will pass away when Heaven and
Earth pass away. For when judgement comes for God’s people, only those who have practised the words
of Jesus will see their works endure the fire of God’s judgement that will melt even the present Heavens
and Earth and all the words of the Law will also pass with them. For Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, until
Heaven and Earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means
disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”10 But He also said, “Heaven and Earth will
pass away, but My words will never pass away.”11

So, if even the Law will pass away when all things are accomplished, which are the words of the Father,
and only Jesus’ words remain, then how much more the words of men are subject to utter destruction?
If those who practise the Law will not have works that will endure the destruction of Heaven and Earth,
what of those who practise the words of men? Then, what purpose their faith? None! And since their
faith has no purpose, then Grace has no purpose for such men if it is not for the immense generosity of
His graciousness that He should “then… purify the lips of all the peoples that they may call upon the
Name of the Lord and serve Him shoulder to shoulder.”

So, God will not be mocked. Those who persevere in their practice of the words of anyone except the
One who is full of Grace and Truth, will receive no help from the Holy Spirit except a conviction of sin and
of the judgement that faces the prince of this world. So the Holy Spirit will oppose them like He opposed
the twelve when they did not listen to Jesus but listened to the one who suggested Capernaum rather
than Bethsaida, and will keep them struggling in the dark until they welcome Jesus and listen to Him.

That is how you will see the distinction between those who listen to Jesus and those who listen to men
who speak and teach that which is contrary to what Jesus said, even though it seems good to them, and
they will claim to the Holy Spirit also.12 When the storm comes, they will either be floundering in the
boat or be in the waves, even if for a time they appear to be able to walk on water. Only those who are
as the Lord would have them be will be able to stay above the waters of the storm and cause the boat
they enter to immediately reach the shore. In them, the Spirit of Grace will have His fulfilment and
manifest the hope of Glory, declaring Himself to be the Spirit of Glory so that the world will know that the
Lord has sent Him.

So the line is straight and the plumb is true. Those who practise the words of the One who is full of
Grace will by Grace escape not only the Spirit of Fire and of Judgement, but will be found standing on a
firm foundation built on what He has done. Those who practise the words of men like James’ and his
disciples’ teachings, will find themselves scorched and yet saved, like one just escaping from the fire to
stand naked and without foundation before the Judge of all men.

Be earnest then and repent before He arrives and fights against us with the sword of His mouth. Why
have Him fight you when you can have Him sup with you, when He says, “Here I am! I stand at the door
and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with

Come in Lord Jesus, come in and be seated that we may serve You, O King!

Matthew 5:18
Luke 21:33
Acts 15:28
Revelation 3:20

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The Day of Grace

“I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”1 This is the sentence that sums up the truth
about God’s Grace probably more than any other line and that cuts through the errors of James’
teachings, even his teachings about faith and works. Jesus did not say this to a church elder, a faithful
preacher, an apostle or a disciple, but to a man who literally was living his last day on Earth, a thief
hanging on a cross next to Him. A man whose hands were no longer free to reach for his wallet to make
a big offering and whose feet were nailed so he couldn’t go and preach the Gospel, but still a man who
found at least another soul to preach to even though he was so preoccupied, for he said to the other
thief, “Don’t you fear God since you are under the same sentence?”2

This man was a sinner, a thief, and if you hold to the doctrine that the devil is a thief, then this man was
a real son of the devil. He had no time left to make restitution. It was like he was Zacchaeus whom the
Lord went to dine with and was so moved by the Lord’s presence that he said, “Look, Lord! Here and
now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay
back four times the amount.” For to Zacchaeus, Jesus said, “Today salvation has come to this house,
because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.”3 Zacchaeus had time to make restitution, but the one with
no name, the thief on the cross, had no time to make restitution, yet Jesus said to him, “Today, you will
be with Me in Paradise.” This thief is the living proof that salvation is by the Grace of God through faith
and not by works, so no man may boast, for it is a gift of God. The thief on the cross availed himself of
the salvation by two things: Firstly, he recognised that he was guilty and getting his just punishment,
and secondly, he recognised that Jesus “has done nothing wrong.”4 Unlike Zacchaeus, he did not address
the Lord as the Lord, but said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom (with Your
Kingly power).”5 How did he know Jesus was innocent for he wasn’t one of the disciples? It is because
he heard Jesus say, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”6 Ordinary people
would deny their guilt regardless of their innocence or guilt and some may admit to their guilt, but to
hear a man forgive those who crucified Him even though He was innocent, that is beyond human, it is
Divine. Without formality, as Zacchaeus had, the thief on the cross saw Jesus as the Man who is truly
worthy to be a King and addressed Him as such, calling Him, “Jesus,” not, “Lord”.

So, when James the Younger wrote: You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith
alone and that faith without deeds is useless,7 you can see how hollow that fine sounding theory really is
compared to the glorious reality of God’s mercy that His salvation is through faith by Grace, and not
works at all, in the final moments of this thief. The works of this thief got him crucified and there was
nothing he could do to save himself, for according to the Law of Moses he was cursed. The only thing he
could do was to put his faith on another, just as cursed as he was, who was hanging right next to him on
another cross, faith that Jesus was innocent, faith that He does have a Kingdom, faith that what Pilate
wrote about Him on the sign hanging over His head was correct: This is Jesus, The King of the Jews.8 By
that faith he confessed, and he confessed a future that extended beyond death, saying, “Jesus,
remember me when You come into Your Kingdom (with Your Kingly power).” The thief had faith that God
would find Jesus innocent and wronged, and that Jesus would be given a Kingdom and Kingly power to
avenge Himself. Such a faith rewarded him with this incredible promise: “Today you will be with Me in

For the salvation that is by Grace is immediate, it happens the day we confess it, the moment you say it,
which is why salvation came to Zacchaeus on the day he confessed that was called ‘today’, and Paradise
welcomed the thief the day he died, ‘today’. If salvation needed works to be completed, to be made
manifest, then salvation and Paradise would be on some other day rather than today or the day the
declaration was made. But Jesus did not say, “Someday you will be in Paradise with Me,” or, “Someday
salvation will come to this house.” No, the Grace of God is available now for all who believe, before they
do anything else. Before Zacchaeus had actually repaid the money, salvation had already come. Before
the thief could do anything, if he was able, Paradise was his without prior good works, just an honest
assessment of himself. The thief gained Paradise while the Pharisees and Sadducees, with all their good
works, looked on. Of what value was their tithing, long phylacteries and long prayers when they would
not even lift their voice to declare Jesus’ innocence? And worse than that, for all their supposed good
works, they were the ones who nailed Jesus to the cross and denied Him justice by bringing false witness
against Him.

