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For this pioneer of natural Mcet ftr, gradldy (c0nrlnued)

childbirth, figltting tt:

pr0vidr the hest {crr Parenls

&ffiwwtr and thc'ir children has

been a iifelong joY'

By Leah Yarrow
tn 196i Marjie l{athaway, iust days before she v/as due and ro the baby, that labor and blnh rvere not tneant to tle F:
to give bjrtl, flew wtth hei husband,.1ay, and- three snrall arvful and couid be a less palnful, even exhllaratlng rxpe'
clrl-idren from California to Denver. The Hath,rways had rlelrce, Er€n before reseerch proved hlm conect about
heard Dr. Robefl Bradley, a Denver obstetriclan, sf;eak clrulls, Bradley set olrt lo piorlecr a merhod of blnh lhat F.t
about his rnetho<J of natural chlldblrtir and rvere deter' would exclude tlte neccslty foc tlctr ut In all but compll'
mlned to attcmpt the klnd of delivery he de.scribed; a cated labors and dellverles,
sDontaneous, unmcdicated birth with husband oaching Bradlev's leverence for things natural was leamed
d'urtng labor and dellvery and the rnother breast ft'cdlng while a ihild on a fan:t. Afler watchlng cound$s cats,
the newbonr on the dellvery table 'l hey couldnl flnd a dogs, Elals, sherp, alrd horses lxar young' Rradley was
dodor ln their area to agree to thosc conditions, so tltey trriked on babid and binh. llls only goal was to become
new rlght to lhe soutce. And afier a reladvely easy labor an obstetrlclan. So was hls desire, so narrow hls
and blnh, they werc holdtng their fourti chlld wtthtn 36 scorx, tlrat he earned the ntckname "oB Bradley" tn mctl'
ical^school. It was his comparlson of the serenlty of fiose so Bradley has his patients assunte their slccp position at product, the children, or "Bradley Brats" as he affection
hours of landing orr Dr. Bradley's doo6tep So that o$ers @

CN laborlnc animal mothcrs wlth thc screaming, writhtng, that tirnc. For pregn'ifrl wom(:n tltis ttsttally tneans lying rtely calls them, as well as in his parients. IIc cuddlcs the
wouldn't have to travel so far for this kind of bjrth, dle
laborlnl human molhers he encountercrl ln hosplal ma' on the stcle in lhe running position, with onc leg up, infant-s, spcaks ldndly to the children. Many women com
Hathaways, along wlth Dr. Bradley, founded tlte tultetl' m
temlty iards tlrat led hlm to dwelop his medrocl of natu' allowing no pan of tlre trody to rest on any othcr. Bradley plnin tbat their obstetriciurs arc totally turintcrested in the Dt
can Acadetny of Husband.Ctachcd Chlldblnh to tcach ct
tbe Brarlley method. ral childbtnh. has found that patieDts arc most cofilfortable in this pos! babl' 611." it is <lt'livererl. l)r. Rradlcy cuttltl never be
riolr (as opposed to tlre fl'at.on the.back 1x:siLiou often ar;cused r:l'that, Hc is proud of thc babies he clelivers and m
Co0peratlng wfth Mothef Nature. Nlne months to makc a Par€nt. inslsted upon bv doctors ancl hrtspitltl stafl ) and that relax lovcs thcrn. flis wife, Mrnha, says about hint, "For Bob, 4
Inlhose diys, few people ln this country had heard of Although Bradley orlglnally set out to examtne iust la arior.), which i.9 essential to allay rnuch of thc prin of labor, cveq, brbv lre crtchcs is like tlre lirst one he caught."
natural childbirth, althorrgh tJr. Bradley had begun dwef bor and btrth, wlut evolved ls a comprehenshe program is easiest. 'l'hc slc<1r l)ositi{)r) cxn be ;rltcrnatetl with lhe
.i(irh I4:lr(hr,rs his assistrrnt,:rnd hi-s youngest daughter, 3
oplng his technique ln 1947. And even today, lll"l P9 for hls Dadents that lncludes-in addition to obstetrlcd contour chalr lrcsition -a scnrireclining position with all Srrsan. irs thc rcctlrt ionist, Bril(lley's officc ha-s the feel of a
tirm naturat chiklbinh is well known, this granddaddy's care-a series of classes once the pregnancy has bctn joints slightly l;errt. home rathel thln tltcaustcriry of;t rloctor's offit'c. l)lttients e
(he has thineen grandchildren) method and philosophy conflrmed, a five.leclure series by lrr' Ilradley on toplcs tuiinials, Bmtlltl'also ol>st--n'ed, brcalhe ir lirb(-)r itrst lls rntl doctor alikt'olic:t rt'nrark thlt thcy fcci likc tanrily to }'
are stlll consldercd fairly radtcal. 'Ihe doctois crcdo-- ranqinq fronl famlly relatlons to children's dentlstry, and a thcy do iu slcep, :tnd so lte has his palicnls pl:lclic!'sk)w, cach olber.
"lt's not nlce to Ibol Mother Neture, and lf you do, you'll oosioa"nr,m exerclse class. Most childbirtlr classes ue giv deep, al:douritul breatlrirtg witlr tlte nxlth slightly opclt Dcspite hi:; cr;urt11'doctor lpgreal, horvcrcr, l)r. Bf:ld
Ln iri tlre last six to twelve wu:kd of pregnanry, but Bnd
'l'irct' rnust toc
wlsh you hadn'f '*did and stlll docs bring him lnto daily Oniy anirnills thrtt rlont pcrspitc pant during hbor, lrtr Irry is stricl antl clenrarrding of iris l)atienN

