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1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Our Glorious Rapture Dennis Mock

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I have some really good news. Jesus is coming back again to the Earth! He will save
Jerusalem and Israel, destroy the Antichrist, defeat Satan and establish an earthly
kingdom over which He will rule and reign in perfect righteousness. I have even better
news. Seven years earlier He will return in the air to rapture His Church and we will be
with Him forever from that point. He will complete our salvation, transform our lowly
bodies into eternal ones and save us from the wrath of the coming 7-year Tribulation. We
cannot answer all the questions this morning form this passage and 1 Corinthians 15:49-

What we do know:
– The Parousia occurs in two stages:
○ The Rapture – followed by a 7-year tribulation.
○ Then the physical coming of Jesus to earth to rule and reign.

There is an enormous amount of confusion regarding these events. Some of that is due
to popular books and movies. We need to form our view from scripture and scripture
alone. This will provide us with the realization of the hope that in heaven we will be
home and that our very body will be transformed into a form suitable for our eternal
existence. All the sin, sorrow and sickness of this world will not be part of the next.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

Read 1 Corinthians 15:49-57

There are four questions answered in these passages:

1) What about those who have died?
2) What about those alive at the rapture?
3) When and how will we be raised?
4) What kind of body will we have?

Affirmations from 1 Thess. 4:13-18
1) The Rapture is Real
a. Jn. 14:1-3 – supports this.
b. There are no prophetic preconditions before it occurs. It is the next event!
c. The authority of what is taught here is based on the Lord’s own word – (v.
i. No one else made this up.
d. This is the affirmation of our eternal hope.
e. Rev. 19, Zech. 14 – Jesus will physically return to the earth to judge and rule.
f. Jesus only comes to the earth “in the air” in the rapture to save the church
2) The Dead in Christ will rise first
a. Those who are dead in Christ are “asleep”. The body rests in the grave but
they are fully aware in the spirit with Christ.
b. Absent from the body present with the Lord –
c. Old Testament saints evidently are raised at the physical second coming to
rule and reign. You might argue this and if they are raised at the rapture that
is fine with me.
3) Those who are alive will be changed in an instant without experiencing
death. (v. 15-17)
a. Every generation has thought it would occur in their lifetime.
b. The word rapture is not in the English versions of the Bible. It comes from the
Latin Vulgate version that was the Bible of Christianity for well over 1000
years. The root form is “rapio”.
c. The Greek phrase is actually (ἁρπάζω/harpazō)
d. There are three announcements with regard to rapture:
i. We don’t know if unbelievers hear this or not? It very well may be that
they do.
1. Loud Command
2. Trumpet Call
a. Same as last trumpet in 1 Cor. 15.
b. Not the same as the last trumpet in Rev. 11 and 14?
3. Voice of the Archangel.
e. The word “changed” means to be made like another. We will be changed to
be like Christ in His glorious resurrection body.
f. Apparently we will be in heaven with the Lord during the 7-year tribulation.
i. We would then come back as part of the heavenly host in Rev. 19.
g. This starts eternity for all believers.
h. All that we are and have accomplished is left behind. Only who we are in
Christ lasts for eternity.
i. We won’t miss anything that is left behind.
ii.We will be so in awe of all our needs met in Christ that nothing else will
i. We should encourage one another with these words! (v. 18)
Affirmations from 1 Thess. 5:1-11
1) The Day of Lord:
a. Can apply to any time when God comes to settle accounts with a person,
b. In context here it consists of the 7 Year tribulation + the 1000 year reign
of the Lord on earth.
c. The concept was first presented in the Old Testament as a day of
darkness and judgment followed by light ad hope.
d. Rev. 6-18 Describes this time when God is pouring out his wrath on the
dwellers on the earth.
i. Christians are not destined to experience this wrath.
ii.It is poured out in three successive series of judgments: Seals,
bowls, Trumpets.
iii.It will end with the creation of a New Heavens and a New Earth in
which only righteousness dwells.
iv.When the rapture occurs the Day of the Lord starts.
2) The Days of wrath don’t apply to the Church:
a. 5:9 – God did not appoint us to suffer wrath.
b. 1:10 – Wait for His son from heaven. Jesus who rescues us out from the
coming wrath.
c. Jer. 30:7, Daniel 12:1-2 predict this time of Jacobs’s trouble.
i. God will be dealing with Israel and will save the believing remnant.
d. There has never been anything like it and there will never be anything like
it again. (Matt. 24:21-22)
e. The Church (all Christians) are not destined for wrath (1 Tim. 5:9)
3) The Day of the Lord will come when it is least expected:
a. 5:2 – Like a thief in the night.
b. Normal activities will be going on as always at its outset. “Just as in the
days of Noah”.
c. In 2 Thessalonians we will deal with Antichrist and his kingdom.
Affirmations from 1 Cor. 15:49-57
1) Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God:
a. We will be changed and receive a glorified resurrection body
b. That excites me!
c. Our current bodies are unsuitable for living in heaven.
d. Jesus in his resurrection body could; eat, be touched, walk through walls,
travel instantly from place to place.
2) Bodies that are physical must be changed into another form.
a. We don’t know what form or apparent age we will take exactly.
b. What about those whose bodies have been destroyed? No problem for God.
i. In fact our current bodies are not made out the same material we
started with. We are constantly shedding cells/atoms and they are
being replaced!
c. Our resurrection bodies will be like Jesus after the resurrection; spiritual,
imperishable, immortal.
d. This transformation will take place in the “blink of an eye”.
e. Remember the transfiguration account in the gospels. Jesus is enveloped in
the shekinah glory. This is a mini preview of what will take place.
f. This will represent the ultimate victory over death.
g. Because this is true we must not grieve as others do.
i. We associate people with their physical bodies.
ii.That is not who they are, however.
iii.Go back and read all the resurrection appearances of Christ during his
40 days between resurrection and ascension.
1. He is known and recognizable.
iv.A person is dead to us because we buried their physical body and
cannot relate to them any longer. But we will all get a new body and
not need the old one.

Admonitions for us as we wait in light of the coming Rapture:

1) To be ready!
a. There are no preconditions.
b. Matt. 24 <–> Rev. 14 – Angels declare the gospel in the whole world!
c. It will happen before we can react or decide anything.
2) Know the truth and don’t worry about the timing.
a. Mend relationships.
b. Forgive
c. Let go of grudges.
3) Live as Son’s of Light.
a. Eph. 5:
i. Righteousness
b. Be alert and self controlled (5:6)
c. Live hopefully by faith and love (5:8)
d. Since this will be the most glorious event in human history it behooves us to
consider the implications and be ready should it come in our lifetime.
4) Be alert and self-controlled.
5) Live hopefully by faith.
a. Remember we are not appointed to wrath but to receive salvation through
Jesus Christ (5:9)
6) Therefore encourage and build up one another with these words.

Our salvation draweth nigh!

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