Luke 23:43
Luke 23:40
Luke 19:8-9
Luke 23:41
Luke 23:42
Luke 23:34
James 2:20,24
Matthew 27:37

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If God’s Grace availed for a thief and a cheat Paradise and salvation today and not tomorrow, then, truly
we have no need to worry about tomorrow, which is why Jesus said, “Therefore do not worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and
all these things will be given to you as well.”9 That is precisely what the thief did; he saw the
righteousness of Jesus and sought His Kingdom, saying, “Remember me when You come into Your
Kingdom.” Thus, God’s grace is available for those who seek first His righteousness and His Kingdom
today, for it was today that salvation came to Zacchaeus’ household and today that the thief was in
Paradise with Jesus, not some other day like tomorrow. Likewise, to avail yourself of God’s Grace
immediately, today, seek His Kingdom and His righteousness by that same faith that Zacchaeus did and,
more importantly, that the thief did. Truly, it is not by our works that God’s Grace gives us salvation, but
by our faith that God’s Grace gives us salvation. Today is the day of God’s salvation and God’s reward
for all who believe. When you can believe that and confess it without a doubt, the Grace of God
manifests to keep you today saved and in Paradise, and if you are already saved and in Paradise, why
worry about tomorrow?

What would Paradise be like? It would be a place without sin, without lack, without fear, without sickness
and without worries. For to have such a place on Earth, it would take a miracle, which is precisely why
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to give us His power so that we might successfully practise His words and do all
that He has been doing and greater things than what He has done. Truly, if we can today, on everyday
that is called today, change water to good wine, walk on water, multiply the food, heal all the sick, raise
the dead, cause the blind to see and drive out every demon, we would be living in Paradise. It is only the
practice of the words of Jesus faithfully and successfully that can achieve this, for no amount of
abstinence from food sacrificed to idols or from strangled meat or blood can cause food to multiply for
the hungry. Neither does avoidance from sexual immorality set free those who are trapped and sold as
slaves into prostitution and pornography, for though you may be pious and good, your fellowman is not.
Though Abel was righteous and offered a sacrifice pleasing to God, it did not stop Cain from killing him.
Thus, burnt offerings and acts of righteousness do not stop an evil man, but acts of the miraculous can.

It was not a burnt offering that blinded the Arameans in the days of Elisha, but a clear demonstration of
God’s power that blinded them so that they were led into Jerusalem to be fed when God answered
Elisha’s prayer, “Strike these people with blindness.”10 Because of the demonstration of power, the
bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory for a while, but where there is no repentance there is
no change of heart. The Arameans believed that they could not attack Israel because of Elisha’s power,
yet some time later, Ben Hadad king of Aram mobilized his entire army and marched up and laid siege to
Samaria.11 You see, if miraculous acts cannot stop an evil person coming back to attack you again unless
their hearts are changed, then how much less can ritualistic acts of righteousness?

Then, should we seek this road of the miraculous that few find and even fewer remain on, or should we
just abandon it and join the others on the broad road of good works with no power? We must seek it,
and having found it, remain on it, for then shall our Lord be proved true in His words: “Anyone who has
faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these.”12 Unlike others
who have tried to establish Heaven on Earth using a strict moral code of avoidance and abstinence, the
truth is Heaven on Earth can only be established and maintained by a constant presence and availability
of miraculous power from the Holy Spirit, and that power is given only to those who practise the words of
Jesus, not to those who practise the philosophy, theory and opinions of men. No Greek philosopher ever
opened the eyes of a blind man with a word or raised the dead with a touch. No scientist has ever done
it either without some gadget or drug so expensive that the poor cannot afford it. No elected leader of
any great democracy has been able to do it either. No, the ways of men have nothing miraculous about
them, only the way of Jesus is miraculous.

However, the secret to the miraculous has been waylaid because men did not abide with God’s time
schedule. When God said to Adam, “You are free to eat from any tree in the Garden, but you must not
eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die,”13 He had
already placed the Tree of Life next to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for it is written: In
the middle of the Garden were the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.14 And it
is obvious that Adam was permitted to eat of the Tree of Life, the fruit of which would allow him to live
forever, for God said this after Adam disobeyed: “The man has now become like One of Us, knowing
good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the Tree of Life and eat,

Matthew 6:34,33
2 Kings 6:18
2 Kings 6:23-24
John 14:12
Genesis 2:16-17
Genesis 2:9

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and live forever.”15 It is evident then that it was on God’s mind to allow Adam to first eat of the Tree of
Life and live forever before eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, so that truly Adam
could be like God, living forever and coming to know good and evil as God does. However, Adam upset
God’s timetable, and in his disobedience, he made his own time, his own schedule and his own calendar.
The time schedule and the calendar of man have nothing to do with God’s schedule or calendar. God’s
Grace is that Adam would be permitted to eat of the Tree of Life first before he knew what was good or
evil in the Garden. Likewise, salvation would come through faith before a single good or evil work was
done. Adam would have been able to live forever before he did a single good or evil act. It was after a
person could live forever that they would come to know what is good or evil and choose what to love, not
before. That was God’s plan and schedule. Likewise, by faith, today a person would receive salvation
and be in Paradise before he could do anything, whether good or bad. However, the schedule of man
would have you doing good works of piety, charity and morality before you receive your salvation, and
even then, it would be sometime in the future, perhaps even spending some unknown quantity of time
going through the circle of life or purification in purgatory before salvation and Paradise, much less
Heaven, would be yours to enjoy.