defiance ofstand.rrd obstetrical practice (for insuoce, as lcv bclleves it lakes the entire nine montlrs of pregnancy explains, rnd tltis is onc rcilson ht: bcliet'es the l.rnlaze drc linc lry rk;in1i tlrt'cxctciscs tltc prc'scril;tcl nutrttrcr of
far a,s hc knows, hc's the only doctor In Colorado who toprepre physlcally forgivlng binh and emotlonally for tecl)ni(lue ()f shallorv l)snting (o l:c incortect. lill(:s, t()ugllrniiril thcir ripplcs lirr bLt'rst fcctlirtg (;tll of
dcrs rtot have a statrding order to stan a glucose I V whcn b€corninq a Darent. his paticnts plan to nurst:; ht: rvon t :tctrltl r t)ittient $'|rc
hls obstcuical paricnls arrivc at tlre hospital. ) But d)e 5t3 Amon[oOrer r]rings, dte classs tca<:h excrc iscs Rradky Rerrrcttrbcdng thc eod prutlrrct--ilrc bablcs. rcfusts), lrrrd t':rlirrll trrrrt:tlv livcn in tlrt'<lr1t s'lrtrt lirtr
tistics pror,c rhis 64-ycar.otd mavcrick klows whcrmf he has cln cioJrd to hcip casc rhe div omfofts of prcgnancy As lhe ull, irrrpressivclt,gitthctl rlttr:tot Ltslrets p:ttit'tits l{ing i l.)rcllrxrl \!rr.trr's q't'ight wrs in v()gue. l]ratalla')
speaki. tn all his years of prlctlce he ha-s nenrcr lrad a and to prepare thc muscles for p,iving b rth. '!'he class{rs into lrir; rncih:st olfjc('s. tirlkirlg frrli spettl irt r lrr'c;tthlcsq, n('\,ci rcstri(((r(l rrtight 'l \\'rs ( ri(i( i/('Ll vt'ltt:tttetltlr' l,t'
riratemal dcnth, am.l he hoa.sts that 9"i perccnt of hi\ pil' also encoumgc practice t>f tl)| sltrep in)lt:lllon posilion' l'1id\vcstcril t\viing, lt s hard to int:14i:tt: Ititn ts llte sttLr, r rl) I)ra,rs ll ut; rrrrltt'rrrrl,,I itt tlrc tinrc." ltricllc\':iitls,
ricnLs havt'unrtrcdicated hinlrs. ()f thc lenlain.lcf, :J [.cr' abtkniltal bretthilg, alrd (ela-\atiorr 16 fu rrscd during ,lilt('nr(Jtlicr t(l I)xl)\'Ar)iil:; |[r'li on tltr( lanll l]ill i{l ll)e l.rrt I lt t litli'lris thr' \\{ itr)l
, cnt inu)lt('50tllc r rtntplr,.ltiott tltzi tnluirts ttt(t{it'lrlult fi:st stag(: lalror altd prrctirt uf the ptcJrqr Posltion and srnle \r,ry lre et>llrcrel plts, lrc rr':rn'cttilcits ot;it,:tri,;rl rtlrlrr ioI l\
and .l pcrctrtt arc cesaruan biflhs this 6 peftisot llndlL-v breathtng for pushjng tht) baby otll prlirnl:j xnd th€ir l)rl)ics tlr;r<lk"'"s rc!cl)li():r ilt(j:l i:i (rfLrrr
r:onsidcrs an irreduciltlc tuitrittrttnr' nmdltrrs rnethtxl is basexl crn his obseffalbns on the flliccl vrith chillrcn :rs w(' prljcil{b iir\{ lrtolll(rlli nt( iltc l('illr rr8il. {ila8,il

