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The Family Bicycle

You can think of your family as riding a bicycle. It begins when your
We have Special Families
mom and dad get married. As each child is born to the family, the bike
is expanded to make a place for each child. At first, young children’s
Lesson 6
feet do not reach the pedals. Older family members do most of the Primary 2 CTR A
work. But as children’s feet begin to reach the pedals, they can help
pedal too. As you get older, you're strong enough to help pedal. Are Use this as a review of the lesson
you doing your best to help pedal your family's bicycle forward, or do
you tend to hit the brakes? When everyone in the family helps each or when it is your turn to give a part of
other, the family moves forward on their journey back to Heavenly
Father. (Taken from John Bytheway) Family Home Evening

Draw a picture of your family here or insert a photo

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Heavenly Father Sent us to Families Every Family Member is Important

Each of us chose to follow Heavenly Father’s plan and come

to earth. When we came to earth, Heavenly Father blessed
us with people to help us and love us. Who did Heavenly
Father bless us with to help us and love us?

F ather is a part of it.
A unts and uncles are part of it.
M other is a part of it.
I am a part of it.
L ove is a part of it.
Y ou are a part of it.
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Families Care for Each Other When we were babies we needed to live with people
who would take care of us. Heavenly Father planned for
Kirk’s little brother Eric was afraid at each of us to live with a family that would love us and
night, so Kirk helped him say a prayer take care of us. As we grow older, our families also teach
to feel safe. Then Kirk sang a song to us and help us make wise choices.
help Eric go to sleep.

Kaitlin’s mother had been gone overnight.

Kaitlin cut a piece of paper into a heart shape
and wrote a message telling her mother how
much she loved her. She left the message on
her mother’s pillow for her mother to find
when she came home.

Tony set a goal to read the Book of

Mormon before he was baptized. Every
night his older brother sat with him and Heavenly Father planned for Jesus Christ to be born
listened as he read. He helped Tony with into a family. In Luke 1:26–38 it says that an angel
the hard words. With his brother’s help, came to Mary and told her she would have a baby
Tony was able to meet his goal. and name him Jesus. She would be Jesus’ mother.
Mary was surprised and a little worried when she saw
Lisa’s grandmother took time every the angel, but she was willing to do whatever
week to help Lisa practice her Heavenly Father wanted her to do. Joseph was a
righteous man chosen by Heavenly Father to marry
spelling words for school. Her help
Jesus’ mother and love and care for Jesus. An angel
and praise encouraged Lisa to learn also visited Joseph before Jesus was born.
all the words on her list.
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Jesus means savior. Jesus Christ would save all of us from

our sins and help us return to live with Heavenly Father
forever. The prophets who lived on the earth before Jesus
All families are different. Some families have two
was born foretold that our Savior’s name would be Jesus
parents, and some families have only one. Some
Christ. The word Christ means “anointed one,” which
families have lots of children, and some families have
means chosen by Heavenly Father.
only a few children or one child. Some families have
children, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles all
living together. Some children live with adults who
aren’t related to them but who still love them and care
for them. Families do different things together and
show love in different ways. The important thing about
families is that the family members love and care for
each other. Everyone needs to be part of a family.

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