If God’s Grace then is to give salvation today to a cheat before he returns his money and Paradise to a
thief who cannot make restitution, then how much more His Grace avails to those, both salvation and
Paradise, who are able to do good works also after they are saved and are enjoying Paradise?

When we finally understand that God has given us no other day but today to live in, to practise the words
of Jesus in, to listen to Jesus in and to follow Jesus in, then will we finally see that which God has planned
for the church today. For though the Old Testament spoke of seasons and prophesied of things to come,
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies concerning Him, and when He did, He gave us only one day to seek the
Kingdom of God in, and that is today, for He said, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” If we believe
that, practise it and declare it, then the power of the Holy Spirit, which is available to all who need it and
those who need it are those who practise the words of Jesus, will cause Paradise to manifest today.
Paradise where the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised
and the Gospel is preached to the poor and every demon is driven out. It is Grace, now, that gives life
and salvation, not good works of men that earn it.

So, today is God’s day of Grace, therefore do not worry about tomorrow. AMEN

Genesis 3:22

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 21.02.2007

Grace to Forgive I

The salvation, which we now enjoy, that came by the Grace of God and is accessed only by faith and not
by good works, so that no man may boast, is sealed with blood in a covenant between God and His Son,
Jesus Christ. In this covenant that is between the Father and the Son, it is the will of the Father “that
everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, now… that they may know
You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ… and I will raise him up at the last day.”1

Through our faith in Christ and our obedience to the commands of the Father and the Lord Jesus, the Two
Parties of this covenant, we are made co-heirs, beneficiaries, of the covenant as well. As in all
covenants, the benefits exist as they are stated in the covenant, but the benefits are not handed over to
the beneficiaries until certain conditions of due process are fulfilled. As in a will, the beneficiary will not
receive what he is entitled to unless he fulfils certain conditions including being able to prove his identity.

God’s Grace may have been pre-existent to ensure that salvation could come by His Grace. However,
though God’s Grace has been poured out unconditionally to all who believe so that they can be saved, the
benefits of that Grace do not manifest unless conditions are met. That is why many are saved through
their faith but do not live or display a life that testifies that they have received the benefits of the
covenant. It is like an heir to a fortune still living as a pauper because he has not provided the necessary
documents to verify his identity.

Thus, the conditions that must be fulfilled, so that we may live a life filled with the benefits and not
bereaved of them, are obedience to the commands of the Two who forged the covenant. From the
Father came this one singular command: “Listen to Him!”2 that is, Jesus, and from Jesus came a
multitude of commands such as praying in secret, preaching the Gospel, healing the sick and so on.
Many who have faith in Jesus practise various differing amounts of the commands of Jesus, even if they
are ignorant of the Father’s command, yet their lives do not show that they have received the full
benefits of the eternal life that is theirs now. And the ‘Proof of Life’ that Christ is indeed in them is quite
often sadly missing. Even though they carry a Bible, recite its verses and attend the fellowships, the true
riches of the covenant are missing, riches that are unique to the Kingdom of God, which always begin
with miraculous power, for as Paul wrote, the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.3 For
all the pomp and ceremony, traditions and doctrines, and fellowship and charity, the true hallmark that
the Kingdom of God has come upon such believers is sadly missing. That hallmark of the Kingdom of
God is miraculous power to drive out demons, heal the sick and perform miracles.

When Jesus first sent out the twelve, He… gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every
disease and sickness.4 Again, the first sign that accompanies believers when they preach the Gospel is
this: “In My Name they will drive out demons,” and the last sign is, “they will place their hands on sick
people, and they will get well.”5 When Jesus said the Kingdom of God has come upon us, He said, “But if
I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”6 Yet we have the
majority of believers who are beguiled into ignoring demons and their existence as they happily placate
their conscience and do good works that any other person, even an atheist, could do, such as to offer
hospitality, visitations of the sick and imprisoned, clothe the naked and feed the hungry.

What remains missing in our daily lives is the constant flow of the miraculous power that Jesus said is
ours. So what then is missing that keeps us short of miraculous power? What is missing is true holiness,
which is true separation, for the One from whom the Grace first came to fill Jesus full of Grace, gave us a
command to be holy, to be separate, to be set apart. That holiness, separation and sanctification was in
His command, “Listen to Him!” meaning no one else. He did not say, “Listen to Him, My Son, and the
Prophets as represented by Elijah, and the Law as represented by Moses,” when they stood next to Him
on that Mount of Transfiguration. No, in full view with the two representatives of the Prophets and the
Law present, God separated Jesus out and commanded His disciples to “Listen to Him!” Thus, the failure
of the disciples and subsequently the believers to listen only and wholly to Jesus meant that the
condition, the first condition of the covenant, was never fulfilled for the dispensing of the benefits. Do
not misunderstand me; all who believe in Jesus that He is the Son of God, can still have their names
placed on the will and be a beneficiary. Thus, faith avails the salvation that has come by His Grace. But
failure to fulfil the covenant of that salvation has meant that many, whose names are included on the list

John 6:40, 17:3
Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 6:35
1 Corinthians 4:20
Matthew 10:1
Mark 16:17,18
Matthew 12:28

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as beneficiaries, have had to live without the true benefits, and like the heir to a fortune, subsist on a
much lesser life.