Strnply, Bracllcl hm lxcn insisting for 34 yc.trs thet farnr. AIrimals, he founcl, retrtrn to thcir slerp placc and urgccl tu l:ring lirrir iillants with lltcrn *ltitn tltt't,r:ntttc lirt rlrr:cr<, I rcl,lr liLtit-r .rltl', tg,t t rl rltl ,r0d llrr;Jr: grai;r:; tltrt
merlic'ation of anv kind is hatnrful to tlle laboring motltcr Inclc-ed look as if tfil-y are slc{lllng dllting f}rsi stage hlx-tr, their postparturil clrtrlQrps: pfrgrrrrl prtitlrts i1r(' cllcouf t1'lt),rrr.r' .l. ,ltrrltt' ltr lI1.,1,\ 'I:l.ttj
1!l Additionrl intormation arailablo from; rgccl to bring their cltilcltetr. ls,r'cll ts l11cir lirf itl( s 0Lnlrs ,lt)(l s;r lortfr to tltt i)f\r)ilr .rPl)cli1(' \\t
Photographed by Jint Roderick their mcrrtthlv or q'ccltlt' cxatns inli thc nr()rit in)lv'nrni thing uhcn rtlrr're n(rgnrnt is
AAHCC Er:x 5224 $homran Oaks, CA 91423 '[ hc doctor llrs marlc it clcrr lrr-' is slrt,rrkl fi:r'.1 rrrrt llrlrt, ;rn<l noi clcr tlirruglt
O intere slcd ilr lhc rotl rlut
(s18) 788-6662 (800) 423-2397
:b P PaNT\ MRarr r9C2
Mcct Dr, Bredley lcorrlrnuedl

li()n ie(:ture l)r{:ause ns a result of this kirld ofdiscussjon in

.;i,' tli. Irxst, (hc hoslitill rthicl cornnrincc h{''Jccusrr-l hirn ol
$QildY .'."';i,,;; ,p.1^':i rrr;,,ll. r Lt,r"'- rtr '..lrr\
,st,l,t tItW 1,,'r'tl' t,'l ' ( lt:,rt('(l((rl)'rltll('fl lrr'.r(r' llr'\L irld€e(|, s(rne drxtors lrave lo-st patienr to llra(lley
{ VrAtSlt.,.ltrlrr,lirrrllii\r)\\r)//r.Jl;//rr't\''4t(11?J(l'tlrlltrrtlt. ''\?ar:s aso, when i fl{sl silried her{:, a{l had somethirl!
a:1,,' ... ll,'\( i 1\ fill'. tr rrl l'ri," 1ll(l'( rl((\l ill Iir | .r'r

rhilt g;1ve mfl (irt l)iEl{('st bc)alsl in pallenls* dlrl cornl)lned

ttr lyt{J. 'lrt r((trit,((l r('.1(lit,ll li L tltil lli
racoveri, rr-\onr," iirirdlt:,v laughs " |hcy ltaLl 5ix bc(ls iil il
i)itllt nts Jrlr rcl iili('t1r!
L.lq cin:k:. In llvl cf thetr (lrr.'rc\l be u{)ren, all dnrgSed,
vopi1i1g, sick end b)ear1,c:yed. ail(l lrt walks a Rfadlaf
A ccrrpkfs l()vc ls cssetrtlll.
tlrrs6rntls' irtvrilr'(nt('ttt is t'sst'ttttrl l(r tll(' flrr(lle! m()thcr wllh hcr f.rabv in he r arnrs, sitl ,Jn th€ e(lge of llt€'
i.<:ri, h, tlrc l:rl,.y to lv:r llfe.L\t, 3rr(l picks up the phone.
r]](:il,(xl, ilr r(l I tt' is rs tli rt't t rvitl t rtrtl clottlt tl< li t41 trl lhr:nt
{-lLrcsri vr'iliiftl ihOsc five l'orncil conic n'}rcn thrl're preg'
is ir(' is of his nxticnl:i. /\ ltttslr:lttcl's trltr::ttioll lx'llitrs lhu
tl,rv ill- tltr''irs{ i.'\.1))lil)lltir rll. \\'ltrtr l}r;lditll' 1-reler\ hilll l(} iirilt iiext tiir{i? 50 ii l!:e rirxtr.)is hate rlly 8ui3. thcirvc i{ol
1l j{OL{] feasr:rn.
,lrli r)tl l)urinBllit plhirt:xrln 13r;tr'llcvc.rplrtitts lltc rnlnr.
,ttt's xtltl()rtrv lo lllt' llitsl);lll(l rvht:rtl llte tcrl'Lr is :lntl
\\'h;tt i( looliJ likt', krr itt:rlrtrr:c 'flrrltt'ltttl tlri'r1r srttllt' li;rnlll,tcttt r',:ll ctrl{dblrtlr fu r tir licspltal-
'li'lucti\ttt ilr:tg,<ltti." tttctt wltcl (l()n'l \\'lllll to l;<'ccnlt'itt ilradley's Jdt:as have rtot encieatr:ri hlnr lo hospi(als 0j'
voh'ct1, lrrrt r!l tlte! ntctl is ettc<lttrlgt:tlltltll, Ilrrdl(lv ill thcr. FIc hes lbLight to havc husbrrrcls rllowed in latxrr
sists "\u(' hiv(' ()tll)'rtlttlfittldltnenla) l)rer(llllisl(c lol lhi:i and delivery roorns, anri hc cven itrl a huyc(]it ol a h($pi rJ
in('lho(l, rllcl it s ntlt edttcalitltt :tnrl il's not nlrllivltk )ll - til on lhc Easi (i):L\t t€ars a8() lx{ausc it refuscd lo
"il s
irrst cet tlr:ttr irt ltt'te itltcl I ll trrrrtjr';ttt: tlx tn llcsil)s pcrmit $ls. 'l'he hcrspiul, he s:t1's, wcnt batrl<nrpt, but
i,,.ri tlv'r'r., Uot t,) I,)\1'()tIr'.ltlolllcr Irrvt' krvc l'rvt'. whcn it Leopetred it lrad changed its policy. Ft
tlrls is n,ltrt rve htrikl our btidgc on. \lrllrn 3 m:rn lo\'(ls ll Rradley is fond of saying *rat a hospiral is thc propcr
qn:rttultt totj frorn Lhztt acl \\'e gel a ttcw indi!icltt;rl, l{ltat place to bear a chlld and lhe rnost dangerous, stupid,
exlrnsive place to board onc. l'le advocates that a healthy
coulcl be m()rc Dliflclll(nrsZ"
'I'lrKrtrqlr tltr:lr kl'e btxttl rtttl nirlc nl()tltlls c)f so o[
Dlr(1i(e.;l (rllnlt is;tble t<l rrrtrk krgclltcr tltrorrglt latror'
breast.fet'ding mother and child retuln horne as soon
after the blrth as thcy are ready--often a Bradlcy paticnt's
A lrrrslrurr.l is rirrglrr ro hclp his wi[c'prik ll(c hcr cxct( iscs Re.lurn DL gl.rdley encourages hi\ paile'rts to t)/rr19 thell
vutr stay is only two hou($ postpartum, "Vhy do we mix bac'
at home, to t:oach her in rel:L{alion, all(l n nlakc hcf iirEhts along whbn they rome tol poslDarlutn checkups teria, bugs, and slck people with obstctrics? If I had my
conrfonablt: by nrhllkrg her back, for cxample. rle lc'ilrnr; Ir s apparen{ rnAr wnen lt comcs to nls tellow oDstetll way rhey'd be separate," Bradley says. "Ve'd have a ma.
to be lris wifeis advocale duriltg lal>or' \Vhile tlr rvife is and crerres disrhylltntiir oflltc tllcnts," lrt nt:tintlhrs "'l hc then, his pccrs tcnriry hospital separate front the buggy one. Hospiuls