If, however, one does fulfil the Father’s half of the conditions and does listen to Jesus, you will find that
the Son’s half of the conditions of the covenant begins with this one word, “Repent.” It is a word He
continued to use to His churches in His letters to them,7 and a word that is sadly missing as a command
in the letters of the apostles. Even though they spoke of repentance, they failed to emphasise that need
as a command to be obeyed continuously, even in the churches. Though repentance is practised by and
large, for indeed some denominations have so formalised repentance that it takes place at certain times
in certain places with certain prescribed rituals only, the true purpose of repentance has been forgotten.

Often we think of repentance that we may be cleansed and forgiven of our sins, but we forget our
repentance in fact permits God to first forgive us of our sins, and so it gives rise to that one hallmark of
God that makes everyone who knows Him fear Him. He is the God who forgives and He poured out
His Grace into Jesus so that, through faith in Him, men may receive the salvation that first displays the
glory of God that is manifested in His ability to forgive. God isn’t just an awesome God because He is
holy, powerful, “compassionate and gracious… slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,
maintaining love to thousands,” but He is also God who is “the Lord, the Lord …forgiving wickedness,
rebellion and sin.”8

So, it is not only sin that He forgives, but wickedness and rebellion, for wickedness came first in Satan’s
heart, the wickedness to forsake God and usurp His position, and the sin of pride, which led to open
rebellion. For us, sin came because Eve was deceived, but Adam already had the propensity to forsake
God, that is, leave God out of the picture when he said of Eve, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh
of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”9 It is wickedness and sin that
lifts up and fosters rebellion. Thus, when Adam showed the propensity to wickedness by not even
mentioning God’s part in bringing Eve forth, Satan knew that if he supplied the sin, Adam and his sons
would join in the rebellion even if out of ignorance.

If God was only “compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, and
maintaining love to thousands,” but unforgiving, then not a single son of Adam would ever experience
any of these sides of God, but only the fury of His anger when it does erupt, even though it takes a long
time. Even in the Old Testament, forgiveness of sins was already there in that covenant, except that
forgiveness was attained only by careful fulfilment of the prescribed sacrifices demanded by the law. In
the New Covenant, no sacrifice is demanded for those who wished to have their sins forgiven, no sacrifice
at all, only a little mustard seed of faith was needed to move that wicked, rebellious mountain of sin that
obstructed us from God’s view - faith in Jesus Christ.

Thus, when we act on repentance because it is a command, and not do it as if it is God’s privilege that we
repent, but it is our duty that we must repent, we allow God to be the Person He wants to be, a Person
He could become thanks to wickedness, rebellion and sin - God the Forgiver. For God is forever
gracious, compassionate, loving, slow to anger, faithful and maintaining love to thousands, and no sin,
wickedness or rebellion is needed that God the gracious, the compassionate, the loving God, the God who
is slow to anger and God the faithful One, maintaining love to thousands, was what He always was before
sin, wickedness and rebellion came. But, God the Forgiver manifested because of the wickedness,
rebellion and sin, that which would have remained unproven of God was revealed by the wickedness,
rebellion and sin of His creatures. It is as if God moved on into a new phase of His existence, God the
Forgiver, and our continuous repentance permits God to continually remain in pursuit and revelation of
this hidden quality of Him, God the Forgiver. Thus, the Grace of God permits Him to forgive us because
the condition of the covenant that underwrites our salvation begins with holiness and repentance, so that
forgiveness would be manifested.

And since it is the purpose of this covenant to not only save the lost through faith, but out of those saved
would come the ones who would be raised up to be sons of God in the fullness and stature of the Only
Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that they would be imitators of God, then it is imperative those imitators
have the proof that they are indeed the new creation who came because of a new manifestation of that
which had been hidden in God until they came, that is, God the Forgiver. And His imitators must also
forgive as well as being powerful, compassionate, perfect, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and
faithfulness and maintaining love.

The one quality that sets the new creation apart from the old so that they can truly be said to be new, is
the ability to forgive, for the old creation was made without rebellion, wickedness and sin. The

Revelation 2 - 3
Exodus 34:6-7
Genesis 2:23

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manifestation of these three in the old ensued its destruction and provided the means by which God
revealed a part of Himself that was not revealed when He created the old but that which would be needed
if He were to bring the new creation out of the old.

God revealed to all of creation that He forgives, that is why He is to be feared and He expects us, the first
born of that new creation that came from the Newness of God, to also likewise forgive as we have been
forgiven. The failure to do so then leaves those who have begun the process to be birthed into the new
creation, limp and powerless, still born as it were, having the feature of a birth but without the ‘Proof of

To be continued…

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 24.02.2007

Grace to Forgive II

“Father… Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us, (who is indebted to us).”1
There are two key words here: “everyone who sins against us” and “everyone who is indebted to us.”

As it has been said, forgiveness of sins, rebellion and wickedness is the newness that God brought out of
Himself after creation was made, and rebellion, sin and wickedness were manifested in both Satan and
Adam. God could not be God the Forgiver until sin, rebellion and wickedness were truly manifested. He
may have had that potential, but the potential was not realised until the reality came.

The covenant He sealed with Jesus, in the blood of Jesus, is called the Covenant for the Forgiveness of
Sins. As He said, “This is My blood of the (New) Covenant which is poured out for many for the
forgiveness of sins.”2 And when He left, He said this to the disciples, “and repentance and forgiveness of
sins will be preached in His Name (the Christ) to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”3 Repentance
begins the journey, the conception if you like, of the new creation, and faith gives growth to the new
creation. However, the new creation is only accepted if it manifests not miraculous power, even though
that has been the emphasis, but with the miraculous power, the true new creation that is an imitation of
God is a creature that forgives as God forgives, forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.