cians, Bradley d<xsn't rrtittce words, But
c', lariqht f o Iel:rx ltel lrotly, rtllowln,i lh(' ut('ms () work :tlld 1:hv:siology ol l:rerlhing is loo tlatltntcl inqrrLrtrttt kl be
havc also bcen ilnsry in the past 34 years. Fellow dcxtors are an accumulatlon ofresismnt bacteria that you can't get
tlre'i'crvix t() (ltl:rtc, tlre httsllrtttcl is trtttg'ht hl rlcvelop lris ilsccl ils a (listrarcti(}tr." Ut:rttllcv savs lu: ltlls (cstcd thc La' lrt
dubbed hinr a fool, and a l,amaze group in Philadelphia anlwhere clsc," Ho.spinls are not thrilled wlth him, Brad.
own teclrliquc to occupy ht'r ntintl. 'You ciltl relax )'ouf nrxz(" nrelllod \\'ilh l)is l)xlir'llls aucl li:rtltttl it lacking. "lt
derishcly called hiul "llarnyard Bradley''many ycars ago. lcy rrraintains, because they don't nrake much mone'y ct
hody and tki nothirlS with it," Bradlcy cxplains, "but vott Irt,pnosis u'orked [rind hc is rt ntcntlrcr of thc Atl](lical]
sii'icw of Hypnotists], il s'l)irt lht) rverc tklittg rt'ally
"T'l\ank you," llratlley says hc told thenl in his inintitablc fn:m his parienrs. ln fact, Dr. Bradley's patients staysuch a ttn
can'i rela\ v()ur rnind and tlo nothing with it. Y()u can'l style, "that's an honorary tcrrn as fill as I'nr concerned. I short time zt Swcdish Mrdlcal Center in Englewood, a ,s
blank out. ir .tc suy c.llrccrltritc ()n solnetlling and the rvorkcd, if it ru:rdc sltort lahors rtrtd trcitutlltll lJai)ics, lllxt's
likc rhNt." suburb of f)enver, where he practices, that they use a v,
nicest sonrethittgu'c ktlorv is tllat lovc grrbbledygook tltal arl(){hef nlalltef. I rvottkl ltltvt't1l.trr11ctl ttrl'sclf'' ltc says.
s,e t(r(i thc httslltnd to (egtlrgitxte-q'hateYef he 8x\1:
ICs iust that defi?nt, gutsy, brasli stylc, his enlllu.\iasnl
bcrdering on cvangclisnr, th.rt is panially reslxrnsible fcrr
special billing form.
A staunclr supporter of mother.father.infant bonding
her in tht- urorlnlight origirtally, we t(:ll him lo <lo it norv
'Ihat rnries fronr plucking a guitar tr) reciting poe(ry lo
A llft'grrnrrl drrdrrg blrth.
\ri/itli thc cntDlr;tsis a)ll tlrt' lrtrsl):illrl it')tl $ifu tfilnl tllt' the antagonisrlr ltc
hirs errc<lttntercd over the years. cven befcrre research dcmonstrated lts lmportance, Brad' zE
( "uoml)asric Roh, ' his own wift'calls llinl. ) Hc frt'quenlly ley's olher maior beef with the hospitals is lhe nurseries,
tlcscribing r tfip lhcy sllarerl. It ltcl1rs tlte n()tlx'r llot () rftxtr.rr tltl<cs u lxcksctt iri thc Llr:ttllcr'rncth<ld. [lrrdlcl'
makcs disp:rlrging rennrks ;tlnut doclor.s' fntgilc nncl whlch he has dubbecl "kld c'oncentratior catups." Pcdla.
tcnse up wllcn ltcr ulems l(:nsls lll) " c[\' hltnsclf rs lr lift:gu:rrcl ilt it P(x)I, "Niltcty ftttrr
enolmous cgos, bhnrlng thcir ugos ft>r'thcir inability to tficians. he asserts. should rtrakc rourtds as obstetricians
trcrcenl [oI tlte s$'imntcrsl lut'e rr rvrtttdt'rlitl tIl]e. !Jul do and see thcir chargcs In separate tooms. "Vhy do they
srrrrelrttlt'8cts rl1ttlllt.( t)r lltrtrlps lu lltad rltcl thertrs a accept thc Bradley nrethotl. "Any tlanrn f<xrl can ciltch a
Worklng \illth the Itody, baby properly pitclrcd. llu( that'.s sonrcthinli thit hurts th€ hlve to lre in the sanrc big box, seprratcd fronr their