Jesus also said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation,”4 which we have always
assumed was John 3:16 about believing in Jesus and His sacrifice. But as you can see in Luke 24:47, He
specified that besides the Gospel, repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached. We tend to
preach, “Repent and believe,” and some preach faith in God without tackling the issue that repentance
and forgiveness of sins are to be preached. In Peter’s first preach, he said, “Repent and be baptised,
every one of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”5 He actually included
three of the four key words we must include in our preaching at all times, which are: Repent, be
baptised, and forgiveness, leaving out on believe, for Jesus said, “Repent,” and, “Repent and believe.”
As such, His preach was aimed first to those who would repent and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for the
Kingdom of Heaven only needs repentance according to Jesus, for He said, “Repent, for the Kingdom of
Heaven is near.”6 But the Kingdom of God depends on both, for Jesus said, “Repent and believe the
Good News! The time has come. The Kingdom of God is near.”7

As such, the Good News that Jesus said we are to preach in Mark 16:15 includes this: “The time has
come. The Kingdom of God is near!” A Kingdom that would testify to its arrival as soon as the first
demon was driven out following the preaching of the Good News, for Jesus said, “If I drive out demons by
the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you.”8 Indeed, the time is near, for the
Kingdom of God would manifest as soon as demons are driven out whenever the Gospel has been

Those who repent only have believed Jesus’ words, which were a continuation of the message of John the
Baptist who preached, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”9 But, Jesus’ own Good News is
indeed: “The time has come, the Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News!” Jesus
demonstrated the advent of the Kingdom of God by driving out demons, and then He raised disciples,
whom He taught all sorts of things and established for them a covenant with God that is sealed in His
blood, the Covenant for the Forgiveness of Sins. Having done all that, He instructed them: “Go into all
the world and preach the Good News to all creation.” “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising
them… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” “And repentance and forgiveness
of sins will be preached in His Name to all nations.”10

For the church to have full power, it must be prepared to deliver the whole message, for power is given
to us to be His witnesses, and the degree to which you are prepared to be His witness is the degree to
which He will give you power. When we only emphasise part of the message, that is, only part of the
witness, then only part of the power is available. When we witness to the whole message of Christ, then
the whole power of the Holy Spirit is available. The forgiveness of sins must be restored in its fullness as
Jesus taught us.

Luke 11:4 NIV (KJV)
Matthew 26:28
Luke 24:47
Mark 16:15
Acts 2:38
Matthew 4:17
Mark 1:15
Luke 11:20
Matthew 3:2
Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19,20; Luke 24:47

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 24.02.2007

Our repentance permits God to be in the newness He wants, which is God the Forgiver. However, Jesus
made it clearly conditional for us when it came to forgiveness of sins. We repent to have our sins
forgiven, yes, but having established our relationship, which is as His children, for how else can we call
him, “Father,” we are to forgive as we have been forgiven, and that forgiveness of those who sin against
us is not a one-off affair, but rather, it is a continuous affair.

How many times have you and I said and heard, “But I have forgiven”? Imagine God saying that to us,
“But I have forgiven,” referring to our old sins when we need His forgiveness daily for all the new sins we
commit against Him. Then it is obvious that our forgiving of those who have sinned against us must be
continuous and unceasing, just as God’s forgiveness to us must be unceasing. This is something we have
failed to practise as an unceasing continuous event, rather than a one-off event, but then, it is no
wonder, for there is so little teaching about forgiveness, and what there is, is mainly about having our
sins forgiven so that we might be righteous with God. It is self-centred and there is no flow of the Grace
we have received in the manner that Jesus said we should, “Freely you have received, freely give.”11

Before we continue, there is a reason why forgiveness, as I am about to teach you, has been left to last.
After all, you have been taught and have practised listening to Jesus, believing, overcoming, reigning,
healing, Godliness, the powers of the age to come and so on, yet the full power that we have been
looking for and believing for has not come. This is so that you may know and learn and never forget that
nothing you have ever been taught, ever believed, ever practised and ever achieved counts if you have
not learnt to forgive.

Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of
Heaven.”12 One thing we have forgotten about is that when we were little children we knew how to
forgive and not bear grudges. It was only as we grew older that we learnt to hate and hold things in our
hearts against people and situations that hurt us. Thus, the humility of a little child, that is, one under
seven years old or less, is the ability to forgive and forget. You see it so often, and we have done it, but
we have forgotten. In a kindergarten one moment they are friends, next moment they are fighting and
then they are friends again.

From then on, in that teaching in Matthew 18:2-19, Jesus spoke of dealing with a brother who sins
against us, that is a fellow disciple who sins against us. And when Peter asked Him, “How many times
shall I forgive… up to seven times?” Jesus replied, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times
(seventy times seven).”13 Then He told the parable of the unmerciful servant and it ended with a dire
warning: “This is how My Heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from
your heart,”14 which means the overflow of your heart, your tongue, must speak continuously of
forgiveness of that brother every time you mention him. If you recall his sin, it is and must be merely a
prelude to the follow up of the forgiveness of sins that is coming. If you read the Parable, you will find
that the first servant received Grace and mercy as his debt was forgiven of him, but when he did not
forgive his fellow servant, the grace and mercy ceased and judgement came without mercy or grace.
Likewise, this may help you see why so many believers, even disciples, live lives that seem to be filled
with the judgement of God rather than the blessings of God. And so we blame the devil or someone else,
just like our ancestor Adam did, instead of repenting and forgiving those who sinned against us.

So now, who has sinned against us first, is it not Satan? When Jesus said to Satan, “Away from Me,
Satan,” He did not send Satan to Hell as many would love to believe, but went on to say, “For it is
written; worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.”15 Jesus reminded Satan of the one thing he
had not done so that he might repent. In fact, Jesus had forgiven him in a way, for if Satan did take
Jesus’ advice, then the subsequent trial in Heaven might have ended with Satan being forgiven.16 But
no, he chose to war against Michael and his angels, and Satan and his angels were cast out.17 So when
Jesus said, “For the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on Me,”18 it also meant He had
forgiven Satan of his debt to Jesus personally, although Satan was not forgiven in Heaven by the Father,
for the Father is the Judge. Jesus was merely the Servant of the Father who acquired the necessary
testimony to convict and condemn Satan. You see, in the world, when your debtor forgives you of a
debt, he has no hold over you. However, in the Kingdom of God, whose ways are not our ways, the God
to whom Cain asked this question: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”19 it is that anyone who in indebted to us

Matthew 10:8
Matthew 18:2
Matthew 18:21-22
Matthew 18:35
Matthew 4:10
John 16:11
Revelation 12:7; Luke 10:18
John 14:30
Genesis 4:9

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Sat 24.02.2007

has a hold over us. That is why although Jesus did not sin against Satan, but as the Son of Man who was
tempted so severely in the desert, Jesus showed His forgiveness to Satan, not by saying, “I forgive you,”
but rather, He went further and gave Satan the word that could allow him to escape judgement:
“Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

That is why those who curse Satan, bind him and attack him, live in fear of him, for he still has a hold on
them. But from the day I learned to love my enemies, even Satan, and remind him of the words of
Jesus, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only,” even inviting him to worship God with us, he has
had no hold over me. If there is anything I would boast of about this ministry, it is that it does not live in
fear of what Satan would do to us; but rather, we live in fear of what God would do to us.

As we repent continuously and forgive continuously so that as we remain forgiven, so we also ensure our
enemies remain forgiven continuously by us; and whether God forgives us or not, that is their debt. The
second servant who owed the first servant money had no right to demand that the king should decree
that the first servant forgive him. It is up to the first servant. Likewise, we forgive those who have
sinned against us so that they are less burdened by what they owe us in order that they are better able
to repay what they owe God.

Have you not seen it yet? Forgive those who sin against us is our prayer that fulfils the command of
“Love your enemies.”20 If you are expected to love your enemies, then as you can see, you have no right
not to forgive your brother from your heart. The warning is clear and it is strong; if you do not forgive,
my Father will not forgive you and I remind you that He is the Judge. So, the sin of unforgiveness is
disobedience to the command to forgive as we have been forgiven. And to say the Lord’s Prayer without
meaning and doing what we said means that we remain under judgement not blessing, and worse still for
those who pray, “as we forgive those who sin against us,” but do not mean it or do it, have proved
themselves a hypocrite. Now go and look at the woes of a hypocrite.21

James’ recommendations to avoid sin means that we stay away from repentance, not that we advocate
sin, yet whether we want to or not, we will sin as Paul put it so eloquently in Romans 7:7-25, but rather,
we advocate repentance and forgiveness. There is no practice of the love of enemies when you abstain
from foods sacrificed to animals and meats of strangled animals and abstain from blood, and as such, the
recommendations of James’ judgement are proved again to be useless.

Now, look again at the verse. It does not only say, “we also forgive everyone who sins against us,” but
also, “everyone who is indebted to us.” Those who are indebted to us, and please leave mammon out of
this, are those who should be grateful to us. That is, those whom we have helped along the way. They
are those we have preached the Gospel to, those we have been able to be kind to and those we have
done a favour for and therefore owe us a debt of gratitude, they are those who are indebted to us and we
are to forgive their sins.

That is why, if you look at the time sequence of the way the Lord revealed the Holy Spirit to us from John
15 to 20 and Acts 1:8, He spoke of what the Holy Spirit will do for us, then before He spoke of the power
we would get from the Holy Spirit, He said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they
are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”22 And then He said, “You will receive
power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”23

Perhaps He meant for the disciples to go out in Jerusalem and begin to forgive the sins of Jerusalem
before the Holy Spirit arrived, so that Jerusalem, not only the disciples, but all of Jerusalem, would be a
vessel made ready for the Holy Spirit. After all, the Father was about to pour Him out on all flesh,24
including flesh that have not had their sins atoned for in more than five centuries, because they lost the
ark. Has it occurred to us that Jesus gave John 20:22-23 to them so that the Holy Spirit might be
received by the Jews of Jerusalem in a manner befitting of Him, flesh that had been consecrated to God
by sacrifice like Elisha’s and Samson’s and the Jews of old when they had the Ark of the Covenant?

Thus, we are truly shepherds cleansing those who have sinned against us, and also those who are
indebted to us, those who should be grateful to us. Why those who are indebted to us, those who should
be grateful to us? Because ingratitude and ungratefulness was present in Adam when he claimed Eve as
his own without acknowledging God, and ingratitude is the nature of our flesh that gives rise to all sin in
us, just as pride is the nature of Satan’s spirit that gave rise to sin in him. We were ungrateful from the
beginning, and as the coming Millennium will prove, sons of Adam will remain ungrateful to the end. That

Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27
Luke 11:37-52
John 20:22-23
Acts 1:8
Joel 2:28

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is why we must forgive the sins of those we are indebted to us so that they have no hold over us, and
God is free to judge.

Now, once forgiveness is preached with repentance, then God’s Grace can flow in full power, for all the
different pieces of the Ark are in place. God’s Grace forgave us, and by His Grace, we forgive.

To be continued…

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 28.02.2007

Grace to Forgive III - An Unappreciated Gift

One of the things that we are all guilty of is our failure to appreciate fully how wonderfully free it is to
have our debts to God forgiven of us, mainly because we rarely see ourselves as being indebted to God,
and worse still, we tend to see God as being indebted to us.

“Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.”1 “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive
everyone who sins against us (everyone who is indebted to us).”2

1. Forgiving everyone who sins against us includes enemies who curse us, persecute us and seek to
harm us. And enemies, our enemies, are not just unbelievers who seek to persecute us for the sake of
the Gospel, but brothers and sisters as well, for it is written: “A man’s enemies will be the members of
his own household.”3 Forgiving a brother, that is, another disciple who hears the word of God and obeys
it as defined by Jesus, requires forgiveness from the heart,4 whereas to love our enemies who are not our
brothers, we only need to pray for them, bless them and do good to them if we are able to. Our sins
against God are all our acts of disobedience, for they carry and deserve punishment. When God forgives
us of our sins, it is His mercy that does not punish us for what we deserve, but rather annuls or suspends
the sentence. That is, we are guilty but the sentence is suspended.