Onc,-f tlr: maitlr dil[ercncr:s l)et\\tf11 tllc l,illn:lz(' sLtcltlcn, god rn'lrtl entcrgtlttr'.' llf cx])litilN
''i\li Js,ivcs," llftdle\' tlritirllrirls, cortltl tlrt tlle 9i prt'r' ego," Rr:r<lk:y cxplains llredley's own ego hasn t sufferctl rnothers?" he asks. Sr: crucial docs llradley feel lnrmediate
nleth(id oi nilturxl t hikihinh, $'hicll llrls Silincil $'i(lc ilr borrdi[s is that he instrucB nurses to walt Fvo hours ?fter
ccnt of delilc'rk.'s llrat lre ttotltt:tl if thcrtrc tLrilllcl itl iht: trenrt'n<.lousll,r>r,er tirc ycars, and hc's lhc firsl ro xdrnJl il.
c(.t)rin(( cct{'t(.r1,) ()rl lll(' lj.rst ( oasl, .ltld tirc llr.ttlky birrh bifore givirrg the baby the Lyedrops required by
rnir lrurl, rvl riclt is Iu( rr(: w('ll kltcrr t t it t ( :,llili 'l t IiJ iltl(l { }lt' rccogtritirrt Of rhrtornrltljtiesl il- tlrt'r"r'c tr.lind lo prct)ilre lful ir's on l]' someone rvith th:t nruch fr ith in lrirrrself and
LIrr P.rticrrt mulir:rllf ittt<l I think, spirirrr.rlll' fi)rol)t:lining thilt r)rucJ) conviction rvho could havc uaged tllc l.)attlcs lrw. 'thc drops can irritate a baby's eyes and Bradley
vcst, is this ftrcus of curcctltrilti()ll lu littllrlzc, wotllcl)
rr<'taugltt 10 (listrlct tllcir min(ls llolll lhc lltcrinc rltlivit) il s[]L)trtituc{ltts, tulltrt'<liL;ttt'tl, Lo()l)(fillil't Lrirtlt " Ilut hrl he lras antl won. docsn't want that to interfere wlth patent child bomling,
bv focusirrg thcirattcrllion ()ll sonlcthingextcrnrll - a pit bclictt s tlrrit tltc tttidrviferr prlrrtii:e(l ill this cotlntD' lus Although he can tnlk rbout it rvith humor trow, lhc For rhe sake of parents :rnd children, Bradley n,ill con
rrollritrA to rkr sitlt nritlsltts rllkl (:\1:nlllilt,q ttl tl,t sith rvrath of other dot-tors ovrr thc yerrs h;ts lcft him with ;t Linue ro flght for liis bellefs. ''\14reo you slan sotllethinS
turc'or ;r spot {.lt tltt's'r11. firr itr-strnr:t'. lllxdle)', oD th('
otlrcr lrlnti, tclls his prticttts t() cl)tt( ('nlrllc o11 antl sork rlrrrlor:s 'ln thc iirttnt'srrrl.l ol lt llosFitrtl lirr l'lliLlr llrrrd torr<h clf paranoia ltrldlel' r:orlparcs hinrself to Cmntli' rreq-,ancl it amazes rne thal aftcr 3.1 )'ears tltis ls still
willr tht'ir boditls llr;rdlel irlsisl.r lltil llr(' l.;lrrlilz( 1('all It'r'btlicves rrrirlurli'n liht: 'rll r'l'stt'tr it's sltotrkl lrt'l't tc f)ick Itcad, thc British obstctficinn tttr q'hosc tletho(l lris r'tt q. --thr:re's oni,v orre rvay to $uruiye," tsradley sa)'s,
tiL rrlj, tlri' rl.llln (l(\ l()fs tlf(',lilrllillc( inR J,l(l []tfl nlid orl.n is bir-strl. llr:c:usl oi op1 rosition to nr ttir;tl cltiklbirrh, "lnd that's tu outijve yor-rr auugonlso. lf you arc righl,
ni(lrc.s r){ :ilrriIIg tt ll spot.tllc slrr)l'jtl!l ol ll)( ,ll)ilotllcli
lrrrri tltildrs (ell)cr.rrrgc ), ;llt(l tlr("()lltfi\1rl ' brcltthillll \\,ix's .lr'!'lll|ittB iltsl il: tllllrll lll{ (li,:'liioll ,ls ihc (1()(lilfl; I)icl( itcr(l fountj it difficrrlt to prx(ticc 0lrdjcifl(' in lj'l .jUhr js lllighr, ' i\nd. althotlgh {iiettcls suggesl that hc t;,ke
tkr.'llt|r t: ti0t pttll.rriIgrlX'it llilfi(''ltsils\\'t'li(): tila\ rIC phrrtl. l.rtL:r. in Sotrth AJric:t. ire n'rts rccust-tl 01 illr.ett!5 a \':lc:rLiLr(r, IJrirll0\, iosists lle's rtevcr ha<l so rnuclr furr in
ttl(l F:l )l ing pxt lt't ns art' tlotltitrg Irrt'1t (- lllilll llll iltlLl lll rl t1 r