2. However, our debts to God are not our sins against God. In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant,5
the man who owed the king 10,000 talents did not receive from the king the ten thousand talents in the
first place because he was a rebel who was seeking to overthrow the kingdom. That is, the man who
owed the king the money was not an enemy of the king, but rather, a man who found favour with the
king, enough favour that the king loaned him ten thousand talents. So, to have his debt forgiven him by
the king is not a suspension of sentence, that is, mercy, but rather grace upon grace.

For the king to loan him 10,000 talents was a favour. For the king to forgive him his debt is a favour
beyond the favour. The man actually had the benefit of enjoying the 10,000 talents, which more than
likely supplied the 100 denarii that he loaned his fellow servant. In other words, if the king did not show
him favour in the first place, the first servant would not have been in a position to loan the 100 denarii to
his fellow servant. Thus, grace from the king set up the grace that allowed the first servant to loan to
the second. Now, when the king forgave the debt rather than demanded it to be repaid, the first servant
experienced or should have experienced the incredible blessing of having a debt wiped out, a debt that
he had incurred and had already reaped the benefit of spending, including loaning the 100 denarii to the
second servant.

So it is time to see clearly the difference between a sin and a debt. A sin is incurred by an enemy and a
debt is incurred because you are a friend, one who is held in favour and enjoys credibility with the lender.
As such, when you sin, you are less offensive than someone who cannot repay a debt, for the sinner
received no favours, but the debtor has already enjoyed the favour. A sinner can be any person, but a
debtor can only be a debtor if grace was first shown and the loan was given. To a sinner, who is
someone who disobeys and rebels against you, or someone who attacks you and seeks to harm you, that
is, someone who sins against you, you have not dispensed any grace to them to earn their enmity, but to
a debtor you have already given them grace that they then become your debtor.

Thus, to have our debts forgiven by God is a much greater privilege than to have our sins forgiven. For
when we sinned against God, God had not yet poured out His Grace, but when we became indebted to
God, God had given out His Grace. Yet, we blithely say, “Forgive us our debts…” and we have failed to
realise that to forgive our debts costs God more than to forgive us our sins.

When God (or you) forgives someone of their sin, God (or you) has not put Himself under obligation to do
anything further. It is just like Elisha opening the eyes of the Aramean army and then sending them
home after feeding them. He was not obliged to keep feeding them or to live with them. In fact, once
you forgive your enemy of their sin, you are no longer obligated to do anything else for them. You can
even forget about them.

However, when we ask God to forgive us our debt, we are asking for God to give us Grace on top of the
Grace He gave us already, to go the extra mile. Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins against God,
which is why it is the Covenant for the Forgiveness of Sins that mercy would be shown to God’s enemies
who’d ask for mercy. That mercy is in His Name. However, Jesus did not die for our debts to be

Matthew 6:12
Luke 11:4
Matthew 10:36 (Micah 7:6)
Matthew 18:35
Matthew 18:21-35

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Holy Spirit’s Workshop [] – Wed 28.02.2007

forgiven. Indeed, the death of Jesus Christ put us all under debt to God. Hear this now: The sacrifice of
Jesus Christ put us all under debt to God and we accept the debt when we accept Jesus Christ as our
Lord and Saviour. If we heard of God’s Grace through Jesus and said, “No,” then we would pay for our
sins and would not be indebted to God. We would reap what we sow without anyone to redeem us from
the fruits of our labour. So, in truth, God never condemned men, but men condemned themselves when
they chose to rebel and not surrender so that God could show them mercy through Jesus Christ.

Thus, all who repent and believe are saved from the penalty of their sin. Having been saved, that is,
having received God’s mercy, we could choose not to follow Jesus and ask Jesus for help, or not ask
Jesus or God for more favours and more blessings, for the moment we do, we have received God’s Grace,
which gives us one blessing after another and makes us now indebted to God. Yes, indebted to God.
Now, if God was a stingy person, a real shylock, then we are all in trouble because we could never repay
the blessings He has given us, no more than the servant could repay the 10,000 talents once he had
spent it.

You cannot repay God for the miraculous power you have received, nor the healings or the deliverance
once you have received it, used it and enjoyed it. It is like what they call a ‘ponzi loan’ – a loan that can
never be repaid without selling everything up. Forgiveness then not only shows you the mercy of God’s
Grace, but the generosity of God’s Grace. God is indeed the generous Landowner of the Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard6 who pays the last worker the same as what He pays the first workers who
agreed to the pay, as it is written: “Are you envious because I am generous?”

The Lord does not bless us with one blessing after another, with one favour after another so as to load us
up and grind us into the ground with a burden of debt we can never repay. Indeed, God set up a debt
repayment system using sin. Now, herein lays the mastery of sin by God, for He uses sin, rather, the
forgiveness of sins, as the way to repay the debt. He uses the forgiveness of debts to repay the debts,
and the forgiveness of sins for the suspension of the punishment.

We are plagued and will always be plagued by people who will sin against us. If we have no one who sins
against us, then we would be living in peace, but the Lord did not come to bring peace but a sword so
that two will be against three in a family, as Jesus said, “From now on there will be five in one family
divided against each other, three against two and two against three.”7 So, as we forgive those who sin
against us, that is, rebel against us, seek to usurp us and covet what we have, kill and destroy what we
have, or seek to lord it over us and enslave us, for that was Satan’s sin against God when he said in his
heart, “I will ascend to Heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned as the
Mount of Assembly, on the utmost heights on the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the
clouds; I will make myself like the Most High,”8 our own rebellions, usurping, covetousness, murderous
schemes and pride are forgiven. So, mercy flows continuously because God is generous.

Indeed, God has forgiven Satan, for even though he is condemned by his sentence, there is an
opportunity for him to escape his execution. The devil is condemned and sentenced for execution in the
Lake of Fire. However, unlike the beast and the false prophet who are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire9
as soon as Jesus arrives, that is, they are executed into the second death; Satan enjoys a stay of
sentence for 1000 years in the Abyss. And then, as it is written: When the 1000 years are over, Satan
will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the Earth—
Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They
marched across the breadth of the Earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city He loves.10

Now listen and see that there are two wills here. First, there is a Will that releases Satan and there is a
will that causes him to go out to deceive. The first will is God’s Will, for Satan could not be released if
God had not permitted it, but to deceive the nations is not God’s Will. If it were, then the sentence would
read: Satan will be released from his prison to deceive the nations. But rather, it is written: and will go
out to deceive the nations. That second will is Satan’s will, Satan’s choice, not God’s. Had Satan laid
down his will to abide by God’s Will, to be released from prison then do nothing more than just sit and
watch to enjoy his freedom, he would break the scripture of Revelation and be spared from the Lake of
Burning Sulphur. However, by his own will, he will go out and deceive the nations to raise them up
against the camp of God’s people, that is, the members of the First Resurrection, whose dogged
testimony for Jesus and faith in God’s word imprisoned Satan in the first place by fulfilling all the
Scriptures necessary for Jesus’ return. It will show that Satan does not forgive us for obeying Jesus and
allowing scriptures to be fulfilled because of our obedience. When Satan fails to forgive us, then

Matthew 20:1-16
Luke 12:52
Isaiah 14:13-14
Revelation 19:20
Revelation 20:7-9

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unforgiveness is shown him and he then joins the other two. And the devil, who deceived them, was
thrown into the Lake of Burning Sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown.11

Satan failed to forgive those who sinned against him—us—and lost the Grace that could have been his, as
God released him from prison by His Will. He failed to forgive us because he rose up Gog and Magog by
his deception to attack us. Those citizens of God and Magog were destroyed instantly without warning
because they were ungrateful throughout the 1000 years of Jesus’ gracious reign. That is why from now
on you can call them, “The ungrateful,” or, “The ingratiates.”

As for the false prophet and the beast, they serve as examples of those who trample on God’s Grace, not
just His mercy. For the false prophet had received great favour from God, in particular, from the Holy
Spirit, to be able to have the power and ability to raise the image of the beast to speak, even powers of
the age to come,12 and yet showed no mercy to those who refused to take on the mark of the beast but
had them beheaded. The beast himself received favour through the false prophet’s power that came
from the Holy Spirit to be raised up to speak. Be clear about this now, see the word, the beast is given
authority and power. The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to
exercise his authority for 42 months.13 He was given power to make war against the saints and to
conquer them.14 However, the false prophet exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, 15
but he is not given the first beast’s power to make war on the saints and conquer them, but rather, he
performed great and miraculous signs. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the
first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the Earth.16 So the power of the false prophet is not the power
of the beast.

The power of the false prophet was given to him by the Holy Spirit, because in the beginning he received
favour from the Holy Spirit to be entrusted with the power. And yet he did not return the favour to those
who resisted him. He was indebted to the Holy Spirit, but when he attacked the elect of the Holy Spirit
when he did not forgive those who were his former brothers and sisters in Christ, but beheaded them,
then neither was his debt forgiven. Unfortunately for the false prophet, his debt, miraculous power to do
signs and wonders, is to the Holy Spirit, not to the Father or to Jesus, for the Father gave His Son, and
the Son gave His life, and to the Son the Father gave authority, but from the Holy Spirit came the power.
Likewise, the beast received power to make war against the saints, power that comes only from the Holy
Spirit, and as such, he was also indebted to the Holy Spirit. When both of them, the beast and the false
prophet, refuse to forgive those who sin against them, that is, those who rebel against them and disobey
them, those who refuse the mark of the beast, and so kill them, so likewise, they will be treated. They
are killed immediately, not by the first death, but by the second death. Thus, they are thrown into the
Lake of Fire because they failed to forgive as they were forgiven and shown Grace.

You see, when you have received the favour of God to be indebted to Him, not only does He expect you
to forgive those who are in debt to you, but also those who sin against you. The false prophet committed
both the insulting of the Holy Spirit and the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, for he did not forgive those who
are indebted to God and not to him. That would be like the first servant of the Parable of the Unmerciful
Servant killing the second servant so that the second servant could not repay his own debt to the king.
What would the king do to the first servant then?

So, forgiveness of sins shows the mercy of God’s Grace and the forgiveness of debts shows the
generosity of God’s Grace. Now, “love your enemies,” is showing the mercy of God’s Grace. That is why
we become merciful as our Heavenly Father is merciful for we are forgiving the sins of enemies.
However, to “Love one another as I have loved you,” is to forgive each other of our debts as the Father
has forgiven us our debts. That is, forgiving the favour we have shown to a brother or sister because
God has forgiven us of the favour He showed us. Thus, forgiveness is the key and has always been the
key behind God’s love and it is the key that truly opens the door to God’s treasure. For, its other name is
known as the fear of the Lord. If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But
with You there is forgiveness; therefore You are feared.17 The fear of the Lord is the key to this
treasure… a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge.18 The Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of
the Fear of the Lord,19 that is, the Spirit who forgives.

No wonder the false prophet is condemned and if we do not forgive, Jesus’ Father will not forgive us.

Revelation 20:10
Hebrews 6:5
Revelation 13:5
Revelation 13:7
Revelation 13:11
Revelation 13:13-14
Psalm 130:3-4
Isaiah 33:6
Isaiah 11:2

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