indircc r ltl'p|rxk: tIncr:. i1()sl in1lx)llxl]i' ,ttrlt]le)' [)( ltot (!)rtirl(i'(l rri thL: rllttlgt'rs ()i lll(:(ii1,:ilioll .ui(l illJilc ing c,n lcco,rnt of the pubiicii), srrrrourtdirtL{ }tjs trrctlrcxl. :il lris llfe. "lv{y w()rl( is r)ry vx(-,{tion,' he gLins, "lt's a
licvcs lhc I ir)r:12('brc:ltlrir)g lt'chnitiut:s ttl Irc ttnIh)'sirrln tiort. llmrllqi crelrtitttr; ,tttlitiiy 'l ltt r'rr' lrctotttiti6 ' Lx' ilratller' lrinrscll h:rs hatl t0 wi1ill Pirtir'nls 0ot to rlist:uss
gical. "Orr rl)rcxtltitrg ittii:rli rt:s \r'ili1 Lrlt'ljlla ()llir:l(lilil) tilr irssi"\lirtils itit(l 11'( lirl(l lllis llr,rrjl:lt: ' rtatLrr;rl chilclbirtli prinriplcs tlurittg tltc l)osirit:il orr-'ntr
!ryggqlo 51!!t
Lerh Yerrw r! 'lrygi,:!tSl___
Jl .hs(rrite cdito, ol M.rqi? rt.

P&€N$ MNCB 19F?

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